Urn 012881

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Transcript of Urn 012881

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881



    Faculty of Electronics, Counications an! "utoation

    #e$artent of Counications an! Net%or&in'

    (%esi'a )* +aron'o

    #iensionin' (oile )I("- in t.e

    "ccess an! Core Net%or&/ " case Stu!y

    (aster0s T.esis suitte! in $artial fulfilent of t.e !e'ree of

    (aster of Science in Tec.nolo'y

    Es$oo, Finlan!, 1t.No2eer 3445

    Su$er2isor/ 6rofessor 78r' Ott

    Instructor/ 7ouni Kar2o, #*Sc

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881




    T.is aster0s t.esis %as carrie! out at t.e Net%or&in' laoratory, #e$artent ofCounications an! Net%or&in', Conet* I %is. to e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881




    "re2iations***************************************************************************************************************2iList of Fi'ures***************************************************************************************************************2en!or

    access net%or&s an! inter>co$any illin'* T.e )i("- NR( is a lo'ical

    re$resentation of t.e net%or& arc.itecture* T.e NR( i!entifies t.e functional

    entities an! reference $oints et%een functional entities o2er %.ic.

    intero$eraility is ac.ie2e!*

    T.e NR( consists of t.e lo'ical entities (oile Station(SSuscrier

    StationSS, "ccess ser2ice net%or& "SN an! Connecti2ity Ser2ice

    Net%or& CSN* "s s.o%n in fi'ure =, eac. lo'ical entity re$resents a set of

    functions t.at ay e realise! in a sin'le $.ysical !e2ice or !istriute! o2er

    ulti$le $.ysical !e2ices*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

    Figure &: WiMAX networ' referene model "$

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :4

    T.e "SN !efines t.e lo'ical oun!ary for functional intero$eraility %it.

    )i("- clients, connecti2ity ser2ice functions an! a''re'ation of functions

    eo!ie! y !ifferent 2en!ors* "SN !eals %it. t.e essa'e flo%s associate!

    %it. t.e access ser2ices* "SN also $ro2i!es an I6 $ac&et !eli2ery ser2ice

    et%een )i("- suscriers an! t.e CSN* T.e "SN connects ase stations

    to t.e )i("- "SN 'ate%ay usin' trans$ort net%or&s suc. as icro%a2e,

    co$$er or fire lin&s* T.e )i("- "SN 'ate%ay $ro2i!es connecti2ity to t.e

    Internet t.rou'. Hoe a'ent H" or a routin' !e2ice*

    T.e CSN $ro2i!es a set of net%or&in' functions t.at enale I6 connecti2ity

    ser2ices to )i("- suscriers* T.e CSN is also res$onsile for t.e

    s%itc.in' an! routin' of calls an! !ata connections to e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s ::

    "%#T.is is a set of control an! earer $lane $rotocols ori'inatin' or

    terinatin' in 2arious entities %it.in t.e "SN t.at coor!inates (S

    oility et%een t.e "SNs*

    " T.is is a set of control an! earer $lane $rotocols for

    inter%or&in' et%een t.e .oe an! 2isite! net%or&*

    Fi'ure B s.o%s t.e !etaile! 2ie% of t.e entities %it.in t.e ain functional

    entities "SN an! CSN*

    T.e )i("- net%or& arc.itecture also consists of a net%or& ana'eent

    syste N(S %.ic. can e $art of a CSN functional entity or a stan!>alone

    entity* T.e N(S $ro2i!es centralise! ana'eent of t.e %.ole net%or&* It

    also $ro2i!es a frae%or& for 2isualisin' t.e net%or& an! traffic o$erations

    so as to aintain t.e $referre! @uality of ser2ice an! $erfor net%or&


    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

    Figure ): WiMAX networ' %* !ased arhiteture "$

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :3

    2.1.2 WiMA 'ualit( of service

    T.e IEEE 543*: stan!ar! su$$orts u$ to fi2e AoS classes* T.e le2el of

    @uality of ser2ice !ifferentiation is $er ser2ice flo%* Eac. of t.e ser2ice flo%

    is .a2in' one of t.e sc.e!ulin' ty$es est effort +E, non>real tie $ollin'

    ser2ice nrt6S, real>tie $ollin' ser2ice rt>6S, etie $ollin'

    ser2ice ert>6S or unsolicite! 'rant ser2ice UGS*

    )i("- $ro2i!es t.e fi2e AoS classes t.rou'. an arc.itecture t.at is ale to

    $rocess re@uests, $erfor access control an! allocate t.e re@uire! ra!io

    resources t.at are ale to eet t.e re@uests t.at are acce$te!* T.e fi2e AoS

    classes are !escrie! as follo%s*

    )*+/ t.is is !esi'ne! to su$$ort real>tie !ata streas t.at consist of

    fitie !ata streas of 2ariale

    rates t.at are issue! at $erio!ic inter2als, suc. as (6EG 2i!eo, au!io

    an! 2i!eo streain', an! interacti2e 'ain'*

    /rt-+/ t.is is !esi'ne! to su$$ort !elay>tolerant !ata streas

    consistin' of 2ariale>sie! !ata $ac&ets suc. as file transfer $rotocol

    FT6, ro%sin', 2i!eo !o%nloa!, an! 2i!eo on !ean!*

    B,/ t.is is !esi'ne! to su$$ort !ata streas for %.ic. t.ere is no

    iniu ser2ice re@uireents, an! no 'uarantee of tiely !eli2ery of

    $ac&ets suc. as E>ail an! Internet ro%sin'*

    )i("- !ifferentiates t.e ser2ice flo%s at t.e I6 layer t.rou'. t.e #iffSer2

    co!e $oints #SC6* #SC6 is a fiel! in t.e .ea!er of I6 $ac&ets use! for

    classifyin' $ac&ets enterin' t.e net%or& in or!er to $ro2i!e AoS 'uarantees*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :=

    Fro an I6 trans$ort $ers$ecti2e, t.e )i("- net%or& is !i2i!e! into

    ulti$le #SC6 !oains* One !oain is et%een t.e ase station an! t.e

    "SN 'ate%ay "SN>G) in e2ery "SN tere! as "SN #iffSer2 !oain*

    T.e secon! !oain, CSN #iffSer2 !oain, is et%een t.e "SN>G)s an!

    t.e H"s* T.e t.ir! !oain is et%een t.e H"s an! Internet or o$erator

    ser2ice net%or&*

    2.2 3% and &S'! net#or$s

    T.e ter =G refers to t.e t.ir! 'eneration (oile syste, %.ic. is a oile

    tele$.ony tec.nolo'y un!er t.e urella of t.e =r! Generation 6artners.i$

    6ro?ect =G66* It !eli2ers roa!an! a$$lications to suscriers, %it. !ata

    t.rou'.$ut ca$ailities on t.e or!er of a fe% .un!re! &iloits $er secon! to a

    fe% e'aits $er secon! 4&$s 9 :B*B($s* =G66 is a collaorati2e

    a'reeent %.ic. rin's to'et.er telecounications stan!ar!isation o!ies

    %it. t.e ai of $ro2i!in' tec.nical s$ecifications an! tec.nical re$orts on t.e

    =G oile syste ase! on t.e e2ol2e! Gloal Syste for oile

    counications GS( core net%or&s an! t.e ra!io access tec.nolo'ies t.at

    t.ey su$$ort*

    =G oile systes enale $ro2ision for t.e ultie!ia content suc. as 2i!eo

    streain', 'ain' an! usic !o%nloa!* =G tec.nolo'y suc. as %i!ean!

    co!e !i2ision ulti$le access )C#(" is ase! on t.e use of C#("

    tec.nolo'y %.ere users are se$arate! y uni@ue co!es, %.ic. eans t.at t.ey

    can use t.e sae fre@uency an! transit at t.e sae tie* T.is eans t.at t.e

    syste can $ac& consi!erale nuer of users %it. increase! !ata rates an!

    .i'. @uality of ser2ice*

    Fi'ure s.o%s t.e si$le arc.itecture of )C#(" net%or& %.erey it re>

    uses t.e core net%or& to'et.er %it. t.e GS( net%or&*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :B

    Hi'. S$ee! 6ac&et "ccess HS6" is an en.ance! )C#(" tec.nolo'y t.at

    offers .i'.er it rates an! re!uce! latency t.an %.at is $ro2i!e! in )C#("

    =G66 Release DD* Current =G oile systes $ro2i!es less ca$ailities for

    !ata net%or&s suc. as .i'. latency 344 9 =44s associate! %it. settin' u$

    t.e !ata session, an! lo% !ata rates :35 9 :3&$s* HS6" a!!resses t.ese

    issues y $ro2i!in' a series of u$'ra!es to ot. t.e ase stations an!

    recei2ers* HS6" s$lits t.e u$'ra!es into Hi'. S$ee! #o%nlin& 6ac&et "ccess

    HS#6" for t.e !o%nlin& fro t.e ase station to t.e oile station an!

