University of New Unit Guide (Trimester...

University of New England Faculty of Arts and Sciences School of Science and Technology MATH120 BASIC MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ECONOMICS Unit Guide Trimester 1, 2013 c University of New England CRICOS Provider No: 00003G

Transcript of University of New Unit Guide (Trimester...

Page 1: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

University of New England

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

School of Science and Technology



Unit Guide

Trimester 1, 2013

c�University of New England

CRICOS Provider No: 00003G

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1 Welcome and Contact Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Unit Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Is MATH120 the appropriate Mathematics Unit for You? . . . . . . 5

4 Studying Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5 Lecture Notes and Recommended Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

6 Intensive School for External Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

7 Lectures, Vodcasts, Tutorials and Practicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

8 Assignments and Assessment Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

8.1 Assignment 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

8.2 Submission of Assessment Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

8.3 Due Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

9 Assessment and Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

10 Moodle Site and Turing Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

11 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

12 Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

13 Schedule of Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

14 Study Timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

15 Tutorial Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

16 Assignment Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


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1 Welcome and Contact Details

Welcome to MATH120 Basic Mathematical Methods in Science and Economics.

In Trimester 1, 2013, the members of sta↵ responsible for MATH120 are Associate

Professor Gerd Schmalz, Dr Bea Bleile and Dr Imi Bokor. Please call us Gerd, Bea

and Imi, respectively, and do not hesitate to contact us regarding matters relating

to any aspect of this unit.

Internal students, that is, students enrolled in on–campus mode, please contact

Gerd, the On–Campus Unit Co-ordinator, with any administrative questions. His

contact details are

[email protected] (preferred)

02 6773 3182

External students, that is, students enrolled in o↵–campus mode please, contact

Bea, the O↵–Campus Unit Co-ordinator, with any administrative questions. Her

contact details are

[email protected]

02 6773 3572

beableile on Skype

All students are welcome to contact any one of us with mathematical questions.

Imi’s contact details are

[email protected]

02 6773 2213

You can also contact us by fax on

02 6773 3312.

For problems relating to your enrolment, please contact the Student Centre:


2 Unit Overview

MATH120 introduces students of economics, social and life sciences to some of

the mathematical concepts used in their respective areas of study. These concepts

include di↵erentiation and integration of functions of one real variable, di↵erentia-

tion of functions of two real variables, maxima and minima of such functions and

matrices with emphasis on applications.

A schedule of topics of study for MATH120 is provided in Section 13 and a

timetable in Section 14.

Note that after topic seven, that is, in week nine of the trimester, the unit

will divide into two streams, namely the Science Stream for students of rural,

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environmental and biological sciences, and the Economics Stream for students of

economics and related areas. In the Economics Stream students will also receive

practical instruction in the use of spreadsheets such as Excel.

3 Is MATH120 the appropriate Mathematics Unit

for You?

UNE o↵ers two parallel programs in first year mathematics and statistics. Students

either take MATH101/MATH102 or MATH120/STAT100. MATH101/MATH102

provides the basis for further study in mathematics and is a prerequisite for second

and third year mathematics and statistics. MATH120 is a terminating unit and is

not su�cient background for further study in mathematics.

Depending on your background in mathematics you might find MATH120 easy

or you might find it hard. MATH120 presumes familiarity with the content of

advanced (or 2 unit) mathematics in NSW or its equivalent. It is possible to

succeed without this background, but requires a lot of hard work and close contact

with us.

If you don’t have this background or are struggling, we recommend that you

first complete MATH123 Foundation Mathematics. Assignment 0 provides a warm

up and helps you to gauge your background. Please contact us if you aren’t sure

whether you should enrol in MATH123 first, the sooner, the better.

If you have successfully completed (the equivalent of) Extension 1 (or 3 Unit)

Mathematics in NSW, you should consider enrolling in MATH102/MATH102 rather

than MATH120/STAT100. MATH101/MATH102 are designed for students with

Extension 1 background. They are more advanced and leave open the possibility

of further study of mathematics. You will find them more rewarding.

Please feel free to contact us regarding the choice of the appropriate mathemat-

ics unit for you, the sooner, the better.

4 Studying Mathematics

To learn mathematics one has to do mathematics. Thus the tutorial and assignment

problems are the most important part of this unit, with the tutorial problems in

Section 7 preparing you for the assignment problems in Section 16.

Mathematics is a language designed to deal precisely with general concepts

which can be applied to solving a broad range of concrete problems. Mathematics

is powerful and applicable because it is abstract. The language of mathematics

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takes time to learn. MATH120 provides an introduction to it and shows you how

to use it.

You cannot expect to just read mathematics, such as in your lecture notes. You

need to work through the lecture notes. It usually takes several readings of the

same material before new concepts start to make sense.

