UCEED 001 SOLUTION DAD DTS 2020 - NIFT Entrance Coaching ...

Self assessment Sheet देश का सबसे बड़ा डजाईन समुदाय Promoting ‘ The National Design Policy Since 2010 PART A Name Registration Number Signature DAD THINK LABS DAD TEST SERIES DATE UCEED DAD-UCEED-2020-001 ADMISSIONS 2020 NAT QUES 1-18 ATTEMPTED SCORE 4.0 M RIGHT WRONG ATTEMPTED SCORE RIGHT WRONG MSQ QUES 19-36 MCQ QUES 37-68 ATTEMPTED CONFIDENCE % PART B QUES 69 TIME TAKEN Y N SCORE ANSWERS 3.0 M ATTEMPTED SCORE RIGHT WRONG 2.0 M

Transcript of UCEED 001 SOLUTION DAD DTS 2020 - NIFT Entrance Coaching ...

UCEED 001_SOLUTION_DAD_DTS_2020.cdrPromoting ‘ ’ The National Design Policy
Since 2010
Section A: Numerical Answer Type Questions
Section A (72 Marks) contains a total of 18 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions. For
each question, the answer is a real number that needs to be written on the OMR sheet
(that needs to be entered using the virtual keyboard while online test on the monitor). No
choices will be shown for these questions. There is NO NEGATIVE marking for this section.
Each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks. Questions not attempted or answered
incorrectly will be given zero marks. Questions from 1 to 18 belong to this section.
Q.01 How many different types of possible basic shapes and other visible shapes are there
in the figure given below?
Q.02 How many configurations of blocks appear thrice in the figure given below?
Basic Shapes Other Visible Shapes
Section A: Numerical Answer Type Questions
Section A (72 Marks) contains a total of 18 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions. For
each question, the answer is a real number that needs to be written on the OMR sheet
(that needs to be entered using the virtual keyboard while online test on the monitor). No
choices will be shown for these questions. There is NO NEGATIVE marking for this section.
Each correct answer will be awarded 4 marks. Questions not attempted or answered
incorrectly will be given zero marks. Questions from 1 to 18 belong to this section.
Q.01 How many different types of possible basic shapes and other visible shapes are there
in the figure given below?
Q.02 How many configurations of blocks appear thrice in the figure given below?
Basic Shapes Other Visible Shapes
Q. 07 Rohan bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. He sold to his elder sister Sunita and gained
20%. So, for how many for a rupee did he sell them Sunita?
Answer: 5
S.P. of 6 toffees = 120% of Re. 1 = Rs. 6/5
For Rs. 6/5 , toffees sold = 6.
For Re. 1, toffees sold = 6 x 5/6 = 5.
Q. 08 How many cuboids are missing from among the given arrangement
Answer: 10
Q. 09 If a giraffe has two eyes, a monkey has two eyes, and an elephant has two eyes, how
many eyes do we have?
Answer: 4
Explanation: Here in the question, it is asked how many Eyes We have so that means here
the person who has asked the question is also including the person who is suppose to
give the answer. In a clear understanding, the Conversation is happening between 2
people 1st who asked the question and 2nd to whom it has been asked, which means
there are 4 eyes.
Q. 010 Rokcy had to sit in front of his clock for complete full day starting from 12 noon he
saw the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction for X times.
What is the replacement of X ?
Answer: 22
Explanation: The hands of a clock point in opposite directions (in the same straight line) 11
times in every 12 hours. (Because between 5 and 7 they point in opposite directions at 6
o'clcok only).
So, in a day, the hands point in the opposite directions 22 times.
Q.03 Look at this series: What number should come next in the place of the black
In this addition series, 1 is added to the first number; 2 is added to the second number; 3 is
added to the third number; 4 is added to the fourth number; and go on
Q.04 Find the replacement of the question mark
Answer : 3
the values in corresponding segments of the upper
left circle equal the sums of the numbers in the lower
two circles. The values in the upper central circle
equal the products of the values in the lower two
circles, and the upper right circle equals the
difference between values in the
lower two circles.
Q.05 How many squares are there in the image given below?
Answer - 20
Q.06 66 cubic cms of silver is drawn into a wire 1 mm in diameter. The length of the wire
in mts will be
Radius = 1/2mm = 1/20 cm. Then,
22/7 x 1/20 x 1/20 x h = 66.
h = (66 x 20 x 20 x 7)/22 = 8400 cm = 84 m.
