UNESCO Guidelines for the Conservation of Documents

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Transcript of UNESCO Guidelines for the Conservation of Documents

  • 8/10/2019 UNESCO Guidelines for the Conservation of Documents


    UNESCO Guidelines for the conservation of documents

    Contents- Previous-Next

    Part one: Processes and techniques and their application

    2. Definitions, principles and standards3. Agents of deterioration and destruction4. Preservation5. Active conservation and restoration: Traditional materials6. Preservation and conservation of non-textual materials7. Substitution copying

    2. Definitions, principles and standards

    2.1 Definitions and Terminology

    2.1.1 Preservation. This is a generic term for the totality of measures for

    maintaining the integrity of documents and the information contained in them. Itincludes all the managerial and financial considerations, storage and

    accommodation provisions, staffing levels, policies, techniques and methodsinvolved in safeguarding the holdings of archival institutions (see also definitions

    in 21, 22, 24).

    2.1.2 Conservation. This denotes the specific policies and practices involved inpreventing, delaying and reversing deterioration of and damage to documents,

    including passive and active methods and techniques (21, 22, 24).

    2.1.3 Restoration and repair. This embraces a wide range of active conservation

    processes aimed at improving the physical condition of a damaged document and

    returning it, as far as is practicable to its original state. These processes can rangefrom the repair of a torn leaf to the re-sewing and re-covering of a book, the

    removal of a stain to the deacidification, buffering and re-sizing of a document (21,

    22, 24). The restoration of archival documents never includes the replacement ofmissing text or other information (see 2.2.1(a) below).

    2.1.4 Terminology. Unless otherwise indicated the terminology used in this studyis that of the ICA Dictionary (21) and Glossary (22).

    2.2 Principles

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    2.2.1 Basic principles of restoration and repair. The whole process of restoration

    and repair may defeat its own object unless the true nature of archival materials

    and the treatments which may be applied to them are fully understood and thosetreatments conform to certain basic principles:

    a) No process may be used in restoration which would remove, diminish, falsify(by subtraction, alteration or addition) or obscure in any way the document's value

    as evidence. This applies not only to the written text of the document but also to its

    physical structure, when that itself has evidential value.

    b) No process may be used which would in any way damage or weaken the


    2.2.2 From these stem three further principles:

    a) As far as possible missing material should be replaced by material of the samekind, or with compatible, similar materials.

    b) The nature and extent of any repair should be left unmistakeably evident.However, this does not mean that the repair should not be aesthetically similar to

    the original.

    c) Nothing should be done which cannot be undone without damage to thedocument. However, this does not mean that certain treatments, e.g. cleaning and

    deacidification, which would never be reversed in practice, should not be usedwhen they are appropriate. A balance has to be struck between the possible effectsof any treatment and the durability of the document if it is left untreated and this

    may justify in appropriate instances the use of irreversible processes, e.g.copolymerisation.

    2.2.3 Documentation. It also follows that a proper record should be kept of allrestoration treatment (53). This should include, as a minimum:

    a) information identifying the document;

    b) the state of the document before treatment, including information about its

    components (e.g. number of sheets);

    c) information on any disassembly which is necessary before treatment can start;

    d) the sequence of treatment processes and techniques used (during treatment this

    should serve as a security control to ensure that documents are not lost or


    e) the materials used, including any adhesives, sizes, etc. and the extent to whichoriginal materials have been reused;

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    f) the identity of the conservator who has undertaken the work;

    g) the dates of treatment.

    2.2.4 The form which this document should take is a matter for local decision, butone common form is a combination of a chronological register which gives basic

    details and a card file on which full details of the treatment are recorded for eachdocument, the cards being filed in accordance with the archival arrangement of the

    documents. See Appendix D for suggested formats. Alternatively an abbreviatedtreatment summary on acid-free paper may be retained with the document. Wherea major restoration of an important document is undertaken, photographs of it

    before, during and after treatment should be added to the record.

    2.3 Standards

    2.3.1 International standards. There are no international standards for archivalpreservation and conservation. However, the International Organisation forStandardization (ISO) has recently established a sub-committee of its technical

    committee for information and documentation (ISO/TC 46/SC 10) which isconcerned with the physical characteristics of media for documents and has thefollowing terms of reference:

    a) standardization of physical specifications and handling of any media used ininformation and documentation, including non-book materials;

    b) conservation practices including environmental specifications, etc;

    c) permanence of material specifications;

    d) production aspects of documents, including binding, etc.

    Its first area of concern will be with the permanence of paper to be used for booksand archives, and other work items are contemplated.

    2.3.2 Pending the development of international standards, archivists andconservators are advised to follow the best practices set out in relevant RAMPstudies (included in Appendix E), in such national standards from other countriesas may exist (6, 27, 28) and in standards of practice and ethics promulgated by

    professional conservation and archival bodies.

    3. Agents of deterioration and destruction

    3.1 Inherent Instability

    3.1.1 Oxydation. This is a process of natural decay in air which affects all organicmaterials. If such materials are stored in good environmental conditions, the

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    process is normally slow, but it is accelerated by oxidizing pollutants, such as

    ozone (created in electrostatic copying processes), sulphur dioxide, nitrogen

    dioxide and cleaning fluids. In paper it results in the breakdown of the cellulosefibre structure and the weakening of the paper. Its effects are unlikely to be

    significant and are not easy to distinguish from those created by acid deterioration,which is more likely to be the prime cause of decay in archival documents.Oxidation is most noticeable in cellulose acetate still and motion picture film and

    microfilm, where it becomes apparent in the form of 'redox blemishes' or 'red spot'.

    3.1.2 Acid deterioration. Cellulose materials are also liable to decay throughcontamination by inherent acidic components, by acidic materials used in theirmanufacture and by atmospheric pollutants. Papers made from mechanical

    groundwood pulp which has a high lignin content, or which have been sized with

    alum rosin are especially liable to such deterioration. Deterioration will be

    accelerated by certain external factors such as heat, humidity, light or chemicalpollution or by the use of acidic packing materials. The first visible evidence of

    such deterioration may be a slight discolouration, which progresses in time throughyellow to brown. At the same time the paper loses its strength and eventually

    becomes embrittled to the point where it crumbles when handled. The level ofacidity or alkalinity in a paper is measured by its pH value measured on a

    logarithmic scale numbered from 0 to 14 with 7.0 as the neutral point; numbershigher than 7 denote alkalinity, while numbers lower than 7 denote acidity. pHmay be measured colourmetrically with certain chemical indicators (e.g. Merck

    strips) or, more accurately, by potentiometric methods using electrodes.

    3.1.3 Fugitive dyes. Certain pigments used in inks, waterbased paints, textile dyes,photographic dyes, etc. are fugitive and fade or change in time. These changes may

    be accelerated by acidity, heat, moisture or light, but for some colour photographic

    processes fading occurs even when prints or negatives are kept in the dark. Severalpigments, especially those in fountain pen inks and felt tip colours, are water

    soluble and should be fixed prior to any treatments which require wetting.

    3.1.4 Other chemical instabilities. A wide range of other chemical instabilities may

    be encountered by archivists and conservators, e.g. fading or staining of badlyprocessed photographs, destructive deterioration of cellulose nitrate bases of old

    still and motion picture film, hydrolysis of polyester film.

    3.1.5 Electromagnetic deterioration. Most electromagnetic signals, e.g. on audio,video and computer tape, are subject to gradual loss of strength. They are,moreover, susceptible to deliberate or accidental deletion, distortion, print-through

    and over-recording.

    3.2 Environmental Agents

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    on, paper and other organic components of documentary materials, weakening

    them and often leaving disfiguring stains, which may obliterate information (67).

    3.3.2 Insects. These also feed upon the organic components of documentary

    materials: some on cellulose products e.g. paper); others on animal products e.g.certain adhesives, parchments, leathers). Book lice appear to be especially attractedto fungal growths and their attack on paper, etc. is a by-product of this.