While it can be useful to read more than one source, it can also be confusing,

because di↵erent authors take can take incompatible approaches. It is hard to find

the right balance. Our advice is that you do not spend much time searching for

material, especially not on the internet. The prime focus of your study should be

the lecture notes we provide. If you feel the need for alternative material, turn to

the recommended text for this unit (see Section 5) as it is what we consider to be

the most suitable.

It is more important to read the lecture notes and/or the recommended text,

think about the material and engage with us and your fellow students. Inter-

nal (on–campus) students, please ask your mathematical questions during lectures

and tutorials or come and see us during our o�ce hours. External (o↵–campus)

students, please ask your mathematical questions during the intensive school (see

Section 6) via the Moodle discussion boards (see Section 10) or contact us by e-mail.

There are situations where a tutor might be helpful, for example to help fill

gaps in your background. However, we recommend that you first turn to us for

support. In particular, relying too much on a tutor for assignment problems will

not stand you in good stead for the examination.

There is no such thing as a “stupid question”. When in doubt, ask.

We are here to help you, but we cannot help unless you tell us what the

problem is.

5 Lecture Notes and Recommended Text

You will receive a complete set of printed lecture notes containing all material

covered in this unit. Electronic versions of these notes will be available on the

MATH120 Moodle site and the MATH120 home page on turing (see Section 10).

The information contained in these notes is core material for completion of all

assessment tasks and the examination in MATH120. Make the study of these

notes and mastering the material they contain your prime focus in MATH120.

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The recommended text for this unit is

Mathematical Methods for Science and Economics

(compiled for MATH120)

Goldstein, L.J. and Haeussler, E., Pearson 2nd ed. 2011

ISBN: 9781442555631

There is also a cheaper electronic version available at

This is a blended edition of two textbooks previously recommended for this unit,

namely Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life

and Social Sciences, by Haeussler, Paul and Wood (12th Edition), and Calculus

and its Applications, by Goldstein, Lay, Schneider (11th Edition).

Mathematical Methods for Science and Economics has been compiled especially

for MATH120, and covers all the topics of this unit in a single book. The publishers

have agreed to do this in order to save students the cost and inconvenience of

obtaining both books above.

Information about the recommended text, including options for purchase, is

available at

6 Intensive School for External Students

The Intensive School for external (o↵–campus) students will be held at UNE from

Saturday, 16th, to Monday, 18th February, 2012. The timetable is available via

UNE’s timetabling web site, see

For further information regarding intensive schools go to

The Intensive School provides an introduction and warm-up for the unit. Key

concepts are highlighted and explained, providing an overview of MATH120.

We strongly recommend that you attend the Intensive School. It is not com-

pulsory, but for the communication of mathematical concepts there is nothing like

being in the same room. And getting to know each other will make it easier to

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communicate throughout the trimester. Students attending the Intensive School

usually find it invaluable.

You need to organise travel and accommodation yourself, but you don’t need

to register for the Intensive School. Just turn up with pencil and paper and an

open mind. Questions will be very welcome. Please contact Bea (see Section 1) if

you have any questions regarding the Intensive School.

7 Lectures, Vodcasts, Tutorials and Practicals

There are four lectures and one tutorial per week for internal (on–campus) students.

It is crucial for your progress in this unit that you attend lectures and tutorials

and ask questions if there is anything you don’t understand.

Vodcasts will be available on the MATH120 Moodle site for external (o↵-

campus) students discussing key concepts and providing some worked examples. It

is crucial that you ask questions via e-mail or the relevant discussion forum on the

MATH120 Moodle site if there is anything you don’t understand.

Section 15 of this Unit Information booklet contains tutorial problems, namely

Tutorials 1 to 6 for both Streams and Tutorials 7s to 10s for the Science Stream.

These tutorial problems prepare you for the assignments and sample solutions will

be available on the MATH120 Moodle site.

All students are expected to work through the tutorial problems. Internal

(on–campus) students will discuss these problems during the tutorials. External

(o↵–campus) students are encouraged to discuss the tutorial problems in the cor-

responding discussion forum on the MATH120 Moodle site.

Students in the Economics Stream will receive a separate booklet for practical

instruction in the use of spreadsheets. You will start working with spreadsheets

after topic seven, that is, in week six.

8 Assignments and Assessment Tasks

The assignments are the most important part of this unit. The assignment problems

are contained in Section 16 and will be posted on the MATH120 Moodle site and

the MATH120 home page on turing (see Section 16).

Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with background information or

guidance with the assignment problems. By all means work together with fellow

students. But make sure that the work you submit is your own. Anyone who

provides you with more or less complete solutions before you have submitted your

own attempts is doing you a gross disservice indeed.

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The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

also be available on the MATH120 Moodle site and the MATH120 home page on

turing (see Section 16).

8.1 Assignment 0

Assignment 0 is a warm up which will help you decide whether you need to complete

MATH123 Foundation Mathematics before enrolling in MATH120. Assignment 0

will not be marked and is not to be submitted. Complete sample solutions will be

posted on the MATH120 Moodle site.

