· TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw,...


Transcript of  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw,...

Page 1:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi
Page 2:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi

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Page 3:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi
Page 4:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi
Page 5:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


Tyler. Texas . J une 4 7 t h ,1 927 .

M r . A . L . Thomp son ,

Nurse ry Cw ,

Tyler,Texa s .

We ar e p leased to exp r ess o u r apprecia ti on for the very

fi ne nursery which you a r e bui lding up from year to year , and wecons i der it a di stinct ass et to o u r city and county .

We beli eve that you have equally as good , if not one of the

finest assortm'

ents o f shrubbery , evergreens , roses , etc . , which

it h as been our privi l ege to ins p ect and , apparently . they a r e

t rue to type .

We are pleased to have such m en as you vars members of

our Chamber of Commerce who are eve r striving; for the bette r

m en t and u p-bu i l cl i ng o f Tyler and Smith County .

Yours very truly ,

l i l . P . MCKENNA , Pr e s id ent

A I ’e e p I n t o One o f Our Rose Fie ld s

Page 6:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


A WORD OF APPRECIATION—I n pres enting this ourlatest cat al ogu e to the publi c , we wish to thank each and everyold customer for their patronage in the past . We know we haveplease d most of you by the many repeat orders we have r e

cei v ed and p ersona l l etters prai sing our stock . We shallendeavor to merit and hold your confidence from season toseason .

NEW CUSTOMERS—Those whom it has not been ourpleasure to serve wi l l p lease give us at l east a tria l order , wewant you to know our plants .


Ameri can As s oc iation of Nurserymen .

Southwestern Associati on of Nurs erymen .

Oklahoma Nurseryman’ s Associati on .

Am eri can Ros e Society .

REFERENCETyler Chamber of Commerce .

Peoples Nati ona l Bank of Tyler.Citi zen ’s Nati onal Bank of TylerTyl er Stat e Bank and Trust Co .

Any Bus in es s Hous e in Tyler .

BUSINESS TERMS AND SUGGESTIONS—INFORMATIONLOCATION— Our Nurseries are located four miles west of

Tyler on the Dixi e Highway .

VISITORS—Welcome , we are glad to have you vi sit u s

and s ee the plants growi ng in the fi elds .

TELEPH ONE number 9030 .

ORDER BLANK—Please use it and fil l out carefully .

TERM S—Cash .

SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS—Customers w i l l please s tatehow they wish their plants shipped . When left to u s we wi lluse our best judgment .

PARCEL POST—Small parcel s should b e shipped by parcelpost as thi s i s safe and much cheaper .

POSTAGE—I f order i s to be shipped by Parcel Post,remi t

tance must be mad e to cbv er postage . If you allow more thanenough to cover carriage we wil l include extra plants if therefund justifies i t at a ll .

PARCEL POST RATES apply on weights up to 70 poundsin the first, second and third zones . In zones 300 miles ormore from Tyler , the limit i s 50 pounds .

Page 7:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi




l st . lb . Add ’t l . lb .

First zone—Tyler and within 50 miles of Tyler 5cSecond zone—Within 50 to 1 50 miles of Tyler 5eThird zone—Within 1 50 to 300 miles of Tyler Gc

Fourth zone—Within 300 to 600 mi les of Tyler 7cFifth zone —Within 600 to 1000 miles of Tyler 8cSixth zone —Within 1 000 to 1 4 00 mil es of Tyler 9c7th zone—Within 1 400 to 1 800 miles of Tyler8th zone—All over 1800 miles of Tyler 1 2C

SAFE ARRIVAL—We guarantee safe arrival on a l l packages s ent by mail or expr ess . Should any customer fai l to r e

ce i ve goods in a reasonable time , they should notify us , sendinga copy of their order . C l aims for adjustment must be madeupon receipt of goods .

RESERVATION OF STOCK—Will be made when onehalf the pr i ce acc ompanies the order. This is to accomodatethose who are not ready to plant but wish to s ecure the stock before same i s sold .

IF PLANTS ar e. received during FREEZ I NG WEATHERdo not open in warm air but place th e p ackage in goo d cel laror bury in the ground unti l i t i s thawed out .


With trees and shrubs as furni ture, she will prove herselfan artistic housekeeper . Four walls don ’t make a h ome . Abare dirt or sod yard about the house i s as forbidding and uniny iting as a livi ng room wi thout pictures , curtains , rug s orchairs . Poorly g roome d house sur roundings are discouragingand do not have the proper moral effect on t h e fami ly . Be

sides they sew e to depreciate the value of property . Everyhom e is entit l ed to lawns , flowers, trees and shrubs . Give M a

Nature a free hand , and order her materials f rom Ros emontNurs eri es ; she wi ll delightfully surpr i s e you by u sing the rich ,

blue sky as a cei ling,frescoing th e walls with the tal l m em

bers of the forest family and carpeting the floor with wel lwoven bermuda . She w i ll tie the dwelling to the lawn with abeautiful border and

,ar range beds , etc . ,ju st as tidy on the out

side as Mary Ann does on the inside :

The effect will be to make the res t at the end of the daymore rejuvenating . Dad , mother , broth er and the g irls wi llbe g rateful for the calm beauty of green and flowering shrubs .

Page 8:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



Twenty-five or thirty dol lars careful ly spent now will bew orth a thousand or more in a few years . You don ’t ha ve tobe a landscape gardner . Amateurs may drive around , pickingout the best looking grounds and mentally regi stering the ideasthat can be adapted to the i r own place . Car efully plan everydetai l . Write Rosemont Nursery Cc . ; they w i l l


g l‘

ad l y as sistyou in solving your problem . Try to sel ect and arrange planting so that your home wil l be beautiful a l l the year . M oney

i s not a l l There i s som eth i ng more to be obtained from thisl ife than dir ty lucre" and three meal s a day . Every humanheart craves beauty and comfor t . One way for us to sati sfythat inner longing is to create verdant

,l ovely settings for our

homes ; to plant g rass , trees , bushes and flowers where theywil l be of esthet i c va lue as we l l a s for monetary worth .

And remember als o the orch ard and vine yard . They areornamental and furni sh deli cious fruit for the family . Thehealth of the fami ly demands an orchard . The surplus


taking care of home needs,may be turned into ready cash .


Plant Rosemont Specimen Ros es and Avoid Disap pointm entAmong all the flowering shrubs that make for beauty ,

grace and ornamentation , there i s n one that can compare witht h e Rose . The wide range of color , shape and siz e of t h e ,bl oom s


and the diversity a nd charact er of the fol iage give it a wi derrange for decora ti on than any other group of p lants . Whenadded to those qualifications are th e ease of culture ,

quick and ample response in bl oss oms , i t i s not to be wondered at that the Rose has been aptly termed the "

"ueen ofFlowers .


ROSEMONT ROSES are not to be compared with the e x

erage class of plants offered the public . We grow our Roseshere at Tyler under our personal supervisi on . The soil andclimate i s especi ally adapted to t h e devel opm e nt of fine Roses .


1 . Field grown .

2 . Budded on Di sease Resisting St O t k s .

3 . Two years old .

4 Average Two to Three Feet in Heighth (Depending uponvar i ety . )

5 .

" Well Branched -Fine Root System .

6 . Sp ecimen Plants - only the best grades of plants i s offeredour customers .

7 . Every Rosemont Specimen Rose h as bloomed Freely oneSeason in the Field .

Page 9:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


8 . Fresh Plants -From the Field . They are not robbed of vitali ty by repeated handling .

9 . True to Labe l—You get the vari ety you order or yourmoney back .

1 0 . Just rea dy to gladden your hea rt with the best there i s inRoses .

We have culled our li st of varieties closely,not a variety

i s offered which i s i nferior . A Rosemont Rose means a beautiful Ros e, w ith des irable habits of gr owth .


ANY GOOD GARDEN SOIL is alri ght for Roses , most

amateurs make the mistak e of enriching the ros e garden toomuch . Select a SUNNY LOCATION away from trees andshrubbery, sp ade or plow well .

FALL PLANTING is preferred for the reason that the p lantsdeve l op a root system during winter and are establi shed readyto grow when spring comes . Any time during the


dormantseason however i s a lr ight —(From November t h e first to Marchthe first usually w i th us . )

MAKE AN OPENING LARGE ENOUGH TO RECEIVETHE PLANT with the roots Spread out naturally , plac e theplant in positi on and fi ll hole about two thirds w i th top soi l ,water well , al low water to settle , and finish fi l ling hol e withsoi l . The plant should be s et as deep as it grew in the nursery .

DO NOT EXPOSE PLANTS to the sun and wind , keepprotected until you are ready to set each plant .

APPLY FERTILIZER on top the bed , any fer ti li zer usedi s best appli ed on top the bed . Well rotted barnyard manurei s a fine f erti li zer for roses also wood ashes .

CULTIVATION I S VERY IMPORTANT , keep the rose bedwel l hoed but do not dig deep -two inches i s suffic i en t

WATERING—During dry weather water after the fashion of a good rain , all ow to dry out and cultivate . Do not keepthe bed soak ed a l l the time . Ros es love water and must havemoisture to grow and bloom but good drainage i s a lso ess ential .They are never happy in a sour bed .

MILDEW AND BLACK S’POT may be prevented with amixture composed of 9 parts dusting sulphur (not flowers ofsulphur ) to 1 part of powdered arsenate of lead . Mildew maybe cured with this remedy but Black Spot i s best ch ecked by

p i cking off affected leaves .

Page 10:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



PRUNING—Ros emont Roses are pruned f or'

set t i ng be

fore being shipped,they w i l l need no furth er pruning the first

s eason.Bush roses of Hybrid Perpetual type should be cu t back

to w ith i n five or six eyes of th e ground and Bush roses of theTea and Per neti an type should be cut down to about four eyes .

Old Weak stems should be entirely removed . The stems left

should be cut just above an eye which points out . This gives

the "plant an open and well balanced shape . The proper time

for pruning i s ju st before the buds begin to swell in the


PRUNING CLIMBERS— C'limberswhich bloom only in the

Spr i ng should b e p r uned after they have fini shed blooming.

Th ey'bl oom on the wood of the previous s eason

s g rowth and

you cut off your blooms if you prune before they bloom in'

th e

spring.They should be pruned suffici ent to keep in bounds and

to remove old and weak canes and branche s . Everblooming

cl imbers should b e pruned in the Spring to keep in bounds and

to remove weak canes .


What we mean by Specim en Roses-" Our Specimen size rose

is the only rose we offer our customers .\ We find they prefer

to pay a li ttle more and get the b est there i s . Our Specimen

size rose repr esents t h e very heavi est grade of our rose crop .

Our price i s the l owest possibl e considering grade of plants .

They are cheap in price and high in qu ali ty . Any variety

of rose we offer wi l l pay for its elf th e first sea son in beauti

ful bloss oms . Compare the value of the blo ss oms you gatherthe first s eason with t h e price you would have to pay at your

flori st



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

l oc 1 5c l 9o 25C 33C 4 0c 48c 55c

1 5C 19c 27C 4 2C 57c 72C 850

ZOC 30c 4 9C 86c

Determine your Zone from table on p age two

Page 11:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



RADI ANCE (H . T. ) - (J . Cook 1908 ) -America’s leading H . T .

Rose - according to the decisi on of the American Rose Soc iety .

Indeed a beautiful Rose-w e consider it our l eading Pink . Beautifu l p ointed buds of cl ear even shade of pink, op ening into atulip shaped blo ssom on long g raceful stems. Waxy foliage .

COLUMBIA (H . T. ) - (E. G . Hill , 19 1 7 ) - Ophel-i a X Mrs .

Geo . Shawyer . Words fai l to do justice to this marvelous newrose . A p each-blow pink

,deep ening as it opens . Superbly

shap ed bud and bloom , very large on nearly thornless stemsof good leng th

MADAM BUTTERFLY— (H . T. ) - (E. G . Hill , 191 8 ) -Sport ofOphelia . A harmony of bright pink suffuse d wi th apricot andgold . The tight buds are a lovely shade of Indian red , yellow atthe base . Unique in every way .

MADAM -ABEL CH ATANEY— (H . T. ) - (Per net D u ch er .

