Unidad 1-Lección 7 (B)

Nombre: _______________________ 16/9/2014 Español I U1-L7 Apuntes de hoy Objetivo : I can use my understanding of geography in conversation. Haz Ahora : Respond to the following question. ¿Cuáles son las capitales de Bolivia, Uruguay, y Guatemala? La capital de Bolivia es Sucre. La capital de Uruguay es Montevideo. La capital de Guatemala es la Ciudad de Guatemala.


Objective: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation.

Transcript of Unidad 1-Lección 7 (B)

  • 1. Nombre: _______________________16/9/2014Espaol I U1-L7Apuntes de hoyObjetivo: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation.Haz Ahora: Respond to the following question.Cules son las capitales deLa capital de Bolivia es Sucre.La capital Bolivia, de Uruguay Uruguay, es Montevideo.yLa capital de Guatemala es la Ciudad deGuatemala.Guatemala?

2. Eres de?Si, yo soy deNo, yo no soydeDnde est?Est enYo soy deAre you from?Yes, I am fromNo, I am not fromWhere is?Its/Is inI am fromVocabularioEscriban la siguiente (following) tabla.Objetivo: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation. 3. DilogoVamos a leer este dilogo en parejas.Objetivo: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation. 4. Vamos a escribir!With your partner write a new dialogue similar to the one you just read; but change the countriesmentioned to some of the countries we learned in class last week.____?Objetivo: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation. 5. Actividad individualInstrucciones: Lets connect geography to the language. Match the two parts ofthe statement that make the most sense.Objetivo: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation. 6. Vamos a jugar!Lets see how fast you can tell me the Spanish speaking countries of around theworld.GameObjetivo: I can use my understanding of geography in conversation.