US EPA Source Reduction Assistance Grant X9-96479407 -0 ... · to manage a pest problem without...

Page 24 US EPA Source Reduction Assistance Grant X9-96479407-0 SRAG - 1100 A publication of the Louisville Water Company, Local Planning Team for the Wellhead Protection Plan Integrated Pest Management - US EPA Source Reduction Assistance Grant Non-chemical Controls for X9-96479407-0 SRAG - 1100 Common Insect Pests Louisville Water Company 550 S. 3 rd Street Louisville, KY 40202 502-569-3600 For additional copies, or more information, contact: Marsha Taylor Meyer Wellhead Protection Coordinator Louisville Water Company Clothes Moth Larvae Winner of the Exemplary Source Water Protection Award, 2009, American Water Works Association 2009 Outstanding Watershed Project Kentucky-Tennessee Water Environment Association Page 1

Transcript of US EPA Source Reduction Assistance Grant X9-96479407 -0 ... · to manage a pest problem without...

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US EPA Source Reduction Assistance Grant X9-96479407 -0

SRAG - 1100

A publication of the Louisville Water Company,

Local Planning Team for the Wellhead Protection Plan

Integrated Pest Management -

US EPA Source Reduction Assistance Grant Non-chemical Controls for X9-96479407-0 SRAG - 1100

Common Insect Pests

Louisville Water Company 550 S. 3rd Street

Louisville, KY 40202 502-569-3600

For additional copies, or more information, contact: Marsha Taylor Meyer

Wellhead Protection Coordinator Louisville Water Company

Clothes Moth Larvae

Winner of the Exemplary Source Water Protection Award, 2009, American Water Works Association

2009 Outstanding Watershed Project Kentucky-Tennessee Water Environment Association

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The Basics of IPM Integrated Pest Management, (IPM), is a systematic approach to managing pests that focuses on long-term prevention or suppression with minimal impact on human health, the environment, and non-target organisms. IPM incorporates all reasonable measures to prevent pest problems by properly identifying pests, monitoring population dynamics, and using cultural, physical, biological, or chemical pest population control methods to reduce pests to acceptable levels. Although the home and garden environment contains a large variety of organisms, only a very small percentage of these organisms can be defined as pests. For the most part, these organisms live together in harmony, and play an important role in the healthy ecology of the household and its environs. The goal is to manage a pest problem without upsetting the natural harmony of the organisms that compose the ecology of an area.

The first step in IPM is to understand which organisms are pests and what damage they are likely to cause. Once the pest has been identified and the potential damage assessed, a tolerance limit, or action threshold is set, which represents a number of pests which are allowed in the setting.

Pest or beneficial insect? This ground beetle plays an important role in the total

ecology of a backyard, acting as a predator for certain ‘pests’.

Once these factors are established, a creative, effective, and commonsense management approach can be undertaken. IPM focuses on the prevention of pests and the use of control methods that are most effective and present the least risk to people and the environment when pest problems arise. An IPM plan uses all pest management resources available. It does not necessarily eliminate all pests, but attempts to limit the damage to acceptable levels.

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Control treatment should begin with pet; check with your local veterinarian. Avoid tick-infested areas if possible. Stay in center of trails and paths. Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants with bottoms tucked into socks or boots. It is easier to spot ticks on light-colored clothing. Check yourself, pets, and children frequently while outside. Check again at home (at least once in a 24-hour American Dog Tick, Ticks period). Ticks must feed for many hours before diseases are transmitted to people or pets. Repellents are available commercially.

Eliminate breeding areas: manure, garbage, piles of grass clippings, and other rich and decaying organic matter. Spread to dry. Sticky flypaper is useful in entryways if flies congregate there. Vacuuming up flies is helpful. When done vacuuming, place bag into a plastic bag and store

House Fly, Also it in the freezer for a couple of day Black Horse Flies, Blow Flies,

to completely kill the flies. Dispose Blue Bottle Flies, Cluster Flies, of dead flies to prevent Carpet Deer Flies, Face Flies, and Beetles or other insects. Green Bottle Flies

Bats and certain types of birds (purple martins) often are cited as effective natural agents for managing insect pessts. Conservation groups and articles in nature magazines often suggest building bat and bird

houses to promote nesting Purple Martins eat many ‘bugs’. While a single Purple Martin colony may not provide noticeable relief from mosquitoes, at least they are helpful in reducing their numbers.

and to protect against flying insects..

