United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations

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Transcript of United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations

  • 8/9/2019 United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations


    Staff Rulesand Staff Regulations of the United Nations

    Secretary-General’s bulletin

    ST/SGB/201 /1

    United Nations

  • 8/9/2019 United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations


    ST/SGB/2014/11 January 2014

    Secretary-General’s bulletin

    Staff Rules

    Under the Charter of the United Nations, the General Assem ly !ro"ides Staff #e$ulations %hi&h set out the road !rin&i!les of human resour&es !oli&y for thestaffin$ and administration of the Se&retariat and the se!arately administered fundsand !ro$rammes' The Se&retary(General is re)uired y the Staff #e$ulations to !ro"ide and enfor&e su&h Staff #ules, &onsistent %ith these !rin&i!les, as he&onsiders ne&essary'

    The Se&retary(General, !ursuant to staff re$ulations 12'2, 12'* and 12'4, here y !romul$ates the Staff #ules, effe&ti"e as from 1 January 2014'

    Arti&les +, -, 100, 101 and 10. of the Charter of the United Nations, %hi&h relateto the ser"i&e of the staff, are in&luded in the introdu&tory !art of the !resent editionof the Staff #ules'

    n the !resent edition, ea&h arti&le of the Staff #e$ulations of the United Nations !re&edes ea&h &ha!ter of the related rules'

    The !resent ulletin a olishes Se&retary(General s ulletinST/SGB/201*/* andAmend'1'

    Signed B!N 3i(moonSe&retary(General

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    #harter of the United Nations

    $ro%isions relating to ser%ice of the staff

    !rticle &The United Nations shall !la&e no restri&tions on the eli$i ility of men and %omen

    to !arti&i!ate in any &a!a&ity and under &onditions of e)uality in its !rin&i!al andsu sidiary or$ans'

    !rticle '(

    The Se&retariat shall &om!rise a Se&retary(General and su&h staff as the5r$ani6ation may re)uire' The Se&retary(General shall e a!!ointed y the GeneralAssem ly u!on the re&ommendation of the Se&urity Coun&il' 7e shall e the &hief administrati"e offi&er of the 5r$ani6ation'

    !rticle 100

    1' n the !erforman&e of their duties, the Se&retary(General and the staff shallnot see8 or re&ei"e instru&tions from any Go"ernment or from any other authoritye9ternal to the 5r$ani6ation' They shall refrain from any a&tion %hi&h mi$ht refle&ton their !osition as international offi&ials res!onsi le only to the 5r$ani6ation'

    2' :a&h ;em er of the United Nations underta8es to res!e&t the e9&lusi"elyinternational &hara&ter of the res!onsi ilities of the Se&retary(General and the staff and not to see8 to influen&e them in the dis&har$e of their res!onsi ilities'

    !rticle 101

    1' The staff shall e a!!ointed y the Se&retary(General under re$ulationsesta lished y the General Assem ly'

    2' A!!ro!riate staffs shall e !ermanently assi$ned to the :&onomi& and So&ialCoun&il, the Trusteeshi! Coun&il, and, as re)uired, to other or$ans of the United Nations' These staffs shall form a !art of the Se&retariat'

    *' The !aramount &onsideration in the em!loyment of the staff and in thedetermination of the &onditions of ser"i&e shall e the ne&essity of se&urin$ thehi$hest standards of effi&ien&y, &om!eten&e, and inte$rity'

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    *arlier a+end+ents to the Staff Regulations

    The General Assem ly esta lished the Staff #e$ulations of the United Nationsa&&ordin$ to Arti&le 101 of the Charter y resolution . 0 > of 2 ?e ruary 1 .2and amended them thereafter y resolutions -+1 > and -+2 > of

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    Contents Artic le or

    Chapter Title Regulations Rules Page

    S&o!e and !ur!ose'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -

    ' ' So&ial se&urity '1 '2 '1 ' .1

    > ' Tra"el and remo"al e9!enses -'1 -'2 -'1 -'1 .

    > ' Staff relations +'1 +'2 +'1 +'2 -0

    @' Se!aration from ser"i&e '1 '4 '1 '12 -*


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    Appendices to the Staff Rules Page


    A' ensiona le remuneration for staff in the rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories and salary s&alesand !ensiona le remuneration for staff in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 104

    B':du&ation $rant entitlements a!!li&a le in &ases %here edu&ational e9!enses are in&urred ins!e&ified &urren&ies and &ountries'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 10-

    C'Arran$ements relatin$ to military ser"i&e''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 10

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    Staff Regulations of the United Nations

    Sco e and ur ose

    The Staff #e$ulations em ody the fundamental &onditions of ser"i&e and the asi&ri$hts, duties and o li$ations of the United Nations Se&retariat' They re!resent the road !rin&i!les of human resour&es !oli&y for the staffin$ and administration of theSe&retariat' ?or the !ur!oses of these #e$ulations, the e9!ressions DUnited NationsSe&retariatE, Dstaff mem ersE or DstaffE shall refer to all the staff mem ers of theSe&retariat, %ithin the meanin$ of Arti&le - of the Charter of the United Nations,%hose em!loyment and &ontra&tual relationshi! are defined y a letter of a!!ointment su =e&t to re$ulations !romul$ated y the General Assem ly !ursuantto Arti&le 101, !ara$ra!h 1, of the Charter' The Se&retary(General, as the &hief administrati"e offi&er, shall !ro"ide and enfor&e su&h staff rules &onsistent %iththese !rin&i!les as he or she &onsiders ne&essary'

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    !rticle .uties obligations and ri%ileges

    Regulation 1 1Status of staff

    a Staff mem ers are international &i"il ser"ants' Their res!onsi ilities asstaff mem ers are not national ut e9&lusi"ely internationalF

    Staff mem ers shall ma8e the follo%in$ %ritten de&laration %itnessed ythe Se&retary(General or his or her authori6ed re!resentati"e

    D solemnly de&lare and !romise to e9er&ise in all loyalty, dis&retion and&ons&ien&e the fun&tions entrusted to me as an international &i"il ser"ant of theUnited Nations, to dis&har$e these fun&tions and re$ulate my &ondu&t %ith theinterests of the United Nations only in "ie%, and not to see8 or a&&e!tinstru&tions in re$ard to the !erforman&e of my duties from any Go"ernment

    or other sour&e e9ternal to the 5r$ani6ation'D also solemnly de&lare and !romise to res!e&t the o li$ations

    in&um ent u!on me as set out in the Staff #e$ulations and #ules'E

    & The Se&retary(General shall ensure that the ri$hts and duties of staff mem ers, as set out in the Charter and the Staff #e$ulations and #ules and in therele"ant resolutions and de&isions of the General Assem ly, are res!e&tedF

    d The Se&retary(General shall see8 to ensure that the !aramount&onsideration in the determination of the &onditions of ser"i&e shall e the ne&essityof se&urin$ staff of the hi$hest standards of effi&ien&y, &om!eten&e and inte$rityF

    e The Staff #e$ulations a!!ly to all staff at all le"els, in&ludin$ staff of these!arately funded or$ans, holdin$ a!!ointments under the Staff #ulesF

    f The !ri"ile$es and immunities en=oyed y the United Nations y "irtueof Arti&le 10. of the Charter are &onferred in the interests of the 5r$ani6ation'These !ri"ile$es and immunities furnish no e9&use to the staff mem ers %ho are&o"ered y them to fail to o ser"e la%s and !oli&e re$ulations of the State in %hi&hthey are lo&ated, nor do they furnish an e9&use for non(!erforman&e of their !ri"ateo li$ations' n any &ase %here an issue arises re$ardin$ the a!!li&ation of these !ri"ile$es and immunities, the staff mem er shall immediately re!ort the matter tothe Se&retary(General, %ho alone may de&ide %hether su&h !ri"ile$es andimmunities e9ist and %hether they shall e %ai"ed in a&&ordan&e %ith the rele"antinstruments'

    Regulation 1 2

    Basic rights and obligations of staff #ore %alues

    a Staff mem ers shall u!hold and res!e&t the !rin&i!les set out in theCharter, in&ludin$ faith in fundamental human ri$hts, in the di$nity and %orth of thehuman !erson and in the e)ual ri$hts of men and %omen' Conse)uently, staff mem ers shall e9hi it res!e&t for all &ulturesF they shall not dis&riminate a$ainst

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    any indi"idual or $rou! of indi"iduals or other%ise a use the !o%er and authority"ested in themF

    Staff mem ers shall u!hold the hi$hest standards of effi&ien&y,&om!eten&e and inte$rity' The &on&e!t of inte$rity in&ludes, ut is not limited to, !ro ity, im!artial ity, fairness, honesty and truthfulness in all matters affe&tin$ their %or8 and statusF

    General rights and obligations

    & Staff mem ers are su =e&t to the authority of the Se&retary(General andto assi$nment y him or her to any of the a&ti"ities or offi&es of the United Nations'n e9er&isin$ this authority the Se&retary(General shall see8 to ensure, ha"in$ re$ardto the &ir&umstan&es, that all ne&essary safety and se&urity arran$ements are madefor staff &arryin$ out the res!onsi ilities entrusted to themF

    d n the !erforman&e of their duties staff mem ers shall neither see8 nor a&&e!t instru&tions from any Go"ernment or from any other sour&e e9ternal to the5r$ani6ationF

    e By a&&e!tin$ a!!ointment, staff mem ers !led$e themsel"es to dis&har$etheir fun&tions and re$ulate their &ondu&t %ith the interests of the 5r$ani6ation onlyin "ie%' oyalty to the aims, !rin&i!les and !ur!oses of the United Nations, as setforth in its Charter, is a fundamental o li$ation of all staff mem ers y "irtue of their status as international &i"il ser"antsF

    f Hhile staff mem ers !ersonal "ie%s and &on"i&tions, in&ludin$ their !oliti&al and reli$ious &on"i&tions, remain in"iola le, staff mem ers shall ensurethat those "ie%s and &on"i&tions do not ad"ersely affe&t their offi&ial duties or theinterests of the United Nations' They shall &ondu&t themsel"es at all times in amanner efittin$ their status as international &i"il ser"ants and shall not en$a$e inany a&ti"ity that is in&om!ati le %ith the !ro!er dis&har$e of their duties %ith theUnited Nations' They shall a"oid any a&tion and, in !arti&ular, any 8ind of !u li& !ronoun&ement that may ad"ersely refle&t on their status, or on the inte$rity,inde!enden&e and im!artiality that are re)uired y that statusF