    3.3.3 Other animal pests. Rodents also may damage documents by feeding uponthem, using them as nesting materials or merely fouling them. Birds also may fouldocuments. Animal and bird excrement is not only unpleasant and corrosive but

    itself provides food for fungi, micro-organisms and insects which may also attack

    the documents.

    3.4 Human Factors

    3.4.1 Unintentional damage. Records may suffer from neglect, improper handlingand careless handling. Frequent use, no matter how careful, can itself lead to or

    accelerate damage and deterioration. Photocopying without due care is a majorcontributor to damage. A recent international survey of archives and libraries

    pointed to use as the most frequent cause of damage to documents and books (10).

    Unintentional damage may occur from careless handling in retrieving and re-

    shelving documents, from damage in transit within and between buildings or from

    excessive display on exhibition. First-aid treatment of damaged documents by

    unqualified persons with unsuitable materials e.g. pressure-sensitive tape('Scotchtape' or 'Sellotape')) can aggravate that damage.

    3.4.2 Vandalism. This may involve tearing or cutting, writing on or marking

    individual documents; disordering assemblies; or even arson.

    3.4.3 Theft. The deliberate removal of documents, or extracts from documents, forpersonal gratification or monetary reward is, unfortunately, by no means unknown.

    4. Preservation

    4.1 Storage

    4.1.1 Buildings. The provision of secure storage areas in which environmental

    conditions can be stabilised by inherent construction or artificial means e.g.heating, dehumidifying or even full air-conditioning), which are well ventilatedwith good circulation of air to prevent the growth of fungi, from which pollution

    and dust are excluded by air filtration, in which light levels are reduced e.g. by

    using blinds to reduce natural light), in which fires can be immediately detectedand suppressed, and where risks of fire, flood and tempest are minimised is the

    most effective single measure which the archivist can take to enhance the longevity

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    of archival materials. So far as possible temperatures should be maintained as low

    as practicable in the range 15-22 C and relative humidity as low as practicable

    between 35% and 65%, preferably below 55%. Cycling even within these rangesshould be minimised if it cannot be prevented (8, 11, 16, 28, 33, 62, 75). The

    weight bearing capacity of the flooring should be sufficiently strong to support afull load of documents.

    4.1.2 Storage equipment. The storage equipment provided should be strong enough

    to take the weight of documents; shelving should be of a proper size to support the

    documents; racking and shelving should be chemically inert (non-corrodible) andfire-proof (i.e. metal not wood, baked enamelled surfaces properly and thoroughlycured not painted). Sufficient space (15 cm) should be left below the bottom

    shelving to avoid damage from minor flooding and a similar space above the

    contents of the top shelf to permit free circulation of air. The use of mobile

    (compactus) shelving should not be considered if ventilation and air circulation is aproblem (28, 33).

    4.1.3 Enclosures. The use of acid-free storage boxes and folders for loose papersand files and of boxes for bound volumes has been shown to extend the life of

    documents stored within them and should be seriously considered. They provide agood level of protection against fire, flood, light, vermin, pollution and cycling ofenvironmental conditions in the storage area. Where acid-free boxes are not

    available, boxing will still provide protection, but documents should be wrapped in

    acid-free paper or folders as a protection against acid migration.

    4.2 Good Housekeeping

    4.2.1 Cleaning. The removal of dust and dirt from documents and their containerson their reception in the archives, and regular, preferably annual, cleaning

    thereafter, will contribute to the maintenance of dust-free storage areas. Chemical

    cleaning or bleaching should not be undertaken by non-conservation staff;materials should always be carefully tested before chemicals are applied to

    ascertain that no harm will result as a consequence.

    4.2.2 Removal of deleterious components. Corrodible metallic components, suchas staples, pins and paper clips should be removed. Files which are held on 'tags "

    lengths of cord with solid ends which thread through the contents of files and

    attach them to file covers) should have any tags with corrodible ends replaced byothers with plastic ends; files in pillar (or post) binders with corrodible pillars

    should be removed from those binders and placed in new ones with inert pillars.Chemically active components with archival significance e.g. photographs, acidic

    file covers) should be removed and stored separately or placed within inert

    polyester sleeves. The removal of pressure-sensitive tape requires the careful use

    of solvents and should not be attempted by non-conservation staff.

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    4.2.3 Flattening. Folded papers should be opened and held flat by pressing or by

    humidification and tying between acid-free boards after interleaving with white

    blotting paper, never by the direct application of a domestic laundry iron.

    4.2.4 Packing. Any repacking should be in acid-free materials. Boxing, as in 4.1.3above, is the best means of packing, but where this is not feasible wrapping inacid-free folders or wrappers tied with undyed broad cotton tape (not string or

    cord) may be recommended.

    4.2.5 Handling. Procedures for the careful handling of documents by staff andusers should be introduced and enforced. These will include:

    a) provision of archival trolleys which support documents adequately and are


    b) avoiding stacking documents on trolleys, desks, floors, etc;

    c) providing adequate working surfaces for staff and users and, where necessary,properly

    constructed book-rests or cradles; and

    d) controlling the handling of documents when being photocopied.

    4.2.6 Inspection. Storage areas should be inspected regularly to ensure that storageand environmental conditions are adequate and that there has been no infestationby fungi, micro-organisms, insects or vermin.

    4.3 Pest Control

    4.3.1 Treatment of premises. Where fungi, micro-organisms, insects or vermin arean inherent problem within the storage areas, regular treatment with appropriate

    substances is essential (71).

    4.3.2 Routine treatment of new accessions. Where fungi, micro-organisms orinsects are an endemic environmental problem, it is desirable to eliminate them

    before documents are placed in storage by an appropriate method of disinfestation.

    However, this will be ineffective if the area into which they will subsequently be

    placed is already infested or provides conditions which encourage a recurrence of

    the problem.

    4.3.3 Treatment of infestations. Where an infestation of fungi, micro-organisms,insects or vermin is discovered, immediate steps should be taken to treat theaffected documents by cleaning, disinfestation, etc. to clean and disinfect the area

    (aerosol sprays should not be used - they will spread the infestation) and toeradicate the cause of the infestation, e.g. improving the environment (i.e. lowering

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    the temperature and relative humidity), repairing broken windows or damaged

    screens. Food and drink should never be brought into storage areas (or, ideally,

    into the archive). Documents should not be replaced in the area until the source ofthe infestation has been eliminated.

    4.3.4 Methods of treatment. Considerable uncertainty exists as to the best methodsof disinfestation. Those which have been employed are:

    a) fumigation, which requires a special fumigation chamber and appropriatechemicals; thymol, long a preferred chemical, is now considered to be of limitedeffectiveness and ethylene oxide is explosive when mixed with air and requires a

    properly designed and maintained vacuum chamber for its use and very careful

    handling (33); also its reaction and decomposition produces by-products which areboth toxic and injurious to certain documentary materials;

    b) freezing in a modified domestic freezer to -18C will kill insects, their larvae

    and their eggs, but not all fungi;

    c) radiation has also been tested in the laboratory, but the necessary facilities areunlikely to be available to most archival institutions (57, 64);

    d) environmental conditions which do not encourage fungi and insects are the most

    effective single contribution to eliminating them from storage areas.

    4.3.5 Health and safety. Effective disinfestation treatments are in general harmfulalso to humans and should, therefore, be applied only by properly trained

    personnel using proper equipment under conditions prescribed by law or by

    manufacturers' recommendations (see also section 10.7 below).