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How do IPM systems work? Shiny, silver grey or mottled gray insects with three long, tail-like structures on hind end. IPM is not a single pest control action, it is a series of events

designed to effectively manage pests to reduce them to acceptable levels. IMP requires planning and prevention, deciding when to act, what control methods to select, applying the method, deciding on the effectiveness of the action, and keeping records so that more informed decisions can be made at a later date. Successful IPM methods are based on three major areas:

Silverfish prefer moisture; firebrats prefer warm, dry areas such as furnace room in apartments. Active at night and hide during the day. Eat foods and other materials high in protein or starch (e.g., glue or paste, bookbindings, starch in clothing, and rayon fabrics.) Remove residues of high-protein Silverfish and Firebrats foods. Store valued books, papers, or clothing in dry areas or in sealed heavy plastic bags. Seal cracks and crevices. Special caulking is available for sealing around pipes.

1. Prevention 2. Monitoring

Keep area near foundations dry and free of 3. Controlling refuse or piles of organic matter (such as Using an IPM approach in the home landscape will ensure that pesticides are used only when other management tactics have not controlled the pest problem to an acceptable level. It will also ensure that pesticides are used in a manner to minimize associated risks. Determining whether or not the long-term health of the home/plant/or family member is threatened, whether the injury is temporary or merely of minor consequence, and other similar parameters should be used to determine the acceptable level of a pest problem. IPM has several important benefits for the homeowner:

decaying leaves) that may attract slugs and snails. As bait, use beer ¾ in. deep in steep-sided dish or tray. Various moisture-holding devices such as an upside down flower pot or empty grapefruit skin can be used to trap slugs and snails during the day. They need to be removed (wearing gloves) and disposed of daily Gray Field Slug, Slugs before dark.

Not considered to be a pest outdoors, these bugs may become an indoor pest. Fat, dark gray, hard-shelled crustaceans, usually found in moist areas around the home but occasionally enter basements and garages. Roll into a ball

♦ Reduces the need for pesticides by using several management methods;

when disturbed. Sowbugs are lighter in color, softer shelled, and do not roll into complete ball like Pillbugs do. Repair cracks in foundation; caulk around basement windows and other

♦ Balances proper and minimal use of chemical pesticides with the need to manage pests;

entryways. Keep groundlevel entrance areas free of rotting leaves and debris; trim shrubs Sowbugs or other planting to promote air circulation and drying. Control same as for millipedes.

Keep spiders out with proper screening and weather stripping. Remove indoor webs and ♦ Helps to protect the

environment from excessive and unnecessary pesticide application; and

spiders with broom; discard outdoors. This may take some time, but eventually spiders will be controlled. Control insects on which spiders feed. Never pick up a spider without gloves. It is better to herd the spider into a paper cup or Window caulking can be added to

prevent the entry of pests into the home.

♦ Fosters sound structures and healthy plants.

Brown Recluse Spider dustbin.

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Non-chemical Control of Insect Pests Managing pests inside the home or in the lawn can be a challenge. The fist step is to identify the pest and the potential damage they can cause. Next, you need a strategy for managing them, choosing the best strategy for your situation. Non-chemical methods of control are often very effective. Limiting the pest’s access to the home is a great way of preventing pests from becoming an infestation. Sanitation methods, such as vacuuming, removal of spoiled food, removal of garbage and throwing away un-needed items can also help. If you are having difficulty managing a household or lawn pest, you may wish to contact a Certified Pest Control Operator. Look for a company that uses the least toxic pest management practices. You will need to describe the pest problem, possibly collect and keep samples of the pest. You will need to tell the Pest Control Operator when and where the pests have been seen, and any methods of control that you have used to manage the pest. To be successful in managing the pest populations, it is important to follow all recommendations made by the pest management company, especially in making repairs and maintaining the structure of your home.

Non-chemical Control Methods

Allegheny Mound Ants

Using a shovel, hoes, or other tool, scrape away the top of the nest to expose the tunnels and passageways into the nest. Wear long pants, tucked into boots or long socks. Use a brush to remove the ants from your clothing. Pour boiling water slowly down the holes. Be prepared to use a lot of boiling water to kill the ants and their eggs, about one gallon per square foot of mound diameter. Try to keep the boiling water from pooling on the ground surface, and soaking into the surrounding soils.

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Repeated treatments may be needed to control these pests effectively. Insecticides such as Insecticidal Soap, and Summer Horticultural Oils. Always read product labels carefully before purchase. Look for information on phytotoxicity that can occur on sensitive plants or under some environmental conditions. Check for infestations so that a treatment can be Clouded Plant Bug, applied before the plants are disfigured by the Also: Four-lined Plant Bug, pest. Thorough treatment of the undersides of Tarnished Plant Bug the leaves is needed for best results.

The Chinese Mantids are considered to be a pest because they prey on many beneficial insects. Some insecticides can drastically reduce the numbers of mantids in the garden. Selective insecticides, such as those containing Bacillus thuringiensis (for caterpillar control) and insecticidal soap (to control soft-bodied insect pests) have little impact on mantids. Chinese Mantid The best way to destroy Chinese Mantids is to identify them properly, catch them, and crush them.

