University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit &...

University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut Health Center Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 University of Connecticut, Lewis B. Rome Commons Ballroom, 626 Gilbert Road Extension, Storrs, CT Attendees Trustees / Directors Present: F. Archambault, M. Boxer, R. Carbray, J. Gouin, T. Holt, and D. Nayden Staff Present: A. Agwunobi, C. Bianchi, J. Blumenthal, W. Byerly, C. Chiaputti, T. Dyer, C. Eaton, K. Fearney, N. Fuerst, N. Gelston, M. Gendreau, J. Geoghegan, K. Goss, C. Gray, S. Jordan, C. Kennedy, M. Larson, A. Marsh, B. Metz, M. Mundrane, K. O’Connor, M. O’Connor, G. Perrotti, R. Rubin, R. Rudnick, A. Swinney, E. Vitullo, and E. Zincavage BKD: Mary McKinley Marcum: Chris Jackson The meeting of the Joint Audit and Compliance Committee (JACC) was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Trustee Nayden. ON A MOTION made by Trustee Nayden and seconded by Trustee Gouin, the JACC voted to go into executive session to discuss: C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[E] – Preliminary drafts or notes that the public agency has determined that the public’s interest in withholding such documents clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure. [1‐210(b)(1)] C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[E] – Records or the information contained therein pertaining to strategy and negotiations with respect to pending claims C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[E] – Records, reports and statements privileged by the attorney‐client relationship. [1‐210(b)(10)] C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[C] – Records of standards, procedures, processes, software and codes not otherwise available to the public, the disclosure of which would compromise the security and integrity of an information technology system. [1‐210(b)(20)] Executive Session was attended by the following: Joint Audit & Compliance Committee members: F. Archambault, M. Boxer, R. Carbray, J. Gouin, T. Holt, D. Nayden; Board of Trustee member: K. O’Connor; Audit Staff members: C. Chiaputti, T. Dyer, M. Gendreau, K. Goss, H. Hildebrandt, A. Marsh, G. Perrotti, and E. Zincavage; Compliance Staff members: K. Fearney, and E. Vitullo; Senior Staff: A. Agwunobi, W. Byerly, N. Fuerst, J. Geoghegan, C. Kennedy, S. Jordan, R. Rubin, and; General Counsel: J. Blumenthal, N. Gelston; Portions of Executive Session were also attended by: C. Bianchi, C. Eaton, M. Frank, C. Gray, M. Larson, B. Metz, M. Mundrane, and R. Rudnick. The Executive Session ended at 10:48 a.m. and the JACC returned to open session at 10:50 a.m. There were no public comments. Tab 1 – Minutes of the Meeting ON A MOTION made by Trustee Nayden and seconded by Director Archambault the minutes of the September 20, 2018 JACC meeting were approved. Tab 2 – External Engagements M. McKinley from BKD presented the Annual Agreed‐Upon Procedures performed on the Division of Athletics as Required by NCAA Bylaw, Year Ended June 30, 2018. Subsequent to the inclusion of the presentation in the meeting materials, variances in coaching salaries were resolved and removed from the final NCAA AUP report, see revised presentation below. C. Jackson from Marcum presented the Audited Financial Statements for the University of Connecticut Health Center John Dempsey Hospital (JDH), UConn Medical Group (UMG) and Finance Corporation for the year ended June 30, 2018.

Transcript of University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit &...

Page 1: University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 University of Connecticut,

University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut Health Center  Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting 

Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 

University of Connecticut, Lewis B. Rome Commons Ballroom, 626 Gilbert Road Extension, Storrs, CT 


Trustees / Directors Present: 

F. Archambault, M. Boxer, R. Carbray, J. Gouin, T. Holt, and D. Nayden

Staff Present:  A. Agwunobi, C. Bianchi, J. Blumenthal, W. Byerly, C. Chiaputti, T. Dyer, C. Eaton, K. Fearney, N.Fuerst, N. Gelston, M. Gendreau, J. Geoghegan, K. Goss, C. Gray, S. Jordan, C. Kennedy, M. Larson,A. Marsh, B. Metz, M. Mundrane, K. O’Connor, M. O’Connor, G. Perrotti, R. Rubin, R. Rudnick, A.Swinney, E. Vitullo, and E. Zincavage

BKD:  Mary McKinley 

Marcum:  Chris Jackson 

The meeting of the Joint Audit and Compliance Committee (JACC) was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Trustee Nayden.   ON A MOTION made by Trustee Nayden and seconded by Trustee Gouin, the JACC voted to go  into executive session to discuss: • C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[E] – Preliminary drafts or notes that the public agency has determined that the public’s  interest  inwithholding such documents clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure.  [1‐210(b)(1)]

• C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[E] – Records or the information contained therein pertaining to strategy and negotiations with respectto pending claims

• C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[E] – Records, reports and statements privileged by the attorney‐client relationship. [1‐210(b)(10)]• C.G.S. 1‐200(6)[C] – Records of standards, procedures, processes, software and codes not otherwise available to thepublic, the disclosure of which would compromise the security and integrity of an information technology system.[1‐210(b)(20)]

Executive Session was attended by the following:  Joint Audit & Compliance Committee members: F. Archambault, M. Boxer,  R.  Carbray,  J.  Gouin,  T.  Holt,  D.  Nayden; Board  of  Trustee member:  K.  O’Connor; Audit  Staff members: C. Chiaputti,  T. Dyer, M. Gendreau, K. Goss, H. Hildebrandt, A. Marsh, G. Perrotti,  and E.  Zincavage; Compliance Staff members:  K.  Fearney,  and E. Vitullo; Senior Staff: A. Agwunobi, W. Byerly, N.  Fuerst,  J. Geoghegan, C. Kennedy, S. Jordan, R. Rubin, and; General Counsel: J. Blumenthal, N. Gelston; Portions of Executive Session were also attended by:  C. Bianchi, C. Eaton, M. Frank, C. Gray, M. Larson, B. Metz, M. Mundrane, and R. Rudnick.  

