Twir UT.S DAI]LY TIMES - … ·...

Twir V.OLUMH 8, nm;.\iijicu 1-n. Dead Mine ~3u^d~out JAilKSON, Callt.; Oct, 23-Clio»I« I nt tlio 47 nilntnt wlio lout ilieir IIvcm In the Arnonnut koIiJ mlnu horo «i fi'v r Vi'ftr* jiKo arc wornInK ihelr follow » workers airainiil BDoiher mtajnroi'lii-. f niltiem worklHi; on ilic ■•cnivo yard” I' Bhirt bi-HoTB. Ghiifitly iiioann, anil K>'''-inii. onilii- " onn cn-akliiBH and nilu-r wi!lr«l Hound;i ' rrnd tho iillcncu of (Im nhiift In wlilcli > ' llict- nilncrn IakI ihtilr IIw- m , liciwcun " ] 1 II. m. und 7 B, in. onch nlsht. Onn Mi-Moiiod mln<'r. nnnblP Lii Htnnd w . y '(he lurrlfyUiK noljioii loncer, hnn <tnll H ----- ' hill Joh inlhor Iliwt work unojiK'r nluht n . Mild In (lie mlnu. 'Ottu-m ndniK ni>- n Excrai¥^^ COMMUNISTS . UNDER FIRE! 1 ' • 111 , l'l Peniitylvania Politician Eh- d< lists Aid of Borah to Fight Power of State,. Depart- m ment in Deciding Visas. WAfllHNOTON. Oct, * 2a-flpi:rftary -or Slatu KcIIokK'h f’Xclnidoii nr coin* .■ munlHtii and allcKud rcvolulliHiurlcn L rrnm Uiu Unltod Stnlcn today wnn nn- [ • diT a nmcwfd flio from ropnlillcau ■ nnd Hcnatorlfll clrelon. uronKid by ia» proclpliatlon of'u ni'cnuil "Kiirotyl I caHC." . I ltul|>b Brnvcr S(rannbnri;i'r. InCIn- f rntlfti reidibllcan iiolltlcinn of NorrlK- (own. I’d.. bn8 ohtnlnwl frtSm SniiUor m liorah, chiilrinnn of 'thu iiunato fonilKn L rolatlonit cniiiniKtco. a iiriimlnu' Iiu tvlll | ln(ro<luc(> nnd fiRht for n hill In con- ■ liriMiii tbln wintur (o iihvar tho Hinto dc;- imrtmont 6t 1(h jiowtT to iirovunt Ih- HUnnco of imsmiort vlna» lo vlnltwrH to Q (hlH country. Undor tlio 1321 ImmlKrntlon .Inw. fiocrciary Hutfhcn nnd iator KoIIokr rcfiiaed Counl KarGlyl iiorinlimloii to flpoak wlillo vlalllni:'lior<‘ InHi nprlns: ' a fow weckn &so Kolloec rrfiiHoil . n . paUHport viRji to StinpurpI &iklatvola. comniunlfit mombcr uf ihn Brlilih parllanicni and now Kcllocu rctnncd a Vina to-CodntKsrolyl'a wife. Coiintcnn r| i KaUierlrio Karolyl. who wanU'd «o vln- xi It HtrnHKburiior's family. O StranRburgor cnrH«l, lija protem Ju oKalnm cxclualon of Coiintcim Karolyl. nc who hi not a coinmunlHt. Iu> Haiti, tu nn I’rcKldenl Coollde« nnd KoHojck, aji nl well M Oorah. Mr. CoolldRr in un- deraiood to have paii«wl thu ronpomd- m hlllty to KcIIokk nnd Kc'IIouk rifiincd |(,< (o changv bU dcclnlon. nn aRLN« = FATHERSLAYER i ____ nh Dftuffhtcr of Donvcr M an Tcsti- --------- ^— fltr-Parrat-ahot-anti-KiUed it : Mother and Brother; InBonltjr ______ 2 DRNVnn. Colo.. Ocl 23-Accu(iPd from the wltnoiis ntnnd by hi# own dausbtor. Ruth, of th« Hlaylni; of bts wife and 10 y»ar old non, Roy Shaok It waslQS a fllEht fnr hla llfo la crlm- n Ina) courU atro todny. ou Rroiyidn of |{ lna*nlt*.,_;— •• - ' "" 1 TwaaBfleiniU. Dr. Leo V. Tcploy nnd Dr. How«U Pcrahlni. tcatlfled laat niKbt'tbkt Shank wad Huflerlns from demoBtlA praecox when he shot HIh wlfo and aon to death wl'.h n rifle on Soplember 1C. The' Tounx woman and her nccuacd - fatJier wert-tfto-tralrT»eTiioiiB In the houas whflji Iho two wpro killed. On th6;t<rr« atory tho aUtc drptndH to nnKfher father to (b« ijall^a. ____ AGAIN WEALTHY5 - - - ' ate \ Son ef'-Phfllppbe Oovcrnor 0«a- enl W h p . L o st a MUlion ia ou Y Oroees^' H'dw Bos $100,000 pm \ Plorid*. „ NB^S’ YOHK. Oct; *3—Oabome C. Wood, Uon ot Major Oenm l Leonard -f. Wood, Borpmor-wt>eral of the Philip- ^ \ pine*, who’arrived (roni CaJet aboanl a trwnp ncbooBtr %ix wttntha aco. -la wtU) tte' r«w r«malnine doilara of « I1.000J>I)0 reAune In hia poekaC. aar> h*!.la making,aMtber fortwj^^a^OT- Here Cor airier yW t yooa* W oii u id protiilljr that he had 1100.000 (o hl« er«dll bl’ Tampa baaka. tb* proi' .. ------- Ita trrm rMl Mtafi> daola «tn6 Uat S J^prll. Bt hW'IMM wofknc-'oJ-l nil - aalaamaa tor D. P. Dartt. and apectl- euU lallas la loti oa.Maown bahalf. . ttm Younjr Wdod-Rteintcd be bofl loat tba prscUeaUr'iU ot Utt nllUon dolUn acbi he occ^U te d ia atock tnarfcat tmb- Cn Uw. acroas ;tb«. B»oean>t tohla* of «lil Atbaiuh- A -m t tor 41n>re»-Bgataft wbl Wood. nM jtB VUateftoa. D«U br (ni Mta. nUtteriae Ttwnpaon Vood, la trot llatad tof n«xt meetfc. r«P< > I «• . • - - ^ ers’ Ghosts- ^W-arntngs-; « prclicniiliin. H . .Many tlinpK nn cxlrnoMllnnr}' loud . V ri'pnrl ni ndH iho nii'n on ilio Khlf( > ' HcriiniblInK lu (i Iui-oh or-<;iari'ly in Ihc four (hftl iinnilior lollui.rii' Ih iiililiii: idncf, - ; Skoii1lr» iillilhuto Iho nolHoii in u : nniiirul hIiUi IT ij; of ih<- <'iirili iilioiii ,l iho Khllft. hill Ihl- KlIIIOlHtlllnilH ill- . , oliiri'd thom lo bo » wiiriihii; fnun i I k' , doud, •'II IH ihi''clio^i« of tho ^T IryUiK to I wnrn me," iinid one minor, v . Ik.-.IuiidIio I (bv horror of tho nolnoi*, iHlIl Inborn » LKtolrally'iit lilx >vork (hroiish Iho Ioiik • nl;;ht.________________• ______________ ' Schools Closed to Check Epidemic | Infantile Paralysis [, 1.0L’lSVn.lJ-:- K'y,. • Ool. -Jri.-Thu V publlo nnd piirochhil scliooln boro d , woro donuil todny In ii move to r cbcrk nn oiilbrenk of Infnntllo pu- k rftlynlH. WUIl four donlbn luid 19 li , new cnncH ro|i<irtod. oity Hpnllli Com- I mlnahinur Owi>n Buid ho hiid nppenl- cd lo tilll Mnyo foiinilnllon ’for noruni j; and llit.i WUH uxpcctod tu arrlvo (o li • dny nr lomorrow. r . All rhiirobOH worn nppciilod (o dla- I ^ IM'niio wi(h Snnduy nchool cIiiiihi.‘ a. In ]: ' iiddKlon thoiitrcH will hu UMkcd to rofuno ndmlKnnco tn cblldrvii' under ii IS yuarK, Dr. Owun nnnouncod.. ^ !• BOOZlBiNINGi AT CITY H M i FEATURE TODAY , u Officials Test Out Strength b of Contraband Coches By Application of Match; . Supply of Year# Is Finally Marked for Uncle Sfun. . U Mayor H. L. Anlilon, Chlof luiph K. < l^ifllKlilvn of tbu pollcu force, Coniinla- alonor T. J. UouKloa, Proaeculor J. V>. .. Tnylor, City Ohcnilnt H. U Wnllor, CoiiBtablo Cnrl J. Domrone. I’nllco JudRC Jamua U .%fvc nnd othnra wK- ncHHcd tbo liurnt nacrlflcc ot a Int of more or lona Kood lluuor IhlH morniuK F nl (ho cliy linll. ll Tboro WUK ft nupply o f nomolliln;; c* llUo 25 KiillonH of Iho booic. In five a Id'KH Of flvo (caltonH encli, pnrlly flilod «« nnd'lu JiiRH, Jnrn nml hotilcK. I> ' Tho burnlni; toiil wan iiiadc and bn<! nl varloua roaiiltH. One koi: xald t» hnvn la hoon put In aonin yenrn.nKo, eoninln- <Hl moonnblno of very weak (tuolKy, » wblcb It I* Bald would nol IcnKc whon ai pliiccd In tho vniill..bul wblcli Imrncil hi In A Hlckly and uncorlnlii wuy Lixlny. (■ Othor oamplcn bad plenly of kick and ol nliowni (he prop<\i- nplrlt by blazlnc "I np at once. rs The Urjuor wob dc>(roycil lator. It- “ The llauor wan lurticd ovrr lo tho 'I' chemlnt aflor (be tcntn for furlher ^ anaiynlB. l*ro«cculor Taylor aald purl of ll at loaal. would ro to Unclc Sam, and tbc reat would be Ocatrnyrd. Il Ims bc«n Eatbcrlnc (or yoarn, FORD REVIVE OLD D A IP S Calls. - Coofarenco >o£.-Sanoioff - • Masters to Aid in Bringing Back Steps of Many 7«oxs - ,,^o;_Ajrsjiggs.01assos._ DETnOIT, Mlch., Ocl. 23.—Hrnry Ftord'a denlro lo »eo tho old faahlon- ed dancea rolurn to popularity haa r«*ulted In lhr«e almlflcnnt d«T«:op- meeia here wKbln (eo day*. Two larscly a(Unded prlrate dancea exclualvoly derotcil lo nneleni atepa have been followod by n Ren- eral Invltallon to roinv than 304 danclne maalera In MlchUan and Ohio, lo meot for a conferanco with Pool at Dearborn on Noven*her 5. Aa n raiulL. tho oufaronce him been o r r S c ^ wltb Mr. and Mra. WllUam &. lioratt of MaaaacbuaetU, In chATE# of Inatnictloo. Tboat wbo attend tha mnforecct wtll ba enttrtoJnetf ll tbe rord lab- oritorr Dearborn, wh«r« a danclo;: ' floor haa been fltt%l up for resular daaatiU .. Another-Reprieve . Is Given Slayer . 's a l t LAKB OTY. P U kW Si.^ _ niUfla tbt dUtrlct court bos fonr ItnM flxtd tbe data, did M t (aee M S* ; Creckatt taat alcbt. la coafenmoa »llh tbe nou board ot pardeu. ot •bleb be U'«balmsn. dedded to - m a t the cmvleted laitrdtref of P*. Lroinu Darld Crowthtr bla oMoad P^tTfc . UT.S TWIN FALLS, i: pHERITANCE ^TAXTARGET-^ OF 17 STATES 10 ___ IU Six Governors and Reprc- ,i“ senlativea of Otbers De- >- .. mand Repeal of Wartime Levy in Reduction Plan. l„ WASHI.VCri'ON. Ol'l. :;;!- -Slx mnio rn »;ovoni(irH und i>ornoii:il ropvoHoniu- ,K ilvomif olov.'M oihoni .l.' ropoiil nf (bo fodi-i'iil liilKTliiinoo lux hrfoio - .11)0 huiiKL' wiiyh and iiiraiis oonimllloc lo<lny. * Tlio fodtral Kuvoriiiuoiil uiir|>od ilio lovyJnx imwi-r ,if il„‘ l:ix In a «ni' orlHin and lilii unju:dly c-oii- f. (Inued Ii hIuco. ilio Kovornoin t-onn'iul ® In lliolr «n:iiiiioniH for lopoiil. . Tho dPlocallon ot !7 !*iaIo i'Xii'iiIIvi'H II, wiih Uid by (lovi’niur niffoi'd Walk<'i. •0 donifiornl. aeor«la. who |iri'norii.<t a n roiuihillon adopted by u cunr<'roiici> of i. tiovcrnnrB ni Hiiviinnnh la.K Jiiiio, n:-k'- .9 lUK lopoul nf.ibu fedonil Inboiliauoo 1- lax. , I- "Our people aro i-iiriivinly In nym- 11 piithy with Ihh iK'ililon. TIm- iuokoiii .0 law .would not aiMl could Hoi biivi.'bo>-!i punned luivo iih « wftrdim' iiioiiHnro niul «- Iho (luic haa now como .for li>i ro- n peal.'- 0 RcpruAcninllvoH of- ollior sovornnrH T Ineltidi’d: Honry Couir'. alloiiin-y. of Now-Moxlco; II. S, •.\lrClunky. iiooro- ' tary lo Govi-nior llimt uf Arl/onn. Tliu dclijuullou olalmi.ll K/ havi- the 1 (lympalby/of :u I'tiilu Kov.-riu.rH nn< ■ only four ojipoHi-il ii-iipil nf iho liix, I ftccordlHK to Wnlkcr. I'U ui'oh w.-ro HllbMilItoil l» Hbon- Ihnl ‘lurliii; thi- fK- i. cul your L-ndluu .luno ?.». I!i;'l. tin- 17 i; Hinlcs' rcprcHC-ntod In ihc dylouatluii imld Iho fod.Tnl Kuvfrnun'iil ni6io llmn ■ *50,000,000 In liib(-rllniii-o laxo:.. _ , r Sl'ICCIAl, TUAIX in:iMins r Tho Hpi'clnl iralu fnr o.-nlriil iiii<l I norlborn Idnho hvni lnK lioinowaid (ho I. O. 0. 1-'. nnd Kchohiih iiK-mbi'iii who uilcndod Ihu convoutloiin boro, 'Itm exact nunibPr of vloKorii horo lum nnC n bocn. dolcrmlnod hnr ihe I'loo.lindiioji y prliitwl wcfo oxhttilBli'd ami Ilirru woro cnllH for more. 'WORLD« P tA N f PRAISED f In a commiinlrntlon to tho Twin ; I'ana chanibur of cumiiH.'rc’o.' HUsiiOu^ Hon In niudc hy (bo Unllod SfatoH ;; cbitmber of cnmnioivo (bai (bo world e court adtuKlon nudor (bo llur<llnK- .1 Hunlica-CoolldKn plan will anon bc placcd hoforo iho aonatu for conldi r- :! lUlon and thnt If any aollnn Ih to bu [) laken Jl miifil onmo HlKirily. . Tbo'nutlounl bocTy In f-troncly In •, favor.of oniorluc (ho world courl 1 ORrcomenl. li nrKUoH Ihni ilii' plan I hna iKcn omlurnod hy hnlJi Rrcut |>nr- -. (Ica, by k-adInK Jurlnln nnd Hiiidrnia I of IniernuUonal law. Ii' arsue nibut : ''(rude and Induntry uro world-wldo In ranilflcntlouH and are hccoinluc lurru , n3‘. Commerre knnwa no boundary llhow .\Vftrlf1 p,> lw n Vll,-'l fn H o r Ifl pronioHoB ond prrtitfrvlnR worhl- P wlde'procporlty." ' ' ' ' ( ■'J- DAI] IDAHO, FRIDAY, OCTO Darrowian . I S ... nd =ry.d= £^kiir^'< ^c= '' I,. narrmM IMrn.w I...... . th.- i..-w J' kIIiIiii-'-.'" I» l“'l.i' Ul. llxl’r i-lilrlH. j'' o»l''.iVl«m« Ihl- l«.y" air M.y« prcd y Tl.-bi>.. Wlii-I. i. <'t sBnniiScE J : PlANECHJSHESi; lu Pilot of Seiplnno Entered in Schneidor Oup Olossio at Balti- "r , moro Is Injtffcd Wben Craft D JflUs in Bay,, )i IIAI.TIMOIli:. Md„ Ocl. :;i—Tho !.«- por-innrlno N'liplrr S-7 iioaiilnno. no- In croily biilli for iho llritlnh iilr iiilnln- «■ ■Un (ly lo hrliiK t<> KiiRjaiid llio ............ V? ‘’l'l’- cinfllic><l in liavlKnblllly io. vh to- <ln^' nCBay J5boio and will h<- i\.iib!o fo lo cmiiiiilo In Ibo Inlonintlonal non- j), plnno raco hero lomorrow. l,J fnpialn.ll. C. Ilulrd, iilloi. w»h r.-«- .Si s. ciicd nud luk.-n lo Jobu llopklnH Jioh- In f ll Tho macblnc, oqulppod wlib n 12- ,ci ryllndor Naplor uiiilnr. wan tlio iblrd r. Hoapluiio to (nlto llic"‘alr In the lonU (II today nnd the Hornnd lo oii’coiinUT illf- at floulty. In Tho llullnn M.u-obl-Sn noaplauc. pli: ch ru o(cd’by l.levionaiii ClovannI 1)1 llrijr- dl< ry aiidl, nevond to rlHo from tin- wnti-r. In’ ar. xaiuo.dainu.witii-i.d««ul-aioior afitc .ali ll- ooniplotlnic ono laji around tho flvo- mi mil- tmt cpiiinc. ____________ _________ da THE DOXOLOGY / S o w o s LIKE \ _____ VBETiygCQg \ y' f*KM0)fn3^ T"/ \ - y / LsmMzj If, ............... QOOPTE ^ ‘ .kocftw o X , o /^Vi/ 7 ' ■ I LY T L’O B Jili 2S, 1925. lO D G E BOOK . ' TAKES-ARAPt AT WILSON: i'l Senator Lodge Is Author of " New Book Which Attacks League and Motives of n- Lale War President. ^ , m ;\ v voiik’, (Al. Wnu iin- I.Mlin.- ,„l ll.lHoll-. lu l.i,; .....' lit. ....... hi):-t llll Irs, p.i: ll.miin;. j ' ..................... rioin Ih.-- ll. n .11 Ti». Ml. I . 10, onouy„.'^.-ii;, M.-iiiy I..,,!,;, . ,„,t, I Ilfll.'.l (.ld.,\. Uc-lll lh.- IciVll.' ....... l.-. l ..... ....................^ "i;v.u-,s .My nr Ib.' !.;i!:.l,-',. .'Ni:!- .■n.-.-,'- h.- will!.- Ill a vol.......... null..! . '•Tb.- S.ual.- and 111.- l.oiii;ii.- nf .\.i- tliuii'.’* han .iiitvliu.-.l nn- .if lln- uir.. ...... I,of 'h .^ l’nil.-d .‘^lai.H III li.ildln;; I'-i Unit-int:r(V.".;»i.-I'iovli’iloiii'. in .............. hn lb.' h-antii' tliti!< r.-vr haii pnivoil fitilli- m; for Ibl- ).ui-|u,»,. fm- w blrini «ai.'o,,. ron«l1dy d.-itli;iiod uud loudly i)i.'- Cn rlnliitc d, 1> ba;i d.iii.- Jui>blni; lo .-n.l Jm Till- h-inK b »h;irply of l’r<-.-.- vii l.lonl WllHiiil. r.n- l.<xl»o hol.l iiml n»l I.Ii-nllMti. bill vaiiliy uotuati-d hls woili. . mi ■•'Tin- k.-y lo all In- did waa Ibal ho , lhniii;hl ot ov.-iythlnK In l.-riit« of ,|,.i WllHoii.'- r.-marli.-d . l.niUi-. <•„ AlU-i- d.-<-liirliii; Wllnon, In.all i:n-nl „r l>i-obl.-m>i. ilin tu lit Di-Ht uf hliuHolf. I,odKo a«lil.-d: •'llo itmy huv.- ihnuKbt of tb.- roun- n li-y lltll Ihoro witH :i lonu liili-r- U Vlll. nnd ia iho .-omp.-tillnp tho domu- II orallo parlv, I wltl i'o bliti Jimllci- to " »ay. » a s a |i»»r Iblrd. .Mr. Wll-ion wuh di-v»ni-o.l l>v- tin- di'Hlro fnr pitwor. II ho I.n.l 1..-I-II a Hol.ll.-r au.I a m ntrnl flcblln;: ...... . tin-•|:.)voriintoiil .iC Ib .-t^illii'il Sinr.'f. >votil(l havo U.-.-li tn.cravi- ilaui:.'!'. Ilo. vvai. obnllaaio an.I up lo a oorialu point, dol.-rmlnod. Wh.'U ll oamo lo nclual confllcl bc Inokod ii.Tvo an.l .InrliiK all!.....ah wKh - bln ...... .. I •lotihl If bo luokod 111.- w ill." I l.odao obai-Koil ihut.WllKoii mlHHod A t an opoprtnnlty l» no down luio bln- I (ni-y wltb a ruconl uii a poacumakor. hnrd lu rlvnl. hnl tlia( bo aubinllto.l lo many ''i-vll HiIiich'’ In ibo Vci- . 1 Halllon dnrtimoni In nn nnihlilnn lo mako n l.-uKUo of natlonn—"a nyHtcm • of which bo would b.- tlif- bond.” . t ------------------ ' )» . m :ss mo .'ikx <iO ro iirn.sK iii'K Tixti --------- h- Dr. Oi-n Ki‘lih and .Minn Iloo' .'’m llh Ijo . w.-nl (o UoI h.‘ lodoy aa roprc.ionlodvo lio . or '.h.' Twin l-'nllH lltiiilnoan and I'ro- ln<i foHKlonal'Woman'H oluh (o nil.-nd a uft ' r.'ocpilon of llio llolno Ilunlni-HH fi I’m- -ml • fo»i.lnnul Woman'H club. Mrn. Mary olir - Dohliinoil, Klnto prr-il.lrn|-. (;o.-.i lomor- laV row aud will nilond a rmmd tablo poi • .Sunday. 1 ------------------------ ficc r;\(iixi:i:i{ ix niAitcJi: ; (>f 'illi: iM)i'M>iioi si: lioi 1 IHIiS UKlli: T(M).VY Ihr J. 1\ fully, olvll i-nKlno,rr In - chai-Ko nf rutm.lliouh.- r<mnlrucllon. - dlod nt (bo boHpIlal nl nuoii todiui ful- , Inwlni: aivopornllon. llo waa C2 y.-nrn L .aid— l--Uium-ai-fttTam:cmunUi_wll|__ Ij;^ made on r.-c.-ipi of word from hls.Iwo .laUabicrn wbo aro-In .^nll 1-ake. ' In . a J - " '■> Joli the J' ' ; biR wb ____________ \ ' ,lnt( F5 Am^s \ s ________|( FEUOWS G ^ ' .1 f " n.j -1 / , J y - V ^ ^ Loa 'W " - Tw\ B 99liva K B K S r T y of> In' T atui ______ S3 ^ i IMES Museum P ~Pfmw III -Py I .'.■III, ^l!^ I>. I'. I-. l-a.I.'i .............. . „( .. M I . ; , ' 'siVi'lt'ii'-"lli' > mi.ill'i i!'i''-'l"''i' li . ' ' ■'I'll.- c Mn.llllnii » iil ll.- an tnil.-pi ml- im >1 u .in . SH: I n , M .I,-li, : •I'--• • • ' * ............ jjyiitchell Served jjJ wilh A.rmy Charges ‘|J \y.\;-iiiN(iTii\. ir . o, i, -! ni'"Mi;',7\irM''W!-i!n'-:\\‘,','"''' "" : Th.- t.n.n.;,lit> «a-. ................... ti> I '•nlnni-1 .rn:.,.pl, 1 .\ti .\1>lll.-n ..I tli.-l Ji.ilr;.- ..<U.,.-..t.- .in i-u .l:. m l.... . »l,iH viinrlly ;ill.-t ..... . ' ' ' ' ! .Mr.Millli-ll bad in> ,iMlin,illv I..'pn- ; I , Mlloiii-ll .u-n-ii. ll iln- ili-rv ^ 'ail- n itu - I-. Ill 1... ,.iil.j.-M.-il ti> ..ii.-ii .li-l.-nll.itt, II will ........... Iiv iln- <-.)ntm.mdliiK ;-,.-m-ral .u tin- dlMiI.l nf Wn.thhi);t.iii, - BOISE MAN Ir ADMITS HE^ : _ IS HlfANTEDl tin- Arrested Here As Suspected Forger Long Supposed tu .,r. Have Been, Suicide at 'First Denies identity and »ur Today Confesses That He UMan. --------- I AilnilaHlon nl in:.-!ii ihln tnornlns anr Ibal tho nnmo of J. A. Harrln by'Hhioh <-|.l< h>- wan known wa.f floiltimiH an.l that Uul ho wan Chari.-n II, I.owrlo, wanloil tn oim KdIko on roi'i;>'t-y ohuri;.->i, ond.-d ihn l|v< iniiiilHiilon tt-blob liinrii'd Iuhi iv.-nlu;: lum uftor blH arri-iil. Stii.rlff .M. K. Hnoti ib'- anld that l.owrlo admitt.-.l tin- all.-Rr-.t oi-<t ohock tnHtiniic- nn.l cl.-tnliod tin- .-V.-iiim inkiuK |>laoo .-In.llm: ^i]i i.i IiIh illi.ap- a pi-aranr.- Honto niiKiilm nxu. ,,,,1, l,owrl.- IK Hai.l lo hitvo to....... .. of- J,'.. floorn Ihnl afi.-r Ibe <-lio(-k li.- »ai< jioi'- n„i .i.m.i.'.l ..f th.- rio-Inn «if .oommlltliii; |„„i nttlold.-. llo to<.k hlH milk tn tho r,i,i- t lion an iiHiial, In- aal.l. aroordInK lo Iho roport, and lli.-n (ilc.l t.i rnn IiIh ,,„, i ItiK waloro of lh- llol,1C river. Tb.- likh wall hinckod tbo Ovortau.l milo whl.-h fr„i «n» nut wr.ckocf. howovrr. an.l rlo iboti .Irovo lb.- oar on iho brldito nml .l.-oldoil lo write a nolo linviir.; commit HnlcUI.-, ' , ‘I Tb.- aoroutit of how h<- (1..I to Twin V Kallr. IH not .-loar, hul K ^ o a rn ibal " In Juno bo wna mcl h. rc looklUK fnr a Job and taken otil in Ib.- fnrm of "" Jolm I’nriridKo. wbo wunlod a man on the 0. i:. Carlnnn plnco on ibo Salmon, ' where b.- ban b.-on otnployod ovor j'y" alnce. Mr. I'arirlilao np.-aka In th o ,V®, blRbcnt t.onim of lhr> work of Ia.wiIo wblle oniiiloyod ihoro. , U w rla ban a wife and hovo/«1 ohll- dron. la- wua nm i and Id.-nlltlod horo . Inte ycaicrday hy two m. n l‘ay- rlti> wlio I(nllfl.-.l SbfrHf KlM.b lli- clatme.1 u( Iho time lhat Iio wan nboul ^ In leave (or Cnllfornlo wlib N.-Uon *"-” ll’oj-ward on a trip l>iil Mr. Hayward aald be knew, ao puraun-jiainr.l J. A. Harrla and wan not ooatomplal<-d In a ‘‘‘’.p, Cnlifornlu (rip. Sheriff Kmmott I'fj-I .,/J 53*-;^d»-«>unty will ’srV lifm Iftfi ove- nine. / Ixtwrle hail hern arroalc</tn nolte. /a l NPay :s. and arralsned bcfirc Junllco IW WrlRhl Stacey, lie waa rrloaaed to 1IJ apprar (he foltnwlnc ila)- anil whin he fallnf tn do ao. Sheriff rfoni atari- . e«l oul I* InvrallRale. lie foiiad that the aiiloj^d l«H-n dlacovrrrtl and (bal Lowrlc waa nowhere to Iw (ound. Tbc rlvrr wan acarrhr-d for (be hody It waa auppoa<Hl to contain bul. naiurvl- Tex: ly. without ronidia. Twin Falls Boy . & Honored at Moscow U,SIVER.<»ITY OP IDAHO, Moacow. Oct. 23—Arthur PeaTey. Jr» aon of A. J. reavrr, 160 Sevtnth aveouv north, ^ ,, Twin Falla, boa been ele«ted prealdeot i, of Ihe Prt^l^jnl club, an oricanltaUoB of atudenta preparlns to entfribe col- i.c]< low of law at the Unlveralty o( tdaho. The Prt-l^ceal club woa formed In .^u order that altntenia prtparinx (ftr the jg ^ atudr of law could be erounded )n the .v. ; e ndoiQeatala of eihlcad an practlcra ■Iba proffMlMi.betpn! IbfT w.fnuifi= apec tntJly members ^ |,f«j F0IJRTEE5 GO TO BOISE ^ PonrteeQ )e(t tbla BMralair for -tbe booe cOBlac ceUbt*Uoa «t B«ri*e. to ra tU lai tOfntan a-UiTcem.a milt teM tor* vnr Uift.ORla(t.racl(le. OUtera ^ wlll«athte««s^ir«adaaawleai«la tlut can tUs aftenooa. ' . - nrtc . ... •-•.-.V ’ . •. -' ?•' ''.viY S L IBAHO WKATHER | OLD voiy, Xllf. NO. T m.' Party Uses' ^yrgmy Tripr~ ; . l llll,- .i'<niii.-.I iii.-n lln- ttra.-lllali ' JIIII.I.-, wlii.h III VI.III.I .III Hiiiitlui- . ; .\n- i- i.iiu al nl |)ii' plnno. I.i-.ultii; ' :.i"t III. ii.'iiii > m U ....I i;,i(nV;.ii r.'anl .1 il.. ■ .,in,;i ..Iiirli nl- inn-.' I'ly stir'll,.' ................... t.,ii,.rMii-i-,i-Ml ;BALKA^wST " I THREAT NEAR I SETTLEMENT 1League w in Meet Monday to Take Up Question of Greco-Bulgaria Conflict; Troops Withdrawn,’Is Re* j port, From Frontiers. j sitriA'. I'lll. j;: liii.-rv.’ by l.|lliliirii,il'. llf 111.- -;liat iiim iis wllll i;!;ii.i!:;ri;;rv;rrx..xx 1llall.;,;,.. ;,l l.aM i..«,pal4HI>^J 'VinI.Uu ............. . ,-i.i .niy Tbtirn- ^ ■iaj. tin- ............ . htii-Vicd.-ii In i>oi-. i.nailln;: Ib.- Ittil;;arlii!i (-ahliiol lo r.-- lialii Iinia a .li-.-lara'Inii >,f war ,Kalii>.t (;i-.-r.-i-. Itinl iiist.-ail «> try iho pi.olft.- riiui<- l.-adliiu iliroiiKh .iho l.-auu- .ir-na'lom.. A.H I, riHiilt nf lliiil proHstiro from tin- ;;r''al jn^kvi-rn, Iliilcarin npp.-nlcd 10 llx- l.-a^iii.- t.> o„nv.,Ki> Itii ootmcll In nil •-rmn .'.ll (-ml tin- hnrd.-r trouble,! i,{. the two u.-lulllicrH, Tin- ouhlui t wus nummonod for Inat iilrbi lo enni Uh v.ji.' on wbolb.-r Uul- Kurlii nhoul.l doclur.- war, bul thia mo- • m ' ntouN d.-elHl/ii wan not ro<|ulr<-«l. In . tbo llKlK nf itio puwoi-H' Intervention. ' I'AlllS. Oct. 2H -Tho Orci'k IcRatlon unnotinecn tmluy tlial Oroero hiio de- - I'lilod to wllhdrnw hcr truopa' from . Uulcarlu i]n notin an tbc reault of a. . ormf.Ti-nro today-hulwoi-n reprenrnla- ilvon of Ui<- tw. ORovcrnmcuta la liiiowu. Tho niilKarInn IcRniion, In lb'- tiK-nnilmi' announoo.! Ilnluwin had oi-<!.-ii'd It.-i ffoutl.-r KUarda wlilidrnwn. A.ti i:\rbntiK'- T.-losr.ipb AiIicuh dla- piilol, rroi ivrd a-rijitnlon olalmod thal ih<- Cro.'li troiipH would rotnnin on ItolKarlai, ,.i>lt Until fall'KUtlHfaollon had b.-1-ii nreordr-d Croocc. Tho Atlii-mi corri'Hpundoal of the ISchauKi- ToI.'Krapb reported today Ibal fnur,C.r.-okN wr-ro killed and ciRht wouiid.-d.. Iiii-lu.lliu a ouplolu. whon Ihl- Cr.'olu. ri-iK.-oupl.-.l l)i-ntlrka'i>ou . froalli-r po.ii nnmti.r C!'. I.alor ltj>ina nirl.l Ih.-y .,ooiipl.'d irrrlior}- Jual oul- niilo IVItllob. :i^n1 :vX~tiFT~;::i-~A7nnR to halt------------ doriiilt.'ly (:t-.'oO:lliilsnrlan lioHillllloa, tiM- lioKU.- of nuilona lo.lay warned III.' warrInK tiurtlu* to rofruln froni h.,"tlllil.-K llml nummoued Ita council - Id aol tho erbiln .Monday, TIilH notion, iiii.lcriakm by Frenrh Mlitlntcr Ilrlau.l, an prealdrnt of Ihn lv»u\so> coHncU. (olUtwed ft« appeal by lliiluarlii undor. arllrloa Ion and eleven of (bo b-uRij.- covenant, demandlni: Im- m.-<Hnio r.iuvncatlon of the council on Ihl- Cn-co-Ilnluaria i-onlllct, Cuil-'r tbu of the IcaKUO ('O'.-nnui, n moM,lior or nnn mcntber ptal when ll fcol» Iherr In axBrcaalon nsniiiHl II. or when the world'a peaco nppmra ihrcatoned by «ji «xUtloK - roiiflIclbotw.-,-nlwonatlonM- . Tlio li-auiie'H eoitncll.wlll all Monday ‘MA’ FERG™ REMA^QDffir Texas* Govemor-^afnses to Oom» ment on DsflaBO* of Laglsla- tive Leaders Sseldng 8p»dal Sessions. ACSTIN, Texaa. 0 d '.-« -"l b«Tt ao ' J alatcneot to make.*’ Gor. >llrla]B A. ' Ti FVrsilaAD of Texaa relttrated '.flnaly icl today when aaked l( abe v vidarcalllaic a atH ^stu io B oCJM ' ' U i ItKitlalnre If Oomoor , - N didnt^____ • satt«r»Wi* aitriuriBt»TTg*'- , la WMblattoB lo .st^.bl.dic^ttatf tbe «ftalni or tbe sS *>lsw ii»yi*e.^ < ,5 ^ mlMloti aboaM:be rniisloastaitod ^ ^ m

