Under the Cherry Blossoms

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Transcript of Under the Cherry Blossoms

  • 8/19/2019 Under the Cherry Blossoms


  • 8/19/2019 Under the Cherry Blossoms


    Good evening 

     Messrs and Mesdames,

     Lords and Ladies.


    I am the proprietor of Thistle’s Rare Books & Antique Shop, a place where anything can be foun, for a

     price of course! "y shop carries strange oities, quirks of nature an things that coul sometimesmurer you in your sleep but most people o not come in for these as I o not a#ertise them, it is my

     books they’re after, my precious books!

    I belie#e you are here for one of my books, yes$ But before we go into the formality of an acquisition,

    let me tell you a little about my business an the kin of customers I get!

    "y customers come to my shop, often alone usually oler an of both se%es to ask for my stories antales from faraway! 'orofmouth ha brought them here an their main interest is to get me to pour

    out of my books, shots of allegory, bottles of anecote, goblets fille with reamlike fables an there

    was e#en once, a long time ago when a lostlooking teenager wanere in an requeste a casket ofmyth! To this, I roppe my entire collection of my best (reek an in return I took his youth!

    They rarely request for what I consier to be my best, a string of labels that I keep in a false cupboar

     behin the counter! But I suppose they in’t nee it, most of my customers were oler, some wi)ene

    with age! They wante stories to soothe the aches of the min, to forget pain! They wanteentertainment, fun fluffy shots an lines after lines of fu))y feels to smoke an when they’re one with

    that, they woul bang my counter asking for tankars of happilye#erafters.

    After a long har ay that was all they want, that was all they seek!

    In short, most of them were here for the analgesia!

    "y customers on’t call me *octor although I woul ha#e glaly taken the sobriquet of +hiefBartener or e#en *rug ingpin, but they calle me the "erchant of Stories, of 'isom (ems an

    -ourney an tonight I am e%pecting a young guest, one who is about to embark on her first .ourney!

    /0our grace, the guest is here!1

    A tall granfather clock staning besie the oor announce gruffly! The roman numerals on the gol

    tone face rearrange itself to form bushy brows, grey eyes, a nose an a surlylooking mouth! I lookeat my manser#ant an apologi)e because he ha been remining me all ay about her arri#al an I ha

    only .ust remembere!

    2orgi#e me all, I ha#e to atten to her first, I’m sure you unerstan! 'e will resume this auience after 

    I am one!

    I ismisse my phantom guests an nameless reaers before turning to ga)e outsie my winow!

    The guest outsie is my youngest to ate, a im Taeyeon from Seoul who ha wanere here by way

    of reamtra#el! She rea about my shop in an ol leatherboun book, a irectory that liste all the

    magic shops in the worl, an as she fell asleep, she tol herself that in the twilight hour, the hour of

    magic, she woul wake in her ream an fin herself at my oorsteps!

    An that, she i! I looke at her, this moonpale chil staning outsie my shop in only her 3-s an a

    coat an quickly I ushere her insie!

    /I on’t usually take in unannounce guests but I’ll make an e%ception for toay because I ha#en’t ha

    a chilguest in ages! 4ook aroun the store an if you see anything you like we can iscuss a trae!1

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    The chil i not mo#e, she i not turn to see the caulrons huge an small fille with the most

    colorful swill, gemstones an mine gol, she i not spare a look for my ancing pack of cars who

    were oing a merry little .ig at her feet, she probably in’t e#en notice that she was surroune with

     books, huge tomes fille with spells, magical stories an #ery sharp teeth! Instea she looke at me anfirmly sai, /I know what I want, I want to see your string of labels!1

    This of course shocke me an I was thrille because not many people requeste for what I thought

    was one of the strangest things in my collection!

    /A most unusual choice5 But an e%cellent one5 +ome this way!1

    I showe her to the counter an there I remo#e a leather pouch from the false cupboar an shookgently, my labels out!

    6nly (ay an 4esbian rolle out!

    I was #ery isplease!

    /6nly you two$ *i the others sneak out again5$1

    The two labels with their bleary eyes backe slowly away from me! As if I was the angerous one here5

    I sighe eeply before turning to look at Taeyeon who was looking with great interest at the twothumbsi)e creatures staning on the countertop!

    /i, I’m sorry, I’#e only these two now! There’s usually more of them!1

    /It’s alright, I think I’m looking for one of these!1

    /Are you sure$1 I was surprise at the sureness in her #oice, /*o you know what these two are$1

    I a.uste my leather eyepiece, rolle up the slee#es of my tunic an launche into what I hope was an

    eucational lecture!

    /These two here are labels taken only by the #ery few! A small minority in human society!1

    /'hy$1 Taeyeon aske, /*oesn’t gay means happy$ 'ouln’t more people choose to be happy$1

    /That meaning is correct an to go in the same tangent, lesbian means 7of the Isle of 4esbos’, a (reek

    islan! But both, also mean, samelo#e! This is the general unerstaning of society to these wors!

    An to answer your question, people rarely choose this label, it is often presse onto their hans, it is

    not something chosen at will!1

    Taeyeon was all ears an I wonere how to e%plain what I ha .ust sai in a way a chil coul

    unerstan, I’m not #ery goo at this!

    /Acquiring either of these labels will put you in a position where unrequite lo#e becomes the rule

    rather than the e%ception, where hate an isgust become #ery possible encounters, where re.ection becomes commonplace! If you place either label on your lapel,1

    I gently tappe the lapel of Taeyeon’s coat,/8ere, where it is out for all to see, you’ll ha#e to ha#e thicker skin an a harer heart! 'hen you wear

    your heart on your slee#e, you are boun to get hurt, that is why few o! Those who are ifferent often

    conceal it, they hie their true self someplace where no one can hurt them but in oing that, they hurtthemsel#es too! It is a strange thing but hien away from the sun an light, your true self withers

    away! In the en, it is a lot of suffering, an in the painanpleasure ichotomy, no one wants pain! It is

    a constant struggle91

    I stoppe speaking, the chil wasn’t listening to a single wor, the two labels ha walke o#er to her

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    en of the counter an were snuggling up to her! She seeme thrille to be the recipient of their

    affectionate gesture! I sighe louly, she’s too young! Taeyeon looke up upon hearing my sigh, there

    was pleaing in her eyes an I knew instantly what she wante!

    /I want one!1

    (ay began rubbing its hea on Taeyeon’s han! I shot it a look! Stop charming her.

    I rubbe my chin, umme an ahhe an was about to gi#e her my reply when 3anse%ual rolle outof the supposely empty leather pouch! Apparently it ha acquire the ability to apparate!

    The la)y bugger instea of looking ashame for ha#ing snuck out ha the galls to ask,

    Wait why aren’t we talking about me

    Then *emise%ual appeare!

    Why only L G "’m better than the others.

    An 8omoromantic,

    Seriously, "’m the happy one.


     #ut isn’t it obvious that "’m the secret choice o$ the ma%ority.:ueer,&ou guys are all weird.

    An Transgener!

     "’m %ust here $or the party.

    This is terrible5 They ha all learne to apparate5

    I was about to blow my top on them, they were in that rebellious phase of life, all youngling labels an#ery mischie#ous but I ecie to o it after I ha sent my guest away, it woul be #ery unprofessional

    for me to magicke their punishment when I ha a young guest present! I turne to Taeyeon to

    apologi)e for the interruption but then I saw the wieeye look on her face, she was staring at the

    labels looking #ery enchante!

    The labels ha gathere aroun an were noisily iscussing each other’s merits! It was getting a little

    rowy because Straight ha appeare an was antagoni)ing some of the other labels with its bigger si)e

    an its cocksure attitue! A fight was brewing an I was about to inter#ene but suenly, (ay ran to the

    mile of the crow an began ancing maly! Somehow in the chaos, the happy fool manage to getall the other labels to form a conga line!

    4 ( B T : 4 : T B 8 * A : T B ( 4 A S

    As they ance, they began singing a song with a tune reminiscent of those aicti#e .ingles of the ;

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    flamboyant label! At the soun of my #oice telling her to choose, she snatche 'appy an hel it firmly

    in her hans! I will ne#er forget the smile on her face, the way her eyes ha lit up as she hel happiness!

    The smile staye with her as she shook my han, the thank yous spilling o#er as she bowe repeately,

    I will ne#er forget that smile as she isappeare into the night!

    The ki was a smart one, picking happy! The smile on my face was rueful as I bae her goobye an

    close the oors! I was a little isappointe with the trae but no matter, I lighte a lamp an hel up

    against the light, a glass #ial of pale pink light! It was the price the chil ha pai! She ha taken awayhappy an that she will nee because in e%change for the trae, I took her first lo#e!

    8onestly speaking, I wante her #oice but she wouln’t gi#e me that!

    = = = = = = = = =


    That was what they calle her at school! The songbir! 4ittle songstress!

    3eople know her as the girl with a song, but she knew herself as shy, intro#ert, reamer, artist, creati#e,

    more than a song! They also saw her as orky, cute an cute, cute cute cute!

    Sometimes she likes it but most times, no, she in’t, she fancie herself a bit of a tomboy in her brother’s o#ersi)e clothes an o#eralls, a smartass with her aring .okes an cheeky answers, an

    outsier for her lack of restraint an glaring absence of simpering femininity that most girls her age ha

     plege allegiance to, one of the boys when she playfight an horse aroun with the neighborhoo boys an abo#e all, a lone wolf cub for all the lonely, #ery lonely games she playe!

    The comple%ity of ientity meeting the la)iness of humans often result in the frustrating simplification

    of e#erything! Sometimes it bothere Taeyeon, I’m not only this, she woul say, I’m more than that,

    can’t you see$ But people rarely see beyon what meets the eye so after awhile Taeyeon stoppe tryingto make them see!

    8er singing mae her a minor celebrity at school an initially the attention was thrilling until a month

    into celebrityom, she got tire of it all an retreate quickly from the spotlight! The only thing she

    kept was the nickname, >ightingale! It soune a little like night angel an she foun it an apt name because there was a part of her that was shy like the night! This was the usk in her an the only time

    she felt bol like aylight was when she stoo on stage singing, her song was often fearless with her

    #oice rising high towars the sky an in that moment, all eyes were on her, all ears, hers!

