un 26 SEA SKIFFS I ST HB - NYS Historic...

Sentencing- of two Bronx men who pleaded guilty Monday to pe- tit larceny in the theft of two television sets from the Route 112 Motel , Medford , was set for 9:30 a. m. June 20 in Brookhaven Town Court by Justice Leon E. Giuf- freda. The defendants are Ronald Kel- ler , 29 , of 1207 Boynton Avenue , the Bronx , who continued free in $1 ,000 bail , and James John Gon- zalez of 1001 Home Street , the Bronx , who continued free in $1> , 500 bail. At the request of Prosecuting Attorney Lloy d A. Feuer of Pat- chogue , Justice Giuffreda permitted the charge to be reduced to petit larceny from grand larceny in the second degree when , police said , the TV sets were returned to the Fifth Precinct of the Suffolk County Police. In effect the charge was reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. Mr. Feuer said the defendants pleaded not guilty ' to the grand larceny charge. Gonzalez 1 was arrested by Fifth Squad detectives in Manhattan at 3 a. m. June 12. The next day the detectives arrested Keller in Patchogue. Sentencing Monday For Two Bronx Men Convicte d of Theft Miss Philli ps Wins BA at Ohio College Miss Harriet Frary Phillips , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Phillips of South Country Road , Bellport , was graduated June 12 at the 102nd commencement cere- monies of Lake Erie College , Painesville , O. She was awarded a bachelor of arts degree. During her four years at Lake Erie , Miss Philli ps majored in art . She spent 11 weeks of the Winter term of her junior year studying at the University of Grenoble in Grenoble , France. The Winter term abroad for juniors is a feature of the four-year liberal arts curri- culum at Lake Erie College. On the Dean ' s list for the Spring term of her junior year , Miss Phillips was also vice president of the Recreation Association , song leader for the Senior class , a Dwan Club member for her first three years and a member of the Dance Club as a senior. She served the yearbook staff as photography editor and was among ei ght sen- iors to stage an art show just prior to graduation. Lion s Have 26 Bands For Independence Day The various Independence Day Parade committees working on the Patchogue Lions ' forthcoming holiday march program have had spectacular success in attracting musical units. At last count there were 26 , and heading them will be the McGuire Air Force Band from the Army ' s Air Base in New Jersey. | The base band will present a ,. musical progra m of its own on the Elks ' Club lawn following the parade. Securing this Air Force musical organization was most fortunate. Its visit was arranged ! through the efforts of the Patch- ogue Chamber of Commerce , Mayor Robert Waldbauer of Patchogue and Otis Pike , congressman from Suffolk Count y. The total of 20 musical units exceeds the number of bands in any Jul y 4 parade held under Lions ' guidance in past years. The parade will start at the usual time—10 a. m.—on the holiday morning and will be reviewed by village and town officials from the Elks ' Club lawn. Fireworks are scheduled for closeout of the day ' s celebration. This year they will be on view at Mascot Dock , foot of South Ocean Avenue , Patchogue. This will g ive spectators an excellent view from the village shorefront park and all bayfront vantage points. Teams of Lions Club members are now circulating through both residential and business areas of Patchogue making monetary col- lections to help defray the heavy cost of the holiday entertainment and the financial needs of the club' s annual " aid-to-the-blind" program. Salvation Army Set To Open Its Camps Exciting dreams of summer camp will come true for 313 children of Nassau and Suffolk Counties this year , through the efforts of the Salvation Army. The children range in age from seven to 12. During the past few weeks , the Salvation Army has been hard at work getting Star Lake Camps read y for the official opening of the camping season Tuesday. One hundred seventy-seven boys and 136 girls will enjoy a full program of activities during this season at the camp. There will be swimming, hiking, cook-outs , na- ture study, boating, crafts , dra- matics , music and athletics. The camJpers will have all the good food they can eat and plent y of milk to drink. The camlp pro- gram is designed to strengthen the children not only physically, but spiritually as well through counseling and religious services. The Salvation Army Star Lake Camp is a certificated member of the American Camp ing Associa- tion. Benevolent Fund Drive Is Scheduled for Sunday HAGERMAN Fred Kelly, chief of the Hagerman Fire De- partment , announces that depart- ment members will start out north of Montauk Highway at about 10:30 a. m. Sunday on the fund raising drive for its newly formed Benevolent Association Fund. Or- lando Male.tta is chairman. - —— 3 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiilliiiiiMiiillli 'i a | Open a Judson Charge I [ | Account Today ! f! iiiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiu. " g JUDSON S | TROPICAL SUIT | TIME j I Our Tropicals ¦ Resist Wrinkles Even ¦ on the Stickiest Days \\ ¦ They ' re Cool , Porous. * Featherwei ghts from £ Famous Makers ¦ ¦ Wide Assortment of Fine ¦ Summer Fabrics 3 s Pleasing You With Good ' Service and Fine ¦ Quality is Our ¦ Aim ¦ ! Extra longs for tall men 5 Extra sizes for big men ¦ Huskies for boys 3 JUDSONS J Clothing and Haberdashery ¦ for Men and Boys \\ i 40 EAST MAIN STREET 5 PATCHOGUE ¦ GRover 5-4025 j Open Mon. & Fri. 'til 9 p.m. ¦ m_______ tm_____________9_m________________ m_9________99_____r i 9 Enjoy Music by the Beachcomber Trio E\ erv Sat. Night. :: Complete Dinners served daily except Mon. CATERING FOR ALL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS BELLPORT HOTEL TSfe-^f . «_____^ m—_- __m_____ ——m- —m_____ ___...._____________________m m__________________m_____ m__- _________ %_ m_.__mm—m__ _-' P** " ***A* * * **********f ***i* * un * ****Mnr *i*nn-*_i*rm-^^ WEEKS 26 SEA SKIFFS I ' % ' -. i} . " 9 _ t ____ <.y^' < ' r'> j v Aiw^'ii "> V*- ' ' > * * * - . ' "*' ¦ > * , ( ' ?>* ¦ ° v< ^ > **V " i'^-.^. ""^ C ^" " »- 1 ^^S^^ ^f ^ ^ ^h^ ' ^' ^f ^ '^ i f ' * >- » , r " s S < ' v>\ ; 4 7 VcV i Navy Top, Side Curtains^ 125 H.P. Marine Chrysler Power , Electric Bilge Pump, I ! Helmsman Seat , Sleeps 2, and Many other quality features. ! WRITE OR PHONE FOR BROCHURE BOOKLET "A" $S[QOfl^ ! SHELTER CABIN AS SHOWN $160.00 OPTIONAL ^P'fLp «> ^ft ! ! DESIGNED AND BUILT BY ESTABLISHED IN 1898 1 i FRANK M. WEEKS YACHT YARD BIVER ^S^SST1 L-L ! I OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK I .H^l^tw^. " Vi & __m H ^^^Hl HUHB BH HH^i^HH^^fe^ ¦ ¦ BBHta^. WB W L __ W W *W ^^_ \\W *^r ^H^B^H^Bb 0 B B BT^M B ^ B ^ B A * jV ^H. _\\\\ ^DT ^uu_3fliBLu-__u^^L^^i^^^BMjii^^«^i^^H^^^flB ^mW-WW-Ww AH ^_\ Umm m ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ i M^ i i _Ti il S! S^ i ' .!""""""" 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Addin g one or more | rooms to your present home may well prove to be the most econom- | cal and satisfactory solution. \ If you have acquired a substantial equity in your home , we will refinance it with a new low-cost mortgage loan that will provide the added funds needed for the proj ect. | i gB k THE PATCHOGUE BANK I :| HS "Service /$ Our Business " I | NAX^roIoGu*^^ ' | 47 West Main Street, Patchogue GRover 5-3020 Branch Office—468 East Main Street , Patchogue GRover 5-3035 11 Friday Evenings 6:30 P. M. to 8 P. M. j j| MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. ij r _nmmmmmm m mm m mmm_._ ,mm_._. _._ ._ . _.m_.