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Name: Night Unit Packet Ms. Lizardo English 2 – Period Date Assigned Section Date Due One – Ch. 1-3 Two – Ch. 4-6 Three – Ch. 7-9 1 | P a g e

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Literary Devices

Term Definitions ExampleAnaphora Repetition of a word or a group of

words within a short section of writing.“A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a

time to pluck up that which is planted.” (Ecclesiastes 3:3)

Characterization The methods, incidents, speech, etc., an author uses to reveal the people in the book. Characterization is depicted by

what the person says, what others say, and by his or her actions.

Euphemism Substituting a milder word or phrase for one that might be offensive or


“Passed away” instead of “Died”

Inference The act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually stated by the author.

In The Pigman, John and Lorraine are writing a “memorial epic” about Mr. Pignati. Therefore, the reader may logically assume that Mr. Pignati dies in the book.

Metaphor A comparison of two things that are basically dissimilar in which one is

described in terms of the other.

The moon, a haunting lantern, shone through the clouds.

Monologue An extended speech by one character, either when alone or to others.

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; Mark Antony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral.

Parallelism The repetition of similarly constructed phrases, clauses, or sentences within a

short section.

“Government of the people, by the people, and for the people…”“When I was a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child…” (Corinthians 13:11)

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Plot The pattern of events in a literary word

Point of View The position or vantage point, determined by the author, from which the story seems to come to the reader.

First Person – I, Me, MineSecond Person – You, YourThird Person – He, She, They

Repetition Repeating of a word or phrase for stylistic effect.

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child.” (Corinthians 13:11)

Simile A comparison between two different things using like or as.

“I am as a hungry as a horse”“The trees broke like twigs during a hurricane”

Style The way an author chooses and uses words, phrases, and sentences to tell

the story.

Tone The atmosphere in a literary work or the attitude the author puts in a

literary work.

The tone of Catch-22 is one of sarcasm and absurdity.

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Timeline of Action in Night

1928 September 30th - Elie Wiesel is born in Sighet, Romania, which later on becomes a part of Hungary

1941 January – Nazi troops murder 170 Bucharest Jews.June – German forces attack Russia. Nazis massacre 212,000 Romanians.September – At Auschwitz, Germans begin using poison gas. German forces kill 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar.December 7th – The United States enter World War II after the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor.December 8th – Nazis introduce annihilation vans at the Chelmo death camp.

1933 Adolf Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany.March – Heinrich Himmler opens Dachau, a death camp, near Munich, Germany.

1942 Moshe the Beadle escapes and return to Sighet.

1935 September – The Nuremburg Laws ban marriages of Jews with Gentiles and revoke Jewish citizenship.

1943 March – Himmler initiates the use of crematoria in Auschwitz.April – Nazis put down a rebellion by Warsaw Jews.

1936 October – Germany forms a three part alliance with Italy and Japan.

1944 March – Hungarian Jews are deported.May 16th – Nazis begin deporting Sighet’s Jews.Late May – The Wiesels arrive at a concentration camp in Birkenau, Poland.Summer – Elie and Chlomo are sent to Auschwitz.

1937 July – Buchenwald concentration camp opens.

1945 January – Elie and his father are taken to Buchenwald, Germany.January 18th – Russian forces liberate Auschwitz.Late January – Chlomo dies.April – American troops free inmates in Dachau and Buchenwald camps.April 30th – Hitler commits suicide in Berlin.May – Germany surrenders.

1938 Early summer – Romanian Jews lose their citizenship.October – German Jews are stripped of their property and forced to live in state ghettos.November – Nazi pillagers destroy 7,500 stores and synagogues in Jewish neighborhoods on Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass.

1946 War criminals face death sentences at the Nuremburg trials.

1939 January – Hitler formally states his “final solution”.March – Czechoslovakia falls to Germany.World War II begins after Hitler’s forces invade Poland.

1940 April – Germany captures Norway and Denmark. A concentration camp opens in Auschwitz, Poland.June – Germany captures France.Late Fall – Nazis confiscate all Jewish property in Romania.

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Leaders Gather to Mark Liberation of Auschwitz

By: Craig Smith

January 28, 2005

KRAKOW, Poland, Jan. 27 - The presidents of Russia, Poland, Israel and Ukraine, as well as Vice President Dick Cheney and other world leaders, joined about 500 invited guests in a theater here today to commemorate the freeing of thousands of people from the nearby Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp 60 years ago.

Each of the leaders spoke in turn, at a forum sponsored by the European Jewish Congress and Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust museum, about the need to keep awareness of the Holocaust alive after the last of its aging survivors have died.

Several also warned against the resurgent anti-Semitism in Europe.