    5. Active conservation and restoration: Traditional materials

    5.1 Paper

    5.1.1 Nature and properties. Paper is an organic material of which the main

    component is cellulose. In papers made before the middle of the nineteenth centurythis cellulose is mainly derived from cotton and linen, although other vegetable

    fibres might be used, and the fibres are long and relatively stable. Such 'rag' papermay be 'hand-made' or 'mould-made'. From the nineteenth century wood pulp was

    increasingly used and paper making became industrialized. The paper thusproduced is usually known as 'machine-made' (it is also possible to obtainmachine-made paper made from cotton pulp). It may have been processed in a

    variety of ways and contain varying quantities of lignin. Although it is possible to

    make wood pulp paper which is long lasting, the cellulose fibres tend to be shorterand the paper may be more acidic than paper made in the traditional way and hence

    much less permanent. Mechanical groundwood papers e.g. those used for

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    newsprint) in particular are chemically unstable and rapidly discolour, going

    through phases of yellow to dark brown, and become embrittled to the point of

    disintegration under the influence of acid deterioration, accelerated by suchenvironmental influences as light, heat, humidity and atmospheric pollution.

    5.1.2 To give paper strength and to enable it to receive writing ink withoutfeathering the basic cellulose is treated with sizes and fillers. In early papers the

    size was usually gelatine, an animal substance which may lose some of its body in

    time but does not break down so as to damage the paper. However, in more

    modern papers the sizing agent is often alum rosin, which is acidic and willcontribute to the deterioration of an already acidic paper. Fillers are usually derivedfrom china clay or chalk and are, therefore, often alkaline and tend to counter any

    acidity in the paper or atmosphere. Since papers used as supports for manuscript

    and typescript inks often have a high filler content, archival papers are often less

    seriously affected by acid deterioration than library books, though duplicated andprinted documents, especially newsprint, and even manuscript and typescript

    records on inferior paper may be seriously affected.

    5.1.3 Deacidification. Traditional paper repair will not of itself remedy the effects

    of acid deterioration. This can only be done by neutralising the acid and building inan alkaline buffer by chemical means (excessive alkalinity may also damage paperand a pH level of more than 9.0 should not be sought). Deacidification should not

    be undertaken before inks and pigments have been tested for fastness in the

    substance to be used and, if they are not fast, have been fixed. A number of

    techniques of deacidification have been developed:

    a) aqueous deacidification, in which affected paper is immersed in (fragile

    documents should be supported), or brushed with, an alkaline solution orsuspension (magnesium bicarbonate is generally regarded as the most effective)until the acidity has been neutralised and the pH value has been raised to between

    7.5 and 9.0; after treatment any necessary repair is then undertaken and the paper is

    re-sized and pressed; this method is tried and tested, but may not be safe for very

    fragile documents; it is also a very slow process;

    b) spirit deacidification is similar to aqueous deacidification except that the alkaliis dissolved or suspended in an organic solvent; it can be applied in spray form,which speeds up the process, though it may not be as effective as immersion;

    c) vapour-phase deacidification employs chemicals in gaseous forms to neutralise

    the acid; this is potentially easier to use and offers greater productivity than eitherof the immersion processes, but unfortunately most of the gases which have been

    used are poisonous or otherwise injurious to health and this system is not now


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    d) mass deacidification methods are being developed in a number of countries but

    are still in the experimental or developmental stage. All require expensive plant;

    some require the use of a vacuum chamber, which may be safe for bound volumesbut not always for loose sheets; others use chemicals which require careful

    handling if they are not to be a threat to health and safety. Most are likely to becost-effective only where a high volume of work can be foreseen (42).

    5.1.4 Traditional paper repair. Where paper has been damaged, traditional repair

    techniques (see 5 for a more detailed treatment of these) require the use of a good

    quality, new, mould-made paper of equal weight and similar colour to the original.This paper is used in such a way that its 'grain' runs parallel to the 'grain' in theoriginal paper. Where it will be abutted on to the old paper, it is 'needled' or scored

    to outline the precise shape required and then carefully torn rather than cut as this

    enables the fibres of the old and new to interweave. An alternative technique uses

    Japanese tissue rather than standard paper. The principle types of repair are:

    a) mending, in which tears in the paper are pasted together;

    b) infilling, in which pieces of the new paper are carefully made to match holes in

    the original, using a light-box to draw the precise shapes in the new paper beforetearing, and are then pasted in place;

    c) framing, which is the reverse process in which a frame is made to surround a

    sheet of paper which has been damaged at the edges;

    d) backing, in which a new sheet is pasted on the reverse of the old sheet; whereholes or damage to the edges exist backing should be used in association withinfilling or framing, otherwise the differing thickness of paper will create a

    weakness in the repair; this technique can only be used when there is no text on the

    reverse of the original sheet, although when there is only a small amount of text,backing may be permissible provided that 'windows' are provided to expose that

    text or thin, transparent Japanese tissue is used.

    5.1.5 Traditionally a vegetable (rice or wheat starch) paste (sometimes with

    additives to combat fungal growth and deter pests - these additives should not beotherwise deleterious to the document) has been used for paper repair, but modernsynthetic pastes are now sometimes used, though they should be used with great

    caution and only after careful testing both of their chemical stability and of the

    permanence of their adhesive qualities.

    5.1.6 Paper repair using the hand-made paper technique is usually undertaken withthe original and repair paper damp; with Japanese tissue it is usually done with the

    paper dry. The former method will remove some of the original size and after the

    repair has been completed each individual sheet may be re-sized and dried loose ona frame (pressing will cause the re-sized sheets to stick together). Large documents

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    may be dried lightly pasted to nylon sheeting on a melamine laminate surface,

    which may be a vertical or near-vertical wall board. They will strip away from the

    nylon when dry.

    5.1.7 Lamination. The earliest, and still the most common, mass treatment systemfor repairing paper documents is lamination. This may be undertaken by semi-skilled staff after a minimum of training. However, it adds to the bulk of a

    document and it contradicts to some extent two of the principles of repair: that like

    or compatible materials should be used in repair, and that the repair should be

    readily reversible. It may be of two kinds:

    a) machine lamination, in which the sheet of paper to be repaired is placed between

    two layers of tissue coated with a thermoplastic adhesive (alternatively separatesheets of the thermoplastic adhesive may be placed between the document and two

    sheets of uncoated tissue), and heat and pressure is applied to cause the sandwichto adhere (thus contradicting another principle of repair: that nothing should bedone which is potentially damaging to the document); the Barrow process is not

    recommended as it may damage the documents to which it is applied; certainlysome early examples of this treatment have deteriorated badly, although it appears

    that in at least some cases it is untreated inherent acidity of the paper, acceleratedby the treatment, which has led to this deterioration; the basic rule for machinelamination must be, therefore, always test for acidity first and deacidify if

    necessary before lamination; the Postlip-Duplex (or Langwell) process uses lower

    heats and pressures and the tissue which it uses is a cellulose fibre and can be

    removed if necessary, but sufficient doubt about the life of laminated paper existsfor the process to be recommended only for low value, high use documents (seeTable One after 8.3.2 below); automatic and semiautomatic machines are available,

    which increase productivity;

    b) manual lamination is a similar process in which heat is not applied, two main

    variations are employed:

    (i) florentine repair, in which the sandwich is Japanese tissue, a very fine,translucent paper, and the adhesive is a standard paper repair paste; this type of

    repair may also be undertaken with machine lamination; and

    (ii) spirit lamination, a process developed at the National Archives of India in

    Delhi, but not widely accepted, in which the sandwich is cellulose acetate film andtissue paper, adhesion being provided from the chemical action of acetone which is

    applied evenly over the surface with a non-linting cloth (15).

