Unit 1 Reading Advertisements. 1.Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the word...

Unit 1 Reading Advertisements

Transcript of Unit 1 Reading Advertisements. 1.Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the word...

Unit 1 ReadingAdvertisements

1.Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the word “original” in P.5.2. Why is this competition called the Wordsmith Competition?

2. Why is this competition called the Wordsmith Competition? Because it is designed to encourage students to improve their English writing skills, and become more skilled at using words.

1.Find the similar words to “try” and

“make use of” in this passage.

2. Why was winning the award an added


2. Why was winning the award an added


Because it will make the advertising

agency better known, which increases

business for the agency.

1. lie (撒谎 )

lie (躺 ;卧 )

lay (放置 ;下蛋 )

lied lied lying

lay lain lying

laid laid laying

B2: P.912.appeal to : make a strong request for help, support etc.

恳请、恳求、强烈呼吁1)The government is appealing to everyone to save water.2)The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.

B2: P.913. have sb/ sth in mind (for sth)

考虑某人 /某事适合 (于某事 )

1)I’ll put up the shelves if you tell me exactly what you have in mind.(= where you intend them to be, how many you want,…)2) Who do you have in mind for the job?

(= be considering sb/sth as suitable)

1.be satisfied with sb/ sth1)Are you satisfied with my explanation?2)She’s never satisfied with what she’s got.

*Our marks are ____, so our teacher is___with us.A. satisfy; satisfying B. satisfied; satisfactoryC. satisfying; satisfiedD. satisfy; satisfaction

Finish the sentences with the phrases:

1.约翰已意识到自己做错了事情。 John has _____ _____ ____ having done s

omething wrong. . been aware of

2. 他准是有点儿傻 , 才落入那惯用的圈套。 He must have been pretty foolish to ___ ___ that old trick. fall for

Finish the sentences with the phrases: 3. 别骗我了 ----- 我想知道真实情况。 Don't ____ ____ ___ me----I want to know

the truth. play tricks on

4. 他对你的长篇演说感到厌烦 . He ___ _____ ____ your long speech .

is bored with

5. 这体育场可容纳多达 20,000 人的观众 . This stadium can contain ___ ___ 20,000 w


up to


1.《学海导航》 ( to P.19 )

2. Preview Grammar (P.8-9)