___._. m_. ~_._._._.n_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-_._. - 1 rT~~r~nTi inniirinnnwi iBi iiitMinniiw ( riiiiimniiiiiijutiiiiiiiii ' The North Patchogii f Fire De- partment t ' . - italilkheii a "first" over the weekend b y winning a trophy for best appearanre in ec.iupeutiuii with over l>0 other units at Creat Neek Saturday. The unit i^ the first fire depart- ment in Brookbaven Town to win the award, which i< giver each yea r b y the Souther)) New York State Volunteer Firemen ' s Asso- ciation. .lack Blaum. assistant chief , led a uroup o\' 'J(' ) men to the fire- matic drill. The hand fr nn North Patchogue also w i.\ Uurd phu'e in competit ion. •"• ^WMk«MiHMMMMntt«i«WWH««HlBHBHBB ^MHI«aiHnnn No. Patchogue Firemen Get 'First ' irt Looks BOY SCOUT James Haas , 13, center , is shown receiving Star Scout card and three merit badges from Scoutmaster John Densing recently. Steve Densing, who had made fi rst class , looks on at left. Scouts are from Patchogue Troop 5 which recently received its charter for new year. —Advance Photo Scouts of Troop 5, Patchogue , were recently treated to a turkey buffet supper with cake and ice cream at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Haas , 22 William Street , Patchogue Shores. Their son , James, was being welcomed home from, the hospital. He was also celebrating his birth- day and was being accorded rec- ognition on attaining Star Scout rank. Bovs interested in joining Troop 5 may call GRover 5-9081 for in- formation. Troop 5 recently received its charter for the new year from Chauncey Augustine, Neighbor- hood commissioner. A "Parents Night" was: held , and a Court of Honor presented the following awards: James Haas , Star Scout and three merit badges. Step hen Den- sing, First Class Scout; Frank Hutton , Second Class Scout; John Chumas , Richard Grey, Clifford Lettieri , Robert Kni ght and Law- rence Wolp in were recognized as Tenderfoot. Scouts , and Robert Stuart , one merit bad ge. TO BE SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISE Local Scout Receives Star Scout Card The 140th Transportation Battalion NYARN G of Suffolk and the I Canaan Lake-East Civic Association of Patchogue will participate in a dual ceremony to take place at Canaan Lake July 4. Both' organ- izations will be honoring the late M. Sgt. Lloyd Ei\ Blake for the service he performed far community, state and country. Major Whaley of the battalion | will present the New York State Long and Faithful Service medal to Sgt. Blake ' s widow, a member of the Canaan Lake Association. Sgt. Blake served the New York Guard and the New York State ! Army National Guard for over 30 years , both as an officer and as an enlisted man. The Canaan Lake Association is dedicating a flag pole and plaque in honor of the late Sgt. Blake , George E. Snyder and Jay I K. Wohlseld. All were past presi- dents of the association. The 587th Transportation Com- pany of Smithtown will have its color guard and firing squad pres- ent to partici pate in the ceremony. Master Sergeant Richard J. Peters , a ' m' ember of both" the 587th Trans- portation Company and the Can- aan Lake Association , is making arrangements for the guest speak- ers of the ceremony. Peter Pino , president of the association , will open the cere- mony at 2 p. m. on the North Ocean Avenue side of Canaan Lake. A large turnout of the as- sociation is expected. > > . Civic, National Guard Units To Honor M. Sat. L. E. Blake RIVE'RHEAD The Inter- state Sanitation Commission last week in Suffolk Supreme Court , in a suit against Brookhaven Town and the Port Jeff e . -on