UMTS, Wireless Network

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  • 8/9/2019 UMTS, Wireless Network


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    Communication Systems14thlecture

    Chair of Communication SystemsDepartment of Applied Sciences

    University of Freiburg!!"

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    Communication SystemsLast lecture UMTS infrastructure

    #lease hand in the e$ercise sheet %&' ne$t (ill be handed out inthe ne$t practical e$ercise

    Sheet %) is due for the 1*th+uly ,ne$t lecture-

    .e$t t(o dates/


    ' 11th

    +uly 0 starting at 1:30pm,to catch up (ith the time ofemitted courses in the beginning of the lecture-

    practical e$ercises in the computer center seminar room 114 ,firstday on 2#v& and S2#' second on 3oS-

    please grab your older e$ercise sheets there to have a reference fore$am preparation ,(e got uite a pile of papers by no( /--

    5ype of e$am still in discussion 0 reuest for a (ritten versionpending 666

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    Communication SystemsLast lecture UMTS main network components

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    Communication SystemsLast lecture

    U5S Core .et(or: ,C.- migrates from ; circuit s(itching topac:et s(itching as introduced (ith ;#=S to mobile net(or:s

    5hus many components and interfaces ta:en from ;#=S' li:e thedifferent ;#=S support nodes ,;S.-

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    Communication SystemsThis lecture UMTS, Authentication, W-CDMA, encoin!

    Start (ith net(or: authentication U5S physical layer/ Freuency Division Duple$ and ?CDA

    @$planation of the code duple$ing

    5hen s(itch over to other (ireless technologies used for pac:ets(itched net(or:s ,2#-

    ?ireless 8A.' (idely deployed technology at consumers homes'unversities' companies666

    =ather short overvie( on different ?8A. standards

    modulation' media access protocol ACA

    "!611 a

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    Communication SystemsUMTS the physical layer

    After introduction of physical layer components ,.ode >- andprinciples ,ra:e receiver and macro diversity-

    @$planation of the Code Division ultiple Access

    BChips instead of combined 5D' FD

    5DD and FDD frame structure


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    Communication SystemsUMTS - WCDMA

    U5S uses t(o methods for 5errestrial =adio Access/ FreuencyDivision Duple$ of t(o paired *E bands

    ?ideband CDA

    Channels are divided via freuency distribution

    5ime Division Duple$ A single *E freuency band


    ?CDA und 5DA as multiple$ing method"

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    Communication SystemsUMTS - WCDMA

    Code Division ultiple Access ,CDA- has some advantagesover the ;S methods

    FDA' 5DA' CDA compared in their principles

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    Communication SystemsUMTS - WCDMA

    Code Division ultiple Access ,CDA- has some advantagesover the ;S ,FDA' 5DA- methods

    ore efficieny in freuncy band usage

    igher data rates ,on demand-

    8onger standby and operation for mobile euipment ,less transmitpo(er needs to be generated-

    ;reater ranges bet(een mobile phones and .ode >s ,for voice-

    Fle$ible adustment of radio traffic onto the demands 0 voice gaps ofactive participants could be used for other traffic channels and users

    Disruption of signal not neccessarily disrupts a session S(itching from physical to mathematical methods


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    Communication SystemsUMTS - WCDMA

    ?CDA/ Codemultiple$ vs6

    Freuency < time multiple$

    Multiple signale on justone freuency

    Demultiple$ingindependent of channelbundling

    #er participant a binarychannaliEation code isused

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    Communication SystemsUMTS - WCDMA

    ChannaliEation code is used for and decoding and is spread (itha vector of a length of e6g6 1">it

    .o bits but so called chips are used

    5he Codes have to be orthogonal

    Example for a chipping length of 6User code A: (0,1,0,0,1,1)

    User code B: (1,1,0,1,0,1) 4

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    Communication SystemsUMTS WCDMA chip computation

    User A sends AdG1

    ey A:G ,!'1'!'!'1'1-

    .on return to Eero

    computed of AdH A: Chips sent/

    AsG AdI A: =esults in

    ,1'J1'1'1'J1'J1- "

    User > sends >dG1

    ey >:G ,!'1'!'!'1'1-

    .on return to Eero

    computed of >dH >: Chips sent/

    >sG >dI >: =esults in


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    Communication SystemsUMTS WCDMA, #$S% coe tree

    Addition of all chips/As + Bs = (!"+!"!"!"+!"+!# + (!"!"+!"!"+!"!# G ,' !'

