Two new species of Ranatra FABRICIUS from …

Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B 347-351 Wien, Dezember 1996 Two new species of Ranatra FABRICIUS from Southeast Asia (Insecta: Heteroptera: Nepidae) N. Nieser* Abstract Two species of Ranatra, R. akoitachta sp.n. from Ambon (Moluccas, Indonesia) and R. odontomeros sp.n. from Northeast Thailand, are described as new and compared with related species. Key words: Nepidae, Ranatra, new species, Indonesia, Thailand. Zusammenfassung Zwei Arten der Gattung Ranatra, R. akoitachta sp.n. aus Ambon (Molukken, Indonesien) und R. odonto- meros sp.n. aus Nordost-Thailand, werden neu beschrieben und mit verwandten Arten verglichen. Going through the Ranatrinae in the collections of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW), partly within the framework of preparing keys to the water bugs of Thailand (which will be edited in the newsletter "Amemboa" by the NHMW), the following two undescribed species of the genus Ranatra FABRICIUS, 1790, were encountered. As the keys to Thai water bugs are not supposed to contain descriptions of new species and the Ambon species does not fit in a current project it was decided to describe them separately. Thanks are due to Dr. H. Zettel for permission to study the Asian Ranatrinae in the collections of the NHMW. Measurements are in mm, the anterior and posterior lobes of the pronotum are measu- red along median longitudinal line and separated by the transverse groove which is interrupted medially. The distal and proximal parts of the fore femur are separated by a line through the apex of the larger central tooth perpendicular on the longitudinal axis of the femur. The prothoracic pit is located ventrally near posterior margin. Depositories: NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria; NCTN Nieser collections, Tiel, The Netherlands. Ranatra akoitachta sp.n. (Figs. 1 - 8) Type material. Holotype (d): INDONESIA: Maluku, Amboina, 1859, leg. Dr. Doleschal (NHMW). Paratype: 1 6 (siphon lacking), same data as holotype (NCTN). Description: Dimensions (the holotype is the smaller specimen). Length 22.8 - 24.6, respiratory siphon 17.1, width of head 2.3 - 2.4, width of an eye 0.70 - 0.75, interocular Dr. Nico Nieser, Htg. Eduardstr. 16, 4001 RG Tiel, The Netherlands.

Transcript of Two new species of Ranatra FABRICIUS from …

Page 1: Two new species of Ranatra FABRICIUS from … new species of Ranatra FABRICIUS from Southeast Asia (Insecta: Heteroptera: Nepidae)

Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B 347-351 Wien, Dezember 1996

Two new species of Ranatra FABRICIUS from Southeast Asia

(Insecta: Heteroptera: Nepidae)

N. Nieser*


Two species of Ranatra, R. akoitachta sp.n. from Ambon (Moluccas, Indonesia) and R. odontomeros sp.n.from Northeast Thailand, are described as new and compared with related species.

Key words: Nepidae, Ranatra, new species, Indonesia, Thailand.


Zwei Arten der Gattung Ranatra, R. akoitachta sp.n. aus Ambon (Molukken, Indonesien) und R. odonto-meros sp.n. aus Nordost-Thailand, werden neu beschrieben und mit verwandten Arten verglichen.

Going through the Ranatrinae in the collections of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien(NHMW), partly within the framework of preparing keys to the water bugs of Thailand(which will be edited in the newsletter "Amemboa" by the NHMW), the following twoundescribed species of the genus Ranatra FABRICIUS, 1790, were encountered. As the keysto Thai water bugs are not supposed to contain descriptions of new species and the Ambonspecies does not fit in a current project it was decided to describe them separately.

Thanks are due to Dr. H. Zettel for permission to study the Asian Ranatrinae in thecollections of the NHMW.

Measurements are in mm, the anterior and posterior lobes of the pronotum are measu-red along median longitudinal line and separated by the transverse groove which isinterrupted medially. The distal and proximal parts of the fore femur are separated by aline through the apex of the larger central tooth perpendicular on the longitudinal axisof the femur. The prothoracic pit is located ventrally near posterior margin.

Depositories: NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria; NCTN Nieser collections, Tiel, TheNetherlands.

Ranatra akoitachta sp.n.

(Figs. 1 - 8)

Type material. Holotype (d): INDONESIA: Maluku, Amboina, 1859, leg. Dr. Doleschal (NHMW).Paratype: 1 6 (siphon lacking), same data as holotype (NCTN).

