Ulisse Netcam: ONVIF versus RS485 - support.videotec.com · Videotec S.p.A. Via Friuli, 6 36015...

Videotec S.p.A. Via Friuli, 6 36015 SCHIO (Vicenza) Italia Phone: +39 0445 697411 Fax: +39 0445 697414 www.videotec.com [email protected] © Videotec S.p.A. 1 (13) Application Note Ulisse Netcam: ONVIF versus RS485 Product: Ulisse Netcam Release: 6.0.0

Transcript of Ulisse Netcam: ONVIF versus RS485 - support.videotec.com · Videotec S.p.A. Via Friuli, 6 36015...

Page 1: Ulisse Netcam: ONVIF versus RS485 - support.videotec.com · Videotec S.p.A. Via Friuli, 6 36015 SCHIO (Vicenza) – Italia Phone: +39 0445 697411 Fax: +39 0445 697414 techsupport@videotec.com

Videotec S.p.A. Via Friuli, 6 36015 SCHIO (Vicenza) – Italia Phone: +39 0445 697411 Fax: +39 0445 697414 www.videotec.com [email protected]

© Videotec S.p.A. 1 (13)

Application Note

Ulisse Netcam: ONVIF versus RS485

Product: Ulisse Netcam

Release: 6.0.0

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© Videotec S.p.A. 2 (13)

Table of Contents

1. Summary ...................................................................................................................... 3 2. Detailed Description and Instructions ........................................................................... 4

2.1. Before starting ........................................................................................................ 4 2.1.1. Firmware check ................................................................................................ 4

2.1.2. Analog video .................................................................................................... 4 2.2. From ONVIF mode to RS485 mode ........................................................................ 5 2.3. RS485 Mode: communication check ...................................................................... 9 2.4. Alarm reversing ....................................................................................................... 9 2.5. From RS485 mode to ONVIF mode ...................................................................... 11 2.6. ONVIF Mode: communication check .................................................................... 11

3. Additional Notes.......................................................................................................... 12 4. References ................................................................................................................. 12 5. Acronyms .................................................................................................................... 12

Summary of Changes and Revisions

Date Revision Nr. Reason

Feb 26, 2014 1.0 First Release

Mar 11, 2014 1.1 Notes and Corrections


This document contains generic information about products. These can be instructions that explain problem situations in the field, instructions on how to prevent or how to recover from problem situations, announcements about changes or preliminary information as requirements for new features or releases. The operations described inside the document have to be performed by skilled operators, with proper expertise on the dealt field of application (e.g. system installation/configuration, networking, appliances, etc.). Malfunctions and/or unexpected behaviour could rise if the described procedure is not operated properly. See Disclaimer for further information.

Compatibility and Dependencies with other Products

The procedure described here below only applies to Ulisse Netcam family, from MPP and NET firmware version 6.0.0 onward. The Ulisse’s MPP Board and NET Board must run the same firmware version.

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1. Summary

The Ulisse Netcam is a Pan & Tilt unit, specifically designed to fit network cameras. It’s a full IP-, ONVIF-based solution: every ONVIF Profile-S camera can be used in the Ulisse Netcam, and every VMS able to deal with ONVIF Profile-S devices can connect and control the P & T.

A list of tested ONVIF cameras and ONVIF VMS is available from Videotec Technical Support. Some cameras may have limitations on functions when used with the Ulisse Netcam, and some VMS may not support all the Ulisse functions.

The Ulisse’s CPU is able to manage the traffic from the Camera to the VMS (Video Streams), from the VMS to the Camera (Lens Control commands), and from the VMS to itself (P & T Commands, Special Controls).

Figure 1 - ONVIF-based configuration: the CPU is ON; P&T control over ONVIF

For special projects, non-ONVIF network cameras could be required: a particular configuration on the Ulisse Netcam is necessary to allow the VMS to connect the camera directly using a specific driver, bypassing the CPU functions. The Ulisse control is possible over a standard RS485 telemetry line (the camera’s serial out), typically using the Pelco-D protocol. The CPU is turned OFF, and the Ulisse bridges its network interfaces, doing nothing at IP level.