    In her retreat, she sought for a more pri#ate place in school, away from the prying eyes an ears anshe no longer sang in public e%cept for school functions when coa%e by her fa#orite music teacher! It

    was purely by accient that she foun her new hiinghole within school, an abanone music room!

    She spent most of her freetime there, almost e#eryay! ?#en toay, she was here, uring recess

    time, staning by the piano holing sheets of music an as she leane against the opene winow, she began singing! In her hea, she followe the notes of her #oice, they were rising high, high, higher an

    then .ust because she coul, the note of her #oice roppe to a smooth swooping low!

    Taeyeon thought she was alone in that empty music room so she sang unabashe, unrestraine with a

    nake .oy, unconceale, true an honest! The lapel of her school .acket shook as she sang a #ibrato! Shewas the sole conuctor, the only spectator of the impromptu @piece song performance she was gi#ing

    in that empty room!

    It was her #oice that brought Tiffany to her!

    The new girl, the oreanAmerican transferee later tol her that she ha followe the soun of music,

    her ears ha picke up the soft strains of song, faint as it was, an she ha followe it not knowing

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    why! It brought her far away from the main builing to the fringe of the school’s enclosure an when

    she arri#e, she saw a short pale girl bathe in sunlight, the song ha le her to an angel of music an

    as she stoo hien behin the wall, she hear the sweeping fall of Taeyeon’s #oice an it mae her

    feel like she was staning at the ege of soun seeing the rise an fall of beautiful things! 8er fingerstrace in the air, the falling cur#e of Taeyeon’s #oice!

    The spell hel for awhile but then broke when like one, Taeyeon’s #oice cracke an Tiffany’s

    notebooks fell, an the noise brought each other’s e%istence into attention!

    /'ho’s there$1 Taeyeon calle out, she was pu))le because she was sure no one #isite this part ofthe school!

    /"e!1 A small #oice replie!

    /An who, is me$1 Taeyeon aske, irritation clearly hear in her tone of #oice!


    = = = = = = = = =

    The ne%t time Tiffany came, she brought a flute with her!

    After being foun out, she ha entere sheepishly into the music room an ha introuce herself! Shementione that she ha followe the soun of music to the room an that she was impresse with themusicality foun, you sing so well that I was completely capti#ate an oh, I woul lo#e to .oin you

    ne%t time!

    So that was how Taeyeon foun herself with a win instrumentalist at her isposal!

    The shorter girl wasn’t quite sure how things ha progresse to that le#el, the whirlwin of it all blew

    o#er her hea an in a few short meetings, she was ha#ing .am sessions with Tiffany! There she was atthe piano playing a few short pieces, then later using bottles an empty cups, creating a beat to

    accompany the soft notes of the flute Tiffany still hasn’t graspe the finer aspects of proper breathing

    an airflow so the soun prouce was soft an weak unlike her lou #oice! Taeyeon rumme her

    fingers on the top of the piano, it felt like she was making music ance aroun the soun of Tiffany!Still, the main act was singing an when Taeyeon starte singing, Tiffany woul put her flute own to

    listen! The #oice that ay was clear as bells an the song a new composition an Tiffany sat there

    spellboun, re#elling in the fact that she was the first to hear it!

    It was ine#itable that the #isits became regular, most times they playe music, sometimes they ischool assignments together, each time they learne a little more about the other girl! They were in the

    same year but in ifferent classes with #ery ifferent backgrouns, one was more 'esterni)e an the

    other more orean an they possesse, like their backgroun, opposing temperaments!

    6ne time, after finishing their assignments an with Taeyeon ha#ing a sore throat, singing wasn’t possible so Tiffany suggeste playing the C< questions game!

     )avorite color





    /4eo the prou lion51

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    Taeyeon snorte at Tiffany’s Dsign!

     *ream %ob

    /I on’t think .obs shoul be reams! 'ho reams about working$1

    /Taeyeon, you know what I mean!1

    /'ell I’#e always wante to sing! So a singer, I guess! But minus all the cra)y celebrity attention


    /4awyer for me, an I’ll efen the worl from ba people51


    Taeyeon was quite amuse with Tiffany’s enthusiasm for e#erything!

     )irst kiss

    /I was ;,1 Taeyeon sai, /"y chilhoo playmate!1 She neglecte to say that her chilhoo playmate

    was a girl who lo#e kissing other girls!

    /F for me, my sameage neighbor!1 Tiffany mae a face, /8e ran into my house an grabbe me an

    wham his lips came flying to my face! It was his way of saying, I like you! (aw, he ought to warn meat least51

     "s there someone you like now



    Taeyeon was si%teen when she tol Tiffany she like girls!

    It was recesstime an a group of female classmates were crowing o#er pictures of hot guys in awomen’s maga)ine Tiffany brought to school! It was a special eition where they ranke the top G

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    /Really Taeyeon$ But he looks like a girlE!1

    This flustere Taeyeon who figete in her seat before suenly blurting out, /I on’t like guys that


    There was silence an Taeyeon quickly co#ere her mouth, shocke at her own amission! She looke

    quickly aroun an hea#e a sigh of relief at seeing the relati#ely empty classroom! There was only oneother person there, sleeping at the back of the class!

    She then looke at Tiffany who was looking at her in an o way, like she was connecting the ots in

    her hea, wait for it, wait for it, the lightbulbsE! Taeyeon gulpe, she in’t quite plan to come out

    this way! But there was no way out of it so with her #oice caught in her throat she manage to whisper,/I’m sorry!1

    />o, no there’s nothing to be sorry about Taeyeon! I’m fine with it!1

    The tenseness in Taeyeon’s shoulers an back left her an she sank in her seat awashe with the

    feeling of relief!

    /So what kin of girls o you like$1 Tiffany aske, she was curious about her frien’s preferences! Sheset asie the maga)ine an leane in closer to Taeyeon!

    /I think, right now, Dictoria Secret moels!1 Taeyeon replie shyly saying what she thought was a safe

    choice, there were many moels an all so pretty, she name a few that she was most intereste in,

    /"irana err! +ara *ele#ingne! /

    /DS moels seriously$ But +ara is a little like you, are you sure this isn’t .ust some narcissism thingacting out!1

    /'haa$ >arcissism$$1 Taeyeon couln’t help but burst out laughing!

    The girl li#e in a black an white worl!

    *rab, colorless with the only thing e%citing in her worl, the greys that come in ifferent shaes! 8ere%istence in this worl was lonely an life was an enless bore!

    So ha#ing Tiffany as a frien was like entering a new worl, one with colors! If you ha#e been alone allthe while, suenly ha#ing a frien who was willing to spen time with you, who was intereste in

    you, who like you enough to go on a#entures with you, is like ha#ing the best thing in the worl!

    0ou’re not alone now! 0ou’#e got a siekick! 0ou’#e foun the Robin to your Batman, the 3atrick toyour Spongebob, the *onkey to your Shrek! 0ou’#e got yourself a parner!

    Taeyeon was too sheltere to consier other combinations or e#en the possibility that Batman might be

    in lo#e with Robin or that 'atson might like Sherlock a bit too much, or to know of pairs like 'oolf

    an Sack#ille'est, Sontag an Annie 4eibo#it), 'ile an 4or *ouglas! All she knew was that shewasn’t alone anymore! To someone as young as she was, this was all that was important!

    'ith Tiffany by her sie, it was like entering into a technicolore worl! It was "ary 3oppins,

    A#entures with Robin 8oo an Singing in the Rain!

    It was a misummer afternoon, hot an sweltering an they were walking aroun in shorts an minis

    at a local fair that ha opene in an empty fiel near their school!

    Taeyeon came to a stop at a makeshift stage where a talent contest was being hel! At that moment, a

    contestant name -essica was singing a song calle 8ea#en!

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    The two girls stoo tiptoe behin the crow watching -essica sing!

    /I like the song!1 Tiffany commente, /She’s goo!1

    /I think her #oice is too nasal!1

    /But I like it though, I think if I sang a uet with her, our #oices woul contrast well!1

    /I think mine an yours contrast well too!1 Taeyeon huffe! She pulle Tiffany away from the stage

    area an began walking towars the games section! As they walke, she mae a proposal!

    /4et’s try singing together!1

    /'hat song though$ 'ait, I know, let’s sing Reflection5 'e were listening to it yesteray! 0ou knowthe lyrics right$ I’ll start first!1

    An without waiting for Taeyeon, Tiffany launche into the first lines!

     Look at me,

     you may think you see who " really am,

    but you’ll never know me.

     +veryday, it’s as i$ " play a part.

    Taeyeon slowly got into the rhythm an humme along to the song! As soon as Tiffany stoppe, shecontinue with the following lines!

     (ow " see i$ " wear a mask,

     " can $ool the world but " cannot $ool my heart.

    They sang line after line in perfect harmony an it mae for goo atmosphere between the two! They

    were on the same wa#elength, the same frequency, the same beat!

    /'ow, we’re goo!1 Tiffany remarke, she was please with their coorination!

    /I tol you!1 Taeyeon sai smugly!But Tiffany wasn’t listening, she ha halte to a stop in front of a colorful tent!

    /6y facepainting5 4et’s go get our face painte51

    She pointe e%citely at the tent before ragging Taeyeon along with her!

    They spent the ay wanering aroun getting their faces painte, getting ranom henna tattoos, eating

    cotton cany an popcorn, taking silly pictures at the photo booth! They playe some games too, the

    first, a mallet game where players ha to take own raccoons frustrate Tiffany to no en! They spentalmost halfanhour there an when Tiffany began hitting away maly instea of strategically, Taeyeon

    took Tiffany firmly by the arm an ragge her away lest they incur the wrath of the game attenant for 

    ruining the machine, then later there were the shooting games an the ball games where neither of them

    fare particularly well!

