UNIT 1. JESUS, THE SAVIOR / ELEMENTARY SESSION 4 - JESUS ... · for the worship songs and other...

1 SESSION 4 - JESUS’ CRUCIFIXION AND RESURRECTION BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 26:26–28:10 LIFE POINT: Jesus died and was resurrected. CHRIST FOCUS: Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin. BIBLE VERSE: We have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (HCSB) We have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. John 4:42 (KJV) We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NIV) We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (ESV) We ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NKJV) Production Notes p From simple to involved, you can tailor Worship For Life to your kids and leaders: Short on supplies and leaders? For an easy prep, enlist a host, a music leader, and prepare the Connection Point game. Then show the videos for the worship songs and other segments. Do you have musicians who would like to lead worship songs? Check out the lead sheets on the DVD-ROM or substitute your songs! Have some actors who would love to prepare a short drama? Print the True 2 Life drama from the DVD-ROM! Use this drama instead of the Mayflower video. v This symbol denotes that the segment or song is available on video. h This symbol indicates props needed for today’s session. UNIT 1. JESUS, THE SAVIOR / ELEMENTARY

Transcript of UNIT 1. JESUS, THE SAVIOR / ELEMENTARY SESSION 4 - JESUS ... · for the worship songs and other...




BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 26:26–28:10

LIFE POINT: Jesus died and was resurrected.

CHRIST FOCUS: Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin.

BIBLE VERSE: We have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (HCSB)

We have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. John 4:42 (KJV)

We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NIV)

We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (ESV)

We ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NKJV)

Production Notes

p From simple to involved, you can tailor Worship For Life to your kids and leaders:

•Short on supplies and leaders? For an easy prep, enlist a host, a music leader, and prepare the Connection Point game. Then show the videos for the worship songs and other segments.

•Do you have musicians who would like to lead worship songs? Check out the lead sheets on the DVD-ROM or substitute your songs!

•Have some actors who would love to prepare a short drama? Print the True 2 Life drama from the DVD-ROM! Use this drama instead of the Mayflower video.

v This symbol denotes that the segment or song is available on video.

h This symbol indicates props needed for today’s session.


Schedule and Props

v This symbol indicates that a video is provided on the DVD-ROM.

p This symbol indicates that the activity is host or leader-led—no video for this activity.

p Huddle Ups (Optional) People: Small Group Leaders Props: masking tape, several paper wads

v Backstage Intro 1-2 minutes People: Stage Manager Props: clipboard, headset, laptop

v Countdown and Welcome 1-5 minutes People: Host Props: none

v Worship Song 3 minutes People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

p Connection Point Game 5-10 minutes People: Host, 4 boys and 4 girls (not in dresses) Props: none

p Host Set-up 1-2 minutes People: Host Props: none

v Mayflower Video or True 2 Life Drama 5-7 minutes People for Drama: Kate, Tyler (preteen best friends) Props for Drama: none

v Worship Song 3 minutes People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

v Bible Story 8 minutes People: Storyteller Props: Bible; scissors; 2 pieces each of tan, red, green, purple, dark green, brown, black, gray, yellow, and white paper

v Worship Song 3 minutes People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

v Worship in Real Life Video 3-4 minutes People: none

p Closing 2 minutes People: Host Props: paper cross from Bible Story


v Backstage Outro 1-2 minutes People: Stage Manager Props: clipboard, headset, laptop, power cord for laptop

p Huddle Ups (Optional) People: Small Group Leaders Missions: none


• Video and/or audio capabilities

• Microphones for singers

• Lights (optional)

• Optional sound effects available (see sound effects file)

m music

• “All About Jesus”

• “We Will Go”

• “Jesus Came”

• “Your Love Changes Me”

• “God Has a Plan”

• “Holy God (Holy, Holy, Holy)”

Need help planning your sess ion?

Additional training for Worship for Life: Kids is available at ministrygrid.com/web/worshipforlife.



Huddle ups are for churches that have a drop-off time before the session begins. There are multiple ideas for interaction during this time, such as simple games that children can play on the floor or within whatever arrangements you gather your kids. Leaders can ask “get-to-know-you” questions after welcoming kids into their groups.

