Un me jeans branding in web 2.0.pptx

UnME Jeans: Branding in Web 2.0

Transcript of Un me jeans branding in web 2.0.pptx

  1. 1. UnME Jeans: Branding in Web 2.0
  2. 2. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 What is UnME Jeans ? UnME Jeans was one of the most successful up-and- coming players in the junior denim market. UnME, whose letters stands for you and me.
  3. 3. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Advertising Members of UnME Jeans Margaret Foley o Brand Manager of UnME Jeans Bob Barocci o President and CEO of the Advertising Research Foundation
  4. 4. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 UnME Jeans Brand A brand that was designed to encourage women to forge their own unique identities and to promote tolerance and appreciation for differences of opinions and tastes The UnME brand story revolved around celebrating the individuality of teenage girls and encouraging teens to speak out against peer pressure and conformity
  5. 5. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Delivery of UnME Brand Story 30-second television advertising spots on the most popular programs for teenage girls, such as Gossip Girl, American Idol, and One Tree Hill Full-page magazine print advertising in beauty and fashion magazines
  6. 6. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Delivery of UnME Brand Story 60-second radio advertising spots on Top 40 radio stations Online banner and display advertising on the most popular websites for teenage girls
  7. 7. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Foleys most recent annual media plan
  8. 8. What is the present situation?
  9. 9. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Situation Analysis (1/2) UnME was selling its jeans with great confidence across United States and sold at a slight price premium to comparable brands. The brand story was delivered to target consumers via television and radio advertising Looking ahead, Foley, brand manager of UnME Jeans, realized that trends were driving radical change in the media markets that had the potential to reduce the effectiveness of her current media plan
  10. 10. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Situation Analysis (2/2) Foleys advertising agency had provided her with a plan to bring her brand to three social media outlets: Zwinktopia, Facebook, and YouTube She thought about the measures she used to evaluate the impact of her traditional media spending: reach, frequency, receptivity, and presence, and whether they were appropriate to measure the impact of social media.
  11. 11. Why study this case?
  12. 12. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Objective of this case To understand Foleys most recent media plan and changing consumers media habit due to advancement in new technologies. To understand the key concepts and insights of new lingo of Web 2.0 and get familiar with the use of Twitter, avatars, tag clouds, widgets, RSS, podcasts, mashups, long tails, and convergence.
  13. 13. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Objective of this case To understand the effect of introduction of Web 2.0 and social media on the advertisements and branding of UnME Jeans, in particular and other companies as a whole To analyze the solutions provided after research by the advertising agency and finally find a qualitative solution regarding the investment in the advertisement in social media and Web 2.0
  14. 14. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Biggest Challenge for Margaret Foley The Biggest Challenge would be cutting through all of the hype surrounding Web 2.0 and analyzing its potential for her brand from a media perspective
  15. 15. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Worries for Margaret Foley Were any of these emerging social media channels appropriate for her brand and what were the benefits and risks of each? How could they substitute for or complement her existing media plan ? What kind of results could she expect from Web 2.0?
  16. 16. Three trends were driving radical change in the media markets that had the potential to reduce the effectiveness of her current media plan
  17. 17. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Changes (1/3) Consumers media habits were rapidly changing
  18. 18. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Changes (2/3) Consumers were besieged with over 5,000 advertising messages each day, making it difficult for marketers to break through the clutter
  19. 19. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Changes (3/3) The increase in advertising clutter was contributing to a third trend that was driving changes in consumers media habits: consumers were increasingly tuning out or opting out of advertising
  20. 20. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Forms of online advertising that dominated the current media environment Search Advertising, 41% Banner / Display Ads, 32% Classified Ads, 17%
  21. 21. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Increasing disparity between corporate media spending and consumer media consumption
  22. 22. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Expected growth of social media U.S. Marketing Spending in Social Media ($ billions) (social networks, blogs, community sites)
  23. 23. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 The Web 2.0 Opportunity
  24. 24. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0
  25. 25. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 A new cultural ideology (1/5) Four cultural values undergirded this new ideology that infiltrated contemporary American culture : consumer co-creation social affiliation digital self-expression sharing
  26. 26. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Consumer Co-Creation (2/5) Consumer co-creation gave consumers the ability to directly contribute to the online conversation and content that was available on the web
  27. 27. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Growth in online video advertising US Online Video Advertising Spending (millions), 2007-2013
  28. 28. Axe brand entitled, Bom Chicka Wah Wah, which quickly became a YouTube sensation
  29. 29. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0
  30. 30. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Social affiliation (3/5) Connecting consumers to others formed the basis for the second cultural value of Web 2.0: social affiliation Online social networking exploded following the introduction of two social networking websites, MySpace and Facebook