    Regarless of their game failures, it was a fun ay out an at the en of the ay they walke home

    together! They ha ecie to miss the fireworks isplay, a fair attenant tol them that although it was

    scheule for toay, it might be elaye to e#en the following ay ue to technical problems! They

    were quite isappointe with this because the fireworks performance was one of the main highlights ofthe summer fair, nonetheless, they thought of returning another ay!

    As Tiffany’s house was closeby an Taeyeon’s a little further away, they ecie to walk home


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    /8anging out with you toay was fun, we shoul hang out more!1 Taeyeon sai awkwarly as she

    stoo outsie Tiffany’s home!

    /0es, we shoul!1

    Tiffany smile as she swung their linke hans! They stoo facing each other, neither saying a wor

    an the atmosphere change, an air of ner#ousness escene on them which Tiffany thought wasrather peculiar!

    The younger girl ecie to relie#e them both of the awkwarness an was about to say goobye, /I

    think it’s time91

    But Taeyeon who ha been figeting for awhile chose that e%act moment to lean in an hug the

    younger girl! She in’t really know where to put her hans, her hans slippe aroun as she steppecloser an she en#elope Tiffany into a hug bigger than herself! It was the first time she initiate a hug

    with someone from outsie her family, it was a rare an unusual gesture for her!

    The hug was an awkwar hug an Tiffany suppresse her esire to laugh, she foun it awkwar in a

    really enearing way! She knew Taeyeon wasn’t the affectionate kin so this suen hug really pleaseher, it was another milestone in their young frienship, another step closer to each other! She wrappe

    her arms aroun Taeyeon an she hugge the oler girl back!In the mile of the hug, a lou crackling soun 9 the burst of a o)en fireworks startle them both!

    They look towars the source of the soun an they saw from a istance, the sky fille with the light ofmany colors, there were roman canles, huge rockets an whi))ing pyrotechnics all shooting in #arious

    tra.ectories, to the east an to the west an inbetween then many more northwars, high abo#e the city!

    The flowering of lights with bouquets of rosere blooms, splashes of royalblue rops an a forest of

    emeralgreen shoots crowne with an e%plosion of golen sparks was a a))ling sight an when bothgirls tore their sights away an focuse on their surrounings, they reali)e that they were still locke

    in a close embrace an this cause them to break apart immeiately!

    Taeyeon’s eyes glimmere as she turne to watch the burning sky!

    /'e shoul ha#e waite a little longer!1

    /'hat about girls o you like$1


    /-ust that$1

    /'ellE! they smell so goo, better than boys51

    Tiffany laughe as Taeyeon co#ere her face in mock embarrassment!

    /Is that all$1

    /Softness! 4ips! issing! I’m thinking of melte chocolate now!1

    /Isn’t that messy$1

    Taeyeon grinne knowing that Tiffany was probably thinking of a chocolate kiss!

    /Anything in#ol#ing two people is messy!1

    The act of gi#ing points to people for life e%perience is calle gamification!

    Taeyeon stoo at KG while Tiffany ha K@ for realworl /lo#e1 e%perience! The younger girl who

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    smugly consiere herself superior in this fiel woul sometimes go into long monologues on the os

    an on’ts of lo#e an relationships!

    After one long afternoon with Tiffany going on an on about the woners of lo#e, Taeyeon feeling

    slightly irritate shot her a question, /6kay "iss Smartypants, tell me what e%actly is lo#e!1

    This shut Tiffany up for awhile! The younger girl lapse into thought an Taeyeon went back to hercrayons an rawings please that there was now some peace an quiet!

    But the silence i not last long, she ne#er e%pecte it to when it came to Tiffany! After fifteen minutes,

    she recei#e an answer!

    /4o#e is a roar!1

    /But what oes that mean$1

    /Selfe%pression5 'hen you’re in lo#e, you want e#eryone to know you’re in lo#e, you want the personyou lo#e to know, you want the whole worl to know!1 Tiffany pause as she proppe her hea on

    crosse arms, she was smiling an her eyes were cur#e into little crescentshapes, /4o#e isn’t

    something you can keep insie you, at least not for #ery long, you’re gonna think it’s super cheesy, butlo#e emans e%pression, it roars!1

    Taeyeon snorte!

    /It’s true51

    /But that oesn’t answer my question51

    /Taeyeon, lo#e is lo#e an if you’re going to o a crosse%amination of it, you’ll fin answers

    numerous like stars in the sky, there’s too many because we all e%perience lo#e in our own way! 0ou

    can’t pin lo#e own to .ust one thing an why woul you want to$ I think that’s one of the best thingsin life, we can lo#e many people an ha#e many ifferent e%periences! Imagine if you coul only lo#e

    in one fi%e way, it’ be so boring51

    /8ow o you know for sure you on’t like guys$1

    /I .ust know, it’s something innate!1

    /But how9$1

    /I’#e trie being with a guy before! I’#e gi#en it a go an it was a terrible mistake! 8e was a close

    frien but the thought of being physical with him was #ery ifficult to swallow!1


    /As the relationship progresse, he kept wanting to o more an I wasn’t willing! 8e trie to touch me

    an I instincti#ely backe away! 8e thought it was because it was my first time an I thought it was

    shyness too, so I let himE but in the en I .ust couln’t go through with it! I felt soile! 'e broke upan our frienship eteriorate! >ow he .ust remins me of an annoying mosquito!1

    /But that coul’#e been .ust an isolate case, there are other guys91

    /0ou know how straight people on’t question their straightness! I’#e known since I was little, it’s

    something that comes naturally to me! 'hen it comes to straight se%, I .ust can’t e#en picture it, there’slike this huge >6 plastere all o#er my min! I bet the same thing happens for straight people when

    they think of gay se% in#ol#ing themsel#es! There’s .ust no attraction, no esire! It’s as simple as that!1

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    Tiffany lo#e ancing although she wasn’t #ery goo at it!

    It was often a hit or miss but she tries #ery har an when she’s feeling the music, she looke as if she

    was ha#ing the time of her life! Taeyeon lo#e watching her ance, it was #ery entertaining, sometimes

    or rather most times, Tiffany ga#e up any resemblance of ancing an let her boy o whatever  whichwas really fun to watch because o things happene! 4ike the time she was hairbanging, .umping

    aroun an calling it ance5 That mae people question her sanity, or boywa#es that go on an on

    that Taeyeon swear felt like a test from the gos abo#e!

     >e#ertheless, ancing ultimately was a form of selfe%pression, it was a physical way of e%pressingoneself, no wors neee, no messy e%planations! It was the boy running on pure emotion! 6r maybe

    for Tiffany, .ust arenaline an halfao)en bottles of Re Bull that she lo#e so much!

    It was Saturay toay an they were in Taeyeon’s room trying to re#ise for their uni#ersity entrance

    e%ams but stuying was so har to o when it’s a hot la)y afternoon! Instea of stuying, Tiffany hathe raio on an was ancing to the latest song from L6L6! She looke like a puppy trying to imitate

    a wolf! AwoooooM

    The younger girl trie her han at a few steps then losing all pretension of following the choreography,

    she broke into her own bran of weir awkwar ancing an this went on for awhile before she i

    something with her hans, heartshape, probably for the saranghaeyo in the lyrics an she begantwirling aroun!

    Roun an roun she went an as she turne, she flashe one of those magnificent smiles, pearly

    whites an fluttering hearts, the kin that often lea#e Taeyeon with butterflies an sweaty palms! 'itheach spin an smile Taeyeon felt like she was rowning, she trie to keep her hea afloat but her min

    kept flashing the wors, beautiful beautiful beautiful!

    It was a gone case!

    Taeyeon kept her ga)e own, her fingers grippe her pen tightly busy scribbling ranom nonsense into

    her notebook as her conscience an wits hunkere own for an emergency meeting in an effort toremin herself, that Tiffany was .ust trying to entertain herself! She wasn’t trying to be beautiful on

     purpose, that  .ust happene!

    The ne%t song playe an it was something ifferent, something trancelike! Tiffany was now club

    ancing, her eyes close as she tosse her hea lightly, back an forth!

    She looke like a beautiful cra)e woman, an this time instea of feeling like she was rowning,Taeyeon was entrance! She thought she coul go cra)y for Tiffany! She ucke uner the table an

    hel her hea, stop this, stop this, stop thinking of wanting, of wanting her, on’t!!

    8er feelings were bubbling with tumult, they were rouse, animate an rebellious an she sense a

    re#olt in the coming ays! h no.

    0ears later when she trie isco#ering the root of this lo#e, this was one of the memories that came to

    min! The root of lo#e is often hien! It is rarely the gran gesture that has the ability to turn feelings,often it is an inconsequential act, something easily misse! 4ike the flash of a smile, a gentle touch, an

    arm aroun your waist, a kiss on the cheek, kinness! The heart stirs an it coul be from a istance, far away, a strangerN it coul be near, nosetonose near, a bol frien!


    An Tiffany was in Taeyeon’s face!

    She yelpe an topple backwars from shock, almost ying of a heartattack!

    It wasn’t #ery funny e#en though Tiffany probably thought it was! The younger girl’s perception of

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    what was funny iffers from the norm, she knew she wasn’t #ery funny but she tries #ery har an it is

    the trying an the eagerness to please an to bring happiness to others that Taeyeon foun so enearing,

    e#en though, she note ryly, sometimes it ga#e her the shock of her life!

    "ost times Tiffany ha goo intentions, like her showing up with icecream an a puppy whenTaeyeon was feeling epresse, sometimes it was stage, the hours of practice she put into perfecting

    the gwiyomi song that Taeyeon foun so hancurlingly cheesy, but the best ones were spontaneous,

    like how she was pulling an airguitar mo#e right this instant as Taeyeon lai still on the floorramatically clutching her heart!

    /Taeyeonah5 'hat are you oing$ Stop ayreaming an come .oin me51

    Taeyeon wante to say, /0ou almost kille me!1 But she in’t, instea she smile a lopsiegrin as

    she picke herself up from the groun! -ome %oin me! It was an in#itation to .oin the spell!

    The spell broke whene#er they quarrele!

    Arguments, mostly minor littere aroun but they ha their first big fight o#er Tiffany’s new boyfrien!They were only GO so it pu))le Taeyeon where Tiffany foun her C@yearol boyfrien!

