Updated Term Paper on Migration & Women Empowerment in Dhaka

Page | 0 BRAC University Course Code SOC101 Title Introduction to Sociology Term Paper on “Migration and Women Empowerment in Dhaka City” Prepared for Lutfun Nahar Lata Faculty, Department of Economics and Social Sciences (ESS) Prepared by Fahad Munir 11201014 Md. Kamrul Hasan 11201032 Ishtiaq Ahmed 12104011 Zaki Anan 12101060 Ibrahim Bin Mohiuddin 12101062 Submission Date December 4, 2013


Updated Term Paper on Migration & Women Empowerment in Dhaka

Transcript of Updated Term Paper on Migration & Women Empowerment in Dhaka

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BRAC University

Course Code – SOC101

Title – Introduction to Sociology

Term Paper on

“Migration and Women Empowerment in Dhaka City”

Prepared for

Lutfun Nahar Lata

Faculty, Department of Economics and Social Sciences (ESS)

Prepared by

Fahad Munir 11201014

Md. Kamrul Hasan 11201032

Ishtiaq Ahmed 12104011

Zaki Anan 12101060

Ibrahim Bin Mohiuddin 12101062

Submission Date – December 4, 2013

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Table of Contents


1. Abstract 2

2. Introduction 2-3

3. Objective of the Study 3

4. Operation Definition of the Concepts 3

5. Methodology 3-4

6. Limitation of the Study 4

7. Descriptive Results 5-8

8. Conclusion 9-10

9. References 11

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In reality Migration and women empowerment are truly co-related matter in our present

situation. After migrating from different areas to Dhaka city, it’s extremely abstruse to cope up

with new environment. Most of the time they face various types of problem, often it seems

bizarre to them. Searching for work is the first priority for them and this is the truly first step of

being empowered. It discussed in detail in the paper and how women are earning and becoming

the decision taker of their families and the impact of migrating and the steps of empowering. The

topic is split in segments for higher understanding and discussions in details. Women of different

sectors from Dhaka city are interviewed on their migration and empowerment. In our group, we

are 5 members and we took interviews of ten people from different slum in Dhaka city. Our

research pattern was questionnaire method. Our data collection source was from two sectors like

primary data collection and secondary data collection method. After analyzing the data collecting

from field survey, this report concludes that female workers who migrated from different areas to

Dhaka city are mostly poor or ultra-poor. After presenting the main findings in a descriptive

fashion, the article provides a marrow that this contemplative idea of migration was the colossal

verdict for their life as well as for empowering themselves.


There are always two variable sides of coins that is life and the other part is struggling. Women

who have occupied a strong position in case of economic sector that positions have enable to

resist them with all sorts of difficulties confidently. They left their traditional, black, dark,

submissive, gloomy life at the other side of the door and simply moved and discovered the new,

unknown, mysterious faces of their own in front of the mirror which have made them successful,

fearless, courageous, aware, and strong and to be the self-judge. The financial power is the core

agenda of life. When they become the earning member and contribute for the benefit of her

family, her position automatically has ranked high. In this modern era they have captured a

principal proportion which is entirely a positive signal for the welfare of the world. Now they are

no longer lead a life with full of dependency though now they are the master of their own fate.

The era of feminism is taught them a lot which definitely has made them bold to depict the inner

talent as well as quality to the universe. The opportunities of the urban sectors have been the

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platform for them. Obviously, they are making literal use of their opportunity to empower them.

It might not be possible to spread the tremendous empowerment of women if there wouldn’t any

migration to urban area. It needs no telling about their hard working and immense labor has

made their way easier and remarkable.

Objective of the Study:

The core objective of the study was to know about the impact of Women migration on Women

Empowerment in Dhaka City. To fulfill the broad objective the following specific objectives are


I. To know the migration rate of female migrants of Dhaka City.

II. To know the workers rate of migrant women

III. To know the increase rate of Women empowerment in different working sector.

IV. To know the problems of Female migrants.

Operation Definition of the Concepts:

Migration: The word migration means the movement of people from one place to another.

Empowerment: The word Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social,

educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities.

Decision Making: This is the way of making decision about important matter in family.


Research Design: The study was conducted through the use of survey method. Data were

collected from the migrant female workers of Dhaka City. In this study data were collected

through questionnaires and are analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive techniques. For our

project, we make some specific questions. Those questions are actually open minded short


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Unit of Analysis: We choose 10 female migrants workers for analysis our research. Those

women were very poor mostly works in Garments, house workers or shopkeepers.

Study Area: We choose few slums of Dhaka City Corporation area for our research area. We

physically went there and took interviews.

Population: All the Female migrant workers of Dhaka City Corporation area

Sampling: Purposive sampling was used to collect data from the field. Total sample size was 10.

