U III 1 httrfi- A · 2015. 6. 2. · with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES...

- ' ifc' w v.- 1 httrfi- - U A III VOL. V.-- NO. 257. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FKIDAY . OCTOBER '29, 1886. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY dverltsemenW. Advertisements. a. JU ITANUT. BONE MEAL!! Wm. O. Irwla. USES FEED CO,, Queen ,f Edinburgh Streets, WHOI.fc.SALK A RETAIL Dealers lu II AV A?iD tilt.AIX, Tele jhoue No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. :f;.r. Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHED ETery Morning Except Sundays. HCBHCUIITIONS : iAii,Y f. u. advkktiskr, one year 6 00 Daily P. C. Advektiskb, sis months 3 00 Daily P. C. AuvKRTisKJt, three months. 1 60 daily P. V. AbVKKTiSKB. Der month sa Wkkklv P. C Advkktihkk, one year S 00 n MUDscripUou, w. P. v. A. (including postage): 6 60 PayabZe 'Invariably in Advance Q&i'txt8tmnts. PAINTING ! ! TTAVINO SECURED THE SERVICES OF THE JJ celebrated California Hign Writer and Urainer, GAEIOT, I am now prepared to do all kinds of Klcu, Houne and NIii Ialntiusr Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc., In all the Latest California Designs and Styles, at California Prices. BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat- ing for the 50th birthday of His Majesty solicited. C. B. PATTERSON, PAINTER. No. 77 Kins St. Mutual Telephone 462. 182 jan 22 DR. jVI . GOTO, AND SURGEON. LEPROSY A PHYSICIAN Office hours at Kakaako, from 9 to 11 a. in. every day except Sunday. Will visit patients at their residence by request. All other diseases treated at his office, corner of Punch- bowl and Beret&nla streets. Office hours from 1 to 5 p. m.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. in. 112apr2 Birthday Jubilee -- OF- His Majesty flie King To all Hawaiian subjects andj friends of the Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, Ilia Majesty's loyal subjects, contemplating with grateful hearts the continued reign in good health of onr beloved Sovereign, w hich has been vouchsafed us under the blessings of the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap- proach of the anniversary which marks the fiftieth yfcar of liis life an era in tha life of a Iluler which in any land is to be recog- nized among the people as a fitting occasion for marked rejoicing and festivejubilee do nvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends of the 'Nation, to join with us in a loyal and loving celebration of the Iiftietli Birtlidav OF HIS MAJESTY. THE KING, -- ON TUE- - lGth Day of November Next in the City of Honolulu, when, God ,il' g, we may al'flnite in demonstrations of lo?e and .fb ty to our Beloved King, PAUL P. KAN OA. JNO. M. KAPENA, L. AIIOLO, JOHN A. CUMMINS, JNO. E. BUSH, JNO. L. KAULUSOU. THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, (Li.aiteilj, Keep constantly on h.xnd, for sale. STEAM, FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general assortment of BAR IRON. 326 ly New rhotosraplr Kooms. SICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREET, OVER the Shooting Gallery. Pictures. Port- raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 114ap2 i. A. TO LET. PAL AM A TWO NICE COTTAGES IN RO-bel- lo VI Lane, for $30 and 820 per month re- spectively. Inquire at Hyuian Bros., Queen atreet. 384 tf SUN FIRE OFFICE o r i. o x i o a . ESTABLISHED 1710. TYyriiAVCi' I'PPPITFII T'POV EVKP.Y ' 1 description of property at the current rates oi premium. Total imm Insured in 1S85 - - 327,333,700 Claims arranged by the local jenu, and pa d with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tributes recognizoo G. W. Macfarlane & Co.; 10d&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL IKI.OOO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY, 1.1 1 re IuNuraitee oi all description X? will be effected at Moderate Kates of Prpm um, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN & CO Managers for Haw. Islauds XT INT X O IST Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Oi New Zealand. CAPITAL. : 10.000.0001 an Agency at Having for the Hawaiian Islands, the un dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. LoHses promptly adjusted A payable, 82-d- wtf WM. O. IK WIN & CO. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, 'o.60 Xuuanii .Street, Honolulu. II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. ritf JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 Alakea Street. Will furnish estimates and make contracts for any description oi wood buildings. Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowest. 2f5 tf Kohala Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. Fancy drinks of every description a KpeciMly. EL. H, Webb, Proprietor. Tahiti Lemonade Works. .1: rated Table Water. UINGKR ALE. LEMONADE. GRENADINE. TLAIN SODA. Absolutely I'ure. As supplied to the principal families in Hono- lulu, aud exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty's vessels of war. 325tf 1 W S. LUCE, WINE anil SPIRIT MERCHANT, Campbell Itlock, Merchant St., Has Just received tnese celebrated brands ox Whiskies in cuse: O. & O. S. S. KENTUCKY WHISKY, C. W. STUART KENTUCKY WHISKY, McKENNA'S KENTUCKY WHISKY, MALTED KYE WHISKY. Aud in Bulk, " OLD CROW" WHISKY, 44 HERMITAGE " WHISKY, "NEW HOPE" WHISKY, " BEL AIR" WHISKY. Special attention drawn to "XAOf.KE' FINEST OLD PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY. " Full ltne of the best brands of Chompagne, Brandies, Whiskies, etc., always on band. !S3-au- gt ATTOBSETS-AT'LA- CUBE.VCK W. VOL?i"KT V ASHFORD. ash roan. Asliford Jk Anblord, ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, 80LICITORM, ADVOCATES, ETC. Offlee Honol llu Hale, adjolnluff the Post Office. 27dwtl nECIL BROWN. AITX N E W AND M, THOMPSON. ATTOllNE W, And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and u. Entrance on Merchant street. Honolulu, II. I. 405 tf J. m. M0NSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. EMate In any part of the Uiur Real Bought, sold and Leased on Comtnissiou Loans Negotiated and Legal Document Drawn Ko. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 18 -- tf WENNER & CO. 92 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. ! Watches, bracelets. Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. r-- i . 1 1 J T"1 X Eleirant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENO HAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing iu all Its branches. Sole Agents for King's Eye Preset vers. Metropolitan Market UlXti STREET, Gt J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR Choicest Meats from Finest IIerl, Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOT ICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are tbor ougly bllled Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all its Juicy properties. and n GUARANTEE! TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY- - KILLED MEAT. 143-- tt JOSEPH TINKER, Family gripping Butcher, CUT MARKET, NUUANU STREET. All orders I'romptly attendeI to. Telephone 2S9. toth companies JOSEPH TINKER wishes to Inform his patrons and the public generally that be will deliver bis noted Cambridge Sausages, Fresh every afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5 p- - - CORN"" BEEF and PICKLED TONGUE alwavs on . nd. 323tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printing at the Pacific Commercial Afl ertlner Office will from this date be presented for pay. meat monthly. Honolulu, Match 2, 1885, Spruancc, Stanley & Co., Importer and Jobbers of Flu. WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front Nt.. Nan FranciKo. 57 tf Aw isaao k. Davis. he.nbt cowkU. , DAVIS & C0WELL, MAKUFACTcacaa or Santa Cruz Lime, OF ENGLISH PORTLAND IMPORTERS FIRE URIClvM. FIRK CLAY, Etc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, bet. Clay and Washington, P. O. Box 2,22. SAN FRANCISCO. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, IIAHNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS. 12 aud 14 Plu street, Han Franclaco, Cwl Agents fur Klrby'a Mania Crux Tanneries. Sola Harneas and all other kind of leather. 15eli ly H. H. KLIJS. t. W. M1LI.K8. ELLIS & MILLEB Wholesale and Commission Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAR STREET, Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCO mr Orders Solicited. 423dc2-l- y Whltticr, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACII1C RUBBER PAINT, TAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS and AR TISTS' MATERIALS, 2L23 Front St., J t Sau Francisco ly C. MAIN. E. II. WINCHESTER. Main & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importers of Harness, Saddles, Ilridles, Whips, COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC. No. 214, 218, 218 and 220 Battery Street, Ban cranclsco. Illustrated catalogue sent on application. 101 mch'J9 PROVIDENCE RIVER BRAND OF Cove Oysters Are guaranteed to be cf the BEST quality. Onr "POPULAR" brand of PINEAPPLES are not excelled. FAIT & WINEBRENNER, I'ackerm, Baltimore, Md. C. O. YOUNG, Agent, 2.1 Davis Street. sn Francisco, Cal. 102 o29 MANHOOD RESTORED The reason that Thoutandi cannot get cured of SEMINAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF MAH-1100- D, and the result cf abate . ditKitt or ercett$, it ovir,g to a complication called Pit OS T A TOJt-RIIE- A. DR. UEltIQ'8 IS VIOOitATOU U the OXL Tcure for PROS TA TORRHEA. Price, f 2.00 per paclaye, 6 paclayet, $ 10.00. Guide to Health and Sef-Analy- tt tent free. Addrett LIE-MI- Q DISPENSARY Jor Diteatefi of Mem. 4U0 Otary St., San PraneUco, Cal. 103-- tl Dodge, Sweeney & Co., Nan Francisco, Cal. Wholesale dealers In Batter, Cheese, Lard, and all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FOR Llbby, .McXelll A IJbby's Canned Meats. II. 91. Dnpee's (Eagle Brand) Chicane Hams. Henry Verbal's Canned Vienna and Ham Sausage, And O. XV. Hume's 'Flay' Brand of Canned Salmon. 104 rnchS'J 87 G. M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers la Ship Chandlery, 38 and 40 Market St San Francisco. Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactor- - ing Company. 628fe2a-l- y WATERHOUSE & LESTER, y Importers of Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Beale Street. San Francisco. 277-Jy- 7 Employment OiTice. rpHE UNDERSIGNED nAS MOVED INTO the oflice of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where be will be prepared to furnish household servants, collect bills, do Anglo-Chines- e interpreting, and a general business. KOYONC4. LEY1 STRAUSS & CO., 14 and 1 EatteryjJtreet, San Francisco Cal. Importers of Foreign and Domestic brygoods, Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Qcods. ol Proprietors and Manufacturers f the cele-barte- d PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING. 479 Jan26 87 The undersigned are now prepared to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt San Francisco; The following is a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " " Silicious Matter 4.65 " ' Lime 31.70 " ' Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " Oxide of Iron 8.5 " " Carbonic Acid 1.89 " ' Alka Salts 52 ' 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have Prompt ana fjareruc Attention. W. (t. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands, sstf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. (,li4. !,. Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of Itook. eui. Flat aud Iattcl Papers. It i mlers Hoard. Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT 205 I,eidedorir Street. Ielephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. X It. Special Attention given to Large ronlrnrts. 58 tf Aw The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale aud Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CA LI FO R N IA W. H. TAYLOR.. President JOS. MOORE .Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN BUILDERS brunches; steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, ton- nage and draft of wuter guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being fur superior to bund work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air aud Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-c.t- ic Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pinups, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Dvy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block. fAgent for Hawaiian Islands ) 226se30-lvd-- w L. G. SHESOYICII & CO., Commission Merchantsand Wholesale Dealers iu Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and drieri; manuiacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas, Limes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, Tahiti Oranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Dates and Smyrna Figs, Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- perience in shipping to C hina, Australia, Mexico, Central America. Eastern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct by every steamer. Brunch House, Sun Francisco, P. O. box 1333. Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 120. 4 13, 4 1" and 41" Washington street, opposite Post Oilicc; 412, 414 and 41K Merchant street. 479 feb2S7 KAN FRANCISCO. BEAVER SAL0GN. XO. T POUT STREET. Opposite Wilder A Co.'s H. J. Norte, Propr. OPEN" FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIRST-CLAS- S LIXCHES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, GI.(.FR A!.E. Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant limWZ & CO, BILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The 1'ioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LrjTtTI. A SMOKE. OK A OA.ME OT BILLIARDS. H. J.1X0LTE. I 26-t- f CLAUS SPEECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANWi, Draw Kxchauge on the principal parts of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and excliaiyje business. Deposits hearing interest received In their Sav inxa Department subject to published rules and regulations. 77oc3tf MAfJFABLANE & CO-- , IIOLENALE DKAI.ERK AND E. W eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUORS'. No. 12 Iinali uniauii Street. HONOLULU. 19-- tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., ei-- and Wholesale Dealers In 1iiiorf Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Ktreeu Honolulu, H. I. 13tf-w- ti OLACTS 8PRKCIKI.8 WM. a. IBWIN. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., LJUJAK FACTORS null Commlmiou C5 AOhN'TS. Honolulu U. I. H. HACKFELD & CO., COMMISSION AGENTS. GEXEIIAL Uueen St., Honolulu, U.I. r. BAXxrxe. W. HAERTENB. P OPFKRKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., A CommlAMion Merchants. Inirter Honolulu, H. I. H-t- f WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BKKF, VEAL MUTTOX, FISH, etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 102 tf NOTICE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND I after this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted without the written order of myself or wife. SAMUEL PACKER Honolulu, September 10, 1886. 378 decll W. H. ALDRICH, l2eneral Unsiiie Agent, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queen st., where he will attend to any business entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Orders for milk respectfully solicited, aud proiupt attention given to the delivery of the same. E. Tl. JSJIayiiew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, SG Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I., (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. O. BOX 3 IS. BELL TELEPHONE 5S. AH work In my line faithfully done. Plans and specidcatJons made. Jobbing: in all detail.' done at short notice, oood work and low charges is my motto. TO PLANTERS. We have just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces. Fo. four Jind five foot furnaces. complete with gril bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of iris make are now it. successful operation at Sp; kelsville, Makee Sugar Company and other plan ations. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and further particulars ap ply to Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., 2S 5t Affent. Island Order Solicited. yiif EUEEKA ! We have received a consignment o the most Economical at.J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and Butter producer in use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu ritlve matter; this nearly 3! per cent. 100 Bjs. o this meal is equal to 300 Ss. of oats, or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 tts. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds o Hay. Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Ele. LAINE Sc CO. IS tf John F. Colbnm, Importer and Dealer in EEay and G rain? Corner Kins: and Muunakea streets. CirGoods delivered promptly. Mutual telephone 387. 118 tf TELEPHONE 55 'NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. Alakea. near ttneen St. 21-t- f To the Public. The Pacific Transfer Co., Oflice with C. K. Miller, 42 .Merchant street. Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of dravage. hauling or moving work, all of wuicb 1 will guai- - antee to execute faithfully. 3 1y S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. J. LYONS, rV. n c t i o n o e r AM). General Commission Merchant. Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu Sales of Furnitnre. Stork, Real Estate General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Agent for American & European Herclaiiiise. 191-t- f IT. SOPER, Successor to J. M. Oat, .Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St.. Ilonolul u. II. I. f.itf JOSHUA II EN I) Y Machine Works No. 3.1 to 51 Fremont Street. SAN "ANCISCO. Munufucturer of 1n anddealersin Second- hand Boiler. Engines and Machinery Of Evry Description. Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY PIPING, PIPE-FITTING- ETC. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli- -

Transcript of U III 1 httrfi- A · 2015. 6. 2. · with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES...