    !''J' !-

    Decoding chec: all received chips (ith A: < >: ,.=K-

    Ae = ($" %" %"$"+$" %# & A' G J ! J ! J J J ! G &

    Be = ($" %" %"$"+$" %# & B' G J ! J ! 0 J ! G & =esult should be a & or & (hich euals to a L1B set bit or L!B

    ?CDA uses a fi$ed chiprate of 7'"4 Chips

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    Communication SystemsUMTS WCDMA, #$S% coe tree

    a$imum spreading factor of *& used in uplin:

    Scrambling for the complete code tree needed "

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    Communication SystemsUMTS WCDMA, #$S% coe tree

    2f code on a node in the code tree is assigned' the subseuentcodes could not be assigned to other ,not orthogonal then-

    Scrambling of signals is the follo(ing

    ultiplication of a code seuence of 1 and 1 ,.=K- into thesignal

    Assigned identity via the scrambling code is nearly 1!!Morthogonal

    Advantages time shifited sending ,#osition (ithin a cell-

    Deliniation to(ard bordering cells

    @ual spectral distribution 4

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    Communication SystemsUMTS WCDMA

    Chips instead of bits has some advantages and disadvantages

    .egative is that you have to send e6g6 1" times more data andreduces the data rate e$tremely

    0ositive is to increase the transmission 1ualitt.

    Morecodes means more orthogonals thus 1" users on one.ode > ?CDA allo(s a reduced signal

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

    Security in ;S is (ea: by our todays standards' mostly bro:enand only one (ay ,clienttonet(or: auth-

    Authentication in U5S

    >ase is a common secret :ey ' (hich is only :no(n by the US2

    ,User Services 2dentity odule- in the U@ and by the 8=

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

    =A.D and AU5. are sent to the U@

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

    Functions for authentication and :ey agreement ,AA-

    f1/ computation of AC ,essage Auth6 Code-

    f/ computation of AC' probably shortened

    f7' f4' f*/ computation of a :ey from a random number OP=' || concatenation

    ;eneration of AN ,(ithin 8=

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

    Computation of the several values ,(ithin 8=

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

    Computation of the several values ,(ithin US2-

    =eception of =A.D and AU5. from N8= or S;S.

    AGf* ,=A.D-

    S3.G,S3. A- A OACGf1 ,S3. || =A.D || AF- ,eOpected AC-

    Comparison of OAC and AC ,from AU5.-

    2f this procedure fails the authentication of net(or: doesnot succeed and the U@ sees the cell as forbidden

    Chec: if seuence number is from the e$pected range

    =@SGf ,=A.D-

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    Communication SystemsUMTS security an authentication

    Computation of the several values ,(ithin US2' cont6-

    Send response to N8= or S;S. (ith =@S

    CGf7 ,=A.D

    2Gf4 ,=A.D- 2' C used for =8C encryption

    Pperation (ithin N8= or S;S.

    =eception of =@S from the US2

    Comparison of =@S (ith O=@S ,eOpected =@S' from AN sentby 8=

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    Communication SystemsUMTS en of mo&ile telephony part

    5opic s(itch/ stay in the mobile net(or: domain but s(itch from mobile telephony


    return to infrastructures mainly developed for 2nternet protocol ut/

    Cable may not present every(here

    Cabling may be very e$pensive ,crossing streets or rivers- orimpossible ,historical buildings' prohibition of o(ners' 666-

    Desire for adhoc 8A.s

    ?ish for cableless offices Changing number of connections needed in an office ,des:top

    pc' laptop' other devices 666-

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    Communication Systemswireless technolo!y - introuction

    #roblems to be solved

    (hich differences e$ist in comparison to (ired 8A.

