Unidad 5 Navidad (1º)

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Transcript of Unidad 5 Navidad (1º)

  • 7/26/2019 Unidad 5 Navidad (1)


    UNIT 5: LA NAVIDAD HA VUELTO!(1st Stage)This unit has been designed for the first stage of Infant Education during a period from 1stto 19thDecember.

    The present unit is about Christmas time and it is complemented with the English language lessons.

    This unit was designed and it is supported by the fact that Christmas is part of the culture of our country and that meanwhile leads to

    the celebrating of an ancient and beloved celebration in Spain and many more countries worldwide.

    ith this unit! pupils put in practice the coe"istence rules! empathic manners with the classmates and the Educative Community! as wellas they are demanded to wor# on various activities where group wor#! collaboration and participation are re$uired in order to their

    successful development.

    Prior Learning Language use in t!e unit I"#ortant $esour%esTodo a$uello $ue saben en sus idiomas

    maternos acerca de esta %poca del a&o

    'conceptos! historias! canciones! tradiciones!


    )uede ocurrir $ue el alumnado pueda

    e"presarse por s* solo con fluide+! comprenderrelatos simples y representar canciones


    In this unit! pupils will wor# with various types of

    te"ts! such as descriptive and narrative te"ts. In

    these te"ts we are going to use various #ey

    words of the unit such as bolas! ,avidad!estrella! -rbol! eyes /agos! etc.

    0 ssessment boards.

    0 2lac#board3 Smart 2oard.

    0 CD player.

    0 Crayons.

    0 D4D.

    0 Emotional puppet 'El 2urroCurro(.

    0 5lue.0 5omets 'Stic#ers(.0 /aga+ines.

    0 )aper sheets.

    0 )hotos.


    t the end of this unit all thechildren must

    0 Consider 6Christmas time7 as a tradition in Spain and the nglo0Sa"on countries.

    0 )articipate in the most part of the activities developed.

    0 espect cultures and traditions.

    t the end of this unit most of the

    children should

    0 Identify the words presented in the 8nit.

    0 2e able to nearly understand the main topic of a simple story.

    0 2e able to communicate with body and move.

    0 )articipate and collaborate in some of the activities developed.

  • 7/26/2019 Unidad 5 Navidad (1)


    0 Show interest on foreign traditions and festivals.

    t the end of this unit some of the

    children could

    0 Completely understand a simple story.

    0 Enoy performing activities.

    0 Identify and orally use all of the words presented in the 8nit.0 )articipate and collaborate in all of the activities developed.

  • 7/26/2019 Unidad 5 Navidad (1)


  • 7/26/2019 Unidad 5 Navidad (1)


    Lessons O'er'ie: 1stto 19thDecember

    :esson :earning goals :earning outcomes /ain activity ssessment criteria


    0 ecognise some

    elements associated

    with Christmas.

    0 Develop musical s#ills.

    0 Develop physical s#ills.

    During this lesson! teacher

    will encourage students to

    e"periment with total

    freedom with their bodies and

    go dipping in the development

    of spirit and rhythm of this

    time of the year 'Christmas(.

    The songs and Christmas

    carols narrate or describe

    Christmas stories and many

    elements that can be

    transmitted unconsciously to

    pupils while they activelye"press emotions.

    )*ai+a +a Na'ia!,:)upils

    will bodily e"press pace of

    carols and Christmas songs.

    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 ctively participate.

    0 E"periment their bodies.

    0 E"perimentar con el

    propio cuerpo.

    0 :isten to a story in

    order to follow and

    understand it.

    0 Develop participation on

    dramati+ation activities.

    0 Identify one of the

    This session aims to bring

    children some customs of the

    Christmas! while encourages

    their interest 'listening!

    attention! etc.( and practice

    them 'interpretation(.

    )I"#ro'isano nuestro

    %uento e Na'ia!,:)upils

    will represent the actions of

    the characters assigned by


    Teacher will be narrating a

    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 ecognise the

    characters of the story.

    0 /a#e efforts in order to

    convey feelings and

  • 7/26/2019 Unidad 5 Navidad (1)


    characters of the unit

    and its characteristics.

    0 Develop oral s#ills.

    story that pupils will

    represent. ?nce rendering is

    complete! pupils will sit in

    semicircle alignment in order

    to discuss their impressions

    and conclusions about the


    emotions with the body.

    0 2e spontaneus during



    0 Develop artistic


    0 Develop social and

    collaboration s#ills.

    Con esta lecciAn! el docente

    pretender- acercar las

    costumbres decorativas de

    estas fiestas y su desarrollo

    creativo a la ve+ $ue entrenan

    y ponen en pr-ctica muchos

    contenidos trabaados en la

    EducaciAn Infantil 'Bormas!

    colores! tama&os! etc.(

    ith this lesson! teacher will

    loo# to bring the decorative

    traditions of the Christmas

    and to develop children=s

    creativity! as well as training

    and implemented many

    contents wor#ed during the

    infant education stage'Shapes! colours! si+es! etc.(

    )Nuestra %+ase en Na'ia,:

    )upils will freely create

    Christmas ornaments with

    different materials! shapes

    and colours. ?nce the

    ornaments are finished! they

    will hang them around the


    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 ctively participate.

