1 UNION AMERICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Church, Inc. Volume 70, Issue 1 January 2021 The Union Messenger Hallelujah; 2020 is over! God blessed us by guiding us through one of the most difficult periods known to man. We can honestly sing these lyrics now, Through it all, through it all, Ive learned to trust in Jesus, Ive learned to trust in God. We have seen sickness and death; experi- enced heartache and pain; felt rejecon, dejecon and misery. But, guess what? We are sll standing. We have faced great loss but Gods Word encouraged us every step of the way. We oſten wondered what God was doing, but chose to follow the advice recorded in Proverbs 3:5. It is a wonderful rule to live by: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understand- ing.And, then we followed that up with verse 6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.We didnt know where we were going. We didnt know how we would get there. We simply trusted God and followed as He led. Weve cried our tears in grief, shaken our heads in dismay, wrung our hands in dis- belief, and balled up our fists in anger. But the boom line is this: God is STILL on the throne. He is STILL in control. He STILL has the power of the world in His mighty hands. None of what happened caught Him by surprise. And, here we are, on the cusp of a new year, having come out vic- torious on the other side. He saw us through four years of the tumultuous, tyrannical reign of Donald Trump. He saw us through violent acons from so- called Make America Great Again delusional, misguid- ed supporters. He saw us through months of civil unrest. He saw us through the pivotal elecons of 2020. We may not know what 2021 will bring, but we can trust God because He has a plan. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an ex- pected end.Jeremiah 29:11 We thank God for our leadership. He spoke to the hearts of Rt. Reverends Adol- phus Sco, Jr. and Charles L. Amos during this challenging me. We were paently and lovingly guided and have thus come out not only intact, but also stronger and with more resolve. Our pastors have kept us together and here we are. It will take much more than all of this to tear down the foundaon that Peter Spencer doggedly built so long ago. God wants to take the Union Church to higher heights. Now, who is going to come along for the ride? apc





Church, Inc.

Volume 70, Issue 1 January 2021

The Union Messenger

Hallelujah; 2020 is over! God blessed us

by guiding us through one of the most

difficult periods known to man. We can

honestly sing these lyrics now, Through it

all, through it all, I’ve learned to trust in

Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God. We

have seen sickness and death; experi-

enced heartache and pain; felt rejection,

dejection and misery. But, guess what?

We are still standing.

We have faced great loss but God’s Word

encouraged us every step of the way.

We often wondered what God was doing,

but chose to follow the advice recorded in

Proverbs 3:5. It is a wonderful rule to live

by: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

and lean not unto thine own understand-

ing.” And, then we followed that up with

verse 6. “In all thy ways acknowledge him,

and he shall direct thy paths.” We didn’t

know where we were going. We didn’t

know how we would get there. We simply

trusted God and followed as He led.

We’ve cried our tears in grief, shaken our

heads in dismay, wrung our hands in dis-

belief, and balled up our fists in anger. But

the bottom line is this: God is STILL on the

throne. He is STILL in control. He STILL

has the power of the world in His mighty

hands. None of what happened caught

Him by surprise. And, here we are, on the

cusp of a new year, having come out vic-

torious on the other side.

He saw us through four

years of the tumultuous,

tyrannical reign of Donald

Trump. He saw us through

violent actions from so-

called Make America Great

Again delusional, misguid-

ed supporters. He saw us

through months of civil

unrest. He saw us through

the pivotal elections of

2020. We may not know

what 2021 will bring, but

we can trust God because

He has a plan. “For I know

the thoughts that I think

toward you, saith the Lord,

thoughts of peace, and not

of evil, to give you an ex-

pected end.” Jeremiah


We thank God for our leadership. He

spoke to the hearts of Rt. Reverends Adol-

phus Scott, Jr. and Charles L. Amos during

this challenging time. We were patiently

and lovingly guided and have thus come

out not only intact, but also stronger and

with more resolve. Our pastors have kept

us together and here we are.

