
sales / technical support (916) 624-8333 fax (916) 624-8003 [email protected] Rev 1.5 Page 1 What’s New in Stampw.exe Contents: Purpose:................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Integrated Explorer: ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Editor Pane: ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Identify Function:.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Download Function:................................................................................................................................................ 4 Directive Menu and Buttons: .................................................................................................................................. 6 BASIC Stamp 2pe Support: .................................................................................................................................... 6 Generate Object Code: ............................................................................................................................................ 6 On-Line Help: ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Tip-of-the-Day: ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Open From… and Save To… : ............................................................................................................................... 8 Command-Line Options: ........................................................................................................................................ 8 File Associations: .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Default Stamp Directories / Source Code Examples: ............................................................................................. 9 PBASIC Directive:.................................................................................................................................................. 9 Port Directive: ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Stampw.exe Command-Line Options: .................................................................................................................. 10 Additional Command-Line Details: .................................................................................................................. 11 About the /PIPE Switch: ................................................................................................................................... 11 Stamp Editor Messages: ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Final and Intermediate Messages: ..................................................................................................................... 12 List Of Messages: .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Purpose: This document contains new information about BASIC Stamp Editor v1.33 and v2.0 that is not shown in the BASIC Stamp manual v2.0. Integrated Explorer: The BASIC Stamp Editor now includes an integrated explorer. The integrated explorer works in a similar fashion to Windows Explorer. The upper portion of the integrated explorer is the Recent list. The Recent list is a drop-down list of default, favorite and recently visited directories. If you select a directory from the Recent list, the integrated explorer will automatically navigate to that directory. The button to the left of the Recent list allows you to limit the Directory list display to only the directories that are in the Recent list (effectively hiding any drives and directories that are not in your Recent list). The Recent list button behaves like a toggle switch; 1) selecting it switches to the “Show recent folders only” mode, 2) selecting it again switches back to the “Show all folders” mode. The Directory list, right below the Recent list, is similar to the “Folders panel” in Windows explorer. The Directory list displays drives and directories in a hierarchical tree fashion. If a directory is selected, the Folders list displays the files in that directory. (v2.0)



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What’s New in Stampw.exe

Contents: Purpose:................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Integrated Explorer: ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Editor Pane:............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Identify Function:.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Download Function:................................................................................................................................................ 4 Directive Menu and Buttons: .................................................................................................................................. 6 BASIC Stamp 2pe Support: .................................................................................................................................... 6 Generate Object Code: ............................................................................................................................................ 6 On-Line Help: ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Tip-of-the-Day: ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Open From… and Save To… : ............................................................................................................................... 8 Command-Line Options: ........................................................................................................................................ 8 File Associations:.................................................................................................................................................... 8 Default Stamp Directories / Source Code Examples: ............................................................................................. 9 PBASIC Directive:.................................................................................................................................................. 9 Port Directive: ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Stampw.exe Command-Line Options: .................................................................................................................. 10

Additional Command-Line Details:.................................................................................................................. 11 About the /PIPE Switch: ................................................................................................................................... 11

Stamp Editor Messages:........................................................................................................................................ 12 Final and Intermediate Messages:..................................................................................................................... 12 List Of Messages:.............................................................................................................................................. 13

Purpose: This document contains new information about BASIC Stamp Editor v1.33 and v2.0 that is not shown in the BASIC Stamp manual v2.0. Integrated Explorer: The BASIC Stamp Editor now includes an integrated explorer. The integrated explorer works in a similar fashion to Windows Explorer. The upper portion of the integrated explorer is the Recent list. The Recent list is a drop-down list of default, favorite and recently visited directories. If you select a directory from the Recent list, the integrated explorer will automatically navigate to that directory. The button to the left of the Recent list allows you to limit the Directory list display to only the directories that are in the Recent list (effectively hiding any drives and directories that are not in your Recent list). The Recent list button behaves like a toggle switch; 1) selecting it switches to the “Show recent folders only” mode, 2) selecting it again switches back to the “Show all folders” mode. The Directory list, right below the Recent list, is similar to the “Folders panel” in Windows explorer. The Directory list displays drives and directories in a hierarchical tree fashion. If a directory is selected, the Folders list displays the files in that directory.


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The Folders list, below the Directory list, displays all the files in the selected directory that match the selected filter (in the Filters list). You can select one or more files from this list and double-click, or drag-and-drop them over the edit panel, to open those files. The Filters list, at the bottom, is a drop-down list of file extension filters to apply to the Files list. It works just like the “Save as type:” field of a standard open or save dialog.