    Hi'. S$ee! U$lin& 6ac&et "ccess HSU6" for t.e u$lin& fro t.e oile

    station to t.e ase station*

    Fi'ure s.o%s t.e t.eoretical !o%nlin& an! u$lin& ca$acity for HS6" as

    co$are! to =G )C#(" oile syste* In $ractice, HS6" offers a

    easure! t.rou'.$ut on t.e TC6 layer of a$$ro%ay !elay of 1s an! :B5&$s u$lin& %it. a !elay of 5s :J*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

    Figure +: ,-M.W/DMA arhiteture "0#

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :

    HS6" offers four AoS classes ran'in' fro a 'uarantee! !ata rate to a est

    effort ser2ice* T.ese classes inclu!e con2ersational class con2ersational real

    tie, streain' class streain' real tie, interacti2e class interacti2e est

    effort an! ac&'roun! class ac&'roun! est effort*

    T.e HS6" arc.itecture is ase! on t.e =G !irect tunnellin' $rotocol GT6

    t.at o$tiises t.e !eli2ery of oile an! %ireless roa!an! ser2ices* T.e

    !irect tunnel arc.itecture $ro2i!es a !irect $at. fro t.e RNC to GGSN* T.e

    use of t.e GT6 as s.o%n in fi'ure 1, allo%s !irect user $lane traffic fro

    RNC to GGSN, t.us y>$assin' t.e SGSN 5J* GT6 also $ro2i!es an efficient

    %ay of .an!lin' AoS an! of creatin' in!in' to ra!io earers*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

    Figure : /apait2 evolution with 3-*A "1#

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  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :1

    Ty$ical a2era'e rates t.at a user otains are in t.e ran'e of 34&$s to

    14&$s* Usin' an! :4 co!es, HS#6" su$$orts $ea& !ata rates of =*($s

    an! 1*3($s res$ecti2ely*

    HSU6" is an en.anceent to t.e )C#(" net%or& %.ere it a!!s a ne%

    trans$ort c.annel tere! as en.ance! !e!icate! c.annel E>#CH* HS6"

    i$ro2es u$lin& $erforance y re!ucin' t.e latency, increasin' !ata rates

    an! ca$acity* HSU6" intro!uces se2eral features %.ic. .a2e inial i$act

    on t.e e

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :5

    Re!uce! latency in t.e user $lane as %ell as re!ucin' t.e

    !elay associate! %it. t.e control $lane $roce!ures suc. as

    session set>u$* Ra!io access net%or& latency is re!uce! to


    Hi'. syste ca$acity co$leente! y t.e su$$ort of scalale

    an!%i!t. of 34(H, :(H, (H an! elo% (H* It

    $ro2i!es su$$ort for t.e $aire! an! un$aire! s$ectru, an!

    consists of ten $aire! an! four un$aire! s$ectru an!s*

    LTE uses flat arc.itecture %.ere t.e ase station calle!

    eNo!e+ is connecte! to t.e core net%or& usin' t.e core

    net%or& R"N interface, S:* T.e flat arc.itecture re!uces t.e

    nuer of in2ol2e! no!es in t.e connections*

    2.3 i(i net#or$s

    )iFi stan!s for wireless fidelit26 a %ireless local area tec.nolo'y !esi'ne! for

    .oe an! sall i$leentation* )iFi is a !ata transission syste !esi'ne!

    to $ro2i!e location>in!e$en!ent net%or& access et%een co$utin' !e2ices

    y usin' ra!io %a2es rat.er t.an a 'ui!e! e!iu* )iFi is aie! at

    $ro2i!in' in>uil!in' roa!an! co2era'e* It is ase! on t.e $ulis.e! IEEE

    543*:: stan!ar! for s.ort ran'e %ireless counication* It is ein' !e$loye!

    to $ro2i!e co2era'e in t.e Uni2ersity ca$uses, .otels, an! air$orts usin'

    %.at is tere! as .ots$ot7 " .ots$ot is t.e re'ion co2ere! y one or se2eral

    access $oints "6* " %ireless access $oint connects a 'rou$ of %ireless

    !e2ices to an a!?acent %ire! Local "rea Net%or&s L"N, relayin' !ata

    et%een connecte! %ireless !e2ices in a!!ition to a sin'le connecte! %ire!


    It is ase! on t.e faily of stan!ar!s suc. as IEEE 543*::a, 543*::,

    543*::', an! 543*::n* Tale :s.o%s t.e IEEE 543*:: stan!ar! 2ariants* T.e

    t.rou'.$ut in Tale : refers to t.e t.eoretical a

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s :D

    y t.e (e!iu "ccess Control ("C layer* T.e t.eoretical a

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 34

    T.e )iFi net%or& uses ra!io si'nals to $ro2i!e connecti2ity to t.e Internet or

    to t.e oile o$erator0s net%or&* It $ro2i!es ser2ices only u$ to t.e lin& layer

    le2el, an! t.erefore !e$en!s on t.e %ire! I6 infrastructure for t.e en! to en!

    connecti2ity :J* "s s.o%n in fi'ure 5, t.e Gate%ay N"6T $ro2i!es

    connecti2ity to ot.er I6 ase! net%or&s %.ile t.e """ ser2er $ro

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 3:

    T.e %i!ely researc.e! AoS sc.ees are ase! on t.e #istriute!

    Coor!ination Function #CF e!iu access $rotocol* T.e sc.ees are

    classifie! as ser2ice !ifferentiation, a!ission control an! an!%i!t.

    reser2ation, an! t.e lin& a!a$tation* T.e sc.ees are !efine! as follo%s BJ/

    +ervice differentiation/ t.is is ac.ie2e! y $riority an! fair

    sc.e!ulin' ec.aniss* 6riority ec.anis in!s c.annel access to

    !ifferent traffic classes y $rioritise! contention $araeters* Fair

    sc.e!ulin' fairly $artitions t.e c.annel an!%i!t. y re'ulatin'

    %aitin' ties of traffic classes in $ro$ortion accor!in' to t.e 'i2en


    Admission control and bandwidt! reservation/ t.is sc.ee

    $ro2i!es AoS 'uarantee for flo%s !urin' .i'. traffic loa! con!itions*

    It $erfors a!ission control an! reser2es an!%i!t. so as to $ro2i!e

    'oo! @uality for t.e ultie!ia !ata traffic*

    Link adatation/ uses al'orit.s suc. as t.e c.annel si'nal>to>noise

    ratio, recei2e! $o%er le2el, a2era'e $ayloa! len't., an! transission

    ac&no%le!'eents to a

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 33

    co2era'e an! out!oor usa'e* )iFi ser2es local area net%or&s %.ereas

    )i("- ser2es etro$olitan area net%or&s ("N*

    )iFi su$$orts fe%er users $er ase station, ty$ically one to ten users %it. a


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 3=

    ca$ailities an! ser2ices* )i("- $ro2i!es .i'. !ata rates u$ to 13($s

    ut $ro2i!es less oility* On t.e ot.er .an!, =G $ro2i!es saller !ata rates

    fro =5B&$s to =($s t.an )i("- ut $ro2i!es users %it. sealess

    oility usin' e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 3B

    Tale 3/ Tec.nical co$arison of HS6" an! )i("- :J

    WiMA 3+A

    Initial !o%nlin& !ata

    rate ac.annels* T.e

    suc.annels allo% users to transit usin' only a fraction of t.e an!%i!t.

    allocate! y t.e ase station*

    )i("- an! HS6" also !iffer in t.e %ay t.ey utilise s$ectru efficiently >

    s$ectru efficiency* S$ectru efficiency can e !efine! as t.e easure of

    t.e aount of !ata t.at can e carrie! y a cell $er unit of tie, noralise!

    %it. t.e occu$ie! syste an!%i!t.* Fi'ure D co$ares t.e s$ectru

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 3

    efficiency et%een HS6" releases an! )i("-*

    )i("- .as a etter s$ectru efficiency t.an HS6" R %it. asic R"KE

    recei2ers* " R"KE recei2er is t.e ra!io recei2er !esi'ne! to counter t.e

    effects of ulti$at. fa!in'* )it. t.e use of a!2ance! recei2ers, suc. as

    GR"KE %it. recei2e !i2ersity, HS6" .as 'reater s$ectru efficiency t.an

    )i("-* In ters of co2era'e, HS6" .as ty$ically >:4 !+ 'reater co2era'e

    t.an oile )i("-* T.e a

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 3

    2.5 Su**ary and )onclusion

    T.is c.a$ter $resente! t.e co$arison of )i("- %it. t.e ot.er roa!an!