Description: Dimensions (the holotype is the smaller specimen). Length 22.8 - 24.6,respiratory siphon 17.1, width of head 2.3 - 2.4, width of an eye 0.70 - 0.75, interocular

Dr. Nico Nieser, Htg. Eduardstr. 16, 4001 RG Tiel, The Netherlands.

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Figs. 1 - 6: Remettra akoitachta sp.n., dd ( 1 - 3 : holotype, 4 - 6 : paratype): ( 1 ) head in lateral view,(2) detail of fore femur, (3) fore femur and tibia, (4) metasternum and metacoxae, (5) antenna,(6) head and pronotum in lateral view.

space 0.90: pronotum anterior width 1.78 - 1.80, humeral width 2.4 - 2.9, along medianline length of anterior lobe 3.3 - 3.5, length of posterior lobe 2.1 - 2.5, total length 5.4 -6.0; fore leg, length of coxa 4.9 - 5.1, femur length of distal part 3.2 - 3.4, length of pro-ximal part 4.3 - 4.9; middle leg, length of femur 9.0, length of tibia 10.3 - 10.4; hind leg,length of femur 9.3, length of tibia 10.4 - 10.5.

Clypeus higher than lorum, clypeoloral sulcus broad and shallow, lorum not clearlyseparated from inner margin of eyes. Vertex slightly raised between eyes (Fig. 1), withan incipient tubercle in the paratype. Antenna as in Fig. 5. Pronotum unicolorous orposterior lobe slightly lighter, finely punctuate, more densely so on posterior lobe, ante-rior lobe about 1.5 times as long as posterior lobe, transverse groove strongly develo-ped, posterior lobe inflated (Fig. 6). Prosternum with a pair of sublateral longitudinalgrooves; anteriorly an indistinct median carina not reaching the transverse groove; late-rally with a pair of low rounded ridges converging posteriorly toward the prothoracicpit. Mesosternum rounded and shining. Metasternum (Fig. 4) anteriorly depressed,posteriorly with a short median carina or elongate tubercle. Distance between posteriorcoxae slightly less than between intermediate coxae (0.5/0.65). Hemielytra just reachingbeyond tergite six. Fore femur (Figs. 2, 3) yellowish to light brown with irregular

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1 mm


Figs. 7 - 10: Ranatra akoitachta sp.n., paratype, 6: (7) genital capsule, (8) apex of paramere.Ranatra odontomeros sp.n., holotype, d: (9) apical part of genital capsule, (10) apex of paramere.

darker spots, bidentate, proximal part 1.3 - 1.4 times as long asdistal part. Middle andhind legs unicolorous, middle and hind tibiae about equally long, slightly longer thanfemora. Hind femur reaching halfway sixth abdominal segment. Genital capsule Fig. 7,paramere Fig. 8.

Etymology. Akoitachtos, Greek adjective meaning unnoticed, referring to the fact thatis was over a century in the collection before recognized.

Comparative notes. The position of the teeth on the fore femur, distally of the middle andthe middle and hind tibia of subequal length place this species in the the R. filiformis-groupof LANSBURY (1972). Other characteristics such as the siphon shorter than body, fore femurwith two teeth centrally and eye width less than interocular space are shared with the R. vari-pes-gmup (LANSBURY 1972) which is not very distinctly separated from the R. filiformis-group. The main distinguishing characteristic is the apex of the paramere which in other spe-cies of both these groups (with the exception of R. varipes STÂL, 1861, see below), has theopening between main body of paramere and the, relatively narrower, curved apical partwider (figs. 7, 8). In addition the anterior lobe of pronotum is about 1 lli times as long as theposterior lobe whereas in other species of the R.-filiformis-group the anterior lobe is twice ormore the posterior lobe. In the R. varipes-gmup this ratio is variable. In R. varipes the apexof the paramere has, at least in drawings (LANSBURY 1972), a somewhat similar form but itis twisted sideways whereas in R. akoitachta sp.n. the apex is curved in the longitudinal axisof the paramere. In addition the fore femur of R. varipes is somewhat more stoutly built, 10times as long as its maximal width, in R. akoitachta sp.n. this ratio is 13.

Ranatra odontomeros sp.n.(Figs. 9 - 1 6 )

Type material. - Holotype (d): THAILAND, Petchabun prov., Nam Nao N. P.. Huei Ya Krua, nr. Head-quarter, 24 Nov. 1995, leg. H. Zettel (23) (NHMW). Paratypes: 2 99, same data as type (allotype NHMW,paratype NCTN); 1 d, NE-Thailand, 17 June [locality in Thai script) (Khon Kaen University, Faculty ofAgriculture, Dept. of Entomology).