The integrated explorer window can be resized via the vertical splitter bar that separates it and the edit pane. The Directory list and File list can be resized via the horizontal splitter bar that separates them. The integrated explorer can also be hidden or shown via the Explorer toolbar button, by pressing Ctrl-E or by resizing it to zero size via the vertical splitter bar. Editor Pane: The editor pane now displays BASIC Stamp source code files with syntax highlighting. Syntax highlighting applies designated colors and designated character case (upper, lower, etc) to reserved words in the PBASIC language. The syntax highlighting settings can be changed or customized via the Preferences -> Editor Appearance tab. Each editor pane can be individually split into two views of the same source code. This can be done via the Split button on the toolbar, pressing Ctrl-L, or clicking and dragging the top or bottom border of the editor pane with the mouse. Once split, the top and bottom edit controls allow viewing of different areas of the same source code; this can be handy when needing to keep variable declarations or a particular routine in view while modifying a related section of code elsewhere.

Integrated Explorer Panel

Multi-file editor with syntax highlighting


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Automatic line numbers can be enabled or disabled via the “Show Line Numbers” checkbox on the Preferences -> Editor Appearance window. Line numbers, when enabled, appear in the gutter (gray area on the left of the editor pane). Bookmarks can be enabled or disabled via the “Show Bookmarks” checkbox on the Preferences -> Editor Appearance window. Bookmarks are small numbered icons that appear in the gutter (gray area on the left of the editor pane). Bookmarks provide a way to mark lines or sections of code that you need to quickly navigate to. You can define up to 9 bookmarks by clicking on the gutter where you want the bookmark placed or by pressing Ctrl-B when the caret is on the desired line. You can navigate to any defined bookmark by pressing Ctrl-# (where # is the 1 though 9 keys) or by selecting Go To Bookmark from the Edit menu.

Identify Function: The Identify function has been completely rewritten. It will now identify what type, if any, BASIC Stamp is attached to any available serial port. This information is displayed for the user to see, see below. The Identify function can be activated by selecting Run -> Identify, pressing CTRL+I, or by pressing F6.

Split edit pane; allows viewing two sections of same source program.

Syntax highlighting; Provides easy distinction of reserved words and code with special meaning.

Automatic line numbering. (optional).

Bookmarks; provide quick navigation to important sections of code.

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The Port column shows the available serial ports (those that the Stamp Editor is trying to access). You can modify the available COM Port List by clicking on the Edit Port List button. The Device Type column shows the type of BASIC Stamp found on the respective port. For example, in the figure above, the Stamp Editor found a BASIC Stamp 2e on COM port 2 and a BASIC Stamp 2 on COM port 3. There were no BASIC Stamps found on COM port 4. The Version column displays the firmware version number of the BASIC Stamp that was found. The Loopback column indicates whether or not a loopback connection was found on the serial port. The loopback connection is created by BASIC Stamp development boards, such as the Board of Education, across serial port pins 6 and 7 (of a DB9). A “Yes” in this column is an indication that the serial port and serial cable are properly connected to a BASIC Stamp development board. The Echo column indicates whether or not a communication echo was detected on the serial port’s transmit and receive pins (pins 2 and 3). The BASIC Stamp module creates this echo naturally, even without power. A “Yes” in this column is an indication that the serial port and serial cable are properly connected to a BASIC Stamp, and if using a BASIC Stamp development board, it’s an indication that the BASIC Stamp is properly connected to the development board. The Loopback and Echo columns are great for doing some simple connection diagnosis. For example, a Yes in both columns indicates the serial port and serial cable are properly connected and that the BASIC Stamp is properly inserted into its socket.

Loopback Echo Means Yes Yes Serial port and serial cable properly connected. BASIC Stamp properly inserted into

socket. If no BASIC Stamp is detected, it is probably because the BASIC Stamp is not connected to power. Other causes could be: 1) low battery, 2) Reset pin of BASIC Stamp is connected to Vdd (it should be left disconnected), 3) the BASIC Stamp is damaged or 4) there is some other type of communication error (software or hardware).

Yes No Serial port and serial cable properly connected. BASIC Stamp improperly inserted into socket (ie: inserted backwards or not inserted at all).