(Print the following for your small group leaders.)

Less Is Best

• Place a strip of masking tape along the floor to divide the play area in half.

• Welcome kids and group them into two equal teams.

• Invite Team A to sit on one side of the taped line and Team B on the other side.

• Provide each child with a paper wad.

• Explain that you will time teams for one minute while kids toss the paper wads onto the other team’s side. The object of the game is for each team to get rid of all of the paper wads on its side of the taped line. At the end of one-minute count the paper wads and declare the team with the fewest on its side as the winner.

• Redistribute the paper wads and play again as time allows.

• Explain that sin is our actions, attitudes, words, or thoughts that do not please God. Without Jesus it is impossible to get rid of our sin. State that Jesus died and was resurrected to make a way for us to have our sin forgiven.



c Estimated time: 1-2 minutes

t Tech: Video option available, Session Title slide

p People: Stage Manager

h Props: clipboard, headset, laptop

(Show video or act out the following.)


(scene opens with stage manager talking to self trying to “fix” the laptop; looking at various buttons and switches, and so on) Well, that didn’t work … Maybe if I try this button? … Ugh! … (speaking to kids) Oh, hey, kids. None of you would happen to know anything about computers, would you? This one isn’t working at all! I’ve tried everything! I tried turning it off and on, but that didn’t work. Then, I tried flipping some of these switches and that didn’t really do anything either. Well, unless you count the puff of smoke that blew out the back. I think this computer is officially dead. Oh, well. (speaks into headset) Sorry, team. I just can’t figure this computer out. Can you guys make do without it today? Thanks for understanding. Go ahead and get those old computers booted up, and let me know when you’re ready.

(speaking to kids) Well, thankfully, our dead computer isn’t going to delay us. Why don’t you guys go ahead and take your seats while we get these back-up computers running. I’ll meet you here when we’re done. (speaking into headset as walking offstage) Tech team, ready? Great. Everyone take your places and be ready to bring up the lights on my cue.



c Estimated time: 1-5 minutes

t Tech: Countdown video, Life Point slide, Bible Verse slide

p People: Host

h Props: none


(Play Countdown video. Host walks out at around 30 seconds.)

Good morning (or evening)! We have an amazing Bible story ahead of us, so let’s not waste any time! Get up on your feet and let’s count this down! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Great job, everyone! I’m wondering … have you guys ever seen something that you thought was AMAZING? (allow for responses) Wow! You really have seen some amazing things! I once saw the brightest rainbow in the sky that I had ever seen! I could see every color! I thought that was pretty amazing. Well, today Jesus’ followers will see something pretty amazing, too … something so amazing that people are still talking about it and celebrating it today, nearly two thousand years after it happened!

Our Life Point today is Jesus died and was resurrected. (Show Life Point slide.) Say that with me: Jesus died and was resurrected. Resurrected is just another way to say that Jesus died and came back to life! Did you hear that? Jesus died and came back to life! Wow! I told you we had an amazing Bible story today!

Our Bible verse reminds us about why it’s important to know that Jesus was resurrected. We can find it in John 4:42. Let’s say the verse together.

(Show Bible Verse slide—select preferred version.)

• We have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (HCSB)

• We have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. John 4:42 (KJV)

• We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NIV)

• We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (ESV)

• We ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NKJV)



c Estimated time: 3 minutes

t Tech: Music or lyric video, mics for singers, lights (optional)

m Music: “We Will Go” (lead sheet available on DVD-ROM) or worship song of your choice

p People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

h Props: none

(Show video or give the following to your worship leader.)


Jesus died and was resurrected! That is great news because it means we are not worshiping a false god that’s dead in a grave. We are worshiping the one true God, Jesus, Who is alive and working in our lives! Let’s praise Him together!

(Show the music or lyric video.)

(Lead kids to sit as song ends.)

Now, let’s get ready for Connection Point!



c Estimated time: 5-10 minutes

t Tech: Connection Point slide, Connection Point theme music

p People: Host, 4 boys and 4 girls (not in dresses)

h Props: none

Game Instructions:

• The object of today’s game is simply to stand up. Pair two similar-sized, same-gender boys or girls together. Ask each pair to sit on the floor back-to-back.

