Unizen LORA Flyer

Unizen Technologies Pvt. Ltd LoRa Solution Offerings from Unizen [email protected] [email protected]

Transcript of Unizen LORA Flyer

Page 1: Unizen LORA Flyer


Unizen Technologies Pvt. Ltd

LoRa Solution Offerings from Unizen


[email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: Unizen LORA Flyer

LoRaWAN™ is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) specification intended for wireless battery operated Things in

regional, national or global network. LoRaWAN target key requirements of internet of things such as secure bi-directional

communication, mobility and localization services. This standard will provide seamless interoperability among smart Things

without the need of complex local installations and gives back the freedom to the user, developer, businesses enabling the roll

out of Internet of Things.

LoRaWAN network architecture is typically laid out in a star-of-stars topology in which gateways is a transparent bridge relaying

messages between end-devices and a central network server in the backend. Gateways are connected to the network server via

standard IP connections while end-devices use single-hop wireless communication to one or many gateways. All end-point

communication is generally bi-directional, but also supports operation such as multicast enabling software upgrade over the air

or other mass distribution messages to reduce the on air communication time.

Communication between end-devices and gateways is spread out on different frequency channels and data rates. The selection

of the data rate is a trade-off between communication range and message duration. Due to the spread spectrum technology,

communications with different data rates do not interfere with each other and create a set of "virtual" channels increasing the

capacity of the gateway. LoRaWAN data rates range from 0.3 kbps to 50 kbps. To maximize both battery life of the end-devices

and overall network capacity, the LoRaWAN network server is managing the data rate and RF output for each end-device

individually by means of an adaptive data rate (ADR) scheme.

National wide networks targeting internet of things such as critical infrastructure, confidential personal data or critical functions

for the society has a special need for secure communication. This has been solved by several layer of encryption:

Unique Network key (EUI64) and ensure security on network level

Unique Application key (EUI64) ensure end to end security on application level

Device specific key (EUI128)

LoRaWAN has several different classes of end-point devices to address the different needs reflected in the wide range of


Bi-directional end-devices (Class A): End-devices of Class A allow for bi-directional communications whereby each end-

device's uplink transmission is followed by two short downlink receive windows. The transmission slot scheduled by the end-

device is based on its own communication needs with a small variation based on a random time basis (ALOHA-type of

protocol). This Class A operation is the lowest power end-device system for applications that only require downlink

communication from the server shortly after the end-device has sent an uplink transmission. Downlink communications from

the server at any other time will have to wait until the next scheduled uplink.

Bi-directional end-devices with scheduled receive slots (Class B): In addition to the Class A random receive windows, Class B

devices open extra receive windows at scheduled times. In order for the End-device to open its receive window at the

scheduled time it receives a time synchronized Beacon from the gateway. This allows the server to know when the end-device

is listening.

Bi-directional end-devices with maximal receive slots (Class C): End-devices of Class C have nearly continuously open receive

windows, only closed when transmitting. Class C

Unizen Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Source: http://www.lora-alliance.org

[email protected] [email protected]

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LoRa Scenario

Source: http://www.lora-alliance.org

Unizen Technologies Pvt. Ltd

[email protected] [email protected]

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The Unizen LoRa Expertise Unizen LoRa expertise enables IoT applications by using various

LoRa RF transceivers from different vendors that are embedded

into sensors and gateways to capture and transmit data over long

ranges using minimal power. In addition, the LoRa Alliance™ has

developed an open protocol based on LoRa technology called

LoRaWAN™ to help ensure that all the devices, servers and

software components on LPWANs are interoperable with each

other and deliver secure communications in IoT, M2M, smart city,

and industrial applications.

The LoRa Alliance, is a non-profit organization of nearly 400

members focused on standardizing LoRa for IoT/M2M and

creating a strong ecosystem to scale the technology.

Internet Of Things

Smart Objects

MEMS Sensors, Actuators, Analog & Digital I/Os

High Speed Data Acquisition Systems, Industrial Tablets

RFID Readers, BarCode Scanners, Extreme Power Optimization

Firmware development for constrained devices

IoT Applications

Data Analytic, Control Automation, Cloud based Network Video Recorders, Machine Vision, Fleet Management, Energy Grid

Security Surveillance, Music Servers, Database, HMI

Networking of Objects

ZigBee, LoRa, 6LowPAN, Sub-1 GHz, WiFi, Bluetooth

CANOpen, DeivceNet, Ethernet IP, EtherCAT, ModBus, ProfiBus, BitBus

IoT Gateways

IoT Network Protocols: CoAP, IPv6, DTLS

GSM, GPRS, 3G, LTE, CDMA Wireless, Secured data connections

Unizen Technologies has sound expertise in building

solutions using technologies that are driving the market

today around the Internet of Everything revolution.

Internet of Everything is based on the idea that everyday

objects can be readable, recognizable, locatable,

addressable, and controllable via the Internet. The Internet

of Things (IoT) is a scenario in which objects, animals or

people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability

to automatically transfer data over a network without

requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer

interaction. IoT has evolved from the convergence of

wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical systems

(MEMS) and the Internet

Unizen has good relationship with semiconductor majors

like Texas Instruments, Semtech, NXP-Freescale, Analog

Devices, Cypress, Pericom, Microchip, and Atmel which

helps to get support and critical materials required for

product solutions.

