UNESCO. Executive Board; 142nd session; Consideration...

” ted Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Executive Board ex Hundred and forty-second Session 142 EX/24 PARIS, 12 October 1993 Original: French/English Item 6.5 of the nrovisional apenda CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTS BY INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE IN CATEGORIES A AND B TO BE REPRESENTED BY OBSERVERS AT THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY In pursuance of Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference and of decision 6.2 adopted by the Board at its 125th session, the Director-General submits to the Executive Board the requests by international non-governmental organizations (other than those in categories A and B) to be represented by observers at the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference. Decision required: paragraph 9.

Transcript of UNESCO. Executive Board; 142nd session; Consideration...

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” ted Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Executive Board ex

Hundred and forty-second Session

142 EX/24 PARIS, 12 October 1993 Original: French/English

Item 6.5 of the nrovisional apenda




In pursuance of Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference and of decision 6.2 adopted by the Board at its 125th session, the Director-General submits to the Executive Board the requests by international non-governmental organizations (other than those in categories A and B) to be represented by observers at the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference.

Decision required: paragraph 9.

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142 EX/24


1. In accordance with Article IV. 14 of the Constitution, Rule 6.7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference and paragraph IV.2 of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with international non-governmental organizations, the Director-General has invited the international non-governmental organizations admitted to category A (consultative and associate relations) and to category B (information and consultative relations) to send observers to the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference.

2. Invitations to organizations in category C (mutual information relationship) and to international non-governmental organizations, foundations or similar institutions which have not been admitted to any category of relationship are governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference, in accordance with which ‘the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting, may admit as observers at specified sessions of the Conference or of its commissions representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations’.


3. After considering document 125 EX/17, entitled ‘Procedure for dealing with requests by international non-governmental organizations (other than those in categories A and B) to be represented by observers at future sessions of the General Conference’, the Executive Board, in adopting 125 EX/Decision 6.2, invited the Director-General:

‘(a) to continue sending the provisional agenda of the sessions of the General Conference to non-governmental organizations in category C for information;

(b) to establish a list of organizations in that category which, at least one month before the opening of any session of the General Conference, have asked to send observers to it;

(c) to submit this list, without any additional information on the organizations concerned, to the Executive Board at its session preceding the opening of the General Conference’.

Moreover, when considering this list, the Executive Board must take a single decision either to recommend or not to recommend to the General Conference the admission of observers from all the organizations appearing on the list, without discussing individual cases.

4. By the same decision, the Executive Board laid down a special procedure for authorizing representatives of international non-govemmental or semi-governmental organizations not maintaining official relations with UNESCO to attend General Conference sessions as observers, in accordance with Article IV.E.13 of the Constitution and Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference.

5. Deeming it necessary to distinguish between organizations belonging to category C and those having no official relations with UNESCO, in accordance with the Directives, the

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Executive Board requested the Director-General to draw up in future a separate list of international non-governmental organizations not belonging to category C which, at least one month before the opening of any session of the General Conference, had asked to send observers to it, and to supply the Board at the same time with the information that would enable it to examine their requests in the light of the Directives and with reference to the resolutions of the General Conference and the decisions of the Executive Board concerning NGOs.

6. Decision 6.2 stipulated that the organizations, when submitting their requests and irrespective of their status with UNESCO, should indicate the items of the General Conference’s agenda in the examination of which their representatives would like to take part. It also specified that the participation of such organizations as observers in the sessions of the General Conference should be limited exclusively to the working meetings relating to the items of the agenda they had indicated.


7. By 26 September 1993, i.e. one month before the opening of the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference, the Director-General had received requests from:

(a) the following four organizations, classified in category C:

International Student Travel Conference

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission V, Major Programme Area V, Chapter 2, ‘Youth’;

Federation of International Youth Travel Organizations

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission V, Major Programme Area V, Chapter 2, ‘Youth’;

Union internationale de la marionnette

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994- 1995 - Programme Commission II, Major Programme Area I, ‘Education and the future’ - Programme Commission III, Major Programme Area II, ‘Science for progress and the environment’ - Programme Commission IV, Major Programme Area III, ‘Culture: past, present and future’ - Programme Commission V, Major Programme Area V, ‘Social and human sciences: contribution to development, peace, human rights and democracy’;

World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994- 1995 - Programme Commission II, Major Programme Area I, ‘Education and the future’ - Programme Commission III, Major Programme Area II, ‘Science for progress and the environment’;

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(b) two organizations not maintaining official relations with UNESCO:

Simon Wiesenthal Center (hex I)

Item 6.8: Proclamation of the United Nations Year for Tolerance and Declaration on Tolerance;

World Cultural Organization (Annex II)

Item 5.1 and item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission IV, Major Programme Area III, ‘Culture: past, present and future’ - World Decade for Cultural Development.

