Unit #2 Health, Sleep, Nutrition. Nutrition What color foods are the most nutritious? – Green What...

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Transcript of Unit #2 Health, Sleep, Nutrition. Nutrition What color foods are the most nutritious? – Green What...

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  • Unit #2 Health, Sleep, Nutrition
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  • Nutrition What color foods are the most nutritious? Green What vegetables are the most nutritious? 1.Broccoli 2.Spinach What fruit is the best source of vitamin C? Oranges Carbohydrates are good for you they provide energy Simple and Complex Atkins diet is terrible for your health
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  • Nutrition High Grain cereals are the best source of. Fiber What is the best source of calcium? Milk (especially skim) Necessary Nutrients Fats Carbohydrates Proteins Vitamins
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  • Nutrition The United States is by far the most overweight nation in the world Why do you think this is the case? What is the key to losing weight Burning more calories then you take in There are 3500 calories in a pound To lose a pound you must burn 3500 calories more than you take in The average female burns 1500-2000 calories per day The average male burns 2000-2500 calories per day
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  • What is happening to our Food? Cheap beef (cows) are force fed corn which they cant digest They are also prevented from moving around Injected with hormones, antibiotics and steroids which we intake by eating cheap beef Cheap poultry (chicken) is also force fed corn Chickens are kept in a cage for their life Injected with hormones and antibiotics
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  • Nutrition Energy drinks Average 220 calories and 27 grams of sugar 5 Hour energy is not good for you either Soda Average 150 calories and 86 grams of sugar High Fructose Corn Syrup Artificial sugar engineered from corn Basically its sugar Fake health food Jamba Juice Salads with Ranch or Caesar dressing
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  • Organic vs Fresh vs Processed Organic is better than processed but doesnt necessarily mean healthy Fresh is a great option for vegetables but is not advised for meat Processed is always bad for you Unfortunately processed foods tend to taste the best
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  • Salt, Sugar, Fat In 25 years we will most likely look back at the food industry in the same way we look at the tobacco industry in 1960s Food companies have spent billions of dollars on research and development Corporations have one motivation - profit They have found combinations of salt, sugar and fat that convince our brain that we are not full Appetite is directly tied to your brain
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  • The FDA FDA The US Food and Drug Administration Why do you think the FDA allows this to happen to our food? Lobbyists Corporations Profit Corruption Behind the times
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  • Water The importance of water Sugar, alcohol, salt all dehydrate the body Problems with our drinking water Contains traces of estrogen, birth control, antibiotics, chlorine, arsenic (very low levels), etc. Causes many side effects Girls are developing at an earlier age In some areas natural gas is in the drinking water
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  • Gastrict Bypass Surgery or Lap Band
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  • Warm Up What vegetables are the healthiest? Whats the best source of calcium? Vitamin C? What is at the bottom of the current food pyramid? What is the FDA? What is their responsibility? How many calories are there in a pound? Name at least three things wrong with cheap beef/poultry.
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  • Alcohol Central nervous system depressant Hydration and food in your stomach can decrease intoxication Mild consumption can lead to relaxation and cheerfulness High consumption can lead to loss of coordination and blurred vision Extreme consumption can lead to unconsciousness, alcohol poisoning or death
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  • Alcohol Lowers inhabitations Long term abuse severely damages the liver Long term abuse causes depression and mood swings Responsible for of all car accidents amongst teens Addiction physiological Dependence - psychological
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  • Drinking, Drinking & Driving, Alcoholism Dran Shop Extension Law--if you host a party with alcohol and someone leaves and injures or kills someone, you are civilly liable One Year Law--If you are underage and at a party with alcohol, you can lose your license for one year, even if you are not drinking
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  • Drinking, Drinking & Driving, Alcoholism.01--legal minor (underage drinking and driving).05--driving while intoxicated (more minor than dui but still trouble).08--DUI (stiffer penalties) BUI PIP Minor in possession
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  • Drinking, Drinking & Driving, Alcoholism Alcoholism - when drinking gets in the way of a person's social, emotional and occupational functioning Tolerance - when a person can drink more and still create the same effect Withdrawal--side effects from stopping a drug (alcohol- cramps, nausea, irritability)
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  • Drinking, Drinking & Driving, Alcoholism Co-dependence (also known as enabling)--when a person is married to an alcoholic or even a family member, and that person continues to allow and deny what is occurring. When they put everyone else in front of themselves and feel depressed and miserable as a result.