    (hich data rates are achievable

    security issues ,(ired net(or: connectors are not easily

    misusable if office is loc:ed' but (ireless 8A.s may crossoffice

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    Communication Systemswireless technolo!y - introuction

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' - history

    199) the 2@@@ approved "!611' (hich specified thecharacteristics of devices (ith a signal rate of 1 and b

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' &asics

    oving electrons send out (aves' (hichspread in free space' vacuum

    Frequency(f):number of oscillations persecond measured in ertE ,E-

    Wavelength,Q- is the distance bet(een t(o

    ma$ima Speed of wave spreadingin vacuum

    c = 3 108m/s = 30 cm/ns

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' moulation %(SS

    different protocols available freuency hopping spread spectrum ,FSS-

    )9 channels of 1E band(idth (ithin the 64;E band

    a pseudo random generator initiates each hop

    the minimum hopping distance is &E the ma$imum of & participants could share the medium

    (ithout band(idth restriction ,but ma$6 band(idth is bits-

    if collision occurs the data is simply transferred again

    lo( po(er consumption R used for >luetooth

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' moulation DSSS

    different protocols available direct seuence spread spectrum ,!SSS-

    bundles the )9 channels of 1E into broader channels of*E

    a minimum distance of * channels should be adhered (ithin modulation the signal is spreaded

    the channels may overlap' so the ma$imum of threeindependent services sets are possible

    e$tension is high rate DSSS

    b standard uses =DSSS

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' moulation #%DM

    different protocols available orthogonal freuency ,"F!#-

    multi carrier modulation technology

    * freuency bands' for of them for synchroniEation

    small bands are less susceptible for disturbance and noise avoiding of the use of directly neighbored freuencies

    used for the g and a''h standards

    C i ti S t

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    (ireless 8A.s need more comple$ media access protocolsthan (ired 8A.s

    restricted range of signals ma:es it more difficult to have aglobal signal detection

    move from cell to cell should be possible ,roaming-' so amobile station could communicate during transit

    PS2 layer is split up once more a special AC sublayering is introduced

    Communication Systemswireless LA' meia acess

    C i ti S t

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    this layer handles cyclic redundancy chec: ,C=C-

    fragmentation ,no to be confused (ith 2# fragmentation-


    ?@# encryption auto roaming

    (ith the latter a unified net(or: over more than one stationbecomes possible

    other layer is physical layer convergence protocol e6g6 defines modulation/ FSS' DSSS' =DSSS'

    PFD' 2rDA

    Communication Systemswireless LA' meia access

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    (ould thin: of CSA

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    or inefficient use of given band(idth if 1 transfers to ,or vice versa-' 7 could thin: that medium is

    bloc:ed and does not transfer to 4

    give a(ay of band(idth Be$posed station problem

    therefore ne( access protocol/ #$C$,multiple access (ith

    collision avoidance- before data is transferred send out a short test seuence/ %&S

    ,ready to send- 0 sender as:s if medium is available fortransferring data pac:ets

    destination stations of data e$changes ans(ers (ith C&S,clear

    to send- all stations (hich received =5S have to remain silent for a

    given time period

    Communication Systemswireless LA' access protocols) MACA

    C i ti S t

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    5here is an optimiEation of this protocol/ ACA ,?-' ? for(ireless

    Pther protocol ,but rather different- using collision avoidance 05o:en=ing' FDD2

    Communication Systemswireless LA' access protocols) MACA

    Communication Systems

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    "!611 is a member of the 2@@@ "! family' including several standards