It will take much more than all of this to

tear down the foundation that Peter

Spencer doggedly built so long ago. God

wants to take the Union Church to higher

heights. Now, who is going to come along

for the ride?





Church, Inc.

Volume 70, Issue 1 January 2021

The Union Messenger

The Union Church

Rt. Rev. Adolphus Scott, Jr.

President, Bench of Bishops

Prelate 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Districts

Rt. Rev. Charles L. Amos

Prelate 1st & 4th Districts

Rt. Rev. Linwood Rideout, III


Rev. Sheila Davis;

Rev. Ruth C. Evans;

Rev. Dr. Ralph T. Lampkins;

Rev. Dwayne McCain;

Rev. Sharon Young,

District Superintendents

Rev. Sondra L. Hunter

Bishop’s / Conference Secretary,


Rev. Alvirta V. Peterson-Cox,

Managing Editor


[email protected]

Union Messenger Group on Facebook

Sis. Zoe A. Fields

Assistant Managing Editor


Rev. Maxine E. Mayo

Features Editor


[email protected]

Sis. Ann Stephens

Advertising Director


[email protected]

Sis. Janet S. Johnson

Circulation Director


Rev. Joseph S. Statesman

Assistant Circulation Director


Bro. Richard Lewis, Sr.

Sis. Judythe Grice


Sis. Dana Owens

Local Reporter, Trinity, Newark, NJ

Sis. Clara Brooks

Local Reporter, St. Mark, Valley Lee, MD

Sis. Marsha Blackwell

Local Reporter, St. Luke, Piney Point




Church, Inc.

Volume 70, Issue 1 January 2021

The Union Messenger

An Historic Moment

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered.

We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,

Out from the gloomy past,

Till now we stand at last

Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

Lift Every Voice and Sing James Weldon Johnson





More History! Bucktoe Cemetery

Bucktoe Cemetery: 120 local residents, including nine United States Colored

Troops who served in the Civil War were laid to rest here. Crystal Crampton, life-

long member of New Garden Memorial in Kennett Square, is the current Site Coor-

dinator for Bucktoe. The cemetery is located at 229 Bucktoe Rd. in Avondale, PA.

The original church was on this site but burned down. It was relocated to E. Linden

St. in Kennett Square, PA. Rev. Beverly Bell is the current pastor. This was also a

stop on the Underground Railroad. Sis. Crampton works hard “so we won’t forget

about our history and to realize how much further we need to go” in regard to race

relations. Lest we forget.



If I were to describe the last 10 months

in one word, my word choice would be


CHANGE is defined as: 1. to

make different, to alter, to modify. 2.

replace (something) with something

else, especially something of the same

kind that is newer or better; substitute

one thing for (another)

Every single human has dealt

with some form of C-H-A-N-G-E in

their lives since March 2020. COVID-

19 entered and from birth to death, the

world as we know it has CHANGED!

Women are delivering babies without

their support teams, and far too many

people have died without the presence

and comfort of loved ones. Home go-

ing service programs reduced to 10

persons only or grave side memorial

services. CHANGE, CHANGE,


Men and women who planned

to say, “I Do”, had to slash invite lists

down to just a few. School districts

had to make the tough decisions

whether to open school for in-person

learning, hybrid or remote teaching via

zoom/google classroom. Many restau-

rants all around the country were

closed to indoor dining, pictures of

fans instead of actual people can be

seen in the seats at NFL stadiums,

and we are required to wear face

masks when entering public buildings.


Our houses of Worship have

also been affected. Who would have

ever imagined, some church buildings

closed to indoor/in-person worship

services 10 months ago and they re-

main closed today? Church leaders

had to leave the comfort of the pulpit

and four walls to preaching, teaching,

meeting, and doing ministry via social

media, oh what a CHANGE. Our sea-

soned saints are finding safety in stay-

ing home, our choirs have become 2-4

-person praise teams, temperatures

are taken, pews and chairs have been

blocked off to maintain the recom-

mended 6 ft-social distancing, and

more and more believers are becom-

ing followers of church from afar.