Transcript of Twir UT.S DAI]LY TIMES - … ·...

TwirV.OLUMH 8, nm;.\iijicu 1-n.

Dead Mine ~3u^d~out

JAilKSON, Callt.; Oct, 23-C lio»I« I n t tlio 47 niln tn t wlio lout ilieir IIvcmIn the Arnonnut koIiJ mlnu horo «i f i 'v rVi'ftr* jiKo a rc wornInK ih e lr follow » w orkers airainiil BDoiher m tajnroi'lii-. fniltiem worklHi; on ilic ■•cnivo ya rd” I' Bhirt bi-HoTB.

Ghiifitly iiioann, anil K>'''-inii. onilii- "onn cn-akliiBH and nilu-r wi!lr«l Hound;i 'rrn d tho iillcncu of (Im nhiift In wlilcli >'llict- nilncrn IakI ihtilr IIw-m, liciwcun " ] 1 II. m. und 7 B, in. onch nlsht.

Onn Mi-Moiiod mln<'r. nnnblP Lii Htnnd w. y '(he lurrlfyUiK noljioii loncer, hnn <tnll H

----- ' hill Joh in lho r Iliwt w ork unojiK'r n luh t n. Mild In (lie mlnu. 'O ttu-m ndniK ni>- n

E x c r a i ¥ ^ ^COMMUNISTS .UNDER FIRE!1 ' • • 111

, l'l

Peniity lvania P olitician Eh- d< lists A id of B orah to F ight Pow er of State,. D epart- m m ent in Deciding Visas.

WAfllHNOTON. Oct, * 2a -f lp i:r f ta ry -or Slatu KcIIokK'h f’Xclnidoii n r coin* .■ munlHtii and allcKud rcvolulliHiurlcn L rrnm Uiu Unltod Stnlcn today wnn nn- [

• diT a nm cw fd flio from ropnlillcau ■ nnd Hcnatorlfll clrelon. uronKid by ia» proclpliatlon o f 'u ni'cnuil "Kiirotyl I caHC." • . • I

ltul|>b Brnvcr S(rannbnri;i'r. InCIn- f rntlfti reidibllcan iiolltlcinn of NorrlK-

■ (own. I ’d.. bn8 ohtnlnwl frtSm SniiU or m liorah, chiilrinnn of 'thu iiunato fonilKn L rolatlonit cniiiniKtco. a iiriimlnu' Iiu tvlll | ln(ro<luc(> nnd fiRht fo r n hill In con- ■ liriMiii tbln wintur (o iihvar tho Hinto dc;- im rtm ont 6 t 1(h jiowtT to iirovunt Ih- HUnnco of imsmiort vlna» lo vlnltwrH to Q (hlH country.

Undor tlio 1321 ImmlKrntlon .Inw. fiocrciary Hutfhcn nnd ia to r KoIIokr rcfiiaed Counl KarGlyl iiorinlimloii to flpoak w lillo vlalllni:'lior<‘ InHi n p rln s : ' a fow weckn &so K olloec rrfiiHoil . n . paUHport viRji to StinpurpI & iklatvola. comniunlfit m om bcr uf ihn B rlilih parllan icn i and now K cllocu rctnncd a Vina to -C odn tK sro ly l'a wife. Coiintcnn r| i KaUierlrio K arolyl. who wanU'd «o vln- xi It HtrnHKburiior's family. O

StranRburgor cnrH «l, lija p rotem Ju oKalnm cxclualon o f Coiintcim K arolyl. nc w ho hi n o t a coinmunlHt. Iu> Haiti, tu nn I’rcKldenl Coollde« nnd KoHojck, aji nl well M Oorah. Mr. CoolldRr in un- deraiood to have paii«wl thu ronpomd- m hlllty to KcIIokk nnd Kc'IIouk rifiincd |(,< (o changv bU dcclnlon. nn


____ nh

D ftu ffh tc r o f D o n v c r M a n T c s ti---------- — f l t r - P a r r a t - a h o t - a n t i - K i U e d i t :

M o th e r a n d B r o th e r ; InB on ltjr

______ 2D RN V nn. Colo.. Ocl 23-Accu(iPd

from the wltnoiis ntnnd by hi# own dausb to r. Ruth, of th« Hlaylni; of bts wife and 10 y»ar old non, Roy Shaok I t waslQS a fllEht fn r hla llfo la crlm - n Ina) c o u rU a tro todny. ou Rroiyidn of |{ l n a * n l t * . , _ ; — •• - • ' " " 1

TwaaBfleiniU. Dr. Leo V. Tcploy nnd D r. How«U P c rah ln i. tcatlfled laat n iK b t'tbk t Shank wad H uflerlns from demoBtlA praecox w hen he sho t HIh wlfo and aon to death wl'.h n rif le on Soplem ber 1C.

T he' Tounx w oman and h e r nccuacd - f a tJ ier wert-tfto-tralrT»eTiioiiB In the houas whflji Iho two wpro killed. On • th 6 ;t< rr« a tory tho aU tc drptndH to n n K fh e r fa the r to (b« i j a l l ^ a . ____

AGAIN WEALTHY 5- - - ' ate

\ S o n e f '- P h f l lp p b e O o v c rn o r 0 « a -e n l W h p . L o s t a M U lion i a o u

Y O roees^' H 'dw B o s $100 ,000 p m

\ P lo r id * . „

NB^S’ YOHK. Oct; *3—O abom e C. Wood, Uon o t M ajor O e n m l L eonard - f . Wood, Borpmor-wt>eral o f the Philip- ^

\ pine*, w ho’arrived (roni C a Je t aboanl a trw n p ncbooBtr %ix w ttn tha aco . - la wtU) t t e ' r«w r«m alnine do ilara of « I1.000J>I)0 reA une In hia poekaC. aar> h*!.la m ak ing ,aM tber fo rtw j^ ^ a ^ O T -

H ere Cor a i r i e r y W t yooa* W o i i u i d protiilljr th a t h e had 1100.000 (o hl« er«dll b l’ T am pa baaka. tb * p r o i ' ..