8 7
10 10
12 12
9 21
4 1
8 4
2 4
1 7
6 3
Q. 07 Rohan bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. He sold to his elder sister Sunita and gained
20%. So, for how many for a rupee did he sell them Sunita?
Answer: 5
S.P. of 6 toffees = 120% of Re. 1 = Rs. 6/5
For Rs. 6/5 , toffees sold = 6.
For Re. 1, toffees sold = 6 x 5/6 = 5.
Q. 08 How many cuboids are missing from among the given arrangement
Answer: 10
Q. 09 If a giraffe has two eyes, a monkey has two eyes, and an elephant has two eyes, how
many eyes do we have?
Answer: 4
Explanation: Here in the question, it is asked how many Eyes We have so that means here
the person who has asked the question is also including the person who is suppose to
give the answer. In a clear understanding, the Conversation is happening between 2
people 1st who asked the question and 2nd to whom it has been asked, which means
there are 4 eyes.
Q. 010 Rokcy had to sit in front of his clock for complete full day starting from 12 noon he
saw the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction for X times.
What is the replacement of X ?
Answer: 22
Explanation: The hands of a clock point in opposite directions (in the same straight line) 11
times in every 12 hours. (Because between 5 and 7 they point in opposite directions at 6
o'clcok only).
So, in a day, the hands point in the opposite directions 22 times.
Q.03 Look at this series: What number should come next in the place of the black
In this addition series, 1 is added to the first number; 2 is added to the second number; 3 is
added to the third number; 4 is added to the fourth number; and go on
Q.04 Find the replacement of the question mark
Answer : 3
the values in corresponding segments of the upper
left circle equal the sums of the numbers in the lower
two circles. The values in the upper central circle
equal the products of the values in the lower two
circles, and the upper right circle equals the
difference between values in the
lower two circles.
Q.05 How many squares are there in the image given below?
Answer - 20
Q.06 66 cubic cms of silver is drawn into a wire 1 mm in diameter. The length of the wire
in mts will be
Radius = 1/2mm = 1/20 cm. Then,
22/7 x 1/20 x 1/20 x h = 66.
h = (66 x 20 x 20 x 7)/22 = 8400 cm = 84 m.
8 7
10 10
12 12
9 21
4 1
8 4
2 4
1 7
6 3
Sum of the present ages of Anuj, his wife and son = (27 x 3 + 3 x 3) years = 90 years.
Sum of the present ages of wife and son = (20 x 2 + 5 x 2) years = 50 years.
Anuj's present age = (90 - 50) years = 40 years.
Q. 015 How many of the following arrangements are correct?
New Couple Family Caste Clan Species
Rain Pressure Flood Protect Relief
Measure Mark Cut Tailor Put on
Room House Street Town District
Infant Child Adolescent Boy Adult
Answer: 3 .......... 2 of them are wrong
New Couple Family Caste Clan Species
Pressure Rain Flood Protect Relief
Measure Mark Cut Tailor Put on
Room House Street Town District
Infant Child Boy Adolescent Adult
Q. 016 How many wearables are visible in the following picture below?
Q. 017 A number consists of two digits. If the digits interchange places and the new
number is added to the original number, then the resulting number will be divisible by a
number of how many digits?
Answer: 2
Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y.Then, number = 10x + y.
Number obtained by interchanging the digits = 10y + x.
(10x + y) + (10y + x) = 11(x + y), which is divisible by 11.
Q. 011 The given lock is a numeric lock with a three digit key..... XYZ. Find XYZ
Q. 012 If A is substituted by 4, B by 3, C by 2, D by 4, E by 3, F by 2 and so on, then what will
be total of the numerical values of the letters of the word SICK?
Answer: 11
Total value = 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 11.
Q. 013 Sunaini has to make some changes on the roof of her house. She has placed a
ladder leaning against a wall at an angle of elevation of 60° and the foot of the ladder is
4.6 m away from the wall. The steps in the ladder are at an equal distance and are
approximately 0.5 mts away from each other. How long will Sunaini have to climb through
the ladder.
Answer: 9
Explanation:Let AB be the wall and BC be the ladder.
