Unit 1 what is a website?

Web – based English Learning (3000- 1205) Source : http://www.weberge.com/blog.html

Transcript of Unit 1 what is a website?

Page 1: Unit 1 what is a website?

Web – based English Learning (3000-


Source : http://www.weberge.com/blog.html

Page 2: Unit 1 what is a website?


Web – based English Learning (3000-


หวัขอ้เร่ือง (Topics)

1.ขอ้มูลเ ก่ียวกบั Website - What is a Website? - Why do People Visit Websites?

- Types of websites

2.ค ำศพัท์ ส ำนวน ประโยคที่เก่ียวขอ้งกบั Website 3.โครงสร้ำงภำษำทีเ่ก่ียวขอ้งในสถำนกำรณ์

แนวคิด (Main Idea)

เ ว็ บ ไ ซ ต์ ( website) ห ม ำ ย ถึ ง

หน้ำเ ว็บเพจหลำยหน้ำซึ่งเ ช่ือมโยงกนัผ่ำนทำงไฮเปอร์ลิงก์

ส่วนใหญ่จดัท ำขึ้น เ พ่ือน ำเ สนอข้อมูลผ่ำนคอมพิวเตอร์

โ ด ย ถู ก จ ั ด เ ก็ บ ไ ว้ ใ น เ วิ ล ด์ ไ ว ด์ เ ว็ บ

หน้ำแรกของเว็บไซต์ที่เ ก็บไว้ที่ช่ือหลกัจะเ รียกว่ำ โฮมเพจ

เ ว็บไซต์โดยท ัว่ไปจะให้บริกำรตอ่ผูใ้ชฟ้รีและเป็นแหลง่ที่เ ก็บร

วบรวมข้อมูลเอกสำร และส่ือประสมต่ำง ๆ

เช่น ภำพ เ สียง ข้อควำม ของแต่ละบริษ ัทหรือหน่วยงำน

โดยเ รียกเอกสำรต่ำง ๆ เหล่ำน้ีว่ำ เ ว็บเพจ (web page)

และเ รียกเ ว็บหน้ำแรกของ แต่ละเว็บไซต์ว่ำโฮมเพจ

(home page) หรืออำจกล่ำวได้ว่ำ เ ว็บไซ ต์ก็คือเ ว็บเพจ

อ ย่ ำ ง น้ อ ย ส อ ง ห น้ ำ ที่ มี ลิ ง ก์ ( links) ถึ ง ก ั น

เ ว็บไซ ต์จะใช้ส ำหร ับผู้ที่มีคอมพิวเตอร์แบบเซิ ร์ ฟเ วอร์

ห รื อ จดทะเ บี ยน เ ป็น ขอ งตน เ อ งเ รี ยบร้ อ ยแ ล้ว เ ช่น

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Web – based English Learning (3000-


วตัถุประสงค์กำรปฏบิตัิ (Performance Objectives)

1. บอกควำมหมำย ค ำศพัท์ ส ำนวน

ประโยคที่ใชเ้ ก่ียวกบั website 2. อ่ำนออกเสียงค ำศพัท ์ส ำนวน ประโยคที่ใชเ้ก่ียวกบั

website ได ้3. อ่ำนจบัใจควำมส ำคญัและตอบค ำถำมไดถู้กตอ้ง 4. บอกประเภทของ website ได ้

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Web – based English Learning (3000-


1. What is a website? a. A website is a set of related web pages

typically served from a single web domain. b. A website, also written as website. c. A website is hosted on at least one web

server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource locator (URL).

d. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

2. Have you ever used a website?

a. Yes, I have. I used www.englishlistening.com b. No, I haven’t. c. http://www.mindenglish.net/ d. Yes, I can. 3. People visit CNN.com to ____________

international news.

a. read b. write c. listen d. speak 4. Which websites do you use for learning English?

a. http://easyworldofenglish.com b. http://news.sanook.com

Unit 1


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Web – based English Learning (3000-


c. http://www.google.com d. http://radio.ikyzaa.com

5. Companies use Amazon.com to _____________their products.

a. sell b. buy c. book d. dictionary

6. Why do people visit websites?

a. to get the news b. to find information they need

c. to sell something d. to buy clothes 7. Students visit Math.com to ___________ their Math.

a. practice b. learn c. read d. training

8. English teachers join eltforum.com to ___________ teaching resources.

a. learn b. share c. listening d. reading 9. The picture means?

a. Search Bar

b. Search Box

c. Search Tab

d. Search Web

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Web – based English Learning (3000-


10. If you want to get information about "Exercise T 25" which words will you search?

a. exercise b.T25 c. How to exercise d. dancing

1. Do you know this? What is your favorite website









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Web – based English Learning (3000-


2. Why do you think people visit www.google.co.th?

website (n) = เ ว็บไซต์

internet (n) = อินเทอร์เน็ต

web page (n) = หน้ำเว็บ

network (n) = เครือขำ่ย

information (n) =


search (v) = คน้หำ

home page (n) =


connect (v) = เ ช่ือมตอ่

web address (n) =

ที่อยูเ่ ว็บ

world wide web (n) =

เ ว็บท ัว่โลก

consist (v) = ประกอบดว้ย

favorite (adj) = ที่ช่ืนชอบ

visitors (n) = ผูเ้ขำ้ชม

download (v) = ดำวน์โหลด







Page 8: Unit 1 what is a website?


Web – based English Learning (3000-


What is a Website?

A website is a collection of web pages (documents that are accessed through the Internet), such as the one you're looking at now. A web page is what you see on the screen when you type in a web address, click on a link, or put a query in a search engine. A web page can contain any type of information, and can include text, color, graphics, animation and sound.