The big-eyed bug is the primary predator of chinch bug nymphs and adults. The chinch bug’s head is relatively small, triangular and carries two small eyes, whereas the big-eyed bug’s are solid gray or brown, more robust, blunt head, and of course, equipped with protruding big eyes. In some instances, chinch bug nymphs and adults will be covered with white, cottony-like material, which is the fungus Beauveria

Chinch Bug

bassiana (Blas.). Unfortunately, this fungus rarely attacks sufficient numbers of chinch bugs.

Scale insects are so unlike insects that many people do not recognize them. Insects are hidden under waxy or hard scale cover. Brown soft scale is common in greenhouses and on houseplants. Plant may decline and die. Crawlers are young insects that emerge from eggs and “crawl” to a feeding site; they are more sensitive to insecticidal treatment than other stages. Once crawler finds an acceptable

Scales site it settles down and begins to feed. Thereafter it molts to next stage and begins to secrete waxy or hard scale-like covering.

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Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

Destroy the egg mass-- either crush the eggs or place them in a bucket of soapy water. Wear protective clothing when handling the egg masses because the hairs that cover the egg masses may cause an allergic reaction. Placing burlap around tree trunks, especially oaks, will provide a hiding place for older larvae and will provide an easy way to monitor the population. Use of barrier bands, such as commercial double-sided sticky tape, or grease will keep the larvae from crawling up the trunks of susceptible trees. These products should not be put directly on the tree trunk but rather on a non-porous material such as duct tape. If a large population of gypsy moths is found, an insecticidal treatment of a product containing Bt may be needed. Stressed trees often provide wounds or deep bark crevices that provide the larvae with shelter that will aid in their survival.

Tobacco Hornworm

Catalpa Worm

Use a long handled hoe to cultivate the top couple inches of soil around where your plants grew last year in the hope of exposing the big brown pupa, which overwinter in the soil. Hand pick them from the soil, place into a plastic bag, seal the bag and discard it. Never kill a hornworm that has “grains of rice” stuck to its back. Allow the baby wasps that emerge from their cocoons to escape and lay eggs in more caterpillars. If not, you can buy beneficial bugs from suppliers. Typically, they arrive in the egg or cocoon stage in a little paper cup. Pin the cup to a tree or a stake near the infested plants and the wasps emerge. Avoid chemical pesticides if you want these highly beneficial creatures to survive. In addition, birds enjoy caterpillars—so having a birdbath near your plants is also beneficial to control. Sometimes these pests are difficult to identify, because they feed at night. Go out after dark with a flashlight and search through the leaves. Most people see their ‘frass’—feces—long before they see the beasts themselves. So keep an eye out for big black poopy-pellets. An additional method of control is to spray the leaves of your plants with a form of Bt, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki.

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New infestations are almost always associated with wet or moist wood, but infestation may continue after wood is dried. Repair moisture problems around windows, chimneys, plumbing, and porches. Clean out clogged gutters, remove stumps and logs, move woodpiles away from buildings. Coarse sawdust is sometimes seen near the nest site. Locate and eliminate ants in nest by using a bagged vacuum cleaner. Throw away vacuum bag in the trash immediately after removal. Baits may eliminate a colony, but if

Carpenter Ant conditions are conducive, more may move in later. Or, if you have located the nest, you may carefully drill 1/8” holes in the wall into the nest, and puff boric acid into the holes. NEVER introduce a liquid or insert metal-tipped devices into the all near an electrical outlet.

Large Yellow Ant

Not all ants are attracted to bait in traps, so bait traps may not work. Ant traps containing baits of boric acid or other poisons attract pest to poison without need for applying poison throughout the environment. Newer baits offer ants a choice of protein food or sweet food. When using these baits and traps, do not clean near area where the baits are placed because chemical foraging trails may be disrupted. Keep baits and traps out of reach of children and pets, (such as, inside a locked cabinet). If an infestation occurs outdoors, boiling water poured on shallow nests may be effective.

Odorous House Ant

Small, often pear-shaped, soft-bodied insects that may have a sticky appearance. Sticky appearance caused by honeydew, a sweet, sticky liquid that aphids and other sucking insects excrete. Sooty mold, a black fungus, may grow on honeydew. If aphids are found on about 5% of the tips of a plant, or planting, control options should be considered. Available aphid predators include ladybugs and lacewings. Some insecticides available for home use may also kill the predators, while the aphids can then return unchecked by

Aphids beneficial insects. Contact an environmentally friendly pest control firm for an infestation that can not be controlled by natural means.

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If only a few small trees or shrubs are infesting evergreens, picking the bags off by hand and disposing of them may control. This is most effective during the fall, winter, or early spring, before the eggs have hatched. When many bagworms are infesting evergreens, use a microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis, BT, usually in June, once the eggs have hatched. Preventative treatment of low-populations may be a good idea if shrubs or trees have had a serious infestation the previous year. Other insecticides may often kill the beneficial insects that feed on pests. Contact an environmentally-friendly pest control professional if the problem remains.