    $ Staff mem ers shall not use their offi&e or 8no%led$e $ained from their offi&ial fun&tions for !ri"ate $ain, finan&ial or other%ise, or for the !ri"ate $ain of any third !arty, in&ludin$ family, friends and those they fa"our' Nor shall staff mem ers use their offi&e for !ersonal reasons to !re=udi&e the !ositions of thosethey do not fa"ourF

    h Staff mem ers may e9er&ise the ri$ht to "ote ut shall ensure that their !arti&i!ation in any !oliti&al a&ti"i ty is &onsistent %ith, and does not refle&tad"ersely u!on, the inde!enden&e and im!artiality re)uired y their status asinternational &i"il ser"antsF

    i Staff mem ers shall e9er&ise the utmost dis&retion %ith re$ard to allmatters of offi&ial usiness' They shall not &ommuni&ate to any Go"ernment, entity, !erson or any other sour&e any information 8no%n to them y reason of their offi&ial !osition that they 8no% or ou$ht to ha"e 8no%n has not een made !u li&,e9&e!t as a!!ro!riate in the normal &ourse of their duties or y authori6ation of theSe&retary(General' These o li$ations do not &ease u!on se!aration from ser"i&eF

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    onours gifts or re+uneration

    = No staff mem er shall a&&e!t any honour, de&oration, fa"our, $ift or remuneration from any Go"ernmentF

    8 f refusal of an unanti&i!ated honour, de&oration, fa"our or $ift from aGo"ernment %ould &ause em arrassment to the 5r$ani6ation, the staff mem er mayre&ei"e it on ehalf of the 5r$ani6ation and then re!ort and entrust it to theSe&retary(General, %ho %ill either retain it for the 5r$ani6ation or arran$e for itsdis!osal for the enefit of the 5r$ani6ation or for a &harita le !ur!oseF

    l No staff mem er shall a&&e!t any honour, de&oration, fa"our, $ift or remuneration from any non($o"ernmental sour&e %ithout first o tainin$ thea!!ro"al of the Se&retary(GeneralF

    #onflict of interest

    m A &onfli&t of interest o&&urs %hen, y a&t or omission, a staff mem er s !ersonal interests interfere %ith the !erforman&e of his or her offi&ial duties andres!onsi ilities or %ith the inte$rity, inde!enden&e and im!artiality re)uired y thestaff mem er s status as an international &i"il ser"ant' Hhen an a&tual or !ossi le&onfli&t of interest does arise, the &onfli&t shall e dis&losed y staff mem ers totheir head of offi&e, miti$ated y the 5r$ani6ation and resol"ed in fa"our of theinterests of the 5r$ani6ationF

    n All staff mem ers at the

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    iii The outside o&&u!ation or em!loyment is !ermitted y lo&al la% at theduty station or %here the o&&u!ation or em!loyment o&&ursF

    Use of ro erty and assets

    ) Staff mem ers shall use the !ro!erty and assets of the 5r$ani6ation onlyfor offi&ial !ur!oses and shall e9er&ise reasona le &are %hen utili6in$ su&h !ro!ertyand assetsF

    r Staff mem ers must res!ond fully to re)uests for information from staff mem ers and other offi&ials of the 5r$ani6ation authori6ed to in"esti$ate the !ossi le misuse of funds, %aste or a use'

    Regulation 1 "$erfor+ance of staff

    a Staff mem ers are a&&ounta le to the Se&retary(General for the !ro!er dis&har$e of their fun&tions' Staff mem ers are re)uired to u!hold the hi$heststandards of effi&ien&y, &om!eten&e and inte$rity in the dis&har$e of their fun&tions'

    Their !erforman&e %ill e a!!raised !eriodi&ally to ensure that the re)uiredstandards of !erforman&e are metF

    The %hole time of staff mem ers shall e at the dis!osal of theSe&retary(General for the !erforman&e of offi&ial fun&tions' The Se&retary(Generalshall esta lish a normal %or8in$ %ee8 and shall esta lish offi&ial holidays for ea&hduty station' :9&e!tions may e made y the Se&retary(General as the needs of theser"i&e may re)uire, and staff mem ers shall e re)uired to %or8 eyond the normaltour of duty %hen re)uested to do so'

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    #ha ter .uties obligations and ri%ileges

    Rule 1 1Status of staff

    a The de&laration made y a staff mem er on a!!ointment !ursuant to staff re$ulation 1'1 shall e !la&ed in his or her offi&ial status file' A ne% de&larationshall e made after a rea8 in ser"i&e that e9&eeds three months'

    The de&laration administered under staff re$ulation 1'1 shall not !re"ent the &lose &olla oration of staff %ith a Go"ernment !ursuant to an a$reement et%een the Go"ernment and the United Nations'

    Rule 1 2Basic rights and obligations of staff


    a Staff mem ers shall follo% the dire&tions and instru&tions !ro!erlyissued y the Se&retary(General and y their su!er"isors'

    Staff mem ers must &om!ly %ith lo&al la%s and honour their !ri"atele$al o li$ations, in&ludin$, ut not limited to, the o li$ation to honour orders of &om!etent &ourts'

    & Staff mem ers ha"e the duty to re!ort any rea&h of the 5r$ani6ation sre$ulations and rules to the offi&ials %hose res!onsi ility it is to ta8e a!!ro!riatea&tion and to &oo!erate %ith duly authori6ed audits and in"esti$ations' Staff mem ers shall not e retaliated a$ainst for &om!lyin$ %ith these duties'


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    the administration of =usti&e system, nor shall staff mem ers threaten, intimidate or other%ise en$a$e in any &ondu&t intended, dire&tly or indire&tly, to interfere %iththe a ility of other staff mem ers to dis&har$e their offi&ial fun&tions' Staff mem ers shall not threaten, retaliate or attem!t to retaliate a$ainst su&h indi"idualsor a$ainst staff mem ers e9er&isin$ their ri$hts and duties under the !resent #ules'

    h Staff mem ers shall not intentionally misre!resent their fun&tions,offi&ial title or the nature of their duties to ;em er States or to any entities or !ersons e9ternal to the United Nations'

    i Staff mem ers shall not intentionally alter, destroy, falsify or mis!la&e or render useless any offi&ial do&ument, re&ord or file entrusted to them y "irtue of their fun&tions, %hi&h do&ument, re&ord or file is intended to e 8e!t as !art of there&ords of the 5r$ani6ation'

    = Staff mem ers shall not see8 to influen&e ;em er States, !rin&i!al or su sidiary or$ans of the United Nations or e9!ert $rou!s in order to o tain a &han$efrom a !osition or de&ision ta8en y the Se&retary(General, in&ludin$ de&isionsrelatin$ to the finan&in$ of Se&retariat !ro$rammes or units, or in order to se&ure

    su!!ort for im!ro"in$ their !ersonal situation or the !ersonal situation of other staff mem ers or for lo&8in$ or re"ersin$ unfa"oura le de&isions re$ardin$ their statusor their &ollea$ues status'

    8 Staff mem ers shall neither offer nor !romise any fa"our, $ift,remuneration or any other !ersonal enefit to another staff mem er or to any third !arty %ith a "ie% to &ausin$ him or her to !erform, fail to !erform or delay the !erforman&e of any offi&ial a&t' Similarly, staff mem ers shall neither see8 nor a&&e!t any fa"our, $ift, remuneration or any other !ersonal enefit from another staff mem er or from any third !arty in e9&han$e for !erformin$, failin$ to !erformor delayin$ the !erforman&e of any offi&ial a&t'

    onours gifts or re+uneration

    l No staff mem er shall a&&e!t any honour, de&oration, fa"our, $ift or remuneration from any Go"ernment' 7o%e"er, if refusal of an unanti&i!ated honour,de&oration, fa"our or $ift from a Go"ernment %ould &ause em arrassment to the5r$ani6ation, the staff mem er may re&ei"e it on ehalf of the 5r$ani6ation !ro"ided that it is re!orted and entrusted to the Se&retary(General throu$hesta lished !ro&edures'

    m A&&e!tan&e y staff mem ers of any honour, de&oration, fa"our, $ift or remuneration from non($o"ernmental sour&es re)uires the !rior a!!ro"al of theSe&retary(General' A!!ro"al shall e $ranted only in e9&e!tional &ases and %heresu&h a&&e!tan&e is not in&om!ati le %ith the interests of the 5r$ani6ation and %iththe staff mem er s status as an international &i"il ser"ant' f &ir&umstan&es do notallo% for !rior a!!ro"al or if refusal of an unanti&i!ated honour, de&oration, fa"our

    or $ift, in&ludin$ a minor $ift of essentially nominal "alue, %ould &auseem arrassment to the 5r$ani6ation, staff mem ers may re&ei"e it on ehalf of the5r$ani6ation !ro"ided that it is re!orted and entrusted to the Se&retary(Generalthrou$h esta lished !ro&edures'

    n The Se&retary(General may authori6e staff mem ers to a&&e!t from anon($o"ernmental sour&e or a uni"ersity or a related institution, a&ademi& a%ards,

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    distin&tions and to8ens of a &ommemorati"e or honorary &hara&ter, su&h as s&rolls,&ertifi&ates, tro!hies or other items of essentially nominal monetary "alue'

    o Staff mem ers, as !art of their offi&ial fun&tions, %ill e e9!e&ted fromtime to time to attend $o"ernmental or other fun&tions su&h as meetin$s,&onferen&es, meals and di!lomati& re&e!tions' Su&h attendan&e is not &onsideredre&ei!t of a fa"our, $ift or remuneration %ithin the meanin$ of the Staff #e$ulationsand Staff #ules'

    ! Staff mem ers shall not a&&e!t any $ift, remuneration or fa"our from anysour&e ha"in$ or see8in$ to ha"e any ty!e of &ontra&tual relationshi! %ith the5r$ani6ation'