No Yes Serial port and serial cable may be improperly connected, or you may not be using a standard BASIC Stamp development board. The Echo indicates there may be a BASIC Stamp properly connected to the port (the Loopback is not required for successful connection) or there may be another device connected to the serial port.

No No Serial port and serial cable are not properly connected, or not connected at all, to the BASIC Stamp. Could also be an indication of a serial port hardware/software problem.

Download Function: Like the Identify function, the Download function has been completely rewritten to provide more information and to help guide you through the downloading process. The Download Progress screen looks similar to the Identify screen with the exception of the additional Download Status area and the download indicator LED (to the left of the serial port and BASIC Stamp that is being downloaded to). If any errors occur, such as communication failures or inability to detect a BASIC Stamp, you will be prompted appropriately.

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One possible error is when the Stamp that your PBASIC program is targeting does not appear to be connected to the PC (see figure below). This may be caused, for example, by opening up a BASIC Stamp 2 program (usually has a .bs2 extension) and trying to download it to a BASIC Stamp 2e module, instead. When this happens, you’ll be prompted with something similar to the figure below.

This prompt allows you to quickly correct the situation by clicking on the BS2e (if you really intended to download to the BS2e in the first place). Keep in mind that programs written for one BASIC Stamp model may not function properly on a different BASIC Stamp module. Click on the More Info button for more detail. NOTE: If you select the BS2e button, as in this example, the Stamp Editor will modify the $STAMP directive in the program, will notify you of this change and what it means, and then will try to download to the BS2e. Another possibility is having two or more of the same BASIC Stamp model connected to the PC. In this case, the Stamp Editor will prompt you for clarification as to which BASIC Stamp module you want to download to.

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Directive Menu and Buttons: The Directive Menu contains options for setting the Stamp Mode, PBASIC version and Port number. Toolbar buttons are also provided for the Stamp Mode and PBASIC version number directives. The “Stamp Mode” simply means, which BASIC Stamp model is the desired target for a particular PBASIC program. The Stamp Directive (a special command inserted near the top of the PBASIC program) tells the BASIC Stamp editor which BASIC Stamp the code is intended for. While the directive can be entered, or modified, manually, it can be tedious to remember the syntax. For this reason a Directive menu and “Stamp Mode” buttons have been provided. Simply selecting the desired menu item or clicking on the desired Stamp Mode button will cause the Stamp Editor to insert or modify the Stamp Directive in you PBASIC program.

The Stamp Directive is required to be in each PBASIC program. The editor determines which Stamp to target for downloading based on this directive. NOTE: Any code that is missing the Stamp Directive, but who's filename contains a known Stamp extension (.bs2, bse, bsx, bsp) will be recognized by the extension and an appropriate Stamp Directive will be added automatically for you. The PBASIC version directive allows you to indicate which version of the PBASIC language to use. Currently the options are 2.0 (the default) and 2.5. See the on-line help or “PBASIC Compiler 2.0 Beta 2.pdf” document for more information on the enhanced v2.5 language syntax. The PBASIC directive is only required if you want to use version 2.5; version 2.0 is assumed if no PBASIC directive exists in the source code. See “PBASIC Directive,” below for more information. The PORT directive allows you to indicate which serial port to download the program on. This is convenient if you have more than one BASIC Stamp of the same model connected to your computer at the same time; if each program indicates a different port (using the PORT directive) then downloading won’t cause unnecessary on-screen prompts. See “Port Directive,” below for more information.

BASIC Stamp 2pe Support: This software contains integrated support for the latest BASIC Stamp Module, the BS2pe.

Generate Object Code: The File menu now contains an item called Generate Object Code… Use this feature to tokenize a PBASIC program and save it to a file in the tokenized form. This allows you to send your BASIC Stamp’s object code (the actual binary data that is downloaded to the BASIC Stamp) to other people without having to reveal your PBASIC source code. If you have customers using Stamp-based products, you can release firmware updates to them in this manner.

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Object code can be saved as a separate .obj file (downloadable with the StampLoader.exe program) or as a single executable (integrated with the StampLoader.exe inside of it. The single executable method provides a simpler way to pass your firmware update on to your customers.

The StampLoader.exe program is required for downloading separate .obj files.