    5.1.8 Encapsulation. As an alternative to lamination which will support a documentwithout the application of heat, pressure or adhesive, the technique of

    encapsulation has been developed. Here the document is encased in an envelope ofinert transparent polyester film e.g. 'Mylar'). As with lamination it is necessary to

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    deacidify before encapsulation. Ready-made envelopes may be used for less fragile

    documents, but for weak and friable items it is necessary to build up the envelope

    around the document. Early encapsulation techniques made use of double-sidedadhesive tape, but it was found that there was a potential risk of the document

    slipping into the adhesive. Heat sealing also placed the document at risk (thoughnewer systems used in the USA appear to be safe), but ultrasonic welding appearsto provide a safe sealing system. A cheaper alternative is machine-sewing the

    polyester sheets together with a zigzag stitch. Only a minimum of skill and trainingis required to undertake this process, which may take longer than lamination and

    adds more to the bulk of the document. Another major problem is the tendency for

    electrostatic attraction to lift friable or flaking inks and pigments and for these toadhere to the polyester film; encapsulation should not be used for such materials.Encapsulation may be used to preserve archival materials other than paper e.g.

    photographs, textiles) and to isolate degrading materials interfiled with other


    5.1.9 Leaf-casting. This method of repair employs the technique of making newpaper to fill in holes in the original document. The document is placed over a fine

    mesh and immersed in water to which a slurry of cellulose (usually made fromcotton [inters) is added; a vacuum is created below the mesh, drawing off the water

    through the holes in the document and leaving the slurry (which dries to form newpaper) held by the mesh and making good the holes. A variety of leaf-castingequipment is available, ranging from small manual machines to large automatic,

    and even continuous, ones. The disadvantage of this process used on its own is that

    it wily fill holes, but not repair tears or strengthen weak paper (although resizingcan be accomplished while leaf-casting). Hence, documents may require further

    treatment - e.g. lamination or encapsulation - to make them suitable for handling.Moreover, since it is a wet process, it can only be used with non-water-soluble inks

    and pigments. However, it can be used conveniently with aqueous deacidification.

    A considerable amount of skill and experience and careful calculation of the extentof the damage and the quantity of slurry required (these calculations may be done

    by sensing equipment or by hand; they are easier to make when book leaves and

    documents on paper of the same size are to be repaired) are necessary to achieve

    good results (i.e. where the replacement paper is exactly the same thickness as thatof the document), and even with the expensive continuous machines, productivityis not, therefore, very high.

    5.1.10 Paper splitting. The technique of paper splitting is an old one, which has

    recently been revived, especially in Eastern Europe. In this treatment weak or

    damaged paper sheets which have text upon both sides and which cannot bebacked are split laterally to form two single-sided sheets, between which a

    strengthening sheet is inserted. This is a skilled process, which requires trainingand experience, and it is not possible, therefore, to achieve high productivity;

    though it is quicker than traditional paper repair.

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    5.1.11 Paper strengthening. Experiments are being made with systems for

    strengthening weak papers by impregnating them with monomers and bombarding

    them with weak gamma-rays to create polymers which are chemically attached tothe paper. None of these systems of copolymerisation has yet been proved or

    developed beyond the prototype stage (74).

    5.2 Bindings

    5.2.1 Restoration of bindings. The repair or replacement of bindings is rarely cost-effective unless the original binding has historical, aesthetic or other intrinsic valueand interest or the document which it encases is of high value and interest. Where

    the repair or replacement of a binding appears justified on such grounds, the old

    binding should be disassembled only so far as is necessary to repair any damage toits contents, and restored in exactly the same style and materials as the original.

    Such work requires high levels of skill and experience, far beyond those of thestandard library bindery. It also takes considerable time and cannot be rushed.

    5.2.2 Binding. The traditional method of securing loose papers to make them easier

    to handle and to protect them against theft or misplacement is to bind them into

    volumes. Since such papers rarely come in identical sizes and in neat gatheringslike the sheets of printed books, here also a level of skills and experience higher

    than those of the standard library bindery is required. Special techniques, such aspacking to make up for smaller sized sheets and to assist the volume to open

    properly, have to be learned. Cropping pages to provide neat edges should never

    take place. This work is time consuming and labour intensive. Where adequatemargins have not been left, especially on the reverse sides, the text may disappear

    into the gutter and be difficult to read. An alternative method of perfect binding

    using modern adhesives and standard cases has been employed in some archives.This can be semi-mechanical and does not require highly skilled operators. It is,however, doubtful whether the volumes so created will stand up to the test of time

    or frequent handling for consultation and copying. In China and Japan a style of

    binding is pratised in which writing is on one side of each sheet of paper; this is

    then folded back and volumes are made up by threading through the margins of the

    doubled sheets.

    5.2.3 Guarding and filing. This technique makes use of guards, or paper strips, ofthe same weight as the individual papers which constitute the assembly. Each

    paper is pasted by means of a slight overlap to its guard and the guards are thenaligned, drilled and laced between pre-cut boards. Special care has to be taken to

    balance smaller sized papers to give an even thickness to the finished file.

    Alternatively a guard may be attached in machine-lamination processes by abutting

    it to the paper and overlapping the laminating tissue on to the guard. Guarding andfiling, except in the laminating process, requires some skill and experience and is

    labour intensive, though less time-consuming than binding proper. It has the

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    advantages over binding of enabling the pages to open completely clear of the

    gutter and of permitting the volume to be taken apart easily again if necessary.

    5.2.4 Pillar binding. When documents are encapsulated, an adequate margin of

    polyester may be left which can be drilled and the encapsulated documents madeup into assemblies within pillar (post) bindings.

    5.3 Parchment and Vellum

    5.3.1 Nature and properties. Parchment is made from the skin of animals (usually

    sheep or goats) prepared in a special way so that it can be written on with ink. It is

    found extensively among the medieval archives of Western Europe, but it occurs atlater dates and more widespread geographically for the recording of especially

    formal and solemn documents. Parchment has a 'grain', arising from the

    rearrangement of the natural fibres as a result of tension applied during processing,and the 'hair' and 'flesh' sides have differing characteristics. Some parchments are

    split in the interest of economy or suppleness. Vellum (originally calf skin - thereis no separate word in many languages) is of a heavier weight and was used for

    important manuscripts and documents and for bindings and other types of cover.

    5.3.2 Traditional parchment repair. The techniques of repairing damaged

    parchment documents are similar to those for paper described in 5.1.4 above. New

    parchment of a similar thickness and colour, with a similar 'grain' and with 'hair'

    and 'flesh' sides matching should be used to repair damaged documents. The main

    differences from repairing paper documents are that parchment has to be cut, nottorn, and the edges on the flesh side carefully pared to provide a slight overlap, and

    that the repair is performed with the parchment dry (though it may be necessary torehumidify to 55% RH before treatment if the parchment has become too dry). Theskills and experience required are equal to those needed for traditional paper repair

    and the process is labour intensive and time consuming.

    5.3.3 Strengthening parchment documents. Where parchment documents need tobe strengthened, they may be backed with new parchment, if the reverse contains

    no text. Where it does contain text a traditional strengthening material has been

    fine silk gauze (an animal product) which is pasted over the parchment. Substantialloss of legibility may occur as a consequence. An alternative traditional substance

    is goldbeaters' skin (a fish swim bladder product). A newer technique uses a

    covering of reconstituted collagen (another animal product, mainly used to makesausage skins). This is cheaper than goldbeaters' skin and blends better with the

    parchment than silk and causes less loss of legibility.

    5.4 Other Traditional Support Materials

    In addition to paper and parchment many other materials have been used atdifferent times and by different societies as a support for written information.

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    These include papyrus, birch bark, palm leaves, wood, ivory, clay and stone. The

    conservation of such materials is as highly specialised as is that of paper,

    parchment and bindings, and should not be attempted without proper training andexperience. Advice on the conservation of traditional materials is likely to exist

    still within their country of origin, often within the museum service, if not moregenerally.

    5.5 Seals

    The use of seals to authenticate documents is common to many periods andsocieties. They vary in form (pendant - double or single sided, applied, stamped)

    and materials (lead, wax, shellac, ink). The repair of pendant and applied seals is

    highly skilled work, not to be undertaken by the inexperienced. Where thenecessary skills are not available, the best treatment is to pack the seals carefully in

    cellulose wadding to prevent further damage and to restrict further handling,though care should be taken to avoid detaching them from the documents. Stampedseals may often use inks or pigments which are water-soluble and special care

    should be taken, therefore, when subjecting the documents on which they occur totreatments which involve wetting.