    #onflict of interest

    ) A staff mem er %hose !ersonal interests interfere %ith the !erforman&eof his or her offi&ial duties and res!onsi ilities or %ith the inte$rity, inde!enden&eand im!artiality re)uired y the staff mem er s status as an international &i"ilser"ant shall dis&lose any su&h a&tual or !ossi le interest to the head of offi&e and,

    e9&e!t as other%ise authori6ed y the Se&retary(General, formally e9&use himself or herself from !arti&i!atin$ %ith re$ard to any in"ol"ement in that matter %hi&h mi$ht$i"e rise to a &onfli&t of interest situation'

    r ursuant to staff re$ulation 1'2 n , the Se&retary(General shall esta lish !ro&edures for the fil in$ and ut ili6ation of finan&ial dis&losure statements'

    3utside e+ loy+ent and acti%ities

    s Staff mem ers shall not en$a$e in any outside o&&u!ation or em!loyment, %hether remunerated or not, %ithout the a!!ro"al of the Se&retary(General'

    t Staff mem ers shall not, e9&e!t in the normal &ourse of offi&ial duties or

    %ith the !rior a!!ro"al of the Se&retary(General, en$a$e in any outside a&ti"itiesthat relate to the !ur!ose, a&ti"ities or interests of the United Nations' 5utsidea&ti"ities in&lude ut are not limited to

    i ssuin$ statements to the !ress, radio or other a$en&ies of !u li&informationF

    ii A&&e!tin$ s!ea8in$ en$a$ementsF

    iii Ta8in$ !art in film, theatre, radio or tele"ision !rodu&tionsF

    i" Su mittin$ arti&les, oo8s or other material for !u li&ation, or for anyele&troni& dissemination'

    A!!ro"al may e $ranted in a&&ordan&e %ith staff re$ulation 1'2 ! '

    u ;em ershi! in a !oliti&al !arty is !ermitted, !ro"ided that su&hmem ershi! does not entail a&tion, or an o li$ation to ta8e a&tion, y the staff mem er &ontrary to staff re$ulation 1'2 h ' The !ayment of normal finan&ial&ontri utions to a !oliti&al !arty shall not e &onstrued as an a&ti"ity in&onsistent%ith the !rin&i!les set out in staff re$ulation 1'2 h '

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    " The Se&retary(General shall esta lish !ro&edures %here y staff may see8 in &onfiden&e &larifi&ation as to %hether !ro!osed outside a&ti"ities %ould &onfli&t%ith their status as international &i"il ser"ants'

    Tra%el and er die+ for outside acti%ities

    % Staff mem ers %ho are authori6ed y the Se&retary(General to !arti&i!atein a&ti"ities related to the %or8 of the 5r$ani6ation %hi&h are or$ani6ed y aGo"ernment, inter$o"ernmental or$ani6ation, non($o"ernmental or$ani6ation or other !ri"ate sour&e may re&ei"e from that or$ani6in$ entity a&&ommodation, tra"eland su sisten&e allo%an&e $enerally in line %ith those !aya le y the United Nations' n su&h &ases the daily su sisten&e allo%an&e that may other%ise e !aya le y the United Nations shall e redu&ed as en"isa$ed y staff rule -'10 a '

    Rule 1 "$erfor+ance of staff

    a Staff mem ers shall e e"aluated for their effi&ien&y, &om!eten&e andinte$rity throu$h !erforman&e a!!raisal me&hanisms that shall assess the staff mem er s &om!lian&e %ith the standards set out in the Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules for !ur!oses of a&&ounta ility'

    The Se&retary(General shall see8 to ensure that a!!ro!riate learnin$ andde"elo!ment !ro$rammes are a"aila le for the enefit of staff'

    & erforman&e re!orts shall e !re!ared re$ularly for all staff mem ers,in&ludin$ at the Assistant Se&retary(General le"el and a o"e, in a&&ordan&e %ith !ro&edures !romul$ated y the Se&retary(General'

    Rule 1ours of 4or5 and official holidays

    a The Se&retary(General shall set the normal num er of %or8in$ hours !er %ee8 for ea&h duty station' :9&e!tions may e made y the Se&retary(General as theneeds of ser"i&e may re)uire' A staff mem er may e re)uired to %or8 eyond thenormal num er of %or8in$ hours %hene"er re)uested to do so'

    The num er of offi&ial holidays at ea&h duty station shall e 10 days inea&h &alendar year, in&ludin$ those offi&ial holidays mandated y the GeneralAssem ly, %hi&h shall e o ser"ed at all duty stations' Hhen an offi&ial holidayfalls on a non(%or8in$ day, the !re&edin$ or follo%in$ %or8in$ day %hi&h is &losestto the holiday shall e o ser"ed as an offi&ial holiday'

    & The offi&ial holidays not mandated y the General Assem ly shall edetermined y the Se&retary(General at 7ead)uarters, and y the head of offi&e or mission at other duty stations, after staff &onsultation'

    Rule 1 )Notification by staff +e+bers and obligation to su ly infor+ation

    a Staff mem ers shall e res!onsi le for su!!lyin$ the Se&retary(General%ith rele"ant information, as re)uired, oth durin$ the a!!li&ation !ro&ess and onsu se)uent em!loyment, for the !ur!ose of determinin$ their status under the Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules as %ell as for the !ur!ose of &om!letin$ administrati"e

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    arran$ements in &onne&tion %ith their em!loyment' Staff mem ers shall e held !ersonally a&&ounta le for the a&&ura&y and &om!leteness of the information they !ro"ide'

    Staff mem ers shall also e res!onsi le for !rom!tly notifyin$ theSe&retary(General, in %ritin$, of any su se)uent &han$es affe&tin$ their status under the Staff #e$ulations or Staff #ules'

    & A staff mem er %ho intends to a&)uire !ermanent residen&e status in any&ountry other than that of his or her nationality or %ho intends to &han$e his or her nationality shall notify the Se&retary(General of that intention efore the &han$e inresiden&e status or the &han$e in nationality e&omes final'

    d A staff mem er %ho has een arrested, &har$ed %ith an offen&e other than a minor traffi& "iolation or summoned efore a &ourt as a defendant in a&riminal !ro&eedin$, or %ho has een &on"i&ted, fined or im!risoned for anyoffen&e other than a minor traffi& "iolation shall immediately re!ort the fa&t to theSe&retary(General'

    e A staff mem er may at any time e re)uired y the Se&retary(General tosu!!ly information &on&ernin$ fa&ts anterior to his or her a!!ointment and rele"antto his or her suita ility or &on&ernin$ fa&ts rele"ant to his or her inte$rity, &ondu&tand ser"i&e as a staff mem er'

    Rule 1 ,Staff +e+ber’s beneficiaries

    a At the time of a!!ointment, ea&h staff mem er shall nominate a enefi&iary or enefi&iaries in %ritin$ in a form !res&ri ed y the Se&retary(General' t shall e the res!onsi ility of the staff mem er to notify the Se&retary(General of any re"o&ations or &han$es of enefi&iaries'

    n the e"ent of the death of a staff mem er, all amounts due to the staff

    mem er %ill e !aid to his or her nominated enefi&iary or enefi&iaries, su =e&t toa!!li&ation of the Staff #ules and of the #e$ulations of the United Nations JointStaff ension ?und' Su&h !ayment shall afford the United Nations a &om!leterelease from all further lia ility in res!e&t of any sum so !aid'

    & f a nominated enefi&iary does not sur"i"e, or if a desi$nation of enefi&iary has not een made or has een re"o8ed, the amount due to the staff mem er %ill, u!on the staff mem er s death, e !aid to his or her estate'

    Rule 1 (6inancial res onsibility

    Staff mem ers shall e9er&ise reasona le &are in any matter affe&tin$ thefinan&ial interests of the 5r$ani6ation, its !hysi&al and human resour&es, !ro!erty

    and assets'Rule 1 &7iability insurance

    n a&&ordan&e %ith General Assem ly resolution 22 : of 1* ?e ruary 1 4 ,staff mem ers %ho o%n or dri"e motor &ars shall &arry !u li& lia ility and !ro!ertydama$e insuran&e in an amount ade)uate to insure them a$ainst &laims arisin$ from

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    in=ury or death to other !ersons or from dama$e to the !ro!erty of others &aused ytheir &ars'

    Rule 1 '$ro riety rights

    All ri$hts, in&ludin$ title, &o!yri$ht and !atent ri$hts, in any %or8 !erformed y a staff mem er as !art of his or her offi&ial duties shall e "ested in the United Nations'

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    !rticle ..#lassification of osts and staff

    Regulation 2 1

    n &onformity %ith !rin&i!les laid do%n y the General Assem ly, theSe&retary(General shall ma8e a!!ro!riate !ro"ision for the &lassifi&ation of !ostsand staff a&&ordin$ to the nature of the duties and res!onsi ilities re)uired'

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    #ha ter ..#lassification of osts and staff

    Rule 2 1#lassification of osts

    a osts other than those of Under(Se&retary(General and AssistantSe&retary(General shall e &lassified in &ate$ories and le"el y a &om!etent United Nations ody a&&ordin$ to standards !romul$ated y the Se&retary(General andrelated to the nature of the duties, the le"el of res!onsi ilities and the )ualifi&ationsre)uired'

    :a&h !ost shall e assi$ned to a suita le le"el in any of the follo%in$&ate$ories rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories, ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory, GeneralSer"i&e and related &ate$ories, in&ludin$ ut not limited to National rofessional5ffi&ers, Trades and Crafts and Se&urity Ser"i&e &ate$ories'

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    !rticle ...Salaries and related allo4ances

    Regulation " 1

    Salaries of staff mem ers shall e fi9ed y the Se&retary(General ina&&ordan&e %ith the !ro"isions of anne9 to the !resent #e$ulations'