1894 ) -Dr . Gr i l l X Victor Verdier . A leadi ng p ink , good grow er ,p erp etual bloomer , large and beautiful i n bud and bl oom . Deeprecurved p etals of rose -pink , tinted sa lmon ; very popular .

J ONKEER J . L . MOCK- (H . T. ) - (M . Leenders Co . ) -Mme .

Caroline Test ou t X Mme . Abel Ch at alney X Far benk oni g i n.

Cl ear pink,under side of petals rosy ; almost si lver wh ite .

Blooms of mag nific ent si ze on l'ong, erect canes . Free bloomer ,

very double .

PINK MAMAN COCHET—(T) - ( Cochet , 1 892 ) -Hardy vi gorous grower ; one of the most beautiful p inks . Flow ers are ofeno rmous siz e

,very full and of great dep th . Co l or rich coral

pink , shaded rosy crimson ; broad , thick shell l ike petals . Longpointed buds

,good bloomer .

ROSE PREMIER—(H . T. )—(E. G . Hill 19 18 ) -A clear shadeof deep rose-pink ; very frag rant . Free grower ; stiff, nearlythornless stems with handsome foliage . A beauty .

MADAM CAROLINE TESTOUT. (H . T. ) -Fernet-D u ch erLady Mary Fitzwi ll iam X Mme . de . Tar tas . Brilli ant

satiny pink ; immense broad p etals and extremely Large flowers ,doub l e and beautiful . Very fragrant .

MRS GEORGE SHAWYER— (H . T .—(Lowe and Shawyer

1 91 1 -Bright peach -pink f lowers , large well formed , double . Weconsider thi s rose one of our best pinks . It i s beautiful in eve ryway ; a v i g e r ou s grower and blooms well even during our l ongdry spells of summer . A handsome rose on long grac eful st ems .

PRICE , All roses except those marked ( Special ) _ 2 year fieldgrown budded plants . specimen size , each , perdozen , per hundred . 25 roses may be bcu g h t at hundredrate .

Page 12:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


FRANK W . D'UNLOP— (H . T. ) A bri l liant rose -pink va

r i et y of clear color , good bloomer , vigorous g rower . Flow erson long stif f stems . Excel l ent for cu tt i i ng .

MRS . CHAS RUSSELL—(H . T. ) - (A . Montgomery, Abright ros e - pink

, deep eni g toward the center ; Lar g e buds andflowers

,with heavy leathery f o l ag e. Thrifty, another good

one .

PAUL \NEYRON —(H . T. ( Levet , 1869 ) Victor Ver di erX Anna de Di esbach . Paul N eyr on though an old rose, has thedistinction of producing the largest pink rose in the world, ver ydouble and full . Long grac eful stems Color a clear pinkshaded to rose . Ranks second among the H . P. roses : Bloomsprofusely about three times each season in our section . A halfdozen of these large p ompons make a nic e boquet .

Every Ros emont Rose Has Bloomed Profusely One YearIn The Fi eld .

A l l Rosemont Roses are ove r bl oom er s excep t a few . Th o sewhich bl oom only in the Sp r ing are so lis ted .

L0 48 ANGELES— (H . T. ) - (Howard Smith 19 1 6 ) -M ad

ame Segond Weber X Lyon Rose . Chosen by the Ameri canRose Society as one among the twelve b est roses in America .

Los Angeles i s a new r os e originated in California and hasmade a big s ensation . Subje ct to black- spot but may be protect ed from this trouble by formular given on page 4 . Thegrowth i s vigorous and produc es flowers continually on l argestems

,color a luminous flame - pink

,toned coral , shaded gold at

base of petals . Richly fragrant a ri d having long pointed budswh i ch open into a mammoth bloom .

HILLS AMERICA— Sp ec i ai l— (H . T. ) - (E. G . Hill CO .


Premier X Hoosier Beauty . A fine new rose r esembling Co lumbia . It blooms continuously from early may until frost . Th e

buds ar e l ong and pointed and the color i s the most glori ousglowing rose-pink imaginable

,open i ng up most ar tistical ly a s

the outer petals fold back , l eaving the high pointed center ful lyexposed You wil l be pleased w i th this fine rose .

Price 2 year field grown budded plants, Specimen si zeeach , per dozen .

PRICE on all roses except those marked ( Special ) -2 year .

field grow n budded plants , Specimen size each ,

per dozen . $80 .00 per hundred . 6 r os es may be bought atdozen rate . 25 ros es may be bought at hundred rate .


Page 13:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



B ucher , 1 913 ) -Mme . Caroline Test ou t X A Per net i ana

Rose . A great novelty which i s winning the admirati on of al lwho see i t . Produced by a French hybri diz er and exhibitedby him at the Interna tional Horticultural Exhibit held in London ,England, Ma y 1 912 . The London Dai ly Mai l had offered agold cup for the best new ros e exhi bited, M r . Duchar won thecup wi th this beauty in comp etiti on with the world ’s greatestRose Growe rs . Th e buds are cora l-red shaded with yel low atthe base , the op en flower of medium si ze, semi —double , of asu p u r b coral -red , shaded with yel low and bright rosy scar letp as sing to shrimp - red . The bud i s long

,pointed and slender .

Anothe r rose among the best dozen of America , chosen bythe American Rose Soci ety . We consider it the best of its col or .

-COMM ONWEALTiH .— (H . T. ) - (A Montgomery CO . , 1922 )

Special . A new ros e having long p ointed buds and very largedouble open flowers borne singly on medium strong

stems . Thecolor i s an even sh ade of pink

,very clear . Has few thorns ,

good foliage , very fragrant . Good b loomer .

Price : 2 year field grown budded plants , Spec imen si ze


p er doz en .

PILGRIM— (H . T .- (A . Montgomery ) - Speci al . A very

ful l double rose of brigh t si lvery-pink,del ightfully frag rant

has a la rge number of petals and never shows its c enter Th e

open flower i s flat in appe arance .

Price 2 year field g rown budded plants , Specimen size

each per dozen .





PRICE all roses not marked Special 2 year field grown

budded plants Specimen size each , per dozen ,

pe r hundred . 6 ros es may be bought at dozen rate , 25 roses

may be bought at hundred rate


Page 14:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi





T. ) - (Mrs . Chas Bel l 1927 ) -A sp ort from Radiance and justli ke it except t he color is a very even shade of soft clear shellpink .

ANTOINE RIVOIRE— (H . T. ) - (Pe rnet—D u ch er 1 895 ) -Dr .

Gr i l l X 'Lady Mary Fitzwi lli am . Rich creamy white , delicatelytinted with pink ; extra large p eta ls , ful l and double . Not just afaded pink -a distinct blendi ng of rich cream and delicate pink ,one of the most delicate shades .

CAPTAIN C'HRISTY— (H . P . ) - (La ch ar m e ,

-VictorVerdi er X Saf r ano Large ful l buds

,flowering delicate flesh

color,shading deeper in the center wi th prominent vines in t h e

p eta ls .

DEAN HOLE— (H . T. ) -Flowers a Spla shed si lver carmine, shade d salmon large , ful l and of fine form ,

highly f r agr ant ; Growth robust and free flowering .

D O you know the thrill of a strol l in a rose garden , early inthe morning when each blossom is laden with pearl s of dew "

It is doubtful if even an Infidel could look into their sweet fa cesand say " There is no God .



Read what the l eading rose ‘wizards have to say onField Grow n Budded Roses— The American Rose Annual 1 927addition . They like them .



Specim en Size Plants

LUXEMBOURG— (H . T. ) -A new yellow . Flowers deeporange , much larger than Sunburst . Long

,pointed buds on

graceful stems ; beautiful foliage strong thrifty grower . Thebest and most beautiful deep yel low Rose we have grown.

P RICE on"

all ros es except those marked Speci al 2 yearfi eld grown budded plan-ts, specimen si ze p er do zen ,

per hu ndred - 2 6 roses may be bought at dozen - rate; 25

roses may be bought at f

h undr e’



Page 15:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


LADY HILLINGDON— (T) -Lowe Shawyer 1 91 0 ) -PapaGontier X. Mme . Hoste . A leading ye l low . H as a long slender


pointed bud of clear deep golden yellow ; i s always an even ,i nt ense golden yel low . Very thrifty .

MRS . AARON WARD— (H . T. ) - (Pe rnet D u ch er 1907 ) -A

sp ort from an unknown seedling . Absolutely di stinct,a color

that catches the eye at once ; coppery orange in open bud , go ldenorange later , pinkish fawn of lovely shade when ful ly developed .

ETOILE DE LYO‘N— (T) -Deep golden yellow ; full deep andrich flowers ; very sweet . Free bloomer .

SUNBURST - (H . T. ) - (Fern et-D u ch er 1 9 12 ) -Another leading yel low . The color i s golden orange and dee p yellow ,

varying at different stages of development .

PERLE DES JARDINES OR PERLE OF THE GARDENS(T) - Flowers large globular in form

,very double ; color is c lear

rich yellow ; richly perfume d .

GOLDEN OPHELIA - (B . R Ca nt Sons , 1 91 9 ) -ASeedling of Ophelia . Bright golden yellow

,s lightly paler at

outer p etals . Medium sized , well formed buds , opening into asymmetrical

,perfect bloom clos ely set , glossy green foliage .

OPHELIA— (H . T .- (Wm . Paul Son , 19 1 2 ) This ros e is

loved by all w h o know it . Its blooms are large , full and p erfectin form . The co lor i s light salmon flesh

,shading to yellow

MISS LOLITA AR lVI OUR -Howard and Smith 19 1 9This sensationa l rose i s a blending of orange , copper , yellowand fawn . It won the Bagatelle (Paris ) priz e in 192 1 -Largeglobular flowers on good stems . Fragrant . SPECIAL p r i ce :2 year field grown budded p lants , sp ec i m an s ize each .

per dozen .

DUC’HESS OF WELLINGTON— (H . T. ) - (A . DicksonSons 1909 ) - Long pointed buds ; blooms intense saffron -yellow ,

flushed. crimson , changing to lighter yel low . A leading rose .

BETTY— (H . T. ) - (A Dickson Sons , 1 905 ) -Large blossoms

,ful l and well shap ed , coppery pink , overspread with golden

yellow . Deliciously fragrant.

WILLOWMERE - (Fernet D u ch er . 1 913 l —Un-namedVari ety X Lyon ros e . SPECIAL.

Color a rich shrimp pink . shaded yellow in center and t oning to carmine pink towards the edge of the peta ls . Long cor a lbuds on good stems .

Price : 2 year field grown budded p lants , Spe cimen s izeeach

,per dozen .

PRICE on a ll roses exc ept those marked " Special" , 2 yearfield grown budded plants , Sp ecimen size each



per hundred . 6 ros es may be bought at dozen rate ,25 roses may be bought at hundred rate.


Page 16:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi

ROSEM ONT NURSERY CO ., Ty l er, Texas


- (Fernet D u ch er 1905 -A bri ll iant saffron ye l

l ow opening canary with dark golden shades . Buds long andpointed ; blooms large wi th immense p etals . Thorny goodbloomer-good grower .

HUGONIS— (Rosa Hugonis ) —A natural speci es fromChina which makes a dense round bush about 6 ft . high .

Th e bra nches are long and arching and thickly ‘ s et with smallsingle flowers of c lear bright yel low which does not fade . Thefoliage is finely cut pale green and borne on red stems . Thisrose blooms but once each season , very early in the Spring . Iti s such a beauty that every one wants it a s an early Springtreat . It should not be p lanted in the bed with the HybridTeas and dwarf growing roses . Fine as a Specimen plant .

Specia l Price 2 year fi eld grown budded plants , Specimensiz e each

,per dozen .

MRS . CALV IN COOLIDGE—Spec ial— (H . T. ) - (U. 5 CutFlower Co


1 924 ) -A sport from Ophelia . Bright yel low whichdarkens as the bloom developes- does not fade . New .

Pric e 2 year fi eld gr ow n budded p l ants , Specimen si zeeach , per doz en .

GOLD MI NE —Special (H . T .

- (Jos H Hil l CO . ,1 92 5 )

Golden Rule X Mrs . Aaron War d . A fairly strong and vi gerous grow er . Beautiful Bud , opening,

into golden v e l l ow withora nge center . New .