Take beds apart and vacuum mattresses, especially around seams and tufts. Thoroughly vacuum bedstead and floor, concentrating on baseboards, cracks, and crevices. Dispose of vacuum contents immediately after use. Clean infested bedding with hot water in detergent, and place in dryer for 20 minutes on a high heat setting to kill bedbugs. Repeat cleanup weekly. Before bringing used bedding or bedroom furniture items into your home, check carefully. Some items may sometimes be successfully treated by sealing in plastic and placing it outdoors in a hot, sunny location. Never put plastic-wrapped items in the oven! Monitor with an internal thermometer, with a target temperature of 120o. Or freeze the items for several days.

Carpenter Bee

Structural pests that bore holes for nesting in boards of porches, windows, and door frames. Carpenter bees are pollinators and are considered beneficial. Once nesting sites are established, the bees tend to return to the site year after year, preferring rough-cut untreated wood surfaces over painted or well-finished surfaces. Screen bees from nesting sites, especially in spring and early summer. Fill holes with putty and repaint as needed. Hanging trap boards may cause bees to use these instead of the wood of the house. Boards may gradually be moved away from house. Female bees, provisioning their nests will sting, so it is best to perform control activities at night, and wear protective clothing.

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Also called “Inchworms” or “Loopers”, these caterpillars can cause significant defoliation of a variety of deciduous trees. Outbreaks often occur for two or three years, then disappear for a few years. An organic pest barrier may be used to prevent the adult female moths from reaching the tops of the trees to breed. Biological insecticides include the use of BacillusCankerworm, Inchworm thuringiensis.

Caterpillars are frequently parasitized by various tiny wasps. Prevention and early control is important. Removal and destruction of the egg masses from ornamentals greatly reduces the problem the next spring. In the early spring, small tents can be removed and destroyed by hand. Larger tents may be pruned out and destroyed or removed by winding the nest upon the end of a stick. Burning the tents out with a

Eastern Tent Caterpillar torch is not recommended since this can easily damage the tree, and is often illegal within city limits. Young caterpillars can be killed by applying an insecticide containing Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki. Larvae within the tents are protected beneath the webbing and are more difficult to kill with an insecticide.

Destroying the tents, especially when the tents are small, is an effective way of getting rid of the caterpillars. The best time to do this is around dusk or early morning when the larvae are in the tent. On smaller trees, egg masses may be pruned off and destroyed. For larger trees or trees that have several nests, a spray may be needed. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are effective against these caterpillars. If a Bt application is made, it should be made when the larvae are small and easiest to control, not when they are full grown and have already done their damage.

Fall Webworm, and Forest The insecticide should be applied in the evening Tent Caterpillar or early morning when the insects are in the nest.

A high pressure spray may be needed in order to get the insecticide into the tents, but great care must be exercised in order to prevent overspray

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Spruce Spider Mite

Two-spotted Spider Mite

Infestations are easiest to control when detected early. Two-spotted spider mite infestations can often be traced to the purchase of infested plant material, especially bedding and houseplants. When buying new plants, it pays to inspect the lower leaf surfaces for evidence of mites. Spraying plants with a strong stream of water from a garden hose or faucet can dislodge many mites from leaf surfaces. The approach is generally more effective on smaller plants (e.g., houseplants), with non-dense foliage and low mite populations. Water sprays should be directed upward against the lower leaf surfaces, and the technique will need to be repeated on regular intervals. Low populations of spider mites may be held in check by naturally occurring predatory mites which feed on both eggs and active stages. In addition, several predatory beneficial insects feed on both Spruce Spider Mites and Two-spotted Spider Mites. Research into the effectiveness of the purchase in introduction of predatory mites and other insects is on-going.


Biting insects that suck blood from people and animals. Larvae are aquatic. Keep doors and windows tightly screen and closed to prevent entry into home. If problem persists even in winter, check for indoor water sources that were not drained. Home electric light traps not very effective. Check with your department of environmental conservation on legality and health safety before you apply any pesticide to a yard area or to water. (See Mosquito Control, below, for additional information.)

Angoumois Grain Moth

Larvae feed in flour and grain products, dried fruits, nuts, and dried pet and fish food. When mature, they can crawl up walls to ceiling to pupate. Destroy infested food. Clean shelves and cupboards thoroughly; remove food and dishes, remembering to clean upper corners as well. If larvae have climbed walls, also carefully clean area where walls and ceiling meet. Keep fresh supplies in tightly closed jars or cans or keep birdseed and pet foods in closed containers. Be alert for flying moths. Use flyswatter as needed. Pheromone traps can be helpful in catching remaining stray male moths.