Then, Angle ACB = 60° and AC = 4.6 m.
AC/BC = cos 60° = 1/2
BC = 2 x AC
= (2 x 4.6) m
= 9.2 m.
Q. 014 Three years ago Dr. Anuj calculated the average age of his own, his wife and his
son to be 27 years and 5 years ago his wife’s and his son’s average age was 20 years. What
is the present age of Dr. Anuj?
Answer: 40
7 3 8 7 8 0
One number is correct and well placed
One number is correct but wrongly placed
Two numbers are correct but wrongly placed
Nothing is correct
0 4 2 HINT
Sum of the present ages of Anuj, his wife and son = (27 x 3 + 3 x 3) years = 90 years.
Sum of the present ages of wife and son = (20 x 2 + 5 x 2) years = 50 years.
Anuj's present age = (90 - 50) years = 40 years.
Q. 015 How many of the following arrangements are correct?
New Couple Family Caste Clan Species
Rain Pressure Flood Protect Relief
Measure Mark Cut Tailor Put on
Room House Street Town District
Infant Child Adolescent Boy Adult
Answer: 3 .......... 2 of them are wrong
New Couple Family Caste Clan Species
Pressure Rain Flood Protect Relief
Measure Mark Cut Tailor Put on
Room House Street Town District
Infant Child Boy Adolescent Adult
Q. 016 How many wearables are visible in the following picture below?
Q. 017 A number consists of two digits. If the digits interchange places and the new
number is added to the original number, then the resulting number will be divisible by a
number of how many digits?
Answer: 2
Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y.Then, number = 10x + y.
Number obtained by interchanging the digits = 10y + x.
(10x + y) + (10y + x) = 11(x + y), which is divisible by 11.
Q. 011 The given lock is a numeric lock with a three digit key..... XYZ. Find XYZ
Q. 012 If A is substituted by 4, B by 3, C by 2, D by 4, E by 3, F by 2 and so on, then what will
be total of the numerical values of the letters of the word SICK?
Answer: 11
Total value = 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 11.
Q. 013 Sunaini has to make some changes on the roof of her house. She has placed a
ladder leaning against a wall at an angle of elevation of 60° and the foot of the ladder is
4.6 m away from the wall. The steps in the ladder are at an equal distance and are
approximately 0.5 mts away from each other. How long will Sunaini have to climb through
the ladder.
Answer: 9
Explanation:Let AB be the wall and BC be the ladder.
Then, Angle ACB = 60° and AC = 4.6 m.
AC/BC = cos 60° = 1/2
BC = 2 x AC
= (2 x 4.6) m
= 9.2 m.
Q. 014 Three years ago Dr. Anuj calculated the average age of his own, his wife and his
son to be 27 years and 5 years ago his wife’s and his son’s average age was 20 years. What
is the present age of Dr. Anuj?
Answer: 40
7 3 8 7 8 0
One number is correct and well placed
One number is correct but wrongly placed
Two numbers are correct but wrongly placed
Nothing is correct
0 4 2 HINT
Q. 020 Rohan and Romit are captains of their own teams. The jerseys of the team are
supposed to have numbers given in ODD and EVEN as per a system that depends on the
captain’s name. If third letter of Rohan is EVEN and that of Romit is ODD then as per the
full name of both the captains what options given below will be correct if the team
numbers are opposite of that of their captains?.
A. Rohan’s team will get all ODD numbers.
B. Romit is an ODD number so the team mates will have ODD numbers.
C. If Rakesh is team mate of Rohan then his number will be an EVEN.
D. The sum of Romit and his another team mate’s numbers will be ODD.
Answer: A and D
Q. 021 Somila invited her friends to hey birthday party. All her friends planned to
assemble at a place and take a common cab. At the decided time Sunaina forgot the
time of the party. Rashika went to market with her father. Sneha was busy in her makeup
and only Muskaan was on time at the decided location. Somila made some statements for
all her friends, when they reached the party. Which ones can are correct as per the
A. Muskaan you are vacuous (stupid is a synomym) to be on time.
B. Sneha you attitude is very appeasing. (very friendly and caring)
C. Rasika is still acceptable. (as she was with her father)
D. Sunaina is such a procastinator. (delayer with excuse)
Answer: A B C D
Q. 022 Which of the artists are from Renaissance Art Era?
Answer: A and B
Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt- Art Nouveau - 1890 - 1910
Q. 018 What is the number that replaces the question mark?
Answer : 3
hand numbers. The numerical value of the central
letter equals the sum of the numerical values
of the left and right hand letters.