------- Ita trrm rM l Mtafi> daola « tn 6 U a t SJ^prll. B t hW 'IM M w o f k n c - 'o J - l n i l

- aalaam aa to r D. P . D a r tt . and apectl- euU la l la s la lo t i o a .M a o w n bahalf. . ttm

Younjr W dod-R tein tcd b e bofl loa t tba p rscU e aU r'iU o t U tt n llU on d o lU n acbi h e o c c ^ U t e d ia atock tnarfcat t m b - C n U w . acroas ;tb«. B»oean>t tohla* o f « lil Atbaiuh- A - m t to r 41n> re» -B ga ta ft w bl Wood. n M j t B V U a te f to a . D «U b r ( n i M ta. n U tte r i a e T tw n p ao n V ood, la tro t lla tad to f n«xt meetfc. r«P<

> I «• . • - - ^

ers’ Ghosts- ^W-arntngs- ;« prclicniiliin.H . .Many tlinpK nn cxlrnoMllnnr}' loud . V ri'pnrl ni ndH iho nii'n on ilio Khlf(>' HcriiniblInK lu (i Iui-oh or-<;iari'ly in Ihc

four (hftl iinnilior lollui.rii' Ih iiililiii: idncf, - ;Skoii1lr» iillilhuto Iho nolHoii in u

: nniiirul hIiUiITij; of ih<- <'iirili iilioiii,l iho Khllft. hill Ihl- KlIIIOlHtlllnilH ill- ., oliiri'd thom lo bo » wiiriihii; fnun i Ik', doud,

•'II IH ihi''c lio^i« of tho ^T IryUiK toI w nrn me," iinid one m inor, v. Ik.-.IuiidIio I (bv horror of tho nolnoi*, iHlIl Inborn »L Ktolrally 'iit lilx >vork (h ro iish Iho Ioiik ■• nl;;ht.________________• ______________ '

Schools Closed toCheck Epidemic |

Infantile Paralysis [,1.0L’lSVn.lJ-:- K'y,. • Ool. -Jri.-Thu V

publlo nnd piirochhil scliooln boro d, woro donuil todny In ii move to r

cbcrk nn oiilbrenk of Infnntllo pu- krftlynlH. WUIl four donlbn luid 19 li

, new cnncH ro|i<irtod. oity Hpnllli Com- I mlnahinur Owi>n Buid ho hiid nppenl-cd lo tilll Mnyo foiinilnllon ’fo r noruni j;and llit.i WUH uxpcctod tu a rrlvo (o li

• dny n r lom orrow. r . All rhiirobOH worn nppciilod (o dla- I IM'niio wi(h Snnduy nchool cIiiiihi.‘a. In ]:

' iiddKlon thoiitrcH will hu UMkcd torofuno ndmlKnnco tn cb lld rv ii' under ii IS yuarK, Dr. Owun nnnouncod.. !•


■ • u

O fficials Test O u t S trength b of Contraband Coches By A pplication o f M atch;

. Supply of Year# Is F inally M arked fo r Uncle Sfun. . U

■ Mayor H. L. Anlilon, Chlof lu ip h K. < l^ifllKlilvn of tbu pollcu force, Coniinla- alonor T. J . UouKloa, Proaecu lo r J. V>. .. Tnylor, City Ohcnilnt H . U Wnllor, CoiiBtablo Cnrl J . Domrone. I’nllco JudRC Jam ua U .%fvc nnd othnra wK- ncHHcd tbo liurnt nacrlflcc o t a Int of more o r lona Kood lluuor IhlH morniuK F nl (ho cliy linll. ll

Tboro WUK ft nupply o f nomolliln;; c* llUo 25 KiillonH of Iho booic. In five a Id'KH Of flvo (caltonH encli, pnrlly flilod «« nnd 'lu JiiRH, Jnrn nml hotilcK. I>'

Tho burnlni; toiil wan iiiadc and bn<! nl varloua roaiiltH. One koi: xald t» hnvn la hoon put In aonin yenrn.nKo, eoninln- <Hl moonnblno of very weak (tuolKy, » wblcb It I* Bald would nol IcnKc whon ai pliiccd In tho vniill..bul wblcli Imrncil hi In A Hlckly and uncorlnlii wuy Lixlny. (■ O thor oamplcn bad p lenly of kick and ol nliowni (he prop<\i- nplrlt by b lazlnc "I np a t once. rs

T he Urjuor wob dc>(roycil la tor. It- “

The llauor wan lurticd ovrr lo tho 'I' chemlnt a flo r (be tcntn for fu rlh er ^ anaiynlB. l*ro«cculor T aylor aald purl of ll a t loaal. would ro to Unclc Sam, and tbc reat would be Ocatrnyrd.

I l Ims bc«n E atbcrlnc (or yoarn,


Calls. - Coofarenco >o£.-Sanoioff - • Masters to Aid in Bringing Back Steps of Many 7«oxs

- ,,^o;_Ajrsjiggs.01assos._DETnOIT, Mlch., Ocl. 23.— H rnry

Ftord'a denlro lo »eo tho old faahlon- ed dancea rolurn to popu la rity haa r«*ulted In lhr«e a lm lflc n n t d«T«:op- m eeia here wKbln (eo day*.

Tw o la rs c ly a(U nded p r lra te dancea exclualvoly derotcil lo nneleni atepa have been followod by n Ren- e ra l Invltallon to roinv than 304 danclne m aalera In M lchU an and Ohio, lo m eot for a conferanco w ith P oo l a t D earborn on Noven*her 5.Aa n r a iulL. tho o u fa ro n c e him been o r r S c ^ w ltb Mr. and Mra. WllUam &. lio ra tt of M aaaacbuaetU, In chATE# o f Inatnictloo.

T b o at w bo a ttend th a m n fo rec c t wtll ba enttrtoJnetf l l tb e r o r d lab- o r i to r r D earborn, w h«r« a danclo ;: ' floor haa been fltt%l up for re su la r daaatiU ..

Another-Reprieve .Is Given Slayer .

' s a l t LAKB O T Y . P U k W S i . ^ _

niUfla t b t dU trlc t cou rt bos fonr I tn M flx td tb e data, d id M t (aee

M S * ;Creckatt ta a t a lc b t. l a coafenm oa » llh tbe n o u board o t p a r d e u . o t • b le b be U '« b a lm s n . d e d d ed to - m a t th e cm v le ted la itrd tre f o f P* . L ro in u D arld C ro w th tr bla oMoadP ^ t T f c .



OF 17 STATES10 • _ _ _IU

Six Governors and Reprc- ,i“ senlativea of Otbers De- >- . . m and Repeal of W artim e

Levy in Reduction Plan.

l„ WASHI.VCri'ON. Ol'l. :;;!- -Slx mnio rn »;ovoni(irH und i>ornoii:il ropvoHoniu- ,K ilvomif olov.'M oihoni .l.' ropoiil

nf (bo fodi-i'iil liilKTliiinoo lux hrfoio - .11)0 huiiKL' wiiyh and iiiraiis oonimllloc

lo<lny. ■ *Tlio fod tral Kuvoriiiuoiil uiir|>od ilio

lovyJnx imwi-r ,if il„‘ l:ixIn a «ni' orlHin and lilii unju:dly c-oii-

f. (Inued Ii hIuco. ilio Kovornoin t-onn'iul ® In lliolr «n:iiiiioniH for lopoiil.

. Tho dPlocallon ot !7 !*iaIo i'Xii'iiIIvi'H II, wiih Uid by (lovi’n iu r n iffo i'd Walk<'i. •0 donifiornl. aeor« la. who |iri'norii.<t a n roiuihillon adopted by u cunr<'roiici> of i. tiovcrnnrB ni Hiiviinnnh la.K Jiiiio, n:-k'- .9 lUK lopoul n f.ib u fedonil Inboiliauoo 1- lax. ,I- "O ur people aro i-iiriivinly In nym- 11 piithy with Ih h iK'ililon. TIm- iuokoiii .0 law .would not aiMl could Hoi biivi.'bo>-!i

punned luivo iih « wftrdim' iiioiiHnro niul «- Iho (luic haa now como .for li>i ro- n peal.'-0 RcpruAcninllvoH of- ollior sovornnrH T Ineltidi’d: Honry Couir'. a lloiiin-y. of

Now-Moxlco; II. S, •.\lrClunky. iiooro- ' ta ry lo Govi-nior llim t uf A rl/onn.

Tliu dclijuullou olalmi.ll K/ havi- the1 (lym palby/of :u I'tiilu Kov.-riu.rH nn<■ only four ojipoHi-il ii-iipil nf iho liix, I ftccordlHK to W nlkcr. I 'U ui'oh w.-ro

HllbMilItoil l» Hbon- Ihnl ‘lurliii; thi- fK- i. cul your L-ndluu .luno ?.». I!i;'l. tin- 17 i; Hinlcs' rcprcHC-ntod In ihc dylouatluii • imld Iho fod.Tnl Kuvfrnun'iil ni6io llmn■ *50,000,000 In liib(-rllniii-o laxo:.. _ ,

r Sl'ICCIAl, TUAIX in:iMins r T ho Hpi'clnl iralu fnr o.-nlriil iiii<l I norlborn Idnho hvni lnK lioinowaid (ho

I. O. 0 . 1-'. nnd Kchohiih iiK-mbi'iii who uilcndod Ihu convoutloiin boro, 'Itm exact nunibPr of vloKorii horo lum nnC

n bocn. dolcrmlnod h n r ihe I'loo.lindiioji

yprliitwl wcfo oxhttilBli'd ami Ilirru woro cnllH for more.


f In a commiinlrntlon to tho Twin ; I 'ana chanibur of cumiiH.'rc’o.' HUsiiOu^

Hon In niudc hy (bo Unllod SfatoH ;; cbitmber o f cnmnioivo (bai (bo world e court adtuKlon nudor (bo llur<llnK- .1 Hunlica-CoolldKn plan will anon bc

placcd hoforo iho aonatu for conldi r- :! lUlon and thnt If any aollnn Ih to bu [) laken J l miifil onmo HlKirily.. T bo 'nu tloun l bocTy In f-troncly In •, fav o r.o f oniorluc (ho world courl 1 ORrcomenl. li nrKUoH Ihni ilii' plan I hna iKcn omlurnod hy hnlJi Rrcut |>nr- -. (Ica, by k-adInK Jurlnln nnd Hiiidrnia I of IniernuUonal law. Ii' a rsu e nibut : ''(rude and Induntry uro world-wldo In

ranilflcntlouH and are hccoinluc lurru , n3‘. Commerre knnwa no boundary

llhow .\Vftrlf1,> lw n Vll,-'l fnH orIfl pronioHoB ond prrtitfrvlnR worhl-

P w lde'procporlty."

' ' ' ' (

■ 'J-

DAI]I D A H O , F R I D A Y , O C T O

D arrow ian . I



nd = r y . d = £ ^ k i i r ^ ' < ^ c = ' 'I,. narrm M IMrn.w I...... . th.- i..-w J'

u» kIIiIiii-'-.'" I» l“ 'l.i' Ul. llx l’r i-lilrlH. j''

o»l''.iVl«m« Ihl- l«.y" a irM.y« prcdy Tl.-bi>.. Wlii-I. i. <'t

sB n n iiS c E J: PlANECHJSHESi;


P i lo t o f S e ip ln n o E n te r e d in S c h n e id o r O up O lossio a t B a lti - "r

, m o ro I s I n j t f f c d W b e n C r a f t

D J f lU s in B a y ,, )i

IIAI.TIMOIli:. Md„ Ocl. :;i—Tho !.«- por-innrlno N'liplrr S-7 iioaiilnno. no-

In c ro ily biilli fo r iho llritlnh iilr iiilnln- «■■Un (ly lo hrliiK t<> KiiRjaiid llio ............V? ‘’l 'l’- cinfllic><l in liavlKnblllly io.vh to-

<ln ' nCBay J5boio and will h<- i\.iib!o fo lo cmiiiiilo In Ibo Inlonintlonal non- j), plnno raco hero lomorrow.

l,J f n p ia ln .l l . C. Ilulrd, iilloi. w»h r.-«- .Si s. ciicd nud luk.-n lo Jobu llopklnH Jioh- In fl l Tho macblnc, oqulppod w lib n 12- ,ci ry llndo r Naplor uiiilnr. wan tlio iblrd r . Hoapluiio to (nlto llic"‘a lr In the lonU (II today nnd the Hornnd lo oii’coiinUT illf- a t floulty.In Tho llullnn M.u-obl-Sn noaplauc. p li: ch ru o (cd ’by l.levionaiii ClovannI 1)1 llrijr- dl< ry aiidl, nevond to rlHo from tin- wnti-r. In’ ar. x a iu o .d a in u .w itii- i.d « « u l-a io io r a f i t c .ali ll- ooniplotlnic ono laji around tho flvo- mi

m il- tm t cpiiinc. ____________ _________ da


■ •/ S o w o s LIKE \ _____V B E T iy g C Q g \ y ' f*KM0)fn3^ T " /\ - y /LsmMzj

■ I f , ............... Q O O P T E

■ ‘ . k o c f t w o X , o/ ^ V i /

7 ' ■I

LY TL’O B J i l i 2S, 1 9 2 5 .



Senator Lodge Is Author of " New Book W hich A ttacks League and Motives of n- Lale W ar President.

^ ,m ;\v vo iik ’, (Al. W nu iin-I.Mlin.- ,„l ll.lHoll-. lu i.r .ru l.i ,; .....'l i t . ....... hi):-t llll Irs, p.i: ll.miin;. j '..................... rioin Ih.-- ll. n .11 Ti». Ml. I .10, onouy„.'^.-ii;, M.-iiiy I..,,!,;, . ,„,t, IIlfll.'.l (.ld.,\. Uc-lll lh.- IciVll.' ....... l.-. l

..... ....................^"i;v.u-,s .My nr Ib.' !.;i!:.l,-',. .'Ni:!-

.■n.-.-,'- h.- will!.- Ill a ll..! .'•Tb.- S.ual.- and 111.- l.oiii;ii.- nf .\.i- tliuii'.’* han .iiitvliu.-.l nn- .if lln- uir........I ,o f 'h . ^ l ’nil.-d .‘ lai.H III li.ildln;; I'-i

Unit-int:r(V.".;»i.-I'iovli’iloiii'. in .............. hnlb.' h-antii' tliti!< r.-vr haii pnivoil fitilli- m;for Ibl- ).ui-|u,»,. fm- w b lr in i «a i.'o ,,. ■ron«l1dy d.-itli;iiod uud loudly i)i.'- Cnrlnliitc d, 1> ba;i d.iii.- Jui>blni; lo .-n.l Jm

Till- h-inK b »h;irply of l ’r<-.-.- vii l.lonl WllHiiil. r.n- l.<xl»o hol.l iiml n»l I.Ii-nllMti. bill vaiiliy uotuati-d hls woili. .mi

■•'Tin- k.-y lo all In- did waa Ibal ho , lhniii;hl ot ov.-iythlnK In l.-riit« of ,|,.i

WllHoii.'- r.-marli.-d . l.niUi-. <•„AlU-i- d.-<-liirliii; Wllnon, In .all i:n-nl „r

l>i-obl.-m>i. ilintulit Di-Ht uf hliuHolf. I,odKo a«lil.-d:

•'llo itmy huv.- ihnuKbt of tb.- roun- n li-y lltll Ihoro witH :i lonu liili-r- U Vlll. nnd ia iho .-omp.-tillnp tho domu- I I orallo parlv, I wltl i'o bliti Jimllci- to " »ay. » a s a |i»»r Iblrd. .Mr. Wll-ion wuh di-v»ni-o.l l>v- tin- di'Hlro fnr pitwor. II ho I.n.l 1..-I-II a Hol.ll.-r au.I a m n trn lflcblln;: ...... . tin-•|:.)voriintoiil.iC Ib .-t^illii'il Sinr.'f. >votil(l havo U.-.-li tn .c ra v i- ilaui:.'!'. Ilo. vvai. obnllaaio an.I up lo a oorialu point, dol.-rmlnod. Wh.'U ll oamo lo nclual confllcl bcInokod ii.Tvo an.l .InrliiK all!.....ah wKh

- bln ...... .. I •lotihl If bo luokod111.- will."

I l.odao obai-Koil ihut.W llKoii mlHHod A t an opoprtnnlty l» no down luio bln- I (ni-y w ltb a ruconl uii a poacumakor.

hnrd lu rlvnl. hnl tlia( bo aubinllto.l lo m any ''i-vll HiIiich'’ In ibo Vci- .

1 Halllon dnrtimoni In nn nnihlilnn lo mako n l.-uKUo of natlonn—"a nyHtcm

• of which bo would b.- tlif- bond.” .t ------------------ ■ '

)»:.s i .m :s s m o .'ik x <iOro iirn.sK iii 'K T ix ti

--------- h-Dr. Oi-n Ki‘lih and .Minn Iloo' .'’m llh Ijo

. w.-nl (o UoIh.‘ lodoy aa roprc.ionlodvo lio

. or '.h.' Twin l-'nllH lltiiilnoan and I'ro- ln<i foHKlonal'Woman'H oluh (o nil.-nd a uft

' r.'ocpilon of llio llolno Ilunlni-HH fi I’m - -ml• fo»i.lnnul Woman'H club. Mrn. Mary olir- Dohliinoil, Klnto prr-il.lrn|-. (;o.-.i lomor- laV

row aud will nilond a rmmd tablo poi• .Sunday. 1

------------------------ ficcr ; \ ( i ix i : i : i{ ix n iA itc Ji:

; (>f ' i l l i : iM )i'M >iioi s i : lioi1 IHIiS U K lli: T(M).VY Ihr

J. 1\ fu lly , olvll i-nKlno,rr In- chai-Ko nf rutm.lliouh.- r<mnlrucllon.- dlod nt (bo boHpIlal nl nuoii todiui ful- , Inwlni: aivopornllon. llo waa C2 y.-nrn L .aid— l--Uium-ai-fttTam:cmunUi_wll|__ Ij;^

made on r.-c.-ipi of w ord from hls.Iw o .laUabicrn wbo aro-In .^nll 1-ake. '

In . a J

■ ’ - " '■> Jolithe

J '' ; biR


____________\ ' ,lnt(

F5 Am s \ s________| (

F E U O W S G ^ ' . 1 f " ■ n . j

-1 /

, J y -V ^ • Loa

'W "

- Tw\B 9 9 l i v aK B K S r T y of>


______ S3

^ i

IMESMuseum P

~Pfmw III -PyI .'.■III, ^l!^

I>. I '. I-. l-a.I.'i .............. . „( .. M I . ; ,

' 'siVi'lt'ii'-"lli' > mi.ill'i i!'i''-'l"''i' li . ' '

■ 'I'll.- c Mn.llllnii » iil ll.- an tnil.-pi ml- im >1 u . i n . SH: I n , M . I , - l i , :

•I'--• • • ' ■ * ............j jy i itc h e ll S e r v e d j jJ

w i lh A.rmy C h a r g e s ‘|J\y .\; - i i iN (iT ii\ . i r . o, i, -!

ni'"Mi;',7\irM''W!-i!n'-:\\‘,','"''' " " :Th.- t.n.n.;,lit> «a-. ................... ti> I

'•nlnni-1 .rn:.,.pl, 1 .\ti .\1>lll.-n ..I tli.-l Ji.ilr;.- ..<U.,.-..t.- .in i-u .l: . m l.... . »l,iH

viinrlly ;ill.-t ..... . ' ' ' ' !.Mr.Millli-ll bad in> ,iMlin,illv I .. 'p n - ; I ,

Mlloiii-ll .u-n-ii. ll iln- ili-rv ^ 'ail- n itu - I-. Ill 1... ,.iil.j.-M.-il ti>, II will ........... Iiv iln-<-.)ntm.mdliiK ;-,.-m-ral .u tin- dlM iI.l nf Wn.thhi);t.iii, -


_ IS HlfANTEDltin-

A rrested H ere As Suspected Forger Long Supposed tu .,r. H ave B een , Suicide at

'F irs t Denies identity and »ur T oday Confesses T hat He U M an .

--------- IAilnilaHlon n l in:.-!ii ihln tnorn lns anr

Ibal tho nnmo of J. A. Harrln by'H hioh <-|.l< h>- wan known wa.f floiltimiH an.l tha t Uul ho wan Chari.-n II, I.owrlo, wanloil tn oim KdIko on roi'i;>'t-y ohuri;.->i, ond.-d ihn l|v< iniiiilHiilon tt-blob liinrii'd Iuhi iv.-nlu;: lum uftor blH arri-iil. Stii.rlff .M. K. Hnoti ib'- anld tha t l.owrlo admitt.-.l tin- all.-Rr-.t oi-<t ohock tnHtiniic- nn.l cl.-tnliod tin- .-V.-iiim inkiuK |>laoo .-In.llm: i]i i.i IiIh illi.ap- a pi-aranr.- Honto niiKiilm nxu. ,,,,1,

l,owrl.- IK Hai.l lo hitvo to ....... .. of- J,'..floorn Ihnl afi.-r Ibe <-lio(-k li.- »ai< jioi'- n„ i .i.m.i.'.l ..f th.- rio-Inn «if .oommlltliii; |„„i nttlold.-. llo to<.k hlH milk tn tho r,i,i- t lion an iiHiial, In- aal.l. aroordInK lo Iho roport, and lli.-n (ilc .l t.i rnn IiIh ,,„ ,i

ItiK w aloro of lh - llol,1C river. Tb.- lik h w all hinckod tbo Ovortau.l milo whl.-h fr„i «n» nut wr.ckocf. how ovrr. an.l rlo iboti .Irovo lb.- oar on iho brldito nml .l.-oldoil lo w rite a nolo linviir.;

commit HnlcUI.-, ' , ‘ITb.- aoroutit of how h<- (1..I to Twin V

Kallr. IH not .-loar, hul K ^ o a r n iba l "In Juno bo wna mcl h. rc looklUK fnr a Job and taken otil in Ib.- fnrm of "" Jolm I’nriridKo. wbo wunlod a man on “ the 0. i:. Carlnnn plnco on ibo Salmon, ' w here b.- ban b.-on otnployod ovor j'y" alnce. Mr. I 'a rir lilao np.-aka In tho ,V®, blRbcnt t.onim of lhr> work of Ia.w iIo w blle oniiiloyod ihoro. ,

U w rla ban a wife and hovo/«1 ohll- dron. la - wua n m i and Id.-nlltlod horo . Inte ycaicrday hy two m. n l ‘ay-rlti> wlio I(nllfl.-.l SbfrH f KlM.b lli- clatme.1 u( Iho tim e lha t Iio wan nboul ^ In leave (or Cnllfornlo wlib N.-Uon *"-” l l ’oj-ward on a tr ip l>iil Mr. Hayward aald be knew, ao puraun-jiainr.l J . A. H arrla and wan not ooatomplal<-d In a ‘‘‘’.p, Cnlifornlu (rip. Sheriff Kmmott I 'f j- I . , / J 53*-;^d»-«>unty will ’srV lifm I ftfi ove- nine. /

Ixtwrle hail hern a rroalc< /tn no lte . / a l NPay :s . and a rra lsn ed b c firc Junllco IW WrlRhl Stacey, lie waa rrloaaed to 1IJ a p p ra r (he foltnw lnc ila)- anil w hin he fa lln f tn do ao. S heriff rfon i a ta r i- . e«l oul I* InvrallRale. lie foiiad that the a i i lo j^ d l«H-n d lacovrrrtl and (bal Lowrlc w aa now here to Iw (ound. Tbc r lv rr wan acarrhr-d fo r (be hody It waa auppoa<Hl to contain bul. na iurvl- Tex: ly. w ithout ronidia.