    %ireless tec.nolo'ies, an! it can e sai! t.at )i("- offers si'nificant

    a!2anta'es %.en it coes to !e$loyent* For a 'i2en re'ion selecte! for t.e

    !e$loyent, )i("- allo%s an o$erator to select a c.annel an!%i!t. fro

    :*3(H to 34(H* T.is 'i2es t.e o$erator soe fle

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    3 +roa!an! %ireless net%or&s 31

    On t.e ot.er .an!, for o$erators %it. eLTE offers GS(>)C#("

    net%or& an e2olution $at. to%ar!s t.e $ro2ision of roa!an! %ireless


    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations 35

    $ WiMA delo(ment considerations

    +efore startin' to !e$loy a oile )i("- net%or&, t.e o$erator usually

    !eterines if t.e usiness o!el an! financial as$ects of t.e net%or& are

    econoically 2iale* "lso, $rior to !e$loyent, t.e o$erator nee!s to

    un!erta&e initial site sur2ey %.erey t.e $.ysical con!itions of t.e areas of

    !e$loyent are assesse!* "fter ein' satisfie! %it. t.e results of t.e site

    sur2ey, t.e o$erator lays !o%n t.e $reliinary net%or& !esi'n* T.e

    $reliinary net%or& !esi'n inclu!es t.e follo%in' :1J/

    " suary of t.e o2erall net%or& o?ecti2es, 'oals, e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations 3D

    )i("- !e$loyents can e ran'e liite! or ca$acity liite!* T.e user !ata

    rate is less for a ran'e liite! !e$loyent as co$are! to a ca$acity liite!

    case* #urin' !e$loyent, co>c.annel interference nee!s to e ta&en into

    account as t.e lin& t.at is affecte! ten!s to o2e to a roust o!ulation* T.is

    is not a $referre! case as o2in' to a roust ut less efficient sc.ee suc. as

    o2in' fro B A"( to A6SK re!uces t.e c.annel ca$acity*

    ).en !e$loyin' a oile )i("- net%or&, t.e ase stations nee! to e

    locate! %it.in areas %.ere t.e a?ority of users are foun! in or!er to


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =4

    to$olo'y t.at ac.ie2es .i'. reliaility for a 'i2en !e$loyent re'ion* T.is

    eans t.at !e$en!in' u$on t.e 'eo'ra$.ic con!itions of t.e area set for t.e

    !e$loyent, star or es. to$olo'y .as to e selecte! so as to !eli2er t.e

    o$tial $erforance*

    "lso, a !ecision .as to e a!e on %.et.er to e$loy $oint>to>$oint or $oint>

    to>ulti$oint lin&s* Ostructions suc. as trees or uil!in's t.at ay loc& t.e

    line of si'.t also nee! to e ta&en into account, an! t.e !ecision on %.ere to

    !e$loy )i("- tec.nolo'y for LOS an! NLOS con!itions nee!s to e clear

    fro t.e outset* ).et.er to use LOS or NLOS solutions ay !e$en! on t.e

    $lannin' re@uireents an! antenna .ei'.t restrictions on a $articular area*

    In or!er to ac.ie2e effecti2e ran'e or co2era'e for t.e net%or&, a alance

    et%een t.rou'.$ut, ran'e an! it error rate +ER .as to e !eterine!*

    Since +ER is liite! y t.e tec.nolo'y itself, t.e effecti2e ran'e at a 'i2en

    t.rou'.$ut .as to e calculate! fro t.e lin& u!'et analysis* T.is eans t.at

    lin& u!'et analysis .as to e $erfore! $rior to !e$loyent of t.e net%or&*

    Lin& u!'et analysis ta&es into account factors suc. as $at. loss, recei2er

    sensiti2ity, noise, 'ain an! losses fro t.e antennas an! cales* T.e lin&

    u!'et analysis results into a transit $o%er re@uire! to ac.ie2e a 'i2en +ER

    at t.e recei2er*

    For t.e case of $ro2i!in' )i("- ser2ices, t.e o$erator nee!s to carefully

    c.oose t.e s$ectru to e use!* T.e c.osen s$ectru .as t.e conse@uence on

    t.e o2erall costs of !e$loyin' t.e )i("- net%or&* Usin' a =*GH

    s$ectru re@uires consi!erale nuer of ase stations to co2er a 'i2en area

    as co$are! to 3*GH* In $lannin' ser2ice re@uireents, t.ere is a nee! to

    !efine t.e flo% of ser2ice et%een t.e suscriers an! ser2ice $ro2i!er t.at

    is, ser2ice re@uireents, an! to also stu!y to %.at e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =:

    3.1 +ntroduction to iM!" net#or$ planning

    6lannin' of a %ireless net%or& usually in2ol2es a nuer of ste$s t.at are

    essential for a successful usiness case* T.e first ste$ is to !efine t.e

    'eo'ra$.ic area %.ere t.e ser2ice is eto>en! connecti2ity, t.e ne

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =3

    Auality of ser2ice is anot.er i$ortant as$ect %.en $lannin' a oile

    )i("- net%or&* T.is !eterines t.e le2el of ser2ice t.at users %ill


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations ==

    In or!er to iniise t.e interference in )i("- syste, t.ere is a nee! for a

    careful RF $lannin'* " $otential source of interference in )i("- syste is

    t.e loss in frae sync.ronisation et%een t.e ase stations usin' t.e sae

    c.annels or %.en t.e UL>#L ratio in a T## syste is !ifferent for eac. +S*

    )i("- su$$orts c.annel reuse fre@uency factor of one for o$erators t.at

    .a2e liite! aount of s$ectru*

    For a )i("- syste, t.e !o%nlin& co2era'e is easier to $lan t.an u$lin&*

    T.is is !ue to t.e fact t.at in t.e !o%nlin&, t.e interference ori'inates fro

    t.e sae location, t.at is, fro a nei'.ourin' ase station transittin' on

    t.e sae c.annel*

    In net%or& $lannin', t.e o$erator a&es assu$tions on t.e !ata rate,

    sectorisation, fre@uency reuse $lan, an! ty$e of cell $ico, icro or acro

    cells to e !e$loye!* T.e o$erator also $re!icts .o% users %ill use t.e


    3.2 )overage planning

    T.e tar'et for t.e co2era'e $lannin' is to fin! o$tial locations for t.e ase

    stations to uil! a continuous co2era'e accor!in' to t.e $lannin'

    re@uireents* Co2era'e $lannin' is $erfore! %it. a $lannin' tool t.at

    inclu!es a !i'ital a$ %it. to$o'ra$.y inforation of a $articular re'ion*

    6ro$a'ation o!els t.at ai! in !eterinin' t.e co2era'e area are t.en

    selecte! ase! on t.e $lannin' $araeters fre@uency, ase station antenna

    .ei'.t an! so on* T.e o2erall co2era'e $re!iction is t.en !eterine! ase!

    u$on t.e coination of t.e !i'ital a$ inforation an! t.e selecte!

    $ro$a'ation o!el*

    #urin' t.is $.ase, t.e lin& u!'et analysis is $erfore! t.at !efines t.e


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =B

    co2era'e area %it. a certain location $roaility* Location $roaility is t.e

    $roaility of t.e recei2er ein' ale to ca$ture t.e si'nal, t.at is, t.e si'nal

    le2el is .i'.er t.an t.e recei2er sensiti2ity*

    T.e first ste$ in co2era'e $lannin' is to create a $reliinary $lan ase! u$on

    t.e calculate! nuer of ase stations =J* In t.is ste$, t.e t.eoretical

    locations of t.e +TSs are !eterine! an! t.e !ecision on %.et.er to use oni

    cells or sectorise! cells is a!e* Oni cells are etter suite! for rural areas or

    s$arsely $o$ulate! areas %.ere t.ere is not a nee! for a .i'. ca$acity*

    Sectorise! cells are etter suite! in areas %.ere t.ere is a nee! for co2era'e in

    $recise locations*

    T.e ne.ea!

    a$lifier t.at stren't.ens u$lin& y 'i2in' ore sensiti2ity to ase station

    an! enales rece$tion of %ea& si'nals*

    Co2era'e analysis is one of t.e crucial ste$ in !esi'nin' an! !e$loyin' a

    oile )i("- net%or&* +ase! on t.e co2era'e analysis, cells can e

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =

    !esi'ne! t.at lea! to inial interference et%een eac. ot.er* T.is is

    ac.ie2e! y selectin' a$$ro$riate $ro$a'ation o!els an! fa!e ar'ins for

    t.e area co2era'e $roaility*

    "s t.e ran'e of )i("- net%or& is increase!, )i("- net%or& ste$s !o%n

    to a lo% or!er o!ulation %.ereas as t.e ran'e is re!uce! t.e .i'. or!er

    o!ulation is selecte! resultin' into increase! !ata t.rou'.$ut* T.e lo%

    o!ulation sc.ee .as an effect on c.annel ca$acity of a ase station

    resultin' into sall !ata rates*

    In ac.ie2in' co2era'e in a re'ion, se2eral factors .a2e to e ta&en into

    consi!eration suc. as uil!in's .ei'.ts, terrain, uil!in' !ensities an! so on*

    (oile )i("- can e !e$loye! for co2era'e %it.out re'ar! to ca$acity

    re@uireents* T.is eans at first, t.e iniu nuer of ase stations are

    !e$loye! to $ro2i!e ui@uitous co2era'e in a $articular area* Ca$acity is only

    increase! %.ene2er t.e nee! arises, an! t.is can e !one y a!!in' ore

    c.annels to t.e e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =

    syste an! t.e !ean! t.ey $lace on t.e syste*

    T.e etric t.at is use! in !eterinin' t.e ca$acity $lannin' is t.e !ata

    !ensity e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =1

    factors are ta&en into account/

    Tar'et ar&et se'ents SOHO, S(E , an! so on

    "rea !eo'ra$.ics

    Ser2ices to e offere! AoS, it rate


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    = )i("- !e$loyent consi!erations =5

    3.4 Su**ary and conclusion

    #iensionin' an! $lannin' of a oile )i("- net%or& is a co$roise

    et%een co2era'e an! ca$acity* T.e re@uire! co2era'e can e e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y =D

    % 7ase +tud(

    T.is researc. %or& assues !e$loyent in Finlan!0s unici$alities of

    Helsin&i an! Es$oo, as %ell as t.e re'ion of Kir&&onui* Helsin&i an!