    6. Preservation and conservation of non-textual materials

    6.1 Still Photographs

    6.1.1 Nature and properties. Although photography has been around for almost a

    century and a half, it is only recently that, outside a few specialist photographic

    collections, concern has been shown for the preservation of photographs,especially those which occur among archives (2, 25, 29). Photographs presentspecial problems because they are complex objects, which have in common only

    that each is composed of two or more elements, including a support or base (which

    may be of many different substances), a chemically active ingredient (usuallymetallic silver in the case of black and white photographs) which reacts to light to

    form the image and a binder to bind the two together (except in collotypes anddaguerrotypes). Each of these elements may react differently not only to

    environmental conditions, chemical pollution or handling but also to attempts attheir conservation. Active conservation is, therefore, a highly skilled operationwhich should only be undertaken by those trained and experienced both in

    recognising the specific photographic processes involved and in their respectivetreatments. In general the safest treatment for photographic records is to pack themindividually in chemically inert wrappers (not only acid-free but also sulphur- and

    peroxide-free - glassine envelopes are not now recommended) or encapsulate them

    in polyester film, and preserve them in the dark in optimum environmental

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    conditions (the lower the temperature the better; relative humidity should be

    between 30% and 50%).

    6.1.2 Photographic negatives. These may be on a variety of transparent supports,

    the chief of which are glass, cellulose acetate and polyester (poly(ethylene-terephthalate)). These supports are of varying stability (see 3.1.1 and 3.1.4 above).Damage to photographic negatives is most likely to occur from breakage in the

    case of glass negatives; from damage to or distortion of the emulsion layer arising

    from the differing responses of support and emulsion to dimensional changes

    resulting from cycling of environmental conditions, which can cause the emulsionand image to crack or even to separate from the support; or from chemical damageto the image as a result of poor initial processing, subsequent chemical pollution

    from the environment, or migration from wrappers or other substances with which

    they have been in contact or to which they have been close in storage. Still

    photographic negatives on a cellulose nitrate base (which is chemically unstableand highly inflammable) are less common than motion pictures on such a base.

    Photographic negatives on a paper support may also be found. Active conservationtreatment of photographic negatives, such as chemical re-processing or floating

    emulsion and image from a damaged support to a new one, should only beattempted by those who are professionally competent to do so.

    6.1.3 Photographic positives. These are most likely to use paper as their support,

    but a variety of other supports may be found, such as metal in several early

    processes, and glass for lantern slides. As with photographic negatives damage is

    most likely to occur from damage to or distortion of the emulsion and image, orfrom chemical damage to the image, often caused by poor processing, atmospheric

    pollution or impurities either in the paper support or, more commonly, in mounts

    or photographic albums, or by other materials (e.g. newsprint) stored in association

    with them or enclosures (envelopes, boxes, etc) of poor quality materials. Removalfrom mounts and albums, where this is possible without risk of damage to the

    photographs or loss of evidential value, and separation from associated materials

    may arrest, though it cannot reverse (but see 2), chemical deterioration. (It isaxiomatic that where photographs are physically removed from associated

    materials which themselves form part of the record, the intellectual links betweenthe two must be retained by means of cross-references in lists or inventories.)

    Active treatment should be undertaken only when skilled photographic

    conservators are available.

    6.1.4 Colour photographs. These come in the form of negatives, positive printsmade from them, 'direct' positive transparencies/slides, and 'direct' positive prints('Polaroid'). The light sensitive dyes which record the image are much less stable

    than the silver salts used in black and white photographs and it is crucial that they

    be stored in a stable environment, ideally at a low temperature of not more than 5

    C with a stable relative humidity in the range 30-50%. Active conservationtreatment of damaged or deteriorating colour photographs is generally virtually

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    impossible and duplication may be the only option for rapidly deteriorating


    6.1.5 Microforms. These are a version of still photographs in which a series of

    images is held on a transparent support (cellulose acetate or polyester - see 3.1.1and 3.1.4 above for stability problems) in roll (microfilm) or sheet (microfiche)form. Some early microfilm may be on motion picture cellulose nitrate stock, from

    which it should be copied and the original disposed of (see 6.2.1 below). The

    image in all early microforms and in modern archival microforms is formed in a

    silver-gelatin emulsion, which is liable to the same kinds of damage ordeterioration as other silver-salt photographs. Diazo, vesicular andelectrophotographic ('erasable') microforms are now common as duplicates; they

    tend to react adversely to high levels of light and are not recommended for long-

    term preservation. Treatment of microforms is usually confined to the replacement

    of metallic spools or poor quality, unstable containers by inert ones, followed bystorage in the recommended environmental conditions (26) and apart from paper

    based materials which may give off peroxide fumes. Careful washing of dirty orsticky microforms may also be undertaken, but chemical treatment is not


    6.1.6 Office copies. There have been many and varied processes for producingoffice copies either direct from the originals or by printing from microform copies.

    Of these the earliest was the mimeograph, characterised by the very poor quality of

    the paper supports and the fugitive dyes in the inks. The earliest copy process was

    the 'photostat' (a term often used loosely and incorrectly for all photocopyingprocesses), which was produced by a photographic process and, if properlyprocessed and stored, created a reasonably permanent copy. Unfortunately most

    were not properly processed. The latest, the electrostatic or xerographic copy

    (sometimes known by the trade name 'Xerox'), can also be virtually permanent ifthe machine in which it has been created was properly serviced, the toner was

    correctly formulated and fused and the paper is of permanent quality. However,

    between the two there have been a vast number of other processes, e.g. thermofax,verifax, which have produced copies which are very short lived because the quality

    of the materials is poor, image fixing is poor and the coated paper used is sensitiveto light or heat. The only way of preserving the texts of such copies is to recopy

    them by a process which produces a more permanent copy (69). Office copiers

    which reproduce colour have recently been introduced. The archival permanenceof their products is uncertain.

    6.2 Moving Images

    6.2.1 Motion pictures. Motion pictures (also called movies or cinematograph films)present all the problems encountered with still photographs, to which should be

    added, from the 1930s onwards, those created by soundtracks. Black and white 35mm motion pictures made before 1951 are likely to be on a cellulose nitrate base

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    and, therefore, highly inflammable or even explosive. They require special vaults

    for their storage and the only effective treatment is to copy them on to safety stock

    and dispose of the originals. Later 35 mm films on cellulose acetate ('safety') stockand all 16 mm films (on 'safety' stock) present fewer problems. Early colour film

    ('Technicolor') is reasonably stable, but new colour processes extensively usedbetween 1950 and 1970 are less permanent, and require special low temperaturestorage. Physical conservation treatment of motion pictures is impractical in all but

    a few rare and important cases. The only solution to damage or deterioration isproper handling and storage to arrest it or, if it has gone too far, copying (35, 45).

    6.2.2 Video recordings. These are a new form of moving image, with sound,created by recording electrical charges on a magnetic tape. They are mainly at risk

    from wear, from damage in inadequately maintained machinery or from unsuitable

    environmental conditions which may cause the separation of the electromagnetic

    recording medium, the polyester base and the proprietary binder (usually polyesterurethane, which becomes sticky at high temperatures and relative humidities)

    which holds them together. There is also some evidence that the electromagneticsignals fade over time and may be affected by external electromagnetic

    interference. Preservation in a proper environment and careful handling areessential, failing which the only preservation measure is copying, though this can

    present problems if the original recording equipment is obsolete and unavailable.

    6.3 Sound Recordings

    6.3.1 Audio discs. Early sound recordings are to be found on wax or shellac drums,wax and metal discs (pressing masters) also may sometimes find their way to the

    archives; but the most usual form of sound recording until very recently was the

    disc, originally in fragile shellac but since the 1950s more often in plastic, which isless fragile, but liable to scratch and warp. Sizes, playing speeds and methods ofrecording (acoustic and electrical) vary but the basic technology is generally the

    same. The materials are generally very stable (though 'leaking' of the plasticizer in

    discs is not uncommon), but physical damage from careless handling (scratching or

    breakage), poor quality or damaged pickups, excessive playing (wear or

    scratching) or bad storage (warping) is common. Copying is the only practicablepreservation measure if the machinery is still available to 'play' the original (35).