The CHANGE of 2020 caused

us to deal with travel bans, shut-

downs, cancellations, and limiting our

gatherings for family functions, vaca-

tions, retreats and holidays. I felt like

a little life was sucked out of me each

time I had to delete a planned vacation

from my calendar. A few weeks ago,

when our missions’ trip to Jamaica

was cancelled, I realized I was in a

spiritual slump. I had been just going

through the motions for a few months

and was waiting to get away. Away

from the never-ending CHANGE, the

chaos in our country and the cunning-

ness of our government. Traveling,

vacationing, and getaways had be-

come my way of releasing, relaxing,

and regrouping for the past 20 years.

Although CHANGE was taking place

all around me, I failed to hear and

even believe that God was trying to get

me to see the need for a CHANGE

within me.

In seeking to return to a spir-

itual balance and a place of productivi-

ty, I first had to come clean. I had to

confess that I lost sight of God and

had become distracted by the

CHANGES. I admitted that simply get-

ting away had become more important

than what God was trying to say to me.

I placed my peace and hope in “time

away”, “a change of scenery”,” a plane

ride”, “a walk along the ocean”, and

“fun in the sun”, when Isaiah 26:3 is

clear; “You will keep in perfect peace

all who trust in you, all whose thoughts

are fixed on you.” When, I acknowl-

edged my wrong, God reminded me of

who He is:

“I am the Lord, and I do not

CHANGE…” Malachi 3:6

“Who has done such mighty deeds,

summoning each new generation from

the beginning of time? It is I, the Lord,

the First and the Last…” Isaiah 41:4

“God is not a man, so he does not lie.

He is not human, so he does not

change his mind…” Numbers 23:19

“Long ago you laid the foundation of

the earth and made the heavens with

your hands. They will perish, but you

remain forever; they will wear out like

old clothing. You will change them like

a garment and discard them. But you

are always the same; you will live for-

ever…” Psalm 102:25-27

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,

today, and forever…” Hebrews 13:8

God wanted me to know that it

was time for a CHANGE in our rela-

tionship. Our fellowship needed to be

fortified. He reminded me that when I

seek Him first and with my whole

heart, amid nothing but CHANGE, I

would be comforted by Him, my UN-

CHANGING God. The storms of life

are continually changing, but God re-

mains the same. He is consistent and

reliable. He is your anchor. You can

count on God because He never


I recall reading a quote at the

beginning of the pandemic, “we are all

in the same storm, but different boats”.

Yes, CHANGE is inevitable, and yes,

we have been tossed and driven by

the raging storm of COVID-19, racism,

greed, and self-absorption, but today I

urge you to be confident you are in the

Right boat. We have been given an

opportunity to re-evaluate our boarding

passes. As 2020 comes to and end

and we wait with expectation and tip-

toe anticipation at the door of 2021, be

very sure you choose to board God’s

boat and find safety,” God is our ref-

uge and strength, always ready to help

in times of trouble.” Psalm 46.1

Rev. Tracey L. Scott

General President of Sisterhood



Thomas Morrison, Jr.

Director, UAME Youth Retreat

To the youth and families of the UAME, this has been a year that

has been full of change, Some may call it circumstance, some

call it opportunity. However one thing’s for certain, never let

your circumstances dictate your opportunities. Throughout this

2020 pandemic our youth programs continued with our Zoom

session. When sports shut down, Slingshot UAME Lacrosse had

six 2 hr. summer workouts and more than 35 youth recited

scripture, played lacrosse and prayed during sessions in July and

August. We also teamed w/the Delaware Lacrosse Association

and Wilmington Park & Recreation to sponsor a Scoop & Treat

Halloween play day.

The 2020 UAME Youth Retreat was cancelled for safety. Howev-

er, the Retreat Committee is steady programming Spirit-filled,

safe and fun activities for all of God’s children. This fall, the

youth enjoyed a social distance Roller Skating Party. On Decem-

ber 12, we held our Youth Retreat Zoom Rap Session. The COVID

-19 Pandemic cannot defeat us and this is why:

P is for the purpose that God wants us striving towards

A is for action, Faith is our shield, and His Spirit is our sword

N is for numbers / counting each day as a blessing

D is for the doors He opens / God is elite-there is no testing!