    Es$oo unici$alities are assue! to e uran an! suuran re'ions

    res$ecti2ely %.ile Kir&&onui is assue! to e a rural area* Tale = in

    section B*: $resents t.e c.aracteristics of t.e re'ions* T.e Es$oo re'ion is

    re'ar!e! .ere as a suuran area alt.ou'., accor!in' to t.e Es$oo

    unici$ality a$s, it is .alf rural .alf suuran* Suuran in t.is case

    t.erefore refers to areas %.ere ase stations are li&ely to e !e$loye! t.at is,

    areas %it.in Es$oo t.at in.aitants li2e* T.ese areas are alon' t.e coastline,

    near t.e rail%ay lines, an! alon' t.e rin' lines*

    T.e t.ree re'ions Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onui, are classifie! as uran,

    suuran an! rural areas ase! on t.e $o$ulation !ensity, lan! area as %ell as

    on t.e scale of e

    to>en! oile )i("- net%or&*

    4.1 ,i*ensioning iM!" -adio +nterface

    T.is section $resents t.e !iensionin' of t.e ra!io net%or& $art of t.e

    net%or&* 6araeters t.at are consi!ere! inclu!e estiation of t.e traffic


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B4

    T.e &ey as$ects t.e o$erator .as to consi!er %.en $lannin' to !e$loy a

    oile )i("- tec.nolo'y is t.e !eo'ra$.ics* #eo'ra$.ics !ata inclu!e

    $o$ulation !ensity an! $o$ulation 'ro%t. in a $articular area, !istriution of

    a'e 'rou$s aon' t.e $o$ulation, an! $ro$ortion of .ouse.ol! !ensities* T.is

    researc. %or& assues t.e !eo'ra$.ics re'ions are !i2i!e! into uran,

    suuran, an! rural areas* Tale = $resents t.e assue! &ey c.aracteristics

    !efinin' t.e !eo'ra$.ics re'ions*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B:

    Tale =/ C.aracteristics of t.e !eo'ra$.ic re'ions

    Area 7!aracteristics

    Uran Hi'. !ensity of $otential oile

    )i("- suscriers

    lo% ar&et $enetration !ue to

    t.e e

    ility of access tec.nolo'ySuuran (o!erate !ensity of $otential


    access to #SL an! cale tec.no>


    $ossiility of a .i'. ar&et $en>

    etration for a ne% o$erator

    $resence of usiness $ar&s an!


    consi!erale concentration of

    co$uter users

    .i'. $ercenta'e of couters

    t.at nee! ser2ices

    $ossiility to !e$loy lar'e cell


    Rural Hi'. concentration of resi!ential

    an! sall usinesses

    .i'. !ean! for Internet access

    an! ser2ices

    liite! co$etition 2ery .i'. ar&et $enetration an!

    ra$i! a!o$tion rate e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B3

    Tale B/ Geo'ra$.ic factors for t.e !e$loyent

    ,lement 3elsinki ,soo 8irkkonummi

    (ar&et se'ent Resi!entialuran Resi!entialsall

    e!iu enter$rises

    Rural area

    Sie :5 s@ & =:3 s@ & = s@ &

    6o$ulation 5,=: 3B:,55: :=:,5

    6o$ulation !ensity =41 $er s@ & 11 $er s@ & =4 $er s@ &

    Source/ Statistics Finlan!, 3441> .tt$/%%%*stat*fi ,

    T.e first !ecision an o$erator .as to a&e efore startin' !e$loyin' t.e

    oile )i("- net%or& is to c.oose t.e s$ectru to e use!* ).ile

    )i("- offers o$eration on ot. license! an! unlicense! an!s, t.e c.oice

    et%een eit.er of t.e t%o an!s !e$en!s on t.e re'ion of !e$loyent* Since

    license! s$ectru offers t.e enefit of controllin' t.e interference, it is

    t.erefore est suite! for uran an! suuran areas* For t.is researc. %or&,

    license! an!s 3*GH an! =*GH are t.erefore assue! for t.e

    !e$loyent* T.e license! an!s are also selecte! ecause re'ulations allo%

    t.e an!s to e use! also for fi

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B=

    $ro?ecte! !ata !ensity* #ata !ensity estiation tas& starts y cate'orisin' t.e


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y BB

    Tale / )i("- ser2ice classes 31J

    7lass descrition Alication t(e Bandwidt!

    Interacti2e 'ain' Interacti2e 'ain' 4 > 5 &$s

    VoI6, Vi!eo conferencin' VoI6 B > B &$s

    Vi!eo $.one =3 > =5B &$s

    Streain' e!ia (usicS$eec. > :35 &$s

    Vi!eo cli$s 34 > =5B &$s

    (o2ies streain' 3 ($s

    Inforation tec.nolo'y Instant essa'in' 34 yte essa'es

    )e ro%sin' 44 &$sEail%it. attac.ent 44 &$s

    (e!ia content !o%nloa!

    store an! for%ar!

    +ul& !ata, o2ie !o%n>


    : ($s

    $eer>to>$eer 44 &$s

    Tale also $resents t.e c.aracteristics of t.e !ata ser2ices t.at t.e o$erator

    can offer* #ata ser2ices in t.is stu!y refer to oile !ata ser2ices t.at are

    ase! on t.e I6 arc.itecture* T.e !ata ser2ices are assue! to e content

    oriente!, an! .a2in' interacti2e an!or ac&'roun! c.aracteristics*

    ).en !eterinin' t.e !ata !ensity re@uireent, t.e i$act of coutin'

    suscriers is ta&en into consi!eration* Coutin' traffic is ostly


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B

    custoers aon' t.e cate'ory of users are ot.er $araeters t.at are use! in

    coination %it. t.e 6+H acti2ity le2el to !eterine t.e iniu $er en!

    user rate*

    Tale 1 $resents t.e 2alues for t.e 6+H acti2ity le2el, custoer iuser rate !urin' 6+H* T.e

    o2erall custoer a2era'e !o%nlin& rate estiation is o2er t.e etro$olitan

    $o$ulation of DB:,DD1* Custoer i< in tale 1 a$$lies to t.e %.ole

    etro$olitan area*

    Tale 1/ Estiate! $ea& usy .our !ata re@uireent 33J






    Bus( 3our


    1 of / active


    dut( circle

    Minimal er

    end-user down-

    link rate during




    4P N Q 3P 44&$s



    =P N Q 1 3P B54&$s

    Casual users :P N Q 34 3P 3B4&$sCustoer a2era'e o2er et>

    ro$olitan area

    N Q 1*D 3P 4B&$s

    T.e 2alues in tale 1 are ase! on %.at %e re'ar! to e t.e con!ition of t.e

    net%or& !urin' t.e $ea& usy .our* For e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B

    to 1 %.ic. aounts to alost 54P of t.e etro$olitan $o$ulation statistics

    Finlan!, 3441*

    Tale 5 s.o%s t.e e


    %.1.1 Fre'uenc( selection

    T.e fre@uency an!s selecte! for t.e !e$loyent are =*GH an! for t.e

    uran an! suuran areas an! 3*GH an! for t.e rural area* T.e =*GH

    an! o$erates in t.e fre@uency ran'e =*= =*GH resultin' into =44(H of

    s$ectru* 3*GH an! o$erates in t.e fre@uency ran'e 3*= 9 3*D4GH

    resultin' into =D4(H of s$ectru* +an!s of =44(H or =D4(H are t.e

    total a2ailale s$ectru t.at t.e re'ulator can allocate to all e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B5

    >6at. loss/ is t.e $ro$a'ation loss t.at t.e ra!io fre@uency si'nal e6.ysical en2ironent/ t.e $resence of uil!in's an! ot.er an>a!e

    structures .a2e a si'nificant effect on t.e losses intro!uce! to t.e fre@uency

    an! in use* For instance, .i'.er fre@uency si'nals suffer consi!erale losses

    u$on encounterin' concrete an! etal surfaces* T.is e$.asises t.e nee! of

    ta&in' into account t.e losses intro!uce! y t.ese structures into t.e lin&


    >Cale loss/ .as an i$act on cases %.ere t.e ase station is to%er ounte!*

    In t.is case, cale loss increases %it. fre@uency*

    >S.a!o% ar'in/ T.e terrain an! an>a!e o?ects .a2e si'nificant i$act

    on t.e 2ariation of t.e si'nal $o%er, an! t.erefore a!!itional ar'in nee!s to

    e a!!e! to t.e $at. loss to ac.ie2e t.e !esire! co2era'e $roaility*

    Tale D $resents lin& u!'et $araeters for t.e !e$loyent in uran an!

    suuran areas for t.e fre@uency an! of =*GH, c.annel an!%i!t. :4(H

    T##, an! s$ectru =4(H*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y BD

    Tale D/ Lin& u!'et 3J

    arameter Mobile !and!eld in outdoor



    6ownlink )link

    6o%er a$lifier out$ut


    B=*4 !+ 31*4 !+ ":