Section B: Multiple Select Questions
Section B (72 Marks) contains a total of 18 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ). Each question
may have one or more than one correct choice(s) out of the four given. A candidate gets 4
marks only if ALL the correct choices and NO wrong choices are selected for each
question. There is NEGATIVE marking of (0.19) for this section. Questions not attempted or
with incorrect or incomplete answers will be given zero marks. Questions from 19 to 36
belong to this section.
Q. 019 The given image is an incomplete image of a personality that can be completed by
using the options on the right side of the image. The options are rotated either at an
angle or are exactly the same or resized. Can you find how many options are not a direct
replacement of the missing space in the image ( 1, 2, 3 , 4)?
6 1
Answer: A is resized hair B and C are rotated nose and ear D is exactly the right eye
Q. 020 Rohan and Romit are captains of their own teams. The jerseys of the team are
supposed to have numbers given in ODD and EVEN as per a system that depends on the
captain’s name. If third letter of Rohan is EVEN and that of Romit is ODD then as per the
full name of both the captains what options given below will be correct if the team
numbers are opposite of that of their captains?.
A. Rohan’s team will get all ODD numbers.
B. Romit is an ODD number so the team mates will have ODD numbers.
C. If Rakesh is team mate of Rohan then his number will be an EVEN.
D. The sum of Romit and his another team mate’s numbers will be ODD.
Answer: A and D
Q. 021 Somila invited her friends to hey birthday party. All her friends planned to
assemble at a place and take a common cab. At the decided time Sunaina forgot the
time of the party. Rashika went to market with her father. Sneha was busy in her makeup
and only Muskaan was on time at the decided location. Somila made some statements for
all her friends, when they reached the party. Which ones can are correct as per the
A. Muskaan you are vacuous (stupid is a synomym) to be on time.
B. Sneha you attitude is very appeasing. (very friendly and caring)
C. Rasika is still acceptable. (as she was with her father)
D. Sunaina is such a procastinator. (delayer with excuse)
Answer: A B C D
Q. 022 Which of the artists are from Renaissance Art Era?
Answer: A and B
Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt- Art Nouveau - 1890 - 1910
Q. 018 What is the number that replaces the question mark?
Answer : 3
hand numbers. The numerical value of the central
letter equals the sum of the numerical values
of the left and right hand letters.
Section B: Multiple Select Questions
Section B (72 Marks) contains a total of 18 Multiple Select Questions (MSQ). Each question
may have one or more than one correct choice(s) out of the four given. A candidate gets 4
marks only if ALL the correct choices and NO wrong choices are selected for each
question. There is NEGATIVE marking of (0.19) for this section. Questions not attempted or
with incorrect or incomplete answers will be given zero marks. Questions from 19 to 36
belong to this section.
Q. 019 The given image is an incomplete image of a personality that can be completed by
using the options on the right side of the image. The options are rotated either at an
angle or are exactly the same or resized. Can you find how many options are not a direct
replacement of the missing space in the image ( 1, 2, 3 , 4)?
6 1
Answer: A is resized hair B and C are rotated nose and ear D is exactly the right eye
Answer: A and C
Q. 026 Determine the artworks out of ABCD in the following that show the principles of
design emphasis?
Answer: All the options show emphasis A B C D
Q. 027 On the basis this famous rhyme which of the statements are true “Baa, baa,
black sheep, Have you any wool?”
A. The rhyme was written in 20th century by an Italian- VERY OLD
B. The rhyme consists of 35 words.
C. The rhyme has 9 lines in it. 8 LINES
D. The rhyme uses the letter “L” for 8 times.
Answer: B and D
Q. 028 Which of the following statements may fall true when we think of the great
Shakespeare his works, genres and characters?
A. Tempest is a comedy and Antonio is a character of the play.
B. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy and Romeo is a to Capulet.
C. Pericles is a Historical drama.
D. Portia and Antonio are characters of the comedy well known as
Merchant of Venice.
Interviewee Interviewer Room 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m.
