unit 1-CE 3610 EE.pdf

CE 361 Environm ent al Engineering Unit 1 Year 3 Semester 2 2015 7/31/2015 1 Shiromi Karunaratne [email protected] k Mobile- 0776368620

Transcript of unit 1-CE 3610 EE.pdf

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CE 361 Environmental


Unit 1

Year 3 Semester 2


Shiromi Karunara


Mobile- 0776368

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Fundamental concepts of public worksengineering

• introduction to water and wastewater treatment processes

• preliminary design

• solid waste management and air pollution


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Introduction to environmental engineering: waste water, solid waste andair pollution

• Water Quality: Physical, Chemical and Microbiological

• Water Quality and Health

• Raw water sources, water treatment and distribution

•Wastewater collection, wastewater treatment and disposal

• Sustainable Practices: Recycling, reuse and demand manage

• Introduction to solid waste management

• Introduction to air quality & health


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Environmental pollution & healthIntroduction to environmental engineering concepts:drinking water, waste water, solid waste, and air pollut

• Fundamentals of Water Quality (Physical, Chemical, and Biological parameters) apollution pathways

• Water Quality and human Health

• Water treatment principles: Raw water sources, Introduction to conventional watreatment concepts-Aeration, Plain Sedimentation, Coagulation and Flocculation, Disinfection, Stabilization, and distribution, introduction to point of use treatmenttechniques.

• Wastewater Treatment Principles: Introduction to biological treatment andphysiochemical treatment of wastewater

• Sustainable Practices in water and wastewater: Recycling, reuse, centralized vs.decentralized treatment and demand management

• Solid waste management principles


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Environmental Engineering:

 An Introduction

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Role of an Environmental Enginee

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Environmental engineers use engineering and scientifi

 principles for the improvement of the built and natural

environmentEnvironmental engineering is the practice of a variety of

applied sciences for environmental sustainability:

• Applied physics/physical sciences

• Applied chemistry

• Environmental microbiology

• Applied mathematics• Geology/geophysics

• Hydrology/hydraulics

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The goal of environmental engineering is to ach

desired standards of living in an environment

sustainable, socially responsible and cost effective w


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• Provision of safe, palatable public water supplies insufficient quantity

• Disposal of (or recycling of) wastewater, solidwastes and hazardous wastes in a manner that

minimises adverse impact on the environment• Control of water, soil, and atmospheric pollution

(including noise and nuisance odours asatmospheric pollutants)

The work of the Environmental Engineer has a

wide scope, including:

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Environmental Systems Overview

• Systems approach• Looking at all the interrelated parts and their effects on o


• In Environmental systems it is hard to identify all the inteparts

• A practical approach is to simplify the system to a tractabthat behaves in a fashion similar to the real system.

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Single medium systems of focus

• Water resources (surface, ground) management syst

• Solid waste management system

• Air resources management system

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Water Resources Management System

• Water Supply Subsystem

• Wastewater Disposal Subsystem

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Water Supply Subsystem

• Components

Raw water source – Treatment – Distribution – Customer

• Objective

• Supply water in sufficient quantity and quality to meet the require

end users (customers)

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Ground Water 

Water Treatment

 A integrated water and wastewater system

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Ground Water 

Water Treatment

 A integrated water and wastewater system

Water s ources 

•Groundwater (confined and unconfined aquifers)•Surface water (rivers, dams)


•Recycled wastewater 

Wastewater co l lect ion system 

Wastewater treatment system 

Wastewater discharge-Effluent disposal

-Sludge disposal

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• Ground water North of R

• Dams South of River

• Transport over 175 km

(North to South)

• ~12,000 km of mains• Dams

• 10 major

• 3 pump ba

• 2 pipe hea

• 6 groundwater treatmen

12 independent artesian

• 202 bores

• Two desalination (SWRO)

• Kwinana

• Binningup

•Recycled water to suppleme

groundwater (Beenyup GWR









Sth Dandalup


Nth Dandalup












Recycled water 


Kwinana Wastewater 

Recycling Plant (KWRP)

Kwinana Sea WaterReverse Osmosis (SWRO)

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Perth Integrated Water Supply System Unique in Australia

single dam systems in Melbourne and Sydney

Multiple sources provide robust system/security

Groundwater, surface water, desalinated, recycled water

Spread geographically but complex system

Role of groundwater in drought - enables the system to be driven harder - reasonwe have managed through worst years on record but groundwater alsodiminishing

• Water saving measures

• Sprinkler restrictions

• Permanent water saving measures (sprinkler bans)

• what is the social and economic cost of water saving measures vs socialand economic cost of secure water supplies (desalination)?