E is for the Everlasting Father, whose power is greater than I

M is for mercy, it’s God’s goodness in disguise

I is for interior & the world is nothing; compared to the G that

is in I

C is for Christ the ultimate vaccine; don’t let 2020 leave until He

is your everything!

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Philippians 4:13

Called for Such a Time as This

On July 25th of 2020 I heard words that I didn’t think I heard and

then it was confirmed. I, Reverend Beverly Bell, will be the new

Pastor at New Garden Memorial Church in Kennett Square, PA.

Tears ran down my eyes that I thought would never stop com-

ing. I said to myself, did Bishop Amos just call my name. I felt

like Sarah giving birth at a late age.

My first meeting of my new church family was August 3, 2020

via a new approach for me called Zoom. It was all an innovative

approach as I prepared myself to become the host through pur-

chasing an account. As I received confirmation, I had to learn

how to bring members and friends into the service. Talk about

new technology with an old brain. I held on to the fact so stated

in Philippians 4:13 ”I can do all things through Christ that

strengthens me.”

As each Sunday, each new meeting and event with my New Gar-

den Memorial Family progresses so does the love. The church

has been so kind, even with my hiccups of learning, and I thank

God for each and everyone of them. I was assigned to a caring,

wonderful group of people. And the icing on the cake was my

QCA who was a former Pastor, Trustee for the Conference and

Quarterly Conference Assignee named Reverend Sondra Hunter.

So as we zoom I am so excited to be part of God’s plan and as

Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and

lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways

acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

In His service,

Pastor Beverly G. Bell

Year-end greetings

Out with the old, in with the new!



A Poem for my Pastor

Davonna Wayman

16-years-old, 11th grade

Holy Trinity, Dover, DE

A women who teaches the Word of

God, the word of truth that gives the

people power, the power of love, the

power of God.

A woman who not only hugs the sheep,

but touches the heart of her flock.

A women whose smile actually means “I

Love You”, and whose eyes say “I’m

praying for you”

A women whose lessons from the pulpit

make you jump up and say I can take on

the world bring it on!

A women I appreciate and love and who

I am proud to call my Pastor.



By Davonna Wayman

Our world today is harsh, we are left

with blood and scars because someone

hurt us in the past.

Today we have lost value in living life in

a way that makes the world go round,

but we don’t notice that we live in a

world where the color of your skin de-

termines whether you have justice or


We live in a world where cops are sup-

pose to protect us but yet they reject us,

attack us, and leave us for death.

We live in a world where children are

being neglected.

We live in a world where words are ex-

changed in a unkind way,

We live in a world where I love you real-

ly means I hate you because I hurt you.

We live in a world where it’s okay to

judge one for what they did before but

not giving them praise for what they are

doing now when only God knows what

it took to turn their life around.

We thought we would never last but

here we are standing stronger than the

U.S. Army ready to fight, still trying to

decide whats wrong and whats right.

What’s wrong is the George Floyd situa-

tion. It made the world sit and stop, and

realize that no one was prosecuted be-

cause he was killed by a cop.

The people who are suppose to protect

us are the ones dogging us.

Now we don’t know who to trust.

The only trusting person to depend on is

God and hope that our world today will

become better.

We live in a world where being accepted

is hard to do when someone is not living

life the same as you.

I wanna know why when God created us

all to be different yet we fail to under-

stand that.

We judge, hurt & destroy one another

when we should be uplifting everyone.

We live in a world where we don’t no-

tice this is the kind of world we live in

Maybe we should refuse to let the hate

& shameful ways remain the same.


[Davonna has a bright future ahead. She

is personable, bright, tech savvy. This

young lady will go far.