    5he standards define transmission protocols and brutto band(idth

    Communication Systemswireless LA' stanars *+.. o/er/iew

    Communication Systems

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    ' (available several years' 11bit

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    a 0 *4bit

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    h 0 *4bit

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    ore standards defining several other aspects of ?8A.s

    c 0 (ireless bridging

    d 0 (orld mode ,combined definitions for different countries-

    e 0 uality of service ,3oS on layer -' pac:et prioriEation forreal time multimedia and Noice over 2#

    f 0 general definition of roaming bet(een access points ,ofdifferent vendors-

    i 0 authentication and encryption

    : 0 better measurement of ?8A. parameters for increase ofsignal uality' dense net(or:s and location based services


    m 0 summariEation of e$tensions to the protocol

    n 0 e$tension of band(idth up to 1!"7!bit

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    ?iFi ,(ireless fidelity- certificate of interoperability of (ireless devices

    each device is mar:ed (ith a 4"bit AC address as :no(nfrom the ethernet (orld

    allocation of freuency spectrum

    "!611a''h/ " !E channels in the freuency band from*'1*;E up to *'7*;E

    "!611b and g/ 14 channels in the '4;E band

    distribution of channels different in different countries' not all

    channels available in every country (ith a tight (oven net(or: of access points a clever setup of

    channels is needed

    Communication Systemswireless LA' stanars *+.. o/er/iew

    Communication Systems

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    more than one access point in a given area possible if channels are atleast by a number three a(ay from each other

    ?8A. of "!611 offer several operation modes

    Adoc ,peertopeer mode' no access point-

    anaged ,pointtopoint connection from mobile device to access point-

    Access #oint ,flo( control bet(een base station and s(itch or more thanone base station 0 for roaming etc6-

    Communication Systemswireless LA' *+.. operation moe

    Communication Systems

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' *+.. components an ser/ices

    2n managed mode "!611 provides nine Services/ Distribution








    SDU delivery 5ransmit #o(er Control ,5#C-

    Dynamic Freuency Selection ,DFS-

    Communication Systems

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    Communication Systemswireless LA' *+.. %rame format

    #rotocol version/ At present' protocol number !

    5ype and subtype/ identify the type of frame 5oDS and FromDS bits/ (hether a frame is destined for distribution system

    =etry bit/ any retransmitted frames set this bit to 1

    #o(er management bit/ indicates (hether the sender (ill be in a po(ersavingmode after the completion of the current atomic frame e$change6

    Communication Systems

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    AAA/ Authentication' AuthoriEation' Accounting "!611 specification defines Ppen and Shared ey authentication6

    Ppen authentication is a null authentication algorithm6 5he A#grants any reuest for authentication6

    Shared ey authentication reuires that the client station and

    the A# have ?@# enabled and have matching ?@# :eys "!611 specification defines ?@# to provide data encryption6

    ?@# is based on the =C4 symmetric stream cipher6

    atching ?@# :eys must be statically configured on bothclient and infrastructure devices6

    Tou can define up to four :eys on a device' but you can useonly one at a time for encrypting outbound frames6

    Communication Systemswireless LA' *+.. 0in1security

    Communication Systems

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    problems ?8A.s are very open

    connection secured through ?@# ,wired equivalent security-'(or:s (ith &4 and 1">it :eys

    but/ clear te$t initialiEation vector ,4>it-' (hich precedesevery pac:et

    for that reason ?@# :ey is only of 4! or 1!4>it

    ?@# (as crac:ed four years ago

    5he "!611 specification does not specify :eymanagement

    mechanisms6 ?@# is defined to support only static' preshared:eys6

    other solutions 666

    Communication Systemswireless LA' *+.. 0in1security

    Communication Systems

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    Communication Systems*+.2 - 'etwork 3ort Authentication

    #ort>ased .et(or: Access Control #rovides a frame(or: for user authentication and :ey

    management over any 8A.s' including (ireless 8A.6

    5he port in "!61O on (ireless 8A. is an association bet(een a(ireless device and its access point6

