Unit05 training 5

fundamentals of Human Resource Management Unit 05 Training Employees NGÔ QUÝ NHÂM



Transcript of Unit05 training 5

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fundamentals ofHuman Resource Management

Unit 05

Training Employees


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What Do I Need to Know?

1. Discuss how to link training programs toorganizational needs.

2. Explain how to assess the need for training.

3. Explain how to assess employees’ readinessfor training.

3. Explain how to assess employees’ readinessfor training.

4. Describe how to plan an effective trainingprogram.

5. Compare widely used training methods.


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What Do I Need to Know? (continued)

6. Summarize how to implement a successfultraining program.

7. Evaluate the success of a training program.

8. Describe training methods for employeeorientation and diversity management.

8. Describe training methods for employeeorientation and diversity management.


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• Training: an organization’s planned efforts tohelp employees acquire job‐relatedknowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, withthe goal of applying these on the job.

• Training: an organization’s planned efforts tohelp employees acquire job‐relatedknowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, withthe goal of applying these on the job.

• Training can benefit the organization when itis linked to organizational needs and when itmotivates employees.


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Training Linked to Organizational Needs

• The nature of the modern businessenvironment makes training important.

• Rapid change requires that employeescontinually learn new skills.• Rapid change requires that employeescontinually learn new skills.

• Growing reliance on teamwork creates ademand for the ability to solve problems inteams, an ability that often requires formaltraining.


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Your Experience

• Have you participated in a companysponsored training program?

A=Yes B=No

• If yes, was the training effective?• If yes, was the training effective?A=Yes B=No

• How do you know


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Instructional Design

• An effective trainingprogram is designed toteach skills andbehaviors that will helpthe organization

• Instructional design: aprocess ofsystematicallydeveloping training tomeet specified needs.

behaviors that will helpthe organizationachieve its goals.

• HR professionalsapproach trainingthrough instructionaldesign.

developing training tomeet specified needs.


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Figure 7.1:Stages ofInstructionalDesign


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Learning Management System

• Learning management system (LMS): acomputer application that automates theadministration, development, and delivery oftraining programs.administration, development, and delivery oftraining programs.

• LMS is being used by organizations to carryout the instructional design process moreefficiently and effectively.


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Needs Assessment

• Needs assessment: the process of evaluatingthe organization, individual employees, andemployees’ tasks to determine what kinds oftraining, if any, are necessary.• Needs assessment answers three questions:• Needs assessment answers three questions:

1. Organization - What is the context in which trainingwill occur?

2. Person - Who needs training?3. Task - What subjects should the training cover?


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Needs Assessment: Organization Analysis

• Organization analysis: a process fordetermining the appropriateness of trainingby evaluating the characteristics of theorganization.

determining the appropriateness of trainingby evaluating the characteristics of theorganization.

• The organization analysis looks at trainingneeds in the light of:

- the organization’s strategy,- resources available for training, and- management’s support for training activities.


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Needs Assessment: Person Analysis

• Person analysis: a process of determiningindividuals’ needs and readiness for training.

• It involves answering three questions:1. Do performance deficiencies result from a lack

of knowledge, skill, or ability?1. Do performance deficiencies result from a lack

of knowledge, skill, or ability?2. Who needs training?

3. Are these employees ready for training?


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Needs Assessment: Task Analysis

• Task analysis: the process of identifying andanalyzing tasks to be trained for.

• To carry out the task analysis, the conditionsin which tasks are performed are looked at.• To carry out the task analysis, the conditionsin which tasks are performed are looked at.

- The equipment and environment of the job- Time constraints- Safety considerations

- Performance standards


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Table 7.1: Sample Items from a TaskAnalysis Questionnaire


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Test Your Knowledge

• An examination of the causes of performancedeficiencies in a group or individual is called:

A. Organizational analysis

B. Task analysisB. Task analysisC. Person analysisD. Needs analysis


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Test Your Knowledge

• Training most effectively addresses:A. Motivation problemsB. Skill and ability deficienciesC. Lack of performance feedbackC. Lack of performance feedback

D. Lack of resources to do job


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Readiness for Training

• Readiness for training: a combination ofemployee characteristics and positive workenvironment that permit training.

• The necessary employee characteristics:- Ability to learn the subject matter

• The necessary employee characteristics:- Ability to learn the subject matter- Favorable attitudes toward the training- Motivation to learn

• A positive work environment encourageslearning and avoids interfering with training.