Page 1: U III 1 httrfi- A · 2015. 6. 2. · with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference

- ' ifc' w v.-

1 httrfi- -



THE DAILY dverltsemenW.Advertisements.


Wm. O. Irwla. USES FEED CO,,

Queen ,f Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers lu

II A V A?iD tilt.AIX,Tele jhoue No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.:f;.r.

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


ETery Morning Except Sundays.


iAii,Y f. u. advkktiskr, one year 6 00Daily P. C. Advektiskb, sis months 3 00Daily P. C. AuvKRTisKJt, three months. 1 60daily P. V. AbVKKTiSKB. Der month saWkkklv P. C Advkktihkk, one year S 00

n MUDscripUou, w. P. v. A. (includingpostage): 6 60

PayabZe 'Invariably in Advance



TTAVINO SECURED THE SERVICES OF THEJJ celebrated California Hign Writer andUrainer,

GAEIOT,I am now prepared to do all kinds of

Klcu, Houne and NIii IalntiusrPaper Hanging, Glazing, Etc.,

In all the Latest California Designs and Styles, atCalifornia Prices.


Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat-ing for the 50th birthday of His

Majesty solicited.


No. 77 Kins St. Mutual Telephone 462.182 jan 22


PHYSICIAN Office hours at Kakaako, from9 to 11 a. in. every day except Sunday. Will visitpatients at their residence by request. All otherdiseases treated at his office, corner of Punch-bowl and Beret&nla streets. Office hours from 1

to 5 p. m.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. in. 112apr2

Birthday Jubilee-- OF-

His Majesty flie King

To all Hawaiian subjects andj friends ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, IliaMajesty's loyal subjects, contemplating withgrateful hearts the continued reign in goodhealth of onr beloved Sovereign, w hich hasbeen vouchsafed us under the blessings ofthe Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap-

proach of the anniversary which marks thefiftieth yfcar of liis life an era in tha life ofa Iluler which in any land is to be recog-nized among the people as a fitting occasionfor marked rejoicing and festivejubilee donvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends

of the 'Nation, to join with us in a loyal andloving celebration of the

Iiftietli BirtlidavOF


--ON TUE- -

lGth Day of November

Next in the City of Honolulu, when, God,il' g, we may al'flnite in demonstrationsof lo?e and .fb ty to our Beloved King,




(Li.aiteilj,Keep constantly on h.xnd, for sale. STEAM,FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. 326 ly

New rhotosraplr Kooms.

SICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREET,OVER the Shooting Gallery. Pictures. Port-

raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranteed. 114ap2 i. A.


VI Lane, for $30 and 820 per month re-

spectively. Inquire at Hyuian Bros., Queenatreet. 384 tf

SUN FIRE OFFICEo r i. o x i o a .


TYyriiAVCi' I'PPPITFII T'POV EVKP.Y'1 description of property at the current ratesoi premium.

Total imm Insured in 1S85 - - 327,333,700

Claims arranged by the local jenu, and pa d

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tributes recognizoo

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.;

10d&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.





1.1 1 re IuNuraitee oi all descriptionX? will be effected at Moderate Kates of Prpmum, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN & COManagers for Haw. Islauds


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Oi New Zealand.CAPITAL. : 10.000.0001

an Agency atHaving for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned are prepared to accept risks against FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargofreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

LoHses promptly adjusted A payable,82-d- wtf WM. O. IK WIN & CO.


Manufacturing Jeweler,'o.60 Xuuanii .Street,

Honolulu. II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. ritf


House Carpenter & Builder,31 Alakea Street.

Will furnish estimates and make contracts forany description oi wood buildings.

Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest. 2f5 tf

Kohala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors


Fancy drinks of every descriptiona KpeciMly.

EL. H, Webb,Proprietor.

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

.1: rated Table Water.UINGKR ALE. LEMONADE.


Absolutely I'ure.

As supplied to the principal families in Hono-lulu, aud exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty'svessels of war. 325tf



Campbell Itlock, Merchant St.,Has Just received tnese celebrated brands ox

Whiskies in cuse:







Special attention drawn to "XAOf.KE'FINEST OLD PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY.

" Full ltne of the best brands of Chompagne,Brandies, Whiskies, etc., always on band.

!S3-au- gt




ADVOCATES, ETC.Offlee Honol llu Hale, adjolnluff the Post

Office. 27dwtl




And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and u. Entrance onMerchant street. Honolulu, II. I. 405 tf



NOTARY PUBLIC.EMate In any part of the UiurReal Bought, sold and Leased on Comtnissiou

Loans Negotiated and Legal Document Drawn

Ko. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 18 -- tf

WENNER & CO.92 Fort Street.

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

! Watches, bracelets. Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.r-- i . 1 1 J T"1 X

Eleirant Solid Silver Tea Sets.Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing iu all Its branches.Sole Agents for King's Eye Preset vers.

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meats from Finest IIerl,

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOT ICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are tborougly bllled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all its Juicy properties.and n GUARANTEE! TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY- -KILLED MEAT. 143-- tt


Family gripping Butcher,



All orders I'romptly attendeI to.Telephone 2S9. toth companies

JOSEPH TINKER wishes to Inform his patronsand the public generally that be will deliver bisnoted

Cambridge Sausages,

Fresh every afternoon between the hours of 3and 5 p- - - CORN"" BEEF and PICKLEDTONGUE alwavs on . nd. 323tf


All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingat the

Pacific Commercial Afl ertlner

Office will from this date be presented for pay.meat monthly.

Honolulu, Match 2, 1885,

Spruancc, Stanley & Co.,Importer and Jobbers of Flu.


410 Front Nt.. Nan FranciKo.57 tf A w

isaao k. Davis. he.nbt cowkU. ,



CLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, bet. Clay and Washington,

P. O. Box 2,22. SAN FRANCISCO.



12 aud 14 Plu street, Han Franclaco, Cwl

Agents fur Klrby'a Mania Crux Tanneries. SolaHarneas and all other kind of leather.

15eli ly

H. H. KLIJS. t. W. M1LI.K8.

ELLIS & MILLEBWholesale and Commission Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCOmr Orders Solicited. 423dc2-l- y

Whltticr, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



2L23 Front St., J t Sau Franciscoly


Main & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importers of

Harness, Saddles, Ilridles, Whips,COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC.

No. 214, 218, 218 and 220 Battery Street, Bancranclsco. Illustrated catalogue sent

on application. 101 mch'J9


Cove OystersAre guaranteed to be cf the BEST quality.

Onr "POPULAR" brand of PINEAPPLESare not excelled.

FAIT & WINEBRENNER, I'ackerm,Baltimore, Md.

C. O. YOUNG, Agent, 2.1 Davis Street. snFrancisco, Cal. 102 o29


The reason that Thoutandi cannot get cured ofSEMINAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF MAH-1100- D,

and the result cfabate . ditKitt or ercett$,it ovir,g to a complication called Pit OS TA TOJt-RIIE- A.

DR. UEltIQ'8 IS VIOOitATOU Uthe OXL Tcurefor PROS TA TORRHEA. Price,f2.00 per paclaye, 6 paclayet, $ 10.00. Guide toHealth and Sef-Analy- tt tent free. Addrett LIE-MI- Q

DISPENSARY Jor Diteatefi of Mem.4U0 Otary St., San PraneUco, Cal.

103-- tl

Dodge, Sweeney & Co.,Nan Francisco, Cal.

Wholesale dealers In Batter, Cheese, Lard, andall kinds of provisions.


Llbby, .McXelll A IJbby's CannedMeats.

II. 91. Dnpee's (Eagle Brand) ChicaneHams.

Henry Verbal's Canned Vienna andHam Sausage,

And O. XV. Hume's 'Flay' Brand ofCanned Salmon. 104 rnchS'J 87

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers la

Ship Chandlery,38 and 40 Market St San Francisco.Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactor- -

ing Company. 628fe2a-l- y

WATERHOUSE & LESTER,y Importers of


16 to 22 Beale Street. San Francisco.277-Jy- 7

Employment OiTice.

rpHE UNDERSIGNED nAS MOVED INTOthe oflice of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where be

will be prepared to furnish household servants,collect bills, do Anglo-Chines- e interpreting, and ageneral business. KOYONC4.

LEY1 STRAUSS & CO.,14 and 1 EatteryjJtreet, San Francisco Cal.

Importers of Foreign and Domestic brygoods,Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Qcods.

ol Proprietors and Manufacturers f the cele-barte- d


The undersigned are now prepared to receive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & OhlandtSan Francisco;

The following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 " "Silicious Matter 4.65 " 'Lime 31.70 " 'Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 8.5 " "Carbonic Acid 1.89 " 'Alka Salts 52 '

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prompt

ana fjareruc Attention.

W. (t. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands,



St. (,li4. !,.Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of

Itook. eui.Flat aud Iattcl Papers.It i mlers Hoard.Twines, Etc.


205 I,eidedorir Street.Ielephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X It. Special Attention given toLarge ronlrnrts. 58 tfAw

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale aud Howard Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR.. PresidentJOS. MOORE .Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY, INBUILDERSbrunches; steamboat, Steamship,Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed. Speed, ton-nage and draft of wuter guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being fur superior tobund work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air aud Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-c.t- ic

Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pinups, for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Dvy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

fAgent for Hawaiian Islands )226se30-lvd-- w

L. G. SHESOYICII & CO.,Commission Merchantsand Wholesale Dealers iuForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and drieri;manuiacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas,Limes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience in shipping to C hina, Australia, Mexico,Central America. Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct by every steamer.

Brunch House, Sun Francisco, P. O. box 1333.Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 120.

4 13, 4 1" and 41" Washington street, opposite PostOilicc; 412, 414 and 41K Merchant street.



Opposite Wilder A Co.'s

H. J. Norte, Propr.OPEN" FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The 1'ioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLrjTtTI. A SMOKE. OK A OA.ME OT



26-t- f




Draw Kxchauge on the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexcliaiyje business.

Deposits hearing interest received In their Savinxa Department subject to published rules andregulations. 77oc3tf



No. 12 Iinali uniauii Street.HONOLULU. 19-- tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,ei-- and Wholesale Dealers In1iiiorf Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu KtreeuHonolulu, H. I. 13tf-w- ti


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,LJUJAK FACTORS null CommlmiouC5 AOhN'TS. Honolulu U. I.



ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,A CommlAMion Merchants.Inirter Honolulu, H. I. H-t- f

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BKKF, VEALMUTTOX, FISH, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf

NOTICEHEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM ANDI after this date I will not be responsible for

any debts contracted without the written orderof myself or wife. SAMUEL PACKER

Honolulu, September 10, 1886. 378 decll

W. H. ALDRICH,l2eneral Unsiiie Agent,

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queen st.,where he will attend to any business entrustedto his care.


Orders for milk respectfully solicited, audproiupt attention given to the delivery of thesame.

E. Tl. JSJIayiiew,


SG Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I.,

(Opposite Fashion Stables).


AH work In my line faithfully done. Plans andspecidcatJons made. Jobbing: in all detail.' doneat short notice, oood work and low charges ismy motto.


We have just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces.

Fo. four Jind five foot furnaces. complete withgril bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof iris make are now it. successful operation atSp; kelsville, Makee Sugar Company and otherplan ations.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars apply to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,2S 5t Affent.

Island Order Solicited.



We have received a consignment o the mostEconomical at.J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

Butter producer in use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nuritlve matter; this nearly 3! per cent.

100 Bjs. o this meal is equal to 300 Ss. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 tts. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds o

Hay. Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Ele.


John F. Colbnm,Importer and Dealer in

EEay and G rain?Corner Kins: and Muunakea streets.

CirGoods delivered promptly.Mutual telephone 387. 118 tf



Alakea. near ttneen St.21-t- f

To the Public.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Oflice with C. K. Miller, 42 .Merchant street.

Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391.

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of dravage.hauling or moving work, all of wuicb 1 will guai- -antee to execute faithfully.

3 1y S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor.


rV. nc ti on oerAM).

General Commission Merchant.Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

Sales of Furnitnre. Stork, Real EstateGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agent for

American & European Herclaiiiise.191-t- f

IT. SOPER,Successor to

J. M. Oat, .Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.27 Merchant St.. Ilonolul u. II. I.



Machine WorksNo. 3.1 to 51 Fremont Street.


Munufucturer of 1n anddealersin Second-hand

Boiler. Engines and Machinery

Of Evry Description.

Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d



Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli- -

Page 2: U III 1 httrfi- A · 2015. 6. 2. · with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference

i , ."tcr tne heroi vb.? focottaire,aPP'7t. T Or?tf'r


elect their own repnentative, who 3&Sfrti5cmcn:s.drrrtiscmrnts.warlike that green light (produced; in;the gl ire of it.r i

W. A. Kinney, one of the counsel for ;

the respondents, was about to be exam- - j

alone have the riht to vote inonev anlimpor-- o taxes; wherefore the ieople, intheir eoriorate ;u parity, an. I not the.Jovernment as such, are ;

lor what the writer in question com- -

plains of.

EXGELlfflECHT'S CALIFORNIA WINJtS.ined respecting retaining w itnesses andcertain conversation in connection there-with.

Mr. Neumann objected to this course,as no foundation had been laid for it.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser




Tb uiiiersifcLieJ oSer fr sals, at lowest miitvt rMe.JAVANESE LAEOR.

The "DJanterv Monthly" has the fol-

lowing editorial note" in reference to thecost of Javanese lalor to the planters of






Ml'SCAT (sweet and dry),CHAMPAGNE,




Fer anDumSix monthsPer montb

Queensland, at the same time looking to j

Java as a jossibIe field from which j

available laborers might le obtained for i

the Hawaiian Islands. It says: J

'"The terms un which Javanese aregoing as laborers to Queensland an;given in an article, 'The Queensland Labor

6 00.... '. 00.... riOC

03uleriptioiis I'ajHblr AIhhjhIiiAflvance.

Communication from a!l part.- of the Kingdomwill alwaya be very aceepuhle.

Persons re.sfdlr.if In any part of tne United statescan remit the amount of Milrticriptinn flu.- - hy TostOffice Dirinr d.r.ti.m

Matter intended f1r publication in tin- - editorial j

columns rfhould be addressed toKoitoe Pacihc (ommkkcial Auvkktiskk.'Buginesn COM! rn II I) fiiit !m id unit Mdt'i.rtki-riK.tit- i

Supply, herewith. The wages paid aref7 L'-- per month and board. Womenare not paid anything, but are entitledto a fret; passage out and ba k, as arealso the laborers. With increased taxesand competition and decreased receipts,we may k; obliged to seek labor cheaperthan is now being used or go under. Withthe way already open for immigration,as sugar plantation laborers the Javan-ese may be the source which we shall



IV Box CIO. 73

Just receive.!, ex Lapwing, a large consignment ol

Genuine German ColognePrepared by Johann Maria Farina,

Gesenuber ten JuIiclis-PIal- z Cologne, Germany.

CIGrA JbiBuy Them! Smoke Them! Enjoy Them!

They are a perfect luxury ami a preventative of sickness. Buv tl:em as von t un afford adollar's worth, l.y the box, or even a thousand at a time. It is avini; tuonev.

The Court excluded the testimony.Captain Sam, of the Moi Wahine, de-- !

posed to w hat passed during a conversa-tion between himself and Leiloa at thefarmer's house. "Witness asked him,"How was it that you ran into the MoiWahine0 Did you not see her lights?"He then said, "Ae, I did see lights onthe Moi Wahine." That was two weeksago. Leiloa was not intoxicated whenhe came to the house. He was givena lottle of gin, which he took awav withhim, w itness telling him he was satisfiedwith his reply. In cross-examinati-

witness made a number of negativestatements, which went t show that hehad not attempted to influence wit-

nesses.P. Robinson was acting forS. A. Allen

hiring the hitter's absence in San Fran-cisco. The question was put Do youreinember the advice you gave CaptainSam to see Leiloa ? .

The question was objected to and thewitness withdrawn.

Kaikaai, one of the crew of the Moko-li-i,

reiterated the conversation letweenhimself and Leiloa w hen the Dowsett'screw went on board his vessel.

When the boat came alongside thequestion was put by witness, "Wherehas this boat come from?" Someonereplied, "The Dowsett has sunk." Wit-

ness said, "Why have you been so care-les- s

as to lose her! It's like losingyour tea or joi." They said they hadonly seen the white smoke ; that theydid not know anything about a vesseltill she struck.

Mr. Whiting noted exceptions to this,as not being testimony in rebuttal. Ex

nouUi be addressed simply" I'. C. AdvEhiiskk,"

And not U) Individuals

THE have to go to. The 'Planters' Monthly !

Pacific Commercial

:o:- -


laiiiilui-l(irer- .

"21 First Street, Sa;i Francisco, Cal.

I now for sale imily at the Poilou Marrs ;

J. II. SOrER MerchantstreeCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetV. a. THRUM Fort street

Five Cent per Copy. 1.O0 Fort Street.FRIDAY October 20th.



Great Reductions in all Departments,

To make room for a large and varied assortment of wood. suitaMe for tle celebration of No-

vember ICth. to arrive with ("has. J. Pishel on the steamship Alameda on

October SStli.AT--

will meanwhile obtain what informa-tion is available on the subject."

It will be remembered that the Au-vkhtis-

brought this question beforethe plantation owners some months ago,and we understand that the HawaiianGovernment, through the Foreign De-

partment, soon after wrote for detailedinformation on the subject. A replymay be exacted by the next incomingmail from the Colonies when, if it be asfull as was contemplated by the letter ofinquiry, it will probably cover all essen-tial points. We think that our laborpopulation might be recruited from Javawith the best ossible results. That ex-

tremely fertile island is becoming over-Iopulate- d,

and contrary to its settledpolicy the Government of the Nether-lands Indies would now appear to befavorable to the emigration, under timecontracts, of a portion of the workingclasses. In the past, such a projosalwould not have been entertained by theRatavian authorities, and the change ofpolicy may be utilized to the advantageof this country under judicious manage-ment. AVhen Mr. Hillebrand was com-

missioned by the Hawaiian Gov-

ernment to visit the countries ofthe Malayan Archipelago, to re-

port upon the most available sourcesof labor supply for our sugar planters, hewas forcibly impressed by the similarityin physique and disposition of the Jav-anese and Hawaiians, but Java was thena closed industrial country, shut upagainst foreign intercourse by the Dutch,and in the intervening period nothingpractical has been attempted in this di-

rection beyond the recent effort to pro-

cure reliable information, with a view tofuture action by the Government. How-fa- r

recent changes may affect the policyof immigration in its general bearingsupon production and settlement it is ofcourse impossible to say, but the nativepeople would stand a good chance of per-

petuating their race by the reinforce-ment of fresh blood of a vigorous andfruitful people like the Javanese, theaverage of whose families are six chil-

dren. We shall watch the course ofevents in this connection with muchinterest.

The Popular Millinery House,

i ; ft

Mle- -








104 Fort Street Honolulu.

Our evening contemporary is some-what exercised because the official lifeof the Hon. Mr. Kaulukou lias not beenaccurately recorded in our "authority"column. This feeling is pardonable,because the cirumstanees are unique.The change from Marshal to Minister,and from Minister to Marshal wasrather abrupt; but as the "Bulletin"says, there is a missing link somewhere.And this "missing link" may prove tobe a very costly piece of business lie forethe Government has done with it. Thelaw requires certain things to be doneby the Marshal or his Deputy; but ifthere be no Marshal there can be noDeputy, therefore all acts done in thename of the Marshal during thisperiod of legal void is unlawful,and the Government is clearly responsi-ble for the consequences. Of courseproper and legal documents may havebeen issued, and everything may havebeen done according to law, but no onehas knowledge of the fact without publi-cation, and therefore a secret commis-sio- n

is valueless so far as the public areconcerned. These points may be con-

sidered to be mere matters of form, butthey rest upon solid foundation. If thelaw can be dispensed with in resjectof the appointment of the Marshal, itcan also be dispensed with in the matterof laws which the office of Marshal hasbeen created to enforce. In brief, thereapjears to lie a decided tendency toignore the law on the part of the Execu-tive in regard to appointments.This is a dangerous experiment. Thehigh office of Marshal has been trifledwith ; the higher office of Attorney Gen-eral is being trifled with; and projertyinterests throughout the Kingdom are

jST. S. SACHS, Pi-oprietoi- -.

ceptions were noted.Witness continued This conversation

was in presence of all the Dowsett'screw. It was Leiloa 's voice. Leiloa didnot say that the reason of the collisionwas because the schooner had no lights.Neither did an' of the crew, in the pres-ence of Leiloa, give that reason. Thisevidence was afterwards struck out.Mr. Kinney asked Did Leiloa or did henot say to you that on account of theDowsett's crewr being over-worke- d andtired that that was the reason of the col-

lision ? Witness replied In answer tomy questions when I aaid to him, "Howdid you come about losing tea andpoi?" and "Why didn't you look out?"and "Whose watch was it?" Leiloa said,"It was my watch," "We did keep alookout," but he did not say it was inconsequence of the crew being over-

worked, sleepy and tired that the col-

lision happened.The case was then adjourned to 9 :15

this morning.OCTOBER TERM BEFORE I'RESTOX, J.A. J. Cartw right s. Thomas W. Ev-

erett. Mr. W. A. Whiting for plaintiff.On motion of plaintiff, it was orderedthat the case be continued until called up.

Lelia 1. Roderiquez vs. Joseph Roder-Jque- z,

divorce. Hon. Paul Neumann forplaintiff; Mr. W. A. Whiting for. de-

fendant. Granted on the ground ofadultery of defendant.

Haida vs. Chun Lock, divorce. Mr."Whiting for plaintiff; no appearance ofdefendant. Granted on the ground ofdesertion of defendant.

Kauhiololi vs. Adolph Brueges, di

-- :o:-



FREETH & PEACOCK,Wholesale Mine mid Spirit 91erehaiil4.

0,3 !ISrmi mmi street - - - Honolulu, H. I.To be announced shortly

jyMRS. ELLIS' dressmaking establishment on he premises.:o:- -

QUARTERLY BUSINESS.rbTrrgumenaced by the threatened ap

Sole agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " GIN, Pellisson'H uncolored,unsweetened, pure old BRANDY only two qualities shipped, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. W. Smith & Co.'s

TH1STLEDEW WHISKY,We offer for sale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted stock of

ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in londor duty paid.

pointment sf Junius Kaae to the officeof Registrar of Conveyances.







I i


373I. O. Box oOi. Telephone o. S1U.

vorce. Mr. a. i'. I'eterson lor planum :

no appearance of defendant. Granted onthe ground of desertion of defendant.

INTERMEDIARY BEFORE fCULLY, J.The King vs. Enoch Fan, assault.

Mr. A. Rosa for the Crown; Messrs.Kinney & Peterson for defendant, whowas acquitted and discharged.

The following cases were con t ined forone week, viz. : The King vs. Ah Wing,Patrick Ryce vs. Mrs. Cornwell, HenryBuch vs. Anna Long, and John Brodievs. James Holt, Jr.

J. E. WISEMAN",Campbell's Block, Merchant Street, Honolulu.

ESTABLISHED 187.Books and accounts and collections attended to promptly.

Bell Telephone 172. 1. . 15ov 315. Mutual Telephone 373.

Police Court.

DAVIS & WILDER,Importers and Dealers in

Staple and Faney CJroeeries, lroduee, Irov sioiiH and Feed.

jSTo. 52 Fort street.Particular attention is called to the fact that all goods j our ijne are WA Hit ANTED tHESlIand of choice quality. All importations are ho regulated as to avoid accumulations of old ntok


LEW IS fe CO.,Ill Fort Street. Importers nn Dealers in

Staple and Fancy GrroceiMes.-- :o:-


Thursday, October 2Sth.Antone Feritas was fined $5 and $1

costs for drunkenness.O. Schlaslen forfeited $0 for the same

offense.Thomas McGiffin was committed for

trial to the Supreme Court on a chargeof larceny. He will go on the reef untilthe January term.

-- AND-FRESH GOODSBy every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

Provisions, Etc. Etc.Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. 1. (). Box No. 297.

Ice House DelicaciesKeceived by every steamer from San Francisco, embracing all varieties the market affords.

WOODLAWX DAIItY BUTTER, in th bricks, and other choice Island Butter, always on bandDaily deliveries to all parts of the city, Waikiki and the valley.

Martinelli's cider is the best and purestmade.

Roth Telephones, . ISO. 2tf


Pacific Navigation Company vs. S. C.Allen. Further hearing of an action torecover $25,000 for the loss of thesteamer James I. Dowsett. Hon. PaulNeumann, Mr. L. A. Thurston andMessrs. Whiting & Creighton for thelibelants ; Mr. S. B. Doie, Messrs. Kin-

ney ik Peterson and Mr. R. F. Bickertonfor th 2spondent.

Umi, sailor and cook on board theschooner Moi Wahine, stated that at thetime of the collision the schooner'slights were in perfect order. Witnessand Peha had put them in position. Theglare could be noticed from behind andfrom under. The green light was on thestarboard side and the red one on theport side. When the schooner got overon her starboard side some one on theDowsett sang out, "Pehea oukou." Wit-

ness replied, "Ua pilikiamakou ua nahake huli hoi nei makou." The Mof "Wa-hine- 's

side lamps are stationed higherthan on other vessels.

Ku, one of the watch on the Moi Wa-

hine, saw the Dowsett coming, and drewthe Mate's attention to her. As shecame nearer witness sang out to the Dow-

sett people, "Hey, there; we will co-

llide." He paid this twice. Did nothear a voice from the Dowsett until aftershe had struck. Someone then said,"We have collided with a schooner."The lights were burning all right onboard the Moi Wahine at the time. Incross-examinati- witness admitted hedid not know port froSn starboard, butknew right from left. Further evidencewas given as to the rules observed onboard the schooner and the distance thatlight, could be distinguished. The lightswere not extinguished by the shock.The Dowsett was on the port bow whenshe hailed, "Are you pilikia," and wasabout the distance from the witnessstand to the makai wall of the Courtroom.