Twin Falls Boy . &Honored at Moscow

U,SIVER.<»ITY O P IDAHO, Moacow.Oct. 23—A rthu r PeaTey. J r» aon of A.J . r e a v r r , 160 Sev tn th aveouv north , ^ ,, Twin Falla, boa been ele«ted prealdeot i, o f Ihe P r t^ l^ jn l club , an oricanltaUoB o f a tudenta p repa rln s to e n t f r ib e col- i.c]< lo w of law a t th e U nlveralty o ( tdaho.

T he P rt-l^ceal club woa form ed In .^u o rder th a t altntenia p r tp a r in x (ftr the jg a tu d r o f law could b e erounded )n the . v . ;

endoiQeatala of eihlcad an prac tlcra ■Ib a proffM lMi.betpn! IbfT w.fn u if i= apec tn tJ ly m em bers |,f« j


PonrteeQ )e(t tb la BMralair fo r -tbe b o o e cO B lac ceU bt*U oa « t B«ri*e. to ra t U l a i t O f n t a n a - U i T c e m .a m il t teM to r* v n r U ift.O R la(t.racl(le . OUtera ^ wlll«athte««s^ir«adaaawleai«la tlut c a n tU s a f te n o o a . ' . - ■ nrtc

. ... • - • . - .V ’ . •. -'

?•' ''.viY


OLD vo iy , X llf . NO. Tm .'

Party Uses' yrgmy Tripr~

; . l llll,- .i'<niii.-.I iii.-n lln- ttra.-lllali 'JIIII.I.-, w lii.h III VI.III.I .III Hiiiitlui- .

; .\n- i- i . i i u a l nl |)ii' plnno. I.i-.ultii;

' :.i"t III. ii.'iiii >m U ....I i;,i(nV;.ii r . 'a n l

.1 il.. ■ .,in,;i ..Iiirli n l- inn-.' I'ly

s ti r 'l l ,. ' ................... t.,ii,.rMii-i-,i-Ml

;BALKA^wS T "I THREAT NEAR I SETTLEMENT1 League w in Meet M onday

to T ake Up Question of Greco-Bulgaria Conflict; Troops W ithdraw n ,’Is Re*

j port, From Frontiers.j sitriA '. I'lll. j;: liii.-rv.’ by l.|lliliirii,il'. llf 111.- -;liat i i im iis wlllli;!;ii.i!:;ri;;rv;rrx..xx1 llall.;,;,.. ;,l l.aM i..« ,p a l4 H I> ^ J

'VinI.Uu ............. . ,-i.i .niy Tbtirn- ^■iaj. tin- ............ . htii-Vicd.-ii In i>oi-.i.nailln;: Ib.- Ittil;;arlii!i (-ahliiol lo r.-- lia lii Iinia a .li-.-lara'Inii >,f w ar ,Kalii>.t (;i-.-r.-i-. Itinl iiist.-ail «> try iho pi.olft.- riiui<- l.-adliiu iliroiiKh .ih o l.-auu- .ir-na'lom ..

A.H I, riHiilt nf lliiil proHstiro from tin- ;;r''al jn^kvi-rn, Iliilcarin npp.-nlcd 10 llx- l.-a^iii.- t.> o„nv.,Ki> Itii ootmcll In nil •-rmn .'.ll (-ml tin- hnrd.-r trouble,! i,{. the two u.-lulllicrH,

Tin- ouhlui t wus nummonod for Inat iilrbi lo enni Uh v.ji.' on wbolb.-r Uul- Kurlii nhoul.l doclur.- w ar, bul thia mo- • m ' ntouN d.-elHl/ii wan not ro<|ulr<-«l. In . tbo llKlK nf itio puwoi-H' Intervention. '

I 'A lllS. Oct. 2H -T h o Orci'k IcRatlon unnotinecn tmluy tlial Oroero hiio de- - I'lilod to wllhdrnw hcr truopa' from . Uulcarlu i]n notin an tbc reault of a . . ormf.Ti-nro today-hulwoi-n reprenrnla- ilvon of Ui<- tw. ORovcrnmcuta la liiiowu. Tho niilKarInn IcRniion, In lb'- tiK-nnilmi' announoo.! Ilnluw in had oi-<!.-ii'd It.-i ffoutl.-r KUarda wlilidrnwn.

A.ti i:\rbntiK '- T.-losr.ipb AiIicuh dla- piilol, rroi ivrd a-rijitnlon olalmod tha l ih<- Cro.'li troiipH would rotnnin on ItolKarlai, ,.i>lt Until fall'KUtlHfaollon had b.-1-ii nreordr-d Croocc.

Tho Atlii-mi corri'Hpundoal of the ISchauKi- ToI.'Krapb reported today •Ibal fnur,C.r.-okN wr-ro killed and ciRht wouiid.-d.. Iiii-lu.lliu a ouplolu. whon Ihl- Cr.'olu. ri-iK.-oupl.-.l l)i-ntlrka'i>ou . froalli-r po.ii nnm ti.r C!'. I.alor ltj>ina nirl.l Ih.-y .,ooiipl.'d irrrlior}- Jual oul- niilo IVItllob.

“ :i^n1 :vX~tiFT~;::i-~A7nnR to halt------------doriiilt.'ly (:t-.'oO:lliilsnrlan lioHillllloa, tiM- lioKU.- of nuilona lo.lay w arned III.' warrInK tiurtlu* to rofruln froni h.,"tlllil.-K llml nummoued Ita council - Id aol tho erbiln .Monday,

TIilH notion, iiii.lcriakm by Fren rh Mlitlntcr Ilrlau.l, an prea ldrn t of Ihn lv»u\so> coHncU. (olUtwed ft« appeal by lliiluarlii undor. a rllrloa Ion and eleven of (bo b-uRij.- covenant, demandlni: Im- m.-<Hnio r.iuvncatlon of the council on Ihl- Cn-co-Ilnluaria i-onlllct,

Cuil-'r t b u of the IcaKUO ('O'.-nnui, n moM,lior o r nnn mcntber

p ta l when ll fcol» Iherr In axBrcaalon nsniiiHl II. o r when the w orld'a peaco nppm ra ihrcatoned by «ji «xUtloK - ro iiflIclbo tw .-,-n lw onatlonM - .

Tlio li-auiie'H eoitncll.w lll a ll Monday


Texas* Govemor-^afnses to Oom» m e n t on DsflaBO* of Laglsla- tive Leaders Sseldng 8p»dal Sessions.ACSTIN, T exaa. 0 d ' . - « - " l b«Tt ao ' J

a la tc n eo t to make.*’ G or. >llrla]B A . ' Ti FVrsilaAD o f T exaa re lt tra te d '.flna ly i c l today when aaked l( abe v

v ida rcallla ic a a t H ^ s t u i o B o C J M ' ' U i ItK itla ln re If O o m o o r , • - Ndidnt^____

• sa tt« r»W i* aitriuriBt»TTg*'- ,la W M blattoB lo . s t ^ . b l . d i c ^ t t a t f tbe « f ta ln i o r tb e s S * > l s w i i » y i * e . ^ < , 5 ^ mlMloti aboaM :be

rniisloastaitod ^ ^ m

m mPhone S o d o ty to _82 — A fter

mill- l.iibt-H

mill ■■njoyiiUI)' niiTtiMK ni iln- liofhf of 11. i’l'rry Krliliiy nfi-«rn6oii. T he iiri'nlilnHH nf lln ' Kiiral KtiO«jrallon rliilm wc-rr iiri'tii’nt n:nlB«vo ri-iHirtn on ........... <if F.'it. -j'lv a t » l ritiliii n 'c riitly Ix'lil ut lllii<-)<< w<m>1 fool. TJiv IVrry' wun i.rrillly , ,|i,y

' (!<L'C>ra(<-tl w llli HiiIliiwvVii iiiuilfd nail [iimicolom^ tin- iiniiiii iiflin tu ' ln-liii; ••iirili'il tij<-ou t In III!' tiil>li- a|ipolntiiii'ii(!i, . Mni. j rnriC. H. T rrry , iui hK'iI tiy Mm. IntoP e rry , iiitv«.<| ilrlffldiiB ri'fnntitin 'iiiii itiKijrt tJi«* clone Ilf (Iio iifli'riiinm. Hi>|n

• > c ,j„..HrW w l.iiiifhH in—Mrs. SiiirK.<m of i

McCoy. Mr#, J. II. t»y»:cri nml Mik . 1. i.uro H. .Manti-m <'iiti?r(nliu'<l fn r n tr ii’iiil )iIhwho Ir' noou (i) Joiiv.- inw n ^ l l i » wlilicharnilnRly uii|iointi'<ltiiicl)!r limclK-on rrHu

. • ThurntJBy a n p iiio o ii(a t tli<* lioiiic oi lo v M fi. Mnnlrrn. Tlm nJoiiin .won- nrtliitle Impfw llh (tccnrntlonn of Jii|mn<'i«- liarbcrry fully nti«f nutiiinn teny^n. ''rUr «-pr<- cnl ecentarril w liii lu*tT(< 1>owIh contoliiln;: iirrvJapan rnc lia rlicrry, nml Uiu hiiiup <Io- nIuiiBllcn earrlod oiil In lln- n u t cii| ik nml ti'neipinco canid. In Um lirltlKf Knmcii iJir i. 'i(prlxon' w oro nw ardrd to Mrn, C. D. 7r.-7!NnH oj, (Icni. Mlnn Ia N i IIx Br.'chcn- 70. trl(lR<> necoml and MrH. J . OavlilHvn mlorconaolBtlon. pi-nr

• • • ennl J . I). IU P n r t j—Till' m nnihfrn of the crnd

J . D. D. cliib onl<>rialti<-<l wUli a ili> nlillJ llKtairul cnrrt. p a rty In honor of Ihclr Ject.huaband t T b u rx lay rvi-nliiK nt Ihi ili-ii<homu of Mr. nml Mm. I(c5’ Onrdnvr hiiIiJ< T he roora* wnro a llrac llvo ty dccjiral- loitoed Wllh. HalloiweVn »yml>oI». iiiimi>- Hfi likins, yollow calciidntn. hlacU cniH and I'nnti

. wlt2hi-«. Klvlng Ihu color touch of llio oiiim■a<>)ion, T w o. (nhlcii of flvo h u ridn il cri'dand two tnWe* ot-plnocli]i> wrn i>ljiy- wlihod, p rlto fo r hlKli ncoru Kolne to .Mra. rrh'uP . C. DftWHon and litw lo Dr. S. C. |iu|ilW yalL A , d^llclouii hincliwin, wna culm•erved a p o r Iho KnmoR. rons

. » • • . Oio 1TlrMBh> P n rly—Mrn. C, G. nennon givo

' '• wan hnnlMB at a p rcliy hrhlRo partythla aftom oon nt h o r homo on ro u ri li A navonuo eaat. Yoltow rhrynnnlliciiiumn mini

' w are most a ttrac tive ly arriincod nlioul npcli;tba roomn and tho (tnmo flo ral m otif iiltywan carrlod out In tlio inlllon and whoacoro pada. Throo tatilen of plnyorn ncho:cnjorod tho brldRP samon. rollow lna ntiid<tb e Ramcii. a dollclona two-courno pinci

• lunchcon, favoring tlio co lor arhomo of not, iyellow and white, wan a e v c d liy tho tho iboetoas. Impr

• • • • - o r b W cdncnday. afternoon tho Illeblam l

View club wa* cn lcrta lncd hy Mra. T. Tli Bandy a t h e r homo. Tho uaual liuni- wvi'k DM! a m lo n waa hold, a fte r which the nnd i a fternoon Waa apen t aoclally. Tlie tho t

'* hom e waa lovuly w ith dpcoratlonn of I t. V nnllow o 'cn colom und nymliola. At nnd tbfl clono o t Iho nftornoon tho hoHle*» Mr. : ia m d 'd e llc fo i tn rrrrenhtneiiiir. Th

• • • tlni) . Tfto O rcakfant eluh m fl w ith Mrn. H lilch

0 . M iller on Wcrlneaclay nftorncion a ' practh e r homo on Main avcniiit went each Conmon furnished th c flo rn l dcccrn*Uona for iho room anil tho tnlilm . Tli<

. P avor for bU h ncoro . In th e lirldK) .ipri-<Kamofl waa own hy .Mni. S. I’. Newiiiun. nn tlMm. C. D. Thomnn In u now m.-iiiher ronriof th e cliih. nl an

. — ------- enn»iTHIIKK CItKKK tlO H .srS A T M V - inntK

TIO.V. -nt o T hurnday, Nov, R. n t 1 I', M. ftt Ihe

Mc.Ma*lcr l»nm. T w in l-'nlln. ir.O h.-a<l ThiBclcclcd from Ifioo. D on't fliil to nt- Reneitrn d a s them will ho a lu irrn lu for 'ihe novoryono. Krom 1 to 7 yenr old horne» whiclw ilt make trom 1400 tn inoii jioimdn. OeiolAuctlonecm, W nltor and Shenrer, H. thin <n . Claytoil. Ownem, I 'n rl I 'n l r l c k . -------Prcd W alter and otliurn. „ .---------------------------------------------------- J

WANTKD—To clean anil rr j ta lr ynur . furtiBce. llrlseo Metal WorkH. — ndv, >

------------------------- OlU ad TImow W arn Ad<.____________ ^

------------^ ^ ----------------------- . 5

Cut down your I ’ milk bill ?

-------------G »m «ti«n-M itIw-goes-fM — —ther bccausc there is less « waste. Splendid io r all y . cooking. Used in placc o f '5

—..... c re a n r it saves lo ts o f ^mnney. At your grocer’s, today. y

CaiiH tioh^ I iu i Pnooi'A s CcwajttJ06 W h 9ih S trm

HolK. ^

" F r o m C o ttte n le J Cows*’

' x _____ 7 • ^ ^



;cr C P . M. Phone 7B-W

-BUffliies-h' 'l i ly .M. M. Vail l>alti'iil |

The report eiinlK fur tin- ’firm slx t r i ••im'Hh pirliicl will Ik- Klvni oiil T tu n - ' uy of next wci'li, T h r folloxvliiK . x- 'laiiatlon wltl he fonnd on The Imrk of he canln Klveli out In the flmt '-lltlit .rnileii; The hcIiooI y rar li> dlviili'd

lllo Ih iee perlinlii of nix wT.'kH eaeh. leport eunln a re limiieil to piipilii al D he-end of eaeh iiitIimI. T he pnrpo«n' | f thlN'ri-Jiorl In to Klve Ihe ']iu [iir,i tt ureiitii I'.^net liifiirmntliiii eoneerninu a lin work th a l Ihry may ei>-(i]ieruli' ^ ■Ith Ihe teaolii-rii In nisrurlUK the lioiil rnultn poiiHlhle, I'n renlii n re Invited I) vlnll the nchool often. It In v . t / a iiortniil th a t the leni;hi-rn nhoillil hi- lu lllly Inforiiieil nn to ihe phllifn'iitiyal- •''' " nl coild/llmi, llfu oiHkWo o t Kclinnl nml revlnan hlnlnry, 1’lemie' iixamlne. " r n Ijin nnd return thin rejiort enn l to Ihe , J ' ■nchi-r n l onee. .Melhod of fciuilliu:;. !l0-(»0. ixcellen t; 2, K-i-HI., Kood; 2. r.-7!‘. fn lr: 4. 70-7-1. fn llu rr; fi, below cent f>. poor, lu ndililliiii lo ihhi expluu.Ilon the fiillowliiK I'Xiiliiuallon at>* ii,,a, enrn on Ihc hack nf the hiKh nchool ' nrd: A ch<-ck mnrk follnwlnK a rndo IniMcaton thnt the Htuiloul hnH ,, h lllty to do hiitter work In that nuh- {• •ct. A croan liidlcnU-H Ihat ihi‘ ntn- u , . ■■nt In In dai'ii:er of falilni: In thnt uhject. T he Krnileii arii liidleati'il hy .i^y' Hti-m: H3.10II In A : In II: H'l-fi In C: 7C-7y In O; helow 7S In N. ll'V, ’nnnlng- eradc In Tfi o r I). To, h ree- mmended to unlvernlty o r colIeKe the ri'd li cnruell In a eourne-num t c n n y qui,. ’llh IJ a *;raile Jiol hejow I,'. Iiiihixiry. I'Kular attendnnco nnd ah llliy of u j V upli arit tnken Into ncconul In cul- ./.y ulntlnK bla Brnde. Wo feel thnt pat- >un will recosnlzo tlm Importancii of -i'i, 10 card aud Itn oxpWiiatlon nnd will „r,, ,

“■ "a.'SJir.r™''"' s;?,\ now fontnre In tho hiKh nchool nd- „r ti ihilntratioh In. the ICfforl linll. At a clnl nclnL meetlni: o f tb e IiIkIi nchool fnc--„„on lly a voli« In taken on th c ntUilenOt ,||j. ho p u t forth tho p roper ecfforl In ro„n rbolB'rnhlp nnd conduct. Thin roll of ' :ndentn Is ponlcd In n connplciioiia Inco and ntudonts whoso namo doen o t,nppear on tho Hat know ihnt In 10 opinion nf tbc faculty Ibey oan iiprovo tb c lr ncbolarahli> o r conduct r both. • ' ED

M O rrhcntra . [on.Tho orchontra w ork commenced thla eek w llh II. W. Barry an niaunKor id director. A mlatako wan made In 10 naicn laat week atntlhB that Mm.. W. U nrry wnn aclinic an direc tor I'**' ? id manaKcr. I t nhould havo been r. H. W. n a rry . offlciTho hoy ncout Iroiipn of th o Clirla- ' Ik iiu nnd Uainlnl rhurchen une tho old Itnr : Kh nchool frymnasluni for hankelhall Iuk •acllcc, onch iroup unInK It one niKht mo ich week. ‘ ,

Splendid ('n .opom tlnn. V ,,Tlin n c h M adm lnlntm tlou K ron lly r'" 'V ir ec la le^ tllo nplenilld co-nperallon 1 tho n a rt of thn pnrcntn nnd pal- mn of <ho dinlrlct. U In hoped th a t vinltl

any tim e, any onv may feel frco lo week mnult the nehool offlclalH upon nny Kn n tle r iicrtalulntr lo the hent Inter- on a t of tho achonln In nny wny.

■ ( ilr i i r c o r v , : ; "T he local orKnnlzntinn of tho R lrl i-nerve a re coniiiletlnK Ihelr plann for e noiiihorn Idahn dIntrIc ennfcrence, hlch will convene In Uuhl Sntiirdny,lf-“ '‘*' -toiler 31. Tho apodal.'projtram forjH ehe' In conferenci- will be ready for p u h -‘dny >

Bvangeliatic Services-V

\ The Churchi\ w i n b e t b e to ^

f T w o C h a r t S e r m: a t t h e

r Christmn~{) ............................... — o h i h e

'■ N e x t T w o S u n d i I at 7:30j T h e s e s e r m o n s w i l l d e .

c h u r c h , t b e A p o s t a c y , ;0 a n d R e s t o r a t i o n . T h t1 t o h e a r t h e s e d i s c u s s t o i

I E v a n g e l i s t i c S e r v i c e s M



___ ■yoU.lXAve FOQ HOME^ / SOIr o UKE TO RIDE

■ H i . J g l [


'liG isiiiir'-'UPSET STOIISCII,:

--------------» KcChew a few Pleasant Tablets,

Instant Stom ach RcUefl iii

InHtnnt relief from niyiriU'HH. Kunen s*' ur aelillty of Hiomauh: trom InillKi-ii- nri Uon. Iluliilence. palpliailon, headiichc jj , :>r nny Kinmach diHtrenn, . |,n

The moment yoii_ ehew a few ‘'I ’api-'H Dlapcpnln" labletn' yonr iitoniach foiOn ^.jj llnil. Ciirri-ci pour diKeiitlim for a few ,.r_ ;enta., I’leanant! llaruilfKn! Any drup o „nore.___________________^ 1,1.

Ilcatinn In tho nenr fulure. T ho local ;ummllt«o In expecllni; SOO KlrlH lo ht. - In aitondance a t tho eonfcrence. Two A Jf the fealurca of the cvnforeure will :ic the hilmiuet In the .MothnillHt ehureh Saturday night and the Union Hr-rvlcen ill the hlKh nchool uuilltorluNi Kun- ilay mornlnK. .Nuv. 1. Siirclnl ncere-, larleH will be hero from Ilolne, K an’ Krnuclnco und New York.' .Mt

Oilier liiijn’ Conferenri-. i:.W ord hn« been recelvpil thut the thl

Dlder Hoyu" conference of nonthprn eoi tilu Iio will he helif at TVIn I-’iiIIa I;i-c. f,-r I. li und C. Itepreni-ntallveH from ev- hki Ty town nnd coinmuuliy In noutheru Jud Uluho will allend thin confurence. pui

Thu ladloa of tbe Mcthodlnt church dal ire UHldurlnir a roccpllon Kridny uve< uil ihiK. Octobur 33. nnd have Invited ihc rrc oarhom of th e ‘scboola and memhern iiai >r the .honrd. with Iholr wlveiuan npe- ihe :lul /TUentn. T bo 'people who a re res ren iponnlblo for our acbools approclntc — he opoprlunlty of mecllni: the pnl- onn In thla social calhcrlnR.