8.2 Submission of Assessment Tasks

Make sure you keep a copy of everything you submit. Mathematics assignments

should be neatly hand-written, and carefully set out, with ample space left for

corrections and comments.

Internal (on–campus) students will receive instructions regarding submission of

assignments during the first lecture.

External (o↵-campus) students submit their assignments in hard copy by mail

with an assignment cover sheet attached. The cover sheets are available via the

MATH120 Moodle site – first click on “Submit MATH120 Assignment X” and

then on “Download Coversheet”. If you have received an exemption from the

requirement to have computer access, you will receive your assignment cover sheets

in the mail.

Assignments should be mailed to:

Assignment Section

Teaching & Learning Centre

University of New England

Armidale NSW 2351

DO NOT FAX: Faxed assignments will not be accepted.

External (o↵–campus) students who are able to scan their handwritten assign-

ments may submit them electronically via the MATH120 Moodle site by clicking

on “Submit MATH120 Assignment X”.

Students in the Economics Stream may also submit the lab tasks electronically.

Please do not type your mathematics assignments unless you are

using some version of TeX.

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8.3 Due Dates

Please note that the dates below are post-by dates for external (o↵–campus) stu-

dents, that is, your assessment task will be on time as long as you put it into the

mail by the specified date.

Assignment Due Date Computer Lab Due Date

0 4th March 1 30th March

1 11th March 2 3rd April

2 18th March 3 7th April

3 25th March 4 10th April

4 1st April 5 14th April

5 8th April 6 17th April

6 29th April 7 20th April

7s, 7e 6th May

8s 13th May

9s, 8e 20th May

10s 27th May

9 Assessment and Examination

There are ten weekly assignments for the Science Stream and eight for the Eco-

nomics Stream, with the first seven identical for both Streams.

The assignments contribute 30% to the overall assessment for students in the

Science Stream and 20% for students in the Economics Steam. There are an ad-

ditional 7 small assessment tasks from the computer labs for students in the Eco-

nomics Stream, contributing 10% to the final assessment. Students in the Science

Stream are not required to complete these lab tasks. Detailed worked solutions

to all assignment problems will be provided on return of the marked assignment


There will be one 2–hour exam paper for both streams, but the paper will be

divided into Part A (Common questions), Part B (Science–Stream questions), and

Part C (Economics–Stream questions). The exam will contribute 70% to the final

assessment for both streams. All students must achieve a mark of at least

50% on the final exam in order to pass the unit.

You will be allowed to take three (3) sheets or six (6) single sided pages of

hand–written notes into the examination, no photocopies, no printed or scanned

notes will be allowed. You will also be allowed to take a silent type calculator into

the exam which is not programmable and does not have an alpha key pad.

Beatrice Bleile
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Preparing the six-page summary for the examination is an important tool for

learning the material. You should start writing your summary as you learn the

material, revising it week by week. You will probably find it starts o↵ being too

long, but repeatedly revising it will make it easy to condense it. Experience shows

that students who follow this advice benefit greatly — those who draw up their

own summary rarely need to use it.

10 Moodle Site and Turing Home Page

The lecture notes, this unit guide and the computer lab manual will be available

on the MATH120 Moodle site and the MATH120 turing home page

The MATH120 Moodle site also provides access to announcements concerning this

unit, to the MATH120 discussion boards, the sample solutions for tutorial problems

and to vodcasts.

11 Announcements

All students must check their UNE e–mail accounts at least once a week for im-

portant information and announcements regarding their studies at UNE. Further

information about MATH120 will be provided on the News and Announcements

board on the MATH120 Moodle site for external (o↵–campus) students and during

lectures for internal (on–campus) students.

12 Assistance

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, problems, complaints or sugges-

tions. While it is important that you read through the material a few times and

struggle with the tutorial and assignment problems, it is equally important to seek

advice when you are stuck (see Section 1) for our contact details.

We look forward to meeting you.

Gerd, Bea and Imi

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13 Schedule of Topics

Below is an outline and approximate schedule of topics covered during the course

of the semester.