    Nuer of transit an>

    tennas assuin' 3M3

    (I(O +ase stations

    3 3 "3

    Transit antenna 'ain :5 !+i 4 !+i "=

    Transitter losses =*4 !+ 4 !+ "B

    Effecti2e isotro$ic ra!i>

    ate! $o%er

    !+ 31 !+ " Q ": ; :4lo>

    ':4"3 ; "= > "B

    C.annel an!%i!t. :4(H :4(H "

    Nuer of suc.annels =4 = "1

    Recei2er noise le2el >:4B !+ >:4B !+ "5 Q >:1B ; :4lo>


    Recei2er noise fi'ure 5 !+ B !+ "D

    Re@uire! SNR 4*5 !+ :*5 !+ ":4

    Suc.annelisation 'ain 4 !+ :3 !+ ":: Q :4lo':4"1

    #ata rate $er suc.an>

    nel &$s

    ::*3 =B* ":3

    Recei2er sensiti2ity


    >D*3 >::4*3 ":= Q "5 ; "D ;

    ":4 >"::

    Recei2er antenna 'ain 4 !+i :5 !+i ":B

    Syste 'ain :*3 !+ :*3 !+ ": Q " 9 ":= ;


    S.a!o%>fa!e ar'in :4 !+ :4 !+ ":+uil!in' $enetration


    4 !+ 4 !+ ":1

    Lin& ar'in :4 !+ ::*B !+ ":5 Q ": 9 ": >


    Cell ra!ius :*5 & uran, 3*3 & su>


    "ssuin' COST>

    3=: Hata uran


    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 4

    T.e nuer of suc.annels =4 an! = is ase! on t.e initial oile

    )i("- $rofile for :4(H c.annel an!%i!t. t.at !efines =4 an! =

    suc.annels for u$lin& an! !o%nlin& res$ecti2ely*

    T.e co2era'e ran'es s.o%n in Tale D are !eterine! ase! on t.e COST>

    3=: Hata $ro$a'ation (o!el 3J* Lin& ar'in use! is :4!+* "lt.ou'.

    COST>3=: Hata o!el a$$lies to oile a$$lications in t.e :D44(H an!,

    it is assue! acce$tale for 344(H an! =44(H an!* SeeAppendix A

    for ore inforation on t.is $ro$a'ation o!el*

    Furt.erore, co2era'e ran'es in tale D are !eterine! assuin' t.at t.e

    oile ase station antenna .ei'.t is =4, an! t.e oile station .ei'.t is

    :* T.ese are t.e ty$ical 2alues for ost !e$loyent scenarios 3J*

    For t.e case of rural area, :M3 SI(O sc.ee is use!* )it. t.e sae

    $araeters for t.e lin& u!'et as in tale D e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y :

    case stu!y, tri>sector cells in a sin'le ase station are $referre! to ot.ers in

    or!er to $ro2i!e $recise co2era'e for t.e selecte! re'ions $ertainin' to t.e

    !e$loyent* T.e co2era'e areaAellof t.e tri>sector ase station is !eterine!

    usin' t.e follo%in' forula 34J/

    Aell; 178+ 4$ 3

    Fi'ure ::!e$icts t.e o!el for a t.ree sectore! ase station*

    In or!er to !eterine t.e nuer of ase stations,

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 3

    %.1.% 7!oosing Antenna 7onfiguration

    )i("- tec.nolo'y offers a ran'e of sart antenna tec.nolo'ies t.at

    i$ro2e t.e syste $erforance an! en.ance ot. co2era'e an! c.annel

    t.rou'.$ut* (oile )i("- also su$$orts (I(O antenna solutions t.at offer

    a!2anta'es suc. as increasin' t.e syste reliaility, increasin' t.e ac.ie2ale

    !ata rates, increasin' t.e co2era'e area an! !ecreasin' t.e transit $o%er*

    Sart antenna tec.nolo'ies t.at are su$$orte! inclu!e a!a$ti2e ea>

    forin', transit !i2ersity, an! s$atial ulti$le

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y =

    ta&es a!2anta'e of t.e reflecte! si'nals y su$eri$osin' t.e at t.e

    recei2in' en!*

    3M3 (I(O antenna offers $er sector t.rou'.$ut of :B*:($s !o%nlin&

    an! 3*=B($s u$lin& in a :4(H c.annel 3J* )it. 3M3 (I(O, s$ectral

    efficiency is :*D $sHert !o%nlin& an! 4*DB $sHert u$lin&* (oile

    )i("- su$$orts !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio fro :/: to =/:* T.is $resents a

    si'nificant increase in t.rou'.$ut in !o%nlin& as co$are! to u$lin&, t.erey

    $ro2i!in' an a!2anta'e to !ata>centric traffic %.ic. are esector ase stations as s.o%n in Fi'ure ::, an!

    eac. sector consistin' of antenna confi'uration 3M3 (I(O, t.e resultin'

    t.rou'.$ut is rou'.ly 3($s $er sector 3J* #ue to t.e lo% $roaility t.at

    all custoers are 'oin' to e ser2e! in a sin'le ase station, it is assue! t.at

    at least :4 custoers can e ser2e! $er sector*

    Since oile )i("- uses s.are! resources, t.e !ata rate $er sector is s.are!

    e@ually aon' all users currently ser2e! un!er t.e cell* For e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B

    t.e $ro?ecte! !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uireent as $resente! in Tale 5* T.is

    eans t.at t.e ca$acity of t.e ase station is a!e@uate to eet users !ean!

    as in Tale 5*

    For t.e case of rural area, Kir&&onui, :M3 SI(O antenna confi'uration is

    a suitale c.oice* T.is confi'uration uses a sin'le transit antenna an! t%o

    recei2e antennas at eac. en! of t.e lin&* "lt.ou'. t.ere is ea!e structures suc. as uil!in's an! ri!'es %.ic. can

    reflect t.e si'nal, :M3 SI(O sc.ee still ta&es a!2anta'e of ulti$at. to

    i$ro2e ot. u$lin& an! !o%nlin& recei2e! si'nal stren't.* On t.e ot.er

    .an! t.is confi'uration sa2es antenna costs as only a sin'le transit antenna

    is utilise!, an! t.is sees to e a reasonale c.oice for a rural area since t.e

    suscrier ase an! ta&e u$ rate at t.e e'innin' are e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y

    In ost cases, t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse is a $referre! o$tion for t.e

    !e$loyent since it .as t.e a!2anta'e of usin' t.e least aount of s$ectru*

    Gi2en t.at t.e ore s$ectru t.e o$erator nee!s t.e .i'.er t.e cost, t.is

    sc.ee .el$s in i$ro2in' co2era'e %.ile s$en!in' less oney on s$ectru*

    T.e !o%nsi!e of t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse is t.at it results into co>

    c.annel interference at t.e sector oun!aries an! cell e!'es* T.e co>c.annel

    interference re!uces t.e !o%nlin& c.annel ca$acity as t.e sucarriers

    allocate! are not fully utilise! t.rou'.out t.e entire cell*

    In or!er to ac.ie2e an acce$tale cell>e!'e $erforance %it. uni2ersal

    fre@uency reuse, oile )i("- su$$orts t.e fractional fre@uency reuse %it.

    t.e se'entation ec.anis* )it. t.e se'entation ec.anis, oile

    )i("- 'i2es users suc.annels t.at are only a sall $art of t.e %.ole


    )it. t.e fractional fre@uency reuse t.e (S uses $art of t.e suc.annel set,

    6artially Use! Sucarriers 6USC, %.en a$$roac.in' t.e or!ers of t.e cell*

    ).en it is close to t.e i!!le of t.e cell, t.e (S uses all t.e suc.annels,

    Fully use! Su>Carrier FUSC* Fi'ure :3 illustrate t.e $rinci$le of fractional

    fre@uency reuse*

    Figure :3/Frational fre>uen2 reuse"$1#

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    B Case Stu!y

    T.e fre@uency reuse of = sc.ee nee!s t.ree ties as uc. s$ectru as t.e

    uni2ersal fre@uency reuse ut it eliinates t.e co>c.annel interference at t.e

    sector oun!aries* It also re!uces t.e t.e co>c.annel interference et%een

    nei'.ourin' cells !ue to increasin' s$atial se$aration for c.annels o$eratin'

    on t.e sae fre@uency an!* Fi'ure := illustrate t.e fre@uency reuse of =*

    Figure 1&: Fre>uen2 reuse of & with & setors !ase station

    T.e &ey @uestions to a!!ress for t.is !e$loyent are/ .o% to c.oose t.e

    fre@uency re>use $lan t.at enales o$tial use of t.e a2ailale s$ectru an!