    Regulation " 2

    a The Se&retary(General shall esta lish terms and &onditions under %hi&han edu&ation $rant shall e a"aila le to a staff mem er residin$ and ser"in$ outsidehis or her re&o$ni6ed home &ountry %hose de!endent &hild is in full(time attendan&eat a s&hool, uni"ersity or similar edu&ational institution of a ty!e that %ill, in theo!inion of the Se&retary(General, fa&ilitate the &hild s reassimilation in the staff mem er s re&o$ni6ed home &ountry' The $rant shall e !aya le in res!e&t of the&hild u! to the end of the fourth year of !ost(se&ondary studies' The amount of the$rant !er s&holasti& year for ea&h &hild shall e -. !er &ent of the admissi le

    edu&ational e9!enses a&tually in&urred, su =e&t to a ma9imum $rant as a!!ro"ed ythe General Assem ly' Tra"el &osts of the &hild may also e !aid for an out%ard andreturn =ourney on&e in ea&h s&holasti& year et%een the edu&ational institution andthe duty station, e9&e!t that in the &ase of staff mem ers ser"in$ at desi$nated dutystations %here s&hools do not e9ist that !ro"ide s&hoolin$ in the lan$ua$e or in the&ultural tradition desired y staff mem ers for their &hildren, su&h tra"el &osts may e !aid t%i&e in the year in %hi&h the staff mem er is not entit led to home lea"e'Su&h tra"el shall e y a route a!!ro"ed y the Se&retary(General ut not in anamount e9&eedin$ the &ost of su&h a =ourney et%een the home &ountry and the dutystationF

    The Se&retary(General shall also esta lish terms and &onditions under %hi&h, at desi$nated duty stations, an additional amount of 100 !er &ent of oardin$&osts su =e&t to a ma9imum amount !er year as a!!ro"ed y the General Assem lymay e !aid in res!e&t of &hildren in s&hool attendan&e at the !rimary and se&ondaryle"elsF

    & The Se&retary(General shall also esta lish terms and &onditions under %hi&h an edu&ation $rant shall e a"aila le to a staff mem er ser"in$ in a &ountry%hose lan$ua$e is different from his or her o%n and %ho is o li$ed to !ay tuitionfor the tea&hin$ of the mother ton$ue to a de!endent &hild attendin$ a lo&al s&hoolin %hi&h the instru&tion is $i"en in a lan$ua$e other than his or her o%nF

    d The Se&retary(General shall also esta lish terms and &onditions under %hi&h an edu&ation $rant shall e a"aila le to a staff mem er %hose &hild is una le, y reason of !hysi&al or mental disa ility, to attend a normal edu&ational institutionand therefore re)uires s!e&ial tea&hin$ or trainin$ to !re!are him or her for full

    inte$ration into so&iety or, %hile attendin$ a normal edu&ational institution, re)uiress!e&ial tea&hin$ or trainin$ to assist him or her in o"er&omin$ the disa ility' Theamount of this $rant !er year for ea&h disa led &hild shall e e)ual to 100 !er &entof the edu&ation e9!enses a&tually in&urred, u! to a ma9imum amount a!!ro"ed ythe General Assem lyF

    e The Se&retary(General may de&ide in ea&h &ase %hether the edu&ation$rant shall e9tend to ado!ted &hildren or ste!&hildren'

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    Regulation " "

    a An assessment at the rates and under the &onditions s!e&ified elo% shall e a!!lied to the salaries and su&h other emoluments of staff mem ers as are&om!uted on the asis of salary, e9&ludin$ !ost ad=ustments, !ro"ided that theSe&retary(General may, %here he or she deems it ad"isa le, e9em!t from theassessment the salaries and emoluments of staff mem ers en$a$ed at lo&ality rates'

    i The assessment shall e &al&ulated at the follo%in$ rates for staff mem ers %hose salary rates are set forth in !ara$ra!hs 1 and * of anne9 tothe !resent #e$ulations


    Total assessable payments(United States dollars)

    Staff assessment rates for purposes of pensi onable remunera tion and p ension s


    U! to 20,000 !er year 11

    20,001 to 40,000 !er year 1+

    40,001 to 0,000 !er year 2.

    0,001 and a o"e !er year *0

    Staff assess+ent rates used in con8unction 4ith gross base salaries9effecti%e 1 :anuary 2012;

    A' Staff assessment rates for staff member with dependants

    Asses sable payment s(United States dollars)

    Staff assessment rates for those with adependent spouse or dependent child (percentage)

    ?irst .0,000 !er year ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1. Ne9t .0,000 !er year ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 21 Ne9t .0,000 !er year '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2-#emainin$ assessa le !ayments'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' *0

    B' Staff assessment for staff members without dependantsStaff assessment amounts for those %ith neither a de!endent s!ouse nor ade!endent &hild %ould e e)ual to the differen&es et%een the $ross salaries atdifferent $rades and ste!s and the &orres!ondin$ net salaries at the sin$le rate'

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    ii The assessment shall e &al&ulated at the follo%in$ rates for staff mem ers %hose salary rates are esta lished under !ara$ra!h of anne9 tothe !resent #e$ulations

    Total assessable payments(United States dollars)

    Asses sment (percentage)

    U! to 20,000 !er year ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 120,001 to 40,000 !er year ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2*40,001 to 0,000 !er year '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 20,001 and a o"e !er year

    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' *1

    iii The Se&retary(General shall determine %hi&h of the s&ales of assessment set out in su !ara$ra!hs i and ii a o"e shall a!!ly to ea&h of the $rou!s of !ersonnel %hose salary rates are esta lished under !ara$ra!h .of anne9 to the !resent #e$ulationsF

    i" n the &ase of staff mem ers %hose salary s&ales are esta lished in&urren&ies other than United States dollars, the rele"ant amounts to %hi&h theassessment a!!lies shall e fi9ed at the lo&al &urren&y e)ui"alent of the a o"e(mentioned dollar amounts at the time the salary s&ales of the staff mem er &on&erned are a!!ro"edF

    & n the &ase of a !erson %ho is not em!loyed y the United Nations for the%hole of a &alendar year or in &ases %here there is a &han$e in the annual rate of !ayments made to a staff mem er, the rate of assessment shall e $o"erned y theannual rate of ea&h su&h !ayment made to him or herF

    d The assessment &om!uted under the fore$oin$ !ro"isions of the !resentre$ulation shall e &olle&ted y the United Nations y %ithholdin$ it from !ayments' No !art of the assessment so &olle&ted shall e refunded e&ause of &essation of em!loyment durin$ the &alendar yearF

    e #e"enue deri"ed from staff assessment not other%ise dis!osed of y s!e&ifi&resolution of the General Assem ly shall e &redited to the Ta9 :)uali6ation ?undesta lished y General Assem ly resolution -* A @ F

    f Hhere a staff mem er is su =e&t oth to staff assessment under this !lan andto national in&ome ta9ation in res!e&t of the salaries and emoluments !aid to him or her y the United Nations, the Se&retary(General is authori6ed to refund to him or her the amount of staff assessment &olle&ted from him or her !ro"ided that

    i The amount of su&h refund shall in no &ase e9&eed the amount of his or her in&ome ta9es !aid and !aya le in res!e&t of his or her United Nationsin&ome' The amount of su&h refund shall not in&lude ta9 &redits a!!lied toin&ome ta9es !aid and !aya le in res!e&t of his or her United Nations in&omeF

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    ii f the amount of su&h in&ome ta9es e9&eeds the amount of staff assessment, the Se&retary(General may also !ay to the staff mem er theamount of su&h e9&essF

    iii ayments made in a&&ordan&e %ith the !ro"isions of the !resentre$ulation shall e &har$ed to the Ta9 :)uali6ation ?undF

    i" A !ayment under the &onditions !res&ri ed in the three !re&edin$su !ara$ra!hs is authori6ed in res!e&t of de!enden&y enefits and !ostad=ustments, %hi&h are not su =e&t to staff assessment ut may e su =e&t tonational in&ome ta9ation'

    Regulation "

    a Staff mem ers %hose salary rates are set forth in !ara$ra!hs 1 and * of anne9 to the !resent #e$ulations shall e entitled to re&ei"e de!enden&yallo%an&es for a de!endent &hild, for a disa led &hild and for a se&ondary de!endantat rates a!!ro"ed y the General Assem ly as follo%s

    i The staff mem er shall re&ei"e an allo%an&e for ea&h de!endent &hild,

    e9&e!t that the allo%an&e shall not e !aid in res!e&t of the first de!endent&hild if the staff mem er has no de!endent s!ouse, in %hi&h &ase the staff mem er shall e entitled to the de!enden&y rate of staff assessment under su !ara$ra!h i of re$ulation *'*F

    ii The staff mem er shall re&ei"e a s!e&ial allo%an&e for ea&h disa led&hild' 7o%e"er, if the staff mem er has no de!endent s!ouse and is entitled tothe de!enden&y rate of staff assessment under su !ara$ra!h i of re$ulation *'* in res!e&t of a disa led &hild, the allo%an&e shall e the same asthe allo%an&e for a de!endent &hild in su !ara$ra!h i a o"eF

    iii Hhere there is no de!endent s!ouse, a sin$le annual allo%an&e shall e !aid for a se&ondary de!endant in res!e&t of either a de!endent !arent, ade!endent rother or a de!endent sisterF

    f oth hus and and %ife are staff mem ers, one may &laim, for de!endent&hildren, under su !ara$ra!h a i and ii a o"e, in %hi&h &ase the other may&laim only under su !ara$ra!h a iii a o"e, if other%ise entitledF

    & Hith a "ie% to a"oidin$ du!li&ation of enefits and in order to a&hie"ee)uality et%een staff mem ers %ho re&ei"e de!enden&y enefits under a!!li&a lela%s in the form of $o"ernmental $rants and staff mem ers %ho do not re&ei"e su&hde!enden&y enefits, the Se&retary(General shall !res&ri e &onditions under %hi&hthe de!enden&y allo%an&e for a &hild s!e&ified in su !ara$ra!h a i a o"e shall e !aya le only to the e9tent that the de!enden&y enefits en=oyed y the staff mem er or his or her s!ouse under a!!li&a le la%s amount to less than su&h ade!enden&y allo%an&eF

    d Staff mem ers %hose salary rates are set y the Se&retary(General under !ara$ra!h . or !ara$ra!h of anne9 to the !resent #e$ulations shall e entitled tore&ei"e de!enden&y allo%an&es at rates and under &onditions determined y theSe&retary(General, due re$ard ein$ $i"en to the &ir&umstan&es in the lo&ality in%hi&h the offi&e is lo&atedF