Sew- er Di^t ict , charged the Long Island Sound and Port Jefferson Harbor is being polluted by raw sewage dumped bv the sewer dis- trict. Justice Henry M. Zaleski re- ceived briefs from the commission and opposing papers from the town and reserved decision. Thomas R. Glenn . Jr., the com- mission ' s chief engineer , in the papers .said the town had been ordered by the commission to stop polluting the waters prior to March 1 , 195(5. Mr. Glenn said a test was made of sewage wastes last November . The findings show , according to Mr. Glen , that "there is a grave menace to the health , welfare , and recreational facilities of the people living in the area. The town , through Attorney John J. J. Jones , asked that the suit be dismissed. Mr. Jones con- tended the town had built a $340 ,- 000 sewage U*eatment plant , which was disposing of the sewage in .a satisfactory manner. The commission demands that the town stop dumping its sewage in the harbor , or improve the plant' s operations immediately to comply with their sanitary stand- ards. Say Raw Sewage Polluting Sound , Port J. Harbor Bernard J. Finnerty ; son of Mr. I and M.s. Herbert Klein of Coates Avenue , Holbrook , received a bach- | BERNARD J. FINNERTY elor of science degree cum laude Saturday from C. W. Post College of Long Island University in Brookville. Mr. Finnerty majored in ac- counting. He received the Gus Ehrlich Memori al Accounting award and was on the Dean ' s list for three years. He was elected to Pi Gamniia Mu , national social science honor society. Finnert y Graduates Cum Laude From Post BELLPORT The Bellport Men ' s Fellowshi p at its June meet- ing elected the officers for the coming year. They are as follows : Andrew DePaollo , president; Maurice Bee- be , vice president; Charles Smith , secretary and William Greenhill , treasurer. A program of Summer activi- ties was planned and committees were appointed for a golf tourna- ment , fishing tri p, famil y p icnic , beach party and a treasure hunt. In addition , the club will again serv e hot dogs and soda to the Little League Farm team which it sponsors. A schedule of Summer events wjll be sent to each mem- ber in the near future. The membership again voted to make a contribution to the schol- arship fund and sponsored two camperships for the Boy Scout troop. Arthur Weis and Walter Hutch- ins make up the publicity com- mittee. DePaollo New Head Of Men ' s Fellowshi p We wish to thank Father Merrill and all of our very dear friends for their kindness and considera- tion shown to us during our re- cent bereavement. Mrs. Estelle Maggio Robert and Warren Maggio—Adv. CARD OF THANKS MOVING DAY—Patchogue citizens witnessed a " moving day " on the grand scale June 15 when James A. Brownie & Son , house movers , of East Main Street, East Patchogue , transport- ed a house north on Medford Avenue from Oak Street parking lot to Log Road , North Patch- ogue. Move took about five hours. House was formerly owned by Mrs. Minnie Girshoff. —Advance Photo bv John Clark r-T \- GUY LOMBARDO *— -— 1 feUP^IIA^iS^ I J NIGHTLY at 8.30. * * T* *~ ~ I I INCL. SUN: tin. SEPT.4 S gjf t 8 J&i & » £% 1 U-.j-.2-.!- !$$»fHftur f , A Hawaiian Musical Fantasy I I * >FAT^ NOW AT- I L. la UYY MI J PENN. TICKET AGENCY, Perm. Station LA. 4-9044; ALL 1 I ABRAHAM & STRAUS STORES, OFFICES OF MEADOW BROOK NAT';. BANK J I in Wantagh , Freeport , Central Lynbrook , Hicksville , West Hempstead , Man- I 1 basset , Jamaica , Bay Ridge; EASTPOINT HOUSE, Freeport , L. I. 1 | |MAIL ORDERS FILLED AND SEATS NOW AT JONES BEACH MARINE THEA T RE I I L JONES BEACH MARINE THEATRE WA NTAGH, LI . CAstie 1 1000 J In loving memory of my son , Billy De Mullen , who passed away June 21, 1941. Mother , Laura Roser.—Adv. IN MEMORIAM