• Encourage the partners to pull their knees to their chests with their feet flat on the ground and lock arms with each other. When you say: “Go,” kids will push against each other’s back and attempt to stand up.

• The first pair to stand up wins. Combine the two pairs of boys and the two pairs of girls to make one boys’ group and one girls’ group. Instruct the kids to sit in a circle facing outward (backs to inside of circle), lock arms together, and stand up together.

• Option: Let the kids sit down with their arms interlocked. You also may add more kids to the two groups of four to see how many children can be included and the group still be able to stand.


(Play Connection Point theme music and show Connection Point slide.)

Hello, gang! Can you stand up? And sit down? That isn’t too hard, is it? Well, today we are going to play a “Stand Up” Game. First, we need eight volunteers. (Choose four boys and four girls and introduce them.) Can you kids sit on the floor here? …. OK, now stand up! Wow! You will be good at this game!

(Pair the two smallest boys, two smallest girls, and so on. Guide partners to sit back-to-back with their sides to the audience.)

Listen up. Pull your knees up to your chest and keep your feet flat on the floor. Reach back and link your arms around your partners arms so that your elbows are hooked together. Great! When I say: “Go,” you will push against each other and stand up without touching your hands to the ground or letting go of each other. OK?

Are you ready? Get set. Go! (Play fun music while the kids are standing. Encourage the audience to cheer on the players.)

Wow! You did a great job. Shall we make it harder? (Combine the pairs to make groups of four boys and four girls and repeat.)

Great job! Let’s give them a hand! We saw them all sitting on the ground and then standing up together. Amazing! Jesus’ disciples saw something even more amazing. They saw Jesus die and then they saw Him resurrected. Let’s hear more about it!

(Theme music/slide to transition. Host leads into next segment.)



c Estimated time: 1-2 minutes

t Tech: Session Title slide

p People: Host

h Props: none


(Show Session Title slide.)

Those kids really did a great job, didn’t they? That game was intense! Let’s all shout and clap for them one more time!

Do you guys remember Who the people were shouting for in our Bible story last week? Yes, Jesus! The people were shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus rode into the city. They were celebrating that Jesus is the Savior. However, today our Bible story isn’t quite so happy … or, at least it doesn’t start out that way.

Today, we’ll hear about how the same people that were cheering for Jesus last week are now shouting for Him to be nailed to a cross. Things looked pretty hopeless for awhile, and then something incredible happened! We’ll get into the Bible story in just a bit. But, before we do, let’s visit with the Mayflower kids (or with our True 2 Life team) and spend some more time worshiping together.

(Host exits.)



c Estimated time: 5-7 minutes

t Tech: Mayflower video

p People for Drama: Kate, Tyler (preteen best friends)

h Props for Drama: none

(NOTE: After the host set-up, there are two options provided: a video or a skit. If you choose to show the video, play the Mayflower video. If you choose the drama, act out the following.)

True 2 life Drama

Kate enters, followed by Tyler. Tyler is patting his pockets and turning them out. He is looking for something.

Tyler: (to himself) What have I done with it? Where is it? I know it’s here somewhere.

Kate: Did you lose something, Tyler?

Tyler: I … don’t … think … so. I’m sure it’s here somewhere.

Kate: What are you looking for?

Tyler: (feeling in his pocket) Ah, great. I found it. No, that’s just an old stick of gum. Gross. It’s sticky.

Kate: Tyler, what did you lose? What are you searching for?

Tyler: A rock.

Kate: A rock?

Tyler: Not just any rock. It’s a rock I got at Rock City.

Kate: Well, that sounds like a great place to get a rock.

Tyler: Kate, it’s the best. Our family went on a vacation there last summer. You walk by a rock that looks like a huge mushroom. Another rock has been balancing like it’s going to fall over any second. But, it’s been balancing that way for as long as anyone can remember. Without moving. Ever.

Kate: That sounds great. So, what kind of rock did you lose—I mean, get—at Rock City?

Tyler: It was pretty small. But it was polished so you could see all these different colors. It was shiny and smooth.

Kate: You’ll find it. It might just be hard to find since it’s so small. Do you want me to help you look for it?