Part 1. Common topics for Science and Economics Streams

1. Functions (week 1)

1.1. The equation of a straight line

1.2. Translations

1.3. Quadratic functions

1.4. Power functions

1.5. Exponential functions

1.6. Logarithmic functions

1.7. Trigonometric functions

1.8. Combining functions

2. Solving Equations (week 2)

2.1. Equations involving elementary functions

2.2. Simultaneous equations

3. Di↵erential Calculus (weeks 3 and 4)

3.1. Definition of the derivative

3.2. Rules for di↵erentiation

3.3. Higher derivatives

3.4. Derivatives of exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions

4. Maxima and minima (week 5)

4.1. Stationary points

4.2. Derivative of sine and cosine revisited

4.3. Second derivative test for classifying stationary points

5. Integration (week 6)

5.1. Indefinite integrals

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5.2. Definite integrals

5.3. More on areas

5.4. Where does the natural logarithm really come from?

5.5. The average value of a function

6. Functions of several variables (week 7)

6.1. Partial derivatives

6.2. Maxima and minima of two-variable functions

7. Matrices and linear systems of equations (weeks 8 and 9)

7.1. Matrices

7.2. Operations of matrices

7.3. Multiplication of matrices

7.4. The inverse of a matrix and determinant

7.5. Solutions of linear systems

Part II. Separate Streams

A.Science Stream:

8. Applications of Matrices in Biology (weeks 9 and 10)

8.1. The Leslie Matrix Model of Population Growth

8.2. Powers of Matrices

9. Di↵erential Equations (weeks 11 and 12)

9.1. Introduction to di↵erential equations

9.2. Exponential growth and decay

9.3. Restricted exponential growth and decay

9.4. The logistic equation

B.Economics Stream (including Excel labs):

8. Applications in Economics (weeks 9 to 12)

8.1. The input-output model

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8.2. Linear inequalities

8.3. Linear optimization

8.4. Compound interest

8.5. Geometric progressions and savings plans

8.6. Annuities and Amortization

8.7. Other applications

Excel Labs. (commencing week 7 - economics stream only)

1. Getting started, entering data and formulae

2. Drawing graphs

3. Using Solver to find zeros, minima and maxima

4. Using matrix commands in Excel

5. Solving systems of linear equations by using Excel

6. Using Solver for linear programming problems

7. Using financial functions in Excel

14 Study Timetable

Week Topics

1 Functions 1.1-1.8

2 Solving Equations 2.1-2.2

3 Di↵erential Calculus 3.1-3.2

4 Di↵erential Calculus 3.3-3.4

5 Maxima and Minima 4.1-4.3

6 Integration 5.1-5.5, Excel Labs commence (Economics Stream)

7 Functions of Several Variables 6.1-6.2

Mid semester break (two weeks)

8 Matrices and Linear Systems 7.1-7.5

9 Parallel Lectures Commence (on campus students)

10 Science 8.1-9.1, Economics 8.1-8.3

11 Science 9.2-9.4, Economics 8.4-8.7

12 Revision

Examination period commences

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15 Tutorial Problems

MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Sketch the graphs of the functions given by

(a) y = 4x� 1;

(b) y = �1


(c) y = x

2 + 3.

Question 2. Find an equation for the straight line through the points with

coordinates (�1, 2) and (2, 8).

Question 3. Sketch the graphs of the functions given by

(a) y = �2x2 + 6x+ 3;

(b) y = x

2 + x+ 1.

In each case find the maximum or minimum value of the function and its zeros,

that is, all x for which y = 0.

Question 3. Sketch the graphs of the functions given by

(a) f1(x) = 2 sin x;

(b) f2(x) = �2 sin x;

(c) f3(x) = 2 sin 4x;

(d) f4(x) = 2 sin(4x+ ⇡);

(e) f5(x) = 2 sin x+ 1.

between �⇡ and 2⇡.

Question 4. Sketch on the one diagram the graphs of the functions given by

(a) g1(x) = ln x, x > 0;

(b) g2(x) = � ln x, x > 0 ;

(c) g3(x) = ln(x� 1), x > 1.

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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Solve the following equations for x.

(a) 7x+ 15 = 6;

(b) x� 23 = 3;

(c) 3e2x = 9;


2ln x� 3 = 0;

(e) |x| = 3;

(f) |x� 2| = 3;

(f) (x+ 1)x(x� 4) = 0.

Question 2. Consider the two curves given by

y = x+ 2 and y = x

2 � 2x+ 1.

Decide whether the two curves intersect. If they do intersect, find their points of


Question 3. Assuming only that ln 3 is approximately 1.0999 and ln 4 approx-

imately 1.386, calculate an approximation for

(a) ln 18 and

(b) ln4


Question 4. Find the inverses of the functions given by

(a) y = 4x+ 3;

(b) y = 2ex � 1.

For each function sketch the graph of the function and that of its inverse in one


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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Find the derivatives of the functions given by

(a) y = 3x4;

(b) y = e

101x + 0.1;

(c) y = x sin x;

(d) y = 5sin x


, x 6= 0;

(e) y = ln(2� x), x < 2;

(f) y = cos(x4);

(e) y = (cosx)4.

Question 2. Find the third derivative of the function f given by

f(x) = 2x6 � 4x3 + 3x� 10x�2.

Question 3. Find an equation of the tangent to the curve given by

y = x

2 + 4x+ 4

at the point where x = 1.

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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. We want to build a closed rectangular box with square base. There

are 6 square meters of material available. What dimensions will result in a box

with the largest possible volume?

