Unit 2 Biopsychology PowerPoint

Psychology Unit 2: Biopsychology



Transcript of Unit 2 Biopsychology PowerPoint

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PsychologyUnit 2: Biopsychology

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Lesson 1: The Brain

Parts of the Brain


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Lesson 1: The Brain

• Cerebrum (Cerebral Cortex)• Cerebellum• Pons• Medulla• Reticular Activating System• Corpus Callosum

• Thalamus• Hypothalamus• Hippocampus• Amygdala• Pituitary Gland• Spinal Cord

EQ: How do biological processes and systems impact behavior?


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Parts of the Brain

Part of the Brain Primary Function(s)



Reticular Activating System






Pituitary Gland

Cerebral Cortex

Corpus Callosum

Use Your Textbook Resources to Complete the Chart Below

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Central Nervous System

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Spinal Cord

• Transmits neural signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

• Contains neural circuits that can independently control numerous reflexes

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The Brain

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Brain Structures

• Some scientists divide the brain up into three parts.• Hindbrain•Midbrain• Forebrain

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Medulla (Oblongata)

•Heart rate•Breathing•Blood Pressure

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• Connects hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain together.

• Respiration• Movement• Sleep• Facial expressions

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Reticular Activating System (RAS)

• Responsible for regulating arousal and sleep• Helps mediate

transitions from relaxed wakefulness to periods of high attention.

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•Means “little brain”• Voluntary muscle

movements.• Coordination• Balance

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• In Forebrain• Receives sensory

information and sends them to appropriate areas of the cerebral cortex.• Like a switchboard.• Everything but


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Limbic System• EMOTIONAL

CONTROL CENTER of the brain.• Includes:• Amygdala• Hippocampus• Hypothalamus

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Hippocampus and Amygdala• Hippocampus is

involved in memory processing.

• Amygdala is vital

for our basic emotions. Involved with anger

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Hypothalamus• Pea sized in brain, but

plays a not so pea sized role.• Body temperature• Hunger• Thirst• Sexual Arousal (libido)• Endocrine System

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Pituitary Gland• “Master Gland”• An important link

between the nervous system and the endocrine system• Releases many hormones

which affect growth, sexual development, metabolism and the system of reproduction.

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Cerebrum (Cerebral Cortex)• Top layer of our brain.• Responsible for high-

level mental process and thought• Contains wrinkles

called fissures.• The fissures increase

surface area of our brain.• Divided into two


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Cerebral Cortex Brain Comparison

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Corpus Callosum• Corpus Callosum

attaches the two hemispheres of cerebral cortex.• Allows both

hemispheres to communicate with one another

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Lesson 1: The Brain

Brain Parts and Functions


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Lesson 2: The Brain

3 Parts of the Brain2 Facts learned1 Question


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Lesson 2: The Brain

• Frontal Lobe• Parietal Lobe• Occipital Lobe• Temporal Lobe

• Motor Cortex (Strip)• (Soma)Sensory

Cortex (Strip)• Broca’s Area• Wernicke’s Area

EQ: How do biological processes and systems impact behavior?


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Lobes and Areas Assignment

1. Read the article in your packet entitled Men and Women are Different and answer the questions on the accompanying question sheet.

2. Using colored pencils, locate, label, and shade the following: (Use pg. 74 in your text)• Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Occipital

Lobe, Motor Cortex, Somasensory Cortex, Broca’s Area, and Wernicke’s Area.• Note: The areas and cortexes are located in lobes. This

means you must locate all areas prior to coloring.3. Meet with a partner to check each other’s work

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Lobes and Areas of the Brain

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Areas of the Cerebral Cortex

• Divided into eight lobes, four in each hemisphere (frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal).• Any area not dealing

with our senses or muscle movements are called association areas.

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Frontal Lobe

• Executive center of the brain.• Deals with planning,

maintaining emotional control, abstract thought, and the storage of memories.• Contains Broca’s Area.• Contains Motor Cortex


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Parietal Lobes

• Located at the top of our head.• Contains the Somasensory

Cortex (Strip)• Rest are association areas.

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Temporal Lobes• Process sound

sensed by ears.• Not lateralized.• Contains Wernicke’s


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Occipital Lobes• In the back of our

head.• Contains the visual

association area which handles visual information from the eyes.• Right half of each

retina goes to left occipital lobe and vice versa.

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Broca’s and Wernicke’s Areas• Broca’s Area• Located in the frontal lobe• Responsible for speaking• When damaged (aphasia) people speak

slowly/laboriously with simple sentences

• Wernicke’s Area• Located in the temporal lobe• Responsible for understanding speech• When damaged(aphasia) speech is meaningless

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Mapping of the Motor and Sensory Strips

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Lesson 3: Split Brain/Cerebral Lateralization

• Corpus Callosum• Epilepsy• Longitudinal Fissure

EQ: How do biological processes and systems impact behavior?


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Activating Strategy• Get into pairs• With your partner hold the paper in place and a writing utensil

in each hand, attempt to draw a “star” and a “circle” at the same time.

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• Divided into a left and right hemisphere.• Contra-lateral

controlled- left controls right side of body and vice versa.• Brain Lateralization.