    6.3.2 Audio tapes. These are polyester tapes carrying a magnetizeable coating held

    together by a proprietary binder. The magnetic layer receives and holds anelectrical charge which can be read back to re-create the sound. Variations are to

    be found in the number of tracks per tape and in the recording/playback speeds.

    The problems are the same as for video recordings (see 6.2.2) and copying, where

    equipment is still available, is the only practicable preservation measure.

    6.4 Machine-Readable Records

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    6.4.1 Magnetic media. The well established means of recording computer data is a

    magnetic medium, which may be in tape or disc form, with characteristics which

    are similar to those of video recordings (see 6.2.2) and audio tape (see 6.3.2). Thepreservation of such media requires proper storage, careful handling and, if all else

    fails, regular copying.

    6.4.2 Optical discs. A more recent development is in the use of lasers to write and

    read to specially prepared discs to record digitally encoded data whether those be

    computer records, video pictures or audio sounds. The process is still at the

    development stage and there are no standards for recording and replaying devices,but it is a highly compact medium which may at least provide a longer-termstorage medium for digitally encoded data than magnetic video, audio or computer

    tape or magnetic disc.

    7. Substitution copying

    7.1 Purpose

    7.1 1 Alternative to conservation treatment. The substitution of a copy (or .surrogate) for an original record which is damaged or decayed or which will

    predictably deteriorate may be the only solution when restoration treatment has a

    low priority or is impractical on account of cost, lack of technical expertise or

    absence of a suitable treatment. The original thereafter can be:

    (a) enclosed carefully in neutral wrappings and placed in secure storage inoptimum environmental conditions until a cost-effective treatment is available: thisis most appropriate for damaged documents but may also be appropriate fordeteriorating documents which are not yet at the stage of complete decay and

    where the rate of deterioration can be arrested or reduced by proper storage;

    (b) left to continue its deterioration, but with the hope that a cost-effectivetreatment may be developed before it decays completely; or

    (c) destroyed - this is not an option which an archivist will readily adopt, but it may

    sometimes be the only sensible course; in many cases it will be the unavoidableoutcome of option (b).

    7.1.2 After conservation treatment. In other cases it may be necessary both to treatthe original record and to provide a substitute copy for reference use. This may be

    because either:

    (a) the record has a high intrinsic value and merits conservation treatment - in this

    case the purpose of the substitute is to provide a copy for consultation, thuspreventing further or renewed damage or deterioration of the repaired original; or

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    (b) the record has a high informational value but is so badly damaged that a copy

    cannot be made until at least some repair treatment has been undertaken.

    7.1.3 To prevent damage requiring conservation treatment. Here the substitution is

    a preventive measure to remove the risk of damage to records which may be fragilebut not deteriorating, in a sound condition but likely to be heavily used andhandled or of very high intrinsic value. In such cases the originals should be

    retained and stored in proper environmental conditions.

    7.2 Types of Substitutes

    7.2.1 Facsimiles. For an individual record with a high intrinsic value (e.g. an earlyilluminated manuscript, the national constitution or a holograph letter from a

    famous historical personage) a good quality facsimile is the best substitute.

    However, such facsimiles require a good, if not a special, camera and facilities forproducing high quality colour photographs or even, if multiple copies are to be

    produced, for colour printing. They are, therefore, usually expensive and oftenrequire the document to be taken to a photographic studio where environmental

    conditions and document handling techniques will need to be monitored carefully.

    If the original is a bound volume, it may be necessary to disbind the volume andseparate the sheets, even where that is not essential for the conservation treatment,

    to obtain the best results. Any negatives or printing masters should be kept inoptimum environmental conditions to ensure that the copying once done will never

    have to be repeated.

    7.2.2 Photographs. Where the expense of a full-colour facsimile is not justified, a

    good black and white photograph may be sufficient, especially as a means ofproviding reference copies of photographs. The print need not be actual size wherethe original is still being preserved and the purpose of the print is to save damage

    or deterioration from handling. Colour transparencies may be a suitable means of

    producing reference copies of records in which colour is an important element,such as maps and plans, posters, topographical sketches. It is important that the

    negatives or other masters be carefully preserved and catalogued to preventunnecessary recopying.

    7.2.3 Electrostatic Copies. This is a cheaper method of providing black and white

    same-size copies than photography. It is the best way of replacing deteriorating

    non-permanent copies or other individual items in modern files. Continuous printfrom microfilm can be filed (in the sense of 5.2.3) between boards to produce

    substitute volumes. Where direct copies are required, 'permanent' paper should beused, the machine should be properly maintained and clean, and the toner should

    be of the kind, and be used as, recommended by the manufacturer (69). It is

    important to instruct staff carefully in the careful handling of documents during

    copying. In general copying of bound volumes should be avoided since theapplication of pressure is likely to result in damage to both binding and paper.

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    7.2.4 Microforms. The cheapest method of providing substitutes is microcopying,

    in the form of roll microfilm or microfiche. Not only is it the cheapest form of

    substitution; it is also cheaper than any form of active conservation. The masternegative, which should be of the silver-gelatin type on polyester film and be

    processed in conformity with international processing standards, should be storedin accordance with international preservation standards and should never be usedas a viewing copy, but only to produce duplicates to serve as intermediate masters

    or viewing copies (4, 18). Colour microforms may be used for viewing copies ofcoloured materials which would be damaged by excessive handling, but they are

    not permanent and should not be relied upon as substitutes for deteriorating


    7.2.5 Electronic image capture. This new technique is based upon a combination of

    photo-electric, laser and computer technologies which enables a document to be

    scanned as a matrix and the black/white or red/blue/green characteristics of thevery small segments of that matrix ('pixels' = picture elements) to be reduced to an

    electronic code, which can be stored on a magnetic medium or optical disc andviewed on a display screen or printed out. It is also possible, using this technique,

    to enhance the quality of faded or incomplete images, and it has been used in thisway to restore deteriorating still and motion pictures and to replace faded or

    stained original paper documents.

    7.2.6 Information transfer. When it is only the information contained in the original

    record and not the original support/carrier of that record which is important, it is

    justifiable to transfer that information by copying. When the support isdeteriorating copying may be the only way of preserving the information. To someextent all the processes described above are forms of information transfer, but they

    are means of preserving individual items, or series of items, which have been

    found to be damaged or deteriorating or to be at risk of damage or deteriorationfrom excessive use. Some forms of record are known to have a limited life and

    should always be recopied on transfer to the archives. One option is copying on to

    the same medium (in which case further copying will be necessary in due course),especially for audio, video and computer recordings on magnetic tapes, which

    should at least be transferred to fresh tapes which have been evaluated and testedand which are of 'archival' quality (this does not mean 'permanent' in this context).

    Transfer to a different version of the same medium tea audio cassettes to open reel

    magnetic audio tape, 'floppy discs' to magnetic computer tape, nitrate film to safetyfilm), or even to a different medium (e.g. to optical disc) should also be

    considered. Records in other formats for which the risk of damage is high may also

    be copied automatically on transfer to provide a copy for back-up and use (e.g.gramophone discs to audio tape, glass photographic negatives to film negatives).

    Part two: Planning, staffing and equipping a preservation

    and conservation service

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    8. Establishing a preservation and conservation programme9. Workshop accommodation and services10. Staffing11. Equipment and materials12. Planning and co-ordination

    8. Establishing a preservation and conservation programme

    8.1 Evaluating Needs

    8.1.1 Preservation and conservation surveys. The most effective way of tackling

    preservation and conservation problems is to establish a planned conservationprogramme based upon a systematic survey of buildings and holdings. Guidance

    on the conduct of such a survey is given in a separate RAMP study (13) and willnot be repeated in detail here.

    8.1.2 Levels of investigation. The survey should identify preservation and

    conservation problems at the following levels:

    a) those affecting the building as a whole (e.g. unsatisfactory environmentalconditions);

    b) those affecting a specific area of the building (e.g. an insect or mould


    c) those affecting the whole of a series of records (e.g. acidic deterioration arising

    from their component materials);

    d) those affecting an individual item (e.g. damage caused by excessive or carelesshandling).

