Unit 72 my computer game user guide

Game Designer: Cameron Dempsey Contents Introduction System Requirements Installation Using the Game Troubleshooting Help & Support Game flows Detailed Story of the Game User Knights Of Legend Game

Transcript of Unit 72 my computer game user guide

Page 1: Unit 72 my computer game user guide

Game Designer: Cameron Dempsey


Introduction System Requirements Installation Using the Game Troubleshooting Help & Support Game flows Detailed Story of the Game

User Guide

Knights Of Legend Game

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Section 1; P3

a) Terrain:The terrain of the game is a large fantasy world with the land filled with forests, lakes and rivers. It also contains mystical caves and underground cities that the player can further explore. Below is an image that I feel is best suited to the type of terrain I have in mind.


b) Architecture:Some of the architecture the game will include is buildings such as giant stone castles like every fantasy world should have, whilst also including rich elven cities and poor human villages due to the war currently being won by the elves. Below is an image that shows what the elven architecture mostly consists of.



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c) Objects:The objects mostly consist of medieval weaponry such as swords and crossbows. While also being able to use magic weaponry that includes the frost long sword. The image below shows the swords you can encounter in the game.


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d) Characters:The characters will consist of medieval knights and elven knights. With the elves looking more futuristic with their armour since they have the more advanced technology. Furthermore there will also be the odd wizard who can use various magic spells. Below is an image that shows what the characters can look like.


e) Non-playing characters (NPC):The NPC’s will consist of blacksmiths and Tavern merchants, As you can see from the image below.


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f) Feedback:This will be a mechanic in the game that will allow you as the player to heal a team mate if there health is low or yourself, as you can see from the image below.


g) Interface:The interface will feature the likes of your health and stamina while also telling you what weapon you currently have equipped, the image below is an example of what the interface could look like.


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h) Perspectives:The perspective will be third person where the camera will be focused behind the character, as you can see from the image below.


i) Full-Motion Video (FMV):The FMV will mostly tell the story while also showing brutal battles between the humans and elves.


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Section 1;


Disk Drive Disk Drive

http:// www.clipartkid.com/images/109/hard-disk-drive-by-keistutis-WzRXPO-clipart.png

Hard Drive Space 30GBMemory (RAM) 8GB



Display Mainly any monitor

http://johnlewis.scene7.com/is/ image/JohnLewis/235292467? $prod_exlrg$

Operating System Windows 7 64


Game Name requirements

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Hard Drive Space 500GBControl Xbox One Wireless Controller


Display Any monitor with a HDMI insertVersion 10.0.14393.2152



Hard Drive Space 120GBControl Sony Dualshock 3


Display Any monitor with a HDMI insertVersion FreeBSD

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Section 1;

The game is installed by firstly inserting the disc into the console or PC it will then give you the option to install the disc When accepting to install it, you must wait the certain amount of time

depending on platform After the time installing is finished you will then be opted to play the


How to install the Game

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Section 1;

When you begin to play the game, it will show all of the companies that were involved in creating it.

It will then show you a brief tutorial on how to play the game It will then bring up the main menu You must then press start story in order to begin the game. With

various other selections such as options and load game.

How to use the game

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Section 2;

The game might potentially crash leading to a reset of the game Depending on where the player is, it may be harder to save as this will

later have trouble loading up


Section 2 - Technical Section


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Section 2;

The player would be able to get help off the official Knights Of Legend twitter and forum pages on the internet if there is support required.

Help and support

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Section 2;

Section 2;

Game Flow Diagram 1 how to install game

Game Flow Diagram 2 how to start story

Install the game

Insert the disc into the console

Download updates

Press A/X to play the game

Select the games icon

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Section 2;

Game Flow Diagram 3 how to save

Press Start Story

Game will load

Cut scene will begin

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Section 2; Game Flow Diagram 4 how

to quit game

Press Pause Button

Press Save Game

The game will be saved into one of the 12 save ports

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Press start

Press Quit game

It will then take you back to the menu

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Section 3;

Opening sequence

The game begins with a wise old wizard talking about the whole war between the humans and elves. He mentions that humans and elves once got along but after both wanted to be the superior species this argument grew out of control to the point that both species finally went to war with one another, but at this point the elves had a lot more resources meaning that they had the more advanced weaponry and armour whereas the humans had more land than the elves meaning that they could out flank them in every direction. After the introduction you as the player are introduced to the main character Gaelin, an elite elven warrior. You then begin the mission by retrieving a carriage carrying steel from a group of human knights, with this mission then showing you the tutorial as you go along.

Middle Sequence

A couple of missions later you find out info from your fellow elite elves you shouldn't have heard about assassinating the Jarl of the fort, and when they find out they begin to attack you. after clearly getting overpowered by the elves you once called brothers you are then stabbed in the back and thrown off a nearby cliff into the depths below. Left for dead you then begin to slowly swim to the nearby shore when you then eventually pass out. You then suddenly wake up in an underground community between the human and elven commonwealth with bandages wrapped round your body. You then fully realise that you were betrayed and began plotting revenge against the elves.

Ending Sequence

After fully recovering from your wombs you then begin to help the community who saved your life by hunting the wildlife that roam above in order to gain meat and leather resources for the community. A couple of missions later you are then ready to put your plan in to action to kill those who tried to kill you.

Game Story Analysis