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Cutting the Corpus Callosum


Longitudinal Fissure

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Split Brain: Assignment 1

•Read with a Purpose: Read p. 65 in alternate textbook.•Summarize the main points and the experiment discussed.•Focus on the outcomes.

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Split Brain Research

Watch The Video: Part 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfGwsAdS9Dc

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Split Brain: Assignment 2

• Group discussion: • Now that you have watched the film, what are

some right and left brain abilities that were revealed in the film the film?• What are some questions that you have


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Cerebral Specialization

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Split Brain: Hint on Remembering



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Lesson 4: The Neuron

• Dendrites• Cell body (Soma)• Axon• Myelin Sheath

• Synapse• Vesicles• Nodes of Ranvier• Neurotransmitters

EQ: How do biological processes and systems impact behavior?


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Lesson 4 Activator

Neural Communication Line TestPost Activity Question: Why was there a difference in the results?

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Neurotransmitters (chemicals held in terminal buttons that travel through synaptic gap)

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The Synapse

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Types of Neurons

• Efferent (Motor) Neurons• Interneurons• Afferent (Sensory)


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Neuroanatomy: Formal Assessment

Link Through Color: Using the three sheets provided, color the corresponding parts on each sheet. Colors should be consistent demonstrating your understanding of the connection between diagrams. You have 15 minutes to complete this assignment.

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How does a Neuron fire?

• Resting Potential: slightly negative charge.• Reach the threshold when

enough neurotransmitters reach dendrites.• Go into Action Potential.• All-or-none response.• Transfer of ions across

axon’s membrane causes electrical charge.

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Lesson Activator

Any questions prior to the neuron quiz?

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Lesson 5: Neurotransmitters

• Acetylcholine• Dopamine• Serotonin• Endorphins

• Reuptake• SSRI• Neurotransmitter

EQ: How do biological processes and systems impact behavior?


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Neural Communication Refresher

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Using the article Plunge of Pleasure and the Read with a Purpose technique collect evidence on the psychological importance of dopamine and serotonin. This information includes associated behaviors, disorders, and relationship to other drugs.

Neurotransmitter Assignment

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• Involved in mood control.• Lack of Serotonin

has been linked to clinical depression• SSRI’s• Paxil• Zoloft


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Dopamine• Deals with infatuation,

motor movement, and alertness.• Lack of dopamine has

been linked to Parkinson’s disease.• Too much has been

linked to schizophrenia.• Cocaine increases levels

of dopamine by blocking reuptake


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Acetylcholine (ACH)• Deals with motor

movement and memory.• Lack of ACH has been

linked to Alzheimer’s disease.• Nicotine triggers ACH

receptor sites.• Reduce # of ACH

receptors resulting in withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

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Endorphins (Endogenous Morphine)• Involved in pain

control and feelings of wellbeing• Opiates and

endorphins trigger the same receptor sites. (morphine, codeine, heroin)• Causes the Runner’s


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Drugs can be…..

• Agonists- make neuron fire• Antagonists- stop neural firing• Reuptake Inhibitors- block


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Lesson 6: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems

• Central Nervous System• Peripheral Nervous System• Somatic Nervous System• Autonomic Nervous System• Sympathetic Nervous System• Parasympathetic Nervous System

• Endocrine System• Thyroid• Androgen• Estrogen

EQ: How do biological processes and systems impact behavior?


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The Nervous System

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Central Nervous System

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Peripheral Nervous System• All nerves that are not

encased in bone.• Everything but the

brain and spinal cord.• Is divided into two

categories….somatic and autonomic.

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Somatic Nervous System

• Controls voluntary muscle movement.• Uses motor

(efferent) neurons.

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Autonomic Nervous System• Controls the automatic

functions of the body.• Divided into two

categories…the sympathetic and the parasympathetic• Memory Hint: Auto like

automatic or autopilot. Don’t have to think or do.

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Sympathetic Nervous System

• Fight or Flight Response.• Automatically

accelerates heart rate, breathing, dilates pupils, slows down digestion.

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Parasympathetic Nervous System• Automatically slows

the body down after a stressful event.• Heart rate and

breathing slow down, pupils constrict and digestion speeds up.• Memory Hint: Para is

like parachute. It slow us down.

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Pituitary Gland• “Master Gland”• An important link

between the nervous system and the endocrine system• Releases many hormones

which affect growth, sexual development, metabolism and the system of reproduction.

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Gonads• Sex Glands• Ovaries• Testes

• Estrogens • Greater amounts in females• Necessary for normal sexual development of the female• Regulates the menstrual cycle during the childbearing


• Androgens • Greater amounts in males• Present in females in small amounts• Related to aggression

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Unit 2: Biopsychology Summarizer

1. Using the Learning Goals Outline in your biopsychology packet, attempt to answer the questions without the use of your notes. This will act as a pre-study test.

2. Identify your areas of weakness3. Complete any unanswered or correct any

incorrect questions4. Study your packet using the resources

provided. (Flashcards, graphic organizers, diagrams, Learning Goals Outline)

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Study for the

Biopsychology Exam

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Lesson Activator

Any questions prior to the Biopsychology Exam?