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If you don’t have the StampLoader.exe program, it can be automatically generated for you by selecting the second output file option, “Object Code and Stamp Loader”, in the Generate Object Code screen. Additionally, firmware, product, company and related info can be embedded in the object code or single executable file for your customers to view before downloading. See diagram below. In the example above, we chose to generate a single executable with custom names and messages as shown. Then we clicked the Generate… button (which prompted us for a file name) and the file was created. When a user runs the file we just generated, they see a screen similar to the figure below:

On-Line Help: The Stamp Editor includes on-line help. The current on-line help contains the entire PBASIC syntax documentation. On-line help will be updated in the near future to include additional BASIC Stamp information. Context sensitive help (highlighting a word in editor and pressing F1 key) is also supported. On-line help can remain open while using the Stamp Editor; simply press ALT+TAB to toggle back and forth between the Stamp Editor and on-line help. NOTE: On-Line help requires Microsoft's HTML Help utility and Internet Explorer 4.0 or above (IE6.0 recommended). The proper version of HTML Help is included with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. On other versions of Windows you may have to install or upgrade your HTML Help utility to properly view the Stamp Editor’s on-line help. The HTML Help upgrade program (hhupd.exe) is included as part of the BASIC Stamp Editor setup program. You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from Microsoft’s web site at: http://www.microsoft.com/ie

Tip-of-the-Day: A Tip-of-the-Day feature is included and can be configured to automatically open at startup or is viewable at any time from the Help menu. The tips are contained in the Stamp_Tips.txt file in an easy to use format. You can add your own tips as long as you follow the simple rules described at the top of the Stamp_Tips.txt file.

Open From… and Save To… : Two new methods exist for opening and saving PBASIC source code, Open From... and Save To... These features allow quick access to any directory from the default and favorite directories (set within Preferences) or the list of recently used directories. If you organize your files in many different directories, the Open From and Save To features can be very helpful. Shortcut keys CTRL+SHFT+O and CTRL+SHFT+S activate the Open From and Save To feature, respectively.

Command-Line Options: The Stamp Editor supports new command-line options (switches): /COM#, /ReadOnly, /Tokenize, /Identify, /Download, /Updates, /NoDebug, /NoPrompts and /Pipe. See the "Command-Line Options" section for more information.

File Associations: The Stamp Editor automatically associates BASIC Stamp source code file types (.BS2, .BSE, .BSX, .BSP and .BPE) with the BASIC Stamp editor. This feature can be configured through automatic prompts or through Preferences. Also, when using any Explorer-shell for file browsing, right-clicking on a BASIC Stamp source code file provides you with an Open With Stamp Editor option.

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Default Stamp Directories / Source Code Examples: Upon installation of the BASIC Stamp Editor software, the PBASIC source code examples from the BASIC Stamp manual are copied to the installation folder. If the default installation folder is used, the source code files will be copied to the C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\Stamp Editor vx.xx\BS2, …BS2e, etc folders.

The Stamp Editor automatically sets it’s default directories (in Preferences) to point to these source code examples. This makes them immediately available via the File -> Open From… menu.

Note that if you are upgrading from a previous version of the Stamp Editor and you have set your own default directories, from the Edit -> Preferences, Editor Operations tab, they will not be replaced with the source code example directories; upon opening the editor, only default directory options that are blank will be redirected to the source code examples.

PBASIC Directive: The PBASIC directive ($PBASIC) has been added to indicate the version of the PBASIC language that the source code is written in. They syntax of the PBASIC directive is below:

' { $PBASIC version }

where version is a valid PBASIC version number; 2.0 or 2.5. See the on-line help or “PBASIC 2.5 Syntax.pdf” document for more information on the enhanced v2.5 language syntax. The PBASIC directive is only required if you want to use version 2.5; version 2.0 is assumed if no PBASIC directive exists

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in the source code. Note that the syntax highlighting feature of the Stamp editor will also adjust to the language version indicated by the PBASIC directive. Port Directive: The Port directive ($PORT) has been added to allow directing a PBASIC program towards a specific serial port. The syntax is as follows:

' { $PORT COM# }

where # is a valid port number. When any PBASIC program containing this directive is downloaded, all other ports will be ignored. This directive is especially important if using two of the same BASIC Stamp models (such as two BS2s) on two COM ports and you have two different PBASIC programs to download (one to each BS2). Without this directive, developing and downloading in this case would be a tedious task of always answering the "which Stamp?" prompt. The Port directive can be automatically inserted or modified by selecting the appropriate port from the Directive -> Port menu. The COM ports listed in the Directive -> Port menu are automatically updated any time a change is made to the exiting computer hardware or to the available ports list (in preferences).

