Untraceable Reaction Paper

Untraceable vs Computer Ethics [REACTION PAPER] Computers are probably the best gift our history has invented. They’re just composed pieces of plastics and metals assembled together but who knew that it will become the most powerful device that men can be completely dependent to now? Even I, whose currently writing this reaction paper am using a computer. Whether we realize it or not, this innovation has completely changed our lives. Nevertheless, we should still be concerned that as much as there are thousands of benefits that our computer has given us, we can’t deny the fact it has also became a powerful accessory for accomplishing bad things. That’s why even the use of computer is bounded by rules we refer to as: The 10 Commandments for Computer Ethics. We can catch some violations of these rules in the film: Untraceable. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. The suspect which I want to name Psycho has clearly and throughout the movie violated this rule. He basically created a webpage which streams videos of torturing and killing humans plus that little cutie cat at the start of the movie. How sick is that? And here’s the catch, as the views increase, the faster the victim dies. He made all the viewers to be an accessory of the crime! So it wasn’t only Psycho who violated this rule but also EVERYONE who participated when they opened the website because they were perfectly aware of what will happen. (The FBI made a broadcast and warned the people not to open the website but seems like they were too dumb to understand and just completely did the opposite.) Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work. We are all free to create our own computer website but not all websites are approvable by the authority which in the case of this movie is the FBI. They tried to shut down the Psycho’s website— killwithme.com and that is considered to be interference of other people computer’s work. Though I would like to say that what they did was an exemption (and all the other websites they were trying to shut down at the start of the movie). Well, for one, they weren’t just ordinary websites—they’re the illegal ones that trick other people and ESTHER FAITH S. GABRIEL BS-PH 2B


Untraceable Reaction Paper

Transcript of Untraceable Reaction Paper

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Untraceable vs Computer Ethics [REACTION PAPER]

Computers are probably the best gift our history has invented. They’re just composed pieces of plastics and metals assembled together but who knew that it will become the most powerful device that men can be completely dependent to now? Even I, whose currently writing this reaction paper am using a computer. Whether we realize it or not, this innovation has completely changed our lives. Nevertheless, we should still be concerned that as much as there are thousands of benefits that our computer has given us, we can’t deny the fact it has also became a powerful accessory for accomplishing bad things. That’s why even the use of computer is bounded by rules we refer to as: The 10 Commandments for Computer Ethics. We can catch some violations of these rules in the film: Untraceable.

Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.

The suspect which I want to name Psycho has clearly and throughout the movie violated this rule. He basically created a webpage which streams videos of torturing and killing humans plus that little cutie cat at the start of the movie. How sick is that? And here’s the catch, as the views increase, the faster the victim dies. He made all the viewers to be an accessory of the crime! So it wasn’t only Psycho who violated this rule but also EVERYONE who participated when they opened the website because they were perfectly aware of what will happen. (The FBI made a broadcast and warned the people not to open the website but seems like they were too dumb to understand and just completely did the opposite.)

Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work.

We are all free to create our own computer website but not all websites are approvable by the authority which in the case of this movie is the FBI. They tried to shut down the Psycho’s website—killwithme.com and that is considered to be interference of other people computer’s work. Though I would like to say that what they did was an exemption (and all the other websites they were trying to shut down at the start of the movie). Well, for one, they weren’t just ordinary websites—they’re the illegal ones that trick other people and steal they’re money like that and of course, the one who’s streaming a video of live murder. Those are definitely exemptions since it’s for a good cause which is making the internet safe.

Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.

Obtaining another person's private files is as wrong as breaking into someone's room.  Reading and looking at someone else’s personal files is one form a violation of this rule. This was shown in the film when Psycho accessed the files of FBI and checked out Agent Jennifer’s profile and pictures without her consent.

Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.


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This was shown in the movie when Psycho hacked the site of FBI and stole confidential information in their database.

Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.

The Internet can spread untruth as fast as it can spread truth. Putting out false "information" to the world is bad. For instance, spreading false rumors about a person or false propaganda about historical events is wrong. But in the case of this movie, Psycho used the computer to edit his voice to sound like Jennifer’s and tricked Griffin (Jennifer’s coworker) to go into his lair and eventually killed him there.

Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization.

Hacking is an example of a violation of this commandment. It was seen in the film when Psycho bypassed the authorization system of FBI database where he stole some restricted information. It aided him to plan out his crime and always become one step ahead of the police.

Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write.

Before engaging into a certain activity, one should weigh in the possible consequences that may happen. This works the same in computer ethics. Psycho violated this when he created a computer program that is connected to his torturing devices.

Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

Psycho’s background story was actually revealed in the latter part of the film. He too was actually a victim of the violation of this commandment when his father’s suicide video became viral in the internet and became a laughing stock for the public. In using computer, one should always, always show consideration and respect especially on the use of internet.

We need ethics for us to stop from doing anything that is not legal and that does harm or damage anyone else's work, or interests. Computer ethics on the other hand is how we apply this personal morals and ethics while using the computer for various purposes. Through watching the film Untraceable, we were able to test our knowledge on how computer ethics applies in real word situations.