Price 2 year field grown . budded plants , Spe cimen sizeea ch , per dozen .

SOUVENIR DE CLAU'DIUS PERNET— Spec ial(Per net - D u ch er

, 1 920 l - Constance X Nnnam ed s eedling . Thisnew rose is highly prized by a host of fri ends . It i s a tr uesunflower yel l ow , very large and shows a la r ge tuft of stamens when full blow n . The foliage is especially o etty


and bri g ht g reen . This Rose is a wonder when d eveloped perf ect l y . Personally we have not had the succes s with it in oursection which most g rowers claim . We are trying to l earn i t s"


and hope to be more successful with it . It l oves drysunny weather .

Price 2 yea r field grown budded p lants , Specimen size$ 1 5 0 each ,

per dozen .

PRICE on all roses except those mar ked Specia l -2 yearfi eld grown budded plants , Specimen si ze eachper dozen , per hundred . 6 roses may be bought at d ozenra te , 25 roses may be bough t at hundred rat e .

1 1

Page 17:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


Every Rosemont S pecimen Rose Has Bloom ed Free ly OneSeason Before Shipping .




Our Select List of White Bush Roses . Large Specimen,

2 Year Fi eld Grown Budded Plants .

KA I SERI NE AUGUSTA VIKTORIA— (H . T. ) - (P . Lambert ,1 891 ) - Coquet de Lyon X Lady Mary Fitzwi lliam . "ueen ofthe white family . Pure white

,never a tinge of pink . Splendi d

large buds and superb full double bloom s . A continuous andprofuse bloomer . We consi der thi s ros e our very b e st white .

It h a‘s been chosen by vote of the American Rose Soci ety as one

of the best twelve ro s es in America from the H . T.,T . and

Per . group .



WHITE MAMAN COCHET - (J . Cook , 1896- Sport ofMaman Cochet , Creamy white , with edges flushed Rose . Profuse bloomer, good gro wer—One of the best Tea Roses .

WILLIAM R . SMITH— (T)—( Smith , 1 908 ) -A s eedling fromMaman Cochet and Ka i ser i ne Augusta Viktoria . Creamy whitewith strong tints of pi nk . Flowers freely- of good si ze- anothergood Tea Rose .


(T. )—Deli cate creamy yellow ; lal l m ost pure white , extremely largeand double . A fine Rose ; very popular .

WHITE LA FRANCE— (H . T. ) -Larg.e and fine formed budsand blooms . Broad petals of s i lvery white with delicate shadings of pink ; fragrant

PRICE on all roses except those marked " Special" -2 yearfield grown budded plants , Spe cimen size eachper dozen , p er hundred . 6 roses may be bought at dozenrate , 25 roses may be bought at hundred rate .

1 2

Page 19:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


GEN M cARTHUR - (H . T. ) - (E. G . Hil l CO . ,1924 ) A most

be autif ul shade of v ivi d crimson- scarlet . An eye catcher- one ofthe best .

ETOILE DE FRANCE - (H . T. ) - (Per net -Dueber 1 904 )Abel Ch a tney X Fisher Holmes . A bri lli ant shade of clearred- crimson velvet , centering to a vivid ceris e . Large flowerso'

n long stiff stems . Bronze-green foliage.

GRUSS AN TEPLITZ—(H . T. ) - (G eschw i ndt , -Si r J .

Paxton X Fe l l em ber g X Papa Cont i er X Gloire des Rosem ones .

Hardy over a wi de range of territory ; thrifty grower ; incessantbloomer ; produces a mass of vivid , da zzling , fiery crimsonblooms

,swee tly frag-rant . Makes a great show .

AMERICAN BEAUTY— (H . P . )—(Bancr oft , 1 886 ) -An oldfavor ite

,well known

,Large flowers , each born on s eparate

stems . Vivid crimson in color ; very fragrant .

EDWARD MAWLEY— (H . T. ) - (S . M cG r ady Son, 191 3 )One of the finest of the dark crimson roses . Rewarded th e goldmedal of the National Rose Soci ety of England .

RED COLUM BIA— (H . T. )—Sp'ec ia l -A sport from columbia . Semi-doubl e, free flowering , thrifty g rower , beautifulfoliage. Shows the Columbia traits . Fragrant .

Price : . 2 year field grown budded plants , specimen size ,each

, p er dozen .

TEMPLAR—Special— (H . T. ) - (Mo'

ntgomery Co 1924 ) - Premier X M ontgomery . Seedling. A


clear even shade of br ight red ,medium siz e

,perfect stem

,good foliage—A fine new Rose .

P r ice : 2 year field g rown budded plants , specimen size ,each

,per dozen .

MATCHLESS Special (H . T. ) - (D u ch am —Pi er sorf) -Asport from premier . Absolutely distinct ; a deep rosy cer i secolor

,deepening to pure red in cool weather . Large blossoms

on good long stems . New .

Price : 2 year fi eld grown budded plants , specimen size ,each

,per dozen .




Price : 2 year fi eld grown budded plants , specimen size ,ea ch , per doz en , per hundred . 6 rose s may

be bought at dozen rate , 25 roses may be bought at hu ndredrate

Page 20:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


OUR SELECT LIST OF DWARF POLYANTHA ROSESSpecimen 2 year field grown budded plants .

This group'

of ros es i s entirely different to the large -Flowered varieti es , being of dwarf , compact habit of growth . Ver ybeautiful used in masses or (as borders . Many peop le


of r e

fined taste are using these a s borders on the w a l k or as adivi s ion between lots , als o as an outer border for beds of tallergrowing roses . They make a wonderful dwarf h edge of solidbloom from early April unti l freez ing weather .


(Levavasseu r , 1 9 10 ) -Th e showiest and prettiest of the red baby

R oses . Dwarf, compact habit of g rowth . Thi s charming vari

ety i s a huge bouquet of smal l,double , red roses from early

Spring unti l ki ll ing frost . Planted in mass or as a hedge i tmakes a grand show a nd is the admiration of al l who see i t .

GEORGE ELGER —T. POL— (E . Turbat CO .

,1 912 ) -A

su r p u r b Polyanthus rose with suffi ci ent tea blood to make itdifferent. It produces great quantities of lovely littl e buds ofgolden yell ow opening into m i ni t u r e symmetrica l Roses . Theplant i s so loaded with blooms that it resembles a large bouquet .

Free in growth and blooms all Summer .


ECIL BRU‘NNER— ( Sweethea rt Rose ) -H . Pol .

(Mme . D ucher , 1 881 ) -R . Polyantha X . Mme . de Tar tas -Thi s roseis rated as the leading dwarf Rose of America . No Pol yanth i aRose in commerce that can surpas s it . It is exqui site withsprays of rich , rosy pink baby buds , whi ch open into lovely,perfectly double , minature flowers of seashell pink . From arow of thi s ros e you can have flowers all s eason for hoquetsor bou t t oni er es It i s intens ely fragrant .


ET— Dwarf Pol Etoi le de Mai X Mari ePavic . The baby white rose , produces pure white mini atu reblos soms in abundance , with fragrance si m i l l ar to Hyacinths .

Free growth,attractive .

BABY DOLL or TIP TOR—Pol Anew ros e of the dwarffamily , the most beautiful and unique of the group . It grow sabout 1 8 inches high and is literal ly covered with exqui site minature blooms from early Spring unti l

" freezing weat her . Th etips of th e petals show a vivid cri mson

,mel lowing down int o

shades of pink , saffron , lavander , gold and fina l ly at the baseof the peta l s it i s deep old gold . It rival s the rainbow-we havenever seen a picture which repres ented i t accurately , the ar t istseems to fai l to get the proper blend with his pigment


PRICE on all roses exc ept those marked " Specia l 2 yearfield grow n budded p lants , Specimen si ze each


per dozen , p er hundred . 6 roses may be bought at dozenrate , 25 roses may be bou ght at hundred rate .

1 3

Page 21:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



Specimen 2 year fi eld grown budded plants

CLIMBING COLUMBIA— H . T . Special—Sp ort of Columbia .

A climber of recent introduction,just like the parent except it i s

a v i g o r ou s cl im ber .

A peach blow pi nk , deepening as it opens .

A large rose w ith long stiff stems, n early thornless ; free from

mi ldew . Excites the admiration of al l who see it .

Price two year fie ld grown budded plants , specimen size ,each , per dozen .


Caroline Test ou t Beaut i ful glowing pink , large petals , i mmense blooms . A rampant climber

,very des irable

,one of the

best pink climbers .

CLI MBI NIG CECIL BRUNNER— Cl . Pol . A sport of thedwarf bush va riety of this name . Rosy p ink on a rich creamywhi t e ground , shaded l i g h t sa l m on . A "beauty .

CLIMBING J ONKEER J . L . MOCK Cl . H . T . (HowardRose CO .

, 1 923 ) -A sport of bush Jonkhe'er J . L . Mock and like

it except it i s a v i g er ou s climber . Read description of i t s paren t,on page 6 .


—Sport of HelenGould . Bright Watermelon Red . The color could be class eddark p ink or light red .


Specimen 2 year fi eld grown budded plants .


1878 ) -A strong growing and climbing rose , making a grand pi llar rose in the South . Flowers ful l and well formed , rich bri lliant crimson . We consider this rose one of our best red cl imbers .


Thomas CO ., 1 909 )—R Wichuraiana Seedling X American

Beauty . A beautiful red like the well known American Beautybush Rose

,with the additi on of the climbing habit . A vigorous

grower and free bloomer,producing its heaviest crop of bloom

early in the season .

CLIMBING WOOTTON—Cl . H . T.— (Butler , 1899 )— Velvet

Red ; profuse bloomer . A strong vigorous climber . Beautifulblooms well formed .

PRICE on all roses except those marked Special 2 yearfield g rown budded p lants , Specimen size each ,dozen,

per hundred . 6 roses may be bought at dozen rate ,25 roses may be bought at hundred rate .

1 6

Page 22:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


CLIMBING METEOR—Cl. H. T.—Int ense velvet crimson ;

large buds and blooms . V er y double and born on long stems ,w ith bright foliage of darkest green . Buds som eti me ball indamp weath er .


. H . T.—Storrs

Harri son 191 1 ) -A sport Grus s an Tepli tz on a p erfect sheet ofcrimson . Read description of its parent on page 1 4 .

CLIMBING BABY RAME-LER —A tru e everblooming Cr imson Rambl er, covered with immense clusters of crim son blooms .Very popular . A soli d mass of miniatu re red b looms the enti reseason . Not a rampant climber but climbs suff i ci ent t o covera small t r el l ace or makes an excel lent p i l l ar when trai ned t o a

stake .



(A . Di ckson Sons , 1 897 ) The best white climbing Rose-Purewhite , shadi ng at ba

s e of petal s to a light cream . Ver y fragrant .


191 1 ) -Very large beautifully formed in bud and bloom . Purewaxy white pink shade . A sweet and continuous bloomer .


Specimen 2 year fi eld grown budded plants

CLIMBING SUNBURST— Cl . H . T. Stuart , Low CO . ,

1 91 4 )—Orange-copper, golden orange and golden yellow arei ts co l ors at different stages of development . All intenseshades . A giant rose , l ong stems , l ong pointed buds , vigorousclimber .

CLIMBING OPHELIA— Special—Cl . H . T.-A bri l liant sal

mon flesh shaded with ros e on outer edges of petals , with aheart of glow ing peach pink and orange

,yellow blendings , all

passing final ly to lighter shades . Very fragr ant , faultl essform in bud and flower ; erect habit , stiff long stems ; free andcontinuous in bloom ; handsome bright foliage .

Price two year fi eld grown budded plants,Specimen size ,

each , per dozen .

MARCHAL NIEL—(Fr adel , 1 864 ) Noisette rose from Isabel la Gray . This is an old favorite which sti ll holds its prestag‘ ein competiti on with t h e many fine new ones . A vi gorous climber .


beautiful shade of cl ear golden yell ow ; fl owers large , globularformed

,ri ch ly perfumed .

1 7

Page 23:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


CLIMBING MRS . Aaron Ward—Sp ec ial C'l . H . T.

— (A .

Dickson Sons , 1922 ) -A cli mbing sport of Mrs Aaron Wardflowers identically with bush vari ety . Vigorous and free bloomi ng . Read descript i on of p ar ent on page 1 0 .