    on %.at asis s.oul! one select t.e fre@uency $lan for t.e uran, suuran

    an! rural areas* )it. t.e assue! =4(H s$ectru an! a :4(H T##

    c.annel, it eans t.at if t.e o$erator a!o$ts t.e fre@uency reuse $lan of :

    t.en eac. sector is allocate! t.ree :4(H T## c.annels 3J* T.e

    !eterinin' factor for assi'nin' t.e c.annels in a sin'le ase station is t.e

    s$ectru t.at t.e o$erator .as ac@uire! fro t.e telecounications

    re'ulatory aut.ority* T.e re'ulatory aut.ority allocates t.e :4(H T##

    c.annel !e$en!in' u$on t.e fre@uency of o$eration=*GH an! 3*GH

    an!s, as use! in t.is stu!y*

    )it. t.e fre@uency reuse $lan of = t.en eac. sector is allocate! a sin'le

    :4(H T## c.annel* T.e o2erall ca$acity for :,:,= reuse $attern is .i'.er

    t.an :,=,= reuse $attern since eac. sector is allocate! t.ree c.annels as

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 1

    o$$ose! to one c.annel in t.e case of :,=,= reuse*

    +ase! on t.e o2erall ca$acity an! cost>effecti2eness, a uni2ersal fre@uency

    reuse is $referre! for t.is case stu!y* T.e fre@uency reuse of : enales etter

    utilisation of t.e assue! s$ectru as %ell as t.e increase in ca$acity*

    Fre'uenc( reuse distance

    Cellular net%or& $lannin' re@uires t.at cells usin' t.e sae fre@uency e

    se$arate! y t.e fre@uency reuse !istance D in or!er to ac.ie2e tolerale

    si'nal to interference $lus noise ratio :BJ* For t.e fre@uency reuse !istance,

    D, t.e follo%in' relations.i$ .ol!s/

    D=4=( B

    %.ere4 is t.e ra!ius of t.e cell, an!Mis t.e fre@uency reuse $attern factor

    M? @16&6)606861$6777* E@uation B is ase! on t.e assu$tion t.at t.e cells are


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 5

    Tale :4/ Reuse !istance

    "egion 7ell radius km5 "euse distance km5

    Helsin&i :*5 =*33

    Es$oo 3*3 =*D:

    Kir&&onui 3* B*:

    %.1.< 6ule9ing met!od

    )i("- tec.nolo'y uses t%o ty$es of !u$le

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y D

    T.is is ecause %it. =/: T## sc.ee a s.are! c.annel is use! t.ree @uarter

    of t.e tie for !o%nlin& an! one @uarter of t.e tie for t.e u$lin&* Selectin'

    a :4(H T## c.annel for t.e re'ions ac.ie2es efficient usa'e of t.e liite!

    s$ectru %.ile at t.e sae tie offerin' t.e e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 4

    %.1.= Back!aul transort solutions

    "fter !eterinin' t.e nuer of ase stations re@uire! in a $articular area,

    t.ere is a nee! to a!!ress t.e issue of .o% to $ro2i!e a trans$ort solution to

    ensure $oint to $oint or $oint to ulti$oint connecti2ity of t.e ase stations*

    T.ere are se2eral to$olo'y o$tions t.at are a2ailale for $lannin' trans$ort

    net%or& $oint>to>$oint, c.ain, loo$, tree an! es. to$olo'ies*

    Ho%e2er, t.is section !oes not !etail t.e i$leentation of t.e to$olo'ies for

    t.e $articular area, ut rat.er $ro2i!e an o2er2ie% for !iensionin' t.e

    trans$ort net%or&* T.is is !ue to lac& of access to to$o'ra$.y a$s of t.e

    re'ions selecte! for t.e !e$loyent* T.e ost critical $art in !iensionin' a

    trans$ort net%or& is in fin!in' a transission solution for t.e connection

    et%een t.e transission net%or& an! ase station site* T.e transission

    solution can e ase! on t.e lease! Tie #i2ision (ulti$lease! ac&one net%or& !oes not e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y :

    Figure 1+: Dimensioning transport networ' "

    T.e follo%in' are t.e ste$s in2ol2e! in !iensionin' t.e trans$ort net%or&/

    7alculation of t!e re'uired transort network caacit(/ T.is

    inclu!es t.e re@uire! transission ca$acity for t.e ase station* T.e

    nee!e! trans$ort net%or& ca$acity !e$en!s on t.e ra!io net%or&

    confi'uration, %.ic. a'ain is ase! on t.e estiate! nuer of

    suscriers an! t.e ser2ices t.at t.ey use* "s $resente! in Section

    B*:*B, t.e ca$acity $er ase station for t.e !e$loyent is 3($s

    !o%nlin& for Helsin&i an! Es$oo usin' 3M3 (I(O antenna an!

    D ($s u$lin& for Kir&&onui usin' :M3 SI(O antenna*

    +election of t!e transort network media/ t.is !e$en!s on t.e

    en2ironent an! net%or& confi'uration* T.e c.oices inclu!e cales,

    ra!ios, etro et.ernet an! lease! lines as entione! earlier*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

    Ser2ices $er suscrierNuer of suscriers

    Re@uire! transission

    ca$acity $er ase stat ion

    Re@uire! t ransission

    ca$acity $er core


    Auality of ser2ice

    re@uireents for t.e


    Ra!io net %or& $lannin'

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 3

    lanning t!e transort network toolog(/ $lannin' is ase! on t.e


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y =

    4.2 ,i*ensioning iM!" et#or$

    T.is section !escries t.e !iensionin' of a oile )i("- net%or& %.ic.

    inclu!es eleents "SN>G) an! in t.e CSN* T.is inclu!es !iensionin'

    interfaces et%een t.e ase station an! t.e "SN>G), et%een "SN>G)s,

    an! et%een "SN an! CSN* #iensionin' also inclu!es confi'uration of t.e

    CSN eleents ase! on t.e estiate of traffic 'enerate! y t.e

    suscrierscustoers as $resente! in section B*:* +efore !etailin' t.e

    !iensionin' of t.e core net%or& $art, Fi'ure : $resents t.e !etaile!

    arc.itecture of t.e )i("- en!>to>en! net%or&*

    Figure 1: Detailed WiMAX arhiteture "$#

    Fi'ure : s.o%s an e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y B

    traffic estiation coin' out of t.e ase station* T.e traffic estiation

    !eterines .o% t.e eleents an! interfaces are confi'ure! to enale en!>to>

    en! connecti2ity*

    T.e )i("- arc.itecture su$$orts ot. t.e I6 $ac&ets an! Et.ernet fraes*

    T.e "SN $art of oile )i("- net%or& .an!les routin' of $ac&ets et%een

    t.e ase stations an! "SN>G)s* Routin' o2er t.e "SN is $erfore! usin'

    I6>in>I6 enca$sulation $rotocols suc. as 'eneric routin' enca$sulation

    GRE* 6ac&ets %it.in t.e "SN are eit.er ri!'e! or route!*

    T.e )i("- ase station consists of Et.ernet interface %.ic. can su$$ort

    ca$acity of :4>:44($s 35J* T.e "SN>G) %.ic. interfaces %it. t.e ase

    station, su$$orts ca$acity on t.e le2els of G$s it su$$orts :44:444 +ase>T

    Et.ernet interface a!a$ter* " sin'le "SN>G) can .an!le u$ to :44,444 users

    an! 34,444 VoI6 calls 35J* "ccor!in' to t.e !iensionin' rule, one "SN>

    G) ana'es 344 cells, t.erefore one "SN>G) can connects as any as

    ase stations %it. one ase station consistin' of t.ree cells*

    In or!er to !iension t.e oile )i("- en!>to>en! net%or&, assu$tions

    on t.e suscrier usa'e of t.e net%or& ser2ices, an! en!>to>en! traffic o!el

    are 'i2en* )e also $ro2i!e t.e traffic relate! e2ents .a2in' an i$act on "SN

    eleents as %ell as "SN AoS ec.aniss*

    %.2.1 ,nd-to-end traffic model

    T.e en!>to>en! traffic o!el !escries t.e suscrier e.a2iour for an

    ali'ne! ca$acity $lannin' of t.e oile )i("- net%or& eleents* It

    inclu!es t.e suscrier traffic o!el as %ell as t.e suscrier oility o!el*

    T.e suscrier traffic o!el $ro2i!es t.e state of t.e suscriers on t.e

    net%or& an! t.eir s.are on t.e interfaces* Tale :: lists t.e $araeters t.at

    are !efine! for t.e suscrier traffic o!el*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    B Case Stu!y

    Tale ::/ Suscrier traffic o!el

    arameter )nit 6escrition

    Suscri$tions 54,444Su of all suscriers of t.e $ro>

    2i!er* refer to Tale 5

    6o%ere! on suscriers 54P6ercenta'e of suscriers t.at .a2e

    $o%ere! on t.eir oile stations

    "cti2e suscriers 4P6ercenta'e of "SN suscrier sta>

    tions in an acti2e state

    Suscriers in slee$in'


    34P 6ercenta'e of "SN suscriers in

    slee$in' state*

    Suscriers in i!le state =4P6ercenta'e of "SN suscriers in

    i!le state*

    In tale ::, t.e assu$tion use! is t.at a si'nificant $ercenta'e 4P of

    suscriers are in acti2e state, %.ic. is t.e o2ious case for ost of oile

    an! %ireless net%or&s, an! t.e rest are in i!le an! slee$in' state* "cti2e, i!le

    an! slee$in' suscriers refer to $o%ere! on suscriers*

    T.e suscrier oility o!el $ro2i!es oility e2ents in t.e usy .our at

    t.e R, RB, an! R= interfaces* T.e oility e2ents occur %.en eit.er t.e

    suscrier station is in acti2e, i!le or slee$in' state* T.e state of t.e

    suscrier station !eterines t.e fre@uency of oility e2ents* For acti2e or

    slee$in' suscrier stations oility occurs at t.e sector crossin's, %.ile for

    i!le suscrier stations oility occurs as a conse@uence of a location u$!ate*

    Tale :3 $resents $araeters for t.e suscrier oility o!el*

    Tale :3/ Suscrier oility o!el

    arameter )nit 6escrition

    6ercenta'e of suscriers

    in t.e R interface

    4P 6ercenta'e of suscriers locate!