"We call upon the European Union not to allow Nazism to life in the imagination of the youth of Europe like some kind of horror show," President Moshe Katsav of Israel said, adding the allies "did not do enough" to prevent the killing of Jews in World War II.

As many as 1.5 million people, including 1 million Jews, met their death at the Auschwitz complex, which included three main camps and 39 smaller camps 40 miles southwest of Krakow. Most were killed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the second of the main camps that has come to symbolize the much broader Holocaust in which 6 million Jews died.

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia spoke proudly of the Soviet soldiers who gave themselves for the liberation of Auschwitz.

"They switched off the ovens, they saved Krakow," he said. But he also said there was still much to be ashamed of in the current situation.

"We unfortunately still see signs of anti-Semitism in our country," he said.

A group of Russian nationalist legislators recently called for a ban on Jewish groups in the former communist state.

President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland presented medals to three surviving Red Army soldiers who took part in the liberation of Auschwitz.

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Survivors, several wearing the coarse blue and white caps from their prison uniforms, dotted the crowd.

The commemoration, the largest ever, marks the liberation of the camp on Jan. 27, 1945.

The ceremony this year has an air of urgency as Jewish organizations work to ensure that awareness of the Holocaust persists after living memories of it die. This is likely to be the last major anniversary to be attended by both camp survivors and their liberators, all of whom are now in their 90's.

Leaders at the forum sought commitments from European leaders to institutionalize the teaching of the Holocaust, drawing on educational programs and materials developed by Yad Vashem.

"The numbers of world leaders coming and the readiness of the media to follow the commemoration is greater than before" with "a new anti-Semitism building in Europe," said the head of Yad Vashem, Avner Shalev, arguing that without a systematic approach to teaching about the Holocaust, its meaning for future generations may fade. "We need a concrete commitment out of this ceremony."

That commitment is all the more critical now because a growing number of Europe's young Muslims are resisting, even rejecting, efforts to teach them about the Holocaust, arguing that there is not enough attention paid to the killing of innocent Muslims by Israel or the United States-led coalitions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Teachers are reluctant to teach about the Holocaust in some schools, particularly in France, Belgium and Denmark. Mr. Shalev said that most of his organization's educational exchanges with France are now with the country's private Jewish institutions.

A recent string of anti-Semitic attacks across Europe and other unsettling events, such as the widely publicized photograph of Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne, wearing a Nazi uniform at a costume party earlier this month and a walkout by far-right German legislators during a minute's silence for Nazi victims on Friday, have raised concerns that the horrors of the Holocaust are being forgotten.

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Total: /25 pts

Comprehension Questions

Answer the following questions using the article “Leaders Gather to Mark Liberation of

Auschwitz”. Be sure to write answers in complete sentences.

1. Why was there a ceremony in Krakow, Poland, on January 27, 2005?

2. What two main issues did the leaders of several countries speak about?

3. According to Avner Shalev, what types of sentiments are on the rise in Europe?

4. Why are Europe’s young Muslims resisting or rejecting curriculum about the Holocaust?

5. What did you learn or think about in a new way after reading the article “Leaders Gather to Mark Liberation of Auschwitz”?

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Total: /25 pts

Holocaust Survey

Before reading Night, it’s important to get an idea of how people think of the Holocaust in today’s society. Public opinion about the topic varies widely. One scholar, Theodor Adorno, believed that the Holocaust should have such a great impact on everything we do afterwards that we should consider it “barbaric” to write poetry after Auschwitz. At the opposite pole, Holocaust “revisionists” like Arthur Butz and Robert Faurisson argue that the Holocaust never even happened, that it was a hoax.

Ask the following survey questions to five people, making sure to include persons from various generations (age groups). Keep tally of responses; jot down short answers for the third question. We will be sharing and discussing survey results in a class discussion.

Individuals Name Age Range/Occupation

Example – Ms. Lizardo 20’s / Teacher







1. Do you think an event like the Holocaust could ever happen again?


2. Is prejudice rooted in human nature (we’re born with it), learned, or both?


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3. What, if anything makes the Holocaust unique among the mass-slaughters of peoples, such as what went on in Rwanda and Cambodia?A. D.

B. E.


4. Do you think it is important to remember and study the Holocaust?


5. In your own words, why do you think it’s important, if at all, to remember what happened during the Holocaust? If not, then why shouldn’t we remember it? (5 sentences)

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Total: /20 pts

21st Century Concentration Camps

As you watch the video “21st Century Concentration Camps” in class, please write down your initial thoughts and questions in the space provided below.

Thoughts (3 sentence minimum):

Questions (3 question minimum):

Think about the quote "those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." Do you think this is true? Why or why not?

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Vocabulary Word

Page # Context Definition










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Total: /40 pts.