Pr ice two year field grown budded p l ant s , Sp ec im en su e ,

each , per dozen.

CLIMBING LADY HILLINGDON—Sp ecia l—Cl . T . (Hicks191 7 ) -Thi s c l imber i s proving a s popular a s its parent, the bushvarie ty of same name. Deep ye l l ow ,


o r ang e shade , good si zebloom , l ong pointed bud .

Price : tw o year field g rown budded plants ,specime n si ze ,

each , per dozen .




Th i s type of rose i s being appreci ated mor e each year . Tr uemost of them bloom only in the Spri ng, but what a f ealst whil eit lasts .

DR . VAN FLEET—H . W . (Dr . W . P . Van Fleet , 19 10 ) -R .

Wichuraiana See dling X S ouven i r du Pre sident Carnot . Selected by the American Rose Soci ety as the best climbing rosein Amer i ca . Large delicate

,flesh pink flowers borne


singlyon l ong stems . Th e c enter of t h e blos som is bui lt high , peta l sbeautiful undulated and cupped . Color i s dark in center- rosyfl esh . This wonderful new Rose blooms only in t he Spring buti s a treat you wi l l l ook forward to from season to s eason . Iti s a rampart growe r and should have p l enty of room . It w i l l

m ake good in just ordinary soi l and may b e trained over a f encewall trel li s or to a stake . W i l l produce hundreds of long stemm ed blossoms each season .

MARY WALLACE- Special —H . W . (Dr . Van Fl eet 192 1 )H . Wichuraiana X Pink Hybrid Tea . Another one of D r . V a l

Flee t’s p roductions . As wi th al l the Van Fleet family i t i svery thrifty and free bloomer


Large Glossy f oliage . Flow erlarge

,s emi—doubl e , bright cl ear rose-pink with salmon base

Blooms profusely in Spring and again ocassi ona l l y through orthe season .

Price : 2 yea r field grown budded plants , Sp ecimen si zea ch per dozen .


H . W . (Van Fleet , 1 9 1 0 ) -Wichurai.anaCherokee . The flowers r u n four and one half inches in f


Page 24:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


am ster, clear si lver-white in col or , peta ls of great substanc e

and beautifully cupped . The center is fil led with beaut i ful

bright yel low stamens , a very attractive featu re . The p lant

literally covers itself with cl ema ti s like fl owers born on longstrong stems

,12 to 18 inches long and delicate . B looms f or

a long time in the Spring.


1909 ) - Intense crims on- scarlet ; doub le f l owers in bril li a ntcluste rs set in glossy shining foliage which never mildew or

spots . An intensified Cr i mson Rambler . Extremely vigorous

and handsome . Blooms only in th e Spring for a long period .

PINK DOROTHY PERKINS—H . W .- (Perkins , 1902 ) -Thi s

i s a bea utiful Ra inb l erw h i ch i s fairly wel l known The growt h

of a single season i s w onder f u l ,I t S h alndsom e green foliage being one of its strong points . The flowers however are its crowning glo r y ,

b eing born in immens e clusters of fifte en to thirty ,and posses great lasting qualities . Color i s a beautiful sh ellpink , very double , pink petals artisti cally crink l ed . It i ssubj ect to mildew but thi s may be prevented by dusting wi thfm m u


a on pa g e Don ’t wait for mi ldew dust ah ead of i tn i laces it of f . Flowe r s only in the Spring .


THOUSAND BEAUTIES( Schmidt, 1 906 ) - C

rimson Rambler X Tea Ros e X Polyantha . Agrand hardy climbing Rose—s oft pink , fl owering very freely i n '

the Spring i n l arge clusters . V i g er ou s and almost fre e fr ommi ldew . M akes a fine pi l lar ro s e or i s wonderful on trelli s ,fence , or any place one desires a v i g er ou s rambler .

PAUL’S SCARLET CLIMBER - H . W .— (Will iam Paul

Son , 19 1 6 ) —This rose in reality is not a rambl er but an entir elydi stinct hybrid , and without doubt the mos


t important additi on to our list of climbers in many years . No other rose in anyclass can compare with it for brilliancy of color

,which i s a

vivid scarlet that is maintained w i thout burning or bleachingunti l the petals drop . The flowers are of medium S i z e

, semid'

ouble , very freely produced in clusters of from three to twentyflowers each on much branched canes

,t he plants being li teral ly

covered with flowers from top to bottom . A strong climber andp erfectly hardy. The very finest pil low rose when trained tostake . You have to see thi s rose to appreciate it for words fai lto describe the bri l l i ant color . Blooms in Spring .

PRICE on all roses except those marked Special 2 yearfield grown budded plants ea ch

,per dozen


per hundred . 6 roses may be bought at dozen rate , 25 rose‘s may

be bought at hundred rate .

1 9

Page 25:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


AMERICAN PILLAR-H . W .- (Dr. Van Fleet, 1905 )-R .

W‘i ch unal i ana Set i g er a Seedling X a red Hybrid per petual , large ,five p etal s ingl e rose of rosy pink co lor , approaching bri l liantcarmi ne

,white center and golden ye l low stamens . Borne i n

c lu sters and completely coveri ng the p lant i n spring . A veryv i g er ou s and rank grower . Foliage i s dark g reen and hangson unti l after he avy frost .


As determined by mai l vote of the American Ros e Society 1 927

(H . T . and Per Groups ) .

Each Rose li sted in accordance with the number of votescast in its favor .

1 . Radianc e each,

2 . Red Radiance each ,3 . Ophelia each


Souvenir de Claudius Per net each ,5 . Los Angeles each ,6 . Mme . Butterfly each ,7 . Duchess of Welling ton each ,

Columbi a each ,9 . Mme . Edouard Herri ott each ,1 0 . Grus s .an Tepli tz each ,

1 1 . Mrs . Aaron Ward each ,1 2 . Kaiser in Aug ust e Viktori a each ,


We wi l l supply America ’s best dozen in two year field grownbudded plants . Specimen size for


Flowering shrubs have their place in ever y landscape planti ng . At the house foundati on i s a rr excel l ent place to plantshrubs . They tie the h ouse to the lawn and add such an i nv i ting " homy look ,

" "i t s not a home until i ts planted .

" It i s wellto use enough eve rgreen to give your p l anting a live appearance i n winter and u se fl owering Shrubs for color during spring ,

summer and fall . By careful s el ecti on one may have something" blooming pretty al l the time .

We li st only One Siz e of Flowering Shrubs—Large plantsWhich You Wi ll Appreciate .

ALTHEA-ROSE OF SHARON .—This p lant i s an old time

favorite which may be trained into a smal l tree or al lowed tobranch from the ground forming a clump . It i s beautiful eitherway . We have them w ith large double blossoms

,followi ng


Pr i Ic-e : Large choice plants , 4 feet high , 75C each ,per dozen .


Page 27:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


white . A most beautiful Small tree rarely over twenty feettal l , at its bl ooom i ng time in March here , every tw ig andbranch i s br ight with beautiful ly formed flowers

,rendering the

tr ee showy and attractive The habit of the three var i t i es i sthe same , th e only dif ferenc e being the color of the flowers .

Useful as a lawn specimen or in a t a l l'

scr een .

Price , strong p lants , 3 feet high 7 5 cents each . p erdozen .

HYDRANGEA —The New Everblooming Hydrangea i s asi ts name impli es constantly in bloom . This plant i s one of them os t valuable additi ons in recent years in the way of flowering shr ubs . The blooms are borne in clusters of immense. s izeo f pure white flowers . It wi l l grow to perfection on thenorth S ide in a shady position , maki ng i t most valuable formas sing unde1 t i ces where oth ei Shrubs do not thrive This

p lant i s subj ect to w et knot and if planted on infected'premi

ses sm all amount of lime or ashes shoul d be sprinkled on thebed to protect it .

Price,strong wel l branched plants each


dozen .

LILAC—Everyone knows this legacy from grand-mother ’s

garden .

We offer one vari ety, the one we consider best .

ROTH OMA G ENSI S—Thi s l i l ac i s a g ood g r ower andprofuse bloomer . fl owers in panicl es of a good l i l ac co l or .

very fragrant . Our plants are all graft"ed from floweringstock

,th ere i s no di sappointment in blooms they are sure to

blossom .

Pric e , heavy plants 3 to 4 feet high , well branchedeach

,per dozen .

MOCK ORANGE-M An old f avm i t e with g r-and mother .

A v i g er ou s g i ow i ng Shrub attaining a heighth of 8 feet Usedextensively as hedg e or sp eci m an plant Li tei a l l y covers i t

s elf i n Spring with white blossoms .

Price, h eavy plants 3 feet high or more , wel l branched60 cents each , p er dozen .

POM G RANATE—thi s is a well known shrub having glossygreen l eaves with large

,wax - l ike beautiful flowers about two i n

ches across . Generally hardy in north Tex as but fully hardyfrom Tyl er

,Waco and South . One of th e bi i g h t est and most

popu l ar flowering shrubs in the South When pruned becomesspiny and makes a defensive hedge . We have two colors , Red

a nd Yellow with red splashes .

Price heavy plants 3 feet high or more , wel l branched 60C


per dozen .


Page 28:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


RED BUD—Cercis . Also ca ll ed Judas Tree , a nati ve of ourwoods

,literal ly covered with its red or pink bloss oms i n sp ring ,

early before the l eaves appear . It is a smal l shapely tree , woodvery tough and the leaves rather hear t shaped and of fair si ze .

Beautiful mixed with Dog-Wood in mass p l ant i ngs

Price,strong plants 3 to 4 feet high 50C each , per

dozen .

SPIREA—No other class of Shrubs embraces a more extensive variety of flowers , foli age and habit of growt h thanspireas . Hardy and desirable .

VAN H OUTTE— Grandest of al l the Spireas : a lways beautiful

, but when in bloom a complete fountain of white fol iagehardy showing .

Price,hardy plants , wel l branched 4 to 5 feet high 500 each ,

per dozen , per hundred .

ANTHONY WATERER—This a dwarf member of th e

Spirea family and very valu able as a spe cimen , mass p lantingor border work . Color bright pink, a com -pact low g rowi ngshrub , with dense foliage , si lvery-

g reen , occa si onal sprays var igated yel low Flowers are borne in full flat clusters on erectstems , always in bloom from early M ay unti l freezing wea ther .

Attains a he ight of 2 feet .

Price,strong hearty plants 1 8 inches high , wel l branched

75C each . p er dozen .

SPIREA CALLOSA ROSE —Has large panicl es of dee p rosyblooms . Grows freely and blooms nearly al l summer . Exce l l ent .

Pr ice,strong each

,per doz en .

THUNBERGII— Thi s i s another dwar f Spirea and one ofthe pretti est of the fami ly . Rounded and grac eful in form ;branches slender and drooping , foliage narrow, ye llowish-greenand very dense . Blooms very early in Spring and i s litera l lycovered with clusters of sm a l l w h i t e flowers just as the leavesbegin to appear . Wonderful for mass planting in front of

tal ler growing flow ers or border work . Attains a height ofabout 2 feet .

Price , heavy pl ants , wel l branched 7 5C each ,p er do zen ,

per hundred

BI LLARDL—Very graceful, f lowers bright pink , m edium

height . A pretty Spirea . Price . Strong plants 3 feet high ,branched 75c each , $7 .50 per dozen .

BI LLARD I—White -same as Spirea Bi l l ar di Pink except i ti swhit e Pri ce , strong plants wel l branched , 3 ft. high 750 each ,$7 .50 pei doz .


Page 29:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


Y CO . , Tyler, Texas

, .PRUNUS PI SSARD I LPURPLE LEAF PLUM—An uprightg r ow mg small tr ee ; foliage of a decided purple h u e .Used ext ensi v el y

- for th e contrast which the purple fol iage gives . At

.tains he ight of 1 0 to 1 2 feet . Nice trees,well branched about

4 feet high , each

V I TEX also ca l l ed Chaste Tree . A strong g rower , growingas high a s 8 to 1 0 feet . One of the best for th e backgroundf or l ar g e shrubberi es and for hiding old and unsightly buildings and undesira ble vi ews It blooms in dense spikes 6 to 8inches long from June first w i th u s until frost. The color wehave i s a pl eas ing shade of purple . Price

,heavy wel l branch

ed pla nts 75c each , per dozen .