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Although very beneficial insects, honey bees may be a nuisance to homeowners, especially if allergic to their sting. Wear protective clothing, which includes a beekeeper’s veil and leather gloves, even if you are just trying to locate the nest. You should also wear light colored clothing with the sleeve and leg cuffs tucked in or closed with strong rubber bands. Gently tap the wall with a hammer and listen for the bee’s answering hum, to locate a nest. You should contact an environmentally-friendly pest control

Honeybee professional to kill the bees, as eradication by products available to homeowners is difficult, and several treatments may be necessary.


European Hornet


Stinging insects that often build nests near occupied dwellings and may become nuisance or danger to those allergic to their sting. Social insects—many individuals live in same nest. Check periodically around outside of house during early summer to spot and treat small nests. By August and September, wasp populations are at their highest and individuals sometimes enter houses accidentally. Use screens in buildings and screen ventilators to attics. If one or two enter, use a flyswatter. Use caution—insects indoors may be irritated and can sting. Painting or oiling exposed wood surfaces outside reduces their attractiveness to paper wasps. Before anyone tries to control a hornet problem, they would be wise to stop, think, and plan very carefully. You may encounter up to 400 hornets or wasps, that can sting repeatedly, will fly at night, have guards at the nest entrance, may have more than one entrance to the nest, and may have nested almost anywhere. Wear protective clothing, (see Honey Bees), even if just trying to locate the nest. If possible, wait until frost kills insects, then remove and dispose of nests. Since these insects can be a dangerous infestation, especially to those that are allergic, we recommend that you contact an environmentally-friendly pest control professional for complete eradication.

Paper Wasp

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Blister Beetle

Hand picking is an effective method of control, but be sure to wear protective gloves because these beetles secrete a strong chemical that can blister human skin. Place the picked beetles into a plastic bag, tightly seal the bag, and dispose of the bag in a sealed garbage can. A home remedy listed by several gardeners is to use a mixture of equal parts lime and flour as a dust on the infested plants. However, this effectiveness of this method, nor its effect on beneficial bugs is unknown at this time.

Colorado Potato Beetle

Hand picking is the best non-chemical control method, by reducing the numbers of overwintering beetles coming to young plants in the spring. If you must use a pesticide, this beetle is notorious for becoming pesticide resistant. Resistance develops more rapidly when the same class of pesticides is used as the only control method. It is important to avoid repeated usage of one particular insecticide by rotating the insecticides used.

Red Flour Beetle,

Also: Confused Flour Beetle, Saw-toothed Grain Beetle,

Cigarette Beetle, Drugstore Beetle

Usually discovered when an infested package is opened or when small brown beetles appear in kitchen near containers of stored grain products, pet food, or birdseed. Locate and discard infested food; clean shelves and cupboards thoroughly. Decorative items may also be infested. Check beneath cans and other items. Remove food and dishes; vacuum and scrub storage containers, or keep in the freezer. Enclose new purchases in sealed plastic and freeze in the freezer for at least 3 days.

Carpet Beetle

Larvae are found infesting wool, hair, feathers, leather, mounted “trophy” animals, and dead insects. They may be associated with mice if there is a mouse problem. Moths are tan to gold-colored and small, (1/4” to 3/8” long). Vacuum wool lint and bet hair from between floorboards, remove accumulations of dead insects from attic areas. Store only cleaned woolens. Dry-cleaning kills carpet beetles. Protect uninfested areas by storing in tight containers. When heavy infestation occurs, you may need to call an environmentally-friendly professional.

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Minute red to orange-yellow larval mites that bite people, causing intense itching. Regular mowing and removal of weeks and brush make areas less suitable for chiggers and their wild hosts. Most people react to chigger bites by developing reddish welts within 24 hours. Intense itching accompanies the welts, which may persist for a week or longer if not treated. Bites commonly occur around the ankles, waistline, armpits, or other areas where clothing fits tightly against the skin. Besides causing intense itching, chigger bites that are scratched may result in infection and sometimes fever. Chiggers in North America are not known to transmit disease. Persons walking in chigger-infested areas can be protected by treating clothing (cuffs, socks, waistline, sleeves) or exposed skin with tick repellents. Repellents should be used only on clothing as directed by the label. People who suspect they may have been attacked by Chigger bite chiggers should take a soapy bath immediately and apply antiseptic to any welts. A local anesthetic will provide temporary relief from itching. A home remedy is to immediately treat the bite with fingernail polish, to seal the wound. Once sealed, this also acts as a local anesthetic.

Tiny eight-legged arthropods that are not insects but are related to them. Visible with a hand lens on undersurface of leaves. Feed by inserting mouthparts into plant and sucking liquid contents, causing yellowish stippling at feeding sites and general plant decline. Webbing often seen when held up to sunlight. Mites may appear as tiny moving dots on webbing. Several predacious mites feed on spider mites. At least three are available commercially. It may be important to know what species of spider mite you have so as to choose the proper predator. Another method Red Spider Mite is to spray the plant with ice water, (between 32o

oand 41 F). Just make sure that the plant can withstand the cold water! Keep a spray bottle in the refrigerator and mist the plants several times a day until the problem is gone.