8. For information, the Director-General submits to the Board, in Annex III to this document, the list of international organizations other than those belonging to categories A and B admitted to take part in the proceedings of the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board, since its 100th session (1976).


9. The Executive Board is required to make to the General Conference a recommendation concerning the requests submitted by the organizations mentioned in paragraph 7 above, taking into account the procedure established in accordance with 125 EX/Decision 6.2. The following draft decision is submitted to the Executive Board:

The Executive Board,

1. HavinE considered the requests submitted by international non-governmental organizations other than those in categories A and B to be represented by observers at the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference (142 EX/24),

2. Referring to Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference and to the procedure that it adopted at its 125th session for dealing with such requests,

3. Decides to recommend to the General Conference that it admit as observers at its twenty-seventh session, as they have requested, the following international non-governmental organizations on the occasion of the examination in commission of those items on the provisional agenda listed against their names:

(a) four organizations classified in category C:

International Student Travel Conference

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission V, Major Programme Area V, Chapter 2, ‘Youth’;

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Federation of International Youth Travel Organizations

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission V, Major Programme Area V, Chapter 2, ‘Youth’;

Union internationale de la marionnette

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission II, Major Programme Area I, ‘Education and the future’ - Programme Commission III, Major Programme Area II, ‘Science for progress and the environment’ - Programme Commission IV, Major Programme Area III, ‘Culture: past, present and future’ - Programme Commission V, Major Programme Area V, ‘Social and human sciences: contribution to development, peace, human rights and democracy’;

World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises

Item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission II, Major Programme Area I, ‘Education and the future’ - Programme Commission III, Major Programme Area II, ‘Science for progress and the environment’;

(b) two organizations not maintaining official relations with UNESCO:

Simon Wiesenthal Center (Annex I)

Item 6.8: Proclamation of the United Nations Year for Tolerance and Declaration on Tolerance;

World Cultural Organization (Annex II)

Item 5.1 and item 5.5 of the provisional agenda: Detailed consideration of the Draft Programme and Budget for 1994-1995 - Programme Commission IV, Major Programme Area III, ‘Culture: past, present and future’ - World Decade for Cultural Development.

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142 EXl24 hex I


Simon Wiesenthai Center

1. Headquarters: Los Angeles (United States)

2. Date of foundation: 1985

3. Principal officers:

DtXUl: Rabbi Marvin Hier (United States)

Associate Dean: Rabbi Abraham Cooper (United States)

Director: Dr Gerald Margolis (United States)

Director for Europe and Latin America: Dr Shimon Samuels

4. Aims:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is a Jewish organization dedicated to combating anti- semitism on a worldwide basis. Its stated purpose is ‘the preservation of the memory of the Holocaust through the Wiesenthal Holocaust Museum, education, and awareness, with the goal that no people shall ever again fall victim to an atrocity of such magnitude’.

5. Geographical extension:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has regional offices in the United States, Canada, Israel and France.

6. Structure:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is governed by a 50-member board of trustees.

7. Budget and funding sources:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center raises funds through membership appeals, direct mail and banquets.

8. Main activities:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center and its Museum of Tolerance conduct ongoing activities in the field of tolerance-building and prejudice-reduction.

Beit-Hashoah Museum of Tolerance - Toward a more tolerant world

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, Beit-Hashoah Museum of Tolerance, a $50 million educational center founded to confront bigotry and racism and to understand the Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts opened on 8 February 1993. Through advanced exhibition techniques, hands-on computer stations, interactive displays, graphics, films and video monitors, this unique experiential museum focuses on two central themes: the history of

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142 EX/24 Annex I - page 2

racism, prejudice and genocides of the twentieth century culminating with the most monumental example of man’s inhumanity to man - the Nazi Holocaust.

‘Page one’ is a weekly one-hour programme on issues of the Simon Wiesenthal Center broadcast to a listening net of 16,000,OOO through the National Public Radio Network. It has correspondents in Bucharest, Budapest, Geneva, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Moscow, Vilnius.

Holocaust revisionism

Center officials confront the ‘big lie’ of Holocaust denial by alerting government leaders and developing strategies with educators in combating this troubling worldwide phenomenon.

Nazi war criminals

The Center has worked closely with government officials in a dozen countries in presenting over 1,500 cases of accused Nazi war criminals. Its activism has led to legislative initiatives in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.


The Center tracks, investigates and counters with its educational programmes, anti- Semitic manifestations worldwide.

It regularly organizes leadership missions to European capitals, the Middle East and Asia

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has also co-ordinated and co-sponsored important conferences on anti-Semitism (Paris, London, Jerusalem, East Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Toronto). It convenes an annual Leadership Conference in Washington, DC.

Exhibits and publications of the Simon Wiesenthal Center have had a profound impact on public attitudes, policy and opinion makers around the world. Exhibits on the life of Simon Wiesenthal, Soviet anti-Semitism, and the acclaimed ‘Courage to remember’ exhibit on the Holocaust, have been presented in over ten countries on three continents.