Question 2. Find and classify the stationary points of the functions f given by

(a) f(x) = x

4 + 2x3 + 4;

(b) f(x) = xe


(c) f(x) =1

5(cos x)2.

Question 3. Find the maximum and the minimum of the function

f(x) = �(2x� 1)2 + 100

on the interval 0 x 5.

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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Find the following indefinite integrals


Z(6x2 � 8x+



) dx, x 6= 0;


Z3px dx, x � 0.

Question 2. Find the following definite integrals


Z ⇡2


sin(2x) dx;


Z 1




Question 3. The vertical speed of a rocket t seconds after lift–o↵ is t + 6t2

meters per second. How high is the rocket 2 minutes after lift–o↵?

Question 4. Find the area between the graphs of the functions given by y = x


and y = x+ 2.

Question 5. Find the area enclosed by the curve given by y = x

3 � x

2 and the


Question 6. Find the average of the function f(t) = sin t for ⇡ < t < 2⇡.

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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Find the partial derivatives@z















(a) z(x, y) = 5x2 � 4y5 + 75,

(b) z(x, y) = xy

2 � xy + x


(c) z(x, y) = y cos x.

Question 2. Find and classify the stationary points of the function given by

(a) z(x, y) = xy

2 � xy + x


(b) z(x, y) = y cos x.

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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Suppose

A =


64�1 0

2 3

1 2


75 , B =


642 0 �1

3 1 2

0 �1 1


75 , C =


644 1 3

0 5 11

1 1 13


75 and X =




(a) Write down the size of each of these matrices.

(b) Find the entries a13, b31 and c22.

(c) Using your answer to (a), determine which of the expressions A+B, 2B�C,

AB, BA and AX are defined. Calculate the ones that are defined.

(d) Calculate BC and CB. Are they equal to each other?

Question 2. A certain style of shirt comes in small, medium and large. A

company has two stores and in 2010 the sales figures for these shirts at the two

stores were

Small Medium Large

Store 1 201 402 236

Store 2 310 632 471


The corresponding sales figures for 2011 are given by

Small Medium Large

Store 1 256 410 198

Store 2 241 574 332


The profit per shirt sold is $8 for the small ones, $7 for the medium ones and $6

for the large ones.

Let A be the matrix representing the sales data for 2010 and B the matrix

representing the sales data for 2011.

(a) Write down a matrix expression for the total sales over 2010 and 2011.

(b) Write down and evaluate a matrix expression for the average sales over the

two years.

(c) Write down and evaluate a matrix expression for the profit made at each

store in 2010.

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Question 3. Suppose

A =

"1 1

2 0


(a) Find the determinant, detA, of the matrix A.

(b) Decide whether A is invertible. If it is invertible, find A


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MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Suppose

B =


643 1 0

0 4 1

1 0 0


75 .

(a) Show that B is invertible with B

�1 =


640 0 1

1 0 �3

�4 1 12



(b) Suppose X is a three dimensional vector with BX =






75. Find X.

(c) Calculate B


Question 2. A species lives for 4 months and the birth and survival rates are

given by the Leslie matrix L and the initial population at the beginning of August

2012 is given by the vector P0, where

L =



0 30 30 40

0.9 0 0 0

0 0.5 0 0

0 0 0.5 0


7775and P0 =









(a) What are the birth rates for the animals aged 0 � 1 months, 1 � 2 months

and 2� 3 months?

(b) What are the survival rates for the animals aged 0� 1 months, 1� 2 months

and 2� 3 months?

(c) Find L

2 and use your answer to calculate the population vector P2 at the

beginning of October 2012.

(d) Show that the inverse of L is given by

M =



0 109 0 0

0 0 2 0

0 0 0 2140 0 �3

2 �32



and use M to find the population vector P�1 at the beginning of July 2012.

Page 24: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. Show that f(t) = 2e3t3 � t

2 solves the di↵erential equation


0 � 9t2y = 9t4 � 2t.

Question 2. Show that the function f(t) = (e2t + 1)�1 satisfies


0 � 2y2 = �2y and y(0) =1


Question 3. Use separation of variables to solve the following di↵erential equa-




=3x2 � 1





0 = y

2 � e




3y0 + y = 2, y(0) = 5.

Page 25: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013)


Question 1. The probability of an atom of carbon-14 decaying within one year

is 0.00012. What is the half–life of carbon-14? What proportion of a sample will

be left after 10, 000 years?

Question 2. The size of a population satisfies the di↵erential equation



= 0.1(1000� y),

where y(t) is the number of organisms at time t measured in minutes.

If the initial population size is 100, when will the populations size reach 300, and

what is the population size after 10 minutes?

Question 3. A rabbit population satisfies the logistic equation



= 3⇥ 10�7y (105 � y),

where t is time measured in months and y is the number of individuals at time t.

