United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030

United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) GIAHS Online Workshop on Ecosystem Restoration, 26 January 2021

Transcript of United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030

United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030)

GIAHS Online Workshop on Ecosystem Restoration, 26 January 2021

➢ UNGA Resolution A/RES/73/284 adopted 1 March, 2019

➢ FAO and UNEP asked to lead implementation of the Decade

➢ Focus 2019/2020 on consultations and partnership building

➢ Advisory Board, and Task Forces on Best Practices, Finance, Monitoring, Science and Youth

➢ Strategy and visual identity released 15 September, 2020

➢ Builds on existing restoration commitments and supports implementation of Rio Conventions,



Prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide

The objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will

not be achieved without large-scale restoration of degraded terrestrial,

freshwater & marine ecosystems globally.


A world where — for the health & wellbeing of all life on Earth & that of

future generations —the relationship between humans and nature has

been restored, where the area of healthy ecosystems is increasing and

where ecosystem loss, fragmentation and degradation has been ended.


1. Enhance global, regional, national & local commitments & actions to prevent, halt & reverse

the degradation of ecosystems

2. Increase our understanding of the multiple benefits of successful ecosystem restoration

3. Apply this knowledge in our education systems and within all public and private sector


Source: Greenpop Source: IUCN

Three Goals


1. A global movement

• Digital hub

• Awareness

• Education

• Ethics

• Economics

• Financing mechanisms

2. Political will

• Leaders as


• Legislation and policy

• Cross-sectoral


• Redirect subsidies

3. Technical capacity

• Design, implement,

monitor & sustain

• Long-term research

• Lessons learned

• Indigenous knowledge

• Land tenure and FPIC

Pathways to overcome barriers

10 years to restore planet Earth. 10 actions that matter. Every day.

6. Invest in research

7. Build up capacity

8. Celebrate a culture of restoration

9. Build up the next generation

10. Listen and learnSource: Crowther Lab Source: The Guardian

1. Empower a global movement

2. Finance restoration on the


3. Set the right incentives

4. Celebrate leadership

5. Shift behaviours

Upscaling and replicating existing restoration projects in oceans,

forests, grasslands, estuaries, mangroves, wetlands and

savannas. Shifting to regenerative agriculture is critical! Role of

GIAHS sites?

Source: Texas Community Watershed


Source: The Nature Conservancy

Building on existing efforts and experiences

85 members from 32organizations

Operationalization of Task Force1

Prioritization of ecosystems2

Identification of key resource partners3

Capacity needs assessment4

Development of knowledge and learning plan5

Drafting ToRs of Decade flagship products6

Collection of good practices7




Task Force on Good Practices

Monitoring Task Force



e.g. Forests,



Aquatic and



e.g. Coastal,

Seagrass, Tidal

marshes, Coral

reef, Mangroves,

Peatlands, Lakes

and rivers



e.g. drivers,



of restoration

from socio-



212 experts from 82 organizations

Monitoring and Evaluation of Restoration sites• Land preparation detection using optical and radar-

based remote sensing• Detection of vegetation growth using indices of

vegetation (NDVI), remote sensing-based

Values > 0.2 indicate presence of vegetation (from grass to trees)

Communication Strategy

A networked approach that…

Connects hundreds of selected global partners…

To thousands of local implementers…

Reaching hundreds of millions across the globe.

Building on insights from New Power to strengthen ownership and celebrate existing efforts by and within countries

Messaging: Positive and inclusive antidote to climate anxiety while inspiring a new #GenerationRestoration

Innovations: An interactive digital home for the Decade to communicate, support and scale action on the ground.

Visual Identity


Visit www.decadeonrestoration.org for background information, news, and communication resources in up to 8 languages

Kindly approach us for original files if you intend to adapt resources for use in your country

Steps to launch

Public-facing launch during World Environment Day 2021 (5 June)

Before the launch and in preparation of it, countries are invited to:

• Show their support and link existing efforts to the UN Decade by:

• Using the visual identity

• Identify restoration sites to be showcased as early successes

• Using #GenerationRestoration on social media to ensure posts are featured on the website

• Preparing information and tools adapted to national contexts, such as websites, brochures, campaigns

• Prepare new contributions in time for the launch such as:

• Restoration commitments and announcements

• Reports, policies, guidelines and frameworks in support of restoration

• Events – local or online – in line with COVID-19 guidance


UNEP - [email protected]

FAO - [email protected]



Thank you