Sources of Data: The data were collected from two sources.

Primary Sources: Data were collected from the field by using sample survey.

Secondary Sources: Various articles, research papers, related books, official documents and the


Techniques of Data Collection: A questionnaire was developed and finalized through pre-test

and used for data collection.

Methods of Data Collection: Data were collected through survey method.

Data Collection from the Field: Five interviewers were selected to collect data from field. Five

people collected those data from five different places.

Data Processing and Analysis: Data were computerized, analyzed and interpreted by using

frequency distribution, percentage, etc.

Limitation of the Study:

The major limitations of the study are as follows:

1. Some women’s were very reluctant to talk about their personal information.

So, we had to convince them in many ways to speak up.

2. The present political situation was the barrier for our study.

3. Security risk was another problem.

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Descriptive Results:

We divided the analysis of the focus group into 8 sections. This section consists of some

important points like head of the family, reason for migration to Dhaka, sources of income,

income, how they spend their earnings, problems faced in workplace, relationship between

income and decision e power, future plan about job etc. Besides these there are some other points

too. The descriptions of the points are given below.

Reason for Migration to Dhaka:

Most of the woman we interviewed given almost the same opinion about this. Due to

urbanization in our country, people are leaving village and coming to the city for getting the taste

of urbanization. For instance, one of the woman we interviewed named Parvin said, “I migrated

to Dhaka due to lack of work at village.” Another one named Jayeda said, “I migrated to Dhaka

due to Poverty”. So we can find some taste of urbanization. We know that due to urbanization,

there will be lack of work in village area and poverty will attack the rural families. This is the

perfect example of urbanization.

Head of the Family:

Bangladesh is a country where most of the families are male dominated. In lower class families

this domination are very much expanded. Though the women we interviewed were all working

class their head of the family is their husband. One of the woman we interviewed named Rashida

said, “My husband is the head of the family”. Another woman named Parvin said the same thing,

“My husband takes all the important decision and he is the head of the family”. Only one

woman named Banu said, “I and my husband both takes the important decision of the family. So

we both are the head of the family”. From the above conversation, we can say that male

dominated family is the majority.

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Wage and Spending the Earnings:

All the women we interviewed were all workers. So they have a specific monthly income. The

average is 4000 taka. They spend this money in house rent, foods and education of children. One

of the women named Parvin said, “I earn 3000 taka every month and I spend this money in

house rent, foods and education of the children”. Another housemaid named Banu said, “I earn

5000-6000 taka every month. I spend the money for paying the house rent, foods and for the

education of children”. This indicates that they spend their hard earned money for their family

and their improvement.

Most Spent Sector:

From our interviews, we can see that most of the woman spends their income mostly in their

house rent. Now days the house rent of Dhaka city are very high and residence is the most

important basic need of human being. Mrs. Banu said, “I spend 2000-2500 taka in house rent

which is almost half of my monthly income”. Another woman named Jayeda said, “I spend half

of my income for paying the house rent” .Most expensive basic needs of human being are now

house rent. It is also affecting lower class people.

Improvement of Family from the Income:

We asked the participants about the improvement of their family from their income. Here we

found out difference between the answers of our participants. One of the participants Rashida is

very happy with her improvement. She said, “Now I have my own house in my village. I bought

cultivable lands there.” Parvin also admitted her family status improved. “My family is now

better than before”, said Parvin. We also didn’t get any different answer from Shefaly as we

asked her the same question. But as Jayeda is the only earning member of her family so her

income didn’t bring any extra improvement for her family. We also have seen some negative

answer. Banu said her income couldn’t bring any improvement as the cost is getting high day by


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Problems Faced at the Workplace:

The problem our participate face, directly indicate few major problems of our country. The

problems are Corruption, Weak Law System and Malnutrition. Rashida and Banu both said as

they are getting older they are becoming weak, which is reducing their work power. So they

can’t work many places at a time like before. Though both of them are middle age women, their

strength become much lesser than average. This thing points out the malnutrition problem of our

country. Shefaly also said she faces lots of problems but she didn’t want to talk about them.

Parvin and Jayeda , both has similar kind of complain about the problem the face at work place.

This is about corruption and weak law system. Jayeda complained that she has to give bribe to

police to run her business. Beside saying that Parvin also added that some time local goons take

different goods from her tea stall without paying for them.

Problems Faced After the Migration:

As all our participants had no family member or familiar person in Dhaka before migrating into

Dhaka, they all faced same kind of problem. Rashida said she didn’t have any work and any

place to stay back then. She first got a job into garments, and then later eventually she got

familiar with this place. Jayeda had to starve for many days. Parvin had to sleep under open

sky. Banu also had to struggle to get her into a job. We also have seen that, those who had

familiar person in Dhaka, they didn’t have face that much problem. Shefaly said that she didn’t

have to face any problem, as friend of her husband gave them place of accommodation and

helped them to find jobs.