Chirag Sharma R1 X Definite X X
Bimal Zaidi R2 Definite X X X
Deepak Joshi R3 X X X Definite
Teena Narurkar R4 X X Definite X
Q. 023 Given below are a list of trees with a name. Can you find the right trees with their
A. guesstimation, estimation, valuation, appraisement
B. brawl, clash, combat, armistice
C. truce, unity, amity, armistice
D. hypothesis, impression, calculation, uncertainty
Answer: A and C
Q. 025 Four people were being interviewed for the same job, on the same day but in
different rooms(R1, R2, R3 and R4), at different time and by different interviewers.
Using the below information determine which candidate was interviewed by whom, at
which time and in which room and answer which statements out of A, B, C, D are
definitely true.
1. Teena’s appointment was just after Mr. Sharma’s, which was just after that of the person
in room R2.
2. Mr. Narurkar’s appointment was atleast two hours later than Bimal’s.
3. Mr. Joshi’s appointment was just after the person who had an interview in room R4,
who had an appointment just after Chirag.
4. Three of the four people were: (1)Deepak, (2) the one with interview in room R1, and (3)
the one who was interviewed at 1 p.m.
5. Interview times were – 11 a.m., 12 noon, 1 p.m., and 2 p.m.
6. Sharma, Narurkar, Joshi and Zaidi were interviewers and Teena, Bimal, Chirag and
Deepak were the interviewees.
B. Deepak’s appointment was in room R2.
C. Mr. Zaidi interviewed Bimal.
D. Mr. Narurkar interviewed at 2 p.m.
Answer: A and C
Q. 026 Determine the artworks out of ABCD in the following that show the principles of
design emphasis?
Answer: All the options show emphasis A B C D
Q. 027 On the basis this famous rhyme which of the statements are true “Baa, baa,
black sheep, Have you any wool?”
A. The rhyme was written in 20th century by an Italian- VERY OLD
B. The rhyme consists of 35 words.
C. The rhyme has 9 lines in it. 8 LINES
D. The rhyme uses the letter “L” for 8 times.
Answer: B and D
Q. 028 Which of the following statements may fall true when we think of the great
Shakespeare his works, genres and characters?
A. Tempest is a comedy and Antonio is a character of the play.
B. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy and Romeo is a to Capulet.
C. Pericles is a Historical drama.
D. Portia and Antonio are characters of the comedy well known as
Merchant of Venice.
Interviewee Interviewer Room 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m.
Chirag Sharma R1 X Definite X X
Bimal Zaidi R2 Definite X X X
Deepak Joshi R3 X X X Definite
Teena Narurkar R4 X X Definite X
Q. 023 Given below are a list of trees with a name. Can you find the right trees with their
A. guesstimation, estimation, valuation, appraisement
B. brawl, clash, combat, armistice
C. truce, unity, amity, armistice
D. hypothesis, impression, calculation, uncertainty
Answer: A and C
Q. 025 Four people were being interviewed for the same job, on the same day but in
different rooms(R1, R2, R3 and R4), at different time and by different interviewers.
Using the below information determine which candidate was interviewed by whom, at
which time and in which room and answer which statements out of A, B, C, D are
definitely true.
1. Teena’s appointment was just after Mr. Sharma’s, which was just after that of the person
in room R2.
2. Mr. Narurkar’s appointment was atleast two hours later than Bimal’s.
3. Mr. Joshi’s appointment was just after the person who had an interview in room R4,
who had an appointment just after Chirag.
4. Three of the four people were: (1)Deepak, (2) the one with interview in room R1, and (3)
the one who was interviewed at 1 p.m.
5. Interview times were – 11 a.m., 12 noon, 1 p.m., and 2 p.m.
6. Sharma, Narurkar, Joshi and Zaidi were interviewers and Teena, Bimal, Chirag and
Deepak were the interviewees.
B. Deepak’s appointment was in room R2.
C. Mr. Zaidi interviewed Bimal.
D. Mr. Narurkar interviewed at 2 p.m.
Q. 031 Ms. Annanya is stuck in a situation where she has 12 kids in her class. She has a
bowl containing twelve apples. Now Miss Annanya wants to divide the twelve apples to
the kids, in such a way that a apple should remain in her bowl. How can you help her
manage with conditions which she should not follow?
A. She can give one apple to each student and keep the bowl with her.
B. She can buy one more apple.
C. She must ask for one apple back and keep in her bowl because students
are not supposed to consume any of the apples right now.