When someone gives you their web address, it generally takes you to their website's home page, which should introduce you to what that site offers in terms of information or other services. From the home page, you can click on links to reach other sections of the site. A website can consist of one page, or of tens of


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Web – based English Learning (3000-


Translate to Thai …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….……















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web site คอื กำรเรียกชือ่กลุ่มก้อนของเว็บเพจรวมกนั หลำยๆหน้ำ บำงครัง้เรำอำจเรียก แทน domain name (domain name เช่น www.hellomyweb.com)

web page คอื เอกสำร ขอ้มูล โดยจะอยู่ในรูปแบบของ html ท ำหน้ำทีแ่สดงผล ซึ่งจะเชือ่มโยงกบัเอกสำรอืน่ๆดว้ยไฮเปอร์ลิงค์

home page คอื หน้ำแรกของเว็บไซต์ เช่น เมือ่เรำพิมพ์ www.hellmyweb.com ก็จะแสดงเว็บเพจทีชื่อ่ว่ำ index ก่อนเสมอเปรียบไดก้บัสำรบญัของเว็บเพจ

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Exercise 1 : Reading comprehension : Answer the following questions about the passage.

1. What is a website? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… 2. A website can consist of………………………..? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… 3. Why do you think people visit websites? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… 4. If you want to translate English language to Thai ,

which website will you visit?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….………………………… 5. What is the name of the website that you use most? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………

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Why do People Visit Websites?

Generally, people look at websites for two primary reasons :

1. To find information they need. This could be anything from a student looking for pictures of frogs for a school project, to finding the latest stock quotes, to getting the address of the nearest Thai restaurant.

2. To complete a task. Visitors may want to buy the latest best-seller, download a software program, or participate in an online discussion about a favorite hobby. The main thing to remember in creating a website is that you're not creating the website for you; you already know about the information or service you have to offer. You're creating the site for your visitors, so it should contain the content they want, and be organized in a way that makes sense, even to an outsider.

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Web – based English Learning (3000-


Exercise 2 : Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Why do people visit organizational websites?




2. Why do people visit company websites?


The purpose of an organizational website is

to inform about an idea or event. Companies

develop commercial websites to sell products or

services. Entertainment websites are designed to

entertain or provide fun activities.

People visit news websites to obtain

information. The purpose of a personal website is

to provide information about an individual. Social

networking websites help people to exchange

personal information. Educational websites aim to

share knowledge and enable online learning.

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Web – based English Learning (3000-





3. Why do people visit entertainment websites?




4. Why do people visit news websites?




5. How many types of websites are there in this passage?




Exercise 3 : Look at the websites below and answer these questions.

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Web – based English Learning (3000-


1. What is this websites? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



2. Do you use this website? Why/Why not? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



3. What is the purpose of this website: to sell, inform, share, or educate?




4. What are the main features of this website? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



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Web – based English Learning (3000-


5. Think of two more websites that have the same purpose. Are they different? Why?




Grammar Focus

Describing things

There’s / There is / There isn’t There is not

There is a lot of information on this website.

There are There are not

There aren’t many photos on this website.

Has The website has good graphics.

Have Most website have a lot of features.


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Web – based English Learning (3000-


Exercise 4 : Vocabulary : What are your favorite websites? Why? Use the words in the box to describe them.

beautiful well-designed easy-to-use navigate clear reliable useful information funny exciting interesting



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Speaking and


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Web – based English Learning (3000-


Work in pairs. Use the websites you listed in exercise 4 to ask and answer questions.


A: Which websites do you use? B: I use… .

Exercise 5 : Which websites do you use for your work and studies?











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Web – based English Learning (3000-


Exercise 6 : Listen to Sarah and George. Complete this dialogue.

Sarah : George, (1)_______some information about our website.

George : OK, what do you need to (2)_________?

Sarah : Well, I need some information about website (3)_______, you know, External visits to our website.

George : OK.

Sarah : (4)__________ you do a report for me?

George : Sure. (5)_________ do you need it by?

Sarah : Er, tomorrow morning, I’m (6)_______.

It’s for the finance director.

George : OK, what do you need to know (7)_________?

Sarah : Well, the (8)_________of visitors to our website last month, their movements and actions on the website,

and where they’re from.



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Web – based English Learning (3000-


George : OK, I (9)_________do that.

Sarah : Thanks you very (10) _________ indeed.

You can learn more about English form

the following websites.







Study other

websites from

Page 22: Unit 1 what is a website?


Web – based English Learning (3000-


1. English teachers join eltforum.com to ___________ teaching resources.

a. read b. learn c. share d. training 2. People visit CNN.com to ____________

international news.

a. speak b. write c. listen d. read 3. Which websites do you use for learning English?

a. http://easyworldofenglish.com b. http://news.sanook.com c. http://radio.ikyzaa.com d. http://www.google.com

4. Why do people visit websites. a. to get the news b. to sell something


Unit 1


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Web – based English Learning (3000-


c. to buy clothes d. to find information they need 5. Have you ever used a website? a. No, I haven’t. b. http://www.mindenglish.net/ c. Yes, I can.

d. Yes, I have. I used www.englishlistening.com 6. Companies use Amazon.com to _____________their products.

a. book b. buy c. sell d. dictionary

7. Students visit Math.com to ___________ their Math.

a. learn b. practice

c. read d. training 8. The picture mean…?

a. Search Box

b. Search Tab

c. Search Web

d. Search Bar

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Web – based English Learning (3000-


9. If you want to get information about "Exercise T 25" which words will you search?.

a. exercise b. dancing c. How to Exercise d. T 25

10. What is a website? a. A website, also written as website.

b. A website is a set of related web pages typically served from a single web domain.

c. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource locator (URL).

d. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.