    She in’t like him the moment she lai eyes on his chisele .aw, coiffe pompaour, his sleek leather

     .acket an the importe 8arley*a#ison bike he arri#e on! 8e was #ery charming an couln’t keep

    his hans to himself when he hugge Taeyeon! She coul smell the strong musky scent of his cologneas he rew near an this mae her gag, she wante to back away but Tiffany was looking at her!

    8e was the quintessential ba boy with the quintessential ba boy reputation!

    /8eartbreaker! 'omani)er! But #ery charming, he knows how to melt your heart,1 the women tol her!

    She isco#ere these an other facts from acti#ities she passe off as necessary in#estigati#e work!

    The con#ersation with Tiffany took place after school on a gloomy wet spring ay! The weather was inthe ruts an the con#ersation sli into that irection the moment she sai, /8e’s not goo for you51

    /'hat o you know about what’s goo for me$1Tiffany was furious at being treate like a chil, she consiere it an affront to her inepenence an

    she thought Taeyeon ought to know better! She left almost immeiately, running home from school!

    The ay continue raining!

    The younger girl ha slamme the oor, entering home feeling #ery irritate! There was no one homeso she stewe in anger alone! 8er mo#ements were rough an lou, she threw clothes an grabbe

    towels an stompe all o#er the house! It was anger amplifie an so it issipate quickly lea#ing only

    fumes of smoke! After rying her hair an changing her clothes, she sat by the winowsill wrappe in

     blankets holing a mug of hot chocolate thinking about what ha .ust happene!

    8er .aw stuck out obstinately as she thought of Taeyeon’s comments! Then she notice something

    unusual outsie! 2rom her winow, she saw Taeyeon staning uner the tree opposite her home, the

    oler girl was soake an she was walking in circles treaing o#er the fallen spring blossoms!

    Tiffany watche in isbelief, /'haa9$1

    Taeyeon stoo still then looke at the winow of Tiffany’s room! Tiffany quickly leane back notwanting her frien to see her! She obser#e Taeyeon walking toanback, repeately, sometimes in

    circles, sometimes staning still! ?#ery few secons she woul lift her hea up an look at Tiffany’s


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    The younger girl was still slightly angry but anger left her as she watche Taeyeon’s pu))ling beha#ior!

    -ust come in, I’m waiting, she whispere to no one! -ust knock, .ust come to the oor, I’ll open!

    But Taeyeon i not make that mo#e an it must ha#e been almost @< minutes of pacing aroun uner

    that tree when Tiffany stoo up sighing! She took an umbrella as she swept out of her home an intothe rain!

    Taeyeon’s hea was hung low, her back hunche o#er as she struggle with herself!

    'hat to o, o I .ust go to her oor an knock$ What i$  she oesn’t open$ What i$  she’s still ma$ What 

    i$  she oesn’t want to be friens anymore$ What i$ what i$ , all the blooy what i$ s were raining own on

    her an she was so consume by her what i$ s, her guilt an pangs of regret, an the faint possibility oflosing their frienship that she in’t hear the footsteps approaching her!

    /*o you want to fall sick im Taeyeon51

    8er hea .erke up an her eyes wiene in surprise at seeing Tiffany with an umbrella, />n9no1 she

    stuttere, she shook her hea an sai the first thing on her min, />o, no! Tip9Tiffany I9 I’m sorry!1

    Tiffany’s heart softene at seeing the wretche look on Taeyeon’s face! She sai nothing but pulleTaeyeon into a onearm embrace! She felt her frien shi#er so she pulle her closer! Taeyeon was so

    col an so wet that Tiffany coul not help but mo#e to wipe the roplets of rain off her frien’s face!As her fingers gently push the wet bangs asie, Tiffany thought Taeyeon looke like a seal, one that ha

     .ust crie!

    The lack of the space between them allowe her to see the rerimme eyes an e#en when Taeyeon

    sai no an turne her face away, her shoulers continue to shake an her boy tremble! She kept her

    hea own lea#ing Tiffany to feel surer than e#er! 8er heart fell, she ne#er wante to hurt Taeyeon! She

    tightene her hol on the trembling girl, pulling her closer not caring that she herself was getting wet,then she steere Taeyeon, guiing her into her house!

    They were staning at the foyer of her home an Tiffany was trying her best to pat Taeyeon ry! They

    were both silent an as she wipe Taeyeon’s face, her eyes lingere on the paleness of her frien’s

    cheeks, then with her fingers she felt how soft those cheeks were! 8er eyes rose an it trace the linesuner Taeyeon’s eyes an she thought how tire those eyes lookeE an there was where she stoppe!

    She felt those eyes on her an as she matche Taeyeon’s ga)e she felt keenly for the first time in their

    frienship a strange new awkwarness!

    The act of toweling Taeyeon ry felt too intimate!

    Taeyeon reache up to hol her wrist an she hear the oler girl say, /I can ry myself!1

    /6kay,1 she sai, /Take off your shoes an come with me, I’ll get you something ry, you nee to get

    out of those wet things!1

    She brought Taeyeon to the washroom an tol her to shower, she brought more towels an some

    clothes! 4ater ry an clean, Taeyeon shuffle o#er to her room!/+ome sit here!1 Tiffany patte the spot besie her on the be!

    Taeyeon sat own!

    The silence between them was beginning to feel unbearable! It was the sort of silence that lea#es you

    wanting more knowing that a lot was being hel back! It was silence restraine by mute uncertainties

    an the weight of the unsai wors fille her room making Tiffany feel uneasy! She lai own an as

    she looke at the ceiling, she counte to ten before taking a eep breath then asking, /Taeyeon o youwant to say something$1

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    /I’m sorry!1

    /0ou’#e sai that alreay!1

    /*o you forgi#e me$1


    Taeyeon whippe her hea aroun an looke at her! She smile because Taeyeon’s face was

    isplaying isbelief an skepticism, /I on’t like what happene back there, but I forgi#e you, .uston’t o it again okay$ 4et me make my own ecisions!1

    The oler girl’s face softene an it looke as if she was lapsing into thought! Tiffany obser#e

    Taeyeon thinking that she woul say more, but the only wor that came out was a tiny /6kay!1 That

    onewor answer felt like a wisp of all the wors she thought Taeyeon wante to say!

    Silence came again an although both were looking at each other with e%pressions mirroring the otherwith e#en their breathing, synchroni)e to the point where two people seem to be breathing a single

     breath, their mins were far away thinking #ery ifferent things!

    The stillness an quiet broke when Tiffany reache for Taeyeon’s han!

    /Spen the night here!1

    It was a night where neither slept, they both lai like logs, eyes close trying their best to con#ince the

    other that they were eep asleep! In the ark, both were lost as they grapple with their lifelong foes,Taeyeon with feelings an Tiffany with reason!

    The ne%t ay Taeyeon fell sick an Tiffany umpe the boy!

    Dulnerability allows for the infiltration of foreign elements! In the military, this is akin to an in#asion!

    A breach of security! *anger!

    This iea is a common one an you can see it integrate into the consciousness of society! 2rom the

    esign of physical structures to social etiquettes an e#en gener norms, #ulnerability is treate assomething angerous! But is it$ The fear of #ulnerability is something human an innate, whene#er

    highle#els of #ulnerability register we are immeiately spurre into a efensi#e stance, we cannot reston highalert, we are always on guar! This is an unesirable position an a threat to sur#i#al! Thus, for 

    the longest time #ulnerability was consiere one of the most uncomfortable feelings in the worl!

    This was something Taeyeon foun unner#ing an it was one of the reasons why she was plague with

    ifficulties in matters relate to selfe%pression! It mae her feel small an so #ery e%pose!

    'hene#er she wante to say something from the heart, it always came out awkwar! She woul twistanturn wors, taking the longer route to get to where she wante! She foun it frustrating but people

    aroun her sai it was enearing, that it was honest, heartfelt!

    She thought it was easier to remain silent! But there were times, when wors were necessary an sheoften ha to struggle with the act of opening herself up, to say the things she neee to say!

    It wasn’t an unfoune fear, she ha a perfectly #ali reason for this!

    She thought #ulnerability was like nakeness, a #ery uncomfortable feeling! Dulnerability or rather

    trust as anyone knows is gi#en sparingly! I trust you, I trust you enough to gi#e you a map of my heart,

    the bumps an bruises, scars an welts, the cur#es an slopes all mappe out for you! Trust is that mapan a knife, you ha#e an intimate knowlege of me an with that the power to hurt me, an trust is

     belie#ing in you, that you will not hurt me!

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    'ith Tiffany she was sure she woul be safe, it was trust built o#er time an at this point of time, being

    herself aroun Tiffany felt so easy, an in this way, she grew to lo#e someone other than herself!

    0ou see to grow a human being, gi#e lo#e! In the gi#ing an recei#ing, Taeyeon thri#e, she grew an

     blossome! In e%change for lo#e, trust, an openness, you get touch, human, affection! A close buwill ne#er know what is beyon it’s petals! 6pening up meant letting go, falling, embracing

    e%periences an when you o this, it will sting, it will hurt, but the pain will pass! 4ike a sie#e, it will

     pass through an you will feel it entirely but you ha#e to remember it oesn’t last an this allows for pleasure to come!

    So listen closely! >o #ulnerability, no pleasure

    The wors like a whisper floate ha)ily in her min! She was ealing with pain now, a lot of pain an

    she thought her min was trying to trick her into agreeing with something she wasn’t completely reay!

    She was lying faceown half nake on Tiffany’s be! Strength ha left her, resistance too an an

    in#oluntary shuer ran own her spine as the fingers kneae strongly! Taeyeon groane! She felt bare, strippe of barriers, helpless uner the charge of Tiffany’s fingers!

    /-esus, Taeyeon!1

    She felt a har squee)e on her back an she whimpere, />ot so har, please!1

    Tiffany starte applying more meicine to the bruise back!

