UNIT 11: Prehistory Nuria Sánchez Parra CEIP García Bellido

Transcript of Unit 11: THE PREHISTORY

UNIT 11: Prehistory

Nuria Sánchez ParraCEIP García Bellido

VocabularyAge…edadago ….hace (temporal)appear… aparecerbarter…truequeBC…antes de Cristobeaker pottery…. Ceramica campaniforme.bell-shaped …forma de campanabranches…ramasbronze…broncecardial pottery…ceramica cardialcaves …cuevasclothing…ropa,containers ….recipientescopper …cobredevelopment…desarrolloexchange …intercambiofields…camposfishing …pescafossil …fósilfound …encontradogathering …recolecciónheating… calentarhunters …cazadoras

hunting….cazahuts …cabañasiron…hierroknives …cuchilloslife…vidalivestock…ganaderíalook for…buscarmegaliths…megalitosmix …mezclarmollusk…molusco mud…barroneolithic …neolíticonomads…nómadaspots …vasijaspottery …cerámicaprehistory …prehistoriasedentary …sedentariosettlements …asentamientos,

pobladosskin…pielspears …lanza

Videos• Stone age• A day in Stone age• The discovery of fire• The prehistory• Documentary

Prehistory began four million years ago when the first humans appeared. It is divided into three eras: •Paleolithic era•Neolithic era •Metal Ages

Paleolitic eraThe Paleolithic era began in Europe a million years ago when the first human beings came from Africa. The main features of these human beings were:

Paleolitic era

• They didn’t know agriculture and lived by hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruits.

Paleolitic era They were nomads. They formed

small groups that frequently moved to look for food. They lived in caves and huts made of branches, rocks or mud.

Paleolitic era They made tools from bone, stone and

wood. They made spears and knives and used the skins of animals for clothing. They learned how to use fire for cooking and heating.

The Neolithic era and Age of Metals

The Neolithic era began about 8000 BC, when people discovered agriculture and livestock. These advances produced big changes:

The Neolithic era and Age of Metals

The sedentary life. Human beings built settlements near their fields. They also made megaliths, which were large stone monuments used as tombs.

The Neolithic era and Age of Metals

Technological development. They developed pottery to make pots and containers for food. They also learned to prepare foods, like cheese and wine, and to weave the wool of their animals.

The Neolithic era and Age of Metals

The Metal Age began around 3500 BC, with the first metal tools. First, people used copper and then, they mixed copper and tin to make bronze. Later, they used iron.

The Neolithic era and Age of Metals

At the end of the Age of Metals, the first villages appeared. There, people traded by barter, which is the exchange of one product for another without using money.

Prehistory in Iberian Peninsula

In the Iberian Peninsula there are remains to know how people lived in Prehistory

Prehistory in Iberian Peninsula

From the Paleolithic era, the oldest human fossil in Europe was found in Atapuerca, Burgos. In the Cantabrian coast, the caves of Altamira and Tito Bustillo were decorated by nomadic hunters with cave paintings. They represented animals.

Prehistory in Iberian Peninsula

The Neolithic era was first developed in the Mediterranean coast. In Catalonia, Valencia and Andalusia they were found remains of cardial pottery, decorated with a mollusk called cardium.

Prehistory in Iberian Peninsula

In the Age of Metals large settlements appeared on the southeast coast, such as the El Millares or El Argar, where people worked bronze. They also produced bell-shaped pottery, called Beaker pottery.