    It is usually not feasible to conduct an inspection of every item, but each series

    should be sampled to identify not only general problems but also any high

    incidence of individual problems which would justify an item-by-item inspection.

    8.1.3 Continuous assessment. It should not be assumed that the conservationconditions in an archive will remain static and the survey of the building should be

    repeated annually and that of the holdings at intervals of not more than every tenyears, to identify new or recurrent problems and to assess the progress ofdeterioration of documents which it has not been feasible to treat in the intervals

    between surveys. In addition the conservation condition of each new accession

    should be noted and integrated into the programme. Items produced for

    consultation should also be inspected as a matter of routine to identify any

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    conservation problems which are not already recorded or which have become

    worse since the last survey.

    8.2 Matching Treatment to Needs

    8.2.1 Needs of the building. These may range from removal from a completely

    unsuitable building to one which provides better conditions, through improvementsto the environment in which the records are stored (e.g. by the introduction of

    portable humidifiers/dehumidifiers) and treatment of specific problems (e.g. bypest control or disinfection), to cleaning and the introduction of good housekeepingroutines.

    8.2.2 Needs of the holdings. Here a range of treatment options exist:

    a) full traditional conservation treatment;

    b) minor repairs;

    c) mass treatment;

    d) substitution;

    e) enclosing or re-enclosing in acid-free boxes, folders, etc;

    f) denying access to documents pending future action;

    g) doing nothing.

    8.2.3 Choosing an option. In choosing an option the archivist should beguided by three considerations:

    a) the value of the series or item, having regard both to its intrinsic value tie anymonetary value or special 'heritage' value) and to its informational value (i.e. the

    quantity and quality of the unique information which it records) (in the USA

    'intrinsic value' is used to embrace both these kinds of value - see 77);

    b) the level of use to which a series or item is subjected or may in future be

    subjected (this will to some extent be related to its informational value, but the two

    are not necessarily identical);

    c) the cost of implementing the various options.

    When the archivist has assessed relative value and use, he can select the

    appropriate option by reference to Table One. As will be seen, the choice of one

    main option does not preclude the choice of a secondary option (e.g. a documentwhich has been given full traditional restoration treatment might then be

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    microfilmed and the microfilm used for consultation to prevent recurrence of the

    damage which occasioned the repair).

    8.3 Establishment of Priorities

    8.3.1 The building. In general the treatment of problems which affect the whole of

    a building or a specific area of it should be given priority since this will be to thebenefit of all, or a substantial part of, the holdings. Immediate priority should

    always be given to any problem which will spread or get worse if not treatedpromptly (e.g. leaking roofs, leaking water pipes, infestation by fungi, insects oranimal pests).

    8.3.2 The holdings. A systematic programme of conservation treatment should be

    established. Treatment of entire series rather than piecemeal treatment of

    individual items should be the aim, although exceptions may have to be made forindividual items which have a high intrinsic value or which are in high demand for

    use. In assessing priorities to establish such a programme account should be takenof value and use (or potential use) and also of the urgency of the need for

    conservation treatment. Value and use should be assessed by an archivist, and the

    urgency of the need for treatment by a conservator. A simple means of establishinga scale of priorities is for the archivist to give marks out of five for value and out of

    five for use and for the conservator to give marks out of ten for urgency oftreatment. The sum of the marks should then be used in association with Table One

    to indicate priorities for each of the appropriate treatment options.

    Table one: Treatment options


    High Medium Low

    USE OR



    High Restoration and

    substitute for


    Minor repairs and

    substitute for reference or


    Substitute for

    reference or


    Medium Restoration Minor repairs or




    Low Minor repairs Passive conservation Do nothing


    9. Workshop accommodation and services

    9.1 Construction. Whether the accommodation provided for the conservation

    workshop is new construction or an adaptation of existing premises, a number of

    factors have to be taken into account in determining its suitability.

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    9.1.1 Floor loading. This should be adequate for the weight of the equipment to be

    installed. Special care should be taken to ensure that the floor loading is adequate

    for heavy items of equipment and machinery such as presses, guillotines andfumigation chambers.

    9.1.2 Light. Natural light is essential but direct sunlight should be avoided. Hence,a north facing aspect in the northern hemisphere and a south facing aspect in the

    southern are ideal. Where such an orientation is not feasible or in tropical areas

    where neither aspect is ideal at all times of the year, external or internal blinds

    should be provided. In addition good but glare-free and ultra-violet filteredartificial lighting (filters will need renewing from time to time) should be provided.

    9.1.3 Height. Adequate clearance should be provided between equipment and theceiling.

    9.1.4 Environment. The workshop should be provided with the same

    environmental conditions as those of the storage areas, which should approach asclose as possible to the standards set out in 4.1.1 above. This is necessary to ensure

    that any treatment undertaken is not undermined by changes in the environment

    when the document is returned to storage. In addition an equable workingenvironment will be provided for staff. In tropical countries this will require the

    installation of an effective ventilation system, dehumidifiers or, ideally, air-conditioning. In calculating the specification for this air-conditioning account

    should be taken not only of the cubic capacity of the area and of the number of

    staff working there, but also of the heat output of the equipment. This latter may beascertained from the manufacturers' specifications. A construction and layout

    without internal walls will permit the maximum circulation of air. Separate wall-

    mounted air-conditioning units are generally to be preferred to a central air-conditioning system on grounds of initial cost and ease of maintenance. Thespecial requirements of storage areas are dealt with in 9.7 below.

    9.2 Size. It is not possible to lay down an ideal size for the accommodation for a

    conservation workshop. The size of the accommodation to be provided will dependupon the number of staff to be employed, the range of processes and equipment,

    and the scale of operations. It is prudent to provide for later expansion wherepossible (see 9.3 below).

    9.2.1 Minimum standards. It is, however, possible to lay down some minimumstandards for the space required (16):

    Conservators' workbenches 15 m each

    Map and large document table 20 m to 25 m depending upon table size

    Other items of equipment or processing areas 15 m each minimum

    Document strongroom 10 m minimum

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    Materials store 20 m minimum

    Area for handling chemicals 15 m minimum

    Office 20 m minimum

    9.2.2 Circulation space. When the space requirements for the individualcomponents have been totalled, a further 25 per cent should be added for

    circulation space. In a self-contained unit provision will also have to be made forwashing and toilet facilities and for first-aid and rest rooms.

    9.3 Modular construction. Where it is intended that a conservation workshop

    should be developed over a period of time, it may be cost-effective to provide ateach stage of development only such accommodation as is necessary at that stage.

    This objective may be achieved by modular planning, which involves the drawing

    up of an outline plan for the fully developed workshop and within that planproviding at each stage of development accommodation which meets immediate

    needs and at the same time forms a component of the overall plan.

    9.4 Lay-out. There is no ideal lay-out for a conservation workshop. How theequipment will be positioned will depend upon the range of processes and the scaleof operations. A specimen lay-out is provided at Appendix C for guidance. In

    adapting this to specific situations a number of general principles should beobserved.

    9.4.1 Work-flow. So far as possible a conservator should be able to carry out anentire process at or near to his workbench. However, where a range of equipmentand processes are involved these should be set out so as to facilitate the progress ofwork between the various items of equipment and processes. This is especially

    necessary in respect of the several stages of binding and rebinding. In relating

    work-flow to lay-out the objectives should be:

    a) to plan space and operations to minimise the movement of the records and to

    facilitate handling of records of varying sizes;

    b) to make the flow lines as short as possible;

    c) to keep flow lines in a horizontal plane;

    d) to avoid cross-over of flow lines;

    e) to integrate the work-flows of separate processes in such a way that those

    relating to a common component run in parallel and others do not cross-over;

    f) to give priority in proportion to the projected scale of operations where the flow

    lines of the several processes cannot all be of optimum length.