    /0ou shouln’t ha#e picke a fight with them!1

    /They were swearing at them5 +alling them fags, halfmen, prostitutes! They’re my friens, how coul

    I stan by an let that happen$1

    /I was calling the police51

    /Too slow!1

    /'hen I saw you on the grounE!1

    /8ell2any appeare!1 Taeyeon grinne weakly, her eyes were close en.oying the massage, /0ou wereawesome, I in’t know you knew Taekwono!1

    /It isn’t something I usually o in public,1 Tiffany sai ryly! /4uckily there were cops nearby, you

    shoul learn to pick your battles wisely Taeyeon, be careful!1


    Tiffany frowne at the lackaaisical answer an kneae harer!

    /6wwwww,1 Taeyeon howle in pain an swore uner her breath, Tiffany’s metho of persuasion was

    sometimes terribly #iolent, /6kay, okay I promise!1

    /That’s more like it! I on’t want to see anything marring your skin like this again! 0ou were a goo

    frien toay Taeyeon, staning up to bullies like that! Bra#e, but #ery stupi!1

    /"mhm!1 Taeyeon not caring about the slight reproach sighe contentely!

    Tiffany’s fingers were sliing slowly along the cur#e of her back, rubbing lightly, gently an a warm

     pleasurable feeling flooe Taeyeon’s senses, she felt rowsy, rugge! Then she felt those fingers

    isappear an in their place, strong arms circle her waist! She felt Tiffany’s silky hair on her skin, theyounger girl was resting her hea on her shouler an ha curle her boy slightly to a#oi the bruises,

    ne#ertheless, it was still a lot of boy contact an Taeyeon stiffene up!

    /*o you know how wrong this looks$1

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    /I suppose the answer is, #ery wrong$1

    /If your parents enter the room91

    /They’re not home an I on’t care!1

    Tiffany pulle the beco#ers o#er them, /4et’s take a nap, this e#ening was a nightmare!1

    /0ou know, if you ha#en’t notice alreay, I’m not wearing a top!1 Taeyeon whispere urgently, she

    gently presse against Tiffany’s arms, go away, you’re too close!

    /*oes it bother you$1

    Tiffany’s rawl was so languorous an husky it mae Taeyeon feel like she was wanering intosomeplace angerous, like the lair of a lioness! She turne her hea aroun to face the other girl!

    />ot really91

    /Then it isn’t a problem!1

    Those arms pulle her closer in a manner that was possessi#e, protecti#e an there lying in Tiffany’s

    arms she foun warmth an affection! Against her bare skin, it felt like being bathe in the glow of heat,warm an soft, one with form who was pulling her in, closer! A feeling stirre within her an she

    hugge her pillow tight trying not to succumb to the tenerness of the moment!

    But Tiffany’s touch swallowe her whole an all thoughts of resisting, of prieful will an being strong

     blew away like the win! She felt weak with happiness, lo#e an in lo#e!

    /'hy i you confess to her$1

    /I on’t know! It was one of those hopeful things people o!1

    /8opeful$1 0uri snorte! /8opeful$ Really$ It’s Tiffany5 3ink! Skirts! 4ipstick! A girl, Taeyeon51

    0uri ha .ust isco#ere that Taeyeon was gay an inlo#e with Tiffany! Because her min i not o

    multitasking nor nonlinear thinking well, she was going to focus on the inlo#e part for now, the gay part will require a secon roun, preferably with some beer!

    /I know, I know, on’t beat me up o#er this,1 Taeyeon close her eyes! /It’s .ust not one, isn’t it$?specially in our culture! I knew it was a longshot! ButE but I thought it wasE I mean, there were

    signs! 6r I’m .ust an iiot reaing them all wrong!1

    She ran her fingers through her hair pushing them back, agitation was written all o#er her face!

    /I thought I ha a chance, maybe I took it too seriously, what we i! It was I, after all who clung harto her, like we’re making lo#e! It was me who hel onto her not wanting to let go! The intimacy felt so

    goo, so right, it cloue my .ugement! I thought what we i meant that things woul change! But

    she in’t see it that way! It was really .ust me who was riiculously in lo#e!1

    /0ou really thought she’ return your feelings$1

    /I’#e like her for long time 0uri! I .ust in’t know what kin of like until recently! An trust me, Iwas struggling, it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing, if, if I knew the consequences, I woul ha#e .ust

    kept it all in an not say a single thing because that’s what you o when you lo#e your frien like this,

    right 0ul$ That’s what’s proper right$1

    It was a rhetorical question because Taeyeon continue ploughing through!

    /I thoughtE IE really thought there was a chance! It was a longshot, but a shot nonetheless! I know

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    you won’t unerstan this, but I was inlo#e, o you know what that feels like$ ?#eryay I look at her

    an think I ha#e to tell her an at the same time I’m beating this thought own to the curb because it’s

    not right! I’m not suppose to fall for her goammit!1

    /Then why i you91

    /Because I thought something coul come out of it! An I still think I’m right, she lo#es me I’m quitesure of it! It’s .ust the wrong timing!1

    Taeyeon pause when she saw 0uri shooting her a look of pure increulity!

    /0es, I’m still hopeful! It’s .ust the timing is all wrong, we ha#e the worl ahea of us, this is a chaotic,

    unstable time! >o one woul want to get bogge own at this age,1 Taeyeon wryly sai, />ot her at

    least! She wants to o so much, accomplish so much! I probably shouln’t ha#e sai anything! I can’ttake any of it back an once sai, wors change things! >ow we’re both stuck in thisE thisE I on’t

    e#en know what to call it! 'e’re .ust stuck!1

    Taeyeon hel a small party at her apartment to celebrate their impening grauation from uni#ersity! Asmall group of mutual friens ha gathere an there was foo an boo)e an lots of con#ersation

    going on! There were the usual party games, cars, confessions an embarrassing truths an ares withone ening in a really hot makeout session between 0uri an a shy geeky .unior from the science


    Aroun minight when smaller groups starte appearing an con#ersations became more intimate, she

    retreate to her beroom citing sickness!

    She wasn’t really sick, she .ust wante some timeout from the party an being aroun people! Taeyeon

    lai in be an re#elle in the silence of the room! It was barely ten minutes when she hear the oorcreak open an her room illuminate with light from outsie! She turne an saw the girl she was

    trying to a#oi all night!

    /0ou’re not asleep!1

    /I can’t sleep!1

    /0ou in’t stay to hear what I ha to say!1

    /I know what you were going to say!1

    /I in’t sleep with him!1

    /I’m not intereste in any of that!1

    Tiffany ha rew near an as she climbe into the be, Taeyeon turne away from the younger girl, sheface the wall feeling slightly grumpy!

    /*on’t o this to me!1 She hear Tiffany say, she felt a han pulling her own, she ene up turning to

    face the other girl an when she i, Tiffany clambere o#er, legs on either sie in a kneeling position,an sat on her!

    She momentarily stoppe breathing, the air caught in her throat! Why, why, why! Those thoughts

    consume her an she felt a minboy separation as her han shakily reache up an cuppe Tiffany’s

    cheek! The warmth was comforting, she looke at the re lips, smelle the #oka an thought the

    younger girl was runk! Their eyes met an she trie her best to hol the ga)e, Tiffany’s eyes wereark, penetrating but she couln’t, she couln’t look at Tiffany that way an not want to o cra)y things

    to her, like kiss her or touch her in ways so inappropriate, so she looke away an pulle her own!

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    The younger girl lai herself comfortably on Taeyeon, she coul feel the rise an fall of Taeyeon’s

    chest as the oler girl embrace her! She coul feel Taeyeon’s fingers mo#ing, caressing, stroking her

    long ark hair!

    They lai like that for awhile, in silence, an Tiffany close her eyes, feeling at peace, but Taeyeon broke the ambiguity of the quiet, she spoke, wanting to efine!

    /'hat are you oing$ 'hy are we oing this$ 0ou o know I lo#e you right$1

    /I shoul be the one asking questions!1


    /'hy o you still lo#e me$1

    There was hea#iness in Tiffany’s #oice an Taeyeon’s heart eflate!

    /I on’t know! If I knew, I’ figure out a way to stop!1


    Tiffany soune almost isappointe an this amuse Taeyeon, /0ou soun almost isappointe anthat’s weir!1 She chuckle lightly! /But it’s best for both of us, if I stoppe being in lo#e with you! It’s

    ruining our frienship!1

    = = = = = = = = =

    /Ieally I ought to fin a nice girlfrien an settle own!1


    /But what if I on’t$ I’m afrai!1

    /'hat are you afrai of$1

    /'hat if this feeling ne#er goes away$1


    Taeyeon shifte in be, she turne away from Tiffany an hugge a pillow then whispere,

    /I’m afrai!1

    = = = = = = = = =

    They were lying own siebysie watching the ancing shaows of nighttime street critters mo#ing

    against the sil#ery glow of the full moon! The opene winow brought in a gentle bree)e! The night

    was warm, an rowsily, they talke, carelessly, they touche, fingers, hans, skin!

    /Taeyeon, how o you ask a girl out$ 8ow o you know if you’re intereste in a girl$1

    /'ell I’ hang out with her, get to know her a bit, eat ice cream, watch mo#ies, go for walks at the 8an

    Ri#er, sit aroun at coffee shops, talk!1

    /Aren’t those ates$1

    />o, not really! 4ots of people o things like that with their friens, we’#e one it before! I think it only

     becomes a ate when I tell her if it’s a ate! So if I’m intereste in a girl after all that, I’ tell her let’snot hang out anymore, let’s go on a ate!1

    /'hy in’t you e#er ask me out on a ate$1

    That question came like a punch in the gut, her min fro)e! She turne her hea a little to face Tiffany,

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    she looke slightly bewilere!

    /I on’t know! 'ith you I was always unsure, you ne#er seem a#ailable in that sense! There was always

    someone hanging aroun you! 0ou sai I’m your closest frien, but e#en with all the closeness we

    ha#e, there was a part of you that was far away! A place I coul ne#er reach! *o you get what I mean$1Taeyeon aske, she was feeling an%ious because she was lying, no that’s not uite right , she was

    withholing the truth, not lying!

    'hat she really wante to say was that she was insecure, that she was afrai that Tiffany woul say no

    to her! She was afrai of re.ection an she was afrai of what woul happen after being re.ecte! Shethought, all this will en, our frienship an e#erything we ha#e now will en! But she coul not say

    this to Tiffany, she couln’t bear to bare her soul knowing strongly that a secon re.ection lurke

    aroun the corner, it was cowarly she knew, but she .ust couln’t risk it! She kina riske it once

    alreay when they were younger! 4ook at how that turne out!

    /"mhm! I think so! I always thought you were afrai! 0ou were afrai of coming closer so you staye

    away! 0ou were always the passi#e watcher! 0ou know Taeyeon, o you know why girls like ba boys$

    It’s because they take what they want when they want it, they on’t wait an wait like nice guys o! If

    you wait too long then the moment passes o#er, it’s too late then!1

    She was talking about a misse connection! There are times in life when something has to happen, if itoes not, the moment passes, gone fore#er! 'hen people in their ol age talk about regrets, these are

    the moments they think of, the moments they let pass, the moments when they ha a chance to risk

    something but i nothing!

    /There was ne#er a moment91 Taeyeon was about to #ehemently eny ha#ing passe o#er

    opportunities, she wante to say that she ha ne#er gi#en up on her hopes, that she was still here while

    the others ha gone! But Tiffany ha place a finger on Taeyeon’s lips!

    /Shh! Taeyeon shhhh!1

    Tiffany was lying on her sie, her finger lightly tracing Taeyeon’s lips before stopping to rest in themile, shhh, she whispere as she rew closer, her nose resting on her finger, her lips barely an inch


    There was an o tension in the air, like they were both holing their breath, an then like one min,

    Tiffany swept in an Taeyeon backe away, the finger was gone an they were nosetonose, sharing asingle breath! Taeyeon’s heart leape out of her chest, her senses ignite an this time she was the one

    to say, /*on’t o this to me!1

    = = = = = = = = =

    There was a story of a girl who once trie climbing a huge wall that circle aroun her #illage! It was a

    wall that no one ha successfully climbe but that i not scare her for she was young an unafrai!

    6ne fine ay, she set out to conquer the wall! The #illagers cheere her on an this encourage her!

    She starte out well an #ery soon she foun herself high up in the clous, no one ha e#er reache the

    clous so the #illagers were in awe! They coul no longer see her, she ha isappeare into the

    mysterious, a place no one coul see!

    The people thought the girl ha one it, that she ha scale the impossible an was probably lookingown from a place near the hea#ens! They were #ery please with the thought so they returne home to

    rink in her honor! But because they couln’t see her, no one knew that the girl ha stoppe climbing!

    She i not reach the top, she ha only climbe halfway!

    'hy i she stop$

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    'ell, her heart broke!

    The girl fro)e on the wall as she felt the fracture worsen, it was a crack she hear, the quiet soun of

    something breaking!

    'hat happene then$

    She stoppe climbing! 'hen you’re climbing at such a height, anything breaking is angerous! The girl

    stoppe where she was! She in’t fall off nor i she mo#e to climb ownwars! She .ust fro)e there,stuck in that same spot halfway up what she now knew was an unclimbable wall!

    It’s a hilarious imagery isn’t it$

    I thought it was funny until I saw upclose that the poor girl was crying! An she was stuck there, she

    can’t mo#e up an she can’t mo#e own! 3oor thing!

    = = = = = = = = =

    Tiffany met -essica at a campus party hel by the 4iterature +lub which meant there were lots of bookcarrying stuents an pretentious e%changes often beginning with, /'ho’s your fa#orite writer$1 an

    ening with an argument o#er who was the worl’s greatest writer with 8emingway, she note, the

    current fa#orite so far!8er frien whom she ha arri#e with isappeare #ery quickly on the prete%t of getting themsomething to rink!

    She looke aroun an saw in a corner, a stuent sitting on an armchair singing bawy lines from

    +haucer’s The +anterbury Tales an in the other corner, a mini poetryslam between two groups of

    stuents that from the looks of it was turning somewhat aggressi#e! Tiffany mo#e away an entereinto one of the smaller rooms nearby! The first room she entere ha a waiflike woman seate in the

    mile surroune by many!

    The bloneye hair stoo out, as i her #oice! She was the centerofattention, surroune by her

     peers an she was oing a reaing! In her han were two Ian "c?wan books, an ?nuringsomething

    an 6n +hesil Beach, of which she was reaing from!/This is how the entire course of life can be change P by oing nothing! 6n +hesil beach he coul

    ha#e calle out to 2lorence, he coul ha#e gone after her! 8e i not know, or woul not ha#e care to

    know, that as she ran away from him, certain in her istress that she was about to lose him, she hane#er lo#e him more, or more hopelessly, an that the soun of his #oice woul ha#e been a

    eli#erance, an she woul ha#e turne back! Instea, he stoo in col an righteous silence in the

    summer’s usk, watching her hurry along the shore, the soun of her ifficult progress lost to the breaking of small wa#es, until she was blurre, receing against the immense straight roa of shingle

    gleaming in the palli light!1

    Tiffany i not know if she was a literary person but she like the soun an lilt of the #oice that

    carrie the wors! The wors imly wea#e their way through her consciousness, #aguely, floatinglyin a rela%ing spell #ery agreeable to her senses! She leane against the oor listening to the reaing, the

    #oice was talking about the strings of fate!

    -essica ha notice the presence of the arkhaire beauty staning by the oor the moment she ha

    entere the room! As she rea, her eyes kept flitting from the pages she was reaing to the cashmerecla woman! The tawny cashmere sweater hugge her figure perfectly an -essica knew, that as their

    eyes met, again an again, there was mutual interest! She finishe her reaing, wa#e her aoring

    crow away an approache the stranger with two glasses of wine!

    They foun out they were from neighbouring faculties, an Tiffany was here alone because her frien

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    who was a member of the club ha itche her at the party! They con#erse easily, freely!

    /I’m a wallflower e%cept when I rea! 'hen I rea, I become someone else!1

    /'ho are you reaing right now$1

    /Auen! I’ll recite you a fa#orite #erse of mine!1

     'ow should we like it were stars to burn

    With a passion $or us we could not return "$ eual a$$ection cannot be, Let the more loving one be me.

    /I like the imagery of stars, it’s so beautiful but so far away! ina like true lo#e, on’t you think$1

    /0es an with each generation, true lo#e seems to lea#e for a place further an further away until one

    ay, I think it will be nothing more than myth! The skepticism for lo#e in our time is such an uglything! I like stars an that poem, thanks for sharing that with me! *o you perhaps belong to the school

    of Romanticism$1

    /I’m not sure, I’m still figuring out myself! 2or now I .ust rea as much as I want, especially poetry it’s

    the pleasure of ha#ing literature as your ma.or!1/I like poetry too!1 Tiffany smile! /The soun an rhythm, the soun mostly, like music! The worsflow like water, sometimes like the thunerous roar of rapis, sometimes like a quiet creek! I like the

    many ifferent places they bring me!1

    /6h music, I agree! I was .ust listening to Tchaiko#sky’s 'alt) of the 2lowers a while ago an I

    imagine I was ancing in a fiel of flowers, it’s a much nicer place to be than if I were to listen toStra#insky’s Rite of Spring or SaintSaQns’ *anse "acabre!1

    Their glasses clinke as they isco#ere common groun! 'ine an goo con#ersation poure

    enlessly an after many glasses, Tiffany woke up with a mil hango#er in a be that was not hers! It

    was nearly awn an -essica was awake, she was sitting up, one han on the be, another holing up

    the besheets close to her chest! 8er tousle hair fell aroun her loosely like spun rosegol!Tiffany amire -essica’s back#iew! Smooth an slener lines ening with the cur#e of her panini butt!

    She was about to gi#e -essica a buttslap but9

    /"orning!1 -essica whispere then yawne!

    As -essica turne to face her, Tiffany note, she looke a little shy! 'as she regretting her bolness thenight before$ The stuentpoet in’t look as if she took women home often! 6r perhaps she i not

    like ha#ing to eal with the mornings! Tiffany knew from e%perience that the morningafters were

    almost always, awkwar!

    /"orning!1 She greete back a bit too brightly!

    /I’ll get us some breakfast alright$1-essica slowly ease herself out of be, she was quick to throw on an o#ersi)e shirt an withinsecons was paing out of the ormroom! Before lea#ing, she turne an smile, it was a sleepy

    smile an it mae her look like a goofy smiling kitten!

    Tiffany took that as a sign of reassurance that she was really going to get breakfast an not bail, she

    wa#e an mouthe, I’ll be there in a bit! She ecie to stay in be for awhile more, she looke up blankly looking at the cracks on the ceiling an thought she might ha#e been a little reckless last night!

    Taeyeon’s re.ection of her a#ances a few nights ago bruise her ego!

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    = = = = = = = = =

    Taeyeon ne#er knew about Tiffany’s a#entures with other women!

    Imagine what woul ha#e happene if she knew!

    3robably 'orl 'ar III!

    /It’s been what, two years$1

    /It’s been awhile!1

    /I know right!1

    /'hat ha#e you been up to$1

    /3racticing law, I’m working on a huge case right now, you know the news about the two conglomeratesuing each other for patent infringement$1

    /0eah, huge case an you’re part of that$ That’s ama)ing!1

    /It’s a lot of work, massi#e paperwork, it’s #ery e%citing though!1

    /8ow about you$ 'hat ha#e you been up to Taeyeon$1

    /I’#e a gig as a raio *- an I write songs sometimes, nothing glamorous! 'ell e%cept for meeting

    celebrities that come in for inter#iews an promotions, that’s a small perk!1

    /That’s pretty awesome, ha#e you aske a celebrity out for a ate$ I woul!1 Tiffany laughe, /All I

    meet are boring ol lawyers, e#en at inner parties, they’re all my a’s age!1

    />ahhh I try not to ate within the inustry, the thing about being an insier is that you know who’s up

    in whose pants an go there’s too many mileage men with peophiliclike tenencies in thisinustry, they’re busy swiping all the young 7uns! I try to stay away from all that!1

    They ha taken their con#ersation out of the pub an into the streets! Taeyeon was feeling a little

     bu))e an she figure it was mostly alcohol talking! She was somewhat into%icate an her moo was

     bright as she chatte incessantly with Tiffany so it was natural really, she thought, that the con#ersationslippe into the topic of happiness!

    /I’m pretty happy with my life, I’#e a pretty cool .ob, my parents are out of my hair, I’#e a nice stuio

    apartment in the city, I’#e been sailing pretty well!1 She turne to Tiffany an smile, then looke

    away, /An I’m gla you’re oing well, work an all! An he lo#es you #ery much right$1

    She couln’t stop herself, her tongue loosen by the bitterness of alcohol began saying wors she wassure she woul regret later!

    /I’#e always tol myself that one ay you’ll meet a nice guy, someone who likes you for who youreally are an whom you really like! That’s important an you’ both fall in lo#e an then get marrie

    an then be happy! An when that ay comes, I’ll be happy for you because that’s what friens o!1

    Taeyeon’s min faintly caught up with what her tongue ha let loose an the final wors sai, sobereher up immeiately! 8appiness is into%icating an people often en up getting runk on it, but it was

    ifferent for her! It was something she thought about often an because she thought an thought about

    it, rationali)ing an negotiating its terms an conitions, rawing up theories an connections askingthe whys an hows, happiness became our, sober, sombre!

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    /Jm,1 she began, she wante to steer the con#ersation away to something else, like the recent win of

    the national football team o#er their longtime ri#als, -apan, or that new Italian restaurant near >amsan

    Tower, she wante to talk about anything e%cept happiness!

    /Really Taeyeon$1

    But it was too late! The con#ersation ha stoke Tiffany’s interests an she was now looking atTaeyeon, e%pecting more!

    /0es!1 She breathe out, /0es! 0our happiness is most important!1

    /An what about you, what o you want$1

    /Same like e#eryone else, to be happy!1

    Taeyeon kept quiet after that, she coul feel a silent in#isible nuge coming from Tiffany, go on, say

    more, she let out a sigh!

    /They say true happiness comes from within! It isn’t in possession or ownership but rather something#ery abstract, #ery intangible! 2rom within, whate#er that is!1 She gesture in the air, /I on’t know

    how that works! I look at all the happy people aroun me an I feel like I’m not getting it right, like I’m

    missing something!1Taeyeon reache out an hel onto the railings by the 8an Ri#er! 8er legs wobble an she tighteneher grip leaning forwar as she ga)e impassi#ely at the ark waters of the ri#er! She felt hollowe,

    weak, like her legs woul fol an she woul fall! The boo)e was getting to her!

    The younger girl stoo besie her frien watching the ri#er, her #oice was calm an sober an quietly

    she aske, /'hat are you missing$1

    Tiffany coul hear the shaky intake of breath as Taeyeon slowly raise her hea! She looke at Taeyeonan when Taeyeon looke at her, she saw once again that same look of wretcheness, the one she

    remembere from long ago, an as quickly as it came, it fae an all she saw was sa longing before

    she hear the wors replying her question!

    /4o#e! 0ou!1

    /I’m waiting!1


    /6ne more time!1


    /"y heart will break one more time, one last time! After that there will be nothing left to break!1

    0uri was torn between feeling horrifie for her frien an fascination for the cool numbness of her

    wors, she was so compose, so collecte about something as e#astating as heartbreak! This isn’t

    normal, she thought!/8ow can you li#e like that$ Aren’t you presuming too much$1

    /It’s a fact 0ul, I know the way aroun my heart an I know it’s less of a heart now than before, I’#e

     broken it too many times! I on’t know how to e%plain this but I know it’s got one more break left in it!

    After that I’m finishe!1

    /TaeyeonE!1 0uri loope an arm aroun her frien, /0ou shouln’t think that way, be hopeful!1

    /I’m being realistic! I can’t make her happy, this is a fact! There are things she want that I cannot gi#e

     but someone else can, someone else will! I’m .ust waiting for it to happen, after that I think I shall be

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    sa for a #ery long time!1

    Taeyeon sai it so matteroffactly, so calmly that 0uri wante to hit her!

    /*i you talk about this to her, i you both sit own an talk seriously about this$ If, if you ha#en’t

    you shouln’t ecie for her! 0ou’re suppose to fight for your own happiness, not ruin it! 0ou ha#e to

    try, if you on’t at least try fighting, you can’t e#en ream of winning!1

    /'e talke a bit here an there, but I know her 0uri! I know what she wants an I can’t gi#e her that!0ou can’t fight a lost battle!1

    /0ou’re being an iiot Taeyeon, seriously, an how can you smile saying the things you .ust sai$1

    0uri was e%asperate at the thinlippe smile Taeyeon was isplaying!

    /It’s a #ery bitter smile!1

    /-ust a hypothetical question, if you coul ha#e a night with Tiffany! >o strings attache, woul you o



    It was an absolute no sai #ery simply!

    /'hy not$ I woul,1 0uri was milly astonishe at the answer!

    Taeyeon’s laugh was hollow!

    /*on’t sub.ect me to your morals 0uri, it is precisely the lack of strings that I refuse! I on’t want .ust

    se%!1 She hea#e a sigh then spoke softly in a manner that was almost thoughtful, /Although the se% I

    think woul be pretty awesome, but one night of pleasure an then what$ I’m not only physicallyattracte to her, I want her min, her boy, her heart, her soul, her e#erything! It’s all or nothing for


    /I on’t think the allornothing philosophy ought to be applie here, it’s better to get something than

    nothing! Think of it this way, se% is the consolation you get when you can’t ha#e lo#e! It’s at least


    /3hilosophy$ Are you quoting a book 0uri$ >o! >o, I’m not compromising on this! Some people can

    o it, go on a series of onenightstans an fuck aroun, but by oing that they’re .ust fucking

    themsel#es up! Sure you get pleasure but after that what$ That kin of pleasure oesn’t last! It comesthen goes an in its wake lea#e a gaping hole! A eep emptiness! It takes something away from you,

    each time you feel lesser, arker, like someone has stolen from you, light, life, something important! I

    on’t nee that! The worl is alreay pretty shitty as it is, I on’t want lo#e to be the same!1

    /But this is se%, not lo#e5 There is a clear istinction between the two! 4ife on earth is short, it’s betterto o something that makes you feel goo, rather than wallow in misery! That’s such a wretche way to


    /I on’t want to ha#e se% with someone I on’t lo#e!1

    0uri shook her hea in efeat!

    /0ou’re the sort of person who runs into brick walls in life! 0ou’re not going to ha#e it easy like this,learn to let go Taeyeon!1

    /I can’t 0uri, I can’t!1 A soun of e%asperation escape Taeyeon’s throat, /3eople say it like it’s so easy,

    like snap you let go years of history, snap you let go a cherishe frienship, snap you feel better, feel

    happy! *o they e#en hear themsel#es when they say that$ *o they know what they are truly asking$

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    'hat am I$ A fucking machine$ I can’t o that5 -ust lea#e me be 0uri! I’ll figure out a way to get o#er

    this, I’ll try! Really!1

    /0ou know 0uri, I think I’m hurting her!1

    /"mhm$1 0uri wasn’t really listening, the skit she was watching at Tiffany’s church capti#ate her! It

    was calle the 4ifehouse skit an the scene on stage was now at the clima%, (o ha .ust snatche thegirl from *eath’s grip!

    /I think we’re hurting each other!1

    0uri stoppe watching the skit an looke qui))ically at Tiffany, the wors ha finally caught her

    attention! Tiffany ha been quiet all ay, which was a little strange!

    /'e lo#e each other, but ifferently! I’m not sure I can lo#e her the way she oes, I only lo#e the way Iknow how, an it’s ifferent!1

    /8ow is it ifferent$ 4o#e is lo#e!1

    /I know it is, but e#eryone lo#es ifferently! I on’t think my lo#e is lesser than hers, my heart beats as

    fast as hers oes, it’s .ust ifferent! I think there are many ifferent kins of lo#es in this worl!1

    Tiffany looke owncast an forlorn! >ow when 0uri looke closely, she sense a eep sanesshanging like a mist aroun her frien!

    /Tiffany, she oesn’t only lo#e you, she’s in lo#e with you!1

    /I on’t belie#e that, she flipflops o#er this, she’s so confusing, she goes out with other people an

    (o knows what they o, but then she says she lo#es me5 'hat oes she think I think when I see her

    o that$ 'hat am I to her$ I on’t know5 There’s too many uncertainties an it’s so confusing! I think

    she’s confuse!1

    /0ou know what$ I think you’re both confuse! An I think I know why!1


    /There’s something o with the way you an Taeyeon are communicating! 0ou guys are holing back,meeting halfway then rawing back, one person takes a step forwar an the other backwars, again

    an again, afrai, ancing aroun the issue, ne#er touching, ne#er meeting at the halfway point!Someone nees to grab the other person an .ust makeout or something! That woul make e#erything

    clearer! 6r you know, you guys shoul .ust talk honestly! +ommunication is key!1

    /0uriE! you on’t unerstan! I’#e trie really but she backe away from me5 That was a long time

    ago an I still on’t unerstan why, sometimes I feel like this is all a game! 3ush an pull, push an pull! But that’s all in the past now an honestly, I think we now want ifferent things in life!1

    /But that’s precisely why you guys nee to talk5 I .ust on’t get why you both seem so afrai of talking

    hearttoheart! *oes it hurt that much to lower your walls$1

    They were like two opposing forces, like opposite poles of a magnet!

    That was why there was the initial attraction, because opposites attract right$ But they were inretrospect, two people that shoul not ha#e met! The ifference between them was .arring, from

     personality to backgroun to place of origin! *espite the saying opposites attract, in reality reallife

    interaction an group formation more closely resemble the other popular saying 9 birs of a featherflock together! Their ifferences shoul ha#e kept them apart, repel instea of attract, there ought to be

    resistance! But there wasn’t!