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    e Claims for de!enden&y allo%an&es shall e su mitted in %ritin$ andsu!!orted y e"iden&e satisfa&tory to the Se&retary(General' A se!arate &laim for de!enden&y allo%an&es shall e made ea&h year'

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    #ha ter ...Salaries and related allo4ances

    Rule " 1Salary scales

    a The Se&retary(General shall !u lish the salary s&ales, !ensiona leremuneration and &onditions of salary in&rements for staff mem ers a!!ointed in therofessional &ate$ory and in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory'

    The Se&retary(General shall !u lish the salary s&ales, !ensiona leremuneration and &onditions of salary in&rements a!!li&a le to ea&h duty station for staff mem ers a!!ointed in the General Ser"i&e and related &ate$ories, in&ludin$ utnot limited to National rofessional 5ffi&ers, the Trades and Crafts &ate$ory, theSe&urity Ser"i&e, lan$ua$e tea&hers and !ersonnel s!e&ifi&ally re&ruited for ser"i&e%ith a mission from %ithin the $eneral area of the mission'

    & The Se&retary(General may esta lish s!e&ial &onditions of em!loymenta!!li&a le to lan$ua$e staff in the rofessional &ate$ory a!!ointed for s!e&ifi&tem!orary assi$nments'

    Rule " 2Staff assess+ent

    a n a!!li&ation of the staff assessment !lan under staff re$ulation *'*

    i Salaries for staff mem ers in the rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories andin the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory shall e su =e&t to the assessment rates s!e&ifiedin su !ara$ra!h i of that re$ulationF

    ii Salaries for staff mem ers in the General Ser"i&e and related &ate$oriesshall e su =e&t to the assessment rates s!e&ified in su !ara$ra!h ii of that re$ulation'

    The de!enden&y rates of the staff assessment under staffre$ulation *'* i shall a!!ly %hen

    i The staff mem er s s!ouse is re&o$ni6ed as a de!endant under staffrule *' elo%F or

    ii The staff mem er !ro"ides main and &ontinuin$ su!!ort to one or moreof his or her &hildren'

    & Hhere oth s!ouses are staff mem ers %hose salaries are su =e&t to the staff assessment rates s!e&ified in staff re$ulation *'* i , and ta8in$ into a&&ount staff rule 4'- d , the staff assessment shall a!!ly to ea&h at the sin$le rate' f they ha"e ade!endent &hild or &hildren, the de!enden&y rate shall normally a!!ly to the s!ouseha"in$ the hi$her salary le"el and the sin$le rate shall a!!ly to the other s!ouse'

    Rule " "Salary incre+ents

    a Satisfa&tory ser"i&e for the !ur!ose of a%ardin$ a salary in&rement shall edefined, unless other%ise de&ided y the Se&retary(General in any !arti&ular &ase, y satisfa&tory ser"i&e !erforman&e and &ondu&t of staff mem ers in their assi$nments as e"aluated y their su!er"isors'

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    Salary and %a$e in&rements shall e effe&ti"e on the first day of the !ay !eriod in %hi&h the ser"i&e re)uirements are &om!leted, !ro"ided that the !eriod of ser"i&e may e shortened to meet the re)uirements of staff rule *'4 and that su&hin&rements shall not e effe&ti"e earlier than the first day of the !ay !eriod in %hi&ha staff mem er returns to !ay status from a !eriod of lea"e %ithout !ay' Noin&rement shall e !aid in the &ase of staff mem ers %hose ser"i&es %ill &easedurin$ the month in %hi&h the in&rement %ould other%ise ha"e een due'

    & f a staff mem er %ith satisfa&tory ser"i&e is &han$ed to a lo%er salary le"el,the !eriod of ser"i&e sin&e the last in&rement shall e &redited to%ards the ne9tin&rement %ithin the lo%er le"el' f a staff mem er %hose ser"i&e has not eensatisfa&tory is &han$ed to a lo%er salary le"el, the staff mem er s eli$i ility for salary in&rement in the lo%er le"el %ill e ased on satisfa&tory ser"i&e at the lo%er le"el'

    Rule "Salary olicy

    a 5n a!!ointment, a staff mem er shall normally e !la&ed at the first ste! of the le"el of his or her !ost, unless other%ise de&ided y the Se&retary(General'

    5n !romotion, a staff mem er %ho holds a fi9ed(term or a &ontinuin$a!!ointment shall e !la&ed at the lo%est ste! of the le"el to %hi&h he or she has een !romoted that !ro"ides an in&rease in net ase salary e)ual to at least theamount that %ould ha"e resulted from the $rantin$ of t%o ste!s at the lo%er le"el'

    Rule " )$ensionable re+uneration

    a The definition of !ensiona le remuneration is set out in arti&le .4 of the#e$ulations of the United Nations Joint Staff ension ?und'

    The !ensiona le remuneration of staff mem ers in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$oryshall e esta lished in the same manner as for staff in the rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories'

    & Hhere a !romotion of a staff mem er from the General Ser"i&e and related&ate$ories to the rofessional &ate$ory %ould result in a redu&tion of the !ensiona le remuneration used for &om!utin$ the final a"era$e remuneration, thele"el of !ensiona le remuneration rea&hed !rior to the !romotion shall emaintained until it is sur!assed y that a!!li&a le to the staff mem er s $rade andste! in the rofessional &ate$ory' Contri utions !aya le in a&&ordan&e %ith arti&le 2.of the #e$ulations of the United Nations Joint Staff ension ?und shall e ased oneither

    i The !ensiona le remuneration of the staff mem er used to determinesu&h &ontri utions at the time of !romotionF or

    ii The !ensiona le remuneration a!!li&a le to the staff mem er s $radeand ste! in the rofessional &ate$oryF

    %hi&he"er is hi$her'

    Rule " ,e endency allo4ances

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    a ?or the !ur!oses of the Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules

    i A Dde!endent s!ouseE is a s!ouse %hose o&&u!ational earnin$s, if any,do not e9&eed the lo%est entry le"el of the United Nations General Ser"i&e$ross salary s&ales in for&e on 1 January of the year &on&erned for the dutystation in the &ountry of the s!ouse s !la&e of %or8' n the &ase of staff in therofessional and hi$her &ate$ories and in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory, the entryle"el amount referen&ed shall not at any duty station e less than thee)ui"alent of the lo%est entry le"el salary at the ase of the salary systemG(2, ste! , for Ne% Ior8 F

    ii A D&hildE is any of the follo%in$ &hildren for %hom the staff mem er !ro"ides main and &ontinuin$ su!!ort

    a' A staff mem er s natural or le$ally ado!ted &hildF or

    ' A staff mem er s ste!&hild %ho is residin$ %ith the staff mem erF or

    &' A &hild %ho &annot e le$ally ado!ted, for %hom the staff mem er hasle$al res!onsi ility and %ho is residin$ %ith the staff mem erFiii A Dde!endent &hildE is a &hild for %hom the staff mem er !ro"ides

    main and &ontinuin$ su!!ort and %ho meets one of the follo%in$ &riteria

    a' The &hild is under the a$e of 1+ yearsF

    ' The &hild is et%een the a$es of 1+ and 21 years and attends uni"ersityor its e)ui"alent full(timeF the re)uirement of residin$ %ith the staff mem er does not a!!ly in this &aseF

    &' The &hild is of any a$e and has a disa ility that is !ermanent or for a !eriod that is e9!e&ted to e lon$(term that !re"ents su stantial $ainfulem!loymentF

    i" A staff mem er &laimin$ a &hild as a de!endant must &ertify that he or she !ro"ides main and &ontinuous su!!ort' This &ertifi&ation must esu!!orted y do&umentary e"iden&e satisfa&tory to the Se&retary(General, if a&hild


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    !+ount of allo4ance

    The de!enden&y rates, %hi&h are a!!li&a le to the different &ate$ories of staff, shall e !u lished y the Se&retary(General' The de!enden&y allo%an&e shallnormally e !aya le in a&&ordan&e %ith su&h rates, unless other%ise !ro"ided y theSe&retary(General'

    & Su =e&t to the !ro"isions of staff re$ulation *'4 a , the full amount of thede!enden&y allo%an&e !ro"ided under that re$ulation and under the Staff #ules inres!e&t of a de!endent &hild shall e !aya le, e9&e!t %here the staff mem er or hisor her s!ouse re&ei"es a dire&t $o"ernmental $rant in res!e&t of the same &hild'Hhere su&h a $o"ernmental $rant is made, the de!enden&y allo%an&e !aya le under this rule shall e the a!!ro9imate amount y %hi&h the $o"ernmental $rant is lessthan the de!enden&y allo%an&e set out under the Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules' No de!enden&y allo%an&e is !aya le if the $o"ernmental $rant is e)ual to or e9&eeds the rate set out under the Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules'

    d Staff mem ers shall e res!onsi le for notifyin$ the Se&retary(General in%ritin$ of &laims for de!enden&y allo%an&e and may e re)uired to su!!ort su&h

    &laims y do&umentary e"iden&e satisfa&tory to the Se&retary(General' Staff mem ers shall e res!onsi le for re!ortin$ to the Se&retary(General any &han$e inthe status of a de!endent that may affe&t the !ayment of this allo%an&e'

    e A se&ondary de!enden&y allo%an&e shall e !aid in res!e&t of not more thanone se&ondary de!endent and su&h !ayment shall not e made %hen a !ayment is ein$ made for a de!endent s!ouse' Staff mem ers in the General Ser"i&e andrelated &ate$ories shall re&ei"e a de!enden&y allo%an&e %ith res!e&t to a se&ondaryde!endant %hen lo&al &onditions and/or the !ra&ti&es of &om!arator em!loyers &allfor the esta lishment of su&h an allo%an&e, under &onditions esta lished y theSe&retary(General'

    Rule " (

    $ost ad8ust+ent and rental subsidya ost ad=ustment is an amount !aid to staff mem ers ser"in$ in the

    rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories and in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory, in a&&ordan&e%ith anne9 , !ara$ra!h +, of the Staff #e$ulations, to ensure e)uity in !ur&hasin$ !o%er of staff mem ers a&ross duty stations'

    A staff mem er %ho is entitled to salary at the de!enden&y rate shall e !aid !ost ad=ustment &al&ulated on the asis of su&h salary re$ardless of %here thede!endants reside'