Friday, a sailor on board the Moi Wa-

hine, gave similar evidence. He . alsostated that someone was holding a greenlight on board the schooner. Could notsay which of the lights it was that washeld, but saw someone holding it asternon the port side. It was not the greenlight produced in Court, as that was inthe rigging. The man that had thelamp in his hand was examining theschooner's damages. To the Court : Wecall the gieen light white. The lightthat was taken to look at the damage


The "Planters' Monthly" is dis-

quieted about the amount of money au-

thorized to be expended under the Ap-

propriation Act. Doubtless the amountis far in excess of any conservative esti-

mate of the revenue; but that factshould not disquiet our plantation friends.If the money is not in the Treasury itcannot be taken out of it, therefore itcannot be spent. The country willtherefore continue to live within itsmeans, but the Government will nodoubt be censured and condemned allaround the circle for not giving effect toall appropriations without diminuitionor change of any kind. In truth, an ex-

cessive Appropriation Act is not a goodthing for any Government. It imposesa discretion as to expenditure which iswrong, because it is not .contemplatedby the law itself. Indeed, it is opposedto the spirit and intent of an Appropria-tion Act to depart in any respect fromthe hard and fast lines of expenditurelaid down by it; but if a Legislative As-

sembly witl insist upon voting nearlydouble the probable revenue, it in effectleaves the whole thing to the discretionof Ministers. Hence the necessity forhaving a prudent and intelligent Admin-

istration in office, because the legislativesystem of this Kingdom must infalliblyref ,ult in excessive appropriations of pub-li- e'

money.These points appear to have been

lost eight of by the writer in the "Plan-ters' Monthly," ami he also deals some-

what unfairly with the Executive in thefollowing sentences: "AVe are fast ap-

proaching the day when we will rivalSan Domingo in financial ability. Thiscommunity can make up its mind thatthe present powers that be regardthe planter and the general public from

but one point of view, and that is theiravailability as sources of revenue. So

long as the community will sit still andbe bled, just so long the bleeding pro-

cess will continue."This is not a "Colored Republic" like

San Domingo, torn by intermittent rev-

olution, without confidence at home or


For San Francisco.The Oceanic Company's brigantine

Claus Spreckels sails at noon to-da- y forSan Francisco. A mail will be dispatchedby her, which closes at the Post Office at11 o'clock. This will be a good opportu-nity to forward correspondence, as theClaus Spreckels will doubtless make aquick passage.

"As a true tonic, effective invigoratorand genuine appetizer, Duffy's MaltWhisky is unexcelled."

-- With the finest custom-made- -





Clothing and Furnishing Goods,Ever brought to these Islands, and which we will sell at the following LOW PRICES;

100 dozen Doys' Wool Suits, per suit $2 50 upwards.100 dozen Boys' Jersey Suits, per suit 2 50 upwards.

75 dozen Men's Fine Bnainess Suits, per suit $5 upwards.75 dozen Men's Fine All-Wo- ol Suits, per nuit !) upwards.50 dozen Men's Fine Iliac k Dress Suits, extra value, per suit $18 upwards

K)0 dozen Men's Working Pants, per pair, upward.-!- .

Also, an extra fine line of Men's and Bovs'

S HOES.100 dozen Lnlaundried Shirts, per piece 50c upwards.100 Men's Fine Undershirts, per piece 50c upwards.100 dozen Men's Fine Wbite Dress Shirts, per piece $1 25 upwa'rds.100 dozen Men's All-Wo- Working Shirts, per piece SI 50 upwards.

50 dozen Men's Straw Hats, per piece 75c upwards.75 dozen Boys' Straw Hats, per piece 50c to SI 50.

We are confident these prices will satisfy the most exacting. AV r.nlv advertisnwhat we mean! Any unsatisfactory art-- o may he returned and the nion'ev hcheerfully refunded, llemember ti e BLUE FliONT, comer Merchant and Fori reefs.

eag-aj-N &d co:

HOUSE CLIPPINGInc tvitli Oiipatcli


Lightning Clipping Machine

nHE REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING OFJ. the Pacific Hardware Company (Limited)will be held at their office on Saturday, October30, 1SSG, at 10 o'clock a. in.

JAMES G. SPENCER,Honolulu, October 23, imG. Secretary.


THE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFDURING Wm. G. Irwin at San Francisco,Mr. Walter M. Giffard will have charge of thegeneral business of our firm.

1ST docC!9-wnov8 WM. G. IRWIN ,fc CO.

-- AT TIIE- -


Apply to

3IILES & HAYLEY. MR. FRANK P. HASTINGS WILL HAVEcharge of the business affairs of our bankduring the temporary absence of Mr. W". G.LADY DESIRES LES-SON- IN GERMAN.

Hanoverian prefrred. Address P. O. box

respect abroad; nor is it a "paternalgovernment" like the Dutch Adminis-

tration in the East. The people hereA433.

lrwinathan tranclaco.213 nov29 291 tf CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.TELEPHONE 32. 353 tf


Page 3: U III 1 httrfi- A · 2015. 6. 2. · with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference



V i

K Vi ;- -


.v .'iUii.i,.it ; .- y4 "1 V UY AUTHORITY. A LA2Y, EFFEMINATE PEOPLE.h:il known McCTi.'-m'- y. Ho a war-

rant from ox-Mars- ivr : -- ';ir,!i for

the iroiH.rtv. Younr Mc('hf-no- y tl.l

lo..:k'.--- t for. Th a l.uionlirnitol, ar..l P-- r t::.t r?:' w"a.lvi-- o all :hoo wh- ii.tt n 1

witii..-.in- .r th..-- .Miii- to

thoir ti'ktts or thoy may., -.l. Tiu- - is

lix.-- l at ?1. and tk-ki-t:- - may hv ohtuino.l

Ihhim wa t: tiu wr.:-n- ' traclt!u-- rchitfj hi- - iiu-t-ti- with yvin'

Field Sport in the Houe Our Iilal ofSuiirfinp Comfort Cremation. i

Little by little the Anu-ri:;i- ar j

learning to taktj all their I'M hi the j

hous when the first whito fr.wt ::'. Crtqu- -t was brought into tae iaj-i.- r ten yars !

j ago: then l;izy villain inveute.1 the par- - j

; lor rule, and ull the targets and ntle ran-e- s I

Wa-- h

hal ia-- tKMivj !. l.at-'l- hi'Norton's trout'.Harrv Mc( 'lu-ii- f ih! ileal. nea MARTINELLVS CIDER

at the otfue f the Hotel.

LOCAL AND GENERAL.ni 'ht we went in a hack and irot two

stream waiting for eargos. Both vesi-el- s havebeen repainted black.

The British bark W. H. Mtson, which sailedfrom Liverpool June "Jth with a caro of eaeralnierch,mdie, consigned to Messrs. F. A. Scbaefer4: Co., is Hi days out.

Tlit r W. (i. IIu.lI will be thr-u?- wi.brejjairs

The schooner Kaulilu, which sailed yesterday j

rnomintf for Waianae, Oahu, arrived at that j

place after a quick nan of three and one halfi

hours. I


The steamer Kilauea Hon arrived October j

27th from Maui, with 33 head of cattle from Ma- - j

kena. Captain Cameron reports rough weather jj

at Hamoa, owing to which he was obliged to j!

steam out of the harbor twice, but the machinery j

was landed safely. She will leave at 3 o'clockthis afternoon for Lahaina and Mualaea, Maui, j

and all ports in Hamakaa, Hawaii.

ij royal

m (I m) h

i Were UIVUu; ialv vuc j. u luv j iuq- -

ing stetd blades were taken oJ the skates and' wooden casters sultituted. and the lake was

moved into the house and boarded over withyellow pine. Foot ball. polo, walkingmatches, target pra t:ee, ba--e bail, cricket,all the field -- ports, have b.t.n taken into tha

Ipartment orinterfor.S. E. Kanie, Esq., Las tbi.-- Jay been appointed

Clerk of the Market of Lahaina, Inland of Maul.L. AHOLO,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, October Ti, liibC- - 210doct30wnovl5

wahines and went to Waikiki. McChes- - '

ney paid the bill with a $20 bill he had.He said he would like to see a hula. A

nkht or two after McChesney came '

along with $30. We got the same wahi- -

lies and three bottles of wine from the ;

Beehive saloon, and we had the hula, j

McChesney ot quite boozy and went j

; home with one of the wahines. Thenext day I met him on Alapai street,!

parlor or rinkThe hr.r-- e races will le iui ved in next. In

Martinelii'" cider i- - ;'.(. 'iUtely pur. i

The .bailor's ih tne h:c- - entirely ie- -;


moli-he- d.

The billiard match ciurm-n-.-e-- ato'clock thi-- ; evening. '

The Honolulu Utile- - will drill again thievening at their armory.

The Admiralty ca-- e will be re Mimed at j

U:l " o'clock thi- - morning. X,

The marri i.-- 'c tie v;is severed in three in- -

a little while America will have no earthlyu.--e for "out doors," not even as a place to bo

buried in. beeau-- e, after we have fen ed in,fi."re.i and r.K.fed over tliis entire continent,shut out the sky and the air and theand havw lighted the gits and stirred

tu iir Hn.l the at- -

rl fir,.Mf;iilin 1'oiiiiiiittPtl for Trial

The following named persons have this daybeen appointed Deputy Road Supervisors:

Hon. J. K. Nahsle, for District of North Kona,Hawaii.

J. Kupahu, for the Distiiet of Kau, Hawaii.L. AHOLO,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, October 27, 1&C. 211doct:jwnovl5

arid lie told me the old man liaaIn the Police Court yesterday the case - -u,.Ming him for getting drunk and that

a 1 1 Malice- - l.v Mr. .InMi' e 1'roton yor.terda- -of Thomas McOifKn, th ir-e- -1 with beinss ;

was going to run away, lie e-i

i . 4i. l.,,..,.,!- - ,.f t'irio tli.. i hean accessory 10 imr um- - t- - ii me to find out the time the steamers left.

mophere over ana over uinn n. canbreathe,! no longer, it will lie mo-- t fitting

and proper that we should crawl into a catiron retort and into a crematoryheated "one seven tim-- s more than was wont

The book of the season. The ll.iN.i.n.Ai.M n c am- - I 'ii:r.t Tory i-- 1v:. Price,50 cents.He said he had 2u0 in the Postal Sav- -


ings bank. On Friday afternoon I was ;

Val T.latz Milwaukee lager beer i- - the u iK.aeel." and, in dust and noxious vnpors

This absolutely pureCIDER is manufac-tured in the orchardone year before plac-

ing it on the market,and generates its own

gas by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for saleby


vlttin ;)t the corner ot i ort and Kingre-l- v ,.,,,1 ir.i,, elo' a 1 if'u of gradual incineration.market. liottled e.l! nne-- t in tl ie

streets, wnen .uaiiwu- - alongi for thN Iiniate.

and we arrange.! to meet in the even l.i.lr,-.,,..- kid "loves, la. lie- -' underwear i

he' I told him then it was no use in j . , :11Hi ca-hme- re :,i;st.?. would ..i-.l- l.o !

Absolutely Pure.Tliis powder n vcr varies. A marvel cf purit jr.

rtrenth smt More economic!than the or.'.hv.rv tuniK and cannot besclJ incom-petiti- oi

with tko multitude of lo.vtest, shortwcicht, alum or phophut9 powders, SouoLT 13

tass. Iwval Co.. 100 Wftli-e-


ik rniimrc' awav. lie vn,, i reccivta ny la-- i Miamci, ai v . .. ...v. .

The following named ijersons have this daybeen appointed agents to take acknowledgmentsto labor contracts, as follows:

8. K. Mahoe, for District of Waialua. Island ofCHhu.

G. O. Karnauoba, for District of North Kohala,Island of Hawaii.

W. S. Maule, for District of Wailuku, Inland ofMaui.

Interior Department, October 20. 16W.w nov 15

All water rates due on or before term endingDecember 31, lbfcfi, must be paid at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works before the 15th day ofNovember, 188C.

Parties paying rates will present their last re-

ceipt.CHAS. Ii. WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water vYorks.Approved;


Minister of Iuterior.Honolulu, October 11, l:;auo!5dw


OF- -

BIL.LiIA.RDS.11a IK line uiie. 500 ioiu(HlM'tit fen


Dr. K. 1'ratt. llelleiontame. tno. w i ue- - .

I am well plea.-e-d with your Dutiy's PureMalt Whi-k- y. and will u-- e it exclusively in

my practice.There will be the u-u- al service at St.

Andrew's Cath dral this evening conductedby the l!i-!i.- -p ot Honolulu, who will de-

liver a 1! iet' address.The Young People's Prayer and l'rais--

meeting will be held at the Lyceum thisevening at half pa-- t evcn o'clock. Mr. 1.

K. l'.i.iwell will lead the meeting.

Messrs. I'.. P. Adams A; Co. hold thrirregular cash -- ale at 10 o'clock this morning,selling among-- t other things, clothing,jewelry, jrroceries and two brakes.

The evidence in the Admiralty ca-- e is

expected to'elose to-da- y, and the hearingof arguments to follow on Saturday. It is

possible, however, it may tali longer.

An adjourned meeting of the llonokaaSutra r Company w.ll be held at the oflice ofSjhacfer A: Co. at 10 o'clock this morning.The stockholders of the Pacific Sugar Com-pY.n- y

meet at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

They have one of those patent lightning

Australian Mail Service.The following is the list of Tax Collectors ap-

pointed for the year 1H80;

Hawaii.AND- -

There should le a law making it a peniten-tiar- v

oit'eiise for a man to take part in anygame inside a roller rink that can le playedin the field, in the pure air and the brightsunlight.