    0 Design and colour



    0 E"periment with

    different colours.

    0 Develop artistic s#ills.

    During this session! teacher

    aims to bring traditional

    Christmas figures in the

    Spanish culture; The Three

    ise /en to students.

    )Los $e.es /agos ne%esitan

    un #o%o e %o+or,:El

    alumnado colorear- a los tres

    eyes /agos! luego los

    recortar- y pegar- sobre

    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 Enoy own plastic proects

    and with respect the others=


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    cartulinas dobladas a modo de

    postal de ,avidad.

    )upils will colour the Three

    ise /en! then they will cut

    and paste them 'helped by

    teacher( on cardboard sheetscards folded li#e a Christmas


    0 Show attitudes of respect

    for all plastic productions.

    0 Care and proper use various


    0 Identify and use some

    words of the unit '2olasde ,avidad! colores!etc.(

    0 E"periment with colours

    on paper.

    In this session! teacher wants

    students to e"perience

    different sensations with

    finger painting! while

    producing with their hands

    and practice the colours and


    *o+as e Na'ia,:)upils

    will colour and draw Christmas

    balls in various colours.

    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 ppreciate and enoy own

    plastic proects and respect

    the others= creations.

    0 Show attitudes of respect

    for all plastic productions.0 ctively participate.

    0 Design and colour Christmas



    0 Develop artistic e"pression

    as a way of communication and


    0 Develop attitudes of respect

    for cultures and traditions.

    In this session! teacher aims

    to bring students #nowledge

    of one more representative

    traditions of Christmas in our

    environment. ',o religious

    motivations or nature(.

    )Nuestro *e+0n #arti%u+ar,:)upils will play with ,ativity

    figurines and they will

    represent in drawings the

    characters or elements they


    In this lesson students Should

    be able to;

    0 Develop attitudes of respect

    for cultural performances.

    0 ppreciate and enoy the

    visual artwor# of others.G 0 Develop attitudes of respect

    for cultures and traditions.

    0 Develop oral s#ills.

    0 Develop self0assessment.

    Bor this lesson! teacher loo#s

    to show pupils through images

    some of the most

    representative elements of

    this time of the year! while

    also tries to develop

    )Veo1 'eo2,:)upils will have

    to putgomets on a smallboo#let full of images in which

    appear some of the elements

    that teacher shows them and


    In this lesson students Should

    be able to;

    0 Care and properly use various


    0 Develop attitudes of respect

    for cultural

  • 7/26/2019 Unidad 5 Navidad (1)


    awareness of the individual

    progresses of children.



    0 Bree creative development

    0 Develop collaboration and

    group wor#.

    This session aims to show

    pupils to develop group wor#

    and classroom sociali+ation

    along with the development of

    their capacities for the

    artistic e"pression and

    practice of some elements

    ac$uired during this the infant

    education 'colours! shapes!


    3o++age e Na'ia,:)upils

    will perform various

    compositions in paper sheets

    about Christmas and the

    words which were #nown

    during this unit with different


    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 Show personal autonomy.

    0 espect shifts.

    0 2e interested in learning art


    0 Show attitudes of respect

    for all plastic productions.


    0 Develop the approach on

    audiovisual productions.

    0 Identify and use some

    words of the unit

    ',avidad! estrella!-rbol! etc.(

    During this lesson! teacher

    will loo# that during the

    viewing of the film! pupils

    deploy several of their living

    and learning s#ills.

    During the viewing teacher will

    go commenting and as#ing

    children some of the elements

    and Christmas scenes that

    appear in the film.

    )Disne.4s La Na'ia e

    /i%5e. /ouse,:)upils will sit

    in semicircle alignment facing

    the screen3 whiteboard! and

    so implementing their

    attention and listening s#ills

    as well as to show their

    capacities to respect


    In this lesson students should

    be able to;

    0 Show curiosity for

    technological tools 'films(.

    0 Show attitude of respect and



    0 E"periment with

    manipulation ofte"tures.

    0 E"periment with

    colours! shapes! etc.

    0 Identify and use some

    words of the 8nit


    In this session! teacher wants

    students to wor# withdifferent te"tures 'play

    dough( in order to ma#e stars

    of different si+es! colours and

    tips which will help them

    practice contents li#e colours!

    dimensions and numbers.

    Estre++itas en 6D,:)upils

    will mold on play dough yellowand orange stars! large and

    small stars and multi0pointed


    In this lesson students should

    be able to;0 Show personal autonomy.

    0 Enoy with domestic


    0 Show attitudes of respect

    for all plastic productions.

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