University of Portsmouth Students' Union 2014 -17 Strategic Plan



A way of life

Transcript of University of Portsmouth Students' Union 2014 -17 Strategic Plan

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More than 3,000 student voices have shaped this, our 2014-17 plan.

We asked what the ‘Big Plan’ was for our students from their time at the University of Portsmouth – the answer was of course to get a good degree, but alongside that we heard that students want to: improve themselves, to impress themselves, expand their friendship groups, gain independence & new skills, get a good job and ultimately enjoy the whole experience.

The Union needs to be the place that students go for all those elements of their University career; the Union needs to be part of the student ‘way of life’ and our strategic plan has been created with that in mind. It is not a list of things to do, but a set of commitments of what we will be for students.

Throughout this plan, the student voice will be at the heart of everything we do – if it is not led by or informed by our students then we don’t do it.

Our students are clear that they need a different Union at different stages of their University journey; from pre-arrival when the Union plays a part in their decision to come to the University of Portsmouth, through year one when their Union supports and guides them, year two when they are exploring opportunities to heighten skills & experience, year three with exams and career support taking priority in their lives. Through every stage the Union will be there.

Over the next three years our Union will remain a vibrant community in itself, it will also take on a powerful role in the University & City communities, the national student community and the Charity sector.

We have listened to our students and we are excited to meet the challenges they have set us, so that year on year, we will hear students say that we have really made a positive impact.

Anna ClodfelterChief Executive

Grant Alexander Chapman-ClarkeUnion President 14/15

Catherine ReddingUnion President 13/14

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Our Values: The way we do things around here

We are Student LedWe actively ensure that we know and represent all of our students, listening and working with them for positive outcomes. Our student leaders and representatives shape every decision we take.

We are FunWe recognise the importance of fun in the way we work for our students. We are an inclusive, social, colourful organisation. Not only our events and activities, but also the ways in which our students lead our organisation, are all inviting and exciting.

We are ApproachableWe make it easy to be involved with the Union because we always recognise the differences between our individual students. Everyone who represents the Union sees themselves as a personal link for students and always exceeds student expectations.

We are EffectiveEverything we do has a positive impact for our students, we constantly challenge why and how we are doing things and we value our resources working to ensure that we do not waste them.

We are PositiveWe are a Union that sees challenges as opportunities, making sure that our students feel as positive about us when they leave as when they joined. We always shout about the achievements of our students and the Union as a whole.

We are InnovativeWe are brave in the way we approach new ideas and we enable students to shape the way we do things. We invest in new technologies and we champion the sharing of successful innovations with our students and partners.

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making life easier

Theme champion: head of business and marketing services

Our students have told us that a big part of our role as their Union is to support, guide & ease their way through their University journey. Over the next three years we will be a Union that is really easy to be a part of and importantly our students will say that they couldn’t imagine University life without the Union. Everyone else that works with us, or uses our services, will know exactly what we do, how we can help, the difference we can make and they will be able to tell others all about us.

so far:

• We have worked hard to create robust processes that strengthen the Union

• We have developed a wider offer of activities and support services

• Our services and support for smaller groups within the student community have been improved

• We have enhanced the different ways that we communicate

• Our staff and spaces have changed, to take account of current student needs

• We have developed stronger working relationships with the University and the City

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next, we will:

• develop our digital and physical environments where clear and relevant information is made available

• DevelopaculturewhereUnionStaffandOfficersareabletobeapproached by students and offer appropriate independent information

• Continuously consult with students about the support we offer

• Review and renew our procedures to ensure they are always simple and clear

• EnsureUnionrulesandregulationsaretoaddbenefitratherthanbarriers

• Change the way we do things to become a class-leader in excellent customer service

• Be clearer about the independent nature of how we support students

• Be more active and innovative in how we increase the visibility of our student support

+ these are our commitments +

students will say that:

• The Union has simple processes and is easy to access

• The Union provides visible and independent support for students

• The Union communicates effectively with helpful information

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life changing opportunities

Theme champion: head of student opportunities

Students will see the Union as ‘the place to go’ to find somethingthey hadn’t thought of, create something new, or to make their time at University even better than they thought it would be. Our students, the University and employers will fully recognise the wealth of skill and experience that is gained through Union opportunities, experiences and initiatives.

so far:

• We’ve continued to build on the range of groups that our students can engage with

• The number of students involved in clubs, societies and volunteering has grown each year

• We’ve developed a new programme of events, trips and other initiatives

• Our spaces and staff teams have changed to help support students involved with Union activities

• The training offered for leaders of student groups has improved significantly

• Wehavedevelopedhighprofilerecognitioneventstocelebratethe successes of our most engaged students

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next, we will:

• develop the Union as a hub for student life outside of their course

• Always make sure the Union’s physical and digital spaces are a vibrant and accessible places to get involved

• Encourage and provide opportunities for students to gain and expand skills, enhancing their potential and raising aspirations