    Authenticate users rather than machines6 Authentication is at the lin: layer

    2t is an 2@@@ adaptation of the 2@5FVs @$tensible Authentication#rotocol ,@A#-6

    Can update :eys dynamically periodically

    Communication Systems

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    Communication Systems*+.2 - Architecture an component

    "!61O defines 7 components/ Supplicant/ =esides on the ?8A. client' e6g6' end user machine

    that see:s access to net(or: resources6 Authenticator/ =esides on the A#' controlling net(or: access6 2t

    terminates only the lin:layer authentication e$change and doesnot maintain user information6

    Authentication server/ =esides on the =AD2US server'implementing actual authentication mechanism6

    Communication Systems

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    y*+.2 - Architecture an component

    >oth the supplicant and the authenticator are referred to as #ortAuthentication @ntities ,#A@s-6

    5he authentication e$change is logically carried out bet(een thesupplicant and the authentication server' (ith the authenticator actingonly as a bridge6

    From the supplicant to the authenticator ,the front end-' the protocol

    is @A# over 8A.s ,@A#P8-' as defined by "!61O6 Pn the bac: end' @A# is carried in =AD2US pac:ets6 Some

    documentation may refer to it as @A# over =AD2US6

    Communication Systems*+ .2 4A3#L 4 l ti

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    *+.2 - 4A3#L 4ncapsulation

    @A#P8 messages can be encapsulated in both (ired @thernet and"!6116

    @thernet 5ype/ t(obyte type code assigned to @A#P8/ """e6 Nersion/ Nersion 1 (as standardiEed in the !!1 version of "!61OW

    version (as specified in "!61O!!46 #ac:et 5ype/ @A# messages' @A#P8 messages to adapt @A# to

    the portbased 8A. environment6

    Communication Systems

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    y*+.2 - Typical *+.2 e5chan!e on *+..

    Communication Systems

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    *+.2 - Typical *+.2 e5chan!e on *+..

    16 5he supplicant associates (ith the "!611 net(or:66 5he supplicant starts the "!61O e$change (ith an @A#P8Startmessage ,step is optional-

    76 5he authenticator ,access point- issues an @A#=euest

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    *+.2 - Typical *+.2 e5chan!e on *+..

    16 5he supplicant gathers the reply from the user and sends an @A#=esponse in return6 5he response is translated by the authenticatorinto a =adiusAccess=euest (ith the response to the challenge asa data field6 Steps * and & repeat as many times as is necessary tocomplete the authentication

    6 5he =AD2US server grants access (ith a =adiusAccessAccept

    pac:et' so the authenticator issues an @A#Success frame andauthoriEes the port

    76 2mmediately follo(ing receipt of the AccessAccept pac:et' theaccess point distributes :eys to the supplicant using @A#P8eymessages

    46 Pnce :eys are installed in the supplicant' it can begin sending data

    frames to access the net(or:*6 ?hen the supplicant is done accessing the net(or:' it sends an

    @A#P88ogoff message to put the port bac: into an unauthoriEedstate

    Communication Systems

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    y*+.i Link layer encryption, T673 an CCM3

    "!61O provides a frame(or: for authentication and :eymanagement

    5he maor remaining fla( is the lac: of confidentiality provided by?@# encryption6

    "!611i ta:es a t(otrac: approach to addressing the (ea:nessesin lin:layer encryption6

    2ts maor components are t(o ne( lin:layer encryption protocols6 5emporal ey 2ntegrity #rotocol ,52#-/ designed to bolster

    security to the greatest e$tent possible on pre"!611i hard(are6,initially called B?@#-

    Counter ode (ith C>CAC #rotocol ,CC#-/ a ne(encryption protocol designed from the ground up to offer thehighest level of security possible6

    Communication Systems4 8Lit t

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    U5S Seminar paper/ http/