Twitter for Teachers

For Teachers Deb Kitchener Twitter: @kitchenerd Skype: deb.kitchener Blog: / Wiki: http://virtuallylearning.wikispaces .com /


An introduction to educators considering using twitter for personal or classroom practice.

Transcript of Twitter for Teachers

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For Teachers

Deb KitchenerTwitter: @kitchenerd

Skype: deb.kitchenerBlog: Flickr:

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• Introductions• Overview of Twitter• Twitter & your professional learning• Twitter in your classroom• Tools, tips, tricks, cautions• Having Fun!

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What is Twitter?

• Microblog• Public Messages• Limited by 140 Characters• Choice of whom to follow

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Why Use Twitter?

• Follow Famous Folk• Find like minded learners• Receive instant feedback• Give back to the community• Spread and share resources with others

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Guy Kawasaki Tweet

If you printed twitter graphic images…..

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Howard Rheingold

“I think successful use of Twitter means knowing how to tune the network of people you follow, and how to feed the network of people who follow you.”

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How does Twitter Work?

• Set up an account at• Use a professional username• Identify people to follow

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Twitter Vocabulary

• Tweet• Direct Message (DM)• Follow• Mention• ReTweet (RT)• Hashtag #• Fail Whale• Tweetup ;)

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Online in

• Image of a mention• Image of a dm• Demo of follow• Hashtag #

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Twitter API’s

• Tweetie• Tweetdeck• Twitteriffic• Ubertwitter• Seesmic• Computer & Mobile

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Finding Others

• Click on friend’s and see who they follow• Search Twitter by keyword• Buttons from blogs• Recommendations from others• Lurk>respond>engage

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Twitter and Professional Learning

• Use the right tool for purpose– Help or advice– Keeping up with what’s new– Offering expertise– Great connections

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Twitter in the Classroom

• Tweet in a foreign language• Tweet in character of someone from history• Back channel discussion for students• Summarize readings• Collaborate through the use of hashtags#

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Tools, tips, tricks, cautions

• Shortening urls• Symbols in tweets• Sharing blogs, images• Certain protocol for participation• Give to get

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Having Fun with Twitter

• Share images - twitpic• Video – twitvid