Transcript of un 26 SEA SKIFFS I ST HB - NYS Historic...

Page 1: un 26 SEA SKIFFS I ST HB - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071025/1961-06-22/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Bi '!^ BBm t ^I BBBBBBBBHH M BH!BBBBBBi '" JBHBB Br .^MMHf_m

Sentencing- of two Bronx menwho pleaded guilty Monday to pe-tit larceny in the theft of twotelevision sets from the Route 112Motel , Medford , was set for 9:30a. m. June 20 in Brookhaven TownCourt by Justice Leon E. Giuf-freda.

The defendants are Ronald Kel-ler , 29 , of 1207 Boynton Avenue ,the Bronx , who continued free in$1,000 bail , and James John Gon-zalez of 1001 Home Street, theBronx , who continued free in$1>,500 bail.

At the request of ProsecutingAttorney Lloyd A. Feuer of Pat-chogue , Justice Giuffreda permittedthe charge to be reduced to petitlarceny from grand larceny in thesecond degree when , police said,the TV sets were returned to theFifth Precinct of the SuffolkCounty Police.

In effect the charge was reducedfrom a felony to a misdemeanor.Mr. Feuer said the defendantspleaded not guilty ' to the grandlarceny charge.

Gonzalez1 was arrested by FifthSquad detectives in Manhattan at3 a. m. June 12. The next daythe detectives arrested Keller inPatchogue.

Sentencing MondayFor Two Bronx MenConvicted of Theft

Miss Phillips WinsBA at Ohio College

Miss Harriet Frary Phillips ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F.Phillips of South Country Road ,Bellport, was graduated June 12at the 102nd commencement cere-monies of Lake Erie College,Painesville, O. She was awarded abachelor of arts degree.

During her four years at LakeErie, Miss Phillips majored in art .She spent 11 weeks of the Winterterm of her junior year studyingat the University of Grenoble inGrenoble, France. The Winter termabroad for juniors is a feature ofthe four-year liberal arts curri-culum at Lake Erie College.

On the Dean's list for the Springterm of her junior year, MissPhillips was also vice president ofthe Recreation Association, songleader for the Senior class, a DwanClub member for her first threeyears and a member of the DanceClub as a senior. She served theyearbook staff as photographyeditor and was among eight sen-iors to stage an art show just priorto graduation.

Lions Have 26 BandsFor Independence Day

The various Independence Day Parade committees working onthe Patchogue Lions' forthcoming holiday march program have hadspectacular success in attracting musical units. At last count therewere 26, and heading them will be the McGuire Air Force Band fromthe Army's Air Base in New Jersey. |

The base band will present a,.musical program of its own onthe Elks ' Club lawn following theparade. Securing this Air Forcemusical organization was mostfortunate. Its visit was arranged !through the efforts of the Patch-ogue Chamber of Commerce , MayorRobert Waldbauer of Patchogueand Otis Pike , congressman fromSuffolk Count y.

The total of 20 musical unitsexceeds the number of bands inany July 4 parade held underLions' guidance in past years. Theparade will start at the usualtime—10 a. m.—on the holidaymorning and will be reviewed byvillage and town officials fromthe Elks ' Club lawn.

Fireworks are scheduled forcloseout of the day 's celebration.This year they will be on view atMascot Dock , foot of South OceanAvenue, Patchogue. This will givespectators an excellent view fromthe village shorefront park andall bayfront vantage points.

• Teams of Lions Club membersare now circulating through bothresidential and business areas ofPatchogue making monetary col-lections to help defray the heavycost of the holiday entertainmentand the financial needs of theclub's annual "aid-to-the-blind"program.