  31. 31. Host of smaller social networking sites
  32. 32. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Digital self-expression (4/5) Digital self-expression captured the desire for people to express their identities online As people spent more time online and as their social contact with others shifted from real to virtual interactions, people created digital representations of their selves.
  33. 33. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 These three-dimensional digital representations, called avatars, allowed people to create a unique identity for themselves online, which represented who they were (or who they wanted to be) in real life. The creation of avatars enabled people to be online rather than just to go online, bringing a seismic shift in the way people experienced the Internet
  34. 34. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Age Distribution of Second Life residents
  35. 35. Information about the Marketplace
  36. 36. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Sharing (5/5) Consumers no longer wanted to be the target of marketers, but rather, they wanted to be their partners Long used to talking at consumers via one- way advertising communications, marketers felt unsure how to talk with consumers in a two- way dialogue.
  37. 37. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Spinning Web 2.0 into an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Foleys advertising agency had provided her with a plan to bring her brand to three social media outlets : Zwinktopia Facebook YouTube
  38. 38. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Zwinktopia (1/3) The agency would develop a line of virtual UnME Jeans that would be sold to avatars on Zwinktopia through a virtual UnME Jeans retail store. As each special edition jean was released in the real world, UnME would simultaneously release a virtual version of it to generate online buzz about the product.
  39. 39. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Zwinktopia (1/3) The budget for the Zwinktopia program included a one-time charge of $200,000 for upfront creative development and a recurring charge of $100,000 per year for operation, maintenance, and updating.
  40. 40. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Facebook (2/3) The agency would develop an UnME brand profile page for Facebook that would feature the fictional character Sasha who would embody the UnME brand personality. UnME would also purchase targeted banner advertising on Facebook, targeting women ages 12 to 24 with an interest in fashion.
  41. 41. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Facebook (2/3) The budget for the Facebook program included a one-time charge of $350,000 for creative development of the profile page, widget, and banner ads. UnME would then pay $150,000 for a three-month advertising program on Facebook, which included a brand profile page and targeted banner advertising.
  42. 42. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 YouTube (3/3) The agency would develop three four-minute YouTube video ads that would collectively tell the stories of teen girls who embodied the brand essence of UnME. Teen girls would be invited to upload videos about themselves or their friends that showed how they forged their own unique identities and how they promoted tolerance and appreciation for differences of opinions and tastes
  43. 43. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 YouTube (3/3) The YouTube program costs included a one-time up- front fee of $300,000 for creative development of the brand channel and the video ads. The budget also included a $300,000 media buy with YouTube, which sold the brand channel and the in-video ads at a CPM of $40.
  44. 44. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Dilemma in taking decision for Feloy (1/2) (1/3) It would be difficult to obtain funding for any of the programs unless she could provide senior management with clear objectives and a plan for measuring the results of each program. She also needed to be sure that any money she was taking out of traditional media like television, magazines, or radio would produce comparable or better sales results in social media than in her current media vehicles. But measuring social media results was proving to be difficult in Web 2.0
  45. 45. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Dilemma in taking decision for Feloy (2/2) (1/3) She was also concerned about the lack of control she would have over the content into which her advertising was inserted. Advertising in the new social media was more risky, as much of the content on sites like Second Life, Zwinktopia, YouTube, and Facebook was risqu, lewd, and/or inappropriate for her brand and might offend her target consumers.
  46. 46. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Expected Decision by Feloy (1/2) She ought to choose developing a UnME brand profile page for Facebook and stick with this solution provided by the advertising agency. This option is economic than Zwinktopia option but expensive than You tube but owing to large fan following of people on social networking sites and average time spend by teens and young adults on these sites is quite high, this alternative solution proves to be a better choice.
  47. 47. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 Expected Decision by Feloy (2/2) Also, the expected increase in number of people joining Facebook and other social networking sites in the upcoming years is quite large than both of them, this solution seems to be a futuristic solution despite some possibilities of guilty of fad following.
  48. 48. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 These slides were created by Sudarshan Kumar, as a part of an internship under the guidance of Prof. Sameer Mathur (www.IIMInternship.com)
  49. 49. UnME Jeans : Branding in Web 2.0 CREDITS Lolopeakbrewery.com www.reuters.com Marketplace.secondlife.com Alternativeto.com Commons.Wikimedia.org www.callthemarketingguy.com www.laurenmarinigh.com Resumeswan.com www.dreamstime.com www.brainmeasures.com www.moneysavingexpert.com En.Wikipedia.org www.innovation.va.gov Gogivevrs.ca Grougrou.deviantart.com www.worshiphousemedia.com Community.beliefnet.com www.newthing.org Creepypasta.wikia.com www.youtube.com Twitter.com www.miso-media.com Docslide.us Medcitynews.com