    & Hhile the salary of a staff mem er is normally su =e&t to the !ost ad=ustmentof his or her duty station durin$ assi$nments for one year or more, alternati"earran$ements may e made y the Se&retary(General under the follo%in$&ir&umstan&es

    i Hhen a staff mem er is assi$ned to a duty station %hose !ostad=ustment &lassifi&ation is lo%er than that of his or her !re"ious duty station,he or she may &ontinue to re&ei"e for u! to si9 months the !ost ad=ustmenta!!li&a le to the !re"ious duty station %hile at least one mem er of his or her immediate family s!ouse and &hildren remains at that duty stationF

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    ii Hhen a staff mem er is assi$ned to a duty station for less than oneyear, the Se&retary(General shall de&ide at that time %hether to a!!ly the !ostad=ustment a!!li&a le to the duty station and, if a!!ro!riate, to !ay anassi$nment $rant under staff rule -'14 and the hardshi! and non(remo"alelements of the mo ility and hardshi! allo%an&e under staff rules *'1*, *'14and -'1 h or, in lieu of the a o"e, to authori6e a!!ro!riate su sisten&e !aymentsF

    iii Hhen a staff mem er is assi$ned to a United Nations field mission for a !eriod of three months or less, the Se&retary(General shall de&ide at that time%hether to a!!ly the !ost ad=ustment a!!li&a le to the duty station and, if a!!ro!riate, to !ay an assi$nment $rant under staff rule -'14 and the hardshi!and non(remo"al elements of the mo ility and hardshi! allo%an&e under staff rules *'1*, *'14 and -'1 h or, in lieu of the a o"e, to authori6e a!!ro!riatesu sisten&e !ayments'

    d At duty stations %here the a"era$e rental &ost used in &al&ulatin$ the !ostad=ustment inde9 is ased on the &ost of housin$ !ro"ided y the United Nations, ya Go"ernment or y a related institution, eli$i le staff mem ers %ho ha"e to renthousin$ a&&ommodation at su stantially hi$her &ommer&ial rates %ill e !aid asu!!lement to the !ost ad=ustment in the form of a rental su sidy under &onditionsesta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Rule " &7anguage allo4ance

    a A staff mem er in the General Ser"i&e, Se&urity Ser"i&e or Trades and Crafts&ate$ory, or in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory u! to and in&ludin$ le"el ?S(., holdin$ afi9ed(term or a &ontinuin$ a!!ointment may e entitled to a !ensiona le lan$ua$eallo%an&e, under rates and &onditions determined y the Se&retary(General, !ro"ided that he or she has demonstrated !rofi&ien&y in t%o United Nations offi&iallan$ua$e as follo%s

    i f the staff mem er s mother ton$ue is one of the offi&ial lan$ua$es of the United Nations, he or she must su&&essfully !ass the !res&ri ed test in anyother offi&ial United Nations lan$ua$e, %hi&h may e the lan$ua$e in %hi&h !rofi&ien&y is re)uired for the !ur!ose of his or her a!!ointmentF

    ii f the staff mem er s mother ton$ue is not one of the offi&ial United Nations lan$ua$es, he or she must su&&essfully !ass the !res&ri ed test in anyoffi&ial United Nations lan$ua$e other than the one in %hi&h !rofi&ien&y isre)uired for the !ur!ose of his or her a!!ointment'

    A staff mem er already in re&ei!t of a lan$ua$e allo%an&e under staff rule*'+ a shall e entitled to re&ei"e a se&ond su&h !ensiona le allo%an&e, e)ual tohalf of the amount of the first, !ro"ided that he or she has demonstrated !rofi&ien&y

    y !assin$ the !res&ri ed test in a third offi&ial lan$ua$e'& The lan$ua$e allo%an&e shall e ta8en into a&&ount in determinin$ United

    Nations Joint Staff ension ?und, medi&al and $rou! insuran&e &ontri utionsFo"ertime and ni$ht differential &om!ensationF and !ayments and indemnities onse!aration'

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    Rule " '*ducation grant


    a ?or the !ur!oses of the !resent rule

    i DChildE means a &hild of a staff mem er %ho is de!endent on the staff mem er for main and &ontinuin$ su!!ort as defined in staff rule *' a ii F

    ii DChild %ith a disa ilityE means a &hild %ho is una le, y reasons of !hysi&al or mental disa ility, to attend a re$ular edu&ational institution and%ho re)uires s!e&ial tea&hin$ or trainin$ to !re!are him or her for fullinte$ration into so&iety or, %hile attendin$ a re$ular edu&ational institution,%ho re)uires s!e&ial tea&hin$ or trainin$ to assist him or her in o"er&omin$the disa ilityF

    iii D7ome &ountryE means the &ountry of home lea"e of the staff mem er under staff rule .'2' f oth !arents are eli$i le staff mem ers, Dhome &ountryEmeans the &ountry of home lea"e of either !arentF

    i" D

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    f The amount of the $rant to e !aid %hen the staff mem er s !eriod of ser"i&eor the &hild s s&hool attendan&e does not &o"er the full s&hool year shall e !roratedunder &onditions to e defined y the Se&retary(General' f a staff mem er in re&ei!tof the edu&ation $rant dies %hile in ser"i&e at the e$innin$ of the s&hool year, thefull entitlement for that !arti&ular s&hool year shall e $ranted'


    $ A staff mem er to %hom an edu&ation $rant is !aya le under !ara$ra!hs i , ii or i" of a!!endi9 B to the !resent #ules in res!e&t of the &hild sattendan&e at an edu&ational institution shall e entitled to tra"el e9!enses for the&hild of one return =ourney ea&h s&holasti& year et%een the edu&ational institutionand the duty station, under &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General' f tra"elto the duty station y the &hild is not !ossi le, return tra"el y the staff mem er or s!ouse may e authori6ed in lieu of tra"el y the &hild, under &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    h T%o return =ourneys may e !aid for &hildren of eli$i le staff mem ersser"in$ at desi$nated duty stations, under &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Tuition in the +other tongue

    i Tuition for tea&hin$ in the mother ton$ue under staff re$ulation *'2 & may e reim ursed su =e&t to &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    S ecial education grant for a child 4ith a disability

    = A s!e&ial edu&ation $rant for a &hild %ith a disa ility shall e a"aila le tostaff mem ers in all &ate$ories, %hether ser"in$ in their home &ountry or not, !ro"ided that they hold a fi9ed(term or a &ontinuin$ a!!ointment' The amount to%hi&h a staff mem er is entitled under the $rant is set out in a!!endi9 B to the

    !resent #ules, under &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'#lai+s

    8 Claims for edu&ation $rant shall e made in a&&ordan&e %ith &onditionsesta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Rule " 10S ecial ost allo4ance

    a Staff mem ers shall e e9!e&ted to assume tem!orarily, as a normal !art of their &ustomary %or8 and %ithout e9tra &om!ensation, the duties andres!onsi ilities of hi$her le"el !osts'

    Hithout !re=udi&e to the !rin&i!le that !romotion under staff rule 4'1. shall e the normal means of re&o$ni6in$ in&reased res!onsi ili ties and demonstrateda ility, a staff mem er holdin$ a fi9ed(term or &ontinuin$ a!!ointment %ho is &alledu!on to assume the full duties and res!onsi ilities of a !ost at a &learly re&o$ni6a lehi$her le"el than his or her o%n for a tem!orary !eriod e9&eedin$ three months may,in e9&e!tional &ases, e $ranted a non(!ensiona le s!e&ial !ost allo%an&e from the e$innin$ of the fourth month of ser"i&e at the hi$her le"el '

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    & n the &ase of a staff mem er holdin$ a fi9ed(term or &ontinuin$ a!!ointment%ho is assi$ned to ser"e in a mission, or %hen a staff mem er in the GeneralSer"i&e &ate$ory is re)uired to ser"e in a hi$her le"el !ost in the rofessional&ate$ory, or %hen a staff mem er in any &ate$ory holdin$ a fi9ed(term or &ontinuin$a!!ointment is re)uired to ser"e in a !ost %hi&h is &lassified more than one le"ela o"e his or her le"el, the allo%an&e may e !aid immediately %hen the staff mem er assumes the hi$her duties and res!onsi ilities'

    d The amount of the s!e&ial !ost allo%an&e shall e e)ui"alent to the salaryin&rease in&ludin$ !ost ad=ustment and de!enden&y allo%an&es, if any %hi&h thestaff mem er %ould ha"e re&ei"ed had the staff mem er een !romoted to the ne9thi$her le"el'

    Rule " 113%erti+e and co+ ensatory ti+e off

    a A staff mem er in the General Ser"i&e, Se&urity Ser"i&e or Trades and Crafts&ate$ory, or in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory u! to and in&ludin$ le"el ?S(., %ho isre)uired to %or8 in e9&ess of the %or8in$ %ee8 esta lished for this !ur!ose shall e$i"en &om!ensatory time off or may re&ei"e additional !ayment, under &onditionsesta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Should the e9i$en&ies of ser"i&e !ermit, and su =e&t to the !rior a!!ro"al of the Se&retary(General, o&&asional &om!ensatory time off may e $ranted to staff mem ers ser"in$ in the rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories %ho ha"e een re)uiredto %or8 su stantial or re&urrent !eriods of o"ertime'

    Rule " 12Night differential

    a A staff mem er in the General Ser"i&e, Se&urity Ser"i&e or Trades and Crafts&ate$ory, or in the ?ield Ser"i&e &ate$ory u! to and in&ludin$ le"el ?S(., %ho is

    assi$ned to re$ularly s&heduled ni$ht(time tours of duty shall re&ei"e a ni$htdifferential at a rate and under &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Unless other%ise s!e&ifi&ally !res&ri ed y the Se&retary(General, ni$htdifferential shall not e !aid for the same %or8 for %hi&h o"ertime !ayment or &om!ensatory time off is allo%ed or for any hours %hen the staff mem er is onlea"e or in tra"el status'

    Rule " 1"