TAMARIX AFRICAN—Calle d salt cedar . Tall upright

g rowing, with soft'

feathe ry foli age and pani cl es of pinkishlavander flowers . Beautifu l in shr ub border or as specimen .

Attains consi derable height but may be p runed to personal taste .

Price,_ heavy wel l branched plants 4 feet high 750 each ,

p er dozen .


DAMARI X AMERICAN— Tamarix Hispida . A compa rat i v e l y new varie ty of medium height ; very vi gorous , but notvery com p-act ; open and airy looking . Bluish—

g ray fol iage w ithcarmine-pink flowers c overing half the l ength of the newbranches in earl-y summer , occasional ly blooming again in thefal l . Price

,heavy well branched p lants 3


feet high 75C each ,per dozen .

WEIGELA ROSA—The pretti est of the weigelas in our secti on . Literally covered w i th tr umped shap e b lossom

,pink color .

branches drooping. Price , heavy p lant-s, branched 3 feet high750 each , per dozen .

YELLOW JASMINE— (Jasmine Nudifl orum—Planted in awarm , sunny corner , thi s low—growing, spreading shrub ‘wil lg ive a W ealth of bright yell ow flowers i n February . It can alsobe t rained on a t rel li s and grown as a v ine . Price , heavy

p lants wel l bnanch ed , 50C each , per dozen .

Italian J asm i ne— A shrub With bright green arches and bright yellow flowers in clustersf ect l y hardy and nearly ev er g r ee

plants, 50c each , per dozen .

JAPAN "UINCE— (Cydoni aing "uince . One of the most p ooffer has bright red flowers which appear very easpring before the leaves force , literally coveringBlossom-s hold on for a long time . Fine as specimenold enough to make a clump , nice mixed in the shr

ina ss p lanting or for hedges . Price , strong wellplants 75c each , per dozen .


Page 30:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


KERRIA— (Kerria Japonica )— Graceful arching brancheswith bright g reen foliage, dark and small pointed leaves .Bright yellow flowers res embling small double yel low roses ,b orne in profusion nearly al l summer . Attaining a height of 6to 8 ft . Price, 1 8 inch plants branched 50c each , per doz .

FLOWERI NG ALMOND—An old favorite , Li teral ly coveredearly in the spr ing w ith small double bloss oms res embling mina

ture roses . Attractive in border and foundation plantings . Wehave it in two colors

,pink and white . Price , nice p lants 3 feet

high , 75c each , p er dozen

BUSH HONEYSUCKLE—This plant i s often used in hedge ,mass or as a sp eci m an plant . Simi lar to the climbing plant bythe same name . Small trumpet shaped blossoms . We have i tin two colors pink and white . Price well branched plants 2 to3 feet high 600 each , per doz en .

FLOWERING WILLOW—Thi s plant makes a smal l treeof the well known willow type , h ardly .as switchy. Blooms prof u sel y during summer . We have two colors p urple and white .

Price,heavy well branched plants 3 feet h i gh 75c each ,

per dozen .

PUSSY WILLOW —Th e earli est spring beauty, ca tkins usedby florist . Popular in group or mass plantings . Price


well branched plants 4 0C each,

per doz en .

YUCCA— (Y . fi lam.entosa ) -Sometimes called Adam ’sneedle

,l ong sword like l eaves of tough leathery texture . Th e

l eaves grow in stools from the center . In spring a l ar gehead of white globe shap ed blossoms i s bor ne on a tal l stem .

Pri ce, 50 0 each , per doz en .

DESMODIUM—( Sweet Pea Shr ub )—We have two color s ,white and var i g at ed . Flowers late in the summer when othersblossoms ar e scarce . Price

,24 i nch plants 50c each , p er

dozen .

BECHTEL’S FLOWERING CRAB—One of the finest of theflowering crab s . Forms a symmetri cal round headed tree virt u a l l y covered in early spring with a p rofus i on of double flowersof a most delicate s oft pink . Price

,tree 3 to 4 feet high well

branched each

EXORCH ORDA—PEARLBUSH—" Common Pearlbush (Exorchorda grandi flora )— A most effect ive large g row ing shrubw ith small , light g reen foliage ; in e arly spr ing completely en

v e l op ed by beautiful pure white , waxy foliage ; ultimate height8 to 1 0 feet . Price 2 to 3 feet p l ants , well branched , 60C each

per dozen .

HARDY EVERBLOOMING SALVIA— ( Salvi a X Greggi )A rugged li ttl e shrub from West Texa s

,with fine dark green

fol iage , bearing bright carmine red f l ow e r s e f r om spring unti l


Page 31:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


rost . Showy and under th e. m ost advers e con

d i t i ons Gr ows 3 to 4 f eet high . Pr ic e, 1 8 to 2-1 inch plant s 75c


per dozen .


— (Cyt i su"s Scoparius )—A yel low flowering shrub bearing in spring a profusion of yellow p ea shapedflowers a long the enti re length of the branches

,which attains a

height of 4 to 5 feet. The flowers are about the shade of Golden Bell and last well when ou t . The growth of

the p lant i ss lender, swi tchy and graceful , the leaves small and i nconsp i c ious . Bran ch es remain green all wi nter . Price 2 year plantswell branched 3 feet high 7 50 . each , per dozen .


Ornamentals of t his class are so hardy and beaut i f ul thatthey des erve greater attention than the y have received in timespast . Nothing lends such pl eas ing effect to wal l or verandaas the judici ous u se of vi nes , and they are i ndesp ensi bl e forcovering unsightly walls or other obj ects .

ENGLISH IVY— (Hedera Helix ) -A very fine variety withlarge , thick , shining, le athery l eaves ; grows rapidly and i s consi der ed one of the best of its class . Price, strong plants 50ceach , p er dozen .


S JAPAN HONEYSUCKLE—A , strong evergreenvine , leaves dark g reen wi th s light fuzz or hairs ; flowers white ,changing yel low ; very fragrant. A long continuous bloomer .

Price,heavy plants well branched 50c each , per dozen .

RED HONEYSUCKLE— flowers larger than most any otherkind

,bright red , blooms early and is one of the best . Price ,

heavy plants well branched 500 each , per dozen .


REEPER—A high climbing vine for walls ,chimneys

,tree trunks

, e tc. Well known and p opular . Leavestake on a striking

,Autumn h u e. Price , heavy p la nts , wel l

branched 50C each , per dozen .


DBINE—A native vine g rowi ngthroughout the South . A strong grower , and early bloomer ,continuous . Flowers red . Price , strong p lants 500 each,per dozen .

WISTERIA—CHINESE—A strong growing vine ; of good f oli age

,and with a profusion of bunches , twelve inches long , of

purp le, p ea - shaped flowers in spring.

WHITE—Very simi lar to above,differing in that the flow

ers are always white . We have Wi st eria seedlings als o gr aftedplants . Th e seedl ings often fai l to bloom for s everal years .

The g rafted plants a r e propagated from flowering sci onsand are sure to bloom . Prices

,Heavy well branched seed

ling plants 50c each , p er doz en . Heavy wel l b ranch ed

g rafted plants each


Page 32:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


WINTER CREEPER— (Euonymus radicans )—A beautifulevergr een vine small bright green leaves , compact growth, perfect l y hardy, moderately rapid growing . Fine for coveringstumps and rocky places as well as for planting against bui ldings .Pri ce , strong well branched p lants 1 5 to 1 8 inches long 6 0c


u er dozen .


WINTER CREEPER— (Euonymus c ensi s—Simto Winter Creeper or Euonymus Radicans except it is veryl l l eaved , dainty and trai ling . Valuable for a ground cover

and to plant under trees and high shrubs where g rass wi l l notgrow . Price

,strong well branched p lants 1 2 inches l ong 7 5c

ea ch , per dozen .

CAROLINA JEuSSAM I NE—Bright yellow shaped blossoms ,extremely fragrant ; and borne in profusion during spring . Ever

g reen—one of the prettiest of J essam i nes . Price, 2 year plants

7 5 c each , per dozen .

CLEMATIS PAN I CULATA—A rapi d growing climber ,s ometimes growing 20 to 30 feet in a season ; in September th e .

vine is covered with a mass of smal l, star- shaped , white fl owers and continues to blo om almost ti ll frost ; flowers are veryfragrant ; desirable for porches , arches and f ences . Price


strong hardy plants 50c each, per doz en .

ROSA DE MONTANA— (Antigonon Lep t op u s )—Also calledCoral Vine and "ueens Wreath . A vine from Mexico


c limbs vigorously and p roduces immense mass es of pink flowers ,leaves light green, heart shaped . Price , 2 year bulbs 60c each ,

p er dozen .

BIGNONIA— (N eed i ana )— A yellow trumpet vine withmany long slender shoots climbing to any surface

,and making

a dense mat of foli age . Price,2 year p l ants 7 5c each .


These are very essentia l in every p lanting ; they ma y beused effectively in any number of situations . As a screen , back

;ground , in foundati on plantings or as indivi dual specimens .

Enough of thes e should be planted wi th your flowering shrubs toi nsure attractivenes s in winter as wel l as summer .

ABELIA GRANDIFLORA—Aft er a thorough test in diff e r ent parts of the South , we find this p lant one of the mostvaluable shrubs for hedge

,massing or as specimens . It does

remarkably well in sun or in semi - shade . It is evergreen'and the graceful drooping stems are covered w ith dark glo ssyng r een leaves and produce an immense qu antity of tubular shaped

, f l esh- col ored flowers about an inch long . It i s a profusebloomer from the middle of May unti l frost . By pinchingback during growi ng season a compact growth i s produced .


Page 33:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


Price , well branched plants 2 to 3 feet high each,

per do zen Pric e, heavy well branched plants 3‘ to 4 feet high

each , per dozen . Price , 12 i nch,

p l ants for hedgeand border work per hundred . 25 plants at hundredrate .

Abelia may be sh i pped bared-rooted with success . Ball edif requested for 2SC each extra .

CAPE JASMINE— (Gardenia Florida ) —Evergreen shrubof medium g rowt h with large glossy foliage and white wax likefl owers Extrem ely fragrant . This i s the ever-blooming type ,blooms profusely in spr ing and occas ional ly dur i ng the summer .

Large bloss oms . Price , 18 inch plants , wel l rooted , 7 5c each ,

p er doz en . Price , 24 inch plants , well branched , each ,

per dozen . Price specimen clumps 3 feet high and 3feet acr oss each

,bal led and bu r l ap p ed .

DWARF CREEPING CAPE JASMINE— (Gardenia Radicans -A dwarf creeping form of Cape Jasmine

, (Gardenia ) .

Grows about 1 foot tall , small glossy green foliage , l ong pointed . Spreading habit of growth . Flowers simi lar to the l ar geCape Jasmine but small er . Very pretty . Fragrant . Fine aspot plant or out—door specimen . Price

,wel l branched plants

each , per dozen .


JAPONICA—An evergreen similar i n app earance to box ,

but with large more glossy leaves and more rapid growth thanBox . Fine for single specimens . Also makes a beautiful hedgeor border . Fine for foundation plant ing with lower growingp l ants planted in front of it . Reaches height of 5 to 7 feetu n- pruned . Pric e, 1 8 to 24 inch p lants , branched , each ,

per dozen . Priced , 1 2 to 1 5 inch plants , branched , f or

border work , per hundred .


eenBurning Bush )— Thi s Euonymus i s of compact form , the leavessmaller and more densely set than in the plain Jap'onicas . Price ,Nice p lants , branched , 1 5 inches high 7 5c each , per dozen .

EUONYMUS CARRI ERl —(Glos sy Winter - creeper )—" ThisEuonymus i s


l ow growing w ith spreading branches and shinygreen leaves turn ing bronze during w inter . Grow s wel l in sunor shade . Pr ice

,nice p l ants , branched 12 inches high 50c each .

per dozen .


leaves,sl ender shape dark green on upper surface , brownish

mottled beneath . The new growt h i s of a rich fawn color andthis color i s retained for a long tim e m aking a beautiful contrast to the ma ture leaves . Useful in screen planting . speci


Page 35:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



MAGNOLIA— (Magnol i a Grandifl ora )— Large pyrami d tree,

very l arge glossy g reen fol iage ; blossoms , large white.ver y

fragrant. Price, 2 to 4 foot trees, branched, each.