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Section One Questions (Pages 3-46)

Respond to the following questions in complete sentences and provide textual evidence (quote) to support your answers.

1. Who was Moishe the Beadle? (Level 1) Why do you think the author chose to begin his story with him? (Level 2)

2. Describe what happened to Moishe that caused a great change in him. (Level 1)

3. What is meant by the line, “On the seventh day of Passover the curtain rose”? (Level 2) (Wiesel 10)

4. Why did the Jews of Sighet think they were being deported? (Level 1)

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5. Who offered Eliezer’s family refuge? (Level 1) Why do you suppose the father didn’t accept? (Level 2)

6. Can the violent actions towards Mrs. Schachter be justified? What could she have been foreshadowing? (Level 2)

7. Should Eliezer have tried to bribe the assistant? Why or why not? (Level 2)

8. Why do you think Eliezer was mad with his father when he was beaten by Idek? How would you have reacted in this situation? (Level 2)

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Total: /25 pts.

Night & Euphemism Worksheet

Part 1(10 pts): Complete the chart below by providing (left column) the literal meaning for the euphemisms provided (right column). It may be necessary to do research on the. The first four euphemisms are used today, by the United States military. The last three, were used by the Nazis during the Holocaust. On the last row, write a euphemism that you know and its literal meaning.

Euphemism Literal Meaning

Friendly Fire

Collateral Damage

Soft Targets

Transport Tubes

Final Solution



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Part 2 (15 pts): Consider the way euphemisms are used in today’s world vs. during the Holocaust. In the space provided below, choose whether or not they create more harm than good or vice versa, then explain your reasoning.

Clearly stated opinion (thesis statement) 2 paragraphs (10-18 sentences) At least 2 examples to support reasoning

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Total: /20 pts

Section 2 Questions (Pages 47-97)

Respond to the following questions in complete sentences and provide textual evidence (quote) to support your answers.

1. Why do you suppose even “Kapos, all bureaucrats in the service of Death” (Wiesel 67) came to the Rosh Hashanah service? (Level 2) How did Eliezer react to this? (Level 1)

2. Why didn’t Eliezer fast during Yom Kippur? (Level 1) What would you have done in his place? (Level 2)

3. What do you think Eliezer means when he says “This must be how one stands for the Last Judgment” (Wiesel 71)? (Level 2)

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4. Why did Eliezer end up in the hospital? What decision did he have to make once he was there? (Level 1)

5. Why was the camp being evacuated? Why did the prisoners want the Russians to arrive first?

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Total: /15 pts.

Anaphora Activity

Anaphora means:

Below is an example of an anaphora that can be found in Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” Speech:

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.”

What is Dr. King’s anaphora? What affect do you think he wanted his speech to have on his audience? (5 sentences)

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Another example of an anaphora is in President Franklin d. Roosevelt’s “Pearl Harbor Address” delivered on December 8th, 1941:

“The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.

Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.

And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.”

What affect is this anaphora meant to have on the American audience? Why do you think President Roosevelt chose this anaphora in particular? (5 sentences)

Find an anaphora in a speech written or literary text in the past century (100 years) and write down what the anaphora is and the affect it is meant to have on the audience.

Speech: By:



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Total: /20 pts.

Section 3 Questions (Pages 98-115)

Respond to the following questions in complete sentences and provide textual evidence (quote) to support your answers.

1. Why did the men attempt to throw Eliezer’s father from the carriage? Why did the “rejoice” when they were ordered to throw out the corpses? (Level 1)

2. How were the bonds between loved ones affected after being in concentration camps? (Think about Meir and his son) (Level 2)

3. Why is it that Eliezer “could have screamed in anger”? (Wiesel 105) (Level 1)

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4. Why didn’t Eliezer see his father die? (Level 1) Do you agree with his reaction? Why or why not? (Level 2)

5. Why did the SS flee the concentration camp? When, was Eliezer Wiesel finally freed? (Level 1)

6. Would this book have been better if Eliezer Wiesel had given the audience a more “uplifting” tone in the end? Why or why not? (Level 2)

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Total: /20 pts.

“Once…Now” Creative Writing Activity

Write a poem about the changes that Eliezer Wiesel undergoes during his time in the concentration camps.


Reread pages 1-3, describing his time before the camps, and pages 107-109, after his liberation.

With your partner discuss how Eliezer changed physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

In the chart below, write down a list of hopes, pleasures, desires, and plans Eliezer used to have and how he feels about his those plans and loss of faith after his experience in the concentration camps.

Choose at 1 quote you’d like to incorporate into your poem.

Before After

Example: Once, New Year’s Day had dominated my life (Wiesel 64)

Now, I cease to please, to plead.






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