D. Eleven kids will get each one apple and the twelfth kid will get the apple
with the bowl.
Answer: A B C are the conditions she must not follow.
Q. 032 Mizora is traveling India for the first time and she is having maps of each state of
India individually. She is a girl who feels comfortable recalling the names of place by a
tagline and easy visual connectivity on the map. She takes out the maps of four states and
tries to read their taglines from their official tourism sites. What all options are correct that
she will go through?
Maps are given below for your reference. Maps are not given in proportion to each other
but are in their actual position as they are in the map of India.
A. Mizora can recall 4 by the tagline that has “heart and blissful” in its full sentence.
B. She can walk through these four states horizontally in straight line.
C. Mizora loved a tagline the most “a new experience” when she visited 2.
D. 1 is on the left end of the India that is surrounded with coastal areas.
Answer: B C and D
1 2 3 4
Q. 029 While dividing the following numbers by 132 which of the conditions out of ABCD
seem to be true ?
A. 264, 968 are divisible and 462 is not.
B. 396, 264 are divisible and 5184, 792 are not.
C. 6336 is divisible and 5185 is not.
D. 264, 396, 792 and 6336 are divisible.
Answer: C and D
Explanation: 132 = 4 x 3 x 11
So, if the number divisible by all the three number 4, 3 and 11, then the number is divisible
by 132 also.
264 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/) 396 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/) 462 is divisible by 11,3 (X)
792 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/) 968 is divisible by 11,4 (X) 2178 is divisible by 11,3 (X)
5184 is divisible by 3,4 (X) 6336 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/)
Therefore the following numbers are divisible by 132 : 264, 396, 792 and 6336.
Q. 030 Considering the vectors given below what all statements can be false?
A. All the products do not belong to Google.
B. All of the four are somehow related to the world's second-largest
internet company by revenue.
C. 1 offers a lot of online access of softwares to work upon.
D. 2 is not a Google product and 4 is a Email provider.
Answers: A and D are false
1. Google Drive 2. Google Ads 3. Google 4. Google Chrome
1 2 3 4
Q. 031 Ms. Annanya is stuck in a situation where she has 12 kids in her class. She has a
bowl containing twelve apples. Now Miss Annanya wants to divide the twelve apples to
the kids, in such a way that a apple should remain in her bowl. How can you help her
manage with conditions which she should not follow?
A. She can give one apple to each student and keep the bowl with her.
B. She can buy one more apple.
C. She must ask for one apple back and keep in her bowl because students
are not supposed to consume any of the apples right now.
D. Eleven kids will get each one apple and the twelfth kid will get the apple
with the bowl.
Answer: A B C are the conditions she must not follow.
Q. 032 Mizora is traveling India for the first time and she is having maps of each state of
India individually. She is a girl who feels comfortable recalling the names of place by a
tagline and easy visual connectivity on the map. She takes out the maps of four states and
tries to read their taglines from their official tourism sites. What all options are correct that
she will go through?
Maps are given below for your reference. Maps are not given in proportion to each other
but are in their actual position as they are in the map of India.
A. Mizora can recall 4 by the tagline that has “heart and blissful” in its full sentence.
B. She can walk through these four states horizontally in straight line.
C. Mizora loved a tagline the most “a new experience” when she visited 2.
D. 1 is on the left end of the India that is surrounded with coastal areas.
Answer: B C and D
1 2 3 4
Q. 029 While dividing the following numbers by 132 which of the conditions out of ABCD
seem to be true ?
A. 264, 968 are divisible and 462 is not.
B. 396, 264 are divisible and 5184, 792 are not.
C. 6336 is divisible and 5185 is not.
D. 264, 396, 792 and 6336 are divisible.
Answer: C and D
Explanation: 132 = 4 x 3 x 11
So, if the number divisible by all the three number 4, 3 and 11, then the number is divisible
by 132 also.
264 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/) 396 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/) 462 is divisible by 11,3 (X)
792 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/) 968 is divisible by 11,4 (X) 2178 is divisible by 11,3 (X)
5184 is divisible by 3,4 (X) 6336 is divisible by 11,3,4 (/)
Therefore the following numbers are divisible by 132 : 264, 396, 792 and 6336.