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    The mo ility allo%an&e shall e dis&ontinued u!on re&ei!t of su&h allo%an&e for fi"e &onse&uti"e years at the same duty station' n the e9&e!tional &ase of staff mem ers %ho remained at the same duty station at the e9!li&it re)uest of the5r$ani6ation or for &om!ellin$ humanitarian reasons, the mo ility allo%an&e is !aya le for one additional year'

    The amount of the mo ility allo%an&e, if any, and the &onditions under %hi&h it %ill e !aid, shall e determined y the Se&retary(General ta8in$ intoa&&ount the len$th of the staff mem er s &ontinuous ser"i&e in the United Nations&ommon system of salaries and allo%an&es, the num er of duty stations at %hi&h heor she has !re"iously ser"ed for a !eriod of one year or lon$er and the hardshi!&lassifi&ation of the ne% duty station to %hi&h the staff mem er is assi$ned'

    Rule " 1ardshi allo4ance

    a Staff in the rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories and in the ?ield Ser"i&e&ate$ory, and staff in the General Ser"i&e &ate$ory &onsidered internationallyre&ruited !ursuant to staff rule 4'. & %ho are a!!ointed or reassi$ned to a ne% dutystation may e !aid a non(!ensiona le hardshi! allo%an&e'

    The amount of this allo%an&e, if any, and the &onditions under %hi&h it %ill e !aid shall e determined y the Se&retary(General ta8in$ into a&&ount the de$reeof diffi&ulty of life and %or8 at ea&h duty station as !er the &lassifi&ation of dutystations esta lished y the nternational Ci"il Ser"i&e Commission'

    Rule " 1)!dditional hardshi allo4ance for ser%ice in non-fa+ily duty stations

    a Hhen a duty station has een desi$nated as non(family, the !resen&e of eli$i le de!endants of the staff mem er shall not e authori6ed at the duty station,unless e9&e!tionally a!!ro"ed y the Se&retary(General'

    Staff in the rofessional and hi$her &ate$ories and in the ?ield Ser"i&e&ate$ory, and staff in the General Ser"i&e &ate$ory &onsidered internationallyre&ruited !ursuant to staff rule 4'. & %ho are a!!ointed or reassi$ned to anon(family duty station may e !aid a non(!ensiona le additional non(familyhardshi! allo%an&e, unless the Se&retary(General has e9&e!tionally a!!ro"ed the !resen&e of eli$i le de!endants of the staff mem er at the duty station !ursuant tostaff rule *'1. a '

    Rule " 1,Salary ad%ances

    a Salary ad"an&es may e made to staff mem ers under the follo%in$&ir&umstan&es and &onditions

    i U!on de!arture on e9tended offi&ial tra"el or on a!!ro"ed lea"ein"ol"in$ a sen&e from duty for 1- or more &alendar days, in&ludin$ theend(month !ay day in the amount that %ould fall due for !ayment durin$ theanti&i!ated !ay !eriod s o&&urrin$ durin$ the staff mem er s a sen&eF

    ii n &ases %here staff mem ers ha"e not re&ei"ed their re$ular !ay,throu$h no fault of their o%n, in the amount dueF

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    iii U!on se!aration from ser"i&e, %here final settlement of !ay a&&ounts&annot e made at the time of de!arture, su =e&t to the ad"an&e not e9&eedin$+0 !er &ent of the estimated final net !ayments dueF

    i" n &ases %here ne% staff mem ers arri"e %ithout suffi&ient funds, insu&h amount as the Se&retary(General may deem a!!ro!riateF

    " U!on &han$e of offi&ial duty station, in su&h amounts as the Se&retary(General may deem a!!ro!riate'

    The Se&retary(General may, in e9&e!tional and &om!ellin$ &ir&umstan&es,and if the re)uest of the staff mem er is su!!orted y a detailed =ustifi&ation in%ritin$, authori6e an ad"an&e for any reason other than those enumerated a o"e'

    & Salary ad"an&es other than those referred to in su !ara$ra!hs a i ,ii and iii a o"e shall e li)uidated at a &onstant rate as determined at the time thead"an&e is authori6ed, in &onse&uti"e !ay !eriods, &ommen&in$ not later than the !eriod follo%in$ that in %hi&h the ad"an&e is made'

    Rule " 1(Retroacti%ity of ay+ents

    A staff mem er %ho has not een re&ei"in$ an allo%an&e, $rant or other !aymentto %hi&h he or she is entitled shall not re&ei"e retroa&ti"ely su&h allo%an&e, $rant or !ayment unless the staff mem er has made %ritten &laim

    i n the &ase of the &an&ellat ion or modifi&ation of the staff rule$o"ernin$ eli$i ility, %ithin three months follo%in$ the date of su&h&an&ellation or modifi&ationF

    ii n e"ery other &ase, %ithin one year follo%in$ the date on %hi&h thestaff mem er %ould ha"e een entitled to the initial !ayment'

    Rule " 1&

    eductions and contributions

    a Staff assessment shall e dedu&ted, ea&h !ay !eriod, from the total !aymentsdue to ea&h staff mem er, at the rates and su =e&t to the &onditions !res&ri ed instaff re$ulation *'* and staff rule *'2'

    Contri utions of staff mem ers %ho are !arti&i!atin$ in the United NationsJoint Staff ension ?und shall e dedu&ted, ea&h !ay !eriod, from the total !aymentsdue to them'


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    " The staff mem er does not ha"e !ermanent resident status in the&ountry of the duty station at the time of se!aration'

    d A staff mem er holdin$ a tem!orary a!!ointment %ho is eli$i le under !ara$ra!h & a o"e to re&ei"e the re!atriation $rant under this rule shall e !aid there!atriation $rant only for himself or herself in a&&ordan&e %ith the rate for staff mem ers %ith neither a s!ouse nor a de!endent &hild at the time of se!aration as setout in anne9 > to the Staff #e$ulations'

    *%idence of relocation

    e ayment of the re!atriation $rant after se!aration of an eli$i le staff mem er shall re)uire su mission of do&umentary e"iden&e satisfa&tory to the Se&retary(General that the former staff mem er has relo&ated a%ay from the &ountry of thelast duty station'

    !+ount and co+ utation of the grant

    f The amount of re!atriation $rant for eli$i le staff mem ers shall e

    &om!uted on the asis of anne9 > to the Staff #e$ulations and in a&&ordan&e %ithterms and &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General for determinin$ thelen$th of )ualifyin$ ser"i&e for re!atriation $rant !ur!oses'

    $ Hhen a staff mem er re&ei"es a ne% a!!ointment in the United Nations&ommon system less than 12 months after se!aration, the amount of any !aymentfor re!atriation $rant shall e ad=usted so that the num er of months, %ee8s or daysof salary to e !aid at the time of the se!aration after the ne% a!!ointment, %henadded to the num er of months, %ee8s or days !aid for !rior !eriods of ser"i&e,does not e9&eed the total of months, %ee8s or days that %ould ha"e een !aid hadthe ser"i&e een &ontinuous'

    h Hhen oth s!ouses are staff mem ers and ea&h is entitled to !ayment of are!atriation $rant on se!aration from ser"i&e, the amount of the $rant !aid to ea&hshall e &al&ulated in a&&ordan&e %ith terms and &onditions esta lished y theSe&retary(General'

    $ay+ent in case of the death of an eligible staff +e+ber

    i n the e"ent of the death of an eli$i le staff mem er, no !ayment shall emade unless there is a sur"i"in$ s!ouse or one or more de!endent &hildren %homthe United Nations is o li$ated to re!atriate' f there are one or more su&h sur"i"ors, !ayment shall e made under terms and &onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Ti+e li+itation for sub+ission of the clai+

    = :ntitlement to the re!atriation $rant shall &ease if no &laim has eensu mitted %ithin t%o years after the effe&ti"e date of se!aration, or under &onditionsesta lished y the Se&retary(General' 7o%e"er, %hen oth s!ouses are staff mem ers and the s!ouse %ho se!arates first is entitled to the re!atriation $rant, the&laim for !ayment of the $rant y that s!ouse shall e &onsidered re&ei"a le if made%ithin t%o years of the date of se!aration of the other s!ouse'

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    !rticle .=! oint+ent and ro+otion

    Regulation 1

    As stated in Arti&le 101 of the Charter, the !o%er of a!!ointment of staff mem ersrests %ith the Se&retary(General' U!on a!!ointment, ea&h staff mem er, in&ludin$ astaff mem er on se&ondment from $o"ernment ser"i&e, shall re&ei"e a letter of a!!ointment in a&&ordan&e %ith the !ro"isions of anne9 to the !resent#e$ulations and si$ned y the Se&retary(General or y an offi&ial in the name of theSe&retary(General'

    Regulation 2

    The !aramount &onsideration in the a!!ointment, transfer or !romotion of the staff shall e the ne&essity of se&urin$ the hi$hest standards of effi&ien&y, &om!eten&eand inte$rity'

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    d The Se&retary(General shall !res&ri e %hi&h staff mem ers are eli$i le for &onsideration for &ontinuin$ a!!ointments'

    Regulation ,

    The Se&retary(General shall esta lish a!!ro!riate medi&al standards that staff mem ers shall e re)uired to meet efore a!!ointment'

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    #ha ter .=! oint+ent and ro+otion

    Rule 17etter of a oint+ent

    The letter of a!!ointment issued to e"ery staff mem er &ontains e9!ressly or yreferen&e all the terms and &onditions of em!loyment' All &ontra&tual entitlementsof staff mem ers are stri&tly limited to those &ontained e9!ressly or y referen&e intheir letters of a!!ointment'

    Rule 2*ffecti%e date of a oint+ent

    The a!!ointment of a staff mem er shall ta8e effe&t from the date on %hi&h he or she enters into offi&ial tra"el status to assume his or her duties or, if no offi&ialtra"el is in"ol"ed, from the date on %hi&h the staff mem er re!orts for duty'

    Rule "Nationality

    a n the a!!li&ation of the Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules, the United Nations shall not re&o$ni6e more than one nationality for ea&h staff mem er'

    Hhen a staff mem er has een le$ally a&&orded nationality status y morethan one State, the staff mem er s nationality for the !ur!oses of Staff #e$ulationsand the Staff #ules shall e the nationality of the State %ith %hi&h the staff mem er is, in the o!inion of the Se&retary(General, most &losely asso&iated'

