Updating a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage Services. December 2015 Contact Information:...

Financial Services. December 2015 Contact Information: 480-965-2334 or email Page 1 Updating a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage Your RACF/CICS password will expire every 90 days. You will need to update your password in both the character-based and GUI systems (if applicable) when this occurs. This is a two-step process. To perform this update, please follow the procedure outlined below. Ensure that you are logged into your Cisco AnyConnect VPN client (unless using a virtual desktop via Admin Apps) Double click on your Advantage character-based application (Queensland, Open Text, Hummingbird, etc.). If you do not know which application to use, contact your systems support personnel before proceeding. Begin the logon process at the following screen: Type your RACF/CICS User ID in the Userid field. Press the TAB key. Type your current RACF/CICS Password in the Password field. Press the ENTER key.

Transcript of Updating a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage Services. December 2015 Contact Information:...

Page 1: Updating a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage Services. December 2015 Contact Information: 480-965-2334 or email Page 1 Updating a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage . Your

Financial Services. December 2015 Contact Information: 480-965-2334 or email

Page 1

Updating a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage Your RACF/CICS password will expire every 90 days. You will need to update your password in both the character-based and GUI systems (if applicable) when this occurs. This is a two-step process. To perform this update, please follow the procedure outlined below. Ensure that you are logged into your Cisco AnyConnect VPN client (unless using a virtual desktop via Admin Apps) Double click on your Advantage character-based application (Queensland, Open Text, Hummingbird, etc.). If you do not know which application to use, contact your systems support personnel before proceeding.

Begin the logon process at the following screen:

• Type your RACF/CICS User ID in the Userid field.

• Press the TAB key.

• Type your current RACF/CICS Password in the Password field.

• Press the ENTER key.

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Page 2

The User Password Maintenance screen will appear:

• Type a new unique password in the New Password field. Note: your password must be something never before used and it must be at 6-8 characters long.

• Press the ENTER key.

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Page 3

The User Password Maintenance screen will refresh. You will be prompted to confirm the new password:

• Retype the new password in the Re-enter New Password field.

• Press the ENTER key.

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Financial Services. December 2015 Contact Information: 480-965-2334 or email

Page 4

The User Password Maintenance screen will refresh again with the message:


• Press the F3 key to save your password information.

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The primary menu screen will appear:

• Close the window.

If you only use a character-based application to access Advantage, your password update procedure is completed. Follow the instructions on the next page for resetting your password in Advantage GUI setup if you use that application.

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Page 6

Resetting a RACF/CICS ID and Password in Advantage GUI To reset/set your RACF/CICS ID Password in Advantage Setup, browse to this location:

If using Advantage via a virtual desktop in Admin Apps, please launch that virtual machine before proceeding • Go to Start > All Programs > ADVANTAGE 2.0 > ADVANTAGE Setup.

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The Advantage Setup Window will appear:

• Click on the Load Setting File button.

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Page 8

The Select the .INI file window will appear:

• Click on the vpnp.ini . • Click on the OK button.

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Page 9

The Advantage Setup Window will appear:

• Click on the Edit Comm Security Profile button.

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Page 10

The DESKTOP Security window will appear:

• In User ID, type vpnp.

• In Password, type vpnp.

• Click on the OK button.

The following dialogue box will appear:

• Confirm the Comm Section is: FIN_TCPIP.

• Click on the OK button.

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Page 11

The Edit Comm Security Profile Window will appear:

• In User ID, type your RACF/CICS ID, e.g., CICSID in all CAPITAL letters.

• In Password, type you’re new RACF/CICS password in all CAPITAL letters.

• Click on Apply.

• Click on OK.

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Save the changes that you made on the following screen:

• At the Advantage Setup Window, from the Menu bar, select Security: Save Profile.

• Close this window.

When finished, start Advantage and log in to verify the changes have been applied.