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    'hen two people of ifferent isposition get along as well as they i, it was as if the stars ha aligne

    an fate ha ecree that the li#es of these two people ought to cross paths, sometimes e#en intertwine!

    Accoring to quantum physics’ ?3R parao%, when particles meet, their meeting howe#er brief link

    one to the other! 'hen one is affecte by something, so will the other, e#en at a great istance!

    The girl euce that once two people connect, .ust once, meeting at the same frequency an the same

    wa#elength, it will be fore#er! The connection will last fore#er! 'e all walk our own paths, time pulls

    us all forwar an all paths mo#e linearly in parallels, but in the occasion when a person manages to .ump from their path onto your own, for e#en the briefest of moment, it is a meeting that you willremember fore#er because this person has one the forbien by stealing a way into your path an this

    is a rare, #ery rare thing!

    But so many things coul ha#e pre#ente this, coul ha#e pre#ent this crossing! 8uman relationships

    are fragile! "any of the ties we form are an almost!

    The almost  haunte the girl! There was always that question, almost! The what i$  they ha ne#er met,

    then she wouln’t be suffering like this! The what i$  a cra)y collision ha happene, that they ha

    happene! 'oul she be happy$

    Boom! ?%plosion! 2ireworks! Boom! ?ruption! "elting! Boom! "olten fusion! A merging of sorts! a


    It coul ha#e been a really beautiful thing, at least until their elements ecie that they ought to clash

    instea of complement! Then probably, they’ estroy each other!

    But maybe not, she muse! 2rienship was the founation of what they ha#e between them, not se% or

    romantic lo#e! In the en someone woul always gi#e way! Always!

    In this way, frienlo#e is better, purer9


    Why Because a true frien oesn’t want anything from you5 A true frien .ust wants you to be happy!

    It is unconitional! True frienship is unconitional!

    An this iffers from romantic lo#e$

    6f course it iffers5 Romantic lo#e is selfish! There is an element of want in it, an insatiable cra#ing for 

    the ob.ect of lo#e, a ma esire for ownership an it is only with this that the lo#er can be happy, if thisoes not happen, why ha#e you e#er seen a person whose lo#e is unrequite, happy$ I are say no!

    At this, the girl ene her auience with Reason!

    She was not con#ince, frienship she thought was better, it is gentle, patient an kin! Romantic lo#e

    iffers in that it is hot, fiery, passionate, allconsuming! It burns an it hurts, it is euphoria an ecstasy

    with a fierce ash of bloo! It was the kin of lo#e that puts you facetoface with the eye of a #olcano,a huge pit of fire, a kin of hell! +an you imagine feeling the breath of fire in your face$ It’s scary5 All

    humans feare fire!

    To the girl it was common sense really!

     *o not play with $ire.

    It was a beautiful sunny ay an Tiffany was taking a stroll along *ongho Brige en.oying the #iew ofthe ri#er an the sun on her skin, the meeting earlier that morning with the florist an the ressmaker

    ha gone more than well! She was #ery please that all the prep she was oing was coming together!

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    /Taeyeon5 'hat a coincience51

    /6h hhi 3panyshi!1

    /'hat’s with the honorifics$1 Tiffany aske a surprise Taeyeon before hugging the shorter girl! /I’#e

     been waiting to hear from you, you’re the only one who hasn’t replie my RSD3!1

    /Sorry, I’#e been really busy! I’m afrai I can’t come to your weing! I will be away for awhile, I’m

    going to Bra)il!1/'haa9 Bra)il$1

    /T6 is sening me there, I’m part of a contingent of entertainers going to South America to promote

    orean culture! It’s been in the works for awhile, I’m sorry 2any!1

    />o, no it’s alright, it must be an honor to represent orea!1

    /0ep! 'ho knew my raio show was that popular with o#ersea oreans, I reckon that’s why I was

    in#ite, apparently I recei#e a substantial amount of #otes an requests to come, it came as a surpriseto me really!1

    Taeyeon smile, she looke at Tiffany an thought her frien was glowing, she must be so happy!

    /I’ll miss your big ay!1

    /It’s alright, you woul ha#e come if you in’t ha#e thisE1

    The question hung awkwarly in the air!

    Taeyeon’s smile was enigmatic! In her hea, she thought, no I wouln’t! I wouln’t atten the weing

    e#en if I coul! 0ou shoul ne#er atten the weing of the lo#e of your life if it’s not to yourself!Attenance is only possible if you’#e foun someone else or ha#e fallen out of lo#e, but ne#er when in

    lo#e, ne#er! It woul be like pouning the broken pieces of your heart to ust!

    This is a #ery important life rule! *o not atten the weing if the brie is the lo#e of your life! *on’t

     be a blooy martyr! *on’t o this to yourself!

    Taeyeon noe her hea a little, an they stoo there in silence! There was nothing more to say an

    Taeyeon shifte from one foot to another before mo#ing swiftly forwar an gently kissing Tiffany on

    the lips! Then as quick as she went in, she pulle back remo#ing herself from Tiffany’s personal space!

    /I’ll miss you! Be happy alright$1

    She smile a smile, sa an wistful then shook her hea!

    /'hat am I saying$ I know you’ll be happy! Remember when we were younger, I sai that you’ll meeta guy one ay, a great guy that will make you happy an you’ll fall in lo#e an start thinking of a future

    together! 0ou’ll marry him an li#e happily e#er after!1

    Taeyeon took a step back, backing away! 8er #oice was bitter, breaking!

     /nd my heart will break all over again.

    Suenly breathing felt so ifficult, her heart twiste in agony! There were so many things she wanteto say but she couln’t, she ha promise to be happy, she couln’t say that my heart is breaking, I

    can’t come for your weing because I’ll ha#e to be happy an I on’t think I can o that to myself!

    ?#en as a frien, I on’t think I’m strong enough, I’m sorry! I’m so sorryE

    /An now it’s all coming true! 0ou’ll be happy! I belie#e you will! 4i#e well Tiffany!1

    It felt like a goobye!

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    Tiffany felt the moment passing quickly by her, like she was outsie of time an e#erything was

    mo#ing quickly, without her an she couln’t o anything but stan there, fro)en, immobile, useless,

    incapable of pre#enting the last threa of their frienship from slipping out of her grasp!

    She remembere a time, long ago when she hel Taeyeon in her arms! That night or rather nights because there were a few nights, where they lai e#erything bare, a hearttoheart, an Taeyeon ha

    crie! An it suenly hit her, that she was holing Taeyeon’s heart an that Taeyeon ha gi#en it to her 

    many years ago on a col rainy night! Then she remembere the night where Taeyeon ha runkenlysai she wante lo#e an she wante her an then ismisse e#erything she ha .ust sai, saying that itwas a slip of tongue an what she really meant was that she wante happiness the way how e#eryone

    gaine happiness!


    The flashlike unerstaning o#er what ha really transpire o#erwhelme her, this wasn’t a game or afri#olous crush that will pass away, it was real an she was about to lose Taeyeon! She ha barely

    recollecte herself when Taeyeon was all bows an apologies, she caught wors /getting late1

    /important appointment1 /ha#e to go now1 /goobye 2any1!

    The parting was abrupt an suen like someone ha snippe off the threa that ha kept them

    together! Tiffany stoo there, roote to the groun as she watche Taeyeon turn an lea#e! She wanteto stop Taeyeon but she couln’t, she was staning at a forke roa, she was getting marrie an she

    couln’t walk the roa Taeyeon ha chosen, it was o#er an it was there at *ongho Brige by the 8an

    Ri#er where they last met!

    It was a short morning raio show that she was helping to *- because the main *- an unni of hers ha

    taken lea#e for #acation! She arri#e early an met her co*- an ol portly sunbae who use to be a

    ashing iol when he was younger! 8e was laying out picture cars on the table an she came up tohim, curious of what he was oing!

    /'hat are those cars for sunbaenim$1 Taeyeon aske as she pointe to the cars!

    /Taeyeonshi, you’re early toay! These cars$1 8e gesture at the cars, /They’re for the psychology

    game later!1

    Taeyeon peere at the cars, /I’#e ne#er seen cars like these before!1

    /*o you want to try a game$ It oesn’t take long an I can o a testrun before we try it on our guestslater!1

    /0es, sure!1

    /6kay! 3ick a car you think escribes your life at present!1

    Taeyeon’s eyes swept across the many cars an quickly she picke the car that ha a picture of a

    raio in it!

    /Raio$ That is too easy!! this game is more for people we on’t know, an icebreaker type!1

    Taeyeon laughe, /Ah I see!1

    /'ell, pick another car! This time, a car that you think will represent your future!1

    Again Taeyeon’s eyes scanne the cars! She took her time an at last after almost a minute, she settleon a car that showe two people sitting on the grass facing the mountains!


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    The sunbae pause for a moment to look at the car before asking Taeyeon to e%plain her choice!

    /Two friens en.oying each other’s company against the backrop of nature! 'hat more coul you


    /6kay! 3ick another car!1

    Taeyeon wonere why but she i not question her sunbae an quickly chose a car that showe two

    ol men playing chess in a park!/This one!1

    /An may I ask why that car$1

    /Similar to the pre#ious car! Two friens but oler in this car, en.oying the company of the other!1

    /Interesting choices Taeyeonshi! 0ou want companionship an that itself is not unusual, but e#eryone

    your age tens to choose these cars!1

    8e pointe at a car that showe a brie in a weing gown with a smartly resse groom an another

    car that showe a family 9 a man, a woman an their chil!

    Taeyeon opene her mouth an then close it! She stammere, /Ah! I91

    /0ou want companionship but not of this kin$1

    8e again pointe at the two cars!

    /Taeyeonshi, yung 8eesunbae, please come into the stuio now!1 A staff calle out, he came in to

    usher the two raio *-s out of the waiting room, /'e’re going on air in a bit, hurry!1

    After the raio show Taeyeon ponere o#er the comment mae by her elerly sunbae! She rank some .uice an leane back against the chair she was sitting in! 8er own raio show was not for another hour,

    it was her free time now!

    She took the pack of cars, an remo#e the car epicting a man an w