Tyler: Thanks, but I don’t know where else to look. It must be at home in my room. Or it could be in my backpack.


Kate: Like, I said. You’ll find it. And if you don’t, you could get another rock.

Tyler: But there’s not another rock like this one. This one was unique.

Kate: Unique. That’s a good word. Where did you learn that?

Tyler: It means, special, one of a kind, nothing else like it.

Kate: I’m sorry. I really do hope you can find it. I know it means a lot to you.

Tyler: If I don’t find it, I’ll live.

Kate: That’s true.

Tyler: But I wish you could have seen the rocks at Rock City. There was one huge rock that looked like if I barely touched it, it would roll away.

Kate: I think that’s something only God can do.

(They exit.)




c Estimated time: 3 minutes

t Tech: Music or lyric video, mics for singers, lights (optional)

m Music: “Jesus Came” (lead sheet available on DVD-ROM) or worship song of your choice

p People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

h Props: none

(Show video or give the following to your worship leader.)


(Music begins.)

The Bible tells us in Romans 5:8 that “God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” Even though we make wrong choices and disobey God, Jesus chose to die on the cross so that we could have forgiveness. God loves us so much! Let’s worship Him now and thank Him for His love.

(Show the music or lyric video.)

(Kids rise to sing.)



c Estimated time: 8 minutes

t Tech: Christ Focus slide, Bible Story slide, Bible Story video

p People: Storyteller

h Props: Bible; scissors; 2 pieces each of tan, red, green, purple, dark green, brown, black, gray, yellow, and white paper

Directions (prior to the session):

• Cut 1 piece of each colored paper into 2-by-2-inch squares.

• Hide squares around the room (1 square for each child).

• Stack the other piece of each colored paper in order: tan, red, green, purple, dark green, brown, black, gray, yellow, white.

(Play the Bible Story video or tell the following Bible story.)


(Show Bible Story slide.)

Hello, everyone! I’m glad you are here today because I have an amazing story to tell you from the Bible. Our story today is about Jesus. And, in fact, it is one of the most important stories in the Bible. Before we begin, I want you to find a colored paper square around the room. There are 10 different colors, and there are enough for you each to grab one. Find one and return back to your seat. Nice job. Shout out the colors you found. (Allow kids to answer.) I am going to show one of the same colors of paper. Each color represents a part of our story. As I show you the color, remember what item your color represents.

Our story today is from Matthew 26. We begin during the Passover meal.

(Open the Bible and read Matthew 26:26-28,30.) As they were eating, Jesus took bread (show the tan paper), blessed and broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take and eat it; this is My body.” Then He took a cup (show the red paper), and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins. After singing psalms, they went out to the Mount of Olives. (Show the light green paper.)

After Jesus and His disciples ate together, they went to a garden called Gethsemane. Leaving the other disciples, Jesus took Peter, James, and John aside and told them to wait while He went to pray. Jesus walked a little farther, fell facedown, and prayed. When Jesus came back, He found the disciples asleep.

He asked them, “Couldn’t you stay awake with Me for one hour?” Then He went away a second and a third time to pray. Each time, He came back to find the disciples sleeping.


(Open the Bible and read Matthew 26:45-46.) Then He came to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the time is near. The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. Get up; let’s go! See, My betrayer is near.”

Judas arrived with a mob of people who grabbed Jesus and arrested Him. After Jesus was taken to the high priest and the governor, the soldiers took Him away to be crucified. They put a robe (show the purple paper) on Jesus and made a crown of thorns (show the dark green paper) and put it on His head. They mocked Jesus and beat Him. The soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross (show the brown paper). They put a sign above His head that said: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

From noon until three in the afternoon darkness (show the black paper) covered the whole land. Then Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Jesus shouted again with a loud voice, and then He died.

(Read Matthew 27:57-60.) When it was evening, a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph came, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus. He approached Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. Then Pilate ordered that it be released. So Joseph took the body, wrapped it in clean, fine linen, and placed it in his new tomb, which he had cut into the rock. He left after rolling a great stone (show the gray paper) against the entrance of the tomb.

