Unit 3 Aims: - dominate the use of definite and indefinite articles the/a/an/ and no article - help...

Unit 3 ms: dominate the use of definite and indefinite article e/a/an / and no article help you with your homework. Grammar files: 18 and 19

Transcript of Unit 3 Aims: - dominate the use of definite and indefinite articles the/a/an/ and no article - help...


English has two articles: the and a/an.

The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns (a/an is used with non-specific or non-particular nouns); We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite article.the = definite articlea/an = indefinite article

For example, if I say, "Let's read the book," I mean a specific book.

Here's another way to explain it: The is used to refer to a specific or particular member of a group.

For example, "I just saw the most popular movie of the year." There are many movies, but only one particular movie is the most popular. Therefore, we use the.

"A/an" is used to refer to a non-specific or non-particular member of the group.

For example, "I would like to see a movie." Here, we're not talking about a specific movie. We're talking about any movie. (=qualsevol) There are many movies, and I want to see any movie. I don't have a specific one in mind.

Let's look at each kind of article a little more closely.

Indefinite Articles: a and anPage 209 Student’s book

“a" and "an" signal that the noun modified is indefinite, referring to

any member of a group.

My daughter wants a dog for Christmas."

This refers to any dog. We don't know which dog because we haven't found the

dog yet.

For example:

The definite Article: THEPage 209 Student’s book

The signals that the noun is definite, that it refers to a particular

member of a group.

"The dog that bit me ran away." Here, we're talking about a specific dog,

the dog that bit me.

For example:

The definite Article: THEThere are some specific rules for using the with geographical nouns.

Do not use the before:

- names of most countries/territories: Italy, Mexico, Bolivia; Exceptions: the Netherlands, the UK, the Philippines, the USA …- names of cities, towns, or states: Seoul, Canillo, Miami - names of streets: Washington Blvd., Jerez St., Main St. - names of lakes and bays: Lake Titicaca, Lake Erie except with a group of lakes like the Great Lakes - names of mountains: Mount Everest, Mount Fuji except with ranges of mountains like the Andes or the Rockies or unusual names like the Matterhorn - names of continents (Asia, Europe) - names of islands (Easter Island, Menorca) except with island chains like the Aleutians, the Hebrides, or the Canary Islands

use the before:

-names of rivers, oceans and seas: the Nile, the Segre, the Pacific ocean

-points on the globe: the Equator, the North Pole

-geographical areas: the Middle East, the West

- deserts, forests, gulfs, and peninsulas: the Sahara, the Persian Gulf, the Black Forest, the Iberian Peninsula

The definite Article: THE

The use of


- Inflation is rising.- Students are worried about exams. (Note! students generally, so no article) - I love chocolate.- Information is important to any organisation.- Coffee is bad for you.

We usually use no article to talk about things in general:-

We do not use an article when talking about sports

  Skiing is difficult

Homework: Student’s book: page 43 Activity 3

Choose any country and imagine 4 typical items

you would select to show the particularities of that

country. Explain your choices.

Activities:On WORKBOOK:

page 25 Activity 2

the or ??

Activity 3the imperial an metric systems

1. Why don’t ___________ British people use _________ euro like almost everyone else in ________ Europe?


2. Basically, it’s because ______British are very attached to certain aspects of _________ British life.

3. However, _______ life of many people in _______ Britain would be easier if ________ metric system were really used.

4. _______ choice will no doubt be made, not by ______ British public, but by ______ British government.

5. Wouldn’t it be great if ________ European countries used ________ same systems to measure ______ distances and ________ weights?








On WORKBOOK: page 25 Activity 3

the imperial an metric systems

1. Their cottage was in a beautiful valley about 12 miles from the sea.

2. For the past few years he has lived in a tiny room measuring just 9 feet by six.

3. The double-decker came to a halt no more than 6 inches from the shop window.

La casa de camp es trobava en una bonica vall a una vintena de kilòmetres del mar.

Fa uns anys que viu en una habitació minúscula de només tres metres per dos.

L’autobús de dos pisos s’aturà a poc més de 15 centímetres de l’aparador de la botiga.

4. The thieves stole everything except the 2 pounds of butter and the pint of milk in the fridge.

5. Twelve stones seems rather heavy for someone only 5 feet tall.

Els lladres ho van robar tot excepte el quilogram de mantega i el mig litre de llet de la nevera.

Un pes de 65 quilos sembla bastant un pes excessiu per a algú que no fa més de metre cinquanta.

Homework: Student’s book: page 43 Activity 3

Choose any country and imagine 4 typical items

you would select to show the particularities of that

country. Explain your choices.

Homework: Student’s book: Pages 208, 209

Activities “Entrainement”

Grammar files: 18 and 19

Practise for the exam …

Read to the end