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Figs. 1 1 - 1 6 : Rancura odontomeros sp.n., 99 (11 - 13, 15, 16: allotype, 9, 14: paratype, ç): (11)head and pronotum in lateral view, (12) head in lateral view, (13) metasternum and metacoxae,(14) antenna, (15) fore femur and tibia, (16) apex of abdomen in lateral view.

Description: Dimensions. Length d 34.0, 99 37.3 - 38.6, respiratory siphon d 18.3, 9918.9- 19.0, width of head d 3.30, 99 3.62-3.63, width of an eyed 1.00,99 1-10- 1.15,interocular space d 1.30, 99 1.30 - 1.42; pronotum anterior width d 2.60, 99 2.78 - 2.95,humeral width d 3.65, 99 3.97 - 4.25, along median line length of anterior lobe d 6.1,99 6.5 - 6.9, length of posterior lobe d 3.3, 99 3.5 - 3.7, total length d 9.4, 99 10.0 - 10.6;fore leg, length of coxa d 7.0, 99 7.5 - 7.7, femur length of distal part d 4.8, 99 4.9 - 5.0,length of proximal part d 6.6, 99 7.0 - 7.1 ; middle leg, length of femur d 14.7, 99 18.1- 18.5, length of tibia d 17.9, 99 17.7 - 18.6; hind leg, length of femur d 18.3, 99 18.5,length of tibia d 20.1, 99 20.7 - 22.2.

Lorum clearly separated from inner margin of eye and clypeus, clypeus higher thanlorum. Vertex distinctly raised but tubercle incipient (Fig. 12). Eye narrower than intero-

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cular space. Antenna as in Fig. 14. Fore femur about one fifth longer than pronotum.Anterior margin of pronotum ("collar") raised, anterior lobe of pronotum nearly twiceas long as posterior lobe which has a pair of sublateral swellings caudally (Fig. 11).Scutellum 1.5 times or slightly more as long as broad, caudally with a V-shaped depres-sion divided by a shallow median keel. Prosternum flattened, anteriorly with a ratherindistinct median keel, prothoracic pit wide and shallow, anterior nodules on mesoster-num vestigial. Mesosternum depressed, metasternum ventrally dilated, posteriorlyemarginate (Fig. 13). Space between middle coxae distinctly larger than between hindcoxae (1.0/0.8). Membrane reaching just beyond posterior margin of sixth tergite.

Legs annulated light and dark brown. Fore femur (Fig. 15) 1.2 times the median lengthof pronotum, with a large central tooth and a small additional apical tooth. Male opercu-lum in ventral view elongate with a median keel and a rather sharp tip just reaching thebase of respiratory siphon, in lateral view boat-shaped with a blunt tip. Genital capsuleFig. 9, paramere Fig. 10.

Female: sixth sternite distinctly dilate ventrally, operculum long reaching for half itslength beyond apex of abdomen (Fig. 16).

Etymology: odontomeros, Greek composite noun meaning "toothed femur" referring tothe small apical tooth on anterior femur.

Comparative notes. The emarginate posterior margin of metasternum, distance betweenmiddle coxae larger than between hind coxae, sixth sternite in female dilated ventrally andprobably the small additional apical tooth on fore femur associate this species with the R.gracilis-group of LANSBURY (1972). It differs from the species in this group, however, bythe lack of a distinct tubercle on vertex between eyes and the respiratory siphon being rela-tively longer, one third of body length in the other species, about half body length in R.odontomeros sp.n. Its paramere is somewhat similar to that of R. gracilis DALLAS, 1850,and R. parmata MAYR, 1865, both with wide distribution including North Thailand, whichdiffer, apart from the characteristics mentioned above, by lacking a small apical tooth onfore femur. Ranatra sulawesii sulawesii NIESER & CHEN, 1991, and R. s. sebui NIESER &CHEN (in print) which seem to be associated to this group have the respiratory siphonapproximately as long as body and lack the small apical profemoral tooth.


LANSBURY, I. 1972: A review of the Oriental species of Ranatra FABRICIUS (Hemiptera -Heteroptera: Nepidae). - Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London124:287-341.

NIESER, N. & CHEN, P.P. 1991: Naucoridae, Nepidae and Notonectidae, mainly from Sulawesiand Pulau Buton (Indonesia). - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 134: Al-61.

NIESER, N. & CHEN, P.P. (in print): Six new Nepomorpha from Sulawesi and Mindanao. -Tijdschrift voor Entomologie.