    Rule Staff in osts sub8ect to local recruit+ent

    a All staff in the General Ser"i&e and related &ate$ories, e9&e!t as sti!ulated instaff rule 4'. & elo%, shall e re&ruited in the &ountry or %ithin &ommutin$distan&e of ea&h offi&e, irres!e&ti"e of their nationality and of the len$th of timethey may ha"e een in the &ountry' The allo%an&es and enefits a"aila le to staff mem ers in the General Ser"i&e and related &ate$ories shall e !u lished y theSe&retary(General for ea&h duty station'

    National rofessional 5ffi&ers shall e of the nationality of the &ountry%here the offi&e &on&erned is lo&ated'

    & A staff mem er su =e&t to lo&al re&ruitment under this rule shall not eeli$i le for the allo%an&es or enefits indi&ated under staff rule 4'. a '

    Rule )

    Staff in osts sub8ect to international recruit+enta Staff mem ers other than those re$arded under staff rule 4'4 as ha"in$ een

    lo&ally re&ruited shall e &onsidered as ha"in$ een internationally re&ruited'

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    de!endent &hildrenF remo"al of household effe&tsF home lea"eF edu&ation $rantF andre!atriation $rant'

    Staff re&ruited lo&ally at a duty station for !osts in the rofessional andhi$her &ate$ories at that s!e&ifi& duty station are &onsidered internationallyre&ruited ut %ould $enerally not e entitled to some or all of the allo%an&es and enefits mentioned in !ara$ra!h a a o"e as determined y the Se&retary(General'

    & Under s!e&ial &ir&umstan&es and &onditions determined y the Se&retary(General, staff %ho ha"e een re&ruited to ser"e in !osts in the General Ser"i&e andrelated &ate$ories may e &onsidered internationally re&ruited'

    d A staff mem er %ho has &han$ed his or her residential status in su&h a %aythat he or she may, in the o!inion of the Se&retary(General, e deemed to e a !ermanent resident of any &ountry other than that of his or her nationality may loseentitlement to home lea"e, edu&ation $rant, re!atriation $rant and !ayment of tra"ele9!enses u!on se!aration for the staff mem er and his or her s!ouse and de!endent&hildren and remo"al of household effe&ts, ased u!on !la&e of home lea"e, if theSe&retary(General &onsiders that the &ontinuation of su&h entitlement %ould e

    &ontrary to the !ur!oses for %hi&h the allo%an&e or enefit %as &reated' Conditions$o"ernin$ entitlement to enefits for internationally re&ruited staff in the li$ht of residential status shall e set y the Se&retary(General as a!!li&a le to ea&h dutystation'

    Rule ,Geogra hical distribution

    #e&ruitment on as %ide a $eo$ra!hi&al asis as !ossi le, in a&&ordan&e %ith there)uirements of staff re$ulation 4'2, shall not a!!ly to !osts in the General Ser"i&eand related &ate$ories'

    Rule (

    6a+ily relationshi sa An a!!ointment shall not e $ranted to a !erson %ho is the father, mother,

    son, dau$hter, rother or sister of a staff mem er'

    The s!ouse of a staff mem er may e a!!ointed !ro"ided that he or she isfully )ualified for the !ost for %hi&h he or she is ein$ &onsidered and that thes!ouse is not $i"en any !referen&e y "irtue of the relationshi! to the staff mem er'

    & A staff mem er %ho ears to another staff mem er any of the relationshi!ss!e&ified in !ara$ra!hs a and a o"e

    i Shall not e assi$ned to ser"e in a !ost %hi&h is su!erior or su ordinatein the line of authority to the staff mem er to %hom he or she is relatedF

    ii Shall not !arti&i!ate in the !ro&ess of rea&hin$ or re"ie%in$ anadministrati"e de&ision affe&tin$ the status or entitlements of the staff mem er to %hom he or she is related'

    d The marria$e of one staff mem er to another shall not affe&t the &ontra&tualstatus of either s!ouse, ut their entitlements and other enefits shall e modified as !ro"ided in the rele"ant Staff #e$ulations and Staff #ules' The same modifi&ationsshall a!!ly in the &ase of a staff mem er %hose s!ouse is a staff mem er of another

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    or$ani6ation !arti&i!atin$ in the United Nations &ommon system of salaries andallo%an&es' Hhere oth s!ouses are staff mem ers and maintain se!aratehouseholds e&ause they are assi$ned to different duty stations, the Se&retary(General may de&ide to maintain su&h se!arate entitlements and enefits, !ro"idedthat this is not in&onsistent %ith any staff re$ulation or other de&ision of the GeneralAssem ly'

    Rule &#hange of official duty station

    a A &han$e of offi&ial duty station shall ta8e !la&e %hen a staff mem er isassi$ned from one duty station to another for a !eriod e9&eedin$ si9 months or %hena staff mem er is transferred for an indefinite !eriod'

    A &han$e of offi&ial duty station shall ta8e !la&e %hen a staff mem er isassi$ned from a duty station to a United Nations field mission for a !eriode9&eedin$ three months'

    & Assi$nment of a staff mem er from his or her offi&ial duty station for a

    &onferen&e shall not &onstitute a &han$e of offi&ial duty station %ithin the meanin$of the Staff #ules'

    Rule '.nter-organi>ation +o%e+ents

    a nter(or$ani6ation mo"ements are defined in and shall e $o"erned y aninter(or$ani6ation a$reement amon$ the or$ani6ations a!!lyin$ the United Nations&ommon system of salaries and allo%an&es'

    The Se&retary(General may allo% a staff mem er to ser"e in a s!e&iali6eda$en&y or other inter$o"ernmental or$ani6ation, !ro"ided that su&h mo"ement in no%ay diminishes the ri$hts or entitlements of the staff mem er under his or her letter of a!!ointment %ith the United Nations'

    Rule 10.nternal candidates and internal %acancies

    ?or the !ur!ose of staff re$ulation 4'4, the e9!ression Dinternal &andidatesE meansstaff mem ers re&ruited under staff rules 4'1. and 4'1 ' >a&an&ies for %hi&heli$i ility to a!!ly is restri&ted to su&h internal &andidates shall e referred to asDinternal "a&an&iesE' The &onditions under %hi&h !ersons other than internal&andidates may a!!ly for "a&an&ies shall e defined y the Se&retary(General'

    Rule 11Ty es of a oint+ent

    A staff mem er may e $ranted a tem!orary, fi9ed(term or &ontinuin$ a!!ointmentunder staff rules 4'12, 4'1* and 4'14 elo%'

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    Rule 12Te+ orary a oint+ent

    a A tem!orary a!!ointment shall e $ranted for a !eriod of less than one year to meet seasonal or !ea8 %or8loads and s!e&ifi& short(term re)uirements, ha"in$ ane9!iration date s!e&ified in the letter of a!!ointment'

    The a!!ointment of a staff mem er %ho has ser"ed for the ma9imum !eriodas des&ri ed in !ara$ra!h a a o"e may e rene%ed for u! to one additional year %hen %arranted y sur$e re)uirements and o!erational needs related to fieldo!erations and s!e&ial !ro=e&ts %ith finite mandates under &ir&umstan&es and&onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    & A tem!orary a!!ointment does not &arry any e9!e&tan&y, le$al or other%ise,of rene%al' A tem!orary a!!ointment shall not e &on"erted to any other ty!e of a!!ointment'

    Rule 1"6i?ed-ter+ a oint+ent

    a A fi9ed(term a!!ointment may e $ranted for a !eriod of one year or more,u! to fi"e years at a time, to !ersons re&ruited for ser"i&e of a !res&ri ed duration,in&ludin$ !ersons tem!orarily se&onded y national Go"ernments or institutions for ser"i&e %ith the United Nations, ha"in$ an e9!iration date s!e&ified in the letter of a!!ointment'

    A fi9ed(term a!!ointment may e rene%ed for any !eriod u! to fi"e years ata time'

    & A fi9ed(term a!!ointment does not &arry any e9!e&tan&y, le$al or other%ise,of rene%al or &on"ersion, irres!e&ti"e of the len$th of ser"i&e, e9&e!t as !ro"idedunder staff rule 4'14 '

    Rule 1#ontinuing a oint+ent

    a A &ontinuin$ a!!ointment is an o!en(ended a!!ointment'

    Staff mem ers re&ruited u!on su&&essful &om!letion of a &om!etiti"ee9amination !ursuant to staff rule 4'1 shall e $ranted a &ontinuin$ a!!ointmentafter t%o years on a fi9ed(term a!!ointment, su =e&t to satisfa&tory ser"i&e'

    & The Se&retary(General shall !res&ri e the &riteria determinin$ staff mem ers eli$i ility for &onsideration for &ontinuin$ a!!ointments'

    Rule 1)Senior Re%ie4 Grou and central re%ie4 bodies

    Senior Re%ie4 Groua A Senior #e"ie% Grou! shall e esta lished y the Se&retary(General to

    re"ie% and !ro"ide ad"i&e on re&ommendations for the sele&tion of staff at the

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    #entral re%ie4 bodies

    Central re"ie% odies shall e esta lished y the Se&retary(General tore"ie% and !ro"ide ad"i&e on re&ommendations for sele&tion as follo%s

    i Central re"ie% oards for the sele&tion of staff at the (. and

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    rele"ant mana$er, the Se&retary(General shall $i"e due &onsideration to the ad"i&eof the &entral re"ie% odies and shall ma8e the de&ision'

    Rule 1,#o+ etiti%e e?a+inations

    a Boards of e9aminers esta lished y the Se&retary(General shall ensure there$ularity of the &om!etiti"e e9aminations administered in a&&ordan&e %ith&onditions esta lished y the Se&retary(General'

    Boards of e9aminers shall ma8e re&ommendations to the Se&retary(Generalin res!e&t of the follo%in$

    i A!!ointment a!!ointment to (1 and (2 !osts that are su =e&t to thesystem of desira le ran$es and to !osts re)uirin$ s!e&ial lan$ua$e &om!eten&eat the United Nations Se&retariat shall e made e9&lusi"ely throu$h&om!etiti"e e9amination' A!!ointment to !osts at the (* le"el in the United Nations Se&retariat shall e made norm