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Table 7.2: What Managers Should Do toSupport Training


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Planning the Training Program

• Planning begins with establishing objectives forthe training program.• Based on those objectives, the planner decides:

- Who will provide the training- Who will provide the training

- What topics the training will cover

- What training methods to use

- How to evaluate the training


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Characteristics of EffectiveTraining Objectives

• They include a statement of:- What the employee is expected to do- The quality or level of acceptable performance- The conditions under which the employee is toapply what he or she learned- The conditions under which the employee is toapply what he or she learned

• They include measurable performancestandards.• They identify the resources needed to carryout the desired performance or outcome.


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Your Experience

• What types of training have you taken?A. Classroom/PresentationB. Hands‐onC. Team trainingC. Team training

D. Combination


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Table 7.3: Categories of Training Methods

Method Techniques Applications

Presentation methods: Lectures, workbooks, CD‐ Conveying facts ortrainees receive ROMs, DVDs, podcasts, comparing alternativesinformation provided by Web sitesothers

Hands‐on‐methods: On‐the‐job learning, Teaching specific skills:trainees actively involved simulations, role‐plays, showing how skills areHands‐on‐methods: On‐the‐job learning, Teaching specific skills:trainees actively involved simulations, role‐plays, showing how skills arein trying pot skills computer games related to job or how to

handle interpersonal issues

Group‐building methods:trainees share ideas andexperiences, build groupidentities, learn aboutinterpersonal relationshipsand the group

Group discussions, Establishing teams or workexperiential programs, groups; managingteam training performance of teams or



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Training Methods









SimulationsBusinessGames &





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Figure 7.2: Use of Instructional Methods


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Table 7.4: Typical Jobs for Apprentices andInternsAPPRENTICESHIP INTERNSHIP

Bricklayer Accountant

Carpenter Doctor

Electrician Journalist

Plumber LawyerPlumber Lawyer

Printer Nurse



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Implementing the Training Program:Principles of Learning• Employees are most likely to learn when training islinked to their current job experiences and tasks.• Employees need a chance to demonstrate andpractice what they have learned.• Trainees need to understand whether or not they aresucceeding.• Trainees need to understand whether or not they aresucceeding.• Well‐designed training helps people remember thecontent.• Written materials should have an appropriatereading level.


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Table 7.5: Ways That Training HelpsEmployees Learn


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Figure 7.3: Measures of Training Success


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Test Your Knowledge

• The most effective way to measure employeesatisfaction with training is _______ andlearning acquired is _______.

A. Survey; pre‐post test with control groupA. Survey; pre‐post test with control groupB. Post‐test; surveyC. Cost‐benefit analysis; pre‐post test

D. Interview managers; cost‐benefit analysis


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Applications of Training

Orientation of New Employees

Diversity Training


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Orientation of New Employees

• Orientation: trainingdesigned to prepareemployees- to perform their jobs


• The objectives oforientation programsinclude making newemployees familiar withthe organization’s rules,policies, and

- to perform their jobseffectively,

– learn about theirorganization, and

- establish workrelationships.

include making newemployees familiar withthe organization’s rules,policies, andprocedures.


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Table 7.6:Content of aTypicalOrientationProgram


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• Organizations need to establish training programsthat are effective.

- They teach what they are designed to teach.- They teach skills and behaviors that will help theorganization achieve its goals.- They teach skills and behaviors that will help theorganization achieve its goals.- Organizations create such programs through instructionaldesign.

• This process begins with a needs assessment.• The organization then ensures readiness for training.


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Summary (continued)

• Next the organization plans a training program,implements the program, and evaluates the results.

• Needs assessment consists of an organizationanalysis, person analysis, and task analysis.• Readiness for training is a combination of employeecharacteristics and positive work environment thatpermit training.

• Readiness for training is a combination of employeecharacteristics and positive work environment thatpermit training.

• Planning begins with establishing objectives for theprogram.


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Summary (continued)

• Based on the objectives, the planner decides:- Who will provide the training- What topics the training will cover- What training methods to use- How to evaluate the training- How to evaluate the training

• The training methods selected should be related tothe objectives and content of the training program.• Training methods may include presentation methods,hands‐on methods, or group‐building methods.


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Summary (continued)

• Implementation should apply principles of learning.• Effective training communicates learning objectives,presents information in distinctive and memorableways, and helps trainees link the subject matter totheir jobs.

• Effective training communicates learning objectives,presents information in distinctive and memorableways, and helps trainees link the subject matter totheir jobs.• Evaluation of training should look for transfer of

training by measuring whether employees areperforming the tasks taught in the training program.

• Assessment of training also should evaluate trainingoutcomes.