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Grain Mites

Pale, grayish-white, microscopic arthropods with numerous long hairs on legs and back. Occasionally increase so rapidly that grain, grain products, dried fruits, and dried vegetable matter seem alive with them. Feed primarily on microscopic mold or fungi that may grow on stored food. Clean up accumulated food debris, vacuum cabinet shelves, cracks, and crevices; avoid prolonged storage of susceptible material; and do not store in warm, humid areas. Do not use an insecticide on kitchen or food storage surfaces. Do not purchase items at the store that are in damaged packages or containers that appear to be damp. Store potential problem items in sealed containers to minimize the effects of an infestation.

House Dust Mite,


Microscop0ic, insect-like arthropods found in houses and other buildings that people frequent. Often found on mattresses, carpets, and upholstered furniture; they thrive in warm, moist conditions. Feed on shed scales from human skin and other similar debris. Waste particles from mites may cause reactions in allergic people. Consult your allergist or medical doctor. Avoid over-humidification and keep dust to a minimum. Dust-proof or allergen-proof covers may be recommended in certain situations as may removal of bedding, carpeting, curtains, and venetian blinds. Homeowners may also consider using allergen-trapping air filters.

Bird and Rodent Mites

These mites may enter the home through infested nests in attics or windowsills, and in eaves by creeping or blowing through ventilation. Screen birds from common nesting areas on buildings. Wear rubber gloves and do not breathe ‘fecal dust’ when cleaning out abandoned nests. Clean infested surfaces with warm, soapy water to remove mites, or use a cloth moistened with alcohol. Wash bedding in hot water with detergent and dry on a high heat setting for 20 minutes to kill mites. Contact an environmentally-friendly pest control professional to treat badly infested areas.

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Outdoor pests of elm that overwinter indoors, usually in attics, unused chimneys, and barns. Repair and caulk openings near elms. Remove by hand with a vacuum or by sweeping up. Dispose of beetles outdoors. Open attic windows to allow release in the spring.

Elm Leaf Beetle

Damage from this beetle is usually restricted to borders of gardens, especially those near wooded areas. No information is available on non-chemical control options at this time.

Flea Beetle

Japanese Beetle

From a pest management standpoint, it is important to recognize that both the larvae and the adult stage of these insects can cause damage to outdoor plants. Physically removing beetles by hand may be an effective method of control for small infestations. Japanese Beetles are attracted to plants where other Japanese Beetles are feeding, so, by not allowing beetles to accumulate, plants will become less attractive to other beetles. The easiest way to collect the beetles is to shake them off of plants early in the morning when they are sluggish. Wear protective gloves, and place the beetles in a plastic bag. Drop the beetles into a bucket of soapy water to kill them immediately or seal the bag and dispose of it in a closed garbage can. Highly valued plants may be protected by covering them with cheesecloth or other fine netting during the peak of beetle activity. The use of traps is not recommended as University of Kentucky’s research shows that traps generally attract more beetles than they catch, and other plants nearby may be damaged that would not

Green June Beetle, a benign insect -- DO NOT HARM

have otherwise been harmed. If you use a trap, make sure to place the trap a good distance from gardens and landscape plants.

Lady Beetles can become pests when overwintering in the home. Heat in homes and buildings warm them and they become active crawling on walls and ceilings or moving to sunny windows. Vacuum or sweep up gently and deposit outside. Seal entrances as appropriate with caulk, screening, etc. Lady Beetle – Beneficial bug

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Asian Lady Beetle

While these beetles resemble Lady Beetles or “Lady Bugs”, they are slightly different in appearance, and can secrete a staining, yellow milk from their joints when disturbed. They usually are attracted to light, sunny areas, and will overwinter in homes, becoming a nuisance to homeowners. See Lady Bug for non-chemical controls.

Mexican Bean Beetle

Squash Beetle

Commonly a pest of the home vegetable garden, these beetles may be hand picked for control. Drop them in a pail of soapy water. Also, remove the bright yellow eggs laid in clusters on the undersides of leaves. Floating row covers can be used as a physical barrier to keep beetles and grubs from damaging plants. Beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, lacewing, and minute pirate bugs, are all predators of both the egg and young larval stage. You can also apply diatomaceous earth to plants and/or spot treat with insecticidal soap to keep pest populations under control. Thorough coverage of both upper and lower leaves is necessary for control. If pest levels become intolerable, spot treat with botanical insecticides as a last resort. Treatments should be repeated in 7-10 days if additional beetles are found. Remove garden trash and other debris shortly after harvest to reduce over-wintering sites.