ROSEMARY— (Lavandu ea officina lis )'—A low gray h erb

1 to 2 feet high, with a spread about equal i ts h eight. Veryfragrant .

'Useful for borders . Price,strong wel l branched

plants 1 5 to 18 inches ,$1 .00 each,

per dozen .

NANDINA— (N’and i nia D'omesti ca )—A s lender stemmed

shrub gr owing to a height of about 4 feet and having an abun

dance of fine f oliage on slender but erect stems . This p lant isevergreen or ever—red depending on th e season of the year . It

is grey green in summer changing to bronze in fal l and then to

deep red with t h e fal ling of frost . There i s no plant more valu

able for giving a touch of bri ll iant col or in winter,esp eciall y

when planted so was to show against something green . I‘

h r ow s

panicl es of white fl owers in spring,fo llowed by red berries .

You can’

t afford to be without a few of thes e t o touch up yourplantings in wi nter. Should b e p lanted where it wil l be exposedto co l d and su n or it wil l not color up so well i n winter . Abso

l u t e l y hardy . Price,nice stocky plants 12 inches high

,eash .

Price n i ce stocky plants 1 8 inches high , ea ch .

PHOTEN I A— (Ph ot eni a Serrulata ) —A smal l tree or largeshrub with large shining foliage which frequently col ors crim

son end bron ze in winter . Its flowers are white , si m i l ar . t o

elderb erry trusses and fol lowed by red berries . In spring the

young growths are a delight w,ith their shades of delicate g reen

in contrast to the f oli age of old wood . Does well in sun or s emishade . Attains a height of 5 to 12 feet . Price well branchedp lants , 18 to 24 inches -high each .

TOBIRA—(Pittosp orum Tobira) —A compact shrub ofrounded form with dark green shining leaves c lus tered at endsof branches . Flowers fragrant

,yellowish white , unusually in

Ap ri l or M ay . Prefers partial shade . Needs protecti on northof Tenness ee . Price

,strong plants 1 0 to 1 2 inches ta ll

each , per dozen .

CALIFORNIA PRIVET—Of u p right growth , rapid . Fo

l i ag e .of li ghter green than Amoor River Privet . One of the mostpopular plants for hedging . Usually ho l ds foliage d u ring W i nt er bu t not so well as Amoor River . Price , 4 ft . p lants , wel lbranched per hundred . Pri ce , 3 ft . plants wel lbra nched , doz .

,per hundred . Price , 2 ft . plants ,

wel l branched , doz . , per hundred .


Page 36:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi

Fi eld o f ou r Amoo r River—

Privet—Sead l i ng

Hedge for the South .

L IGUSTRUM LUCIDUM— A beautiful form of privet .Leaves rather pointed , thick and of a very dark , shiny green .

Large heads o f white flower s in May . followed by blackberri es ,which are re tained throughout the w inter . Very desirable forindividual specimens on lawn , or banking or massing with ot hershrubs for landscape effect . Price , 24 to 36 inch pla nts , wellbranched

,each , p er dozen .

EVERGREEN AMOOR RIVER PRIVET— A rapid g rowerand a graceful l ooking vari ety . Used as specimen on lawn , inclumps , as screen planting, foundation planting, or as ,

a trimmed hedge . No plant has more various uses or i s more valuabl e i n our Southern plantings . Drouth resi stent and holdsfol iage wel l during winter . Price , heavy well branched plants5 feet high , 50c each per dozen , pe r hundred .

Price,heavy well branched plants 4 feet high

,4 00 each


p e r dozen , per hundred . Price , heavy wel l brancher p lants3 feet high , 30C each , per dozen , per hundred .

Price,heavy wel l branched plants

,2 feet high 20C each ,

per dozen,

per hundred .

Specimen plants , well branched , even u n i f or m sh ap e .


doz en . These plants are three years old,about 5

feet high a nd suitable for lawn sp ecimen .


Page 37:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



EVERGREEN ENGLISH HAWTHORN—(Pyracantha Cocc i nea Lalanda ) —A tall growing p icturesque shrub or sm all treewith box- li ke foliage ; panicles of white fl owers in spring, follow


e d in summer and fal l by clusters of orange scarlet berries .

Useful as a sp ecimen or for mass planting . Thrives in mostsoi ls and situations . Attains height of 1 0 to 12 feet .

Price 24 inch plants,br



per dozen .

CHINESE FIRETHORN— (Pyracantha Yunnanensis ) -A

vari ety of recent introduction by exp lorers in. China . The planti s of broad spreading habit, attaining a height of about 6 feet .

It bears a p rofusi on of white flowers in spring , followed bybright scarlet berri es in fal l which remains on all winter . Weconsider this the most desirabl e of all the Firethorns . Price ,strong , well branched bl ant s, 1 5 i nches tal l each


per doz en .

NARROW LEAF FIRETHORN— (Pyracantha Augustifolia ) -An upright vari ety simi lar to Lalanda Firethorn , wi thnarrow leave-s ; berries yel low borne in clusters . Price , 1 8 inch

p lants , branched , each , per doze .

NEPAL FIRETHORN—(Pyr acanth u s Crenu late )—Anothergood vari ety of Pyr acanth u s s imi lar to Yunnanensis but s lightlydenser foliage Plant lovers wi ll find group p lantings of severalof thes e Firethorns very interesting for their fo liage and coloreffects . Pri ce

,well br anched plants , 1 8 inches tall , each .

p er dozen .

JESMINE PR I MULI UM—Eve1 g 1 cen in the South, f l ow e1 s

appear in great p 1 of u si on in ea r l v sp 1 i ng , of deep yel low colorin center

,shading to a delicate c1 eam at edge of peta l s . At

t aining height of 3 feet . P1 i cc , st1 ong p lants , 5oc each .

per dozen


Thi s family of evergreens comp rise the plant fami lies gener a l l y known as Cedars , Arborvitaes , Spruces and Pines . Theyare li sted Coni f e1 ou s Ev e1 g 1 eens (meaning cone bea 1 i ng ) todis tinguish them f1 om other eve1 g 1 eens which generally havebroad shini ng leaves Coni f e1 ou s Ever g 1 eens a1 e esent i a l in thet 1 eatm ent of the home and its gr ounds . They may be usedin foundati on plantings

,either alone or with other plants ;

in border,mass or as sp ecimen plants They are very effective

Summer or Winter and add an ar tis tic air which can be obta inedby the planting of any other class of p l ants . Most Conifers tobe transplanted safe ly should be dug wi th a ball of earth onthe roots . A few

,especial ly wh en sma ll transplant well bare

1'ooted when given proper care .


Page 38:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


, Tyler, Texas

Any Coni fer should receive the best of c are when beingtransplanted . As soon as conifers are received , place in a coo llocation p rotected from su n and wind ; uncrate and sprinkle ,taking care not to over do th e task by watering suffici ent tol oose-n the ball of earth on the roots . Wh en place is preparedfor receiving p lant

,lift careful ly by the bal l of earth and not by

the stem of the p lant . Place in positi on , unpin burlap and rol lback

,fi l l hole nearly level with soi l

,water well and fini sh fi ll

ing hole with soi l . Do not put m anure in the hole . Conifersdo better in just good soi l suita ble f or garden or field crops .

Place a stake n ear plant and tie plant to it with a wid e c lothstring (not a wire or cord as thes e wi l l cut the plant ) to keepwind from whipping p l ant l oos e in bal l befor e it i s estab li shed .

If s et during su nsh i ney weather especial ly if there are dr y winds ,t h e plant should be protected by burlap . To do this , s et stakesaround plant to form a pen and stretch burlap over them andaround them . Keep burlap sprinkl ed . After two or threeweeks the stakes and bu rlap may be removed . If not protectedby burlap the plant should a t l east be sprinkled s evera l timesa day to keep the top from drying out before the roots a r e ableto draw wa ter suffici ent to nou rish it . Wh en sprinkling do notkeep your Conifers in a soggy conditi on , thi s repeated sprinkl ing i s just a shower to keep the t op


f r om drying out by evaporation . Conifers need watering dur ing long dry summer s but theynever do well if kept c ontinually soggy .

ARIZONA CYPRESS— (Cu p r -essu s Arizonica ) —Tall co lumnar plants with foliage simila r to Cedar in texture , but with si l

very-blue sheen Rapid grower,makes a large tree . Sp ectacu

Lar as a lawn specimen also may be used in a tall screen .

We have these plants of good color,well shaped from one

foot in height up to 6 feet .

ITALIAN CYPRESS— (Cyp r essu s Sem.p"ervirens ) —Growsstraight up , making a tal l , narrow appearance . Trees 4 feethigh wil l not be over 6 inches i n w i dth al l the way up . Som et i mes reaches a he i ght of 75 feet where especi al ly favored. Wehave these up to 5 feet . Prices same as for Arizona Cypressmentioned above .

HORIZONTAL ITALIAN CYPRESS—Sam e as Ital ian Cypres s except the limbs are in a horizontal position giving the

p lant a very open airy appearanc e . We have these u p to 6 feeti n height . Pr i ces

,same as for Ariz ona Cypre ss .


Page 39:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


LAWSON CYPRESS— (Ch am ae cy-paris Lawsoni a ) —" Foliagea bluish m et a l i c hue , branches c los e and compact . Broad at thebase , tapering to a point at tip , often appears to have a changeable c olor of si lver and grey—green . Attains height of 8 to 1 0feet . We have these plants in si z es up to 5 feet . Prices samea s for Arizona Cypre s s .



A PYRAMIDAL Orientali s Bak er i i )— Dark green , very comp act foliage , rather columnar than Pyrami dal . Fine for column effect .

feet high

feet high

Price 4 feet high

feet high

ARBORVITAE ROSEDALE— (B . Orientalis var . Rosedal e )- Foliage a plea sing p ale g reen, feathery i n texture . . Verypleasing when combi ned wi th other shades of green . Attainsa h eight of 6 feet . Useful in foundation , or as specimen plant .A l so u se in u rns when small and t r ansp l at ed to the yard whenthey have out—g rown t h e urn .

Price 1 2 each _ per doz . B+B

Price 2 feet " per doz . B+B

Price 3 feet _ _ per doz . B+B

JAPANESE CEDAR— (Cryptomeria Japonica)—A handsome rapid gr owing tree with a pyramidal outline and plumelike foliage ; spreading and open . Attains a height of 1 00 feetin favored locations . Prefers deep well drained soi l .

Price _ _ foot each B+B

Price feet each B+B

Pri-c-e - 3 feet each B+B

RED CEDAR— (Juni perus Virginiana ) —The well knownCedar . Foliage dark green ; has a brown cast i n wi nter whichmakes a beautiful contrast . Attains height of 25 feet .

Pr i cefl u l foot each B+B

feet each B+B

feet each B+B

Pri ce 4 feet each B+B

TOM THUMB ARBORVITAE— (Th u g a e l w ang er i ana )—A


,symmetrical confiner

,globular in form as a young

p lant,gra dually b ec oming broadly pyrami dal as it attains ma

turiy . The s lender branches and fine cut Jun i per- like foliagegive it the softest

,most pleasing texture . Light g reen in color

and semi—formal in appearance . Valuable for u rns and genera lplanting. Attains height of 3 to 4 feet .

Pric e 6 inch es each B+Binches , " each B+B


Page 40:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



Ty ler, Texas

BERKMAN GOLDEN ARBORVITAE— (Thuja Orienta lisAurea Nana )—Thi s i s one of the p retti est of the dwarf growi ngA1 rborvitaes . Compact

,rich golden green color , pyramida l

shape,tapering to a blunt point . Attains height of 4 feet .

Price inches each B+B

Pric e - 24 inches each B+B

EXCELSA ARBORVITAE— An excel lent new vari ety be

l onging to the Chinese family. In form midway between theglobe- shaped and the p yramidal type . Dark green lacy foliage ,dense

,compact . Perfect shape .