Q. 030 Considering the vectors given below what all statements can be false?
A. All the products do not belong to Google.
B. All of the four are somehow related to the world's second-largest
internet company by revenue.
C. 1 offers a lot of online access of softwares to work upon.
D. 2 is not a Google product and 4 is a Email provider.
Answers: A and D are false
1. Google Drive 2. Google Ads 3. Google 4. Google Chrome
1 2 3 4
C. Much of this deforestation has been driven by illegal logging.
D. "Measuring forests using satellite imagery and measuring and reporting them
from ground-based measurements both have value, but comparing them
directly should be done with great caution," It's like comparing apples and
FAO stands for Forest and Agricultural Organization.
Q. 035 Consider the facts that are relate to human body and answer what are all true to
human knowledge.
A. Blood makes up about 8 percent of your total body weight.
B. On a genetic level, all human beings are more than 29 percent identical.
C. Blushing is caused by deficiency of active adrenaline.
D. The heart beats more than 3 billion times in the average human life span.
Answer: A and D
B. On a genetic level, all human beings are more than 99 percent identical.
C. Blushing is caused by rush of adrenaline.
Q. 036 Consider this poem and understand properly:
I come with no wrapping or pretty pink bows.
I am who I am, from my head to my toes.
I tend to get loud when speaking my mind.
Even a little crazy some of the time.
I'm not a size 5 and don't care to be.
You can be you and I can be me.
I try to stay strong when pain knocks me down.
And the times that I cry are when no one's around.
To error is human or so that's what they say.
Well, tell me who's perfect anyway.
List down all the emotion and message that this poem evoke.
A. This is an self explanation to others
B. This shows the efforts of self understanding.
C. Showing pride of what one actually is to others.
D. This shows Self Confidence.
Answer: B and D
Q. 033 Which of the following words are similar in meaning?
A. Locus
B. Cynosure
C. Periphery
D. Verge
A. Locus - a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated.
B. Cynosure - a person or thing that is the centre of attention or admiration.
C. Periphery - the outer limits or edge of an area or object.
D. Verge- an edge or border.
Q. 034 Tropical forests from Indonesia to the Amazon are being lost an astonishing rate,
with a new study suggesting deforestation has intensified 62 percent in just 20 years.
The study also calls into question a more optimistic picture from U.N.'s Food and
Agriculture Organization's assessment, which found the rate of deforestation had actually
decreased 25 percent during the period stretching from 1990 until 2010.
"It is not good news," said Do-Hyung Kim, lead author of the new study to be published in
Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union. "Between
1990 and 2010, it shows all these efforts to cut the deforestation rates were not effective.”
While the FAO assessment was based on country reports, Kim and his University of
Maryland colleagues Joseph Sexton and John Townshend used satellite data. By analyzing
5,444 Landsat images from 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2010, they were able to gauge how much
forest was lost or gained in 34 forested countries which comprise 80 percent of forested
tropical lands.
They found that during the 1990-2000 period the annual net forest loss across all the
countries was 4 million hectares (15,000 square miles) per year. From 2000 to 2010, the net
forest loss rose 62 percent to 6.5 million hectares (25,000 square miles) per year, equivalent
to clear-cutting an area the size of West Virginia.
In that same time, the U.N. reported a 25 percent decrease.
What all statements below are or may be logically true?
A. The U.N. program known as REDD which is known as Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation has been initiated.
B. FAO stands for Forest and Agricultural Organization.
C. Much of this deforestation has been driven by illegal logging.
D. "Measuring forests using satellite imagery and measuring and reporting them
from ground-based measurements both have value, but comparing them
directly should be done with great caution," It's like comparing apples and
FAO stands for Forest and Agricultural Organization.
Q. 035 Consider the facts that are relate to human body and answer what are all true to
human knowledge.
A. Blood makes up about 8 percent of your total body weight.
B. On a genetic level, all human beings are more than 29 percent identical.
C. Blushing is caused by deficiency of active adrenaline.
D. The heart beats more than 3 billion times in the average human life span.
Answer: A and D
B. On a genetic level, all human beings are more than 99 percent identical.
C. Blushing is caused by rush of adrenaline.
Q. 036 Consider this poem and understand properly:
I come with no wrapping or pretty pink bows.
I am who I am, from my head to my toes.
I tend to get loud when speaking my mind.
Even a little crazy some of the time.