LoRa is a wireless technology developed to create the low-

power, wide-area networks (LPWANs) required for

machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT)

applications. The technology offers a very compelling mix

of long range, low power consumption, deep indoor

coverage, and secure data transmission and is gaining

significant traction in IoT networks being deployed by

wireless network operators.

LoRa Technology is built into chipsets from Semtech, ST

Micro and Microchip. It is also built into the products

offered by our vast network of IoT partners and integrated

into LPWANs from mobile network operators worldwide.

Through our work with the LoRa Alliance, our goal is to lead

and help foster a complete ecosystem that can provide

entrepreneurs, small businesses and large enterprises with

all the tools they need to develop their own IoT solutions

and bring them to market.

The Unizen LoRa Proof of Concepts

Unizen Technologies Pvt. Ltd

[email protected] [email protected]

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The LoRa advantage!

Unizen Technologies Pvt. Ltd

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 6: Unizen LORA Flyer

Smart Wearable Devices

Remote Doctor-Patient Interaction

Smart Drug Administration

Vital Statistics Sensors, Touch Screen HMI, Tablet –IIoT, Activity Sensors

HIMS-ERP-Device Integration

Analytics to improve Healthcare

Ambulance Automation

Remote Monitoring & Control Solution

Patient Tracking Solutions

Alert Detection & Image Analytics

HMI & Cloud Applications

Improved staff cooperation

Presence-enabled messaging

Raw Material & Warehouse Tracking

M2M - Machine to Machine Controllers

Inventory & Raw Material Tracking & Management

Industrial Sensors, Touch Screen HMI, Tablet –IIoT, RFID Readers

Custom Electronic Controller

ERP+MES+IIoT Integration

Shop & Factory Floor Automation

Remote Monitoring & Control Solution

IoT / M2M Solutions

Asset Tracking Solutions

Defect Detection & Image Analytics

HMI & Cloud Applications

M2M - Machine to Machine Controllers

Lube Oil Contamination Sensor Controller

Industrial Sensors, Touch Screen HMI

Solar Charge Controller / Invertor

Motor Controller/Valve Controller

Custom Electronic Controller

Factory Floor Automation

Remote Monitoring and Control Solution

IoT / M2M Solutions

Asset Tracking Solutions

Machine Vision Solutions

Defect Detection & Image Analytics

HMI & Cloud Applications

Smart Tags, Smart Analytics

Yield Monitoring

Climate Sensors

Soil Sensors

Pest Repellent & Deterrence

Sustainably increasing agricultural productivity

Adapting & building resilience of agricultural & food security systems to climate change at multiple levels

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture (including crops, livestock and fisheries)

Managing climate risks,

Exploiting opportunities for reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions where feasible

Home Automation

Smart Switches

Smart Lighting Controls

Appliances Control

In-Home Displays

Home Gateways

Cloud Integration

Home Appliances Control

Home Security Devices

Video Surveillance Systems

Lighting Control

Smart Meters

KNX/BACnet/ LONMark compliant S/W Development & Verification & Validation

Smart remote controlled devices

Power Line Communication

Systems to Control devices

Device Communication, using middleware, & Wireless communication to form a picture of connected environments

Information Acquisition/Dissemination from sensor networks

Enhanced Services by Intelligent Devices

Products with Predictive and Decision-Making capabilities

Automated Meter Reading (AMR) ready

Anti-Tempering (Magnetic detection tamper features)

Multiple communication interface, High functionality, User friendly

Diagnostic, reduced operating expenses, remotely managed

Improved forecasting & streamline power-consumption

Improved customer service through profiling segmentation

Reduced energy theft

Track renewable power

Smart Grid

Water Treatment

Pollution Control

Sustainable Energy

Wind/Solar Energy

Smart Energy Meters

Smart Flow Meters

Real-time Energy Auditing

Remote Monitoring & Control

Solar Charge Controllers

Water Quality Monitoring

Air Quality Monitoring

Smart Waste Management

Senior Citizen Safety

Women & child Safety

The Unizen LoRa Proof of Concepts

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 8: Unizen LORA Flyer

Unizen Technologies has sound expertise in building

solutions using technologies that are driving the market

today around the Internet of Everything revolution.

Internet of Everything is based on the idea that everyday

objects can be readable, recognizable, locatable,

addressable, and controllable via the Internet.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a scenario in which objects,

animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and

the ability to automatically transfer data over a network

without requiring human-to-human or human-to-

computer interaction. IoT has evolved from the

convergence of wireless technologies, micro-

electromechanical systems (MEMS) and the Internet

India has total land borders: 15,106.70 km (9,386.87 mi)

Bangladesh: 4,096.70 km (2,545.57 mi) China (PRC): 3,488

km (2,167 mi) Pakistan: 2,910 km (1,808 mi) Nepal: 1,751 km

(1,088 mi) Myanmar: 1,643 km (1,021 mi) Bhutan: 699 km

(434 mi)

Faced with countless intrusions and attacks, LoRa

technology developed to create the low-power, wide-area

networks (LPWANs) required for detecting, tracking,

deterring the countless intrusions over its borders The

technology combined with our expertise of designing

DRONES and UAV’s offers a very compelling mix of long

range, low power consumption, deep indoor coverage, and

secure data transmission Thus is gaining significant traction

in helping secure and seal our borders.

Through our work with the LoRa Alliance, our goal is to lead

and help foster a complete ecosystem that can provide

mission critical solutions for the Indian Border and

Homeland Security

The Unizen LoRa Proof of Concepts

[email protected] [email protected]