Physically we are growing to le a lazy,effeminate pevple, and unless we are drivenout of the rink, we will never feel the turfspring or the snow crunch under our feet.The one great reason why cremation finds somuch favor with Americans is ljecaiiae- ourideal of supreme comfort is to be shut up ina tight box, close to a scorching fire, withnothing to breathe save an atmo.-phe- re thatwould kill 00 acres of gra.-- s and a w hole for-

est of trees and flowers. 'Burdette hi Brook-

lyn Eagle.

The Queen's Picturesque " lleefeaters."After the Life guards came the carriages of

the accompanying state officials, each drawnby four horses, and after them on foot theBeefeaters. These Beaufetiers or Buffetiors,who w ith their roun i paunches and quaintapparel are objects ot" much wonder andamusement to the stranger, are among thelast remaining links which bind the feudalages to the present time. They have at-

tended on the jersons of the kings and queensof England ever since the reign of HenryVII. Among their duties they may be calledon to carry dishes to th queen's table, andas late as the reign of George III, at thedistribution of the royal alms on MaundyThursday, one of them is deseriled as bear-ing upon his head a gold dish containing 150

bags, having seventy-fiv- e jennies in eachbag, to le given away by the sub-almon- er

to the king's poor. They may be employed totake care of the royal baggage when thecourt moves from place to place, and someof them are habitually occupied in showingvisitors over the tower of liOiidoa and inkeeping an eye on the regalia.

If we accept the Darwinian theory thatonly the fittest surviee, the queen's Beefeatersmust le fit indeed, for they have outlivednearly four centuries, the several dynastieswhich have occupied the throne since theTudor times, and even the sound and mean-ing of their original name. Xext to thekings-at-arm- the- - are the most picturesquelydressed of all the officials of a magnificentroyal state so long established that its begin-nings are lost in the mists of antiquity.New York World.


Tli new and Ana Al steel utoamahip

F. PahiaHaalilio

.D. II. Nabinu

. . Georue Dell... ElemakiUe. . . . J. Nabinu

. .11. S. MartinI'uaaloha


For 8 lOO a ide ami Kale receipt,

Friday Evening,

HiloEamakuaNorth Kohala..South Kohala. .

North KonaSouth KonaKauPuna 99XJSTHVT.1.

property of M. W. McChesney & Son,was heard before Police Justice Bicker-ton- .

Mcflillin was placed in the dock andthe Court a-k- ed him if he was goin' toplead or not. The defendant said hehad only seen his lawyer, Mr. Neumann,once, and would like to consult with himagain.

The Court informed Mcfiillin thatMr. Neumann had withdrawn from thecase.

The defendant then pleaded not guilty.The first witness called was E. F.

McChesney, who on being sworn stated :

I am employed by McChesney & Son.

Their place of business is on Queenstreet. On the 2"Jd I was there all themorning. Went out about 1 o'clock.

This pocketbook (produced) belongs to

McChesney & Son. It contained on

that day a silver certificate on Spreckels

hank for . 100, two 1'0 certificates, one

fi'Oand two .$10 greenbacks, the rest in$20 and $o0 Hawaiian certificates. Mr.McChesney said there was about $'J:30 in

the pocketbook. I did not count it. I

took the drawer out of the safe with thepocketbook and placed it on a table nearby. I turned my back for a few mo-

ments and then went and placed thedrawer in the safe and turned the com-

bination. It was about 1 o'clock. HarryMcChesney was sitting near enough to

the drawer to reach it. The next morn-

ing my cousin juried the safe and I was

told to count the money. Mr. McChes-

ney went out to the Consul's oflice. I

found no money in the pocketbook.

When Mr. McChesney came back I

asked him if he had taken the money

out of the pocketbook, and he said he

had not touched it.Harry McChesney, sworn, stated:

Last Friday I was at the store of Mc-

Chesney ct Son. I did a little of every-

thing. 1 saw this pocket book (pro-

duced) in the store that day. It was in

a drawer on the table. I was sittingnear to it, probably about five feet away.

There were a lot of bills and certificatesin it. I took the certificates ; some noteson Bishop's and Spreckels' banks I left.My brother was behind the counter. I

went up Fort street as far as the cornerof King street and met McGiflin, andtold him what I had done. We went

into Lewers & Cooke's lumber yard andI gave him the money. I came out of

the yard but went right back and askedMcUiilin when lie would see me again.


sorry for it. I advised him not to get

drunk any more. I told otiicer HopkinsI thought --McChesney was going to runaway. In the afternoon we went up

Kmma street, as McChesney said wecould talk hetter there, it was quieter.He said he wanted me to take his brakeand he would go and stow away. He

said the oi l man ivas going to send himto a Reformatory school in rnm Francisco.I said he could not do that. No one could

he sent from here to such an institution.I said stay ami stick it out. He left me

then and a carriage coming along I got

into it. Later on I went down town andmet Mr. Dayton near the Empire sal.xm.He said. "Mctiilhn, I want that .fl.O.MJ."

1 asked him what he meant. He said,"McChesney gave you $l,()i0 and thereis a warrant out for you. You will haveto go to the Station 1 louse.' ' I said.something in reply, but do not remem-

ber what. We then went down to theStation House. That is all I have to

say.Deputy Marshal Dayton then asked

that the defendant be committed for

trial. From his own statement McCiillin

had substantiated the evidence given by

McChesney.His Honor, Police Justice F.ickerton,

said that he was of opinion a prima facie

case had been made out against the de-

fendant. The evidence of McChesney

was very positive, but standing alone it

might not have much weight with a jury,lint Mechlin's evidence had corroboratedthat given by the boy McChesney. Theadmission made by McGillin that theboy had money at times would supportthe supposition that he was connectedwith this transaction. His Honor said

he felt perfectly warranted in commit-

ting the defendant for trial at the nextterm of the Supreme Court.

McGitlin was then removed to thecells below, and w ill have to remain in

jail until January, when the next termof Court opens, as it is hardly likely any-

one will go bail (.12,00 ) for him.

At o'clock, at Uif Hawaiian Hotel Bil-

liard l'arlors. Admission $1.

XJ"S. B. On account of limited accommoda-tion, onlv l.'K) tickets will te issued. First comefirst servt d. OCt2'.

jhor-- e clipping machines at the HawaiianKia NahaoleluaJohn W. Kalua

.Geo. E. RichardsonJosepa

. . . .Keaweolu Kaina

LahainaWailukuMakawaoliana.Molokai and Lanai.

Of th Oceania Steamship Company, will h Aum

at Honolulu from Hydm-- y and AncWWnuon or alamt

November QOtliAmi will leave for the ahtrve port with inalla andpasstMiKr8 on or about that date.

Kor freight or pahsurp, having HUPEKIOUACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AO K NTH.

Oalm.HonoluluEwa and WaiauaeKoolauloaWaialuaKoolaupoko

Geo. H. LuceLot. H. LaiueU. Kauaihilo

KauwaluJ. Raae


Quong Sam Kee & Co.,

Wholesale and Retail

Dry Goods & Grocery Store

5 an:l H7 Klux Honolulu.





And a Full I lueol all Kindt of Ooo I.

For Sydney and Auckland.llana'.eiKawaihau.KoloaLihueWaimeaNiihau

.Jno. KukinaS. Kaiu

Obeka. . . S. Naauao

J. KalaJ. Ke.ile


Hotel stables. l ne om ,. i e4-hor.-e--

healthy is by having them properlyclipped, and this machine will do it.

There was quite a long list of charges on

the slate at the Police Station last night,including three again.--t Chinese for havingopium in n, several assault andbattery cases, one of larceny and severaldrunks.

Toilet Sea Foam cures dandrufl", invigor-

ates and keeps the hair from falling out, is

excellently perfumed-- , and leaves the hairpliable and glossy for dressing. Prepaidand sold only by C. A. Neth, hairdresser,Hawaii m Hotel.

Messrs. Wing On Wo A Co., of Mauna,kea street, bet; leave to notify the public

that they have just received a large quan-

tity of XXX and other choice brands of

Manila cigars, of the best quality, for saleat moderate prices.

An express driver with only one lightburning on his carriage, was drivingaround town last evening about half pastseven o'clock at a furious rate. Therewere two persons in the hack who were

making considerable noise.

Some mo'--t particular inquiries were ad-

dressed yesterday to a learned counsel,who was placed on the witness stand, a? to

PAUL PThe new and tine A 1 ateel steamshipMinister of Finance.

Finance Oflice, ()ctoler 'J. 188C,vl 99

I'OllT OF HONOLUliU, 11. 1.Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wilt be-du-

at Honolulu from Han Franciscoor or about

American Paper iiven to Lying.To any one who reads the American papers

regularly it is no surprise to come across themost preposterous statements about Englishmatters gravely cable. 1 as facts. For in-

stance, during the hot weather last summerpeople were reported dying in numlers in thestreets of London; when the prince of Waleswas in Ireland, the Gatling guns were de-

scribed in the streets of Kerry as shootingdown rioters by the hundreds; on the occa-

sion of an unseemly fracas in the park, re-

cently, full accounts of the most glowinglanguage lietween the persons engaged weresent; and hardly a day ago we reprinted anabsurd message about the government herehaving determined on a thorough-goin- g pro-

tein ion ioliey.The fact is that the correspondents of these

agencies, not being in a iosition to get early

Stores at K"h;ila, l'aauilo, Taauhau, Etc.'21 2d eC28

AHUIVAIA.Tiicksdav, Octolier 28.

Stmr Kilauea Uou, Cameron, frotu Mahukonaand Kawaihae

Schr Mile Morris, from Koolau advertisement of Martinclli'sReadcider.

October BOtli,And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls nd

for the ahove ports.For f. eli? lit or passaRe, having SUPERIOR AC-


Win. (j. Irwin & Co.,AGENTH


Atlornoj anil CoiiiiMCllor at Law,

Oflice No. 1'2, Sprockets Block, HonolululTfi ocfHtf

TnCitsDAt pi Act..t!v? ivrutj-i."1- " ani sun- - XVIiarlHye Improvements.,;....ieTl l i.i'v!".',-'Hn- i'

whethe i... habit of drinking toexcess. The answers m .(rv

stol r Waimaualo, Underwood, for Waimanalo.

ilaw bng Star of Devon, Alfred Lovell. forFauning's Island

Schr Kaulilua, for WaianaeSchr Kawailani, for Koolau

"" at ion which is more dmieult m Lon- -

The Chief Justice characterized the pro7 uon tnai. v otijPr preat capitalsimply invent it, mw, a.-- responsible correspondents, who reanw

ceeding as a waste of time. It served tovary the monotony of Court by causing a

little merriment. mttfky'Sof news as soon as it is in existence, are con-

sidered sadly slow in comjietiiig with the un-

scrupulous news-maker- s of thy agencies. St.James' Gazette. Pure Malt Wm! PROGRAMME

Veel IjviiiK To-Ia- y.

Stmr Kilauea Hon, Cameron, for Uamakua,Hawaii, via Lahaina, at . p ni

K P Drew, torAm brgtne Claus Spreckels,

h'rsYoi'wahine. Staples, for Hamakua. Ha-wa- ii

Schr Kauikeaouli, for KohalaSchr Rainbow, for Koolau. Oahu

upon the subject of deepening the harbor,to which the Advkktisek adverted thepast two days, there is a matter certainlyof secondary movement, but which

nevertheless will be found of consider-

able importance to the mercantile com-

munity as time goes on, and the ship-

ping business of the port assumes largerproportions. At older ports not a littleinconvenience has been experienced in

consequence of the unsystematic way in

which private individuals have been al-

lowed to acquire water frontages, and to

erect thereon buildings with no regard

to the public convenience. The resulthas been that in after years, when theparticular ort has grown up to a iosi-tio- n

of importance, its various wharvescan only be approached through narrow-street- s

"at certain points, and move

-- 1



. i

rv .,




Tupelo Gum and "Willow Oak.Considerable attention has Ikh-i- i lately di-

rected to the commercial and industrial value,at least prospectively, of the tuielo gum andwillow oak timbers of Mississippi. After va-

rious and thorough tests the fnt named hasbeen pronounced almost as soft and liht as

cork, and the whitest timber in the valley. Itis extremely light, can not be split, while atthe same time it is very tough, tenacious andwill lx?ar a heavy strain, its various qualities

ItirtlKluy Feslivitir.Preparations are already being made

for the approaching festivities in honorof the fiftieth birthday anniversary of

His Majesty the King. A large lanai is

nearly erected which extends from the

north gate on "King street to near the

front steps of the Palace. The interiorof the building is being cleaned andpainted, and extensive improvementsare being made to His --Majesty's boat

house. The hookupu is in progress

everv dav and will he to the 10th.


JVXedicinal TJse.NO FUSEL OIL.

pai streets at 7 o'clock. I met him at

that time as agreed. I asked him how

much money there was, and he said

$800. He said he was going into thecountry to exchange it into gold. I told

him he could get gold in Honolulu. I

propose. 1 going away on the Mariposa.He said no, it was too soon. Betterwait until the :50th, then he would be

ready with his exchange and they could

go away to Australia. I said all right.Ve then separated. My father had

missed the money and 1 had some con-

versation with him about it. 1 told himI had taken it, but did not tell him who

I had given it to. I told him I would

get it. I saw McGiiTm in the afternoon,between 3 and 4 o'clock, on King street,and talked with him in front of Dudoit's.I asked him several times for the money.