EDENlMSvI2D&.V, Idaho .-M m . H. II. T horn-

nn, u iun ly nupcrlnlondani fo r Jc : omo county, -I'lnltod. Iho E<len ' choola—WcdDoiday. Mr. Thornton ccompanled hor and ronowbd old nc- unlnlanee -while Mra. T hom toa at- cndeil to dxiUen conncct«d' wKli hnr ftlcu.Ik O. n am oa w aa jn biinlnonn vIb- nr In Twin KnllH Wminimlny niorn- IK.MondnmoH. lly H enry nnd B<1 .Me-

[yo nru In Tw in I-'allB Ihln week nt- __-ndlnR tho Kcbnkah njiaombly. Mra. IcNoo In tho delcRato from th»Ulon Ucboknli lodeo. Mra. H enry In InltInK bii> niQlhcr durlnK tho .'eek.Kny Polnorn nnd Vlrsll Davla nro

n n huntlnR trip . They ench liopp ■y ro turu w ith n doer.Mcndnmoa Van Myors. A J . Wll-

nu. Dnllna Gordon, Oeor{;o I’hllllps, lo renco Lovin, ”C. 1’. Sm llh and lurtlnn Melcnlf attended I’rlmroso lehekijb lodRo nt Tw in Falls Tue#- ny cveninK.

- W J J / - B e g i n - J V o w . . ^ 4

\ in History |t o p i c f o r ^

m o n ^ L e c tu r e s S'Fie Co

'-Ghrur-ch—r-Sr ■ s

d a y E v e r n n g s - §■5 0 . , t o

d e a l w i t h t h e e a r l y Oo. y , t h e R e f o r m a t i o n S ’

’* A e p u b l i c i s u r g e d ^

i o n s . ^

W i l l B e g i n N o v . 4

“ / " ^ A s r r r ' '--------------------------- > VJALK HOMIsoR fT rH E N PY ejr

•u . h* c 7&v*3r k a i*h? r x < 2 f :l’Ttt-e ovcaT),M e - 11 ®j;BE T~reg HOT U V

I ■

____ ____ _ _____ ^

HANSEN,NEWS r, The flrnl *lx wccka of nchool cnmo _ _ lo n clone I-'rldny and tJio reporl carda were Klvcn onl on Mondny. Tho fol> lowluK iituilenll>>^ocftlveil honoraryKrnilen: l‘r l m n r y \ . Ituih Ueniictt. Tin m ake Krolllek, KInr7.tTrr H e n c o c k . j ™

'lloderlek Ulll, ItoRer lllll, Krank John-Iron. Wunda Kliiirn. Dllly K err, A rlhur ihc 1Koiip, Clarcnce I'atton. Dullan Iloy- nhowiioliln, Ueiilnh Smith, U 'la Schorrup. Pony.Second Krade 1C, Allceu ^hccnly, Ada Wnh’oH enry, KnrI Hnten, Kldnn Durk, Clem- Jnmon il IJackUH. Delhcrla liackus, Genova ancellolllflelil. Joe I'rolllch, U u ln H all, The 'IrlH HnnchhiH, Kdlth Andeiiinn, K uth- row i•Tine llrackenlierry. Kulji Kunkel, Ila nnd JMUHo. Third K rudu'S, Thelma lllll. an hnJlm mlo llUKhen; i:. Prlnculla UnBl(;r, happ;TIuilnm .McUan. Koiirth S, W illiam •Wlncman, lU lph- Koblnon, Hhcrmiin IIIXI IlellwiKKi; !i:, Clydollil Jouen, Irrno Schaefer. Martha Frolllch. JennieJohiiiioM. FitlU H, Alice Jean Uea- TIl<eiiok; IC, l.cllo H all. G rant Itcypolds, pu i o .Mnrvel Hcynoldn, Clnrcriro liuKiios., ntnrriSixth S, ItoHlna .McCillluin. Froil Ilow - crn jn rd : IC.'l.cone W alker, Qhidya Colnor, will illerhi-rt HUKhea, G race nri-wor. H ilda In jrlvl.lttnn. Kuhy WInuman. Seventh K, milk : Cecil Ijjcourso, Hvcrotl Taylor, Kv-vlyn Tnylor, H enry Colnor, Chaa. Coin- T T ,er, I)or.iihy Watel. IClKhth IC, Jo h a I I IGnlloy, Mniidu l,aycock, AuH<> Klinea. ■ . I.eroy Curtin, A lla Oaborn, U la .MaeHadlock. /

Agricultural and ’ UCreamery Courses *

. of U. Open MondayThe colloKC of.asrlcu ltu ro will open f a

.Monday a l .Moncow, accordtnR lo Dean f i IC. J. IddlUKn, wbo waa In' Ibis coimty it < Ihlfl week iQvcallsalinK Iho beet c rop 1 eondltlonn, and tho unlvernlty In 'of* ^ te r/ne n xrenl va rlf ty o t sdidlnir In ItK ■ ftKrlcultural courao whlcb a re ntock ^ JudKlOK. orchard sludlcH, Kraln und ^ pure aocd work, fccilH and fee<|lnK> dalryliit;, podltry ralnlOK, Inncci life M' ail control, p lanl diacancs. 2 20 week _ £ cream ery courao a lso openn on tho name day. Thuro Is no tuition anil Ihe feen are mucli lower than to r tbu rcKUlnr your year coiirseH. WH

“ ^ O v e r JLEVI STfW aist Ov

f o r M e n a t l dA n e w p a i r F R E E U

____________ L o o k f o r t h e T w i

Annual ^^ larC o m m e n c i n g M o n d a y , O

c o n t i n u i n g t h r o u g h o u t t h e

s u p p l y i s g o n e .

Fill-your cellar ndw and g . prices later on.

T h e w ise l i t t le H i|iiirrcl luyn i n ' ; i---------------------------------------- n'mI<ii>’ ttio”wif

AIM’L H S — ])(>lieioti.s, .T onnlhaiw , HiinaniiH aiuJ “ n o l cuIIh,” h u t Rood IQjiph'K; p e r Imx ..................... ..................8QUASH — Hubbard, dellci* liOI oun, Slhlcy, per C J A A lb.lOO pounda ............ ^ X a U U (-Elri'M P K lN S. por 0 4 A A on:100 poiinda ..........- ^ J L # V U CAICAUnAfiK — C o p e n ^ e e n ba ld •2“ ':

.................._..._5ncOM«>.S — Small. . S A / » - baiit •ack ..... ................... ,-.____U U t - ^ C A l

— SA l

r r i .... $ 2 .0 0S l “ $ 2 ™

.. ....$ 1 .0 0 r "B r in g 7 o o r O o n ta is e r f o r A

•Ed. Vance Publ

A r g u i n g H i s

IT '-IH A T F T a r -T 7 ^ ^OME-TMgPAVEMCAJT ( -AMOMVSMOe ^ , ^ / y / i f L E S A R eiW lM '

..• / G 0 6 H -r tS a S AN O L O ' ^ 1 ., \ STRETT CAP TRANSFeR’ j | \

W AvBElCA M RJSSn’ V , \/ ^ C f T = OM Tri£ I

—r — — 7 ' t m /


' V


. . . A T t h e ' . . '. ' TD t h e a t r e s n


Thn P a rainouni picture, T h e Pony

Mnorrow nlRbi a ttw c tv c o'clock. Tbin t wltlioul doubt ono o t tht* b e n l 'o f n _ _ 10 bliitorlcal cpicn Uial liaa been I '® ™ bown In Twin Kalla thla Jrear. T h e . p , ony ISxprcan" l lk o ^ t ir -< C o v o rc d ^ah’aB” wan mado and .d lrcctud by R< amoH Cruzc, which alone In aaaur- | - ncc Hint 11 In Breal enterta inm ent. lv< he 'klddlos', mornlnK inallneu tomor- 'BW mornlnK ntarln a t 10 o’clock sha rp tr a t nd Joe-K sayn, " U l llio klddlea kum" n hn ban a }3 r e d show to mnku them appy.


• . Ino. KT IioiParenl-T citchci'aaaocIatlonw IJl .M. Cn

Ul on Uio play, "A DIxIo lU ndlcap , lj"> »» tnrrlUE Jam ea Keenan aa Iho aoulh- lHal I rn Kcnllenian. Tho ‘.'.Milk Dandll" bulns ■111 also be preaontod. The program mndo I JfH'eh Jn Ihe In lrrca t o f tho Wddlen’ mitlon illk fund. * terent.

• - ' bpeii

H u s b a n d - * ? W i f e ^‘•Thl

H y w ife m akea m o bob he r balr.— Edw.-M. R. m r \


A U ^ tiRAUSS 1v e ra l ls 'd Y o u t h s; i f T h e y H i p w o H o r s e s

r Filling Sale „O c t o b e x * . 2 6 t h , ^ n d ’»

; h e w e e k , o r t i l l t h e

! ^ a r d a g a i n s t l ^ h ^

■;i w in te r KU])j)1y— He \yiKO GC’ wimo.”-----------------------------------------“ TUI

i«, H om o llon iitifH , ■\Vinlftr

$ 1 .0 0........ .. $ 5 . 5 0 - ' .

CKLEKT w lib root P i o n ; dozen .... - .... ,-------‘I V l ^

Slf.r-'*' -...75c 8"TU IW IP.Sh a ikci ............................... m U V f YOu K F F S r " — ' 7 5 c -baakei _______________CAVI.IVLOUXU,--------- Q l .20 pound ............____ _ V * wiS X V T K 'X R k V T , .................. C O " -'Jill6 BMlona _____ : _____.'lETTKD OEM SPUDS,por 100 pound* ..... ... lolT tX lP rnjLIW , ^ 460 to r ........ .......................... O * “ ■s i r K E r c w E J t , C lS nailon _______________ ^

ir A U B a ik f l t S t t i f f I

b l i c M a r k e t «

[ i s Way H o m ^ ^

'”' ” s a v t f v e A ja s o E o '^ J ^ a u -R ism t- v in x v o u A B o o r ih is •/{ . e e r o F F x r TW 0JSra? 'F 6R T O o ^ N D C T S n S i M W l3T E S -nb tO '*> 0 AM O ITX A l

, i r s M o a o o o -e iT H E S J \\ P A V V 0 lW F M « O R


m m m b IOF WA

emarkaible M edicine Is Producing Such A m azing pnopio Results—^Tho^sands Ask Reason For Its Power. *‘’ i'cre


i^xpliUnlnR tho rocord-bruakinR do- ind to r ibo remarkublo new medic- i,I. K arnak . throuttboul America. I* i,

Cnrrpll. tipCini «p reacn taO vo ot I m nnufacturers. niatod Inal nlKhl .,oop|o It tho b u n d rcJi o t quesUonH now n« ankcd a ll over Tw in Pnlln. a u n of lllo It ImpcrnllVfl lh a l somo oxplit- tlon bu fimdu to sullafy public Inr ' (, cnt. . • o t thoipeaklnR of the Intonso Intoreat nf I public In rc'snrd to K nruak, bo )„(,. f

•Thouannda of tho moat- prom t- n,itivo nl people: In fact, pooplo’ lep re - t,iood n in e a ll w alka of Ilto- In tho Unl- yyntom 1 SlntoH where ih li medlclno )<na worn-o }duced auch w ondortul reaulta , nro tl: ;n moro entbiinlanllc ovor K am ak nation in tho m anutactui'ora themselvon.‘In oxplanntlnrt of Ibln. Jl nhould Blatctl th a t Kartink Jn believed fo j, tbo flral actunt dircc t npeclflc for

:arrhnl Inflammation of 'ih o ntom- „ „ irle Ii, or w hat In moro commonly ,„[tlBH ow;n (la dyapopsla o r IndlSOHtlon. c

Ilynpepsla and Iln V.ltocin. reftindi Vital Matlallcn ahow ’ tb a l a cn- .Ovor -rhnl^nflnm m ntlon-ot tho IlnlUK of nold li I ntomuch. o r whnl ta moro cum-4. Knrn in ly-know n an dyapopnla o r In -jscb rm i ;oallon. la the cauno of nearly u l l l


What Do Yfli

I ’••There are f houses iti Tivii than there has past floe years

Tlio roinplution o f tho RotJorHon volopini’n l o t t]itt..miiiiii^ indiiHlry u t inK o.f tlio rim-lo-rim briilRc Ui'ros-H th e popiiiotinii o t Tw in Rtllii.

TIiIh yonr on r .fiirnicrH nn* rocv per nere for ilieir onion erojK $TiOU po $200 pe lic ro for ilieir iilfnUji iMul ol for I h ^ r hoanH, $U )0 jior woro fo r tin - TothSy we rnn nell you IiotnoH In

GO per eent o f tlie cont of-cofistrueti -7nrrt-LIKB-BENT.~\\% >-«Jjr57’J ry o ir

r»n(fiiiK fnini $1:15 to $2r)0 j»cr ncro, W ILL TH IS CONDITION CON:

tlinl op |»ortiinity-will w ait lo n p .fo r ;Tlio pri|<e>i of roiitnlK nro mlvnr

wlio rcnliw eoiidilinnH nnd boliovo Pnlls are nmkinff tlieir KoloetinnH ni

..bcini; Kold, pricea ndvnnced^ o r taki gothor.

I f yqii over oxpoet lo buy 11 lion you to llo it. X fvor again will voi the Twin Falls (liHtriol n.s they a re 1____ ^Vo.o^t? srn reh itiK e o iitJn u n lly foiwo th ink we can Hhow you llib inoHt

TcU us whnt k ind of n homo le t a s b« of service to 7 0 0 .

Claar-Beals &T ^ p h o a e 1209.

^ TH, \ \ C ( H E E -H 6 e-1

j t LALSO V■M W TO A /

k s s o i

miDAY, c

itM N E Dnnn lila. • .• • :^ illy 90 per cont o t tho Amorlcan >plo Buffer trom thla condition,1 monl o f o u r common ailm ents ' {raced to th ls -aourco . accordlUR carofully compiled record*. lere ln Ilen tho g rea l ; '« c r t l ot I HuniiutlonnI auccean of IKarnak uvurcomlnx ihuiio. dlitreaalDir coa- lonn aud rustorlnR norm al bcaltb , unKth and onorsy. F o r K araak ,•a- r lch t to tho cauAO o t a ll tbo ubIo and corrccta It. ^(arnnk ,w iia compounded to cor- :t Juat nucb condltionn, and tha t dooa do « In proven b y .th o tbou- idn o f cflBflB on m coril o t h ip p y >plo who now onl. aloep, look and I llko tliemnulvoN a«aln aa a ro- w t o f tlda marvojouH medJcJno.

Kntln- Body Toned Up. n fact, thore la ha rd ly a portion tho body thn i la no l bcnefliod by pful action o t thin amailoii; itedlc* '. K arnak boBlna ita Work by iiulatlnK tbo dlKonUve and asnlm- tlve orKana. tberoby onrlchlne Uio «d und InvleoratlnK tbo wholu Item. Next ll cnabloa , tbo ' weak, . rn -ou t iitomacb to tborotiebly dl- il tho food, p rom otlne. tbo aaslm- lion of the nourlahlni; p roducla

I niuiicle. ,'RoHuIln Aro .O uam nlrei!.

lomeinhcr* K arnak In aold under itrlc t sunrantoo th a t ttio flrn l two :tlBH will produeu beneficial ‘ re­in o r the purcbano prlee will bu tinded. ’ •3vor COO.OOO InlU en of K arnak d In four Staten In Icn month*.Cnrnak ia nold In Twin F^Ila by iratnm-JohuKon UruR Storen, Inc. .

._______________ ndv.

P O T A T O E Si'o have alornco for 8000 aackn

Spuds. lOc p er Cwt.Seo Uli a t Odm) *

' J , B. W H IT E 0 0 .• US Main E aitt.

OU Think?f e w e r o a c a n t

o in T S l l s to d a y a s b e e n f o r t h e rs .

rHon-WoIlR niilrond, tho dc- ' ut:. Contact, <i»d tho build*)».H Siinkc river will doublo

roceiviriK uh nnioh na i|^>00 I por nerc for th e ir potntocK,I eloviT Kced, per aoro

th e ir wheat-In Twin FnlU fo r Icjw thnn

uetiiig them, vritli totTna al- ________i’oii ou r bcwt in rm f 'ai pncca icro, w ith Romi tenns.0NT1NUB7 Do you beliovo or y ou r aoccptmice!Ivnncing over)' dny. People 'VO in tho fu tu re of Twin H nnd tho be lte r buys nre taken off the m nrk e tja lto -

homc NOW ia th e timo Ib ryou find valiiwi bo low ia ________re todny.

fo r th e boat bnrf^aiiiA and lOHt values 7 o u r money will

nc o r fnrm you w nnt nnd

- t

I CompainyU fi fiU ln t'

— By Taylor ^r L G d T F v f ) ^ ^ J3HT AT MY XTOP!

OCTOBER 21, 1323. '

NEW S■ l l l l l f l S L

^ m i l; : i i », , Twin Palls Gulnou 255 Ytirc

J WhUo Tcoohors Madp Only 0Yards Dxuing' Wholp Game Bhiiofl Ftdlod to Bccovcr Punt and Thus Lost tbo . Game Breaks Favored . Visitora hu Bruins Fought Hard.

T . F . llriin is......... ....... 0'A II iId'ii > 'nrmiit .............

In n iworly iiliiyc<l roolliall k 'hh' Iuto yomcrilay attorm m u on l.liiciili riul.ll .Ihc Twin Falln liljJli Jitliool w tn

• dowp to ilcfent boforn tho AIMoi Noroial a ll’ gCnr (cnnt. Tli<i 'JViiicljor. wor6',>low ntnl. loKKi* iuJil ditl no Ktilti .Kroil'fiil coiinlnlrinlly hu l on lh' o tliur hiiitd tlli' nriilnx Iniil tlift Kiuin ll)’ (nlllntr to ciitcli imiitfl; , U«tU AI Won toiifh'clowun wore Hid rcm ilt «

‘ rcciivorliiK inmin iic;ir Uin Tw in Full:Konl.' 0Ui8rwl»u thu ISnilntt oiilpliij’ rtl thn vlnllorn In ovory ilepnrlrnon of till) Kunu!, Twin Fnlln ninito nov

* crnl hiK Kiilnii hut wliun it ntniill Kuliwnn nuL'ilotl In ti iiliicli th|iy odoi fulled tn caln “ Htlior/bcbiiiixf* tli< wrtmK i»layur wan itlvon .tUo hnll, o rlnu ponr hcn^l.w ork wiin iinutl h /ilgii/i}/!. Ja ollivr tlw ifitniKcln hack tn tlio nnmu tlioory w hirl (Iiu TIini'K itolnlrrl nnt In n provlini: jirllclo. vlx: . Thul tli.i Tw in l-'nll trnm lack n'niroHR fluhl'•KcniTiiI ti run tho tonm."

U iireiiicJ lo Iio a n ' 'oft-illiy fn novernl I'lt llm Urulim nM.llic'y fallm Ji> runny. .iiliioujk w hero ,. Iiitrntnfnr' thoy ha<l Kl'urrra ni> Dlcuklii clinnorn

•K elly a l riKlit' hulf «lin‘ nnt pin;• ncn r tho Rnmo yonlcrilny-itlinl ho lim

) hi'un playinK I n . iiriictlco. iln fallcitn 'cntch n n i l 'n tu l i i p im tx ' OwDm

* who In ununlly rooiI tn rctum lni {ilintff. Menied <lazo(l and tiniililc' U loCftlB tlioin„ioV tho nun yontordny

« Tbo (ini( 4«u<»aawn of tho Tenchoricnino A tlc r a Jqjiff pnn t hy L»pp. tli< rnnt qunri(frbncS 'forinorty from D lci hlch who drovo tho piRnkIn fa r InK

k to (ho Urnlnn te rrito ry ' w llh lilii hhhoot.. .Owens fnllcd (o rccovcr. lh' hnll nnd *«n«AUilon plivy«r>/oll on |i oti th e fiTO^ynrd il;io r nook tin

, • -s. TWaclwm'-tlnfl? fo u t‘-d o w n s to koi , over uud thon tho (ruxiy Lapp wiu

Kiviin t h t ball on n nlrnlRht buc> thrflUBir tho lino fnr Iho loat t n beforo ho pu t It over.

Tho ffcconil loiichdown cnmi> li tho th ird qua rte r nftor Allilon wiu forcoc] to kick and ^Vhllo thi> find I rf t on<l rncod dnwn ami Rrablird tb< iRill w hen Kolly failed to ' cntch H nnil rnn nS ynriln for a tonchilown TiiUK hntU l;)urhdou'nn cnnii' ax tbi roKiill o t n fiillure to cntch iiiiul:i OtfiorwlHo till), nroro w ould Iiitvc lioi'n 0 to 0 lil favor o f tho Uruliif

- • • hocnnno the lentrhcrn cnuld nn t makt connlBlnnt snlnn anil mado rirnl down only onco iIiirlnR tlio ontlr» Knmo nnd y r t they worn niucli lioitr le r ond olili'r headii-Hi foolbnll,

Tho flm t tniichilown for llio Hrulnr cnnio whon Alblmi nttcinptm l to pnnt

J _________ _ u n -U ia - llv a .y a rd -U n A -n n d -th o -h le liwnn hloched hy MIllcU pn tlio ouc y;ird Uno nml tho ilruinn fell on tbc bull bohind tho coal. I t w.-iii broucbl

' out (i> Uio' oni‘*ynnl lino anil Dors cnrrled It ovor nn tlio flrn l jdny (oi a (ouchtloB-n. .Jlcrjr fniJcd ta cnrn’o rt

A ftor Albion klckrd to tho firu inf nnd Owonn W|ui downed In htn trackn, Twli). Knlln mndo n flno forw ard past

_ b p s p

. . - - l mBujr Better Foxes a t BtnQo for

T lie « ira ib |e ^O ur foxM ')«r« '1i1it f r « d u « n - u d a rc Bccllmatcd to Idabo. . CaU *1. noom .7 ,: , Towor . D lflB«-,TwlB T alU . Tor' partlcnW r*. T 6 u con

V ' •> a rraa jre to m o oad le lo e t ta xm * i. jMtfirA'MMBb’* - "'/I •-.•vCi \

' I;. ' WAjjfrml^ OHOT\ J Oo Forff^ti^^ ■'

i , *iriLL f i x r C A ^

i ^--------- SheeH^r^rSaJ^

. ■ B r ^ l " '■‘VTiU »elli in i« aB U -b n n « s ot ' trad* ^or cattle or^ libgs.: • w iiL T ar M t e r j ^

Ray MdQiister

»•....................— ........... .