    in "SN>G) area

    6ercenta'e of suscriers

    in t.e RB interface

    BP 6ercenta'e of suscrier t.at are

    in .an!o2er et%een "SN 'ate>


    6ercenta'e of suscriers

    in t.e R= interface

    BP 6ercenta'e of suscrier t.at are


    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    B Case Stu!y

    T.e 2alues in tale :3 are ase! on t.e reasonin' t.at t.e suscrier

    !istriution o2er t.e interfaces is suc. t.at t.e suscriers o2er R interface

    is t.e su of suscriers o2er RB an! R= interfaces* Out of 4P acti2e

    suscriers in an "SN 'ate%ay area, BP are assue! to e usin' t.at "SN

    'ate%ay as a ser2in' 'ate%ay* Reainin' suscriers are oile in t.e R=


    %.2.2 A+/ *atewa( dimensioning

    In or!er to !iension t.e "SN 'ate%ay, t.e !ata !ensity re@uireents y t.e

    tent. year an! VoI6 'enerate! traffic are use!* T.e 'enerate! VoI6 traffic is a

    result of $o%ere! on suscriers %.ile for t.e case of t.e !ata traffic, t.e


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 1

    )e assue t.at a G*13D co!ec is use! on to$ of I62B ac&one, %.ere a

    frae is $ro!uce! e2ery 34s, an! t.e VoI6 $ac&et sie is as follo%s J/

    VoI6 $ac&et sie Q Et.ernet frae .ea!er B3 ytes ; I62B .ea!er 34 ytes

    ; U#6 .ea!er 5 ytes ; RT6 .ea!er :3 ytes ; 2oice $ayloa! sie 34

    ytes Q :43 ytes*

    )e calculate t.e eG) interfaces R,

    RB, R=*

    T.e offere! traffic is !istriute! ase! u$on t.e suscrier !istriution as in

    Tale :3* "ssuin' t.at t.e $ercenta'e of suscriers in an interface is

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    B Case Stu!y 5

    $ro$ortional to t.e offere! traffic on t.at interface, t.en t.e $ro$ortion of

    traffic loa! $er interface is as follo%s/

    R interface/ For VoI6 traffic, 4P of t.e offere! loa! for VoI6

    traffic Q B:($s is !istriute! to t.e interface, %.ile for t.e

    !ata traffic :4 ($s is !istriute! to t.e R interface*

    RB interface/ For VoI6 traffic, BP of t.e VoI6 traffic loa! Q

    =*=($s is !istriute! to t.e interface, %.ile 4*5($s !ata

    traffic is !istriute! to t.e interface*

    R= interface/ For VoI6 traffic, BP of t.e VoI6 traffic loa! Q=1*1 ($s is !istriute!, %.ile D*3($s !ata traffic is

    !istriute! to t.e R interface*

    In or!er to !eterine t.e ca$acity of t.e "SN trans$ort lin&, R, a forula

    ase! on t.e a2era'e ra!io cell t.rou'.$ut =J is use!* )it. t.is forula, t.e

    ca$acity of t.e R interface et%een t.e ase station an! "SN>G) is liite!

    y t.e ca$acity of t.e ra!io cell ser2e! y t.e ase station* T.e ra!io cell

    ca$acity !e$en!s on t.e ra!io confi'uration an! air interface con!ition as it is$resente! in Section B*:*B* T.erefore R ca$acity re@uireents on t.e

    trans$ort le2el is calculate! ase! on t.e follo%in' forula =J/

    41!andwidth=num!erof (ells per C-Average (ell (apa(it2s(alingfator

    Scalin' factor in e@uation accounts for a .i'.er t.an a2era'e traffic to e

    accoo!ate!, an! ta&es into account t.e R trans$ort o2er.ea!* T.e

    su''este! 2alue for t.e scalin' factor is :*3* +S is assue! to e a tri>

    sectore! +S, an! t.e a2era'e cell ca$acity is =:($s*

    Usin' t.ese 2alues results into a$$ro

    G) su$$orts :44:444 +ase>T< Et.ernet interface connection* )it.

    ::($s trans$ort ca$acity, R interface can su$$ort t.e offere! loa!*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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    B Case Stu!y D

    %.2.$ A+/ ?o+ mec!anisms

    T.is section !escries t.e AoS issues t.at are .a2in' an i$act on "SN

    !iensionin'* )it. oile )i("-, it is $ossile to select t.e AoS classes

    t.at are suitale for t.e ser2ices t.at t.e o$erator e

    $ut Q 4B&$s

    $er suscrier,


    tions inclu!in'

    .tt$, ft$ an! e>ail*



    "2era'e t.rou'.>

    $ut Q 3B4&$s

    $er suscrier,a

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 14

    only for t.e ert>6S ser2ice class* T.e +E ser2ice !oes not nee! an a!ission

    ec.anis an! flo%s are al%ays a!itte!* For t.e real tie ser2ice set u$,

    suc. as 2i!eo tele$.ony or VoI6, t.e a2ailale air interface an!%i!t.

    resources are co$are! %it. traffic rates s$ecifie! in t.e suscrier $rofile,

    an! if t.ere are not enou'. resources t.e connection is re?ecte!* T.e ser2ice

    flo%s are rate liite! after ein' a!itte! so t.at t.e suscrie! it rate are

    not e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 1:

    #i2i!in' suscriers in 'rou$s an! confi'urin' !ifferent H" a!!resses

    for eac. suscrier 'rou$*

    """ ser2er assi'ns H" a!!ress out of $ool of H" a!!resses in eac.

    access re@uest*

    +y i$leentin' a ec.anis in t.e """ ser2er to re$ly a !ifferent

    H" a!!ress !e$en!in' on t.e H" loa! inforation*

    AAA +erver

    T.e $erforance $araeters for t.e """ ser2er are t.e !ataase ca$acity for

    aut.orisation an! accountin', aut.entication transactions an! accountin'

    transactions* T.e re@uire! !ataase ca$acity for aut.entication is t.e nuer

    of all suscriers, 54,444* T.e re@uire! !ataase ca$acity for accountin'

    !e$en!s on t.e a2era'e sie of t.e accountin' tic&et, t.e nuer of

    accountin' transactions an! t.e tie t.at accountin' tic&et nee!s to e store!*

    T.e accountin' transaction loa! is t.e su of accountin' e2ents !ue to

    $o%ere! on suscriers, suscriers in t.e R= interface, (I6 rene%al an!

    suscriers !ue to accountin' u$!ate* "n accountin' u$!ate is tri''ere! y an


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 13


    T.e fire%all is !iensione! ase! u$on t.e total re@uire! traffic !urin' t.e

    usy .our %it. res$ect to t.e e@ui$ent $rocessin' ca$acity* T.e fire%all is


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 1=

    %.2.& +ummar( and conclusion

    T.is c.a$ter $resente! t.e !iensionin' of t.e oile )i("- in t.e access

    an! core net%or&, usin' t.ree re'ions Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onui as

    t.e case stu!y for t.e !e$loyent* In !iensionin' t.e ra!io interface $art of

    t.e oile )i("-, %e oser2e! t.at usin' license! an! =*GH an! for

    Helsin&i an! Es$oo re'ions as %ell as 3 M 3 (I(O sc.ee resulte! into a

    reasonale nuer of ase stations re@uire! for co2era'e* "lt.ou'. t.e case

    stu!y !i! not !etail t.e o$tiu locations for t.e ase stations, t.e nuer of

    ase stations %ere !eterine! so as to ensure t.at inial cost is incurre!