And, by the way, our young sister makes

a profound statement at the end of the

second poem. Maybe we should refuse

to let the hate & shameful ways remain

the same! Folks, we have the power to

make a change; it’s right in our hands.

Instead, we choose to sit on them, doing

nothing. So, everything stays the same.]

Bible Study - Food for the Soul –2021

Dr. Dorothy E. Wilmore

“Be strong and courageous.” Dt. 3:16

Beginning the year 2015, our country

has been involved with wars throughout

the Middle East, the Ebola crisis, and the

law of the land has condoned immoral

behavior that God has condemned, jobs

are scarce, and a bright future is not

promised in the land. But in spite of it

all, we must face the New Year with

courage and hope.

Being courageous means going forth

afraid until you’re no longer afraid. God

will walk with and work with those who

show courage. Be assured God is greater

than anything you’ll face this year.

Being courageous means to act with

confidence and meet vigorously the

challenges in the Christian life such as…

*to stand firm in the faith

1 Cor. 16:13

*to obey God rather than man

Acts 4:19

*to refuse to bow down to idols

Dan 3:16; 2 Chr. 15:8

*to persist in prayer

Dan. 6:10; Lu. 18:1-8

*to be distinct without fear

2 Cor. 6:14-18

*to be fearless in praising God

Ps. 34:1, 44:8, 86:12

*to be steadfast in study of the Word

Jn. 8:31; 2 Tim. 3:14, 15

You don’t have to be great to become a

person of courage. You just have to ful-

fill God’s purpose for your life--and be

willing to give up what seems good in

the moment for what’s best for your

future. Have a Happy New Year.



Precious memories, how they linger...

Rev. Dianne P. Hood Dr. Cleona M. Jackson Bro. Reginald A. Bounds Sis. Kathy J. Cooper

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the

death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15. This is

the third straight issue of the Messenger

where we have said goodbye to a long-

time, faithful member of our church. The

Lord has called many home—so very

many—during this fretful time and these

are just a few. We still feel the loss; how-

ever, we are holding on to the words of

the apostle Paul recorded in 1 Thessaloni-

ans 4:13. “But I would not have you to be

ignorant, brethren, concerning them

which are asleep, that ye sorrow not,

even as others which have no hope.” Yes,

we miss our loved ones. Yes, we must

continue to fight the good fight of faith

without them. However, we bless God for

each of them and are holding on to our

memories. We know that our loved ones

are safe and secure, for the Bible assures

us that though they are absent from the

body, they are present with the Lord.

Again, we have been hard hit, yet, there is

a remnant in the Union Church. And the

remnant will go forward in faithfulness.

We will find others to labor as Conference

Secretary; Pastor; QCA; Trustee; Retreat

Mentor; Choir Director; faithful member,

even though each of these particular

saints have left huge shoes to fill.

There will be others in our families that

we can wrap our arms around, that we

can share the love of God with, that we

can help disciple. We can do that, even as

we mourn. This is what these saints did.

Yes, there are empty seats in our pews

and when we close our eyes, we can al-

most see our loved ones seated there.

Anticipating a Word from above. Medi-

tating in expectation. Basking in the Pres-

ence of God. Waiting to be fed and filled.

Smiling and greeting other members. En-

joying the fellowship. Doing all they can

to promote the cause of Christ. We were

blessed by each of these. Now, it’s time

for us to turn around and bless others the

way we have been blessed. It is in our

power to do so! Let us follow the legacy

each of these saints have left.


Annual Church School Convention

The Church School Board was perhaps the

latest Union ministry to grab hold of our

Bishop’s progressive vision. On November

21, 2020, we held our first Virtual Church

School Convention. Led by Rev. Francine

Hazzard, even in these tough times, the

Board has had the lives, well-being, and

souls of our young charges at heart. So,

we were excited about hosting this event.

It was a huge success.