Powderpost Beetle

Powder or very fine sawdust on or beneath wood and small round or oval shot holes in wood surfaces indicates infestation. Well-finished, painted, or other finished dry wood is seldom attacked. Keep wood dry; keep moisture and humidity levels low wherever possible. Reinfestation rarely occurs in dry, seasoned wood. Repaint or refinish surfaces as necessary.

Spotted or Striped Cucumber


Cucumber Beetles main danger to the home garden is that the insect vectors a bacterial infection known as cucubitis. Cucubitis is found in the guts of some Cucumber Beetles, and enters the plant through any open entry point. Once the vines of melons or cucumbers begin to wilt, there is no way to prevent the plant from dying. The most effective method of control from infested plants is to immediately remove the plant from the garden and dispose of it in a plastic bag, away from the garden area.

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Small, transparent insects about 1 mm in size that feed on sizing of paper stored at high humidity and warm temperatures. If possible, do not store books, paper, or cardboard in damp areas. Ventilate and dry infested areas using a fan to increase air circulation or possibly a dehumidifier. You may also seal the book in plastic and freeze it in the freezer for 2-3 days

Book Lice after dehumidifying.

Infestations are transmitted by children in school or by other people in close contact. Do not share combs. Brushes, hats, or scarves. To kill eggs, dry-clean clothing or wash in hot water and detergent at 125o for 10 minutes. Treatment of person must be recommended by a physician, although in some states, there are over-the-counter treatments available.

Head Lice

Elongate, segmented, wormlike creatures with two pairs of legs per body segment. Usually found in moist areas such as basements, near patio doors, or in garages. Generally feed outdoors on decaying vegetable matter. Keep ground-level entrance areas free of rotting leaves and debris; trim or remove shrubs to promote air circulation and drying near foundation. Sweep up and destroy millipedes

Millipedes daily. In very moist years large numbers of millipedes may move near foundations to escape excessive soil moisture, and control may be difficult.

In late fall, Clover Mites seek shelter either under shingles or siding, but they may also enter your home. They are a nuisance pest, and, if crushed, leave a noticeable red stain. Caulk or weather-strip openings where mites enter; keep windows closed tightly during fall migration. Clean areas where mites accumulate with warm soapy water or use a vacuum cleaner. Disposed of vacuum bag immediately after use. Establish a vegetation border 18–24 in. wide around foundation. Mites seen on the outside of Clover Mites buildings may be dilled with a direct spray of regular liquid dish-washing soap sprayed at the rate of 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. While this treatment provides no residual control, it is reported to be an effective treatment.

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Fruit Fly

Fruit flies are often seen around kitchens. Larvae feed on spoiled fruits and vegetables. Discard garbage regularly; discard all spoiled fruit. Be patient—flies may be present for a few days after food source is removed. As a home remedy, the homeowner can build a trap by using a canning jar equipped with a paper funnel. Bits of banana sprinkled with yeast make good bait that will last about 2 weeks. Larvae in the trap can be killed by hot tap water, (at least 150o F). Commercial traps using vinegars or other baits may be purchased. (See Fruit Fly Trap, below.)

Cyclamen Gnats and Fungus


Small, dark-colored flies often seen in home around flowerpots. Larvae feed on decaying organic matter. When houseplants are source, remove and discard growing media; repot in sterile media. Clean up spills of organic matter indoors. Cyclamen Gnats are very tiny, and not readily visible to the human eye. Feed on new growth, causing curling and distortion. Particularly difficult to control. Discarding infested plants is often the best choice.


Minute insects, abundant in most soils, with forked appendage on abdomen that enables them to jump. Feed on algae, fungi, and decayed vegetable matter. Occasionally found in damp places such as kitchen, basements, bathrooms, around drains, and in soil of potted plants. Keep areas dry where possible; correct moisture problems. Repot houseplants in sterile soil. (See How to Sterilize Potting Soil, below.)


Tiny (less than 1/20 in.), often yellowish insects. Adults have long fringe of hair around wings. Cause damage by rasping leaf surface and drinking fluid that collects in injured areas. Leaves appear silvered or dried out. Brown or black scars (fecal matter and feeding scars) often seen on plant tissue. Two species of mites prey on thrips and are available commercially.


Adults are small, yellowish insects with dull, white wings. Immature whiteflies are oval and flattened, yellowish scale-like insects. Heavily infested plants send up a cloud of adults when disturbed. The small wasp parasite, Encarsia formosa, is available for biological control for outdoor plants. The combined use of sticky traps and Encarsia looks very promising.

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The beetles usually attack older and stressed trees, so practices that promote the overall health of the tree are also an important IPM tool. If an infestation occurs, avoid pruning or other activities that may produce odors that attract dispersing beetles. An insecticide may be sprayed on the trunk of neighboring evergreen trees if an infestation occurs, and won’t harm humans, pets, or wildlife once dry. Once applied, stand by the tree to prevent wildlife from approaching the trunk until the insecticide is dry.