The Executive Session ended at 10:48 a.m. and the JACC returned to open session at 10:50 a.m. There were no public comments. 

Tab 1 – Minutes of the Meeting ON A MOTION made by Trustee Nayden and seconded by Director Archambault the minutes of the September 20, 2018 JACC meeting were approved. 

Tab 2 – External Engagements M. McKinley from BKD presented the Annual Agreed‐Upon Procedures performed on the Division of Athletics asRequired by NCAA Bylaw, Year Ended June 30, 2018.  Subsequent to the inclusion of the presentationin the meeting materials, variances in coaching salaries were resolved and removed from the final NCAA AUPreport, see revised presentation below.

C. Jackson from Marcum presented the Audited Financial Statements for the University of Connecticut HealthCenter John Dempsey Hospital (JDH), UConn Medical Group (UMG) and Finance Corporation for the year endedJune 30, 2018.

Page 2: University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 University of Connecticut,

University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut Health Center  Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting 

Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 

University of Connecticut, Lewis B. Rome Commons Ballroom, 626 Gilbert Road Extension, Storrs, CT 

Tab 3 – Significant Compliance Activities K. Fearney provided an update on compliance activities.

A. Agwunobi provided an update on the Joint Commission accreditation, Radiation Safety, and healthcare compliance


Tab 4 – Storrs & UConn Health Significant Audit Activities C. Chiaputti introduced the newest member of the AMAS staff, Mary Alice Gendreau, Medical Auditor.

C. Chiaputti provided the JACC with an update on the status of audit assignments (UConn and UConn Health).The JACC reviewed and accepted seven audits.  In addition, Audit and Management Advisory Services had sixteenaudits in progress during this reporting period.  A revised Status of Audit Assignments is below.

The committee received updates on the status of corrective actions from S. Wetstone for the FY 2017 Faculty Consulting audit and A. Agwunobi for the Auditor of Publics Accounts, FY2015 and 2016 Report on UConn Health. 

Tab 5 – UConn Health – HealthONE Update B. Metz provided the committee with a HealthONE update.

Tab 6 – 2019 JACC Schedule The 2019 JACC schedule was provided. 

  Tab 7 – Informational / Educational Items 

• Compliance Chatter Update;• UConn Health Compliance Matters Newsletter;• Article ‐ Three Lines of Defense.

There being no further business, ON A MOTION made by Trustee Nayden and seconded by Trustee Carbray, the meeting was adjourned at 12:01 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Angela Marsh

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Page 4: University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 University of Connecticut,


1Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP) required annually by NCAA Bylaw for Division I institutions

AUP report submitted to University President by 1/15 annually

NCAA defines specific athletics-related revenue & expense categories

Data derived from Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act reporting




Page 5: University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 University of Connecticut,

• Compared NCAA Guide’s revenue/expense categories with Statement of Revenues & Expenses (Statement)

• For revenue & expense categories >10%, compared current year vs. prior year actual data, & current year vs. budgeted data

• 1 fluctuation >10% : Direct Institutional Support – unanticipated coaching severance payments prior year

• Procedures performed on line items >4% total revenues/expenses

• Majority of items: no exceptions noted • Ticket sales – Paciolan system report

$6,924 < Statement

• Inquired of athletics-related internal control changes



Page 6: University of Connecticut & University of Connecticut ... · 18/12/2018  · Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 University of Connecticut,

UConn & UConn Health  Joint Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting 


Status of Assignments 




Audit Project 

UConn (UC) or UConn 

Health  (UH) 






Draft Reporting 

Final Draft/ Final Report Issued 

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services – VRA 6th Report   UH        X 

Radiology Oncology  UH        X 

Foundation Receipts and Disbursements FY2018  UC/UH         X 

Purchasing Card  UC        X 

Workers Compensation   UH        X 

Students Abroad  UH        X 

Disaster Recovery  UC        X 

Disaster Recovery  UH      X   

Center for Student Disabilities  UC      X   

Hartford Campus Relocation – Report 4  UC    X     

Energy Services Performance Contract Project – Phase 1 Report 2 

UC    X     

Non UConn 2000 Capital Project Expenditures – Agreed Upon Procedures 


Selected Contract – Gilbane   UC    X     

Faculty Consulting FY2018  UC/UH    X     

Cogeneration Power Plant Information Security  UC    X     

Student Clinical Placements  UC/UH    X     

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services – VRA 7th Report  UH    X     

Entrepreneurial Academic Programs  UC    X     

John Dempsey Hospital Controlled Substance Monitoring  UH    X     

Division 1 Football Certification  UC    X     

ADA  UH  X       

Undergraduate Student Safety Training  UC  X       

Offsite Sports Venue Contracts  UC  X       

TOTAL AUDITS (23)     (03)  (11)  (02)  (07) 



Special Projects/Consulting 

UConn (UC) or UConn 

Health  (UH) 




Field Work 


Review  Pre‐draft 


Project Final 

School of Business  Travel #2  UC    X     

Dental Billing  UH      X   

Meal Card   UH        X 

Consulting Contract  UH    X     

Financial Aid   UH        X 

Two Factor Authentication Project  UC    X     

Soil Testing and Trucking  UC        X 

Respiratory Therapy  UH  X       

TOTAL SPECIAL PROJECTS/CONSULTING (08)    (01)  (03)  (01)  (03)