Figure 2 - RS485 configuration: the CPU is OFF; P&T control over telemetry

The procedure detailed below explains how to switch the Ulisse Netcam from ONVIF mode to RS485 mode.

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2. Detailed Description and Instructions

2.1. Before starting

2.1.1. Firmware check

This procedure applies to Ulisse Netcam units running a firmware release from 6.0.0 onward. Check which firmware version your Ulisse is running; open the Ulisse web interface, and browse to the Device Parameters page:

Figure 3 - Device Parameters, Firmware version

For older firmware revisions, a firmware upgrade is necessary before going on with the procedure.

Ask Videotec Technical Support how to obtain new Firmware Packages, Release Notes, and Upgrade Procedures.

2.1.2. Analog video

Even if not strictly necessary to complete the configuration, the procedure below requires the connection of a CCTV Tester (or a standard monitor) to the Ulisse’s Video Out, which is used to verify the correct setup. Turn off the power, and unscrew the top from the base using a 4mm Allen key. Lift the top, and connect a coax cable to the video terminals:

Figure 4 - Analog Video Out on the base board

The Coax cable must enter the base thru the cable gland; if not, the top can not be reinstalled over the base.

Install back the top over the base, and turn on the power. The startup steps should be displayed on the CCTV tester if correctly connected.

It is not possible to visualize the video from the network camera using the analog Video Out.

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2.2. From ONVIF mode to RS485 mode

Turn off the power and open the housing cover to access the camera and the housing board. Modify the camera’s power connection as per the following figures, removing the jumper placed between the sockets #1 and #3 (check Figure 5). The power cable has to be connected directly to sockets #1 -12VDC- and #2 -GND- (check Figure 6).

Figure 5 - ONVIF Mode: Camera's power cables with jumper

Figure 6 - RS485 Mode: Camera's power cables without jumper, and telemetry connection

As required by the RS485 Mode, the Pan & Tilt control is demanded to the camera. It is necessary therefore to connect the camera’s RS485 Out to the Ulisse telemetry port, using the serial line coupled to the network UTP cable (check Figure 6). Connect the lines as per the following table:

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RS485 Colour

RS485 A (+) Grey

RS485 B (-) Pink Table 1 - RS485 connection summary

The RS485 male connector is NOT supplied with the Ulisse’s standard equipment kit; if not available, it is necessary to cut the female connector to connect the telemetry wires together.

Open the dip-switches window to access the hardware configuration (check Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Dip-Switches window

Enable (UP) the Dip #1 on the first dip-switch set to get the INFO panel on the Video Out.

Figure 8 - Dip #1: Enable the INFO panel

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Figure 9 - INFO panel on Video Out: ONVIF mode

As indicated on Figure 9, the “i3” means that the Ulisse is working in ONVIF mode. Enable (UP) the Dip #6 on the second dip-switch set, which enable the RS485 mode (“i2” in the Figure 11).

Figure 10 - Dip #6: RS485 Mode enabled

Figure 11 - INFO Panel on Video Out: RS485 mode

Using a small screwdriver or a sharp object, switch OFF the CPU Board (Figure 12).

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Figure 12 - CPU is switched OFF

Move the CPU switches carefully to avoid any damage!

Set the RS485 telemetry protocol to Pelco-D, configuring the Dips #1 - #4 as indicated in the Table 2 and depicted on Figure 13.

Protocol Dip #4 Dip #3 Dip #2 Dip #1

PELCO-D ON OFF OFF ON Table 2 - Pelco D protocol

Figure 13 - Dip #1 - 4: RS485 telemetry protocol

Set the RS485 baudrate, configuring the Dips #2 - #4 as indicated on the Figure 14 and on the following table:

Baudrate Dip #4 Dip #3 Dip#2

38400 ON ON ON

19200 OFF ON ON

9600 ON OFF ON


2400 ON OFF ON Table 3 - RS485 baudrate

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Figure 14 - Dip #2 - 4: RS485 baudrate

The Ulisse’s RS485 baudrate must match the Camera’s. The communication is not possible if mismatch occurs.

Disable the INFO panel display, setting the Dip #1 to OFF (Figure 15).

Figure 15 - Dip #1 OFF: Disable the INFO panel

Restart the Ulisse with a power-cycle.