Three days later Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to visit the tomb. Suddenly there was a violent earthquake as an angel of the Lord (show the yellow paper) came to the tomb. He rolled back the stone and sat on it. The angel told the women to not be afraid because Jesus was alive!

The women ran to tell the disciples. Just then, Jesus (show the white paper) met them and He said, “Good morning.” The women fell at Jesus’ feet and worshiped Him. Jesus told the women to go and tell the disciples to leave for Galilee.

What a story!

(Show Christ Focus slide.) Jesus died on the cross, and God raised Him from the dead. Jesus hadn’t done anything wrong, and yet the Bible tells us that Jesus willingly died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. Because Jesus died for us, each of us can be forgiven and have a relationship with God. That is powerful!

Let’s go through the parts of the story again and see if you remember what each of your colors represented. Hold up your paper if you have tan. What did tan represent? (the bread broken at the Passover) (Continue asking kids to respond for each color.) Red? (the cup from the meal) Light green? (the garden where Jesus prayed) Purple? (the robe placed on Jesus) Dark green? (the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head) Brown? (the cross where Jesus died) Black? (darkness covered the land) Gray? (the stone rolled over the tomb) Yellow? (angel rolled the stone) And, white? (Jesus is alive!)

Remembering what each color represents is good, but remembering what Jesus did on the cross for you is even better! (Fold the piece of white paper in half and begin tearing a cross.) God sent Jesus down from heaven to earth. Jesus taught people about the kingdom of God. One night during the Passover meal, Jesus told His disciples to eat the bread and drink from the cup as a way to remember Him. Some people believed that Jesus was God’s Son, but there were others who wanted to kill Him. That night when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane praying, a mob of people arrested Him. Jesus was arrested, beaten, and nailed to a cross. (Open the paper to reveal the cross.) Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Jesus’ body was put in a tomb and a large stone was rolled in front of it. But three days later, Jesus rose again. Jesus is alive!


Let’s pray.

Dear God, thank You for Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for sending Him to earth for us and allowing Him to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Thank You for resurrecting Him. We know that Jesus is alive. Help us to know and understand everything You have done for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.



c Estimated time: 3 minutes

t Tech: Music or lyric video, mics for singers, lights (optional)

m Music: “All About Jesus” (lead sheet available on DVD-ROM) or worship song of your choice

p People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

h Props: none

(Show video or give the following to your worship leader.)


(Music begins.) We really do worship an excellent God, don’t we? He has the power to bring the dead to life. He has the power to forgive sin. He is Ruler over all things! Let’s worship Him now.

(Show the music or lyric video.)

(Kids rise to sing.)


c Estimated time: 3-4 minutes

t Tech: Video

p People: none

h Props: none

(Show Worship in Real Life video.)



c Estimated time: 2 minutes

t Tech: Session Title slide, Life Point, and Bible Verse slides

p People: Host

h Props: paper cross from Bible Story


(Show Session Title slide.)

Jesus’ whole life had been leading up to today’s Bible story. Do you remember learning about Jesus being born in Bethlehem? An angel appeared to some shepherds and announced that Jesus had been born. The angel didn’t say that a King had been born or that a Prophet had been born. The angel said, “a SAVIOR has been born for you.” It was God’s plan from the very beginning for Jesus to die on the cross to be our Savior. Jesus died so that we could have forgiveness from sin. (show paper cross)

But, I want you to notice one more thing … the cross and the tomb are empty! Jesus is no longer dead. Jesus is alive!

(Show Life Point slide.) Let’s praise God for sending Jesus to be our Savior by reviewing our life point for today: Jesus died and was resurrected. Let’s say that together. (Repeat with slide.) Jesus died and was resurrected.

Optional Giving Segment: Jesus gave us a way to have a relationship with God and to be forgiven. One way we can give back to Him is by giving an offering. If you’d like to give today, …

(Give your own directions for how the kids can give to God. Perhaps you have buckets in the back of the room, a chest up front, or an envelope that each small group leader passes.)

(Show Bible Verse slide—select preferred version.)