Price foot size each B+B

TEXANA GLAUCA—An Arborvitae of the Rosedale typewith fin e feathery glaucus f o li age , but a tall rapid g rower . A t

t ain s a height of 4 0 feet . Easy to transplant .

Price—1 8 inches tall , each , per dozen B+I

B .

RETINOSPORAS O BTUSA— This i s a Japanese Cypres swith p lume like foliage of Arborvita e shape . Fine in f ou ndati on plantings or for lawn specimen. Very pretty .

Price— 18 inch plants each B+B

JACK PINE or YELLOW PINE—This p i ne has mediumlength needles

,easy to transplant

,fast g rower . Thrives on

most soi ls . We have nice stocky 1 8 inches p l ants at each ,

per dozen B -l—B .

DEODARA—(Cedrus Deodara )—Himalayan Cedar . Beauti

ful p yramidal , large evergreen from broad base to point at tip .

Br anches horizontally,foliage of short needles in si lver blue in

color . A striking beauty on the lawn as a specimen or ingroups . Attains height of 50 to 7 5 feet with age .

Pr i eF 24 inch p lants each B - l- B


GLADIOLI—We do not attempt to carry all the Gladfamily, beautiful as it i s . Our list c om es from the pick of thefamily, however and if you are l ooking for the best , we have it .

The Glad i olus i s easy to grow 3th r i ves best if trea ted similarto t he

i r i sh potato . A good plan i s to spade out th e bed , put inwe l l -rotted manure , mixing with the soi l , cover wi th an inch -o f

soi l , place the bulbs and cover wi th or thre e inches of s o i l .

No plant g ive s better satisfaction as a cut fl ower . I f cutwhen the fir st bloom beg ins to open and -placed in fresh waterevery day every bud wil l develop into a perfect bloom .

Pr ic e , except where noted , first si z e bulbs 10c eat -h,

per dozen , per hundred .


Page 41:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



RS. FRANK PENDLETON—Salmon-pink,with r ich

wine-c olored maroon blotches on low er petals ; a large blossom ,

many blooms open at once , making a grand show .

SCH WABEN— Deli cate shade of clear canary-yel low ; shadi ng to softest sulphur . This is a giant of a Gladi olus , largel eaves , strong stalk , l arge spik e of blooms . One of the pretti est .

AMERICA—A good clear shade of pink,ver y pretty.

CHICAGO -WHITE—A leading white , fine for cutting .

WAR—A deep blood red, shades crimson black . Pretti est

PRINCE or WALES— Delicate salmon - pink,very large

flowers . The prettiest of t h e salmon -pinks .

Price, first s i ze bulbs , 150 each , p er dozen , perhundred .


Nothing so sweet as a Tuberose ; very pretty , bloom cont i nu ous l y from about June 1 5t h unti l frost .

M EXICAN TUBEROSE —White ; l ong spike of bloom .

Pr i ce . 1 0c each , per dozen , p er hundred .


Nothing so s howy as a bed of Canna s and so easy to carefor . For effecti ve display p lant Car ma beds a l l one c olor .

YELLOW KING HUMBERT— Atta ins height of 4 feet . Anorchi d- flowering sport of the well known variety King Humbert .

Foliage a ver y dark green , with -flowers measuring 5 to 7 inchescro ss ; co lor of flower a deep ri ch yel low, softly spotted andblotched with bright r ed .

Price 250 each , per dozen , per hundred .

KING HUMBERT—Large Scarlet flowers , bronz e leaves ;great est favorite today .

Pri ce 250 each , p er dozen , p er hundred .

THE PRESIDENT—By a sweeping majority thi s Carinawon the honor of being named "The President ,

" for it is s o su r

puassi ng l y f ine that no other red Canna could be a comp eThe color is a rich glowing scarlet, flowers often 7 inches aon strong erect stems , wel l above the foli age. Foliage r i

gre en .

Price 30C each , per dozen , per hu ndred .


Page 43:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


SHADE TREES FOR THE SOUTHIt only takes a few m i nutes to set a sha de tree, th e cost i s

sma ll and compared with the benefi t to b e obtained, the comp lete

out—lay of obtaining shade i s insignifi cant . Shade adds comfort,protecti on and beauty. In Summer when o ld " Sol" i s beaminghis hardest

,your shade trees are cooling the atmosphere about

your home after the styl e of a l awn sp rinkler thr owi ng wat er

into t h e air . An'

aver ag e si z e shade throws ga l lons of water into

the air every hour through i t s leaves . Plant shades for thebabies if for no other reason . Be humane—i t i s s o cr uel toforce the l ittle ones to play in the sun during the hot summer .

A Tree

J oyce'

Kilmer, the patriotic p oet gave free expres sion to

the nobi lity of a tree when he wrote :

I think that I shal l never seeA poem lovely as a tree

A tree whos e hung r y mouth i s"

p r est

Against the earth ’s sweet f l owi ng breast "

A tre e that looks at -God all day,And lifts her leafy (ar ms to pray ;

A tree that may i n Summer wear

A nest of r obl i s in her hair ;

Upon whos e bo som snow has lai n ;Who intimately l ives with rain .

Poems are made by fools lik e me

But o nl y God can make a tree .


lSPECI OSA—Broad, deep green foli age , and large fragrantt um p et flowers in immens e clusters i n the Spring. The Catal

pa i s native in most parts of the South . Valu able for its dur ablet


mber and for or nam ent a l purposes . Catalpa Speciosa i s thebest of th e many varieties.

Pric e 4 to 6 feet , 500 each , per dozen .


Page 44:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



CAROLINA— Distinct i ve from Cottonwood . I t_

differs in

it s strict straight appearance, making a more uniform head .

A very rapid gr owi ng effective tre e . widely p lanted . Free from

cottony bloom .

Price 4 to 6 feet, 50C each, per dozen .

Price 6 to 8 feet, 7 5c each , p er , dozen .

LOMBARDY— Named from Lombardy, an Itali an province .

Makes a very striking tal l growi ng tree . Limbs grow p er pen

di cu l a r almost, m aking a columnar shaped tree . With age i tbecomes one of the most picturesque of tre es . For a long timeplanted i l l America .

Price 4 to 6 fe et, 50c each , per dozen .

Price 6 to 8 feet, 75c each , per dozen .

CHINESE—Like Lombardy in having a pyramidal or columnar head . The leaf i s medium green , r ed veined, and smallerthan Lombardy. This i s a good tree for narrow streets . It i suseful too

,where a naturali stic effect i s wanted .

Price 4 to 6 feet , 50-c each , per dozen .


BABYLONIAN WEEPING—Weeping Willows have f or

centuries been planted and are the symbol of romance . Theygrow fast , and lend themselves nicely to g roupings for backgrounds for flower garden or lawn . Near p ools or over -hangingstreams , they are at their best from an artistic v i ewp oint , butthey thrive well i n a wide range of conditi ons .

Price 4 to 6 feet , 75c each , per dozen .


ORIENTAL—The Orienta l Plant or Sycamore has beenfamous for centuries in European countri es . It succeeds wellin


the Southern United States . Is sai d to hold its foliage betterthan our native Sycamore .

Price 4 to 6 feet, 50c each , per dozen .

Pri ce 6 to 8 feet , 75c each , p er dozen .

Price 8 to 1 0 feet , each .

TEXAS UMBRELLA—This fine Southern tree was firstnoticed near the battl e g round of San Jaci nto . It i s thought to


Page 45:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


be a distinct sp ecies from the common Ch i na tre e, which org lnat ed in Persia and Ind i a , and was introduced into the Uni tedStates during the la st century.

Price. 3 to 4 feet , 30c each , per dozen .

Price 4 to 5 feet , 750 each , per doz en .

Price 5 to 6 feet,

each .

BOX ELDER—A large, rapid growing native tree of spreading habit of gr owth ; belongs to the Ma ple fam i ly .

Price 4 to 6 feet , 50c each, per dozen.

Price 6 to 8 feet , 75c each , per dozen .


OOD— One of the best of the Poplars . Large,

spreading, luxuriant ; to be used in background effects . Partia lto low lands but succeeding on uplands .

Price 4 to 6'feet, 50c each, per dozen.

Pri ce 6 to 8 feet, 75c each, p er do zen .

SILVER MAPLE— Th i s i s one of the pretti est of theMaples , makes a large shade , leaves si lvery- green on top , whiteunderneath , makes s

'pretty show when blown by breezes . Growsbest in moi st s oi l but succeeds a lmost anywhere . Rapid g rower .

Pric e 4 to 6 feet , 50C each , per dozen.

Pri ce 6 to 8 f eet, 75c each , p er dozen .


Plant Pecans for Profit and Sh ade

The grow ing of t h e large thin- shelled varie t i es has longpassed the experimental stage , and now a pecan orchard i s r e

garded,next to government bonds , as being absolutely the

safest investment p os s ibl e . If a good si ze tree i s set and caredfor it wi l l usual ly bear 'a f ew nuts the th i rd year and graduallyincrease


in yi eld each season . By the tenth year you may exp ect a profitable crop and after this time the increas e in yieldi s rapid . If you do no-t have space for a Pecan orchard it wil lpay you handsomely to put out Pecans for sh ade . They makebeautiful shade at the same time produce a ver y profitable crop .

How to plant—Pr oper di stance is 4 0 to 60 feet apart eachway . A very good plan i s to set Pecans in every other row ofthe peach orchard . The peach trees wil l have done their dutyby the time the pecans get large enough to crowd very muchand you can then cut out the p each orchard and have a pecanorchard in its place for generati ons to come . Dig a hole largerthan just su fficient to receive the roots , usu al ly 24 to 36 inchessquare and three feet deep or more . After careful ly s ettingtre e in pos iti on fil l in w ith t 0 p soil and water wel l . Let water .

settl e and fini sh fi lling hol e with dry soil .

4 0

Page 46:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


Pruni ng—The t op should be severely cut back , esp eciallyif t h e trees are planted where they can not be watered duringthe droughts of t h e first . Summer . We li st the three best varieti es for sections reached by u s.

SCHLEY—One of th e best nuts grown , on the coast andvery succe s sful in l and . Nut very large , shel l thin . Th e mea treadi ly cracks out whole .

SUCCESS—Large moderately thin shell . Kernel p lump ,qua li ty rich ; good flavor .

STUART—Nuts large or very large, to 2 inches long ,

oblong "with brownish shel l , strongly marked with dark color .

Shel l of medium thickness and of very good cracking quality .

Kernel full,plump , bright co lor ed . In quality, one of the best .

A heavy bearer . Tree a strong grower, reaching an i mmenseS l ze .

Prices , select trees , 4 to 5 feet high , each,

perdozen , per hundred .

Prices, s elect trees , wel l branched, 8 t o 1 0 feet high each,

per dozen , per hundred .


Plant an orchard ; the health and happiness of your familydemand it . The old saying that ,

"An a p ple a day drives thedoctor away , i s very well g rounded on fact, as fresh fruit i s oneof the best forms of health insurance . In additi on , the homeorchard adds immeasurably to the va lue of the farm , and a fewtrees planted on the city lot are a source of great sati sfact i onto the owner .

ROSEMONT SURE -CROP PEACHESPeach trees should be planted 1 6 to 1 8 feet apart . To

secure healthy, vigorous and fruitful trees and fine fruit, thefol lowing points should be well attended to : ( 1 ) Keep the groundclean and mel low ; (2 ) Keep the heads low—the trunk of the treeshould not exceed 3 feet i n h e i g h t ; Prune every Spring,shortening the shoots of the previous year ’s growth . Thi s keepsthe head round , ful l and well furnishe d w ith bearing wood . Cutstrong shoots back about one-third , r emove weak ones entirely .

Do not cut back too much as you wi ll cut off'

your cr op of fr u i t .

Fruit i s borne on wood of prev ious seasons growth , hence thenecessity of keeping up plenty of vigorous annual shoots al lover the tree . Mos t important of all spnay your frui t trees twoor three times during the dormant season wi th LIME SULPHURto prevent di seases . Lime Su l phur may be bought at drug St oresand directions for dormant spray accompany the package .

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Our peaches are propagated from bearing orch ards , anassurance of bearing trees . The t ime of rip ening wi l l vary withl ocal climati c condi ti ons.