‘ FRIDAY, OCTORKIl 123, in2.r>.

V OF THEM arlin to M llloil w ln i' i:alneil •yiirtln. T h rn Knizrlto wim call back t a try fo r a flnltl Koal in

i kicltril llic plRSlUii Ui'iwivn tInJ I).* Jpinklns (luvm 'Or.i ;i tn ;14 |u f.iv of tiut vihiwnt, Tiilii WIIII K iaiiilh

I th ln l iiltriniil a t rirlil t;i>al». Kni . tif llm luw iiul liulviTK for fi

IlnlUlH. wail ow rnii whn bro' tlirouKh the line- nctoii-l limeii fI,*00(1 IMlllH. IIIll lollKllHt t.';lln 'v. lid.' yiivdii, ll-.inilltiin «.;i;i n' ;;o' iiitnind i;i'.lnrr Iml u n i i 'c n i i;iviiii ll

f l 'h n l l otlmi-rnouKli. llprK 'w an aimtli f | m Kriuin'l KiiliuT iilr tiur iWniii'i ni [ I c a l ln l (hu nlcnaln. I’n liu r nuulu

*i'i'>'l KnInn. Iwldio .MiiiH'n pin Itt tbe hint half and iiiixU' nomo ni’i

n m ln o Cninril Ynt’iln^v. . ardB roiniuirlniin (b>! Ilnili, no r n n in l lt«> bull ::r.r. yarchi whili. ll‘___ 'l \‘ncUiini . K l l l l l nn ly fi;» ' jvinJ.i•*“ ®>'lmnmKcv/» riio la«l pu rl nf it u n ts Kamo ibii lu n ln n iniulo noi ni-'ii|ii'e!<'< .m o; o lnr J'irwaril piinnci) bu t tuo niir l,y f tlmi.';i tb r Imll wnii^tbrown rlijlit Inl

llio rnemleii liil.idii., T brn loo. Tia tliu paiiKrr ran w ith th r ball nn. <ii: nr Ill'll. i)rriiiil«ni> ini>trail ol ]in:t:iln

• h r wDiilir lu \i i calaud niilrli iiiur croiinil, Thl' lUiubIr Jiiisii wmm in nlow I n - 1)0 n nnil inin.l I.

aiiif 1‘liiycd fiiMi'r and. iionucalvd iiiui- coin iliaii ll wan yeiitunlay to lu; mu: vent rc'Hiiful.Illon AimillK tb r. T earhorii' who, w rr hern ntjlvtfin<Hntf |ili»ciM wure, 'iJinol fani iiuariiirhn'ck. nnd ’ >Vlilir, lcj| ihn rnd. Yi-nrnloy w.enl In nt .fnll dui:

nnui In c 'tb o la tte r pa il nf Ib r K<unn iiA' Al- playeil Kond fooiliall. Hawley » li

I of ulalnii'il ■<> hnve n (ruclurud ,_Iu;. ^illn niarrod thw uclinn l • Ihn jtiinn,-.' day- ].Inr-iir.lon t T tt'tN ' rAM/.®!. • AM!fO.^nov. M ilieu ....... .. W^ilrRulu ■ U 't l i':»i(l.iften l-'rancllo .......................... ..........tbo - l-efl,T aelile.

I or Spliurnyii ....... : ...................... U ntieI In U -tt Ouard.,'inii> KraJuj) ..................................... Jt«o'«oldbirb CentiT.loun l^ ’b;er ......................................... }lratl^illn nlKbt (inard.I to Vance ..... !............. - . . . . Unwle;

llln lu r Sullivan .... . Mnlir

,ll„ii Hlnlit Knd.ifnre ............ .............................. ... *-‘l>liprn. , Q iiarlerbnck.nlav Owrnn. Mnrtln ........................... Ainiil

U-fl Half.•iipil K rlly ......... McNIt[.onn • JllKht Hnlf.nine Po tio r ___ ....... ....Crtlcbftuld. Venrale;,• {<, • • l->illl»iick. ■ dnv Siiininnry — YnnlnKo; Twin Fnlli I,crn Alhlan S9; firnt dnwnn; ^ w li tl,o 12, Albion 1; luuincn: Twin 20 (Hei

4 cnniplote for 39 ynrdn. Alhlon i Into nllnniilK ; ponulllen: Tw in no ynrdn i,iB Allilifn CS yan in ; trleii for Held Roal t»,o'Iwi|iii 2. Frnzollo :i. HorK 1.

n tl oenctalii— Hneorvp; ' HoueK Paul tlio nm plro: Uenolt, Twin I'^Ulu;^ hoai Kc( Jlncnmnn. p« t«m dor.. Tw in PWln.

'FO OT arU C lA L IST —22S Shoahon try Went. _____________ -odY

M ucllor Plptlons KnrnnOo. aco n r i *00 MclAl W orks. • • —ndv

Iw l ~~~*

"I cmm APvmisHimsll'l" WANTl-:D-Ai.plM nnii ilolnlo^n inke soaveru Wnri'liounr. J'lionc nuG.I l r n l____________________________________itlro ..I. r o i l SA M >-C»oil N etlnrC iiin culli SKts" 7f)C p e r nnrk. C. I,. Cnonrnd. Dchy

dratlnK plnnl. Phonn 121.LilnR ~ ~ ■ - — ——i,i„t I.O.ST~nfnck w ater npnliK'I doK. IJ 4iek- .ccnflc->i0.j3i. .laionc-tSSJ'-- ".“l! WANTKD— Ueut liaulurfl. l-hont,s; ___________________________lors (or a

I You^HHayea n d m o r e m o n e y ; i n ’

HORSESHOl— ----------- --------... . j :AT-TBS) ■ 3 0 x 3 i . C o n J s .............’. . J

i L - 3 0 x 3 J " O v e r s i z e G o r i

^ A l l ' S t h e r s i z e

A r r o w h e a d S. i j f c o n d A w m ic mu!

^ . — vnosMl

" P U B L IJ J OP BRGISTEBEn JCRAET CA ~ 1 w fll A i) mt y ib tio a setio it J t t — t ■ th p H o ith P a rk Un>c«i

■ a f W tf3cJo«£k _oa^

M o ia tfay j^ ild :"4"s;5S‘iJS:,*y5£'‘’Air ^ l - l -

» >'^'a»EiS^nal<r,-tina.'Tluler. _ . .J

r o T A T O iS - f o l u b ..« i I t j- ' tm f ta ; w i

.H U G R W..'C OL.’lf t7n rO X . A icUm wrn, .

j J i M H M B a a i i B H a n a a i i


g GOODING s m s f i o p FILER M i • J SLOW STAlotliur _ j.___-‘ ThfriJ IliwrJiT

At tbe riul of Ibe IIiIk I <|iiailri Ilirll- fix.ruiill ,;;illlc at n jr-r ' lot

; , ti'iodliiK bail iw'iirni lu o r<meliilo trnii IJ’ ‘ . i.ll-riiily bail nHehi..d oiu- icnirhdi

‘ and in llu- fm .i .|iiai ■I'"'inr wen- «>ppu:.|itj; i l

....... ....... . ■ .; Into •

i OPEN HOUSE Of § iH SceooL P.; I l l i p so ffi't . ! ? ■nmrnirnr ev rn ln r the riireiii-Tea.

cr juiiioeinilmi nf itu> hii:li-arbonl i ' ’ . ' )nn |or binli'nrbiKil lirtd npen lionifo.v **’" '• <n ilf tr •“•'■‘■'‘In wi'ru Klven ’ oppD rlunliy

inert ami rcinniilt Ib r Anrloim trarJn UV..II '•'•ni'ei'll'''^ roinnii. nll of i

lr;ieli,.ni of tb i' l ^ r t l n s bclnR prcflc n tle r l” *’" hniniu hnn he

fonnd very beneCleltl to the ( lu il loldii in tondi

tn riii-rrane co.nlierftffirh hrtw ren I lionir and llie nrluml,

FnllimliiiM lii’ vb^liiar: hniir. a p wley crnm ami biiMirioim lueeiliu: u e r r li.

In llir lil,i:h nchnol nnilllniliuu. A nn liilirr b rr o fm u idn il n rli'rlionn hy tbe cn

b lnnt lilRh nrbonl nnd Junior biKh U p p Wie.ifr.i pm -rttcil tti<- ndclri'iiu l>r,0.

.Wiibiiin on Ihe rrliiMon of ibe lend Iinm nnd itio pupil, nnil .itie Intp'orlnnci-

bninii rn-npiTaiion. .Mlnn Mnvjo cNItl WonilB fc-nve tllr coiicludiiii: iiieniber

llu- pro;:rani. jiliiyini; twn piano tiul raley At tliln tim e nn nnnonnconienl m

innilr of tbe inuvInK {iJrluru In ^nlln nhown nl tho Q rphntn i tbeatro uik rw ln tbe nunpiccn nr Ibn i:enernl I’nre (rlen Tenchur annociaKon thn proceedn i i i i .u hiK lo Ibe milk luml hriirfU. nnln. Dixlu llundlcop" In Hut fen iurr f :onl: ".Mllli Uamllln" tbe roniedy wlhcb v ^ ' bl- nbown nt tliln tlinr. iwmiL " 'a rn o r mndo n plen for ni

Bcrlptlonii to Htn’Clilld W elfnro M: •. nzlno. nn excellent orimn on eomim

iinno " “rvlci! In Itn relntlonn to ilin chi Mrn. W nrner In In chnrpo of Ihe nn

, • of thtn muBitiinr. n r i- '

^ BEANS WANTErl v Tji;!, IIS Iin tiillr v o u r c ro p . N_ lu -li.T rm ililii-H' ill Id iih ii. AV

t'iV(« .vou Illlirlc su rv ie e , w i— «0(MH I>nniii>lly o n x o i i r n Ifwii, llt lr s t.

— W e Itliy , SUiri! n iu l Jve-cloni cullii ■icby> An OIi) <ini] I{<nlnlilo I Iouhu

—. i DARROW BROS. "S^d'“&"SuppIy~C(K

:e Better Luckh y o u i ' . l o c k e t b y b u y i n g

3E: TIRES NOWasitJBioEs-— —i-------___

................$ 1 0 .5 00 r f l s " . . ; , _ . ...........................$ 1 2 .6 0: z e s i n p r o p o r t i o n . - - — ^

S e rv ic e S ta t io nm u l ijccniiil S trrcL S o u th «[ONE DSSW—-


J t t m7 m e h . 4 n n r n w m t «nd 6 ntiles t>c«^. City uf TniD f a l l s comraepriu;;

0 j p t b b e r 2 6 .had o! ftl*

Har aarrowv- C«ni '


^ WORLDo il l ) F i ; i j .o w .\N n Tt»-ni;K.\ti

K K rtlltTK K S l'll,VI.Sl:l>Tbr. Odd FelWiw nud Itrb rkab ciili-

VeiilliniN which adjuilliu'<l yi'i.Iri. dny witi; notnbie for a fea ture ntnK*

I I iilaily iuekliu; In iiuiM iu|.|;r- k:aili- I erln;:ii of Ibla i:oii; ibeli- inrnH ivp-»• rriienlnllvoH, A. i:. nipniin. rililur of

^ Ibe ld:ibo Odd IVllnw, for ilie I. O. A W '■'’‘I .'IVfll'- I’elloii. <ni'M ' I Ih r Urbeknh oiimnlZiUliili. lender- n I *'il frn lly . valtiabld Hvrvicn to i '’-

tiiii't»r» nml lonU iiiiliui in i-Mdtiln- In;: whal tnnk [ihu'e In a way ib:iiiniilil iK' 'J'licv' jijc (.*i-

I tli lrd lo a Inriir uliiii'.- of iiu> p iali'r' whlcb Ihr rcnoiiillnnn nf iHi; or-ilri- ‘11 iiaiil/allonn no iti iicrousiy UrMnwid !'»!' ,v-. on the iircHii.

idowiiii I ' .!-■

11:1::"' | a d d i t i o n a l s o c i e t y

• I 'ni'ti Oil,, „ r III,. I,i!iiiy Iiiamiilrrnilr piirM--jif the id'aKOll W’a:i Klvrn liiHl rvenlni at tluj lliiidnen:' Women'll eluh rouiiv l>y lilt; n'lilen lailirn nf tb<- tiniilei ItiiU-, Tb'o rooinn and tnlilm w rr iirllKlleallv iloeornled in lliillowe'e c-olora. Qritlteii anil <bciii-((l»c " e f eiijuynl llirnuKboiit tliu evn'ilnr:. Tin

I . ’ b(ii<IrnH>'n w ere n iunebr Adanin. Mrn J ' I'liriV Mni. (•ninpltrll. MIMird. llayiim

.Mill. Peiin. Mrn, Ittb-n. UiamOir Shiini • ' Va.v. Slliry ■Tbfiin.ii'. i,nd llnnd.

r P P Xetii l in s n r. t le r tn id r «)wenn. Vtnl: r > ’\ Hliipinnn. Mrii. I'luiipbioy. Mary Ow L U U rm>, Mrn. I’lp r r . Viola llaynea. lirlv r

Klrrfniir: O d iu Tlinnii'U nnd M n Snowlilll. A delightful evening wii,'

i'enrh- ,.|ijoyeil by nll.II and ---------- -----------•houne. \ r ilO r.S A M I CASHS OF F i: lie Ih l' 'I'JIh t.' to ff rndlonetlvu bev.-nme w ater niul irJiern rndluni-vunor, hiitlui .were prnvlrled

Ibe iiirre could bn no flu . The Twin'Knlli 'w cnf. Iflulluin (^ompnny offern tbla iiure ini

hoen uiunity ulnioiit withniii coat.—adv.iudcni —— — --------------------------------- ^’ndln« ,'n the

Hats (Ladies’) .HatsI' heldN ewer Designs, B ig Show- _

y "(■; in g Between

?“SSample Store


ll w in Values. 330 SHOSHONE 1 .' Mac- - - . -nm nn- •child. • .nnie-1 *" _ *•

T— nLD. N oAVew ill


IHU . . . . .

5. ,

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1 ^ C h a n g e0 ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ' ° t i m eB i' ; y o u d o I

o i l t b e w IZ i n o

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f>ifeda1»«■ . - - '

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■nu- riul(tim-vaiiiii'*b,i(li ,rf;.. oM ^ is l e iin -n ll. II i:i Mill l!i,. I,, i; l>u « il In Ii. rnir.c |i l . . i i .iu M A Irn llrlllr and n w .r lililh :n. . I ' Ileli'lil fin w as III.' ;:nbMlm ,l rnrlimn

ponl III llu ' bai.rim ill nf ('1. ru ;

li>r l.i'iin» a \:ill;il,l.' (in 'Ihc 'bu i,'.u l, ..1 niioilr. T b r Tw in liuOlu:., .......^I.l> iKlli}' will iitoxiilr llir iiialii;r-.; iil i,'.: CIIIK Witii'Uil rii'U.

'tnK- .S.-ii i:<I Vau,-. ;, Lrli.ii- : ;..u,I„l,. jnd nn |iaK.-

.Vo’f Tl....... .. ,u fl,,I. o . world. Dr. Kaiibr rmann. ..viiiuai.. x".

ilcT- ‘inriilii lu Ihr' ('ii!li'< l-Siali Iiii iiii.c.liirie l > no nullum III I'u- - ....... . i..

lllli- li-rn, rr!u .rvo |r mul hjcliaiil v .u.t gu'il|,:il virb'.l b.v lii.v.Tii:;, p u r ........ . I I ,,.’! v.u

Fnlhi llnilliuii Luiu|T:a> ic. ,ai>..|„ r Vide iii.lluai-liv,- ,v,:l,.r !■. av:.,1;,l.|.. f,„or- >.'veiy!imly a l.....a w in ................

wi'd 1 ..................i T h e Tlnirti is uneyii.ilvd fur lu'wi

____ j In Southern Idahn.ry lj -----------

s a v e m o n e y■nint: I •• - .o .V -- •

Cleaning Your. a l f a l A

TIi.i ■ .\M I

CLOVER SEEDIlllUi-' Tlli'r.i. nr,-il:i ur.; bl;:h j.i.b ./l

and iiiio.ild II,, li;uidl...l h> im ri w rre I (In, clcKuIni- jiar;..,

M'lrli liioni-r («- Ifwl hy every y rar hjs linp iop rr el,.,.nin ;.

Mr., . CUSTOM c l e a n i n gW|1,1 TbI.'i nranon xvr biive «riiatly In-

rri'iuii.d n u r raim cily nnd fur lb -, (Iml llnu' l l i r n ffrrin;: tlui j;nnv.' rrn lh«. h e n r f u _ ^ n u r y rara utmill re-eleanlnj; e xperh li/p nml Sl'IvK.V-

. J , i J i i » i:Q m r’.Mi:N'iSo v r j ^ m t loKalln re.elean you r reed no m a ltrr lcI- lni> wljoni 5’ou may nell,'V. ivK SAVi: v o r m iim cy iiv

SAVIMi the SI:K1) nnd eli'anliit; Io l}ii>.-j>r»/)er KJVuJr. .N'i> Ji>h h‘

I tno hiK or loo luiiall.0 I BONDED WAREHOUSE

< Wr are boiiitllis u 'lr warrbiiiii.'i'I niul ean Imuk> u 'n>'Kuiiahlu in .

, , criiil whieli eiiiibh-;! you In horrinv j inuney it ynu w ant lo hcdil seed ■ for a Jdnlier m.aWict.

9 1 OPEN WAREHOUSEI While we |>iiy nrcci niilHelven I 'W e 'n rr nporatiii}: an .n|n'ii boiir.e

nnd yon m e freu In uell lo ihe , hlRhrnl biddi'r. See ua oi- Junl

B nond In you r no<-d tliln la ii i;nnd (ilnco (o have It on nnle.

DARROW BROs!Seed & . Supply Co.

IPAflO’S LI:AI)IN(« S1;;KI) IUH'.SK I'huiio 8. 'f « tn I’all-i.'

;c N o w ^ / ; o ae^toIcH^g^to fi

r i o t S t e a d y u s e

w h o l e y e ^ ’r o u M

c o l d w e a t h e r , Z

d i t o e a s y s t a r t i n

> l d '^ w e a t l l e r £ r i c t

a t i O n a n d r e j ^ ^ s

• s-, •.» Todittti^thi

ZS5lSi~GSTES ' ' of wrccifcotik->1 .CoRKC Lafarl

_ -ctSatuIa.vketefi

a^ p a r d o i t Ct

ES ■. ----------------------- ;-------------------

A n o th tjp A s s o r tm e n t

F o r

I m \: 111' y iic n '. 'i a 'l u l O x IVll'

I;" : a t y k - 's ; l ih ic k _ ^ a n d '

j ' l o a t l i e r r t . E v e r .v ] i a i r

[" j n i b b o r h u o l s . M a i l c

IJ. } I ' a e t u r c r s . ’A I'oxy |);

' M un .son . l a s t . .


: : ' 4ml I

• . Main F losr S

’ Idaho D epair. ; “ AFTER ALL THE Bli'i.'



f l g M j i i

inojKongeaf r e e r f r p w i n g 'Z e 36 t ib is w o r id e H i n d . W h e n o t h e r Z ^ o l e n e f l o w s n g a n d a s u r e p : t i tn n a l d a n g e r s , : PS. D o n ' t t a k e a c f e r o l e i i e - N O W .t h e c O T M l ^ o ? ^ ic Winfcf fatriwrtnw"' E t t t a l t t i i e Z e c o k o e '

» 2 rttfiowund_______

TiniEU, ^ ' ------- 1 ' t

h e r L a rg e t S a m p le S h o es ir M en

P a i r s'cii'd.' ill tlie.vci-y newest .1' brown' calf arid kid' lir Good.vear ,welt soles;:1c by the best slioe manu-

l)air oi; tan army shoes,

II Go At

l : . 4 5 '>r Shoe DepATtinant . . .

lartment StoreBEST PLACE .TO TRADE”

---------------- ----------


aling oille r o lc n e ,7 i f — i i H m o i t M r ~ ~

: r o i l ^ / c o n - 5 f r ^ y . I t p r o t e c ^ b n ; r a p i d d ier d u m c e \

' X


r o x m ' __________________________

T W IN F A L L S DPBbUibwt J t r t r j E^^nioK excep t Bi

Companr. Twlti :

■at«r*d ftt tb* T t IA Fnlla l ’oato((lc Btllj; publicaUon, .