Southern Pine Beetle Read the label carefully to make sure you have the right pesticide product. For large trees, contact an environmentally-friendly pest control professional, to prevent danger to the homeowner during application. Do not use high pressure sprayers, as they are difficult to control and can result in contamination of the applicator, pets, or wildlife. Heavily infested trees that are unlikely to survive should be removed to prevent infestation of neighboring evergreens.

Keeping plants healthy can minimize damage from secondary pests like insect borers. Mulch around the trunk to increase the distance between machinery and the plant. (Do not construct a “Mulch Volcano”.) Because many borers are attracted to recent wounds, avoid pruning during warm summer months. After trees and shrubs are infested with borers, non-chemical controls are limited. Remove and destroy (burn or chip) infested, dying or dead plants or plant parts, including fallen limbs. Severely infested trees (“brood trees”) only produce more pests that can attack neighboring trees, and should be removed. Several natural enemies attack insect borers, including predatory beetles, parasitic wasps or Clearwing Borer flies, and birds, especially woodpeckers. You may use pheromone traps to monitor adult activity, and disrupt the mating and egg-laying of clearwing borers. These traps often only attract males. Or, you may use ultraviolet ‘blacklight’ traps to monitor adult beetles, which are drawn to the light and die in the bucket. These traps attract both males and females.

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Flat-headed Borers

It is important to regularly check young trees and shrubs that are becoming established. Check for chewing injury by beetles on new twig growth or leaves. Also, inspect the bases of trees for signs of oviposition (egg clusters in bark crevices or wounds), or for emergence holes from which adults recently emerged. Trees should be properly watered, fertilized, and protected from pests, particularly during the first two or three years of growth and during drought periods that cause extreme stress. Trimming damaged trees and eliminating weak ones is are very important management tools. Infested limbs, branches and trunks should be trimmed in the fall, burned or chipped and composted during the winter to reduce emerging borer populations. Borer damage must be prevented because once borers gain access to heartwood; little can be done to control them.

Boxelder Bug

Damage from these bugs occur when they winter indoors and stain fabrics or paint. Locate and seal openings through which bugs enter, and vacuum up to destroy bugs. Empty vacuum bag immediately after use.

American Cockroach

Brown-banded Cockroach, Also: German Cockroach,

Oriental Cockroach

Cockroaches are sometimes called Waterbugs. They hide during the day in warm, moist, dark places and come out to forage at night. They prefer starchy or sugary foods, but will feed on many different kinds of foodstuffs, as well as bookbindings and dead insects. When disturbed, cockroaches run blindly for shelter. Homeowners can use sticky traps for controls, placing them in corners and in areas where roaches have been observed. Baits and insect growth inhibitors are also available in some traps. To find hiding places, enter a dark room quietly, turn on the lights, and watch where the roaches run. Shed skin and/or feces from cockroaches may cause asthma and/or allergic reactions in children and adults. Boric acid is one of the most effective cockroach control agents if it is used correctly. Boric acid is deadly to cockroaches, but is low in toxicity to people, pets, and other non-target animals.

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Crickets are considered to be beneficial or benign bugs, but may become a pest inside the house. Remove accumulations of moist debris from basement and ground-floor entrances and windows. Be sure doors fit well and are kept closed during autumn months. Keep storage areas clean and dry. Sticky roach traps may also help catch crickets. Feed on most vegetation and will also eat pet foods left outside or in basement. Often enter homes in late fall when outdoor food House Cricket is scarce. Some crickets are attracted to light at night—switch to yellow bulbs.

Woolly, stout-bodied flies commonly seen around drains or in sinks; breed in grease and soap scum in drains. To clean up breeding sites scrape pipes with wire brush to remove slime in which moths may lay eggs. Use a caustic drain-cleaning product, and follow all directions carefully. The next day, use commercial bleach to rinse. Note: never combine chlorine and ammonia because deadly fumes are produced. Use a flyswatter to

Drain Fly kill adults.

Small, brown insects that jump and bite humans as well as animals. Usually noticed when a pet is removed from the home for a period of time. Flea larvae fed on detritus, shed skin, hair from animals, and feces of adult fleas. Check pet bedding often in warm weather; populations are often concentrated where pets sleep. Limit area used as bedding. Thoroughly clean hair, bits of food, and debris from animals’ sleeping quarters. Thoroughly clean or discard animal bedding and treat animal. Flea-comb pets regularly. Check with your veterinarian for flea control options. Vacuuming daily can help control fleas. For

Flea persistent problems you may want to consult a professional. Spot treat pet resting/sleeping areas. Remove and wash pet bedding regularly. Outdoor flea control is important to making indoor control successful. Cat fleas are carried by raccoons, possums, and other dogs or cats. Keeping these animals out of your yard (e.g., tight garbage can lids) will help you keep fleas off your pet.