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    9.4.2 Ergonomic considerations. The positioning of individual items of equipment

    should be such that the comfort, convenience and safety of the conservators is

    maximised. To some extent the application of work-flow studies, by reducinglateral movement, will contribute to this. Other considerations involved are:

    a) provision of good quality adjustable swivel stools and chairs with supportingbackrests for operations which can be carried out in a seated position;

    b) positioning of switches, taps, etc. within easy reach of normal workingpositions;

    c) placing of equipment which is not self-standing on benches or tables which areat a convenient height for the mode of working (standing or seated);

    d) positioning hazardous machinery well away from the normal working area (e.g.fumigation chambers, if used, should not be placed within the conservationworkshop).

    9.5. Relationship to other archival units. It is generally more efficient for anarchival conservation workshop to be contained within the main archive building

    or complex of buildings. Its location within the archives will vary, depending upon

    whether its accommodation is part of a planned new archive building incorporating

    all component services, a conversion of accommodation within an existingbuilding or an additional building within an existing archive complex. However,

    whatever the situation, its location should, so far as possible, be planned withregard to the relationship between the conservation workshop and other archivalservices. If it is not at ground floor level, a large goods lift will be required for themovement of equipment and materials.

    9.5.1 Location. The optimum location of a conservation workshop may be

    established by the same principles of work-flow as those applied to determine thelay-out within the workshop itself (16). The other units with which there will bethe closest relationship are likely to be:

    a) storage areas: for the ease of retrieval and replacement of documents whichrequire conservation treatment;

    b) reading rooms: for ease of transfer to the workshop for first-aid repair ofdocuments found in use to be damaged or decayed;

    c) reprographic department: for convenience in preparing damaged or fragile

    documents for copying or for preservation microfilming;

    d) loading bay: for the receipt of equipment and materials.

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    e) lifts, 'paternosters' or stairs: for the transport of documents, equipment and

    materials within the building.

    9.6 Services. The main services required by a conservation workshop are

    electricity and water. Guaranteed standards of supply are desirable and where theseare not met by the normal public service, special arrangements should be made.

    9.6.1 Electricity. Adequate power outlets should be provided for all electrical

    equipment planned, with several spare outlets to provide flexibility. Considerationshould be given to floor or ceiling mounted outlets so as to avoid long runs ofcabling to workbenches and equipment, which constitute a safety hazard. Where

    the local electricity supply is erratic, it may be desirable to install a generator

    which can substitute for the local supply when necessary. It is essential to specifythe standard local voltage when ordering from manufacturers or suppliers

    equipment which is dependent upon electricity. Equipment for the European andAmerican markets is manufactured to operate on different voltage standards andwhere equipment is manufactured to meet only one of these standards, it may need

    to be specially adapted for use with the local voltage. Some equipment tea powerguillotines) may require a 3-phase supply.

    9.6.2 Water. An adequate supply of water is essential for many conservation

    treatments. Where the quality of the water supply cannot be guaranteed, or doesnot meet the required standards, filters should be installed to remove harmful

    impurities and to maintain the required level of softness/hardness. For some

    processes distilled or deionized water will be required.

    9.6.3 Drainage. Large quantities of liquid waste will have to be disposed of. Thiswill have to be done in accordance with accepted safety and environmentalstandards. Where the public drainage facilities are not adequate, separate

    arrangements will have to be made.

    9.6.4 Chemical waste. Chemical waste in both liquid and gaseous forms will haveto be disposed of. This also will have to be done in accordance with accepted

    safety and environmental standards.

    9.7 Storage.

    9.7.1 Document strongroom. A strongroom in which documents will be kept whileawaiting or undergoing conservation treatment should be provided. This should be

    constructed to the same standards as the main storage areas in the archive, for


    a) floor loading: at least 2,000 Kg/m ;

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    b) minimum fire resistance: floors and ceiling - 2 hours; doors - self-closing, no

    distortion for one hour; no windows;

    c) ceilings to be impervious to water;

    d) fire detection and alarm system to be installed; fire extinguishers, hoses or

    sprinklers to be sited within the strongroom;

    e) environment: temperature - 15-22 C; relative humidity between 35% and 65%,preferably below 55%; neither temperature nor relative humidity should cycle by

    more than 1% C and 5% respectively (see 4.1.1);

    f) internal wiring: mineral insulated copper sheathed cable with screwed joints;

    g) lighting: fluorescent tubes with diffusers and ultra-violet light filters; externallight switches;

    h) shelving: non-combustible materials with non-corrodible, non-toxic, non-acidicfinish; should permit free circulation of air; bottom shelves to be set at 15 cm

    above floor level; top shelves to be so that at least 15 cm remains between the topof the documents and the ceiling;

    i) security lock (but openable from within).

    9.7.2 Materials store. The store for materials should be sufficiently large to hold atleast two-years normal stocks. It should be fitted with shelves and lockablecupboards as required. The environment should be controlled to maintain an

    equable temperature and relative humidity to prevent deterioration of perishable

    stocks (e.g. paste, laminating tissue). A fire detection and alarm system should beinstalled, together with hand-held fire extinguishers.

    9.7.3 Chemical store. Ideally this should be away from the main building. A sinkand bench with chemical resistant surfaces and a fume hood should be provided for

    chemical handling and use. A refrigerator should be provided for chemicals which

    require low temperature storage. The store should be well ventilated, with anextractor fan for venting to the roof any fumes caused by accidental chemical

    spillage. A fire detection and alarm system should be installed together with hand-held fire extinguishers suitable for fighting chemical fires. First-aid equipment and

    protective clothing should be provided.

    10. Staffing

    10.1 Functions. See Appendix A for job descriptions.

    10.1.1 Archival functions. Conservation should be at the forefront of everyarchivist's priorities. In addition to specific responsibilities for advising on the

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    value and use of material which has been identified as in need of conservation

    treatment so as to determine priorities, archivists should be seeking in their every-

    day activities to ensure that documents are handled carefully by staff and publicand that they are not damaged, whether deliberately or accidentally.

    10.1.2 Conservation functions. The work of deciding on appropriate conservationtreatment is the joint responsibility of the archivist and the conservator; carrying

    out that treatment is the responsibility of the conservator. This requires a wide

    range of specialist knowledge of the nature of documents and the best treatment in

    specific circumstances, as well as the necessary dexterity and expertise to carry outthat treatment. This means that conservators should be more than just skilledcraftsmen; they should be as professional as archivists, with whom they should

    work as equal and respected members of the preservation team.

    10.1.3 Sub-professional functions. Some treatments (e.g. lamination,encapsulation, deacidification) require only limited expertise and may be entrustedsafely to trained technicians working under the direction of conservators. Other

    tasks, especially passive conservation activities, such as boxing and reboxing,cleaning the storage areas, etc. will not require any specific expertise provided that

    they are performed conscientiously under proper management.

    10.2 Management.

    10.2.1 Preservation management. Preservation, as defined in 2.1.1 above, is the

    responsibility of the top management of every archival institution. In terms of day-to-day management this responsibility will be delegated to the Preservation

    Manager, who should be a member of staff of equal status to the heads of otherdepartments within the institution. He (or she) should be responsible for preparingfor approval and carrying out a preservation and conservation programme which

    includes the physical care of the records and the identification and treatment of any

    conservation needs, including making arrangements for the provision of substituteswhere appropriate. Initially management at this level will almost certainly have to

    be undertaken by an archivist, who should have a sufficient grasp of the technicalprocesses to discuss them constructively with conservators but need not be a

    conservator himself. In the longer term there is no reason why a suitablyexperienced conservator should not be considered for this post. Financialresponsibility will normally be located at this level. There are advantages in

    combining the post with that of general responsibility for other technical areas (e.g.reprographics).

    10.2.2 Conservation management. A Senior Conservator should have day-to-day

    control of operations and should decide immediate priorities in the light of general

    guidelines agreed with the Preservation Manager, to whom he (or she) should be

    responsible for: