US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01

download US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01

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Transcript of US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2 1 to !ul" 1, 2 1#

    $eographic AreaApril 1, 2 1 Populati

    'ensus Estimates (ase 2 1 2 11United States 308,745,538 308,758,105 309,347,057 311,721,632 )ortheast 55,317,240 55,318,348 55,381,690 55,635,670 *id+est 66,927,001 66,929,898 66,972,390 67,149,657 South 114,555,744 114,562,951 114,871,231 116,089,908

    est 71,945,553 71,946,908 72,121,746 72,846,397 4,779,736 4,780,127 4,785,822 4,801,695

    710,231 710,249 713,856 722,572 6,392,017 6,392,310 6,411,999 6,472,867 2,915,918 2,915,958 2,922,297 2,938,430

    37,253,956 37,254,503 37,336,011 37,701,901 5,029,196 5,029,324 5,048,575 5,119,661 3,574,097 3,574,096 3,579,345 3,590,537

    897,934 897,936 899,731 907,829 601,723 601,767 605,210 620,427

    18,801,310 18,804,623 18,852,220 19,107,900 9,687,653 9,688,681 9,714,464 9,813,201 1,360,301 1,360,301 1,363,950 1,378,251

    1,567,582 1,567,652 1,570,639 1,583,780 12,830,632 12,831,587 12,840,097 12,858,725

    6,483,802 6,484,192 6,490,308 6,516,560 3,046,355 3,046,869 3,050,295 3,064,904 2,853,118 2,853,132 2,858,949 2,869,965 4,339,367 4,339,349 4,349,838 4,370,038 4,533,372 4,533,479 4,545,581 4,575,972 1,328,361 1,328,361 1,327,361 1,327,930 5,773,552 5,773,785 5,788,101 5,843,833 6,547,629 6,547,817 6,564,073 6,612,270 9,883,640 9,884,133 9,876,498 9,875,736 5,303,925 5,303,925 5,310,418 5,348,036 2,967,297 2,968,103 2,970,811 2,978,464

    5,988,927 5,988,923 5,996,085 6,010,544 989,415 989,417 990,575 997,661

    1,826,341 1,826,341 1,829,865 1,842,232 2,700,551 2,700,692 2,703,493 2,718,586 1,316,470 1,316,466 1,316,517 1,318,109 8,791,894 8,791,936 8,803,580 8,842,614


    ela!areistrict of Columbia




    issouriontanaebraskae/adae! &am-s(iree! erse*

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2 1 to !ul" 1, 2 1#

    $eographic AreaApril 1, 2 1

    'ensus Estimates (ase 2 1 2 112,059,179 2,059,192 2,064,950 2,078

    19,378,102 19,378,112 19,400,867 19,521,79,535,483 9,535,691 9,559,488 9,651

    672,591 672,591 674,345 611,536,504 11,536,725 11,540,070 11,544,7

    3,751,351 3,751,616 3,759,481 3,7863,831,074 3,831,073 3,837,083 3,867

    12,702,379 12,702,884 12,711,077 12,743,91,052,567 1,052,931 1,053,078 1,0524,625,364 4,625,401 4,636,290 4,673

    814,180 814,191 816,192 86,346,105 6,346,275 6,356,628 6,398

    25,145,561 25,146,104 25,245,717 25,657,42,763,885 2,763,885 2,774,346 2,815

    625,741 625,745 625,792 6

    8,001,024 8,001,023 8,025,376 8,1106,724,540 6,724,543 6,741,911 6,8221,852,994 1,853,033 1,854,176 1,8545,686,986 5,687,289 5,689,268 5,708

    563,626 563,767 564,358 5

    Puerto Rico 3,725,789 3,726,157 3,721,527 3,686

    Suggested Citation:

    Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, !1! to "ul# 1, !1$ %&ST'EST !1$'!1(

    Source: U.S. Census )ureau, Population *i+ision

    Release *ate: *ecember !1$

    e! e icoe! orkort( Carolina

    ort( akota(iokla(omare%onenns*l/ania(ode 'slandout( Carolinaout( akota

    ennesseee asta(ermont

    ir%inia:as(in%ton:est ir%inia:isconsin:*omin%

    Note: The estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 population due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions !ee "eographic Termshat are included in each region All geographic boundaries for the 201& population estimates series are defined as of 'anuar( 1, 201& )or population estimates methodolog( statements, see http:$$%%% c

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    Table 1. Annual Estimates of the R

    $eographic Area

    United States)ortheast*id+estSouth


    ela!areistrict of Columbia




    issouriontanaebraskae/adae! &am-s(iree! erse*

    ul" 1&2 1- 2 1#

    316,497,531 318,857,05656,028,220 56,152,33367,567,871 67,745,108

    118,522,802 119,771,934

    74,378,638 75,187,6814,833,996 4,849,377

    737,259 736,7326,634,997 6,731,4842,958,765 2,966,369

    38,431,393 38,802,5005,272,086 5,355,8663,599,341 3,596,677

    925,240 935,614649,111 658,893

    19,600,311 19,893,2979,994,759 10,097,3431,408,987 1,419,561

    1,612,843 1,634,46412,890,552 12,880,580

    6,570,713 6,596,8553,092,341 3,107,1262,895,801 2,904,0214,399,583 4,413,4574,629,284 4,649,6761,328,702 1,330,0895,938,737 5,976,4076,708,874 6,745,4089,898,193 9,909,8775,422,060 5,457,1732,992,206 2,994,079