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Desalination45 GL+


35 GL+

Water Recycling45 GL+

Smarter use of Water 45 GL

Surface Water 50 GLWater Trading 33 GL+

Groundwater 100 GL+

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End uses

• Public – drinking, washing clothes, bathing (showering),swimming pools, toilet flushing, gardening (outdoor use),car washing

• fire fighting (both residential and industry)

• Industry – varies for several uses (Primary target of a water

supply is to meet the public requirement and usuallyindustry further treats it if needed)

• Agriculture, horticulture (irrigation)

• Environmental release


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Factors influencing water consumption

Climate (great influence on per capita consumption)

Industrial Activity


System Management

Standard of living

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House Connection Stand post

Community %




1 pcd





1.Medium rural

(population 1000  – 



10-20 - 80-90 45

2.Larger rural (population

1500-5000 people)

20-40 140 60-80 45

3Small urban (population

5000-10,000 people)

30-50 185 50-70 45

4Medium urban

(population 10,000   – 


30-60 185 40-70 45

5Larger urban (population

over 20,000)

Assess values Individually


Per day usa

Sri Lankan d

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The table below may be used as a guideDomestic Use• Litres / day

• Hospitals (per bed) 220-300

• Hotels (per bed) 180-700

• Boarding schools (per resident) 90-140

• Restaurant (per seat) 60-90

• Bus/railway stations (per user) 15-20

• Day schools (per pupil) 15-30• Offices (per person) 25-40

• Factories (per person) 20-30

• Cinemas (per seat) 10-15


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Per day usage in Perth residences 

Single Residential Multi-Residentia

End use Usage(L/House)




Shower andbath

171 51 121 55


139 41 94 43

Toilet 112 33 62 28

Tap 83 25 77 35

Other 18 5 11 5

Total in- 

house523 156 365 167

707Total outdoor 

L/person/day depends on life style, climate, use of water saving-applian

cost of water, water conservation campaigns by utilities…

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Need for treatment to drinking water qualit

• Drinking – very small amount (2L per person per day (or 1.3%but requires very high quality

• Toilet flushing, garden watering etc – about 35% - there is noneed for high quality

• Other uses have medium requirements for treatment.

• Fire fighting needs high pressure continuous flow

• Because there is only one conduit (conduit is very expensive

scheme water is treated to the highest required drinking quastandard (as set out by Australian Drinking Water QualityGuidelines).



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• Cleaner Production Policy – 2004

• National Air Quality Management Policy – 2000

• National Biosafety Policy – 2005

• National Environment Policy - 2003

• The policy aims to promote the sound management of Sri Lanka's environment balancing thesocial and economic development and environment integrity. It also aims to manage the envlinking together the activities, interests and perspectives of stakeholders and to assure enviroaccountability.

• National Forestry Policy – 1995

• National Policy on Elephant Conservation – 2006

• National Policy on Sand as a Resource for the Construction Industry – 2006

• National Policy on Solid Waste Management

• National Policy on Wetlands – 2005

• The National Policy on Wild Life Conservation - 2000

• Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2012 12:558/2/2015


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Acts and Regulations – CentralEnvironmental Authority

--- National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980

---National Environmental (Amendment) Act, No. 56 of  


--- National Environmental (Amendment) Act, No. 53 of  2000



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• Environment Protection

• Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1533/16 dated 25.01.2008

(Re: Environmental Protection License Prescribed Activities)

• Order published under the Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008

(Re: National Environmental Protection & Quality Regulations)

• Regulations published under the Gazette Notification No. 850/4 dated 20.12.19

Re: Appeal procedure


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Other regulations on

• Air

• Noise

• Waste management

• EIA Regulations


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Environmental Pollution Control Unit

• The Environmental Pollution Control Unit of the EnvironmenPollution Control Division is mainly responsible for preventiocontrol environmental pollution issues. The main instrumenwhich the Pollution Control Unit performs this function is thEnvironmental Protection License (EPL).