I'm not a size 5 and don't care to be.
You can be you and I can be me.
I try to stay strong when pain knocks me down.
And the times that I cry are when no one's around.
To error is human or so that's what they say.
Well, tell me who's perfect anyway.
List down all the emotion and message that this poem evoke.
A. This is an self explanation to others
B. This shows the efforts of self understanding.
C. Showing pride of what one actually is to others.
D. This shows Self Confidence.
Answer: B and D
Q. 033 Which of the following words are similar in meaning?
A. Locus
B. Cynosure
C. Periphery
D. Verge
A. Locus - a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated.
B. Cynosure - a person or thing that is the centre of attention or admiration.
C. Periphery - the outer limits or edge of an area or object.
D. Verge- an edge or border.
Q. 034 Tropical forests from Indonesia to the Amazon are being lost an astonishing rate,
with a new study suggesting deforestation has intensified 62 percent in just 20 years.
The study also calls into question a more optimistic picture from U.N.'s Food and
Agriculture Organization's assessment, which found the rate of deforestation had actually
decreased 25 percent during the period stretching from 1990 until 2010.
"It is not good news," said Do-Hyung Kim, lead author of the new study to be published in
Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union. "Between
1990 and 2010, it shows all these efforts to cut the deforestation rates were not effective.”
While the FAO assessment was based on country reports, Kim and his University of
Maryland colleagues Joseph Sexton and John Townshend used satellite data. By analyzing
5,444 Landsat images from 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2010, they were able to gauge how much
forest was lost or gained in 34 forested countries which comprise 80 percent of forested
tropical lands.
They found that during the 1990-2000 period the annual net forest loss across all the
countries was 4 million hectares (15,000 square miles) per year. From 2000 to 2010, the net
forest loss rose 62 percent to 6.5 million hectares (25,000 square miles) per year, equivalent
to clear-cutting an area the size of West Virginia.
In that same time, the U.N. reported a 25 percent decrease.
What all statements below are or may be logically true?
A. The U.N. program known as REDD which is known as Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation has been initiated.
B. FAO stands for Forest and Agricultural Organization.
Q. 53 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 54 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 55 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 56 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 57 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 58 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 59 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 60 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 61 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 62 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 63 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 64 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 65 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 66 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 67 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 68 Answer is OPTION - A
Total sale for 5 months = Rs. (6435 + 6927 + 6855 + 7230 + 6562) = Rs. 34009.
Required sale = Rs. [ (6500 x 6) - 34009 ]
= Rs. (39000 - 34009)
Q. 37 Section C: Multiple Choice Questions
Section C (96 Marks) contains a total of 32 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Each question has
four choices out of which ONLY ONE is the correct answer. There is NEGATIVE marking for this
section. Each correct answer will be awarded 3 marks and each wrong answer will receive −1 (minus
0.71) mark. Questions not attempted will be given zero marks. Questions from 37 to 68 belong to
this section.
Q. 39 Answer is OPTION -D (READ ABOUT IT)
Q. 40 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 41 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 42 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 43 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 44 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 45 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 46 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 47 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 48 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 49 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 50 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 51 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 52 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 53 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 54 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 55 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 56 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 57 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 58 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 59 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 60 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 61 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 62 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 63 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 64 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 65 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 66 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 67 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 68 Answer is OPTION - A
Total sale for 5 months = Rs. (6435 + 6927 + 6855 + 7230 + 6562) = Rs. 34009.
Required sale = Rs. [ (6500 x 6) - 34009 ]
= Rs. (39000 - 34009)
Q. 37 Section C: Multiple Choice Questions
Section C (96 Marks) contains a total of 32 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Each question has
four choices out of which ONLY ONE is the correct answer. There is NEGATIVE marking for this
section. Each correct answer will be awarded 3 marks and each wrong answer will receive −1 (minus
0.71) mark. Questions not attempted will be given zero marks. Questions from 37 to 68 belong to
this section.
Q. 39 Answer is OPTION -D (READ ABOUT IT)
Q. 40 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 41 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 42 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 43 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 44 Answer is OPTION - B
Q. 45 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 46 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 47 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 48 Answer is OPTION - C
Q. 49 Answer is OPTION - A
Q. 50 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 51 Answer is OPTION - D
Q. 52 Answer is OPTION - A