Stampw.exe Command-Line Options:

The following is the syntax and description of the Stamp Editor’s command-line switches. Stampw.exe {/Com#} {{/ReadOnly} source_file} Stampw.exe {/Com#} /Download {/Updates} {/NoDebug} {/NoPrompts} source_file > output_file Stampw.exe {/Com#} /Identify {/NoPrompts} > output_file Stampw.exe /Tokenize source_file > output_file Stampw.exe /Pipe master_file Stampw.exe /Help /Com# – Specify com port (serial port) to download to. # is a valid com port number. NOTE: must be one

word, ie: Com2 indicates com port 2. /ReadOnly – Open source_file in read-only mode. The CTRL key acts as a download key when in read-only mode.

Requires source_file option. This command option is not available if double-piped communication is established.

/Identify – Identify BASIC Stamp modules on COM ports. Requires redirection to output_file. /Tokenize – Tokenize source code. No prompts will be displayed. Requires source_file option and redirection to

output_file. /Download – Tokenize source code, and download it (if tokenization successful). Requires source_file option and

redirection to output_file. /Updates – Provides program slot number (if applicable) and download-percentage-complete status updates

during download. /NoDebug – No Debug Terminal opens after downloading (even if code contains DEBUGs) and COM port is

immediately closed after downloading. This option requires /Download switch. Note: This switch will have no effect if Debug Terminal is already open from a previous operation.

/NoPrompts – No screen prompts at all (except for Debug Terminal). This option requires /Download switch. /Pipe master_file – Start up master_file (must be .exe) and establish bi-directional communication pipes for master-

program-controlled execution. Stampw.exe remains open until master_file breaks pipe. This command option is not available once double-piped communication is established.

/Help – Display command-line help. This command option is not available if double-piped communication is established.

Note: If redirection to an output file is used with syntax #1, GUI prompts still appear and their text is copied to output_file

where applicable.

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Additional Command-Line Details:

The Stampw.exe program is a Win32 application that can be run through any normal method. It has special features available by passing it command-line options (switches) shown above. While this program can be run from a command-prompt on a Window system, it will not work on a DOS-only system. The Stampw.exe supports redirection of its input and output via the standard pipe mechanisms. If its output is redirected via the command-line (ex: Stampw.exe myfile.bs2 > Test1.txt) the designated output file, Test1.txt in this case, will be created and various information about the processing of its object file will be stored there. This information directly reflects the information available on the GUI prompts, interactions with the user and downloading status. This feature can be combined with the /NoDebug and /NoPrompts switches for various levels of GUI interaction with the user.

About the /PIPE Switch: The /PIPE switch is a special option that causes the Stamp Editor to create two pipes (for bi-directional communication), start another program (that will act as a Master program) and establish a connection between itself and the master_file. This option allows a developer to create software (the master_file) that controls the Stamp Editor’s actions. The master_file program simply needs to write to its Standard Output and read from its Standard Input to communicate with the Stamp Editor. When the Stamp Editor is started with this option, after it creates the pipes and starts the master_file program, it then sits quietly in the background waiting for commands from the master_file program. The available commands are exactly the same as the normal command-line switches (with the exception that the /PIPE and /HELP switches are no longer available). Example #1: If your master program is called Master.exe and you’d like it to make the Stamp Editor program tokenize the source file called C:\Temp\MySource.bs2, do the following:

1. Issue the command-line: Stampw.exe /PIPE Master.exe a. The Stampw.exe will start, create two pipes, start the Master.exe program, connect the two pipes to the

Master.exe program’s STDIN and STDOUT and then sit quietly in the background waiting for its first command from the Master.exe program’s STDOUT.

2. Have your master program write the following to its STDOUT: /Tokenize C:\Temp\MySource.bs2 3. Have your master program read its STDIN and process the response messages that arrive from the Stamp Editor.

Example #2: If you’d like the Stamp Editor program to download the same source file:

1. Issue the command-line: Stampw.exe /PIPE Master.exe a. The Stampw.exe will start, create two pipes, start the Master.exe program, connect the two pipes to the

Master.exe program’s STDIN and STDOUT and then sit quietly in the background waiting for its first command from the Master.exe program’s STDOUT.

2. Have your master program write the following to its STDOUT: /Download C:\Temp\MySource.bs2 3. Have your master program read its STDIN and process the response messages that arrive from the Stamp Editor.