Myxamatosis suddenly reduces the population to 30% of its steady state size.

If the myxamatosis then has no further e↵ect, how long will it take for the popu-

lation to build up to 80% of its steady state size?

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16 Assignment Problems

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 4th March 2013)


Question 1. Write the following as one fraction and cancel common factors in

the numerator and denominator




10; (b)


8� 1

10; (c)


8⇥ 1

10; (d)


8÷ 1


Question 2. Expand the following expressions

(a) x(x2 + 2); (b) (x� 2)(x+ 3); (c) (2x+ 1)2.

Question 3. Factorise the following expressions

(a) 6x+ 8x3; (b) mn+ 4n; (c) 4a2 � 9.

Question 4. Cancel common factors in the numerator and denominator




; (b)mn+ 4n


Question 5. Find all real numbers x such that

(a) x+ 2 = 0; (b) (x+ 2)(x� 3) = 0; (c)px = 3; (d) x2 = 16.

Question 6. Evaluate the following expressions



16; (b) (27)

13 ; (c) a

32 ⇥ a

12 ; (d) b

32 ÷ b

12 .

Question 7. For a cube with side length 4 cm find

(a) the volume; (b) the surface area.

Page 27: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 11th March)


Question 1. Sketch the graphs of the functions given by [4 marks]

(a) y = 2x� 3; (b) y = �1

2x+ 4; (c) y = 2x2; (d) y = 2x2 � 8.

For each graph find the points of intersection with the x-axis and the y-axis.

Question 2. Find an equation for the straight line with slope �2 through the

point with coordinates (1, 3). [4 marks]

Question 2. Sketch the graphs of the function given by

(a) y = �4x2 + 7x+ 2; [3 marks]

(b) y = x

2 � x� 1. [3 marks]

In each case find the maximum or minimum value of the function and its zeros,

that is, all x for which y = 0.

Question 3. Sketch the graphs of the functions given by

(a) f1(x) = �3 cosx; [2 marks]

(b) f2(x) = �3 cos(2x); [2 marks]

(c) f3(x) = �3 cos(2x� ⇡

2 ). [2 marks]

between �2⇡ and 2⇡.

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MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 11th March)


Question 1. Solve the following equations for x

(a) 15x+ 8 = 53; [1 mark]

(b) x

� 14 = 2; [1 mark]

(c) 3e5x�2 = 3; [1 mark]


2ln(x� 3) = 4; [1 mark]

(e) |x| = 100; [1 mark]

(f) |x� 1| = 100. [1 mark]

Question 2. Consider the two curves given by

y = x

2 � 2x and y = 2x� 16.

Decide whether the two curves intersect. If they do intersect, find their points of

intersection. [4 marks]

Question 3. Assuming only that ln 3 is approximately 1.0999 and ln 4 approx-

imately 1.386, calculate an approximation for

(a) ln 6; [2marks]

(b) ln9

16. [2 marks]

Question 4. Find the inverses of the functions given by

(a) y = 2x� 10; [3marks]

(b) y = 3ex + 5. [3 marks]

For each function sketch the graph of the function and that of its inverse on one


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MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 25th March)


Question 1. Find the derivatives of the functions given by

(a) y(x) = x

19 + 2px+ 3, x > 0; [2 marks]

(b) h(x) =7

6x4� 1


, x 6= 0; [2 marks]

(c) f(x) =1

5cos(x2); [2 marks]

(d) g(x) = e

3x cos x; [2 marks]

(e) y(t) =x+ 1

x� 1, x 6= 1; [2 marks]

(f) y(t) = ln(5t5 � t+ 6). [2 marks]

Question 2. Find the third derivative of the function f given by [3 marks]

f(x) = 3x4 + 179 + 2 ln x� 2x�1, x > 0.

Question 3. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve given by y = sin x at

x = ⇡

2 . [2 marks]

Question 4. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve given by

y = x

3 � 3

at the point where x = �1. [3 marks].

Page 30: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 1st April)


Question 1. We want to build a 600 square metre rectangular enclosure, three

sides of which will be built of wooden fencing at a cost of $14 per metre. The

remaining side will be made of cement blocks at $28 per metre. How will we set

the dimensions of the enclosure in order to minimize the cost of materials?

[5 marks]

Question 2. Find and classify the stationary points of the functions given by

(a) g(x) = x

2 � 3x4; [5 marks]

(b) f(x) = (x2 � 1)ex. [5 marks]

Question 3. Find the absolute maximum and the absolute minimum of the


f(x) = x

3 � 3x

on the interval �3 x 1. [5 marks]

Page 31: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 8th April)


Question 1. Find the following indefinite integrals


Z(x200 + 199�


9 +1


3)dx; [2 marks]





⌘dx. [2 marks]

Question 2. [4 marks]

Find the following definite integrals


Z �1



2x; [3 marks]




2 sin(x

2)dx. [3 marks]

Question 3. [3 marks]

Find the area between the graphs of the functions given by y = x

3 + x

2 � 1 and

y = x

3 + 3.