The Center’s commitment to Holocaust scholarship is backed by an International Academic Advisory Board and through the Wiesenthal Center’s Annual, which publishes academic papers on Holocaust-related issues. Other publications include special monographs on anti-Semitism around the world; the quest for peace in the Middle East; and a report to Congress on the fate of the ‘Lost Hero’ of the Holocaust, Raoul Wallenberg.

The media department produces Holocaust and human rights programmes to enlighten and educate.

The library and archives of the Simon Wiesenthal Center is a fully staffed multi-media resource center on the Holocaust, twentieth century genocides, anti-Semitism, racism, and related issues, available to researchers, media, students and the public.

9. Relations with the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies:

[No information received]

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10. Relations with other international non-governmental organizations:

[No information received]

11. Relations with UNESCO and contribution to the implementation of its objectives:

In June 1992, the Center co-sponsored an historic conference with UNESCO at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (Educating for tolerance: the case of resurgent anti-Semitism).

The Simon Wiesenthal Center and its Museum of Tolerance is willing to make an effective contribution to the achievements of UNESCO’s objectives in conformity with the principles proclaimed in UNESCO’s Constitution.

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142 EXi24 Annex II

World Cultural Organization (WCO)

1. Headquarters: New York (United States)

2. Date of foundation: 1993

3. Principal officers:

President: Kevin Smith (United States)

Vice-Presidents: Timothy Clinton (United States) Janet Barnes (United States)

Secretary: Hannah Robinson (United Kingdom)

Treasurer: George Leitenis (United States)

4. Aims:

WCO’s mission is to implement a world cultural centre to celebrate, educate, demonstrate and cultivate ethnic and multicultural diversity through all venues, and to maintain a living archive of human culture and achievement. WC0 will have a library, art gallery, theatre, recital hall, restaurants and support spaces, to be used on a rotational repertory basis, to offer the largest possible diversity and usage.

5. Geographical extension:

Contacts are presently undertaken with members in Argentina, Austria, Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

6. Structure:

WC0 is an NGO (in formation), under Law 501(c)(3) on non-profit organization, chartered in New York State.

7. Budget and funding sources:

WC0 derives its principal source of funding from donations of the Member States supporting WCO, and through private donations. WC0 is budgeted for US $500,000 through 1993. (From the documents received, only acknowledgements of WC0 requests for funding are available.)

8. Main activities:

Combined fine and performing arts facility and library: to open in late 1996.

9. Relations with the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies:

WC0 received last week the new application form for NGO consultative status with DPI. It is to be submitted by 31 December for approval next autumn. WC0 is in contact with UNICEF.

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10. Relations with other international non-governmental organizations:

Over 70 per cent of WC0 staff are members of, or Chapter Presidents of the United Nations Association of United States of America (member of WAFUNA, NGO cat. A).

11. Relations with UNESCO and contribution to the implementation of its objectives:

WC0 is working closely with the UNESCO Liaison Office in New York. WC0 is seeking off&&l relations with UNESCO and is looking forward to implementing as much of UNESCO’s objectives as possible in its new facility. WC0 believes that it can offer UNESCO a home for multicultural exchanges, a visible symbol of UNESCO in New York, and furtherance of UNESCO’s programme in New York, with UNESCO supervision.

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142 EXl24 hex III

List of international organizations other than those in categories A and B admitted to take part in the proceedings of the General Conference,

on the recommendation of the Executive Board, since its 100th session (1976)

Executive Board - 100th session (1976)

Association for Teacher Education in Africa (C) Arab Lawyers Union (C)

Executive Board - 105th session (1978)

Association for World Education (C) Arab Lawyers Union (C) International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (C) European Broadcasting Union (C) Latin American Federation of Press Workers World Press Freedom Committee

Executive Board - 110th session (1980)

Association of the Friends of Miguel Angel Asturias (C) African Bureau of Educational Sciences (C) World Press Freedom Committee (C) Latin American Federation of Press Workers (C) Latin American Federation of Journalists (C) International Press Institute (C) Association of Historians of Latin America and the Caribbean World Muslim Congress

Executive Board - 115th session (1982)

World Press Freedom Committee (C) International Press Institute (C)

Executive Board - 117th session (1983)

Lions Clubs International (C) World Press Freedom Committee (C) International Radio and Television University (C)

Executive Board - 122nd session (1985)

The Third World Sociological Association (C) International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics (C) World Press Freedom Committee (C) International League of Esperantist Teachers (C) Arab Lawyers Union (C) International Human Rights Law Group

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Executive Board - 127th session (1987)

World Press Freedom Committee (C) European Council for Social Research on Latin America (C) Pan-African Union for Science and Technology

Executive Board - 132nd session (1989)

World Press Freedom Committee (C) Union of African Water Suppliers (C) Pan-African Union for Science and Technology

Executive Board - 137th session (1991)

International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements (C) Union of African Water Suppliers (C)