Note #1: When used with the /PIPE switch, the Stampw.exe program will remain running (in the background) even after successfully downloading (or performing any other command) and will await your next command, as if it was just started. There are two exceptions to this: 1) A Fatal Error occurs; such as those caused by issuing invalid command-line switches, or 2) the Master.exe program breaks its STDOUT pipe (by closing the STDOUT handle or simply terminating itself). See the Stamp Editor Messages for more information. Note #2: The Stampw.exe program responds via the master program’s STDIN using predefined messages. The messages and their formats are shown in the Stamp Editor Messages section, below.

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Note #3: To allow a user to simply run your master program (rather than forcing them to enter the command-line mentioned above), simply do the following in your master program immediately after starting up:

1. Create a PStartupInfo structure and fill it with a call to GetStartupInfo. 2. If the hStdInput field of the PstartupInfo structure = 0 then you know the user, not the Stamp Editor, started this

program… a. Use the ShellExecute API call (or similar function) to start the Stamp Editor program with the following

command-line: Stampw.exe /PIPE /EditorMaster.exe (make sure to get the paths correct) b. Terminate yourself (your instance with the invalid handles)

3. Otherwise, continue as normal (retrieve the valid Standard Input and Standard Output handles to communicate with the Stamp Editor program).

A Delphi program and source code is available (called EditorMaster) that does this. This program should be located in the C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\Stamp Editor\Developer\EditorMaster. Even if you’re not familiar with Delphi, reading the source code of the EditorMaster program can be helpful. There are only a few Windows API calls that are necessary to accomplish this since the Stamp Editor takes care of all the complicated issues.

Stamp Editor Messages:

When the output of the Stamp Editor is piped (to a file or a master program) it displays all its messages in a specific, predefined format. There are 3 types of messages: 1) Errors, 2) Events and 3) Information. Each type can contain a number of different messages. The format of the piped output messages is:

Message Header (always first 9 characters) Message Text (unlimited length) Character 1 Characters 2 - 5 Characters 6 – 9 Characters 10+

Start Of Header Message Type Message ID Message Text SOH character (ASCII value 1).

ERR:, EVT: or INF: meaning Error, Event or Info, respectively.

nnn- ;where nnn is the

3-digit unique ID of the message.

Text string indicating the nature of the message.

For example, an Error-type message may appear as: ERR:001-Invalid command-line switch: switch_name Note: The “ ” is the SOH character (ASCII 1) that appears at the start of every message. This format works well for both computers and humans. The Message Type (ERR:, EVT: or INF:), Message ID (nnn-) and Message Text is easily readable by humans when seen in a redirected output file. The Start Of Header is always the first character of each new message, and the Message Type and ID can be easily parsed by most programming languages. In addition, each of these fields begins at a specific character location in every message.

Final and Intermediate Messages: The Message ID is a unique, 3-digit number. A program can quickly determine the nature of the message by its ID. The ID indicates two things: 1) the actual meaning of the message (ie: errors, events, etc) and 2) the scope of the message (ie: final or intermediate). The scope of the message indicates whether or not there are more messages to follow. A “final” message (those with IDs less than 501) is the last message anyone should expect to receive from the Stamp Editor until it is commanded to do another task. An “intermediate” message (those with IDs greater than 500) is NOT the last message anyone should expect to receive from the Stamp Editor. This is particularly important when using pipes since a call to read the pipe does not return until data is received (ie: if you go to read the pipe and the program on the other side never sends any data, your program will be preempted (locked) indefinitely). The Stamp Editor also sends the Final message with an EOT (End of Transmit, ASCII 4) character at the end of the Message Text portion. Either the Message ID or the EOT character can be used to determine if there are more messages to come.

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List Of Messages: The following are all the possible messages, their types and IDs.

ERROR MESSAGES FATAL ERRORS (failures that cause termination of Stamp Editor program, even when double-piped) 001 - Invalid command-line switch: 'SWITCH' 002 - Duplicate or Conflicting command-line switch: 'SWITCH'. This switch either: 1) appears more than once, or

2) is not allowed in combination with the switches appearing before it 003 - SWITCH switch not allowed while in Inter-Process Communication Pipe Mode. 004 - Duplicate command-line option: 'SWITCH'. Only one input filename (object_file or master_file) is allowed. 005 - Missing parameter required. REQUIREMENTS. 006 - Cannot create In-Pipe or Out-Pipe. 007 - Cannot create child process. 008-050 - (reserved)

SERIOUS ERRORS (failures that don't cause termination of Stamp Editor program (when double-piped)) ~~~file related errors~~~