Salvation Army SetTo Open Its Camps

Exciting dreams of summercamp will come true for 313children of Nassau and SuffolkCounties this year , through theefforts of the Salvation Army.The children range in age fromseven to 12.

During the past few weeks, theSalvation Army has been hard atwork getting Star Lake Campsread y for the official opening ofthe camping season Tuesday.

One hundred seventy-seven boysand 136 girls will enjoy a fullprogram of activities during thisseason at the camp. There will beswimming, hiking, cook-outs, na-ture study, boating, crafts , dra-matics, music and athletics.

The camJpers will have all thegood food they can eat and plentyof milk to drink. The camlp pro-gram is designed to strengthenthe children not only physically,but spiritually as well throughcounseling and religious services.

The Salvation Army Star LakeCamp is a certificated member ofthe American Camping Associa-tion.

Benevolent Fund DriveIs Scheduled for Sunday

HAGERMAN — Fred Kelly,chief of the Hagerman Fire De-partment , announces that depart-ment members will start out northof Montauk Highway at about10:30 a. m. Sunday on the fundraising drive for its newly formedBenevolent Association Fund. Or-lando Male.tta is chairman.

- —— 3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiilliiiiiMiiillli 'i a

| Open a Judson Charge I [| Account Today ! f !iiiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiu. " g



Our Tropicals ¦Resist Wrinkles Even ¦on the Stickiest Days \\

• ¦They 're Cool , Porous. *Featherwei ghts from £

Famous Makers ¦

• ¦

Wide Assortment of Fine ¦Summer Fabrics 3

• sPleasing You With Good '

Service and Fine ¦Quality is Our ¦

Aim ¦

• !

• Extra longs for tall men 5• Extra sizes for big men ¦• Huskies for boys 3

JUDSONS JClothing and Haberdashery ¦

for Men and Boys \\i 40 EAST MAIN STREET 5


GRover 5-4025 jOpen Mon. & Fri. 'til 9 p.m. ¦

m_______tm_____________9_m________________ m_9________99_____r

i 9 Enjoy Music by the Beachcomber Trio •E\ erv Sat. Night. :: Complete Dinners served daily except Mon.


BELLPORT HOTEL TSfe- f.«_____ m—_-__m_____——m-—m_____—___...._____________________ mm__________________m_____m__-_________ %_m_.__mm—m___- '

P**"***A*************f ***i**un*****Mnr *i*nn-*_i*rm-^

WEEKS 26 SEA SKIFFS I' *¦ %'-. i } ."9_t____ <.y ^ '< ' r ' > jv Aiw^'ii "•> • V*-'' > *** - . '"*' ¦> * , ( '?>*¦ °v< > **V " i'^-. . "" C " " » - 1

^^S^^ f ^ ^ ^h^ ' ' f ^ ' i f ' * >- » , r "sS < '• v>\ ;47VcV • i

Navy Top, Side Curtains^ 125 H.P. Marine Chrysler Power, Electric Bilge Pump, I! Helmsman Seat, Sleeps 2, and Many other quality features. !





.H^l tw^. " Vi & __m H ^^^Hl HUHB

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^^ ¦ ^¦¦i f i nancing, see us!!; Family on-the-grow? Need more living space? Adding one or more| rooms to your present home may well prove to be the most econom-| cal and satisfactory solution. \

If you have acquired a substantial equity in your home,we will refinance it with a new low-cost mortgage loanthat will provide the added funds needed for the project.

|igBk THE PATCHOGUE BANK I:| HS "Service /$ Our Business"I | NAX^roIoGu*^^ ' |

• 47 West Main Street, Patchogue GRover 5-3020

• Branch Office—468 East Main Street, Patchogue GRover 5-3035

11 Friday Evenings — 6:30 P. M. to 8 P. M. j


r_ nmmmmmm m mm m mmm _ ._,mm_ ._ ._ ._._ ._ .m_ .___ ._ .m_ .~_ ._ ._ ._ .n_ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ . -_ ._ . -1 rT~~r~nTiinniirinnnwiiBiiiitMinniiw(riiiiimniiiiiijutiiiiiiiii '