    6,044,917 6,063,5891,014,864 1,023,5791,868,969 1,881,5032,791,494 2,839,0991,322,616 1,326,8138,911,502 8,938,175

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    Table 1. Annual Estimates of the R

    $eographic Area

    Puerto Rico

    Suggested Citation:

    Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Resident Populatio

    Source: U.S. Census )ureau, Population *i+ision

    Release *ate: *ecember !1$

    . e! e ico

    . e! ork

    . ort( Carolina

    . ort( akota

    . (io

    . kla(oma

    . re%on

    . enns*l/ania

    . (ode 'sland

    . out( Carolina

    . out( akota

    . ennessee

    . e as

    . ta(

    . ermont

    . ir%inia


    .:est ir%inia



    Note: The estimates are based on the 2010 Census andthat are included in each region All geographic bounda

    ul" 1&2 1- 2 1#

    2,086,895 2,085,57219,695,680 19,746,227

    9,848,917 9,943,964723,857 739,482

    11,572,005 11,594,1633,853,118 3,878,0513,928,068 3,970,239

    12,781,296 12,787,2091,053,354 1,055,1734,771,929 4,832,482

    845,510 853,1756,497,269 6,549,352

    26,505,637 26,956,9582,902,787 2,942,902

    626,855 626,5628,270,345 8,326,2896,973,742 7,061,5301,853,595 1,850,3265,742,953 5,757,564

    583,223 584,153

    3,595,839 3,548,397

    $$%%% census gov$popest$about$geo$terms html for a list of the statesg($inde* html

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    'ensus Estimates (ase 2 1

    United States 308,745,538 308,758,105 309,347,057897,934 897,936 899,731

    -ercent c(an%e 100.00022> 100.19990>. ela!are

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    100.99710> 100.91168> 101.12122>1.0068836281

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    2 1 2 1/ 2 10 2 1 2 1

    942,054 948,539 955,069 961,643 968,262

    a/% -ercent c(an%e

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    2 2 2 21 2 22 2 2- 2 2#

    974,928 981,639 988,396 995,200 1, 2,

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    2 2 2 2/ 2 20 2 2 2 2

    1,008,948 1,015,893 1,022,886 1,029,927 1,037,017

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    2 - 2 -1 2 -2 2 -- 2 -#

    1,044,155 1,051,343 1,058,580 1,065,867 1,073,204

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    2 - 2 -/ 2 -0 2 - 2 -

    1,080,592 1,088,030 1,095,520 1,103,061 1,110,654

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    2 # 2 #1 2 #2

    1,118,299 1,125,997 1,133,748 ??? ??? ???

  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


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  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


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  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


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  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    'ensus Estimates (ase

    United States 308,745,538 308,758,105South 114,555,744 114,562,951

    est 71,945,553 71,946,908*id+est 66,927,001 66,929,898)ortheast 55,317,240 55,318,348

    37,253,956 37,254,50325,145,561 25,146,10418,801,310 18,804,62319,378,102 19,378,11212,830,632 12,831,58712,702,379 12,702,88411,536,504 11,536,725

    9,687,653 9,688,6819,535,483 9,535,6919,883,640 9,884,1338,791,894 8,791,936

    8,001,024 8,001,0236,724,540 6,724,5436,547,629 6,547,8176,392,017 6,392,3106,483,802 6,484,1926,346,105 6,346,2755,988,927 5,988,9235,773,552 5,773,7855,686,986 5,687,2895,303,925 5,303,9255,029,196 5,029,3244,779,736 4,780,1274,625,364 4,625,4014,533,372 4,533,4794,339,367 4,339,3493,831,074 3,831,0733,751,351 3,751,6163,574,097 3,574,096

    Puerto Rico 3,725,789 3,726,1573,046,355 3,046,8692,967,297 2,968,103

    2,915,918 2,915,9582,763,885 2,763,8852,853,118 2,853,1322,700,551 2,700,6922,059,179 2,059,1921,826,341 1,826,3411,852,994 1,853,0331,567,582 1,567,6521,360,301 1,360,301


    . e as


    . e! ork


    . enns*l/ania

    . (io


    . ort( Carolina

    . ic(i%an

    . e! erse*

    . ir%inia


    . assac(usetts



    . ennessee

    . issouri

    . ar*land


    . innesota



    . out( Carolina



    . re%on

    . kla(oma



    . ississi--i


    . ta(


    . e/ada

    . e! e ico

    . ebraska

    .:est ir%inia



  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01


    1,328,361 1,328,3611,316,470 1,316,4661,052,567 1,052,931

    989,415 989,417897,934 897,936814,180 814,191672,591 672,591710,231 710,249601,723 601,767625,741 625,745563,626 563,767

    . aine

    . e! &am-s(ire

    . (ode 'sland

    . ontana

    . ela!are

    . out( akota

    . ort( akota


    . istrict of Columbia

    . ermont


  • 8/9/2019 US State Populations Census Bur 2014 Dec NST-EST2014-01