He said it was buried down in the coun-

try. McGitlin lived in the second house

from the head of Km ma street. He

knew where the money came from. We

had hail previous conversations about

getting the money and then going oil'

together to Australia. I told him I hadbeen found out, and that was the reason

FESTIVl'rs.To he held In honor of the

50tli AnniversaryOf His Majesty the Klcs Birthday.

VensolH in I'ort from ForciK" lrl.Am bktne Geor?e C Terkius, H Ackerman

FianciscoTerbarb Pacific, C Altmann, from BremenAm hark Caibarien. G A Perkins, from S.ui

FKw! "Vi-nSUc- r. B Anderson, from

ZTovb W P Penhallow, frou, Port

TBriDtT?k iron Crag, Wm Jones, from Liverpool JSSy2?SS,t5S ! Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated

I N lTkS E I N

Hospitals.Oirativf Institution,


Fn'seribtMl lv Physicians Everywhere.

rrm Forrisii l'orts.VesHOls Kxie-te- l

Brit ship Hospoda, J Babcock, from Newcastle,N S W, due October

Brit birk Olengaber. Rolleston, from Lier- -

pool, due Jan 15-:- ,. Am bark Martha Fisher, from Glasgow, uue

JBritVrk W H Watson, from Liveriool, due

Am "klartha Davis, F M Banson. sailed from

of water vessels, as well as tor many otueipurposes. The water or willow oak is said tobe second only to the live oak, is almost as

hard when seasoned as is the latter, and" forthe rim and spokes of wheels is alleged tohave no superior, while for ship-buildi- ng

it is almost equal to live oak in its firmnessanil durability. Tests have been made of thecrushing capacity of this w ood, and also of

its transverse strength, with remarkably fa-

vorable results, the published data showing

that it is one-thir- d stronger than any whit;,red or black oak, and only th less

than live oak. Chicago Times.

ments have been put lorward with

the view of reclaiming property at an

enormous cost in order to construct one

broad roadway parallel to and alongsideoi" the water's edge throughout, the en-

tire length of the wharves. At any iTtwhere there is much trailic such an ar-

rangement is of much value on account

of the saving of time elicited thereby.At Honolulu it is not too late to provide

for it, but in a few years' time, when theadvantages will be more obvious than at

Tuesday, November 16th.

Grand Reception and Hook npu. from 10 to io'clock, and in the evening Fire Work and Hon-olul- u

Fire Department' Torchlight Froce.idon.

Wednesday, November 17th.

Regatta, from 9 o'clock a. ni.

Thursday, November 18th.


"Works of Art in Danger.An unforeseen trouble has arisen in

consequence of the secularization of thepantheon in Paris. The splendid frescoeswhich have occupied the leading artists otFrance nearly ten years are already show-

ing signs of injury from damp. So longas regular services were held in the pan-

theon the constant influx of fresh air andthe w armth generated by the congrega-

tions kept the interior tolerably dry. Nowthese influences are withdrawn, steps mustbe taken to preserve the frescoes. Unfor-

tunately there are no existing means ofwarmiugthe buildintr, so that it w ill benecessary to erect stoves if the works of

Puvis de Chavannes, Cabanel, Laurens,II. Levy, and others are to be preserved.Xew York Tribune.

Pure Stimulant

Boston August 7tli, tine ue.-emie- r wiHaw schr (ieneral Siegel, Sanders, from

French Fritcate SdoaN. due Nov 2n-.- 0

R M SS Alameda (Am), H G Morse, from SanFrancisco, en route to the Colonies, due October

S't bktne 'Discovery. John Lee, from SanFrancisco, due at Mahusona, Haw an. October

23liTit bark E J Spence, from Hongkong, due

0.jerbark Hydra, from Hongkong, due Decern-- b

Am brgtne W G Irwin, J E McCulloch, from

I wanted the money hack. I told him

he could not get exchange as the cer-

tificates were all numbered. The firm

consists of my father and grandfather.I have known McGinin one year. I

have been in his company the last threeor four weeks. We used to go into Kob- -

i v... -- .1 ,m,l tn.Tfitlior it

For the Sid;, Invalids, Convalescing ratten tAged. l'eoile,


Why They Emigrate to America.The total wealth of Great Britain is esti-

mated at f43,G0,000,000 or about $1,245 forevery individual, man, woman and child, inthe kingdom. This is said to be $.'5U0 morethan such a division in the United Stateswould produce, though noWy can makemore than a guess at the figures for this coun-

try Wealth in the United States is muchSaa due oci jf-.- n

present, such a provision would involve

a much greater outlay. It would be a

very simple matter to make it obligatoryupon the holders of such properties to

maintain free and unobstructed access

between their buildings and thewharves."

Am brgineAunaTRobertson. from San Fran-

co, due at Kahului. Maui, Oct 2.-2- $

Wiukelman. Chas Lackus,Atn b!:tae Mary Photographing Projectiles in Motion. Awarded ElKT PRIZE fiOLD MEDAL

World's Exposition, Nw Orleans, La.. lH!4r

I"or i:x''Hence ami I'nrlty.f rc hi Een, proposes to employ in- - better cnstru.uiei tna.i mstannous photography in the solution j the latter country oneout of every thjrtyxSan V mncisco, due Nov lit-1- 4

wetne John D Spreckels, C S Irnis, fromAm ratu lii'it i I ' ' i i i r i u fin' ("San Francisco, due Nov 11-1- 5 of highly important ballistic questions.Mr. Ottomar Anchutz, a skilled photog-r.-inhp- r.

is taking observations during thetenth of the K)pulatioii of Great Britain en-rra- d

in one-fift- h of the area ofSII 1 2 !!' Tri. carried'on at j England is held by .W5 proprietors, one-fourt- h Jfacfai'L'iiie & Co.,

Sole AffCiitMovii..rimpnt nt nresent bein

Historical Procesnion, from 3 o'clock a. m.

Raehall Tournament, from 1 o'clock p. m.

Historical Tableaux, from 7 o'clock p, m.

Friday, November 19th.

Grand Ball, evening.

Tuesday, November 23d.

Grand Luau.

Saturday, November 27th.

Horse Race.

Monday, November 29th.

Military Parade.

Thursday, December 2d.


of Scotland bv 1"--'. and onf-tni- ni oi. Jiewnuby Small wonder, then, that those, whocan do so come to this country ; ar.d that thosewho can not form land leagues at home.

Philadelphia Ledg-- r.

Krupp's range, near Meppen, by order of

the German admiralty. He is to devote ;

his attention chiefly to taking photographs i

of projectiles in transit, the recoil of gun j

carriages, the penetration of armor-plate- s

by projectiles, and similar phases in artil- - A CAM).

inson s iuuiuci wm. ...v . ...

noon times. It was understood between

McGitlin and myself that I should get

the money the first chance I had.George Hawkins, sworn, stated: I was

on Kmma street last Saturday afternoon.

I saw MeGithn and also young McChes-ne- v

there. The former got into the ex-

press I was driving and got out at the top

of Kmma street.Deputy Marshal Dayton rested his

case there, and believed he had madeout a prima facie case.

The Court asked McGillin if he wished

to offer any evidence, to which he replied

that he desired to make a statement.McGillin, after being sworn, com-

menced by speaking of a trunk robberywhich took place at Mr. McChe-ney- 's

houe some time ago. He said he was a

special police officer at the time, andw.u.L--. t,, i ladv and voung McChesney

StatSiic of Our Oyster Plant.

ToMiiltt'M Killiar.l Mateli.At 8 o'clock tiiis evening at the Ha-

waiian Hotel billiard room, Messrs. J.F. P.. MeCleery and Pen Savior will

commence their match at the balk line

.'ame, ,"00 points up for $400 a side.Already a number of tickets lor admis-

sion have been disposed of and the at-

tendance will be large. Much interestis centered in this balk line game, which

requires an expert to play it. From all

four cushions at a distance of eight

inches a line is drawn, and the two ob- -

lerv practice. As projectiles n;nc r- -

The steamer Kilaua L'..u t. it.d that the

schooner Waimalu airiv, ; o iin. , Maui, lastMonday.

The schooner Ehukai ' iC.u--- .t 3a ).rrels mo-las-- es

from Waialua October ---e sai'

day for Waialua and Kapuiki.

The tern Ke Au H u and scV,o er Waiehu arewaiting fci- - orders. Tne schoonerin the stream

Wa.leleis at EimueV ihtp-y- 'finB repaired.

Hospoda. irom Newcastle. N.The British bark

S V.-- the Brlvioh lark E. J. Speuce. from Hong- -

'"-- V' H. Watson, from

ko."!J. ana t.je i iisiiJ"

itv'of 1 rm feet per second, the obstacles to Maryland has furnWi-- d :.. bushels of

lin iivoi-fiim- p 111 OljialUlUL' hiUlSianui J i See.l OVMfTS IHi- - lil'ium, .u.toraphs are very great, and the most j ware and lion Island sou;.d s.- m size

delicate apparatus must be used. Frank so as v ni;ike i:.m'H.(n,; bu-h-- U U e gethn-x-

. whi n in a year( i"I oil I t -

fyAl t'xv !ti.C;.l.o,i:l. Ualtinior Sun.Leslie's.

recnliarities of DrmIns P.u:nes9.

ri" HE UNDERSIGNED, ON BEHALF OF THE1 Imer-Iidaii- d Steam Navigation Oomrany,

l.fto yinccrtly thank the officers and firemenf.f the Pire Depart mfnt, and alfo all those 'whorendered their services at the late fire on thesteamer "W. i. Hall."

W. P. GODFREY.'ice President I. I. S. N. Co.

J. En a.Secretary I. I. S. N. Co. 1' "Qv2


Trams.A recent law suit in ionaou uius" Teleirrainii iromtooi ine ire.--3.4 i..,n .w.-i.r.bii- .' to th' rules arc not! ,,t tump of the neculiarities see U isi-- i. . 1 1 f.-- t invention that

l'J8 tfJ , . i. I tn.i i1rf- - fit White State Diuner.maKim; uumih-- . w.v. -

atin. with a train painted by hand, Co- -,

i but was charged f-- by the millinerallowed within that line, both at the

sani'.' time, for nmiv than one sliot. Thei ..i i . of sapphire vt-lve- tr iliitneAn'., th.. boiir.e about iewelrv which he said player atIliav 1iU' a mioi

ii t . It !. ii 1't. .

i4l s. ami evi'ii with the "regular

have coinin-rei.- il valuo is by 1 nomas A. Ivh-so- n

and ron.i.ts of a devi- .- forIt not by m-d-

V and from moving trains. i,tion from a wir rniunng near the ears,

but th mee is mad., to jump from the tinr,Hif of the. to oik of the ordinary wirei

to Mxty fee,tnmg on i- -h t,..ty-tlv- e

avMiv,' wh-n.- -it g to its donation, and

th- - iii'a; and th- - anw..-- r bark aoro

JSTOTc -tit" 111 111-II- "'the I'.lilStrunk.th.'b id been taken trcm nt :idded. ou'!it to nae,,r,,tir of 40 t'-- r eelatit ,,f tli' obj'ct balls is not -

. ... ...... 1 ,.l, .r,r...lth.it l

Liveii-- ' .e nowdue at nis i'ii.steamship Alau.eda.Tbe O- .- nio Company's

Cartair, Morse, may be expected tomorrow ,

her w ay tof-- c n t4a Francisco, onway of Au:land.

Tuf liriu.ai bark Her. ul. s, coti-ig- ue l to

Xtttr. V. A. s-- !. a ('.,.. will law.-- :

1 iv i.i- -J' ' P""'- -

Th. iJcamc tVmpany-- s Ameri.-.- briga'itineE. P. 1'r.v iU nlh. r

Claus Sprvck. N. Captnuleave to-da- y r w ith a i argo ..f s.arand rice for Siu Francisco.

The iowkentine t.tvr C Ivikn.- - w is baubd

on the Marin.. lU.Uny o. t .1,. r th. to be

cleaned.The b.irk tall...ri.u and l.i.Ku- jre in tb.

l.'.ini ti""i!i Mr. MfChesn.--

th.-i- a- - ii' t a Miir!.- - articl. nt-il ji'We'ryf.,vii charireitat oruy out

oii..-- r .! ( oftt ' IT" 'rhrre rethar-i-f- or g Uw' oid-- r. d. It w he

court drc.-Tiiak.- -r who pr.-.-n- ted tli.-- .; ex- -

ilrivcni i 1

1 at. 1

the lino, it - ii"ttbe play, r r t l;-.-

i.t.lio.-Ilt- . I'."tll llMllI ft

i inr a-- -i iuo'i-l- y duringl,.wui:ilw same nwr,ith5

K- - I T A; HKRFhY GIVE.M nonce ih.it they lutv deposed iif theiri, !iie- - t . Nir. I H ''-t- , f'tr w lumi tdey !

,n a . outi iiMaii'-- t "t t!.'' patp-natr- heretofore1 , -- t w I .oi !! i i.i. A!) :ici .cniH .1 ie .1. M . .it..!r V ".- - 01. il . -l t Octol.er, 1h-;- , will l.e,. ,1 i v Mr I t t .t

U i".;) ;, i .. r 1. IHttovJ

m ia' i ot l'ii iid IC. rillXG CHU M) I'JNG KAS TIIH IYt.een authorized to nl'ii our 6rtun a St;ten l inuu, '- -

has l.wn p'it

in the trm. k.'h-- nd.u.t what t'n

Tht- - I'.dirt .-d

trunk had b. I" with l'""" nt '

M.-iiitr,,- . be making a -- i.it.

u-.- . T'linars bill- -

r-- w ho p:' i" r itiM- -i "- t toh - l.t cii j.r.i M.'.II. I I'lhi, Oct 1. Is. 1"m; I to w.i k vith entire fcucccv.