The N o r t h Patchogii f Fire De-p a r t m e n t t '.-i ta l i lkh ei i a "first"over the weekend by w i n n i n g at r o p h y for best appearanre inec . i upeu t i u i i w i t h over l> 0 otheru n i t s at Creat Neek Saturday.The u n i t i^ the f i r s t f i re depart-ment in Brookbaven Town to wint h e award , which i< giver eachyea r by the Souther )) New YorkS ta t e Volunte er Firemen 's Asso-cia t ion.

.lack Blaum. ass i s tan t chief , leda u roup o\' 'J(') men to the f i re-m a t i c d r i l l . The hand fr nn N o r t hPatcho gue also w i.\ Uurd phu'e incompe t i t ion.

•"• ^WMk«MiHMMMMntt«i«WWH««HlBHBHBB ^MHI«aiHnnn

No. Patchogue FiremenGet 'First' irt Looks

BOY SCOUT James Haas, 13, center, is shownreceiving Star Scout card and three merit badgesfrom Scoutmaster John Densing recently. SteveDensing, who had made fi rst class, looks on

at left. Scouts are from Patchogue Troop 5which recently received its charter for new year.

—Advance Photo

Scouts of Troop 5, Patchogue,were recently treated to a turkeybuffet supper with cake and icecream at the home of Mr. andMrs. Gerald Haas, 22 WilliamStreet, Patchogue Shores.

Their son, James, was b e in gwelcomed home from, the hospital.He was also celebrating his birth-day and was being accorded rec-ognition on attaining Star Scoutrank.

Bovs interested in join ing Troop5 may call GRover 5-9081 for in-formation.

Troop 5 recently received itscharter for the new year fromChauncey Augustine, Neighbor-hood commissioner. A "ParentsNight" was: held , and a Court ofHonor presented the followingawards:

James Haas, Star Scout andthree merit badges. Stephen Den-sing, First Class Scout; FrankHutton , Second Class Scout; JohnChumas, Richard Grey, CliffordLettieri, Robert Knight and Law-rence Wolp in were recognized asTenderfoot. Scouts , and RobertStuart, one merit bad ge.


Local Scout Receives Star Scout Card

The 140th Transportation Battalion NYARNG of Suffolk and the ICanaan Lake-East Civic Association of Patchogue will participate ina dual ceremony to take place at Canaan Lake July 4. Both' organ-izations will be honoring the late M. Sgt. Lloyd Ei\ Blake for theservice he performed far community, state and country.

Major Whaley of the battalion *¦| will present the New York StateLong and Faithful Service medalto Sgt. Blake's widow, a memberof the Canaan Lake Association.Sgt. Blake served the New YorkGuard and the New York State

! Army National Guard for over 30years, both as an officer and as anenlisted man.

The Canaan Lake Associationis dedicating a flag pole andplaque in honor of the late Sgt.Blake, George E. Snyder and Jay

I K. Wohlseld. All were past presi-dents of the association.

The 587th Transportation Com-pany of Smithtown will have itscolor guard and firing squad pres-ent to participate in the ceremony.Master Sergeant Richard J. Peters,a' m'ember of both" the 587th Trans-portation Company and the Can-aan Lake Association, is makingarrangements for the guest speak-ers of the ceremony.

Peter Pino , president of theassociation , will open the cere-mony at 2 p. m. on the North

Ocean Avenue side of CanaanLake. A large turnout of the as-sociation is expected.

>> .

Civic, National Guard UnitsTo Honor M. Sat. L. E. Blake

RIVE'RHEAD — The Inter-state Sanitat ion Commission lastweek in Suffolk Supreme Court ,in a suit against BrookhavenTown and the Port Jeff e .-on Sew-er Di^t ict , charged the LongIsland Sound and Port JeffersonHarbor is being polluted by rawsewage dumped bv the sewer dis-tr ict .