We li st only two s i zes of f r u l t t rees—a cho i ce l a rge grad efor home orchards and a small er tree for commercia l orch ardplanting. We have cul led our list of vari eties down to includeonly the best. "

We find thi s e l i m i nat es a great deal of conf u

s ion and i s a rea l ai d to our customers in making a prope rsel ecti on.

Pr i ce,heavy s el ect trees , 5 to 6 feet, we l l br anched $1 .00

each, $1 0 .00 p er doz en , $75 .00 per hundred .

Price, choic e trees, 2 to" 3 feet, branched, commercial p lant

ing p er hundred .


25 t rees at hundred rate .

J . H . HALE—Probably no new peach has ever been introdu ced claiming to be so much sup erior in all ways . It averagesone- third to one-half larger than Elberta

,ripens a bout five days

earli er and i s much su p erior in flavor . Color a beautiful goldenyel low , with deep carmine blush . Rip ens about July l st .


rge , dark claret, with deep,

red veins ;downy ; flesh deep red, very jui cy. Middle of August.

BELLE—(Belle of Georgi a )—Very large ; skin Wni t e , W l t n

red cheek, fle sh white, firm and of excel lent flavor ; very prol i f i c ; excellent shipper. Tree of rapid growth . July 5 to 20th .

ELBERT-A— Too well known to need description . Sure andpr olific . Very large . Oronge—ye l l ow, more or l ess covered withcrimson . Flesh firm

,good qual i ty. F-reeston . Seed large . This

i s_

the l eading commercial va ri ety g rown in the South . AboutJuly 1 0 to i 5th .

CARMAN—Large ; resemb l es Elberta in shape ; colorcreamy white or pale yel low w ith deep blush ; skin very tough ;flesh tender

,fine flavor and quite juicy ; one of the hard i est .

June 1 5th .

OLD MIXON FREE— Large, pale yellow, with red cheek ;rich go od ; one of the best . August.

M AMI E ROSS—A Chinese type ; white , wi th a beautif ulblush next to the sun ; s emi- cli ng ; one of the b est in quality ;h ardy ; an immense bearer . May 2oth .

HEATH CLING—An old favorite , large creamy white , thinskin

,white flesh

,very firm , fine pickling. Aug ust.

APRICOTSApricots are among the most del icious of fruits and wil l

succeed where p roper care i s g iven to prote ct them from late


Page 48:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


freezes . A sheltered locati on is best . They succeed i n townsand cities when p lanted in t h e yard or near t h e . house.

Pri ce , heavy select trees 4 to 5 feet each , per


per hundred .

MOORPARK—" One of the largest ; orange, with red cheek ;firm , juicy with a rich flavor ; ve ry productive . July.

EARLY GOLDEN—Small,pale or ange ; juicy and sweet ;

hardy as the Russian Apricot,and productive . July 1 st .

ROYAL— Large,dull yel low wi th red cheek ; flesh pa le

orange ; firm juicy and sweet . Fine .


The p lum succeeds best i n heavy s oi l with some clay, fair lyfree from the attack of diseas e, easy to g row and very desirablefor home us e as well as m arket .

Price , heavy select trees 4 to 5 feet, each, per

dozen, per hundred.

Price, choice trees 2 to 3 feet for commerci al p lantingp er hundred , 25 trees at hundred rate .

ABUNDANCE—One of the oldest and best known plums .

A Japanese vari ety, hardy , productive ; large fruit , l emon—yellow ,

with blush . Aug ust .

COM PASS CHERRY PLUM—Cherries do not thrive insections reached by our catalog as a ru le . This hybrid CherryPlum is the nearest to cherri es we can produce . It resembles abig red cherry considerably but i s borne on short stems li keplums , also the shape i s s lightly like a small plum . Flavor i sdivi ded between cherry and plum but slightly in favor of thecherry . Trees bear when quite young, even in the nursery row .

You wil l not reg ret trying a few of this valuable fruit .

P ri c e , larg e sel ect trees 4 to 5 feet high , each ,per dozen .


An apple a day drives the doctor away . While the sectionprincip al ly reached by ou r cata l o g do not se em. esp ecially adap ted to the Apple , they Succeed well enough to warrant t h e planting of a few trees for home use . They produce best if plantedin a wel l drained place and should be planted 25 feet apar t.

Price , heavy sel ect trees 4 to 5 feet high each ,

p er dozen .

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ARKA NSAS BLACK —Tree a beautiful upright gr ower ;young wood very dark . There i s scarcely an ap ple that is morebri ll i antly co lored ; round or s li ghtly con i ca l , smooth, glossyyellow where not covered w ith deep crimson , almost black .

Flesh , ye llow, juicy, sub - acid , pleasant, rich .

EARLY MAY— Ripens among the earliest,valuable because

of i t s e arly rip ening habit . May 20th to June l st .

CAROLI NA RED JUNE —Medium to large,oblong ; deep

red,sometime-s with splashes of yel low ; very tender , jui cy and

high flavored . June 1 5 to July .


HORSE APPLE— Large ; yellow, occasi onal blush next thesun ; oblate conical ; sub- acid and good . August .

JONATH AN—Fruit medium ,roundi sh ; skin yellow, nearly

c overed red . Fine flavor . October .


Cra b apples are unexcelled for jelli es , pres erving, p i es alsomakes a pr etty ornamental tree .

HYSLOP—Almost as"

large as hen ’s egg, deep crimson ;very popular on accou nt of i t s si z e and beauty .

TRAN.SCENDENT —Fr u 1t i s large for its clas s ; goldenyel low

,red cheek . Ripens in September .


Thi s i s an a l r ou nd good frui t . Excellent for preserves ors erved fresh .


We list only leading varieti es which have provento be of first quality .

EARLY HARVEST— Tree a strong g rower , hardy andnearly free from blight . Fruit large ; yellow ,

with a showy blush ,

making it one of the most beautiful pears . Last half of June .

GARBER— Large,slight red blush . H ardy and bears

young . One of the best .

KIEFFER’S HYBRID—Very la rge , skin yel low with abright vermil li on cheek ; flesh brittle , very juicy , with a markedmusky aromatic flavor ; quality g ood . Matures in Sep tember .


ONTE—Large,bell shaped

,smooth , rich , creamy yel

low ; quality better than Kieffer , a good storage and shippingpear . Fine for cooking ,

canning and marketing . Tree a rapidgrower . bears young but bli ghts easi er than Keiffer .


Page 51:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi



The grap e i s eas i ly grown , they may be enjoyed by any onewho ha s a garden , yard or a wall . It can be confined to a stake ,trel li s , or trained over an arbor . They thrive in vari ous soi ls


require good drainage, and exposure to sun and air .

PRUNING—Dep ends on th e m anner of training desiredbut remember that grapes are borne on the new growth andnot on the old .

Price , 2 year heavy plants 350 each, per dozen .

Pri ce, 2 ye ar plants , average grade for l ar g e p l ant i ng s

per hundred ; fifty plants at hundr ed rate .

CONCORD—Bunches large , berries l arge , round ; ski n thickand covered with bloom ; flesh juicy, sweet . Vine very hardy ,vigorou s and productive.

WORDEN— Res embles Concord but is earli er .

M OORE’IS EARLY— A seedling of the Concord , combini ng

the vigor , health and productiveness of its parent, and rip eni nga few days earli er . Bunch medium ; berry quite large ; colorb lack , with heavy blue bloom .

CARMEN— Medium,round

,black , fine quality, vigorous

and p roductive . August .

MOORE ’S DIAMOND—Origin , New York . Said to be a

cro ss betweenConcord and Iona . Thi s handsome new grape hasmet with favor where ever known . Ri pens two or three weeksahead of Concord ; the hu nch i s medium si ze , s lightly shouldered ;color green i sh -white ; has a yell ow tinge when fully ripe . Fleshjuicy and a lmost without s eeds .

NIAGARA— A magnificent white grape , valuable for homeuse also shipp ing . The vi ne i s strong grow i ng, healthy and

prol ific ; bunches large, uniform and compact ; berry large , skingr e enish white , s lightly ambered in the sun . Ripens wi th Concord .


No other fruit is as sur e to b ear every year a s Blackberries .

Comes into bearing the second year , thrives in most any $ 0 11.

M cD ONALD'- The earli est blackberry in cultivation ; size

medium to large,exceedingly good qu ali ty , few seeds ; a good

sh i pper . The most prolific bearer we have seen , ripens two orthree weeks ahead of Lawton .

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LAWTON—We consider t he Lawt on the best berry for comm er c i a l purposes and also to prolong the berr y season afterMcD ona l d i s gone . Strong upright grower , large , fir m berri es ,juicy

,sweet and small seed . R i pens in June

Price,strong plants per doz en , per hundr ed ,

pe r thousand .


Plant dewberrie s in rows five feet ap art and three fe etapart in the r ow . Do not need any pruning ordinari ly .

AUSTIN -MAYES—This i s an extraordinary Dewberr yfound in Denton County several yea rs ag o . Bears mammothberries of fine quality.


per dozen,

per hundr ed , p er thousand .

THORNLESS DEWBERRY—We especially recomm end"

this new vari ety . It was introduced a few years ago by J i mParker of Tecumseh

,Okla . It i s of exc eedingly fine quality in

every way, prol ific bearer , and without thorns . You will enjoypicking as fi ne dewberries as ever grew and from thornl es svm es .


per dozen,

per hundred .


Everyone with space for a back yard may enjoy str awberri es . They come early in the Spring when we a r e all star ving for fresh f r r i t . We know of no fruit producing greater r eturns for the cost of production and sp ace required . May begrown in beds where space is l imi ted . When planted in thefield where they can not be watered dur ing summer drought ,they should be set 24 inches ap art in the r ow and the rows

should be three to four feet apart .

Pr ice 75c per dozen , per hundred , p er thousand .


We consider Klondike the beststrawberry for general pur pose s . Noted for its large yi eld ofbeautiful berries , uniform in sh ape , r i ch bl ood-red in color and

having a flavor that i s neither sweet nor sour, but mi ldlydelici ous .

Page 53:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi

ROSEMONT NURSERY CC ., Ty ler, Texas .


Business Terms and Suggestions

Roses—PinkRosesw -Yel low

Roses—WhiteRoses—RedRoses— Dwarf

Roses—Climbing P l nkRoses— Cl imbing RedRoses—Climbing White

Roses - Climbing Yel lowRoses— Ramblers As sor tedShrubs That B loom

Climbing Vines

Broad Leaved Eve rgreens

Coniferous Evergreens

Bulbs,Gladi oli

,Tube Rose , Car ma , Peonie s

Daisy Shasta


Catalpa—Poplar , Will ow , Sycamore , China ,Elder, Cottonwood , Mapl e




PlumsApp les

Apples—" Crab


Figs— Magnolia,Brown Turkey

P-er si m m onsfiJ ap anes e


Berries—Blackberry,Dewberry, Strawberry



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Page 54:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi
Page 55:  · TYLER CH AMBER OF COMM ERCE Tyler. Texas. June 4 7t h, 1927. M r . A. L. Thompson, Nurse ry Cw, Tyler, Texa s. We ar e pleased to expr ess o u r apprecia tion for the very fi


Induce Your Neighbors t o Bu y Rosemont

S pec i men Si ze Roses

Our Specimen size Fi eld Grown Budded Roses are

superior and your neighbors wi ll be grateful to youfor p ersuading them to plant our wonderful plants ; and

we will show our appreciation of your kindness by r e

warding you for your trouble .

Send you-r neighbor’s order for 6 rose p lants , any variety

except those marked " special " and you may select 1 rose

p l ant , any variety except those marked" special" , as

your rewar d .

Send your neighbor ’s order for 1 2 rose plants , any va

r i ety except those marked" special and you may sel ect

3 rose plants , any variety exc ep t thos e marked" special "

as your reward .

Those wishing to avail themselves of the above op p o r

tu ni ty must write for extra order sheets , write each custo

mer ’s order on a separate sheet . Write your selecti ons as

your premium on an order sheet fi lled out for yourself. Be

sure to have each customer make an al lowance for postage

if they want their plants sent by parcel post . Send o r

ders and money to cover same together with your select

i ons as premium and we wil l send each customer his orher plants direct to their addres s and your premium to

you .

Roses m arked special not included in above offer .