Lo Ilu3.rny.--Lex- - ...... ..,....,t .tit . and !. alioWi-- 4- - per .,! ih ii 1 1 .- 1- tbev areth.' p.l- -t JfW

...it in iv b.-- ,.vt.t a- - fh;. a- -r Tribni..Ii.- - it t:- - at tin L.iine. in'1' I r

n ,.t an 1 wanted to -- how how h-i- ,


v Pr!



- tft ' '


Page 4: U III 1 httrfi- A · 2015. 6. 2. · with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference


ckrrtUtments. Arlisauis. ,1fruscinrn!s.nV V i.lLlMlAYr II CM.



in i.hii!(i:i;


1886. Third Year of Publication. 18S6THE HONOLULU

IT. li. nielli tyro fc Tiro.,IMlViilKKs AM' I'KAI.KKs. IN

Groceries! Provisions and. Feedeast cornkr fokt and king sstrkkts.

New ioods received by every p.ieket from the Eistem suites and Europe, "resh CaliforniaProduce by every srean.er. AW oniera tthfuily att-ride- d to. and Hoods delivered to any part of thecitv free of chance. Island orders solicited. 'Satisfaction (juaninteed. i'ostotllce Bot No. 145Telephone No. PJ. "6 P17

T Al A Y A C 1

hi 99AND DIRECTORY ! b EUREKA," "PAUAGOX" AM) "RED CROSSCotlou K libber Li licit

37 I."RE HOSE,Ruof.fr Hose, Hoe Carts, H. and L. Trui-k- s and Fire Iepurtmi!i t supplies gem-rally- . Square FlaxI'uc-kibff- t Rubber Racking, etc., eto. Send for circulnrs aiul prices.


For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Eeclesiastie'l Calend'r 36 California street.


Official and BusinessTOGETHER WITH'

THE HONOLULU IKON WOKKS CO.Have eoiiilctcl aittl oHVr lor Mitle tlie follow inw Holler, viz:


1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. 0 in.1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x i ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x i ft.los je-7--

86 Ariiiy to xiio Honolulu Iron Works Co.

ii t vr nimcfvinr o o vvi

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAWN ISLANDS,

Great pains and expense have been one to by tlie Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directors the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and" tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have ueen prepared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly I llutrated.


May 8tli Per Mariposn. 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consuelo. 332 Packages,


Will be Sold at the Lowest Market Kates.


215, 217, 219, Bush street, San Franeiso.

Stationers, Printers, Xitliograuhors-AND -

Blank Book Maiinfb.ctu.pe.rs.jyj:! 3ii) M:. "W. McOhesney Son,

ly 12

Y. T. Y. SCHKNCK,San Francisco, Cal


itl 11 itii-- n street, Honolulu.

oiiol-ul- n

LINCOLN. 1SS6.13 b: R .

- - - lloiioliilu,.IiiIiihI 1 lr iiliMie Xo. 65.

and. Coal,


ITU 4 ! 11

K J 1 Uil.lH

( IJiuilrtl .

STEAMER KLNAU,(King, I'omniaiKier;,

leaves Honolulu as pT following' sclieiiule,touching at Maahu-a- . Mukum, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLanpahoelioe. Hilo ami Kcauhou:

I covered lUKy, n rrfoct order, well ,

adapted for country use, ai:d fitted with FhfU, i

pole and shoe.1 set second Land double harness.1 set second Land single harness.The well-know- n carriage terse "Lottair."Also, one thoroughbred pedigreed milch cow

Jersey-Durha- m to calve in November. Applyto GEO. H. LUCE.

170 oc23

:io. i Irwin & Co



In Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.CL'BK

In Half BarrelsAnd d Boxes.


GOMifclX C. (COFFKE,In Half Barrels

And Boxes,




I'HHfH Coriietl BeerAND

I.niirlt Toutfue.

Flour.FAMILY (la quarter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (I'J half sucks).

Cs Medium Bread.

Lubricating Oils.

Lime and Cement.

aIvHiiUttl Corrugated Iraa KooHuk,6. 7and lengths.



Heed's Felt Steam Pipeand Boiler Covering.

. . V.

iol t'"llp':J'

"A TKNTH, (suitable for rnnip.lug anil RiirTtylii(C Krtis.

Ill '1


Commercial Advertiser


PRINTING OFFICEIn prr pared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


Havitij: just lu'ceivoil a Complete anj NewAssortment of

Job Types ami Ornaments

Of tin1 Litest Stvles. from tlul nnx-- t CieI rated Fouuvlrios of the I'nitvii Stales,

aiul employing only Kxponentvdaiivi Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

I.rltr H-M-

Hill 11-m-

t'iX'le Ilontli.

Malen.riitu,IIIIU ol IkiltMir,

ii trHc-tt- .

NorikHiiP Itlitiib,

MiilliiiT oiilrHrl., In 11. aJ'.r. A Kug:iiht

.'KleiMtar.HlHiik lirka.

Nlot k Vrlifiil',Hnln- - 'Hnli.

'I. Ml 4 liera.Milk lirkrli,

KMII l !i C kt :


K 'lpl..tfrrii;' i rll ttrstr.

llIOIUA.4 tttlticiie.



Eddys k Jewetts Kefrigerators,

Don Carlo' Full Nmne - I xiullur l'lirus.fur All Ier l'b r irirt Hani; fluliell Not StupJ.l Divorrn iu Jturmali --

'Howell Tltl"This simple ittl taJo, a bit A reai.sm. is

Joundol on 'TIoweL's Titlos."7If not particular as to the

order, William Doan Howell's writings. riiiLtLa memorizes as follows: At lea-- t it would beonly "A Modern Irata.ni-e,- " if "Dr. i'reen'sPractice" in tL Villages' shouldto "A Chanoe Acquaintance" with "Thu Ladyof th Aroostook;" and if should take uponhimself "A Fearful Rosnsibiiity,'' "TheirWedding Journey" wouM le"A Foreori'? Con-

clusion;" after which they would naturallytak their "Italian Journeys"- - through 'Tu-ca- n

CitiVs," avoiding "The Gurroters" dur-Ln- j

the ''Indian Summer," m ' Th I'arlorCar," or "The Klej,in;j (.'ar," of rour using"Th Register" at the hot-- places,

t each of which they would tuku "A Day'sPleasure." They niiht chau'-- e t- - mw t th-i- r

friendu "Abraham Lincoln," -- Rutherford J5.

Hayw," or "Col. Nila.s Latham." This wouldall bo followed naturally enough by ' Vene-

tian Life," whw the or theor both, would makn tb-i- r 'SuburbanSketches," and write, their ' Poems," or"Choice Autobiography Essays." All thiswould but prelude thir farewell earth, vi.t"The Elevator" to the "Undiscovered Coun-try." Would this supiosition lie "A Counter- -

fiit Presentment," or "Out of the Qii'-s- t ioni"How-ell- s could it r? Charles Dudley War--

nar in Harpr's Magazine. '

Don Carlos' N.ime and Title.The Spanish Don Carlos, as stated in late

telegraphic di.spat-hs- , has issued a manifestoto the Spanish pop which is regarded as adirect bid for the throne. Th San Antonio i

Express says that his claim consists in thefact that his father, Don Juan, was thebrother of Carlos VI, who died withoutissue. His main srrij;tS lies in the north- - '

weftem provinces. His full name is DonCarlos Maria de lew Dolores Juan IsadoreJrwef Francisco Quirino Antonio Miguel (Ja-br-

Rafal de Rourbon, duke of Madrid."When he visited the United States someyears ro the steamer fireinon throw inchunks of it for fuel.

Possibly Don Carlos is a relative of thattraditional Spaniard who was a nobleman ofhigh, degree and happened to le traveling inFrance. Arriving at a coury hotel in themiddle of the night, he knocKed at the door.The landlord protruded his head from anupper window and asked who was there.

"Don Fernando de Casa Rlanca, de TresPalacois, de tolas Los Santos," etc., etc.

"O, bother! I haven't got room for thewhole gang," said the landlord, banging thewindow and leaving the man with the longname out in the cold.

Perhaps Don Carlos' long name has some-thing to do with his being left out in the cold.

Texas Siftings.

Familiar Phrases for All I'eoplr.A Boston literatcur contemplates the com-

pilation of a dictionary of familiar phrases.We trust he won't overlook the following:

"Let's go round the corner ami takeuthin'i"

"Shut the door?""IU take the same as lefore, if you please.""There's that durned bill collector coming

again. Tell him I'm not in.""This is a nice time of night to come home;

ain't you ashamed cf yourself ''"Excuse me, ploa.se; I'm going out for a

moment to ace a man.""Give it just the slightest flavor of nutmeg,

please. ""I'm afraid I can'fst-ttl- that little account

tO-dA- y. Call on Monday and I'll tell youwhen to call again."

"Where in ahem! ou earth is that collarbutton?"

"By jingo! Here's a letter my wife gaveme to mail three weeks ago". Boston Cour-ier.

She Kang the Hell on Time. ;

"Talking about hired girls," said a northsider as he tried to look pleasant in a refrig- -

arator car, "we have a daisj' up at our house, j

J3he is a new girl. I don't know where mywife got her. I on!yT know that she got her j

and that she is a daisy green one. The firstday after she come was Sunday, and we hadiomi friends for dinner. The girl was told toring the bell when the meal was ready.Pretty soon we hwd a lively ringing at thedoor-bel- l, and on going out what do you suj- -

pose we found? The new girl shiveringporch." "

M 'Please, sir,' says she-'- T '

let you know that d' , ringed th lndl toHerald. AT?nner is ready.'" Chicago

(Jotting a Divorce In llurmali.When a man anil his wife want to be di-

vorced in Rurmnh, each lights a candle, andthen the' sit dovn and liok plum till one ofth ters burns to th sckot, the owner ofth candle tbnt holds out the lon-- gettingth decree. If that wns t he st v U of pronslurw in this country, what n boom there wouldln in tallow. Chi. ago Twicer.

Ite1lng Tlio Long. Long I'aprrn.Mis Popular (to Professor 1'foiTor. who i

bowing her tht paper he is to read ls'f.rethe club)- - .nd you ha e to readthwftff lotig, long and the audiencol How I pity you!

Professor PfetTer - Mi rat is no ?. muchto pity s to h.sf to listen to 7ioi;.tiv llnrjor's Mainline.

Could Not lUCiillf.l Stnpi.l.Ivtmerald Iini'rtln -- I NMune, Mr. Mc

(innis, that you think I am a s'upid creatur.

Hofctfcr Mof? innis Oh, no, nothing ofthe kind. INolody can K ca'hvl stupid hecan sii accurately divine the thoughts of anotlier as 3 en have don niine. - TcTa Sift

THilrn'n Clevertirii nt IJcpartee.Mr. Tildcn is juito cleer nt ripartee. Dor

lieinior on one casiou sii.i ip.ute bo,it uiglvto the govern "My majority as lieutenantpvnnir n.n ."'1.1, whilf jours na.-- only

, 17." "Yes, but yiu forget." ivtort.sl thrgovctni-'r- . "that I fco yon the .'hi t. and

got the l.IsS votes."

"All head and t.ul." is the wav little John-Ili lesTl!sl ft Mi ke.

Idols of a cry Inferior Qualify.An English paper thai the Hmdvts are

Cain complaimnc of tV.e inferior ifidols furnished tliem 1 v t!ie birm:'.'gh.a'.;iinumfactureisi. It msmus that the-- e manu-facturer have pnvlu.-in- -- u.-h ulvstvicsof idols that e in t lie most te'.:ci.nis Unui.s'can't w.irvhip tln-n- i it!i any fervor. Morewver, they a:i made out of crov gra.nad.Lnotty v!, a.i.l are pa.n'.cl w.th cheaimineral jxsint. whicliin hot weather come-cfl- T

when t he lei of hs kistlicm Tit" Ihn.l.ois very vtient, but it ds ri'e h.m when thefa--ut of a high price pl st icks to his IfRiruiiiiiiham d.vs not m mr.fartui e letteri.lls th-v- ninv ! a rflicious ivolut:on iuludiii New York Tul r.ue

Coiilalunl Twcelte Ttit( llinilicn.A ury is rcatsl of i iVtir.".-!i.';:- t infant ry

company in tbe wr of tlie r Is'T-.o-- i w ;s

belevsi to !v witl;o;.t a para;!.! l i.o co;u-pan- j.

which w as nvniitvl ;n the fvitiOn-enwj- , h. h.a.l no !es than twelve jvH-.r- .

Drvtiitin m j;s ratiKS. Ther wor. iu ad-i- n

d.tion. t!ree instance which father andI rcthers-i- i

A Traveler' Morr of tli I ir-- t One II

Iilll Th .M.mnr of Trapping thItnatt for Slio men Meeting thCharge of "Ki)j,rue."' TLo day I shot my first elephant," said an

old JJ.-irL--h Indian to tLo rcp-.-rtcr-, "ivHl al-tra-

be a rel letter day in my sporting cal-

endar. It was in the island of Ceylon, thatpearl of the Indian ocean. I had started, incompany with a friend, from Trincomalee,the Iu iti-.l- i naval station of the andperhaps the linost harbor in the world, andafter driving some forty miles into the inter-ior we left tLo "bandy" and made tracks intoth jungle. We were both armed with ei-pr"-s

rules, which in my opinion are by farthe weapons for elephant shooting, andwo were in Lopes t hat ere long w--e wouldcome on the trail of the 'ani,' nor were wadUaiipointed, for shortly our attention wasdrawn b- - tlie guides to the young bam-1m-o- s

ou the side of t he path, which bore un-mistakable signs that an elephant had been

there. Soon wo came n further evi-dence of his presenee, and ou we went, oureyes on tlie ground, toiiing through the jungleafter thi elephant. And, oh, the heat! And,oh, the thirst ! Every now and then we hadto halt and wijv the perspiration from ourbrows, and send a native 'shinning' up acocoa nut tree for one of the young nuts, fromwhich we eagerly drank the milk, mixed withjust a leetle drop of Hennessey's three starfrom our flanks.