051 - File not found: 'FILENAME'. 052-100 - (reserved)

~~~tokenizer related errors~~~ Note: Errors 101 – 250 are in the format: PROGRAM=#:NAME START=R:C(CH) LENGTH=#

STATUS=ERRORMESSAGE ;where R = row number, C = column number, CH = character number and ERRORMESSAGE is the text of the message, indicated below.

101 - Expected character(s) 102 - Expected terminating “ 103 - Unrecognized character 104 - Expected hex digit 105 - Expected binary digit 106 - Symbol exceeds 32 characters 107 - Too many elements 108 - Constant exceeds 16 digits 109 - Constant exceeds 16 bits 110 - Undefined symbol 111 - Undefined label 112 - Expected a constant 113 - Cannot divide by 0 114 - Location is out of range 115 - Location already contains data 116 - Expected '?' 117 - Label is already defined 118 - Expected ‘\’ 119 - Expected '(' 120 - Expected ')’ 121 - Expected '[' 122 - Expected ']' 123 - Symbol is already defined 124 - Data occupies same location as program 125 - Array size cannot be 0 126 - Out of variable space 127 - EEPROM full 128 - Symbol table full 129 - Expected ':'or end-of-line 130 - Expected ',', end-of-line, or ':' 131 - Expected 'STEP', end-of-line, or ':’ 132 - 'NEXT' must be preceded by 'FOR' 133 - Expected ','

(v1.33 and v2.0)

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134 - Expected ',' or ']’ 135 - Expected a variable 136 - Expected a byte variable 137 - Expected a variable modifier 138 - Variable is already bit-size 139 - Expected a smaller-size variable modifier 140 - Variable modifier is out-of-range 141 - Expected a constant, variable, unary operator, or '(‘ 142 - Expected a binary operator or ')’ 143 - Expected a comparison operator or '[' 144 - Expression is too complex 145 - Limit of 255 GOSUBs exceeded 146 - Limit of 16 nested FOR-NEXT loops exceeded 147 - Limit of 6 values exceeded 148 - Expected a label 149 - Expected a label, variable, or instruction 150 - Expected '=’ 151 - Expected 'THEN' 152 - Expected 'TO' 153 - Expected a filename 154 - Expected a directive 155 - Duplicate directive 156 - Unknown target module. $STAMP directive not found 157 - Nothing to tokenize 158 - Limit of 16 nested IF-THEN statements exceeded 159 - ‘ELSE’ must be preceded by 'IF' or 'CASE' 160 - 'ENDIF' must be preceded by 'IF' 161 - Expected a label, variable, instruction, or 'ENDIF' 162 - Expected a label, variable, instruction, or end-of-line 163 - Limit of 16 nested DO-LOOP statements exceeded 164 - 'LOOP' must be preceded by 'DO' 165 - 'WHILE' or 'UNTIL' conditions cannot appear after both 'DO' and 'LOOP' 166 - Expected 'WHILE', 'UNTIL', end-of-line, or ':' 167 - 'EXIT' only allowed within FOR-NEXT and DO-LOOP structures 168 - 'IF' without 'ENDIF' 169 - 'FOR' without 'NEXT' 170 - 'DO' without 'LOOP' 171 - Limit of 16 EXIT statements within loop structure exceeded 172 - Expected variable or 'WORD' 173 - Expected a word variable 174 - Label is missing ':' 175 - Pin number must be 0 to 15 176 - Expected a label, variable, instruction, or 'NEXT' 177 - Expected a label, variable, instruction, or 'LOOP' 178 - Limit of 16 nested SELECT statements exceeded 179 - Expected 'CASE' 180 - 'CASE' must be preceded by 'SELECT' 181 - Limit of 16 CASE statements within SELECT structure exceeded 182 - Expected a label, variable, instruction, or 'ENDSELECT' 183 - 'ENDSELECT' must be preceded by 'SELECT' 184 - 'SELECT' without 'ENDSELECT' 185 - Expected 'GOTO' or 'GOSUB' 186 - Constant cannot be less than 1 187 - Invalid PBASIC version number. Must be 2.0 or 2.5 188 - Expected number, editor directive, #DEFINE'd symbol, or '-'

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189 - Illegal operator in conditional-compile directive 190 - Expected #THEN 191 - '#IF' without '#ENDIF' 192 - '#SELECT' without '#ENDSELECT' 193 - '#ELSE' must be preceded by '#IF' 194 - '#ENDIF' must be preceded by '#IF' 195 - Illegal symbol in conditional-compile directive 196 - Expected a user-defined symbol 197 - Limit of 16 nested #IF-#THEN statements exceeded 198 - Expected a character or ASCII value 199 - {User Defined Error Message} 200 - Expected '#ENDIF' 201 - Expected ‘}’. 202 - Expected ‘}’. Can not specify project files outside of project program 0. 203 - Expected ‘}’. Can not specify more than 7 additional project files. 204 - Expected a target module: BS2, BS2E, BS2SX, BS2P or BS2PE. 205 - Expected quote ("). 206 - Expected comma ',' or end bracket ‘}’. 207 - Expected text. 208 - Expected COM Port name: COM1, COM2, etc. 209-212 - (reserved) 210 - Expected valid parity. Parity must be "N", "E", "NONE" or "EVEN" 211 - Expected valid number of data bits. Data bits must be "7" or "8". 212 - Expected valid flow control state. Flow control must be "ON" or "OFF". 213 - Program 0, PROGRAMNAME, must not appear in the project list. 214 - Program FILENAME not found. 215 - Directory PATHNAME does not exist. 216 - "ARGUMENT" is not a valid com port on this computer. 217 - Stamp mode undetermined. Please enter $STAMP directive. 218 - Limit of 16 nested #SELECT statements exceeded 219 - Expected '#CASE' 220 - '#CASE' must be preceded by '#SELECT' 221 - '#ENDSELECT' must be preceded by '#SELECT' 222 - Expected a declaration, run-time statement, or '#ENDIF' 223 - Expected a declaration, run-time statement, or '#ENDSELECT' 224 - Expected '#ELSE' 225 - Expected number, editor directive, or #DEFINE'd symbol 226 - Expected statements to follow previous 'CASE' 227 - Expected a constant, variable or 'WORD' 228 - 'ELSEIF' must be preceded by 'IF' 229 - Limit of 16 ELSEIF statements within IF structure exceeded 230 - 'ELSEIF' not allowed after 'ELSE' 231-250 - (reserved)