• develop student friendly events to foster friendships and create fun experiences

• Be more active and innovative in how we increase the visibility of our student opportunities

• develop ways for students to recognise their own achievements

• Be braver in the variety of opportunities we provide by experimenting with more options for students and understanding their needs

• Ensure our range of opportunities is as diverse as our student body

+ these are our commitments +

students will say that:

• The Union is their go to place for life outside of their course

• The Union helps them exceed their own expectations

• The Union is always developing fun and engaging opportunities

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empowering the student voice

Theme champion: chief executive

Our students want us to be a Union that is supporting and driving real change-making representation at all levels of the University and across the wider community. By 2017 the Union will be a truly democratic organisation and every student will say that they feel able to have their say in how it is run. Throughout the University, all decisions and developments that affect student life will be taken with or as a direct result of the student voice. Vitally, students will know what impact their voice has had.

so far:

• We have developed a strong Course Rep system in collaboration with the University

• StudentrepresentationoninfluentialgroupsintheUniversityhasgrown

• Changes to teaching, campus and housing have come about as a direct result of the student voice

• OurSabbaticalOfficersvoicesareinvitedandlistenedtothroughout the University and the City

• We have an active student Council and well attended Annual Members’ Meeting

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next, we will:

• develop support tools and work closely with our representatives to ensure they are able to make a difference

• Work with our students and the University so that both see themselves as partners in developing their learning

• Work better with our representatives and the University to capture and communicate their successes, challenges and changes

• Be more active and innovative in how we increase the visibility of our student representatives

• Review and renew the ways in which students can shape their Union

• develop better ways to listen and act for the whole student body

• Become a louder collective voice on large issues in the University, City and nationally

• develop a variety of fun and innovative means to talk with our students; making the very best of our representatives, advocates and connections with academics

+ these are our commitments +

students will say that:

• The Union representatives are making a difference

• The Union is a mouthpiece for all students

• The Union listens, consults and acts on student views

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ENABLERSWe recognise that the way we go about our work, our people, spaces, funds, our partnerships and our use of technology must be extraordinary if we are going to meet our aspirations.

Our students, the University and other people we work with will see the Union as a leader in the ways we innovate to keep our organisation strong and exciting. People will aspire to work with us, as staff and as partners and both our physical and digital spaces will be held up as examples of excellence.

so far:

• Our outstanding commitment to quality has been evidenced through repeated Gold accreditation in: Green impact, Investors in People, Investors in diversity, Investors in Volunteers and a students’ Union Evaluation Award

• We continue to offer outstanding training and development opportunities for our staff teams

• Our spaces have developed with the needs of our activities

• We reached our reserve funding target a year earlier than planned

• We have built strong partnerships both with the University and commercially

• We have embraced technology to enhance how we communicate and manage our work

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next, we will:• develop innovative ways of quality assurance

• Engrain best practice in everything we do

• Provide appropriate resources to maintain excellence

students will see that:• The Union champions excellence in everything we do

our partnerships

next, we will:• develop powerful partnerships that add value, reduce risk and

improve the student offer

• Enablenetworksthatbenefiteveryareaofstudentlife

• Be considered as a key partner within its vibrant communities

students will say that:• TheUnionworkswithpartnerstoinfluence,benefitandimprove

student life

our technology

next, we will:• Ensure our use of technology always meets the expectations of our


• Explore new technologies to exceed the expectation of our students

• Invest in the skills and expertise the Union requires to make it happen

students will say that:• TheUnionisground-breakinginitsuseoftechnologytobenefit


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next, we will:• Continuously consult with our employees and students to identify


• Encourage staff to use their imagination and experiment with the Union offer

• Invest in training and development opportunities

• Ensure our staff’s happiness through regular dialogue and acting on individual opportunities

students will say that:• The Union has the right amount of staff, in the right places, with the

right skills to deliver an excellent service

union staff will say that:• The Union makes them happy, supports their development and

inspires them in everything they do

our money

next, we will:• Be clearer about where our money comes from and how it is spent

• Reviewandrenewourfinancialprocedurestoensurethattheyarealways fair

• Continue to work with our trustees to ensure the ongoing stability of ourfinances

• develop a culture of seeking funding to experiment with new ideas and projects

students will see that:

• Ourfundingisallocatedfairlyandourfinancialdecisionsarestudent-led

• TheUnionremainsfinanciallystableandabletoinvestinnewideas

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next, we will:• Work with students to continuously develop and enhance the

Union’s spaces

• Work with staff to continuously develop and enhance the Union’s workspaces

• develop powerful partnerships with the University to enable a student-led Union Building

• Review and renew the way Union spaces are managed to ensure they are easy to use

• Commit to a programme of investment in our spaces

students will say that:• TheyhavethefreedomtousetheUnionspacesforthebenefitofall


union staff will say that:• The Union workspaces are fun, innovative and effective places to


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