T h e m a j o r i t y o f ( j i - e a t U i in . f o r a c i t y a n d c o u n t y b u t n o w i

t h i n k t h a t i t i s m jH ta k e . B u t i o n s o n m o s t e v e r y s u l ) ie c L t h c i

. b o U i s i d e s . H o w e v e r , r e g a r d l c l i n e w e m u s t a d m i t t h a t c o - o p e i T w i n F a l l s t r a c t a n t i s o u t h e r n

•• T h e n i e m b u i ' s . o f t h e G r a it h e f o r t y - t h i r d a n n i i u l c o n v e n t a r e l e a v i n g T w i n F a l l s w i t h a

• t l i a n t h e y h a c i p r i o r t o c o i n i n g w .e r e l o u d i n t h e i r p r a i s e o f. t h e (J f T w i n F a l l s a n d l l i e T i m e s , c a i n g i v i n g s u c h a s ^ j l e n d i d r e p o i t o d a y a n d . p r i o r t o t h o c o n v o n i

S U t i h g e t o K iy t h a t I d a h o o n t h e m a r k e t t h a n N .e t t e t l G c t i m e . [ T h i s g o e s b a c k t o t h e k iv t h e r e i s q u t l e a d e m a n d f o r R u r

- - v e i y - i i m i t e d - b e c a u s e i t h a s b e e• m u c h t h e b e s t s e l l e r s . B o t h p r

b u t i n s o m e l o c a l i t i e s t h e W h i t e i n g . T h i s i s i ) a r t i c u l a r l y t r u e i

ejistem m arkets.


R e c e n t l y a p r o m i n e n t m e m r e s e r v o i r s t a f f m h d o s o m e p o i t i c o n c e r n i n g t h e u s e o f l a n d a / i d i d e a s J i r e \ v o r t h r e i ) r o d u c i n g h e i

au e s t i o n h a i l s f r o m J e r o m e a n d e s o n l a n d q n d i t s u s e t h a t c a

, i n s o u t h e m I d a h o . . H e r e i s w l s a i d a b o u t t h i s s u g g e s t i o n

R . E . ^ e p h e r d , w h i l e i n ' t h i e d . a b o u t i h e V s c ’o f o u r l a n d . ]

■ ■ i n g t h e m o s t o f o u r o p p o r t u n i t i e h o w B a n n o c k c o u n t y o u g h t t o a c r e o f t i l l a b l e l a n d i n t o u s e t h e e d o n . T h e F o r t H a l l p r o j e c t a n o u g h t t o s u p p l^ v a l l 9 u r U u u l w i t l

s m a l l p o r t i o n o 'f o i i r l a n d f o r c h a v e r e l i e d t o o n u i c h u p o n o u r t h e s h o p s m a k e a s t e a d y a n d n< j n a r k e t i s n o t s u p p l i e d b y l o c u l i i s s h i i ) j ) e d i n f r o m o t h e r p a r t s o f t y h a s p l e n t y o f g o o ( i l a n d ( h a t t i o n w h e n w a t e r i s a v a i l a b l e .

’ B a n n o c k c o u n t y h a s w o n d e t i e s b u t w e a r e n o t m a T T in g t h c t h o u s a n d s o f a c r e s o f j u u i s e d I.' i i s w e l l a s a n y l a n d i n t h e .s la t< f o r . T h e w a l e r w i l l s o o n l ) e a ’ p r o j e c t s w i l f m a k o t h e s u p l y s u ( a r e m a k i n g f a i r j ) r o g r e s s in < I a i r

----------r i e u l t u r e - f t n d - y e t - w e . h H y e - l l u ‘-l)«a l l j n - o d u c t . s o f t l i e f a r m . O u r t h o u s a n d r a i l r o a d m e n a n i l t h c i i a n d r e l i a l ) l e m a r k e t . I l i.s t i n i e t i s r i g h t i n h i s c o m m e n t .

I ^ U U R G I :n i i t i s T i . i T n i n u ' j i umi

---------------------- J in r UB, nrTM M ii.—----------------- -— r•Suinlay «-viii|:ir lli'.- jifiilnr u llt v H'

.file f t m o f IVO III:'•T b f r t iu r r t i 111 lllsK .rv ,- w illlflhnw.tlip rliiiri-li in lis t'<'i:liininw*T'“ I

. i i . - 1___tloo. Wp n ri' Oo<ir<iun of a l;iii;n iii-iT .\ Irn rtan rr to r Itir^f lu-rvlc.'n, l>>>i

O llirr norvlrr'M of lir'im'-Mx.i

Joe-K Says:rrf>ii;i;;«n<ln —till- ^;llt wf

■ Iho Mri). Uniilne Oj.tI »iiod;:Ii n! )1 « him roiu!' In «nil niirr<'inl*r. K!i, v.i

■ g f a i M r O )c ' f r r 3 g y j ' ? t 3• - • '■-------T O N IT E A N D TC

^‘The Pony^ ' p a r a m o u n t s i :

Koakey Comedy

____ ^ ■ : - ^ . s e e c i A i ^

Kiddies Speciad Ma Morning 1 the Kidd

V V JOK-K SiySf-THE t:OlVF.\ VKI. ^ BBOOVS* aad m f ra n now k -> r jr


‘ •U w «T » U e B e it f« r l»# M l


t . ‘ ,

D A IL Y n p S ^S undnr b r Ul* 7 IISM P a b U iU af

h Falla . IdAho.

rtlco M flocMtJ C U « I fa t t t r^ M • ^ |i i. AprU 11, l l l l . ‘ jl;,

. f l

■ in k e j-s b ( ; l i e v e i u c o - o j ) e r a t i o n " V a n d t h e n w e f i n d a f e w w h o i,; u t s i n c e I h e r e a r e m a n y o ) ) l n - l e r e m a y h e .g o o d o p in y > n s o n : l l e s s o f o u r b e l i e f s a j ^ n g t h i s : ) e r a l i o n i s w h a t h a s m a d e t h e •n I d a l i o w h a t i i t , is t o d a y .

i - a n d L o d g e a n d d e l e g a t e s t o m t i o n o f O d d F e l l o w s lo d .g ( ‘ *'•

a b e t t e r o p i n i o n o f o u r c i t y i n g t o t h o M a g i c C i t y . 'H i c y n l e h o s | ) i t a l i t y o f t h e r e s i d e n t s . c a m e i n f o r a s p e c i a l m e n t i o n ) o r t o f t h e s e s s i o n s f r o m d a y ti> i n t i o n . ‘ ' •

h d K u r a l s a r e s - e l l i n g h i g h e r ti. G e m p o U i t o e s a t t l i e p r e s e n t , '" ! k iw o f . s u } ) p l y a n d d e m a n d a s u n i l s t o d a y a n d t h e s l i p p l / i H l n . i ) e e n f e l t t h a t t h e G e m s w erb ji.- '* p o t i i t o e f j . a r e s p l e n d i d b a k e d | ' ' " t e R u r a l i s a f a v o r i t e f o r b a k - j u l , 3 i n s o m o o f t h e c e n t r a l a n d t o

--------- ^ ' Z '' O F IDAHO LAND ^ '‘i. ____ ■ ijif

-M u b e r r ) f L h e A m e r i c a n F a l l . s l.,-i ‘i t i n e n t r e ^ n a r l c s i n P o c a t e l l o i d w e f e e l l h a t s o m e o f th e s o ] } |j ; h e r e w i t h . . T h e . c r e n t le n v in i n • n d i s u n e o f t h e b e s t a u t h o r i - '-<• c a n b e f o u n d i n o u r o p i n i o n w h a t a P o c a t e l l o n e w s p a p e r

lb r

t h e c i t y t h i s w e e k , c o m m e n t - H e s a i d w e w e r e n o t m a k - i,ot

t i e s . H i s - i d e a w a s t h a t r i g h t0 b e j ) r o } ) a r i n g t o ] ) u t e v e i ;ylie m o m e n t t h e w a t e r i s t u r n - lore a n d t h e A m e r i c a n F a l l s d a m 'T ''^ '’ i t h w a t e r . W e a r e o n l y u s in i . ' j r c r o j ) s . U n q u e s t i o n a b l y w e i r p i i y r o l l . T h e p r e s e ; i c e o f , n e v e r f a i l i n g m a r k e t . T h i s •

ll i> c o p le . M u c h t h a t w e u s e lui- n f t h e s l a t e . B a n n o c k c o u n - "•> l i t W o u ld r e s p o n d t o c u l t i v a -

Wod e r f u l a g r i c u l t u r a l p o s s i b i l i - w u l e m o s t ( i f t h e n ’i. T h e r e a r e ' I . 'ju d i v h i c l f w o u l d . f ) 2V )d u c f‘ a t e i f i t w a s p i ' f t p e r l y c a r e d ‘"i

a v a i l a b l e . T w o i n m i e n s e u i f f i c i e n t - f o r a n y y e a r . W e Km l i r y i n g b u t n o t i n u i ; n e r : i l a g - 'b e s t-m f ii= k tH - iu - th e -H l-H .te - fo rJ i ll> ; u r a r m y o f . p n i c l i e a l l . v ( o u r e i r f a m i l i e s m a k e a c o n s t a n t L‘ t o g e l b u .s y . M r . S h e p h e r d

(100---------------------------------------------------- 1—

iMinl wllti i* Oir clioli-. , ‘

t. i 'u r t lu r nuuoiinoi'iiii-uU

■ '. ' — • - - • tiu■IMIN f 'U .I.S MISSION • <'

• A iii.iur (111- >iiA-luI...UfMiiii:« « 'S ;il X ]i 111. .'iihiI.txi tiinrnliiK. |H |,

lA.iiiK.HM I, J l, W nrrrKlfr. wlui tin;i <■ ■ vrpi

III.-.K.I- ......... ..I Ih r I.H;;hl.„rlion.| of !

« l l l J . .n i J . , . . , I.l;, I.,II (o / ' J ‘.

-------------------------------------------------— 'ZlcilAIiM ISSIliN : ’ T

) .M ullnrr.............. i:.r nml IDr1 .>7ehl-> . . . **.r ami in rI S li.i^^ t P ;1S

T O M O iy iO W -------^ 7

Express”S U P E R -S P E C IA L - ----- H,.''

I d a h o N e w E g n a s

i l a t i n e e S a t u r d a y

g a t 1 0 • ' ^ 7

Idies Kum”— 1 0 c P ' '■ r

•K i?r/> :.s.s- n> (^< M o r r “>>:» j j, yon M J, -«UI. JMHTOR." .A 11

; f k : t

l a k * g m i , a u W an* ' t

: / ' • ' ^V ' ^

. '■■■ / ■ - — - '* iM :Jl..1 . l i i |i^ . t'liiiiu llllil lliclla, will

KiM'. ii‘ iiiti-:-li>ii;il.v iMiiiroi,-! uiul ii|>val{ lutalll -Suiijl;:;- >n-iiliir. ,

Kllflilaj- mIiiioI in 11. (11. ■ l ’n',l<-Iiln/7'U II. Ill, .-lll'l K |l. 111. '

M KTHOIil-'l ' i:i’I.S«'(»CAI..M. II. Iluiii|ilii I-}'. I’luitor.

ITi II. lit.. Siinilii}- mrlioul. 1 , h. Ai-liifiii. .cniipriTiii'nili'iit. ^

I, n a. 111., I 'n-acliliif lliu pfix-lcii-, Si-rmiiii M ihjict, "Tlio rru-i-iiii>II. Ill........ .l.-sii:.," Till- niiiiiic for (lieitioriiliii; u lll Ik- «Iv.-ii Iiy clmriis i-holi.

t ilTi II. HI.. Kiiwiirtli Ii'iKiiiu tkyO ' tllllUil MTViCt-.

7:;ti' i>. 111.. Srii« i..-rvUx- fotl'.iv.-il > li>- Hi-ruiiiM Iiy 111'- im siiir.' S ltiiiou . Hiil.J.-rl: "W'tuit Ji-su:i M.-UIY1 HI .Ml-." Siriiiiia ni «i-luniu-il iil a ll\ m tv (c'-h.

H i ,n H i ; i t . \ .v C n r u c H .Tllilll .\V.., '1^7 mill i-'lJIIl M

• J . OllirliiK. I’iiHiiir.M'bool ).-iJ liy 'four [i.-jii-li-

(-r:>. ill li'-lil ti'uni 10 to H a. 111,J .■MoniliiK niTvlc.-M 11 a . ’iii. r i l’i'ilU:,, ICv. il, :n , S. tl, -Tr.’ Kvi-iiIiik wiirjililp "::iO |i, m,'I 'iVxt aiul tuple ar<! ilu--wiiiilii n(' C'lirlnl. " I .\iii Ht tfiL- Ooor." /ofui ; 10. V. \

A licarty Invlliiliun to iiltniKl tlic.'io ' tK-rvii-en lii <-.\H.-iiili:il oiijii'claltj; Ki ’ tliDiic w’liii liiivo 110 c'liurcti lionic. ,

KI,1I1IKUI,V (llI ltS T lA N .' Wc-ll, Klniln-rly, 'w o Imvc romo to

't i n - liii-t SiiiirtiiJ- o f-th n c-uiiU-iit mul v v lii it m e wc KoliiK to «li«4i) Ulllll IIU ,,jlll;i Iim t' sum luy? It R irun vo

hiivu (nii.-n..cvCtliic; (tic wurec o f U iil iir till? lant two. or (lirvi*, Suililiiy.-i U m l woiilitn'l (t liL’ a lol of Viiii fur I|‘in Ilk Jimt wiilii' ii|> III a IiIk way jtlilii riiiiiliiK Siiii'lii'y mill ill'll iiliiiv.'llllllll wlmt wu Clill llll If Wll n-iilly I try ? Ilulil Imn tlio jili-a tlm t Kliii- tx-rly caii'l do iiiiK-li l» 'ltcr lliiiu wliat Wl- liavi- lii-<;ii iloliifc .\i>w If Wl) ta il i;i-t a ll till- fiiriin.-rn Junl Jm forniil iilioiit t l i f i r crotni tu-xt •Sii)<ila}S niorii* Illf.' amJ n-niiU'i' .tn lJ)i- LonlII I litlr iiiuri-'iiikI (urn <uii tn Suiulay M-linnl anil cliiircIi wi- .w ill Iiavt- Until wliliniiiil m x i Siiiiiliiy 111 u way

jilia i llu-y w on't l;iun» tlicy art- InItlll- l'UIll|-!ll.

T licro wilt lie, iil'-iny of worlt to f1»- ........ anil plenly uf liavvi-»ln in’n-ai).w li«n Coil ciniii-N to <-;ill isvnry unit hcfiiri- Him in ^mlKinVnt. Iln.-ili- 1.-11 I'-iitn to trn iit 11 tItUo m pri' In Ilii> l>oril anil nul mi niiicli In »i-'ir nnd tlu- WIiIltlllT,

•riio I'iiH or will Iri- wltti IllO c liurrli liotli inoriiInK ami cvciihiK anil lirint: liic-’isiiKi.'K thnt will Iiu Iiul|iflll to a lU Conic nml li-t’H fill tl|i tlio cllUrcli Iiy in fi'cliu?U nnil Iirur lliv fliiJulliJlil o rc liin tra tin- flrnt |itirt of llu- «i-rv* luc.

Yourn fur n -Krcat ilay next S iim by.J.- Kllloll' Sllinii. jiiu:ti>r.

.f lff.S 'I’ rKf-'SHV'l'KHf.t.V.' A. (}. l'i-ar,-oa, M luM vr.

•|;I.'. a. 111.. Sunilaj- nrlinol, lloUi llll- iniicut allll l l l r I'llllll will 111- wul>

Jl a. Ill,, Mornlni: .wiiriitilji. Tin- antlK-ni l» "O Cml 1,U:lit of llio W orlli* liy lloliirloli, 'rUi- iliiM I" "I W ulii'il (ur -III'' I.<ii<l." l>y Monili'ln- oolm. aiul w in l><- 1.1111K liy Mnt. (aii>l>s <■- ('ar1"iiii mill Mrn, Janioii K; S'lii-ari'r. Tfi.- (laBtnr u lll |irt'iirJi on till- ;nilO'-'t- "Tlic liniH-iiiti of ro iiti i 'll i 'i l Kitioili>n,'

l l ; l . 'i a. 111. Til'- Jnlilur CtirlMtliin | I-:iulo:m>r win'iaoVt iliirliiK Uu: iimrn. I1K-. ^crvl^;l-. All llltio rlillilri'il iiro

.-iiiclily will holil tlu-lr jiray rr iiii-ut- |

t',:;i(i II. m., Tli<- Si-iilor K. in>- r l i ly will w ri-t 111 tin- ri-vli-w- of tlu- liook. •'Front Ovi-r tlm lU inlcr.'’ MIji-] Mnry Ulllll n i - la r Ih luiiu-rlnit-ad. «nt.

T;;:n p. m.. The fa li ta la . The U ar- M iit,j! i Ul|i.-'. liy Si'line<Iti-r. w ill he 7 Klven. TlilH ciitKnlu h uvnnxjx <>t th e Imrvcr.t. m-u-.on. , I

iTioruH. <) I'lunr. I./)nil Anllii-inn I.ct Ull SInr."

A lln holo, -'Allll W'ii.-n V- u.-.rr..-' - Suiirano holo, "Otfor f n lo Ood

•riuink>.i;lHni:." ,<'hl>rll^- " I ’r a b r . O I’ral^o Our Oort

miiL .iO uiiJ_________ - ‘■ S-iiifi'H'' ami tonnr ilnet. Priil«c

Him T hat H.- Mad<- 'h e Ualn,'' f lw n i- '. JUm 'tor Onr H;«r-

vppt SlOT'-." ' i ,|Soiiriiiio nml u»o ilm-t. " I ’ut 'i> ta

III.- S lrk l.-" nTeii'T i.olo, •■(-•or ttio Karth U rin ;- -

olh 1-lirlli ITult."- rtioriiH. "tlrfiolif I Say Cafo V on"

C hi^i!.. "Tlu- I.xilil Stiall roniroi*!.

T here will ho ullu-r nnmhf-ri* bolh I <iri:an and » ln1<-ri"porM'd Iti tti? Ijiro tran i. No hormon u lll hc pr«-.irli. eil. ‘ The .-.oloUt-' nro Mr.i. Slicnrt-. itrn . ll.ill am i.M r. W ullrr Ciirti*f.

u !). S. { H i n c i i t ’o> ;F E n E 5 cnThe T w in F n ill nUXo eonfcrenc* of

Jho J - I ’, s . .ftiiirch iriJi Ill-Ill )ii T w la FalU S a tu rd a r and Sunday, Oct.

and 25. , 'T h f flrxt ^o<-tlne w ill Im" lield a t 2

p. m. Satnr«l*T tlu* F l n t w K iic lu p - f l , Mcelliiiij vrill ^p•ho|d Ifl th f p r - phriiin thoairi* on Simrtsy a t 10 n. m. nn<l 2 p. tn. AI»o n t 7;3« p. ni„ which w ill lio tho M. I. A. mo«-tln«r. Thcr«* will l^ojiroi’ont roproKofllttllvM o f t h o c i n-

.Kail I j k c f i iy am i a vory sooil «>n- fo rrn ro l« bmiitoiI.

Aii-lTi'Ifalinn Co a ll r.ii-nil>or» o f tho J . I). S rUiirrti. ur al<i. th r fuiMJr, h vxtrndoil.

■ r x iT » ;n 'n iu ;T i iT o :x . j \ r u n i s r "T h ln l nnrt TI1V1I t ^ ' t . 'v

I” a. «t_ Xunday *rhoniy~-} n a. m,. IT<-arhlns,T :-i' p. m ..-«'hri»li.m r.adoavnT.S;r>0 p. ni.. l*ro»rhlii£ no rtic rs. T hn rtday t-w n in :. p raye r a ifr tit ip . f,

' nl

V " '

' T W I N F A L L S D A I L Y '

<m in m io v E b u ra F o s in in E m T io H A i,, ^

' SmdaySehool J i t c s s o n '

ui> atnui. »r<a. i i: ( . ((•• '•m r'r Unl«B,>

-113 ■ ~ ^^eison for O ctobcr 25 i

PAUL IN BPHESUS'•d , , . ____ -V.oil l.ns.«0,*j TISXT—AcH 1-." *JOI.t)i:S T B X T -.-F or lh« J0V6 of ,

manor !• Ut* r o t l 'v t ail •r lV '-^J Tlm.

Pni«A U T TOPIOi—PauV ■*«lli Idol- TlM ak«n Abuut'Jeviw.- i-l

j r s i o i t 'rO rlO -P a u l 'a ' r rs a c h ln s i,, .Sllr. Up a n io t. . ,

I, l.STKHMKUlATBANDflBNtOn TOP-IC—Utana ur C(irl»t. ,

rou .M j r tc o p u s a n d a d u l t t o p -K ^M dnar ur Ctirlsc.