'We were hours toiling after that brute,and thought that we would never come up tohim. At hist the trail lead right into a sortof oasis of patna, or gras land, in the middleof which there was an island or jungle. Thetrail went straight into this, so that we weresure that we had Sir Jumlo at la.st. Myfriend Jack P. went round to one side while Iremained on the other, and then we sent1 eaters in at each end to drive the elephantout. Suddenly I heard a crackling of brush-wood, then a loud trumpet, and Jack's voiceshouting that the elephant had turned andwas coming my way. I remembered wellwishing devoutly that he had gone in anotherdirection, but I had not much time for think-ing, as in a minute or so out came the hugebrute. lie was a 'rogue' and a big one toboot. A 'rogue' is an elephant that has beendriven from the herd for some misconduct orot her, and he is generally 'mad,' wanderingabout the country alone and doing all thedamage he can. His hand is against everyman and every man's hand is against him.A 'rogue' elephtut is the only kind j'ou canshoot, as the elephants in herds are verystrictly preserved by the Ceylon govern-ment.

"Well, when this gentleman came out ofthe jungle he gazed about him for a second ortwo, and then, catching sight of me, raisedhis trunk and gave a trumpet that would havemade the angel Gabriel green with envj, andthen charged right at mo. Now comes thediilieult part of .elephant shooting. There isonlv' one vulnerable sjot on a Ceylon elephant,aiul that is a small oval spot, in size onlyfew inches, just above the trunk. You mightfire a battery of gatlings at any other spotand fail to bring him down, and once Icounted eighteen bullet marks in an elephant'sskull we killed, not one of which had proba-bly given him more than a slight headache.When an elephant charges he raises his trunkso that it protects this vital sjot, and at thesar.;e time trumi-'t- s shrilly, hoping by thismeans, no doubt, to scare the hunter. Whenhe is within about ten paces he lowers histrunk and at the same time brings his headdown, after the manner of a bull when charg-ing. Xow is the time to lire, and God havemercy on j'ou if you miss, for the elephantwon't. It is an anxious moment, and for onewho was but a 'Griffin' at the game it wasanything but pleasant. There was no friendlytree near, and there was but little chance ofescape through the jungle if I missed, as itwould require a knife for me to cut throughthe thick undergrowth, while the elephantcould go through it like pack-threa- d.


"On came the elephant, the ground almostshaking beneath his jnderous tread. Wouldhe never lower that trunk? I stood with myrifle at the 'present' as motionless as a statue,and, just as he seemed to be right on me,down went the trunk Crack! went my rifle,and I hud to snriiur back a nace onprevent the huge loasf f "- - i"' to

' ,, ""x'i,' right outop of me as he J .,- -

There' " . . i stone dead at my feet..Taction was great, my highly trung

nerv cs giving way when the elephant camedown aw if cut with a knife, and the rifle fellfrom my shaking hands. I have learned let-ter manners since. Soon Jack came up. amiwe had a regular war dance round the car-cass. The 'nigger' was sent up the nearestci'voanut , and we pialTd a leaker to thepleasant passnge of Jumbo's soul to the ele-phau-

heav en."Elephants are caught in w hat nre known

ns kraals. They are caught cither for use intin' put h'- - works department, for service inthe native temples, or for sale to some Euro-pean menagerie. When a kraal is to leformed word is sent to the native headman oflh vil'.ige, near where the kraal is to l

buiit, jvud lie. in his turn, sends out hundredof tieaters. When the herd to be operated onis located, the Iwaters form a semi circle andlx-gt- n driving the animals slowly towardthe kraal. At night they build watch tires,and lotw.oii t hem the natives patrol, armedwith white wands, which nre ijuife sufficientto keep the elephants from breaking through.Thev gradually work them up toward thekraal, which is an open space m the jungle,with some stout t roe- - grow ing w ithin it. liis surrounded b a strong stockade, and hasonly a narrow entrance. Into this the herdis driven.

' The herd is generally led by nil old bull j

tdephaut . and lwfore an attempt to capture j

nu elephant is made tins old gentleman must j

le shot. The bull got rid of. the next thingto do iw to sen. I in two tame elephants, w ith J

their mahout, w ho single out the elephant tole capture 1 The tanie ones then 'scud. lie' j

up, one on ach side, and profess grout friend- -

up for t,,.t iMiiiin;iMi, jfrailu.illyim'i'smii; him it h r io'-o- r

they h:i huu f.it. I h.".i : n:it i e slips miniiii'nu'.'i! !i mi l .;;ii. K: i:'i-- j riji f.it totiu iii'-

-li'- -. i'--l hi .li .lci-s-l lv thf

C'leph.-i",- ! to tlio nonrst t'.iv. hor, i

si'li-- Ihmiic thrown to t ho mi.l. ho issivuivlv l ;ri.l :ui i Icfl li icn t o sri v for j

t o or thfoo .i s Ho is i' i v.w t:nw, t

'11 - UO lit no - mon- - j

ar.-- h oi the iv- -t hut . r'l-i:- . No '.'.N of. t

the p.ih ;.' w. . l.;si:::i;i t or the irr.-t- t '

.1 iim'tio of ti :i . How; Chu-.o '

H.m a'..!.

of ll:vin; I Out.Tho f.i-h:- ou - f h:; ; "is :lt ;1TI rtftor- -

s:i t or roi ; ; ioTi i snr.pix Mosui-i- l Tliew.cvs h.i iioos r.ol k; t iv iHsn-'- shi in- -

vs h...l nr., h lx t'or not 1 .h';i to oV.I them:r.o. I s';o:- - :i oo;i i ir.on.t' :it vl

.1 ii u r.TN-t'--

iiiivi jro riu rs to ! ;.-- r Vr.i'.e or brulo-ne-

i.rivini. 1 . mfor; ":it !.o: !hy:l . Ivwfoa

I'.m-- u 1 I ( r .1 npn nee 1,1 ert iluk- -

A.lvnvt;in in .Isit-- !i;e:ne n'.l.-iin- i

he font' u: ;ur1.1 t!.o Hi 1 ri e i' vur.:r. A Kvl-"Hiv-- i.

r fcl. e". i;:;t &

r.C rviiit .e.HV h k t yst.s.1. r.sjrto;;;,I as '. h.-:it-s !;..:e. I'u'.wls doi.o upn;tii s h. v M t !iS Wstoesi on Lrhuslir..i by a i0 ir.: ana other adva.nti?gf hlch. s stvar.fi to s:y. the adver- -

t;r fir.Js -- t.v jr.aiiy for

CounneucniK on MU UA 1 . J uiy -- t), nsn, anaon every alternate Monday at 4 p. iu., tlie Kinau j

will make the VOLCANO Tlilr reaching Keau-ho- u

on Wednesday morning, where horses and a..... wf .. ...... uvu In uM.itinir tt rwinvpv mi w.n t.rl fik

Water Filters and t ooler.s. Ice Chests. Wldte .Mountain Ice Cream Fr' eers new imttcriiMowers, Door Mats, Oarden and l anul Harrows, Ave II. . , I ', ' J .v UPlanter' a supenor article. ut-do- n M uskMs. wdcr, s.i A,"


Directory of Honolulu


Steam Navigation Co.i.I.I MITK.r.



oiuma tide

Will run regular.- to Ma:,laeH. Maui, and Kona j

Ml Kau. Hawaii.I


Will run regularly to Nawlliw ili, Koloa, Kleeleand Waimea. Kauai.

STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,MAl'A 1'I.K V Coin in under

Will run recularly to Hamoa. Maui, and Kukul-hael- e.

llounkaa and raauhau. Hawaii.


Will run recularly to Kapaa. Kauai.

T. K. FOSTHK. Tresident.J. F.n a. Secretary. 7S.up7-l- y


jNTTJLKS !!lust received, exhri CoNsrKLO.

IS Fine Youns

Which d for sale ou tenne.jAl l lyt.

WM. G. IRAVLN JL-- COl.'t- -

?ap-i- tf

Kennedy and lart:n Ma::jiiie K:tl-s- . Keirirs. sharps and Halhird por:;"if KnJejt. A Cent

f.ir W. W. i;re-per- I'- - it Parker and II, m inetniiKreeoh-Ioa-l-v-- c l'oc'- oc.ns. Colt and Sir.nh tWesson 1 it.-;s- . N.i l ldiV A ttKi..., 113 San-son;- e

street, sar. Francico i'.i. -iy


Furnished or rnlurnisliod.

4 ivrv A.tF 'N 1.1NAI.II l i AND VIKt dl STS..V fur:,;sl.e coir: ' ,e for ! ow-- epi r.il l ie

of horse as.! c.irria.e: l.rjr- - cvrdet.. Ayi lv toi HA. J. I

i:T-w-iT- r. Fort ai.d Hotel S:s.

FRANK CERTZ,PllEporler and Manufacturer JJ

lif s r! t.oi s of

BOOTS SHOESs Tr- o- the otter Ka:id soilolted.

Fence AVirc ancl Sta)Ies.Manila and sisal Kope. 'I he latest N..ve!ti.-- in I sm,p (;,.,!s. The very t.est and sec.nd Krade

Kerosene Oils.Kerry l!ros. Furniture Varmsh. For sale at the lowest n.aik' t rales hy the


Snrressors to nillinuliiiiii 1 . mtl Niiiiiii! Xoll.

Joxt Street,

1876. C;K(). W.

13 I T I L

the VOLCANO HOUSK (Ave nilles in the saddle j

and niue miles hy carriage i.

Passengers by this route will have two daysaud two nights at the VOLCANO HOISK.


- '11... urrli-- 111... 1 1 111 111 11 II Ntllll:lV1 ur kiunn ..in ...i... - -

uiiiriilrii;i on Volcano trips. On H.lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, ami return Saturdaymorning.

I'AssKNiiKK TRAINS will connect with tlieKiuau at Mahukoua

The Kinau WILL TOI CH at Honokaia andraauhau on down trips from Hilo for 1'assengersif a signal in made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(.Lorenren, Commander;,

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 r. m. torKi.unakakai. Kaliul. uiHnelo. liana and

Kipahulu. every Kearae, Mokulan aiul Nunevery other week. HeturninK, will stop at theabove ports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA II0l(Cameron, Com man iter I,

Will leave rtRUlurly for Laliuliia. ramiliau.Ookala. Kukuiau. llonohiiui, Ijiupahoe-hoe- ,

Hakalan and Onomea

steamerTiokolii,iMoUregor, Commaruleri.

Leaves lor the following ports evi ry alien ateJloiulav at S p. m.: ., 1 I I..... ........O.-- .. I

I nmnii'iu'ins .oi;usi in m s rv.ni. -

koo, l.uliaina. Olowaln. '.f tnn.i i:k to 1 .al.iiiiiH.

Pukoc. Kamaio. Ijinal, arnine :t Honolulu ;it-

urdav morning.CiimmciH-ini- ; August 9 To Kannakakal. Kama-lo.l'uko-

Halawa. Wailau. IViekuun. KalanpupaUeturmnfi to I'ukoo. Laliaina. Olowaln. l.ahaina,1'iikiHi. Kiinialo, Kaunakakaf, arriving at Hono-lulu Saturday mornins.

- Th Company will not he responsible for j

any freight or packages unless nveipted for. nor j

for personal bagaffe uiiiess plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry miles placed incharce of the Purser. I

All possible care will he taken of Live stock, but j

the Company will not assume any risk of accident.sMT tl WII I'FK Fresident.S. B. ROSK, secretary.


OFFICK Corner Fort and Queen streets.fifJ-- lv Mar SO

T5 jiiid 77 JLiiur Street,lloll Teleplione Xo. " .


H A H DW A 1: f , Pa!nis flils, ila Ma,,,,.

LuiTilDei"' Doors, sash and Blind AMkir.dsof

Corrucated Iron, Portland Ceuir.t : sTKKLmore.

j o it jn

NAI1. mw. h to I run . and cost hut 11 ! tie

rs o t rrsi

To alliX.CUl.KY & BROTHER,

HAWAI1AXS and FKIEXPSj Tmirtkks .o--p r k.u.ki .in shot--1 ;m. Vlill- -s arid l".st.'.s, Colt Winchester.

- - -t i zr-- ii --- OF-

11 A W A I I x i:

.ntVnSlcr.date to th 15: b cay cf Nover;! er. to n.-eiv- thegift cf all who w ish to ivti t i r:r 1. ya:ty an Jaloha for His Ma;esty K.'-i-T c:i Leoccasion of the

Celelira tion-- OF-

His Majesty's --irttii Biilhday.

The article prf-fi.ir- .: w.il i e dvAy r I

r.d csre.l for is Xt.c :'re-w;'.- l f.::-si- f il'-.ir.- c

pevjle to tr.t lr K:r.:. m .u oor.'..r.ce v.tb tl.e

--s. .W.v-;,.;:- , -.-- - as',:- - - i

Stoves. Ranges .nidglloiisekeeiuiii; Goods........ --.f - . - c , . ' tl itHlotllUk' l'il

AnJ in fact vverxthing which a first --class ,j

oAce ca- - do'

ltty tziy v.e g.lVta icVtirl--e of ti.'e uarsiiieiat early a Jite 4 le.

v'"54 A5 ctiiN.:rL: si B;rtiJiv v re:i.or.;esnocctfw

Plumbing:, Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron WorkXo. Ill Yort St., Honolulu.Tr. Chios lu-.ies- .

.'tf t