• We have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (HCSB)

• We have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. John 4:42 (KJV)

• We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NIV)

• We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (ESV)

• We ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world. John 4:42 (NKJV)



c Estimated time: 1-2 minutes

t Tech: Video option available, Session Title slide

p People: Stage Manager

h Props: clipboard, headset, laptop, power cord for laptop

(Show video or act out the following.)


(speaking into headset) … That’s a wrap, team! And, good news, the computer is fixed! (speaking to kids) So … I’m feeling a little bit silly. I figured out what the problem was with the computer. It turns out … the battery was dead. (shows power cord) All I needed to do was plug it into the electrical outlet for a while so it could recharge. You know, after today’s Bible story I was thinking about this computer. When I thought the computer was dead, I was frustrated and ready to just give up. It made me wonder how Jesus’ friends might have felt when Jesus died on the cross. I’m sure that they were confused and ready to give up, too! They were sad that Jesus had died. But, just imagine how happy they were when they discovered that Jesus was alive! God’s power is so HUGE and so AMAZING that it raised Jesus from the dead! I was pretty excited when my computer came back on, but can you imagine how excited you’d be if your Friend had just come back to life? Whoa! This week, let’s be sure to tell people that Jesus is alive and that He loves them very much. That’s the most exciting news you could share with anyone!

Before you go, don’t forget to grab the One Conversation™ page. It will help you talk to your family about what you’ve learned today, and you can use it to help you share with a friend that Jesus is alive! Now … go tell some good news! JESUS IS ALIVE! See you next week!



This time is designed for churches that have a pick-up time from a large room as parents arrive. It’s a great time for follow-up conversations and questions from small group leaders about the session’s content. You also can use the missions emphasis (below).

(Print the following for your small group leaders.)

• Which item represented Jesus’ body at the meal? (bread)

• Which item represented Jesus’ blood at the meal? (cup)

• Why did Jesus go to the garden of Gethsemane? (to pray)

• What two things did the soldiers put on Jesus? (robe and crown of thorns)

• What was nailed above Jesus’ head on the cross? (sign that said: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS)

• Where was Jesus buried? (in a new tomb, with a large stone rolled against entrance)

• Who were the first people to see Jesus alive? (two women, Mary and the other Mary)

• What did the women do when they saw Jesus? (They fell at Jesus’ feet and worshiped Him.)


• Read the missions story.

• Remind kids that Gracie Flora teaches sign language to Basotho church members so they may communicate with the deaf.

• Guide kids to make up motions for “God loves you.” Lead kids to turn to a friend and do the motions without saying the sentence.

• Encourage kids to make up and share motions for other phrases, such as “Jesus loves you,” “I love you,” or “I will pray to God.”

• Lead kids to pray for Gracie and her family as they share God’s love with the Basotho.

Missions Story

Lesotho, Africa: The Basotho

Remote villages, no electricity, horseback access only … what a place to raise a family! But Jim and Teresa Flora have obediently and adventurously brought their daughters with them to the mountainous Lesotho [leh-SOO-too], Africa.

When Jim and Teresa Flora arrived in Lesotho, all they could see were mountains and villages. Jim did not know how one family could make a difference there. It seemed so big, so impossible, so in the middle of nowhere. But Jim and Teresa trusted God. They knew that many of the Basotho [bah-SOO-too] people had never heard the name of Jesus.


Jim and Teresa adopted Gracie from India when she was young. Jim and Teresa Flora adopted Gracie’s younger sisters, Rebecca and Anna, from Haiti. The girls’ mother, Teresa, is a nurse who provides medical care to the Basotho.

Each week, the Floras visit two villages. They ride horses to get to the villages. There are no Bibles, no church buildings, and no electricity. The girls play games and sing songs with the children. They also tell Bible stories. Jim preaches and teaches. Gracie, the oldest daughter, has a special job. She teaches sign language to the villagers. She wants them to be able to communicate with the deaf and tell them how much God loves them.

Many Basotho have decided to follow Jesus. Jim baptizes new Christians in the river. One day, George was baptized. He was 87 years old! He needed a little help to get to the river, but nothing was going to stop him.

The Flora family would like for you to pray that nothing will keep the Lesotho people from trusting Jesus. Many Basotho people may not know about Jesus, but Jesus knows all about them. He knows every mountain, village, and home where they live. He loves them.