~~~com port related errors~~~ 251 - No serial ports are listed in the Available Ports List. Please add serial port entries to this list. 252 - Source code requires Debug Terminal but none are available. 253-300 - (reserved)

~~~device related errors~~~ 301 - Can not program version VERSIONNUMBER of the MODULENAME. Contact Parallax, Inc. for updated

software. 302 - No BASIC Stamps found. 303 - No MODULENAME found. 304 - EEPROM verify failure! 305 - Hardware communication failure! Check serial cable and power supply. 306 - Duplicate devices found. Select COM port of desired unit.

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307-350 - (reserved) EVENT MESSAGES

Events usually indicate an action taken by user, lead up to a required user action, or other significant event. FINAL EVENTS (events that mark the last message from Stamp Editor)

351 - User cancelled device selection. 352 - Download successful! 353 - One or more BASIC Stamps found. 354-400 - (reserved)

INTERMEDIATE EVENTS (events that indicate more messages to come from Stamp Editor) 501 - Duplicate devices found. 502 - User selected device on COM#. 503 - Downloading to COM#. 504-550 - (reserved)

INFO MESSAGES Information messages indicate status of ports and downloading progress. FINAL INFO (info that marks the last message from Stamp Editor) 401 - File(s) Tokenized Successfully. 402-450 - (reserved)

INTERMEDIATE INFO (info that indicate more messages to come from Stamp Editor) 551 - PROGRAM=#:NAME STATUS=Tokenize Successful 552 - PORT=COM# DEVICE=DEVICENAME VERSION=VERSIONNUMBER LOOPBACK=YES/NO

ECHO=YES/NO 553 - SLOT=PROGSLOTNUMBER PROGRESS=DOWNLOADPERCENTAGE% 554 - The STAMP directive in line LINENUMBER has been modified to indicate that this is now a

STAMPMODULE program. 555 - A STAMP directive has been inserted at line 1 to indicate that this is now a STAMPMODULE program. 556 - The PORT directive in line LINENUMBER has been modified to force this code to download only on

PORTNAME. 557 - A PORT directive has been inserted at line 2 to force this code to download only on PORTNAME. 558 - The PBASIC directive in line LINENUMBER has been modified to compile this code using PBASIC language

version NUMBER. 559 - A PBASIC directive has been inserted at line 2 to compile this code using PBASIC Language version