The EPC unit performs following functions i

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The EPC unit performs following functions ito prevent minimize and control environmepollution• Implementation of Environmental Protection License Schem

• Implementation of Environmental Recommendation Procedsiting of New Industries(Site Clearance)

• Granting concurrence for the EPL and site recommendationregistered prescribed activities

• Technical Facilitation to control Environmental Pollution by • Introduction of New Strategies / Tools to control pollution.

• Resolving Public Complaints Related to Industries (BOI and N


l l d

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Water Quality Management: Rules andRegulations in Australia

Drinking Water: Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines(2011)

• National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) &Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC)

• live document, continually updated

• http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines/publications/eh52

• Water Pollution Control in Australia:• ANZECC Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters (Australian and

New Zealand Environment Conservation Council)

• NHMRC recreational waters guidelines

• USEPA and WHO guidelines are the basis for most guidelines

Estimated reservoir areas in Sri La

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Estimated reservoir areas in Sri La


Type of Reservoir Number Area (ha) Percentage


Major irrigation

reservoirs (ancient)73 70850 41.7

Medium scale

reservoirs (ancient)160 17001 10

Minor scale

reservoirs (ancient)>10,000 39271 23.1

Flood plain lakes Not available 4049 2.4



reservoirs (recent)

7 8097 4.8



system of reservoirs

13,650 8.0

Other 17,023 10

Total area 169,941 100

(Source: MENR and UNEP 2009)

S f W Q li (UNESCO d M

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State of Water Quality (UNESCO and Mo2006)

• It is difficult to comprehend the trend of water quality in pu

bodies due to lack of monitoring data.

• However, the Sri Lanka National Water Development Reportpointed out a variety of quality concerns in Sri Lanka, includcontamination by nitrate and bacteria in underground and swaters mainly due to poor sanitation and untreated wastewinsufficient wastewater treatment, toxic chemicals from indagricultural activities, and eutrophication in lakes/reservoirsand MoAIMD 2006).


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After using the water

• We dispose it to the sewer or other places depending on the


• Wastewater system starts from the users (customers)

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Wastewater disposal subsystem

• ComponentsCustomer – Wastewater Collection – Wastewater Treatment – Dieffluent and solids

• Objective

Safely collect, treat and dispose so that public health and aesthetienvironment are not adversely affected.

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Waste must be disposed such that:

1. No contamination of drinking water supply

2. It will not give rise to public health hazards by being accessible

to vectors (insects, rodents, etc) that may come in contact with

food or drinking water

3. It will not give rise to a public health hazard by being accessible

to children

4. It will not cause violation of laws or regulations governing water

pollution or sewage

5. It will not contaminate the waters of any water body used for

water supply purposes, or recreational purposes.

6. It will not cause any other nuisance

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Wastewater collection and disposal systemresource recovery, recycling is important part of modern design principles

Deep water Ocean Outfall

Wastewater Treatment Plant


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Centralised vs decentralised wastewater treatment

• Historically, much of the WW in Perth has been disposed of via old-stylesingle household septic systems

• WW flow to septic tank, solids settle• supernatant flows to leach drain

• water (effluent) flows to soil and groundwater

• Groundwater supplies 50-60% drinking water

• These decentralised “septic systems” led to

large scale contamination of groundwater, nitrate

• In-fill sewerage – centralised wastewater

treatment was introduced

•  Allows collection and effective treatment of WW

• Re-use: unintentional vs intentional WW re-use

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Source of wastewater

On-site Processing

Wastewater Collection

Transmission and Pumping


Disposal or Reuse

Wastewater Management Subsystem (Linsley and Fanzini, 1979

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Sources of Wastewater

• Characteristics are highly diverse for different originof wastewater• Residential - kitchen sink, toilet, shower, bath, washing

machine, storm water from roof • issue of stormwater to sewer system?!!

• Commercial establishments (offices, restaurants)

• Hospitals

• Industry

• Agriculture• Animal farming

• Aquaculture

• Horticulture

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Treatment of industry wastes

• Specific industries are often required to pre-treat waste prior to discharg

to the sewer system

• This protects the wastewater treatment system from overload and fromcontaminants which it is not designed to remove, e.g. hazardous wastes,persistent organic pollutants

• Water utilities issue permits for discharge of certain contaminants but thquality of discharge must fall within specified guidelines

• Water is sampled/monitored regularly from industry discharge pipes

• Penalties exist for breaching permits

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Flow of Wastewater

• Wastewater comprises about 90% of all scheme water

consumed (minus that used outside the house) plus water thinfiltrates the wastewater collection system from groundwateor rain

• Australian communities generate large volumes ofwastewater with domestic water use alone producing abo

70,000 litres per person per year• Perth + environs consumes 250-300 GL/a scheme water

• for a city of 2m pop this is 125-150 KL/a per person, so about 50% ofwater used is re-collected as wastewater

• good scope for recycling of water (110GL/a Perth)

Per Capita Wastewater FTABLE 1 - Per capita daily flows for different user categories.

