Unit 1, Day 7 9/16/14 Think Like a Scientist Period 1.

Unit 1, Day 7 9/16/14 T h i n k L i k e a S c i e n t i s t

Transcript of Unit 1, Day 7 9/16/14 Think Like a Scientist Period 1.

  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Unit 1, Day 7 9/16/14 Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 3
  • Period 1
  • Slide 4
  • Period 3
  • Slide 5
  • Period 5
  • Slide 6
  • Period 6
  • Slide 7
  • Period 7
  • Slide 8
  • CATALYST Why is it important to collect quantitative data? Data Practice HW (for me to check) Binder 9/16/14 Have out on your desk: 2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:121:111:101:091:081:071:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:550:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:01End2:00 Homework: None! Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 9
  • Learning Intention: We will demonstrate knowledge of scientific practices Learning Intention: We will demonstrate knowledge of scientific practices Success Criteria: We will be successful when we can articulate the components of a thorough lab report. Success Criteria: We will be successful when we can articulate the components of a thorough lab report. 9/16/14 Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 10
  • Period 1 Adan Ayala Batalla Becker Dulce Castro Cortes (B) Cruz Velazquez Finchis Forbes Ku Lucas Martinez Moore Nielsen Omar Oo Par Paw Perez (B) Ramos (Q) Richards (SC) Rivera Sandoval Segura Taylor Thomas Torreblanca Trejo Vang Wiseman (B) Ybarra Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 11
  • Period 3 Arnold (Q) Brown Bunch Burton (B) Calhoun (B) Carter Chambers Chavez Collier (B) Correa Courtney (SC) Davis Evans (Q) Fountain Grant (SC) Hayes Hernandez Hubbard Jones-Hughlett Jose (B) Mattei Mcintoush (SC) Mena Oliver (B) Pere Pittman (Q) Ramirez Riser (B) Rodriguez (B) Sanders (B) Scott Smith Sughroue Torres Torrescano (B) Wallace (Q) Williams (SC) Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 12
  • Period 5 Barnes Bickel-Parret Blancas Cannon Cortes (B) Cowiens (B) Cruz (B) Dright Estrada Gomez Gonzalez Harvey Hernandez (B) Holt Little (SC) Luciano Mata McFadden Mojica De Jesus Morris Nance Ortiz Osman Parks (SC) Perez Perry Peterson Poznanski (B) Rivera Hernandez Roth Solano Thomas (B) Torres (Q) Walton Williams Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 13
  • Period 6 Carson Chairse Davis Everard Gonzalez J. (B) Gonzalez K. Hernandez Mata Meunsy Molina Mussey Pacheco Perez Reed Reyes Cruz Rivera Rodriguez Rodriguez Brito Salazar Sanchez Searcy- Jackson Soto Romero Staples-Greer Torres Ward Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 14
  • Period 7 Bell Dabney (SC) De Hawkins Jones Keister Pate Rosado Saez Serrano Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 15
  • Tomorrow! Bouncy Ball Lab Attempt #2 Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 16
  • Thursday & Friday Unit 1 Assessment EACH of you will write up a lab report Make sure you are here!
  • Slide 17
  • The lab rubric for every lab.. Parts to report: Introduction Hypothesis Procedure Data Analysis Conclusion
  • Slide 18
  • Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • My research example! FISH CANCER Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 21
  • Today! We will Get in groups On a piece of looseleaf Decide amounts of borax and glue No more than 6! Write our own hypothesis (Note: I will come sign for approval!) Think Like a Scientist
  • Slide 22
  • How high did the ball bounce? We use the METRIC SYSTEM We will use a meter stick Measure in centimeters (cm)
  • Slide 23
  • On the meter stick! Meter centimeters millimeters 1 meter = 100 cm 1 cm = 10 mm
  • Slide 24
  • Success CriteriaQuestion What are the 6 parts of your lab report? ***Due tomorrow:Come ready to work hard and have fun LAB CONTRACT AND QUIZ(If not in yet) 9/16/14 Think Like a Scientist