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  • Drinking, Drinking & Driving, Alcoholism Homeostasis - Things remain the same in a negative way Keeping homeostasis means that things stay the same Breaking homeostasis means that a change is created
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  • Warm Up How many calories do you think are in a pound? What do you think is the key to losing weight? What is the bottom of the pyramid on the current food chart? What color vegetables/fruits are the healthiest? What vegetables are the best for you? What fruit? What is the best source of Vitamin C? How many calories does the average female burn? Male? What are 4 necessary nutrients?
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  • Tobacco & Cigarettes A common cigarette contains 4,000 chemicals, 43 of which are proven to cause cancer These include nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, and DDT Nicotine is highly addictive Tar Second leading killer in the US
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  • Tobacco and Cigarettes Throat Cancer Lung Cancer Tracheotomy Emphysema Increases metabolism
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  • Warm Up What does the Dran Shop Law state? In relation to alcoholism what does homeostasis mean? What is co-dependence? What is the definition of alcoholism? Is alcoholism a disease? What is the one year law? What is tolerance? What is a common misconception about tolerance? What is the legal blood alcohol content level for a minor? Adult? What is the difference between addiction and dependence?
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  • Ecstasy Medical name MDMA Also known as E Invented by a German chemist Can have a lethal dose Increases senses, feelings of openness, euphoria, empathy and love Physical touch is pleasing Puts permanent holes in your brain
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  • LSD & Mushrooms LSD Hallucinogen Very potent Can last 8 to 18 hours Remains in spinal cord fluid for life Heavy use may cause irreversible damage - Psychosis Flashbacks Mushrooms Grows in cow feces hallucinogen
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  • Heroin Injected directly into blood stream Highly addictive Has less and less of an effect with each use Causes euphoria Extremely dangerous Speedball An injection of cocaine and heroin John Belushi
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  • Cocaine & Crack Cocaine Stimulant Increases metabolism Increases heart rate Can cause heart attack Highly addictive Can cause extreme withdrawals Nausea or flu like symptoms Deterioration of the cartilage in your nose can be amputated Kidney disease Tooth decay
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  • Warm Up What is the chemical name for Ecstasy? What does Ecstasy do to your brain? What are LSD and mushrooms categorized as? Is heroin and upper or a downer? What is a speedball? How many chemicals are in a cigarette? How many of those are cancerous? What is a tracheotomy?
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  • Marijuana Has medical uses Helps with glaucoma Helps ease pain in cancer and AIDS patients Decreases sperm count in males Decreases motivation Increases appetite (munchies) Although not proven it can also be addictive Decreases short term memory
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  • Steroids & HGH Muscle growth Elevates blood pressure & cholesterol Can accelerate baldness Sudden cardiac arrest Liver damage Testicular atrophy Stunts growth in adolescents HGH Human Growth Hormone Enlarges organs as well as muscles Long term side effects not known but most speculate that it will have adverse effects
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  • Prescription Pain Killers The fastest growing abused drug among teens Vicodin Oxycotin Somas Depressants amplified by alcohol Can be fatal in many cases
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  • Meth or Speed Methamphetamine Stimulant Increases metabolism Causes teeth to fall out Meth Mouth Brain Damage Formication Made by amateur chemists through over the counter drugs Highly addictive
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  • Adderall Prescribed for depression Prescribed for ADHD Misuse Side effects include: Decreased appetite Difficulty falling asleep Stomach ache Emotional Lability (laughter, crying, smiling) Premature puberty Kidney failure Dry mouth Loss of Appetite Weight Loss
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  • Adderall Cont. Overdosing on Adderall Symptoms of tourettism Seizures High Blood Pressure Swelling of hands, feet and ankles Abnormally fast heart beat Hyperactivity Delusions Hallucinations Sweating Vomiting Dehydration Lower abdominal pain Depression