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User Category

Per Capita Wastewater F


Allwaste Blackwater

Houses, Housing estates and Apartment


Luxury - Residents

Non Luxury - ResidentsLow income - Residents





Shops, Offices, etc. - Daytime employees

- Overnight employees

- Customers / Visitors







Schools, Universities, etc - Residents

- Daytime





Restaurants (dine-in) - Overnight employees

- Day-time employees

- Meals served



25 l/meal



10 l/meal

Restaurants (take-away) - Overnight employees

- Day-time employees

- Meals served



15 l/meal




Hotels - Guest

- Staff (residential)

- Staff (non-residential)

- Kitchen

- Swimming pool




15 l/meal

10 l/user/d






p y g

* -

SLS 745 : 2004

Part 2

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Disposal of wastewater

• Effluent standards and treatment requirements diffe

depending on disposal site• Effluent (water) disposal sites include:

• water bodies e.g. inland waters - rivers, lakes; ocean or re

• Sludge disposal options include

• landfill, incineration, re-use as biosolids, i.e. fertilizer pro

for agricultural/horticulture, forestry (woodlots, treeplantations)

• novel reuse options e.g. oil from sludge (biodiesel),

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Indirect and environmental reuse options:

The options are:

irrigation (parks, gardens, golf courses, important for

inland locations) direct potable (DPR)

indirect potable (what’s the difference between IPR

and DPR?)

non-potable urban (third pipes, private grey water

systems, e.g. BIOMAX)

municipal (shires, councils, vehicle washdown, dustsuppression)

agricultural, horticultural, tree farms, aquaculture


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Protection of Public Health and Environme

Water Quality Guidelines for discharge to th


 Aesthetics: Solids (suspended, dissolved and floatable), Colour, Odour, Oil a


Pathogens: Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoan and metazoan parasite

Nutrients: Nitrogen and Phosphorous

Toxicants: Heavy metals and chlorinated organics

Chemical oxygen demand

Biochemical oxygen demand

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Air Resource Management System

• Clean air is a fundamental requirement of life

• but, we cannot chose the quality unless we want to relocate• population is at the mercy of the emitters and relies on enforceme

effective air quality regulations

• Objective:

• Protect the health and welfare of the people

by understanding what quality is needed

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Quality that we need depends on

• What quality can we stand (tolerable limit)?

• The tolerable limit changes from person to person but is defgreater than zero

• (e.g. different people have varying perception of odour)

• How much is it going to cost?

• Air resource management is instituted based on:• Air quality is being adversely affected and there is a need for corre

• There is a strong potential for future problem

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Solid Waste Management System

• Considered as a problem to be solved as cheaply as possible

• Traditionally not considered problematic

• But..

• Lack of adequate landfill space

• Failure of existing landfills to protect the ground water

• The fear of atmospheric emissions of cancer causing compounds s

dioxins and furans from incinerators have driven the need for bettwaste management systems.

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The three simplified waste treatment scenarios

derived from the waste management system

What are the environmental implications of each scenario?

PET recycling:l f li t d li

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an example of recycling to reduce soliwaste load

Polarfleece, fabrics

 Automotive plastics, car bumpers et

Carpets (stronger than nylon)

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L l d

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Lessons learned

• It is dangerous to develop models that are too simplistic.

• Environmental engineers must use a multimedia approach aparticular work with a multidisciplinary team to solve enviroproblems

• Modern solutions to environmental problems are invariablyaround waste minimization, energy conservation, resource r

P ti ti (W k 1)

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Practice questions (Weeks 1)

• What is infiltration?

• What is Environmental release?

• What makes air pollution a special case compared twater?

• What are the raw water sources in Sri Lanka? Andwhy is it called Integrated Water Supply System?

• What are the challenges in solving an environmentaproblem and why is an interdisciplinary approachalmost always needed?