Question 5. [3 marks]

The size of a population grows according to the formula P (t) = 3000e0.2t, where

t is measured in months. What is the average of the population in the first ten


Page 32: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 29th April)


Question 1. Consider the function of two variables given by

z(x, y) = 2x2 + y

3 � x� 12y + 7.

(a) Find the partial derivatives@z














. [4 marks]

(b) Find the stationary points of this function. [3 marks]

(c) Use the second-derivative test to classify the stationary points. [3 marks]

Question 2. Consider the function of two variables given by

z(x, y) = x sin y.

(a) Find the partial derivatives@z














. [4 marks]

(b) Find the stationary points of this function. [3 marks]

(c) Use the second-derivative test to classify the stationary points. [3 marks]

Page 33: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 6th May)


Question 1. Suppose

A =

"1 �2 3

0 3 �4

#, B =

"2 0

1 �3

#, C =

"1 3

0 11

#and X =






75 .

(a) Write down the size of each of these matrices. [1mark]

(b) Find the entries a13, b21 and c22. [1 mark]

(c) Using your answer to (a), determine which of the expressions A+B, 2B�C,

AB, BA and AX are defined. Calculate the ones that are defined. [3 marks]

(d) Calculate BC and CB. Are they equal to each other? [3 marks]

Question 2. The sales figures for two pet stores in July were

Kittens Puppies Parrots

Store 1 6 4 12

Store 2 3 5 2


The corresponding sales figures for August are given by

Kittens Puppies Parrots

Store 1 8 7 10

Store 2 3 0 3


The value of each kitten is $55, each puppy is $ 150, and each parrot is $35.

Let A be the matrix representing the sales data for July and B the matrix

representing the sales data for August.

(a) Write down and evaluate a matrix expression for the total sale quantities over

July and August. [2 marks]

(b) Write down and evaluate a matrix expression for the average sale quantities

over the two months. [2 marks]

(c) Write down and evaluate a matrix expression for the total value of the pets

sold at each store in August. [2 marks]

Page 34: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

Question 3. Suppose

A =

"1001 1

2001 2

#, B =

"�1 3

�2 5


(a) Find the determinants, detA, detB of the matricis A and B.

(b) Decide whether A and B are invertible. If they are invertible, find A

�1 and



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MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 6th May)


Question 1. [5 marks]

A firm produces three sizes of recording tapes in two di↵erent qualities. The

production (in thousands) at its Melbourne plant is given by the following matrix.

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3

Quality 1 x1 x2 x3

Quality 2 y1 y2 y3


The production (in thousands) at its Sydney plant is given by the matrix:

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3

Quality 1 u1 u2 u3

Quality 2 v1 v2 v3


(a) Write a matrix that represents the total production of recording tapes at

both plants.

(b) The firm’s management is planning to buy an existing plant at Armidale

as its third plant. It is known that the Armidale plant has one third of

the capacity of the Melbourne plant, but has fifth of the capacity of the

Sydney plant. Find the relationship between the matrices representing the

productions in Melbourne and Sydney respectively.

(c) Find the total production of all the three plants if the Armidale plant has

the production level given by

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3

Quality 1 9 8 11

Quality 2 10 11 8


Question 2. [5 marks]

Determine whether the following products of matrices are defined and find the sizes

of the resulting matrices where the product is defined.

(a) "2 1 4 2

5 3 6 3


641 0 2 4

3 �1 0 1

0 2 1 3




641 0 2

0 2 �1

3 1 0




642 �1

1 0

0 3



"0 1 �2

3 0 1


Page 36: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

Question 3. [5 marks]

Express the following systems of linear equations in matrix form.

(a) 3x+ 8y + z = 9

x� 5y � 6z = �7

(b) 2x� y = 1

3y + 4z = 3

5z + x = 5

Question 4. [5 marks]

The interaction between two industries P and Q that form a hypothetical economy

is given in the following diagram:

Industry P Industry Q Consumer Demands Total Output

Industry P 46 342 72 460

Industry Q 322 114 134 570

Labour Inputs 92 114

(a) Determine the input-output matrix A.

(b) Find the matrix equation satisfied by the output matrix if the consumer

demands change to 129 for P and 213 for Q. (You are not required to solve the


Question 5. [5 marks]

A mining Company has two mines, P and Q. Each tonne of ore from the mine P

yields 26 kilograms of copper, 2 kilograms of zinc, and 0.5 kilogram of molybdenum.