2.3. RS485 Mode: communication check

After the RS485 Mode configuration, the camera is directly accessed from the network, without any intervention of the Ulisse at IP level.

If the camera is configured with DHCP addressing, and a DHCP server is available on the network, the IP address is dynamically assigned. Check on the DHCP server which IP address the camera is currently assigned with.

If the camera is configured with DHCP addressing and there is no DHCP server on the network, the camera could take its factory default IP address (e.g., or a ZeroConf address on the /16 subnet. Check on the camera User Manual.

To discover which address the camera is using, use specific software tools provided by the camera manufacturer, or a network analyzing tools (e.g. Wireshark).

Using a web browser, open the Camera’s User Control page at the camera’s IP Address. The video stream should be visualized on the screen, and the Ulisse should move when Pan & Tilt commands are issued.

The PC must be configured properly, with an IP address compatible with the camera’s address (same subnet).

2.4. Alarm reversing

Older hardware reverse the alarms’ state when the RS485 Mode is configured. To verify the status of the alarm lines it is necessary to have a CCTV Tester or a Monitor connected to the Video Out (check 2.1.2).

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Enter the Ulisse’s OSD, issuing a SAVE PRESET 95 or an AUX 8 ON (Pelco-D protocol) commands. Using the UP/DOWN and the ZOOM +/- commands, enter the following path: DIGITAL I/O ALARMS ALARM STATE Check the alarms’ line status (Figure 16). The lines by default are configured as Normally Open. A CLOSED indication reports an alarmed status, whereas OPEN means no alarm detected.

Figure 16 - Alarms' status

To force the alarms’ status reversion, switch to ON (UP) the Dip #7 on the second set.

Figure 17 - Dip #7: Alarms reversing

Check the new alarms’ line status (Figure 18).

Figure 18 - Reversed alarms' status

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2.5. From RS485 mode to ONVIF mode

To reverse the configuration to ONVIF mode, it is necessary to execute backward the steps described on par. 2.2.

1. Turn OFF the Ulisse disconnecting the power; 2. Following the table below, set the telemetry protocol to MACRO, moving the dip-

switches depicted on Figure 13:

Protocol Dip #4 Dip #3 Dip #2 Dip #1

MACRO OFF ON ON ON Table 4 - MACRO Protocol

For ONVIF Mode, the MACRO protocol is required. If other telemetry protocols are set, the communication will not work.

3. Following the table below, set the telemetry baudrate to 38400, moving the dip-switches depicted on Figure 14:

Baudrate Dip #4 Dip #3 Dip#2

38400 ON ON ON Table 5 - 38400 baudrate

For ONVIF Mode, the 38400 baudrate is required. If other telemetry baudrates are set, the communication will not work.

4. Set to OFF the dip-switch #6 depicted on Figure 10 to enable the ONVIF mode; 5. Set to OFF the dip-switch #7 depicted on Figure 17 to disable the Alarms’ status

reversing; 6. Set to ON the dip-switches depicted on Figure 12 to turn ON the CPU; 7. Disconnect the telemetry cable from the camera, and connect the camera’s power

to clamps #2 and #4, installing the jumper between #1 and #3 (Figure 5). 8. Turn ON the Ulisse connecting the power.

2.6. ONVIF Mode: communication check

When the ONVIF mode is enabled, the CPU board is active and all the ONVIF functions are available. Possible tests are: Ping the Ulisse’s IP address from a DOS prompt; the PC should receive Replays to

ping packets; Access the UIisse’s web interface; From the Camera Settings web page, check if the Ulisse is able to get the Streaming

Parameters from the camera; From the User Control web page, check if the Ulisse is able to receive the camera

snapshots, and if the PTZ controls are active.

Refer to the Ulisse Netcam User Manual for details about the required configurations on the Ulisse and on the Camera, when the ONVIF mode is active.

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3. Additional Notes


4. References

For additional information on the Ulisse Netcam, refer to the Technical Data Sheet and to the User Manual available on Videotec web pages.

5. Acronyms

CPU Central Processing Unit DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol IP Internet Protocol NVC Network Video Client OSD On Screen Display ONVIF Open Network Video Interface Forum P & T Pan & Tilt PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair VMS Video Management System

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