History of Water Quality Management

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• Importance of safe water supply was realised long ago but propertreatment before drinking and before disposal didn’t start until recently

• Asian and Middle East archaeological excavations show highly developed

communities with piped water supplies, latrines, and sewers.

• Similarly Minoan civilizations which existed 4000 yrs ago even had flushingtoilets connected to the houses

• Romans were expert in public health engineering (aquaducts)

• Sewers were mainly for stormwater and no foul sewage was allowed to

discharge into the sewer until 1815 in Britain.

• In 1579, there were only 3 latrines in a street with sixty houses in London.

Aquaducts: Marvels of Civil Engineering

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Aquaducts: Marvels of Civil Engineering

• Extensively used by Romans

• Also in LA

History of Water Quality Management

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When the population is small it was not a problem, but whenpopulation increased diseases and death increased leading tocommission of Sir Edwin Chadwick in London to investigatethe situation in 1842.

He concluded that health depended on sanitation, sanitationwas an engineering issue requiring improved water supply tohouses with proper arterial drainage system, a single authorityshould administer all sanitary matters in an area and thus he iscalled the modern father of the disciplines of public health andpublic health engineering

History of Water Quality Management

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y y g(London)

• 1847 - A law was enacted making it mandatory todispose foul sewage into sewers

• Sewer drained into Thames river

• Poor construction of sewer (with leaks contaminatinshallow aquifer which was used as drinking watersupply) and Thames river which served as drinkingwater supply for part of the customers

• This led to much more serious problems resulting inCholera death of 10,000 people in 1854

History of Water Quality Management

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y y g

 Although van Leeuwenhoek observed bacteria under a microscope in 1680their true nature was not known until Pasteur in 1860 showed their role in thcause of disease

In 1876 Koch developed culture techniques for the growth and identificationmicrobial species.

By 1870 modifications were made to the discharge points of sewers andintake points of drinking water, greatly reducing the incidence of waterbornedisease.

Similar developments took place in many European and North American cit

in parallel. Li fe expectancy in UK was do ubled in just 10 years andpopu lation increased in major cit ies.

In US it began after the “sanitary awakening” of the 1850s when waterborndiseases reached epidemic proportions.

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Source: U von Gunten, EAWAG

Waterborne diseases

Disease Microb ial agent Symptoms  


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Hepatitis A Hepatitis A virus Fatigue, jaundice, nausea


Gastroenteritis Astrovirus, Calicivirus, Enteric

 Adenovirus, Parvovirus

Diarrhea, nausea, malaise

Poliomyelitis Poliovirus 90-95% no symptoms; 4-8minor symptoms headach

fever; 1% non-paralytic

aseptic meningitis; <1% fa


Campylobacteriosis C. jejuni Gastroenteritis, dysentery


E. Coli disease E. Coli Diarrhea, dehydration

Typhoid Salmonella typhi Severe fever, diarrhea(600,000 deaths worldwid

Cholera Vibrio cholerae Diarrhea, nausea, cramps

nosebleed, hypovolemic

shock (often fatal)


Cryptosporidiosis Cryptosporidium Abdominal pain, diarrhea

Giardiasis Giardia Abdominal pain, diarrhea

History of Water Quality Management

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History of Water Quality Management

• These developments did not reach all the population

• In 1975 80% of rural populations and 23% of urban populations still didn’t havesanitation

• UN named 1981-1990 as International Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade wproviding safe drinking water and adequate sanitation for all by 1990

• Although the program reached many, the people birth rate in developing countthat UN could not meet all the demand

• In 2000 it launched a programme called “Safe Water 2000”: More pragmatic ap

cost sharing, relevant technology and social aspects of water supply and sanitat


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But….• 780 million people in developing nations lack access to

sanitation and clean drinking water (1 in 9 people)

• 3.4 million people die each year from preventable waterrelated disease

• The water and sanitation crisis claims more lives throughdisease than any war claims through guns

• More people have a mobile phone than a toilet


Components of focus in this unit

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Components of focus in this unit

• Raw water source – Treatment – Distribution – Cu

• Customer – Wastewater Collection – WastewaterTreatment – Disposal

• Customer – Waste Collection – Disposal

• Customer - Air Pollutants – Treatment – Disposal


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Ground Water 

Water Treatment

 A integrated water wastewater system

Deep water Ocean Outfall

Wastewater Treatment Plant