Each tonne of ore from Q yields 12.5 kilograms of copper, 5 kilograms of zinc, and

1.5 kilograms of molybdenum. The company must produce at least 88,500, 18,000,

and 5000 kilograms per week of these three metals, respectively. If it costs $550

per tonne to obtain ore from P and $670 per tonne from Q, express this as a

Linear Programming problem for the manager of the company who wants to know

how much ore should be obtained from each mine in order to meet the production

requirements at minimum cost.

Page 37: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 13th May)


Question 1. Suppose

B =


641 0 �2

4 �2 1

1 2 �10


75 .

(a) Show that B is invertible with B

�1 =


64�9 2 2

�412 4 9


�5 1 1


75. [3 marks]

(b) Suppose X is a three dimensional vector with BX =






75. Find X.

[4 marks]

(c) Calculate B

2. [3 marks]

Question 2. A species lives for 4 months and the birth and survival rates are

given by the Leslie matrix L. The initial population at the beginning of August

2012 is given by the vector P0, where

L =



0 40 40 30

0.5 0 0 0

0 0.9 0 0

0 0 0.5 0


7775and P0 =









[10 marks]

(a) What are the birth rates for the animals aged 1�2 months and 3�4 months?

(b) What are the survival rates for the animals aged 0 � 1 months and 1 � 2


(c) What is the number of animals aged 1�2 months at the beginning of Septem-


(d) Show that the inverse of L is given by M =



0 2 0 0

0 0 109 0

0 0 0 2130 0 �40

27 �83


7775. Find the

population vector P�1 at the beginning of July 2012. How many animals

were born in July?

Page 38: University of New Unit Guide (Trimester 1... · The manual containing the short assessment tasks for the computer labs will

MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 20th May)


Question 1. A sum of $1,000 is invested at a nominal interest rate of 12%.

Calculate the capital

(a) after 1 year if compounding is monthly; [1 mark]

(b) after 1 year if compounding is quarterly; [1 mark]

(c) after 2 years if compounding occurs every 6 months and [1 mark]

(d) after 2 years with quarterly compounding. [1 mark]

Question 2. Which option is better for an investor, that is, which e↵ective

interest rate is bihigher, six-monthly compounding with a nominal rate of 12.5%

or a monthly compounding with a nominal rate of 12.2%? [4 marks]

Question 3. A machine is purchased for $25,000. The depreciation is calculated

on the diminishing value at 10% for the first 5 years and at 8% for the next 5 years.

Find the value of the machine after a period of 10 years. [4 marks]

Question 4. A loan of $16,000 is to be repaid by regular monthly installments

over 20 months. If the interest rate is 1% per month, what are the monthly pay-

ments? [4 marks]

Question 5.

(a) The demand for a certain product is given by the equation p

2 + x

2 = 2500,

where x units can be sold at a price of p dollars each. Determine the marginal

demand at a price level of 40 dollars. [2 marks]

(b) The demand equation of a certain product is p = 3000e�x/20, where x units

are sold at a price of p dollars each. If the manufacturer has a fixed cost

of $500 and the variable cost of $20 per unit, find the marginal revenue and

marginal profit functions. [2 marks]

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MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 20th May)


Question 1. Show that the function given by f(t) = 32e


2 � 12 is a solution of

the di↵erential equation


0 � 2ty = t.

[4 marks]

Question 2. Show that the function given by f(t) = (e�t + 1)�1 satisfies


0 + y

2 = y and y(0) =1


[4 marks]

Question 3. Use separation of variables to solve the following di↵erential equa-




=5� x


2; [4 marks]

(b) y0 = y

2 � e


2, y(0) = 1 and [4 marks]

(c) y0 + y = 1, y(0) = 2. [4 marks]

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MATH120 (2013) (Date Due: 27th May)


Question 1. Some species of bacteria follows an exponential growth pattern

with rate k = 0.02 (per hour).

(a) How long will it take for the population to double? [3 marks]

(b) If at the start of an experiment there are 100 bacteria, what will the popula-

tion be after 5 hours? [3 marks]

Question 2. A rabbit population satisfies the logistic equation



= 2⇥ 10�7y(106 � y),

where t is the time measured in months. The population is suddenly reduced to

40% of its steady state size by myxamatosis.

(a) If the myxamatosis then has no further e↵ect, how large is the population 8

months later? [3 marks]

(b) How long will it take for the population to build up again to 90% of its steady

state size? [3 marks]

Question 3. In ecology, the logistic equation is often written in the form



= rN(1� N



where N = N(t) stands for the size of the population at time t, the constants r

and K stand for the intrinsic growth rate and the carrying capacity of the species,


A pond on a fish farm has carrying capacity of 1000 fish, intrinsic growth rate

0.3 (when time is measured in months) and is originally stocked with 120 fish.

(a) Set up a logistic equation for the fish population N(t) in the pond, with t

measured in months. [2 marks]

(b) Find the size of the population when t = 10. [3 marks]

(c) Can the population reach 1000 at any future time? [3 marks]