Justice Henry M. Zaleski re-ceived briefs from the commissionand opposing papers from thetown and reserved decision.

Thomas R. Glenn . Jr., the com-mission 's chief engineer , in thepapers .said the town had beenordered by the commission to stoppol lu t ing the waters prior toMarch 1, 195(5. Mr. Glenn said atest was made of sewage wasteslast November . The findings show ,according to Mr. Glen , that"there is a grave menace to thehealth , welfare , and recreationalfacilities of the people living inthe area.

The town , through AttorneyJohn J. J. Jones , asked that thesuit be dismissed. Mr. Jones con-tended the town had built a $340 ,-000 sewage U*eatment plant , whichwas disposing of the sewage in.a satisfactory manner.

The commission demands thatthe town stop dumping its sewagein the harbor , or improve theplant's operations immediately tocomply with their sanitary stand-ards.

Say Raw SewagePolluting Sound ,Port J. Harbor

Bernard J. Finnerty; son of Mr. Iand M.s. Herbert Klein of CoatesAvenue , Holbrook , received a bach- |


elor of science degree cum laudeSaturday from C. W. Post Collegeof Long Island University inBrookville.

Mr. Finnerty majored in ac-counting. He received the GusEhrlich M e m o r i al Accountingaward and was on the Dean 's listfor three years. He was electedto Pi Gamniia Mu , national socialscience honor society.

Finnerty GraduatesCum Laude From Post

BELLPORT — The BellportMen 's Fellowshi p at its June meet-ing elected the officers for thecoming year.

They are as follows : AndrewDePaollo , president; Maurice Bee-be, vice president; Charles Smith ,secretary and William Greenhill ,treasurer.

A program of Summer activi-ties was planned and committeeswere appointed for a golf tourna-ment, fishing trip, family picnic ,beach party and a treasure hunt.In addition , the club will againserve hot dogs and soda to theLittle League Farm team which itsponsors. A schedule of Summerevents wjll be sent to each mem-ber in the near future.

The membership again voted tomake a contribution to the schol-arship fund and sponsored twocamperships for the Boy Scouttroop.

Arthur Weis and Walter Hutch-ins make up the publicity com-mittee.

DePaollo New HeadOf Men's Fellowship

We wish to thank Father Merril land all of our very dear friendsfor their kindness and considera-tion shown to us during our re-cent bereavement.Mrs. Estelle MaggioRobert and Warren Maggio—Adv.


MOVING DAY—Patchogue citizens witnesseda "moving day" on the grand scale June 15when James A. Brownie & Son, house movers,of East Main Street, East Patchogue, transport-ed a house north on Medford Avenue from Oak

Street parking lot to Log Road , North Patch-ogue. Move took about five hours. House wasformerly owned by Mrs. Minnie Girshoff.

—Advance Photo bv John Clark

r-T \- GUY LOMBARDO *— -— 1

feUP IIA iS^IJ NIGHTLY at 8.30. * * T* *~ ~ II INCL. SUN: tin. SEPT.4 S gjf t 8 J&i & •» £% 1U-.j-.2-.!- !$$»fHfturf , A Hawaiian Musical Fantasy II *>FAT^ NOW AT- IL. la ™UYY MI J PENN. TICKET AGENCY, Perm. Station LA. 4-9044; ALL 1I ABRAHAM & STRAUS STORES, OFFICES OF MEADOW BROOK NAT';. BANK JI in Wantagh, Freeport, Central Lynbrook, Hicksville, West Hempstead, Man- I1 basset, Jamaica, Bay Ridge; EASTPOINT HOUSE, Freeport, L. I. 1


In loving memory of my son ,Billy De Mullen, who passed awayJune 21, 1941.

Mother, Laura Roser.—Adv.