    !urin' t.e !e$loyent $.ase* T.is is ac.ie2e! y o$tiisin' t.e lin& u!'et$araeters, suc. as t.e nuer of suc.annels, so as to ac.ie2e sufficient

    lin& ar'in* For t.e rural area, usin' t.e : M 3 SI(O sc.ee resulte! into a

    it lo%er lin& ar'in t.an to uran Helsin&i an! suuran Es$oo , an!

    conse@uently to fe%er nuer of ase stations*

    T.e analysis $resente! in t.is c.a$ter s.o%s t.at !e$loyin' in t.e 3*GH

    an! in t.e rural area resulte! into fe%er nuer of ase stations co$are! to

    t.e case of =*GH !e$loyent !es$ite t.e fact t.at it .as t.e lar'est areasie* T.is is ecause 3*GH an! .as saller $ro$a'ation losses t.an =*

    GH an! an! t.us t.e ase station si'nal $ro$a'ates furt.er* 3*GH is

    $referre! in t.e rural area !ue to t.e $roaility of $ro2i!in' %i!e co2era'e

    %it.out %orryin' uc. aout ca$acity nee!s since %e $ro?ect fe% suscriers

    to e $resent* T.e total nuer of ase stations re@uire! for ui@uitous

    co2era'e as %ell as a!!ressin' ca$acity nee!s is 5 for a etro$olitan area of

    t.e sie of 5= &3*

    It is also oser2e! t.at t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse a!o$te! in t.e case stu!y

    $ro2i!es t.e .i'.est $er sector a2era'e t.rou'.$ut ut it !oes so %.ile

    sacrificin' t.e $erforance at t.e cell>e!'e* "lt.ou'. fre@uency reuse of =

    ac.ie2es an acce$tale le2el of user !ata rate at t.e cell>e!'e, it is not

    $referre! since t.ere is a liite! aount of s$ectru* In or!er to efficiently

    a!!ress t.e ca$acity nee!s, t.e (I(O an! SI(O sc.ees %it. sufficiently

    .i'. s$ectral efficiency a2era'e! o2er :*1$sH are selecte!*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    B Case Stu!y 1B

    T.e c.oice of :4(H c.annel an!%i!t. is ase! on ac.ie2in' .i'.er

    ca$acity $er sector, since ta&in' into account t.e s$ectral efficiency, t.e

    .i'.er t.e c.annel an!%i!t. t.e 'reater t.e ca$acity*

    In !iensionin' )i("- net%or&, %e oser2e! t.at t.e eleents "SN>G)

    an! in t.e CSN, are !iensione! ase! u$on t.e traffic estiation t.at is a

    result of !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uireents* T.e $ro?ecte! !o%nlin& !ata

    !ensity re@uireents an! t.e traffic loa! y $o%ere! on suscriers are

    fulfille! y selectin' t.e a$$ro$riate antenna tec.nolo'ies an! core net%or&

    eleents* T.e stu!y s.o%e! t.at %it. careful !eterine! !ata !ensity

    re@uireents in t.e re'ions selecte! for t.e !e$loyent, suitale antenna

    tec.nolo'ies can e selecte! t.at %ill result into a ca$acity across R

    interface t.at su$$orts t.e offere! loa!* E@ui$ents $ertainin' to t.e H",

    #HC6, """ ser2ers are selecte! ase! u$on t.e nuer of suscriers, an!

    t.eir $rocessin' ca$acities a'ainst t.e nuer of transactions or re@uests $er

    secon!* T.ese no!es are essential for $ro2i!in' access control an! aut.orisin'

    entry to t.e use of t.e oile )i("- ser2ices, an! t.erefore it is i$ortant

    t.at careful selection e $erfore!* Fro t.e AoS $oint of 2ie%, %e oser2e!

    t.at t.e oile )i("- net%or& 'i2es an o$erator t.e aility to select AoS

    classes t.at are suitale for t.e ty$e of ser2ices e

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    Conclusions an! Future %or& 1

    & 7onclusions and Future work

    #es$ite t.e a!2anta'es t.at )i("- tec.nolo'y offers !urin' !e$loyent, it

    re@uires careful !iensionin' an! e2entually $lannin' in t.e access an! core

    $art of t.e net%or& so t.at t.e estiate! !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uireents

    are fulfille!* "s$ects of t.e access net%or& suc. as lin& u!'et calculation,

    antenna confi'urations an! fre@uency reuse sc.ees, nee! to e carefully

    $erfore!* T.e stu!y s.o%e! t.at y o$tiisin' t.e lin& u!'et $araeters

    suc. as t.e nuer of transittin' antennas an! nuer of su>c.annels ot.

    for t.e u$lin& an! !o%nlin&, t.e cell ra!ius is increase! lea!in' to fe%

    nuer of ase stations* T.is translates to si'nificant cost sa2in's as ase

    station infrastructure costs aount to a .i'. 2alue on t.e o2erall en!>to>en!

    in2estent* Usin' t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse sc.ee ensures an effecti2e

    use of t.e a2ailale s$ectru ut sacrifices t.e cell e!'e $erforance*

    T.e stu!y s.o%e! t.at, %.en !e$loyin' a oile )i("- net%or& in a lo%

    !ensity area suc. as Kir&&onui, : M 3 SI(O sc.ee is a 'oo! c.oice*

    )it. t.is sc.ee, t.e resultin' cell ra!ius lea!s to fe%er ase stations nee!e!

    t.an in t.e case of 3 M 3 (I(O sc.ee* It is also oser2e! t.at : M 3 SI(O

    an! 3 M 3 (I(O sc.ees are 'oo! c.oices for ran'e liite! !e$loyent

    an! as suc. can e use! to 'et ui@uitous co2era'e o2er t.e etro$olitan

    area* "lt.ou'. 3 M 3 (I(O sc.ee in Helsin&i resulte! into fe%er ase

    stations t.an ot.er re'ions in suc. a !ensely $ac&e! en2ironent, u$'ra!es to

    t.e ase stations confi'urations %it. a!a$ti2e eaforin' tec.ni@ue can

    .el$ eet t.e ca$acity re@uireent*

    +ase! on t.is stu!y, it is %ort. notin' t.at t.e increase in t.e nuer of


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    Conclusions an! Future %or& 1

    ).en selectin' t.e CSN eleents H", """ ser2er, #HC6 ser2er, an!

    fire%all for t.e !e$loyent, t.e o$erator .as to a&e sure t.at t.eir

    $rocessin' ca$acities ta&e into account t.e increase of custoers*

    Fro t.e "SN AoS $oint of 2ie%, %e oser2e! t.at oile )i("- $ro2i!es

    an o$erator t.e fle

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881




    !ll http lin$s #ere tested/ and found to be #or$ing on 20.10.100.

    :J "'.2ai, H*, an! 7o.nston, N/ /omparing WiMAX and 3-*A a guide to the



  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881



    :4J Hou, 7*, Hu, C*, Ki, H*, an! Ge, Y*/ o- provisioning in %GGG 59$711.

    ompliant networ's: *ast6 present and future6 Uni2ersity of Illinois, Octoer


    ::J Hunu&ure, (*, U$ase, +*, an! Va!'aa, S*,/ 4adio networ' dimensioning

    and planning for WiMAX networ's7 !tt#www.fu:itsu.comdownloads


    :3J IEEE Tec.nical $a$er/Analog2 of promising wireless tehnologies on different

    fre>ueniesI Cluetooth6 WiFi6 and WiMAX6 "u'ust 3441*

    :=J 7un, 7*, 6e!!aac.a'ari, 6*, an! Sic.itiu, (*/ Theoretial maximumthroughput of %GGG 59$711 and its appliations6 Nort. Carolina State

    Uni2ersity, "$ril 344=* !tt#ieee9lore.ieee.org9lsabsEall.:sG

    arnumberH12;11C.ie. )u/A omparison of WiFi and WiMAX with ase studies6 (aster0s

    t.esis, Flori!a state Uni2ersity, 3441* !tt#etd.lib.fsu.edut!esesavailable


    :1J Nortel/ /onsiderations for deplo2ing mo!ile WiMAX at various fre>uenies7


    :5J O.rtan, F/ WiMAX 3and!oo'6 Cuilding 59$71 wireless networ's6US" 344*

    :DJ Rieiro, C*,/ Cringing wireless aess to the automo!ileA omparison of Wi.

    Fi6 WiMAX6 MCWA6 and &,6 3:stCo$uter Science seinar*


    34J S2en>Gusta2 H''an/Mo!ile /ommuniation -2stems and servies6 Lecture

    notes, Helsin&i Uni2ersity of Tec.nolo'y, No2eer 344*

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881



    3:J T.oas Casey/ Case -tation /ontrolled Joad Calaning with 3andovers in

    mo!ile WiMAX6 (aster0s t.esis, Helsin&i Uni2ersity of Tec.nolo'y, 7anuary,


    33J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ A omparative anal2sis of Mo!ile WiMAX

    deplo2ment alternatives in the aess networ'6 (ay 3441*


    3=J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/Mo!ile WiMAX *art 1: A tehnial overview

    and performane evaluation6 "u'ust 344*


    3BJ )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ WiMAX deplo2ment onsiderations for fixed

    wireless aess in the $7+,3B and &7+,3B liensed !ands6 7une 344* !tt#


    3J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ WiMAX deplo2ment with self installa!le %ndoor

    terminals6 7une 344*!tt#www.wima9forum.orgtec!nolog(downloads

    3J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ WiMAX tehnolog2 for JO- and JO-

    environments6 "u'ust 344B


    31J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ /an WiMAX address 2our appliationsK6 Octoer

    344* !tt#www.wima9forum.orgdocumentsdownloads

    35J )i("- Foru/ Net%or&in' 'rou$*


    3DJ )i("- ).ite$a$er/ A omprehensive WiMAX Operator Cusiness ase

    proess7 !tt#www.wima9.com

    =4J )i("- ).ite$a$er/ TDD vs FDD7


    =:J )i("- 2i!eos*!tt#www.wima9.comwima9-videovideo

    (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


  • 8/12/2019 Urn 012881


    "$$en!i< " 5:

    rlang ) for*ula

    T.e erlan' C forula calculates t.e $roaility of @ueuin'* for traffic T

    %it. t.e aount of c.annels /7 T.e traffic is 'i2en in Erlan's* T.e forula

    calculates t.e $roaility t.at t.e user .as to %ait to e ser2e!*

    */= T

    ///[/ N /T]



    Ti/ i NT

    ///[/ N /T]