Unit 18 evaluation

Iona Spence-Dingle Unit 18 Evaluation My Own Ideas My group decided, as the fictional advertising agency Wazowski Global, to develop and market a new brand of bottled water. Here are my initial ideas for the product and packaging: I was actually very pleased with my initial idea; I felt that it was original, interesting and I was able to justify all of my decisions with clarity. I would say that a particular strength of my original design was the strong theme (Brazil) that underpinned the entire product (packaging, taste, name e.t.c) A weakness of my initial idea could be that the complete application of the Brazillian theme would limit our customer demographic to people who could relate to the upbeat, fresh and exciting credentials of the brand. As a group we eventually to market a different brand of water: Kaela Vatn, as this resonated better with the group as a whole, and offered us more freedom in terms of print advertising campaigns, commercials etc. Wazowski Global We immediately delegated roles within the group, in order to make most effective use of our limited time. This worked very well, as every member of the group was able to work to their strengths, whilst any personal weaknesses could be rectified by another group member. My personal responsibilities included coming up with the slogan, creating the print advert, and creating the Powerpoint/ script for the final pitch. I would say that I accomplished my ‘Kaela Vatn, a moment of clarity.’ Here is logo that Tom created for Kalea Vatn. I

Transcript of Unit 18 evaluation

Iona Spence-Dingle

Unit 18 Evaluation

My Own Ideas

My group decided, as the fictional advertising agency Wazowski Global, to develop and market a new brand of bottled water.

Here are my initial ideas for the product and packaging:

I was actually very pleased with my initial idea; I felt that it was original, interesting and I was able to justify all of my decisions with clarity. I would say that a particular strength of my original design was the strong theme (Brazil) that underpinned the entire product (packaging, taste, name e.t.c)

A weakness of my initial idea could be that the complete application of the Brazillian theme would limit our customer demographic to people who could relate to the upbeat, fresh and exciting credentials of the brand.

As a group we eventually to market a different brand of water: Kaela Vatn, as this resonated better with the group as a whole, and offered us more freedom in terms of print advertising campaigns, commercials etc.

Wazowski Global

We immediately delegated roles within the group, in order to make most effective use of our limited time. This worked very well, as every member of the group was able to work to their strengths, whilst any personal weaknesses could be rectified by another group member. My personal responsibilities included coming up with the slogan, creating the print advert, and creating the Powerpoint/ script for the final pitch. I would say that I accomplished my duties diligently and to a high standard; the other members of the group also succeed in completing the tasks they had taken on, so we met all deadlines with relative ease. There was no tension whatsoever amongst our group, partly because we all shared a similar vision for Wazowski Global, but also because we were able to communicate effectively with one another, avoiding misunderstandings and conflict.

‘Kaela Vatn, a moment of clarity.’ Here is logo that Tom created for Kalea Vatn. I think it effectively portrays the stylish nature of the brand through the minimalistic colour scheme, and stark lines. The slogan is simple and concise, in order to build an air of mystery and intrigue about the brand.

Iona Spence-Dingle

The Advertising Campaign

The top image is the print advert I created that would potentially be placed in select magazines to promote our brand of water. I chose to use the colours red, blue and white as these are the national colours of Iceland- the location for whence Kaela Vatn is extracted (Kaela Vatn is Icelandic for cool water.) I tried to impose the Kaela Vatn logo onto the ice-cube, in order to portray our water as cool, crisp and refreshing, however I found doing this effectively hard. An improvement I would make to this advert would be to find a way to impose the logo more effectively, maybe by using the blend tool on Photoshop, so that it doesn’t look so ‘stuck-on’.

The second image shows our bus advert. Although this wasn’t directly my responsibility, as a group we decided on the very minimalistic colour scheme, combined with very simple, crisp imagery in order to accurately convey as brand as sophisticated and polished. We also decided to feature our slogan on the advert is very simple font, so as not to draw attention away from the main focus of the ice-cube that is supposed to represent the stunning, frozen tundra of Iceland, as well as the crisp, refreshing taste of Kaela Vatn. In hindsight I would like the two adverts to be more similar, or at least have more of a common theme tying them together, so that our campaign was more instantly recognisable. So I would say that in hindsight, it might have been useful to make notes at group meetings, so all of us had a clear idea of our colour scheme and stylistic specifications.

Iona Spence-Dingle

Our Advert

The concept of our advert was that the protagonist is has a terrible hand in an intense game of poker, but the taste of Kaela Vatn gives him the courage to lay it on the line and go all in. His opponent folds, and the protagonist wins the game. We chose this scenario because we felt like this would present our water as a product for glamourous, bold and successful people, or that drinking Kale Vatn will somehow give you these atributes.

The entire advert was filmed in black and white to create an ‘Old Hollywood’, classic gangster mood that really lends itself to the stylish, sophisticated nature of our product. Shots that worked particularly well include the POV shot from Dan’s perspective looking at Kieran as he drunk the water, as well as the final shot of Kieran throwing down his cards. I liked these shots because I think they added to the drama and intensity of the advert.

A potential improvement would be to create more of an atmosphere in the advert by disguising the school environment a little more, although this would not necessarily have been practical. We also could have allocated job roles more effectively in this part of the project, because Tom did almost all the editing for the group, although too many people editing would have inevitably resulted in a less slick finished piece.

The Pitch

Creating the script and Powerpoint for the pitch was one of my responsibilities. I tried to use as few words as possible on the Powerpoint itself, so as not to distract attention away from what we were saying- I filled the slides with relevant pictures that illustrated our pitch well. As a group we performed well during the pitch in terms of fluency and clarity, and received good feedback at the end. In the future we could improve by considering potential questions that could be asked, with the intention of trouble shooting any that we didn’t immediately know the answer to.