God used Bro. Kayden Bradley of Galilee

to speak to the hearts of our precious

charges. Our own Local Preacher Celeste

Williams lovingly spoke to them about

the pandemic and let them know it was

ok to feel afraid; that they were still safe;

that they could ‘hide out’ if they needed a

‘time out’. She stressed the importance of

properly wearing masks, washing hands

for 20 seconds, and remaining socially

distant at all times. Dallas Barber, a stu-

dent at Penn State-Brandywine, talked to

our youth about Social Justice. She en-

couraged them to get involved — if even

on a small scale. “No one is too young to

get involved.” We are proud to state that

Bianca Blake of Honeycomb, Lima has

done just that. She is involved. In fact, she

is the Chair of the Media Area NAACP

Youth Council’s Education Committee. We

older folks can take a page out of Bianca’s


During the convention, Miss Mya Roches-

ter, of Star of Bethlehem, was presented

as this years recipient of our scholarship.

She will be attending Penn State-

Brandywine. We were proud to hear a

past recipient formally mentor our new-

est recipient. Sis. Inez Jacob-Hinton, of

Honeycomb and a junior at Howard U.,

offered sound advice to Miss Rochester.

She encouraged her to be herself, to do

her best, to get the most out of her col-

lege experience, and to meet new people

and try new things. We thank Evan Blake

for prayer, Dr. Kay Wayman for providing

the music, Sis. Linda Jackson for trivia,

and for all who attended. Stay tuned for

info about our Black History Artistic Gala

coming in February!



A modern day ministry

Sis. Terita Williams;

Rev. J. Anthony Jones

During our last quarterly meeting, Rev. Jones made this statement: “The UAME will only survive if we embrace change.” Further,

“our ministries and our churches need to change!” At this challenging time, he and Sis. Williams have assisted Bishop Amos and

guided the District through modern technology, so we could move forward in faithfulness. With that in mind, they have more

words of encouragement for us.

“To fully grasp how technology has helped churches worldwide, we must lead off with a verse from the Word of God.

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching

them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Amen.” Matthew 29:19, 20.

The Pandemic of the 21st century called COVID-19 has changed the world in so many ways, including limited gatherings, washing

hands, and wearing a mask. It has also changed the face of the church. Not just the Union American Methodist Episcopal (UAME)

Church, but churches in general.

God warned in the Bible of the church’s flame dying, and we all must admit that while we sat in the church building, the world

was continually progressing. Many of us were afraid, and some still are, but it’s time to move forward and use the new tools God

has placed before us.

He started preparing us a long time ago, yet we just didn’t know it. Many of us will say it began with the internet, but what about

electricity? Some think it started with ZOOM, or iPhone, or even Androids, but what about the Airwaves? We can reach all over

the world now without wires simply by having the right frequency.

The UAME is making great strides, and with open minds, we will go even further. The UAME is moving ahead; our churches are

online; our school is online; we are what the world calls “A MODERN-DAY MINISTRY.” May we be ever so careful not to fall back

once this Pandemic has ended. There are so many people waiting to hear the Gospel, and we must stay and be ready to share it.


After 110 Years of Aviation, Navy Gets Its First Black Female Fighter Pilot

In this photograph, Lt j.g. Madeline Swegle

stands in front of her special ‘mode of transpor-

tation’. She is the U.S. Navy’s first Black female

tactical aircraft pilot. She received her Wings of

Gold in July of 2020. She is now certified to and

capable of flying these fighter jets: F/A-18E/F

Super Hornet; the F-35C Joint Strike Fighter;

and the EA-18G Growler. This is all the more

poignant because less than 2% of all pilots as-

signed to these aircraft are African-American.

Congratulations to Lt j.g. Swegle, but there is a

bigger issue to address-how long will we con-

tinue to use these words? The first African-

American this, or the first African-American

that. If we truly live in the land of opportunity, when will this cease to be news?



Messenger funnies

Ha ha ha ha

laughter is good for the soul.

The Curtis cartoon Puts things into perspective, doesn’t it?


Think on these things

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

“a dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action becomes reality.” unknown

“what the people want is very simple—they want an America as good as its promise.”

Barbara Jordan