Finding Any Relationship between Income and Decision Making Power:

Though there were some significant differences in answers of other questions, here we found

quite similar situations while we asked the participants about their decision making power in

family matters. They all said as they earn and contribute a good portion of family needs, they

take part in decision making process well. As Mrs. Banu and Mrs. Zayeda said, “I take almost

all important decisions of my family matters”. Adding to that, as Mrs. Banu’s husband lives in

village she has to take all decisions here. Moreover, when we asked the question to Rashida,

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Shefali and Parvin, their answers were pretty much same as all of them take decisions along with

their husbands holding equal power. If we look at the whole scenario, we find their earnings are

making them powerful and more or less dominating in their own family.

Influencing the Family Matters with Decision:

While taking interviews and analyzing them we found, women are now involved in taking major

decisions of their respective family. They take decisions like-where to live, will their children go

to school or not and which school they should choose. As we found one of our participants

Jayeda said that she takes all the major decisions of her family. Adding to that Shefali and Banu

said “As my husband is living in village, I take all the decisions like –residence choice, children’s

education and every major decision.” On the other hand, Rashida and Parvin answered similarly

as they said that they and their husbands take decisions with mutual understanding. So, here we

can see they take quite important decisions of their family along with their husbands which

makes them very important person of both families which largely indicates to the society.

Future Plan:

Rich or poor, living under extreme poverty or staying at a seven-star hotel, people never stop

dreaming of a beautiful future better than they live now. Here we found some very beautiful and

sensible dreams while asking our interviewees about their future plan. Some hoped for a solvent

future, some dreamt of their own business. Here we could see Parvin, house-maid dreams of

setting up a tea stall and she was saving money for her dream to come true. Whereas, Jayeda who

has already a tea stall dreams of making it bigger and maybe a general store someday. On the

other hand, along with all others Banu and Shefali want their children to get educated and

dreams of a prosperous future. So, we could see some similarities in the dreams of struggling

people of our society. Their dream is to educate their children from which they were deprived

and get some economic stability in their lives which are very obvious.

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Migration and women empowerment is the unquestionably a very prevalent matter in our present

contemporaneous situation. In our country after migrating to Dhaka city especially women faced

different kind of spacious problems. Often they need more time than their expectation for coping

up with complete different environment. This migration the life changeable settlement has some

quantities impact of their life including their family head, wage earnings, spending the earnings,

decision making power of the family, facing distinctive problems and so on. Though this is truly

struggling challenge for their life but most them are usually survived in this new environment

quite brilliantly, whereas few cannot struggle and end up with smashing consequences. It is very

essential decision for empowering themselves and undeniably it is the quite recommended needs

of women empowerment in Dhaka city.

Poverty is the preeminent hindrance for migrating of our countries women. In rural areas, women

usually do some home based work and make less contribution for their family improvement.

When they started too struggled for their needs then they consider moving to urban areas like

Dhaka city. This might be the best diction of her life or worst. After migrating to the new place

they make themselves a true complete warrior and started a crucial war for surviving in this cruel

world. Often the most important pain of their life is when they sense the world of inequality is

surrounding them with lots of crack. Even Sometimes they harass physically. This kind of

vulnerable situation is very unavoidable for them.

Women empowerment is currently the most prioritize matter in our country. Though this is

spreading dynamically over the year but there still existing lots of barrier and problems.

Sometimes we see in different sector men is preferable over women because of physical factor.

The further study talks about gender discrimination and so on. After all, the hopeful concept is

because of women empowerment, women are now considers as a prime member of their family.

Now they are head of their family, the take the decision, they spend their earning as their wish.

One remarkable considerable aspect is workplace problem which is bit countable as a hindrance

of women empowerment.

As this is the world of modern civilization, this is going to be very prevailing to everyone that

women empowerment is very paramount object and the migration of women workers from

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different places is playing impressive role. Though few things are working as a hitch behind this

modernize process. This is truly apprehending by our people that government should make some

noteworthy act for developing the lives of those migrant who have potential to contribute to the

socio-economic development of the country. Obviously, by this way the process of women

empowerment will be augmented over our country.

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Jolly, S and Reeves, H(2002). GENDER and MIGRATION (pp.13-14)

German, E and Pyne.S.(2010).Disasters drive mass migration to Dhaka.


Meagher, D and Farhana, T.(2012).Bangladesh: Climate Change Drivers Rural-Urban Migration

to Dhaka’s Slums.