Apollon, on A lcxnnilrlan Jow, nn dr i-li«iueiii iiiiin nod micliiy In thi- “ ScripliirfiA }vpirOc& I ’uul a tICplioxnH. Ul! Iilld dlllRcnlI» tousht

:iu tho thing* of Iho U r i . knowlnK only 01 tho biiptlnm-of 'Jo b n . W hen Anullii 01 cind I’rlKcllla h<>ni^ Ulm they per- ' t-i-Ivoil hi* Inck <>f Ins’inictloB In Clirla- « iliin.tnit?!. ~ i i .v i- t . .^ • 't I'ltn s*

[„ mill expiinndi-'l utit.i h:i;i ;:iv .1.„{ .lioii mnrv iiei'fcctly. 'I lu v ln s tlmn fr ,„ i cnmc Into fiillor UkW, tn e ' b rrth ren —

i;iivo him 11 le ttn r o t eniloraonjent im i H ho jin^Hort to o the r l5o1<l*. J,-.1 I. John'a Dlaclpl«» Bacoma Chri». / IP tlan^ (vv. 1-7).'ly Thi-Ho 12 iHnclplcji linil been WUKht w only Iho hnpllAni^af-rppNiKinW n i if . ly propiiriiilon' fo r tl»« kinplom of Owl.I- Paul fiinsht tbcm to bcllpre'on CliriR. — ic I. e.. lo rrc'olvo ITlm no the Ono nn m 11 111? croKi who hnd provliK'd nxlcmp. I It tion' for them. W hnn they ^-cf*lved ■

i.'hrlM,. Fnnl J n ld hnnda upon them •ll uml llii'jr rooclved tho Unly Spirit., y II. Paul Preafhlng In Epheout ( t t .■*' «-10),y 1. In till* JowUh Synnisojtnn ( r . 8).'* Thfun-li-tUe Je«r* won- r iiu l’ii InvK-

ornto onrinloa. hta rule wii» to so to ‘’ f ili i’in flnit wlUi, tho cofipol. Illn ‘I’ pruiichlnB wna chBractorli'oiJ: (1) Uy holilncM. I le w nllM ^ thnt

It (ioit aimt him, nod Hint Uia authorlly j] ^vuK^lack of him.

. (2) Ry rpoioo.. O hI’b mriwniro Is I, In nccord wttli tho hli;hciit reonon. fi (fl) Iiy poreuoHlon. I t Is no t enouRli "0 to como boldly w ltli n m iionublu shea- _ h Kiige, It munt bo Bccoinpnolt^ byij MuuBton. , . ■

(4) U r m>t-BklDi;, "conciTnlni;; lha . kUiEilom o t Ood.“ U e ilIU not ills- ■. courxo on curren t eventa, lllv rn turr

or phltnK'nilUy,'bllt'Upnn> ininfin;;!- uf Hiilvutlon lliriJnB|> OliilHl.

2. In Ihl' Scli.KiJhouso o f .Tyran- nn-. (Vv,, 0-10). “

" Tho Ji-w . hi-lm; fjieuilon of tlio• i;i>i>iu-l of the Kracc of Oud. w-i-ro onlj

tjiinli'iU'il hy I'm ifii enmotit pronchlnc,' ' J’hhI JH-Mjrjili-d th e iDjiflplon ?n<iii

thi-m nml ri-xorii-d to thu ni-huolhnum- J u f Tyrannu-i. Thin wiia fulloncd with• ;;liirl.>UH rr-u1I'.'' 111. Ood Working M Iraclat by Paul

‘ Ki'liivsui, wan nuicil for IH wnndcr vrori<er.H. .{f I’linl'.-i mlnlRiry wuh to ho Htiroi"iifii1 hnn-, Ood nnmt In an I'Xlruonllniiry wii.v pni Hlx fi-nl npnn

,, IllK work, Sn w iinilfrfullv dlil Ue m nnlf’-Mt III" jii»v it lliut hjindUrr-i li1i-f« IiikI niifinis liNiUrllt fm m Viinl'f ___lioily li<-ii1oil Ihlt Hk'l: nud i.-u>t ouc w ll HplrllN.

IV. A Qjorlou* Avtak«n1no (w . IT- ;11K ____________________

1 rreach ln i: i.enli-o IJ n. m.VounK pr«|i1c'ii miieUnK 7 p. in. KvatlKi'lliJle M-rvlcr 7:30 p, Jn.

• _ ThiirMhtrl* llllllll prnyer nioc-lliiK al

f A ^hf.'iffy f<» nil. }./tl>ofVnlni> -hall. /

r J . W, S l liy V panlor.

V»i ;mt r tM ln 'l i AV l- ttn iS T ___, St'IK XTlST‘ • K n Ninth A‘-«nno IJajit. . .

.'Jiindny Korvloo. 11 a . in. ^1 Sunday a t 10 a rtn ; fn rjjup llit -

under l!(j-7rtirn o t iirg- - ; ToMlnioui.-n~rtii-<^IIrtC'wr^VcilBe*ilaT • - •

evenlnc nl. K oVIimIi.A roadlns rixnii n l 13<’4 Mnln nvo- -

mil- nortti Is cpi-n dolly frotn 3:30 fo

‘ Tho pnhilr In Invltod lo n tlend Jho»r ncrvlci-!! and lo vJhIC Uie rcartlnc room.

l o T i r/ ' —

• C h i ld 's H a r m le s s L a x a tiv e i s

. " C a l l f o r a i a R g S y r u p " It rro»«, fatrH fib. hI1lou\ «>ii.iii«>t.-.l o r . full o f e«ld. chllilren 1 lino tho ploajcint ta««» of "I'ayforBta 'l-li: i^jrup." A i««apoonful ' aoTf-r« 10 sonttx clean c&« U io r atHi t-nvotii .tnd «(rwctrn tb« atnm arb.

Afck, jo u r d n is f la t fo r reau lne •v a llfo ra la Fix Syrup" » b lc h hna dl- roclloii* lo r>lr« and c h lld rrn otnil IIKO* KrlnloO on 1« ltlf. ’ M othfr;

g- TIMES i . •



^ Don’t ■ nluy lioaiN a ' nchy, ill'.iy, lilll-


H k c •■CtiiiciirclB’'I tiikvu any tlmoi 'f f

f }: will m ildly fltlmn-b*tj<• i t JjjIc j'rtnr/J r t i r /«wd be

- ^ t m art your IiowoIk. .|,■ Thun you will liotli look ond foiil

cli'iiii, und rofn-Hhed. V our , ,‘ hi-nd will ho c lear, ulomnch awcol, limKUe iilnlc nml your akin rosy. -

UoL-auiie ••OaRUiirelii" novor Krlpo or . »!(dci-n,. It lum hvcoino llic^ lurKunt ■■■

si'llliiK laxulU'u lu tUo' worTil, . UlrcctliiDH for mun, wonu-ri, cliil- di

I d ren on cnch box—nny ilruR nloro.. i.n

t 1. Fcur T n iu Upon All (v.-17)).Nuwa of tho cnatlns nu t nf theao

’ ovll aptrlta ereoted ImprcsHtona far* 'I orubU to C hrlatlanltr. ;

■ 2. I t D rousbt to tho T ront Thoae ' Who Prnfeaacd Potth In Chrlat. Wlillo ' N ot t f r ln g BJght LlTca (t. 18).

Thoy .bolIOTcd. bu t.J iad not brolten ' from aln. - .

A S T H M A r. .N o .c v n for {e, ba t w«tcom«

nlls f U ofian hrouRbi b r —

v m i i s -7iACTS ABOIIT


'T o t la m atopa itehln* and . burn-

* "* it he ali raw , InlUnied •Un."“I t clear* away plmplei.”“Peilam )t powerful, yet ." I t worki quickly and aurely. \ "A HMic goe t a iong way." , ! "PoiJeiTj coita but 50c."~at alT] ,

dmssi*ti.. To Ratain Vouo Youthful B tauly

,W« raeemmand tha dally u ia of

W htch conUina 7% of Po.lam _____________ Olntmaitt_______________

■ ■ . a

, W i n . • «

A u th o r

—Chance” i: actual stru

/ thcslaviY ou live i novel ■wit]

-N treasures, fto jb e Jov<

_ ^ " L i l h t s r

i ' P ub l y _ ; -■ ^ l* ii

^ I h (

. ' m :

8. Gave Up tlio PracUco of Black ArU (V. 10).

ThU mviini forma- of lu c sle ry b r DRo u f chlirma nod innRlciil w o rd v Thp); proTed ibo.gvnutnonH a of the lt notlima by iiu b lld r tu m lu if tliolr book*. • 'f

4. U proar o t tb« SU venm lth a t KphoMua ( w . 3 ^ 1 ) .

(I.) T /ie OtcnWofl (rv . S rS J).'TVU wua tha power of th e compel '

In ili'KtroyltiK the tnfnmoux buHlnnui of c IJnni^irlua ;ind hla followum. I t wna , ctvur lo tliiTu th n t idolatry wna tottur. < la s hoforo tlio power of tho kdhiiuI.

(") Tho 'aiethoU (VT., - {Di-miitrluN. a leading.bualncM maa,

Whoao bUMliics* wna the aliiy of otlmrN , 'Of! n almllnr nnture, coiled a meoUng ’ aiid pliiteil Hint much peoplo bnd be&i. tii'nwd trow Idolatry, and Ihnt ■ the n ittrke r the ir w uria w aa ma- leriu llr woakcued. Hii^Bppcalcd to hU fiillowoni:

n. On lhugroBntlofbnaInesa .aay lnc: ■'•Thia, o n r cm ff, la In danger of be- lilt: act n't nntigbt.” ,v. 27.*h. On tbo ground nf rellKloua projii*

illro. Ho anld: 'T h e tem ple of thn croiit KOiIdesa Hlaiia ahnll bo dc< hliloird" (V. 2T). I lls apeoch ruined h li rna.

Sco Rll Vniic))'ii collar fllllnK anio ad on jiuftc 2.

-F:00T SPKCUXLIST—222 ShOBhono W M t^............_ __ —ndT, 171

P U B L I CA» I lint lonThiK tho w u n lr y I n » J k ruiicli ^ uiilea nviit nnd IM mllon hoi

aIoiI. Idiihis o r I U mIteH ean t nad 1 ri . IlvUM', u ll of m r ItuuHi'iioliI tiiiidi^ :

Tuesday, OctoI'n im pfly

P T rE N IT D R BlltiKK, Slovcx, clc., Jiiiva boon uhoiI

, • ^ O H IO ig » JKIkIU dozon riy ino iiih Itock Clilokoiiii

T U R K E Y ; 23 hi-nd o t iJronxc Turkeya, -

M A C m K E ].IVi-in. W lnonu''W nBon and H nck: H Mower; G-Tl.'j .McCormick' Hny Itako: Soodi-j- and O ultlvufor a ttnchcd ; H'h WnlkInK • I’low; Gnrdon Plow ; 2 Uii: hli> I-Vi-d Riick: 2 Porlnlilo G rain Steel UliicknmItU o u tfit eompleto.

' H A S N E S ST hreo Hiiln of heuvy W o rk 'U ii-n e r» .

I ' E O B S E aJ 'Hay CulillUK, K yonrn old- w ; 1700

nld. wt. 16G0 lha.: D ay GoldinR H yen ' Mare, 10 ycnra old, w l. 1700 lha.

" ' O A T T I £Jeraoy Cow. a yenm o ld . frcnhena J Hud Coxf. Jual frcnb; th rco Jeraoy C U elfe r,, 18 moiitba old.

I H oassix Shoala. wclKhlnR Sri Iba. cnch.

; TEItMS — LUNt’II WAdON Wi H. U. DAVIS,i ('(II,. MCNVOS'. Aunl’iiiii-or.

G O L D' T h e Slave—

y o r the Master?,

i d s o / C h a rby R E X BEA C H .

h o r o f ' ‘n o w i n g G o ld .” "The S p o ile rs '

— virile — exciting — "W inds * is as tremendous, as restless, as truggie for thc glittering yellow j avc o f a few— tbe m aster o f many e in thc adventuresome N orth in i^ith the brawny breed th a t w rc S. fnjjn its.frozcn grasp. Y o a tl ovc story as colorful as thc N ortI

HiWUhed b)r A rra n g e m e n t w i th K rsC 4> iional P k t t iR s a i td F i a t f k .U o 7 4

.P ro d o c tio a * . I n t ' • -

a i i y T i m e ih G e n e r o u s I n s ta l lm e n tQ

W D A T , OCTOBEH-.-23,* .3£)25.

WANTtED—To clean Mid repolr-your' fu rcnco . Urlzco Metal W orks. —nclv.

ST O IU G E A pple n and polutoca. D. J''. H oover.

171 U lU i Lnkca Bvd. So. . • ^

: j ^ i A L E - ;(( aoK a ( Pubffo AncffoD n t m y Hnnth n n d ,U m ile caaL of H a u l - .

1 r iiilf Hnii'l}! of lU lIai/aie Sclioul K, 3lnciUii><-rr. nnd ILjrestuck onC t o b e r 2 7 t h • 'p f ir o l .12 'oT Jnrka smoil o n e 'y o a r only. -•^ 3


N E R Y ,: H -ln . Sulky i>WSv! 'McC^nnWc ko; lG-l«>lo Kentucky D rill QriuiH

n-hocllou- Monl H nrrow ; H -ln .Hiiy SIlpii; Chnln HUoea; p o r tn - -

n o d Irtan; Lovulor. -

E S S ' ^

BES'00 lb s .; n iack OoldlnK, 6 yoara yeara old, vil; 1D50 lb#.; Brow n

X E .a Jam ih ry 10. rrc la tered oow; y Cowa, UM Juut fre^li;- H tjjateln


; W ILL DK OX (JHOU.VDS,I S , O W h i f e r ^ ’ -

T »}I U .U ty K lt, CU-rh.

n c ele rs”

,ds o fas th c -

w goW any . . .! in this-vrcsted ' . ;I th rilljrtbcTQ ,

S ifls - .. . '

■ F R lD A y, OCTOHER 2:j, 102;

[ Bniiness Dgectoryf£ _ r A t t o m e y t

P O R T E IW V ^ K A it. liSW7«r«. P ti

Cl<Mt goolf Btor JdaiU ^ 'B f 'i i 'nU — Orr Cbtsau

CBAPUAN f f a W j B ^ H o b n i 8 .,< . T> «, i , 1

■WaSSjBl^ i V v BW SBLB7>-^4ttoni«■ ^ B m k B ttU aini

BO TA liO ^'i& O B HBPAQUNO.M n r t . P ro p .' 180 ■2nd BL W u

F I ltS T ’ CU STO M ER 'In tba m om lr for b a lf to ica w m KOt tt p a ir of ru) b«r heo ii freo. T v in ra lln Sboo Ri palrlfir>- 132 Sbosbono A^ost.

LOOK A T'T H OSB S H O K ^ B u t nov< mtod I w ill tnko them (o Sllm'n as bavo tb«m robullt. Sllm'n Shoo Ri

■ pairing . 123 Shoabono SC So.

T r a n s f e r

OROZUIR T IU lj& FE in COHPANT- . Phona 848. Storago and c raU ai.

ucN iO R O L a' m M m t s a a s t o rAOB .C O .-a a rb a g a b a a ltd daUPhona. 100._______________________

. WARBERA 1H A N 87ER f t STORAOl CO.—Storago and apeclal eartoa ahlpmenta M> C am pm la. Pbona 14!

^ . • C h i r o p r a c t o r s

DR. a a W TATT C blropraotor

m »rd A ra. Wo. om ca.P tM in^ 4<

DR. Bt)bJV; a BA'WTBIR , Oatoopfttbfa Pbralclan

Snlta t . an d I . Oon Bnnldlng 3>ona IHO-W Roa. IMP-

________M i s c e l l a n e o u s ’

TW IN PAl.l.<i TI:NT & AUTO TOI CO —216 SboAhoiiv S i. ^ o . Pbon

c iriD O P o n iflT ^ DR. A. J . F0STI'3R..F«>1 Ddclor. 22

Sboabone woat.

I'A ILO RIN C—Sulla to o rder from |3 up .. ClcanlnK. P reaalng. Ropalrlni A ll W ork O uaranU od. Babbol, Tb

T ailo r. 223 South Main. Phono 988J

U I88 nA N 8B N --?ln« droaamaklDg- , SpbelaUtlng In tailo red dreaaoa. Al • WQrk guaranteed. Ovor Bootba.

E M P IX )Y M E N T 'o m c& -3 0 2 8.Mali A w .^^SgM lah^Pool HalL U anagei

CARPENTBR AND CONTRACTOI . and rep a ir w ork In building lln<

Cbaa. P lahar. 241 8rd nronuo aoutli « ' Pbona WSW.' •

£T E SPBC rA LiaT—D r. Wm, D .Ray nolda. 209. N ext door to Ooldei

■ n m a .___________ __________,

rwX N V A L U JU N K B O n B B -V e tato. B nbb tf, H ld e^-P a lta a a d P tm

■ ABHOUE . <&SAM 8 T A T I0 K -U 'U aln Sonth^ ‘Twin PU U . Pbco«

. 1648 a n d , 1074. Soa oa befora aeU ing e re u a , poulti7 .>nr egga. Tea w« o n t a f le r y o o r poo ltrj Open ^ S a tu . i l i^ a lg b ta nn til 1< o'c lock. CbM . Onderwood._______

P i a n o T u n i n g

” 8 .0 . S 0 L Lto 7 « » * iw e rle n ee i.

____ ^ Pbona t l 7 J . ■ r i v O . - ^ 808.

T y p e w r i t e r s

Wo aall 'am . R an t ’am. P tx 'em. BOTAL AU M akea. COROITi

FO B TIB L B A B D n ra KACnUTB l U M ain 81. N , Tw tn PalU .

F o r S a l e - l ^ i s e e n a n e o n i

e i o b -ax;t i t o d b a n o w > r R u r iand abada >dtaa. am all fm lla , ab rn ta roaatu. v ines a o d parannlate. B e a ^ a toek to r low M t prlcM . 8£IaeB « w i a l t i . C k talo ino I* r .M . KlmberU

------------------- NB i iM i i . a m a m y. id a b a -

'P 0 R '8 jL L & ^ ;^ £ ^ ~ a iid (wfna. id > ho Jsm k b o a a a . Acroaa from tb a Sali O rom da. 1B> ^ A ^ aontb. _

FO R g A U -O th O H o EACKlopaadU —W .TO laaea. P b c o a 1500._________

FO R SALB .OB T B A D B -T w o cylin- d e r t tm a h o lla r . 'B a n rr.R ay b o m . n e u

' Oodwte Billing; R L T w in PMla.FO R B£U>--<Oaaft n n g w . tablea,

chalra. r ttga^tfO a. f p r t n f i . hnby car- Tiagaa, t c M M . B argain prfeea. A ll tn c M d lm d l t la a . S ie h iia c a D>-

^parta e a t ^ ^ V lncant Oa> P hoaa 408.

y - F O |t s£ L & - lA p a to r aale. can a a nI yen a c p a y on pipe and flttlnga o t a ll V alsaa. T w tn Falla Jp tik Honaa. IM

4lb a m iM aonth. Pbona 'T K . '

FOR SALE—P o U to d igger, dag only ' 120 acrea. P r lc o «100.. E . a Baeman.

Bobl, ' .

A ll n b b a r eaa« b a ttan a a to r Forda, I IL W : Dodgea. t l7 J « . O th c ra in pro­portion. P raa t-O .U U B a tta ry Station.

. ■■■a iS .a b o ah D M B t.B o .-P h B n a .g t.____

' PO R BATiW-RrntH- heating atora. 408 to d m n n a w ea t_______________

__________ ■ i°TTbad a n d high obalr. U lS l ^ ^ tm w a a t o r p h w l M « .

r o a a K U h fC o a S m a n id qoUta by * .M .S .U d ia a (A M .F k o o « 7 4 4 W .

TO B BfcTW .n i s h ^ . j M l « ? P r t l e -' <w*» > W

,023. ■ ,


_ _ _ W HW

O rar wA."T TM*KT v r / s c eO O on» .sroc^« jZ Itora. I._________^ y

t, n

n u 8

■ aat

rainsrub- • ^

B Ro- - ■ .

loTor I________'■

1 R». •---------

t i m eroR-

F o r S a I e - M i s c 6 l I a n e o u !

AOB FOR SA t.n—TlcUct to NDrlon. Ki)n ■toad nnn, |27.00. Mrx. J. T . Marnls, Uox -19 I**- Filer, lilttbo.

l-'OR SAhR—T hree ctitllncii ot^bnj— 2% DilIuK from city.- I'liono SD1)JS.

FOU SAUR—DcllclouH npplcn ni 447 20 cuiitK p«r box. llriiiE con

------ talnern. 4f>2 Dlui‘ iJ tk m av q . nortb.

■ FOR SA lX —FiirnUufc. Phono 1SC2J

40-J FOR 8A l.l>~aooil Cllll onlonA, r>0<------ Rack, 7Cc dellvurcil. 11’39 4tli avetiui

cant. Phono 1308. ... . .

' P O ll 8AJ.R—Darrow onu hfKB foi tiono BaU, S tu CO KalionH. Cuhuu) Krliid

InR.' Brlue In your applCH anil KOl tbi V— clacr. Twin F a lls V ln e tw & Clilc

Co. ._________ I________________

^ ' F o r R e n t •

r l i i r FOR RKNT—F ro n t' hwlroom, furTbe naco boat and aultablo for ^wo. Fbom)88J. 635J.

as— FOR RHNT—T o am all tam llr. FouiAll room fum U bcd houno w itb Koraee

I. Clone In. Pbono 1638J.

..i'O R .IlE N T -::;N ov«nbor iM, 4 roon bouao m odern oxcopt heat. Pbono 903V

FurnlahoU boiiao for rent, H. C. 0«t tc ri . Pbonu 223. 114 Main Avc, No

POR R E N T -S leep lng rooma lo mod ___ crn bomo. 138 W alnut S t. ,

M ra PO R RBNT* — a room fnrolfbe< apartm ent, reaaoaable. Bnngaloi

___ Apta. 6th atroQt and Becond aTanniKet- e a a t __________________ _ .

.FO R RBNT—B oaaakecptng apart -884 o ] ^ ta . eompetaly fum tabad to r llsbi n e a b i^aakaeplng. ona, tw o and tbra< h U. rooma cloee tn , and low ra te i, b] T m . week o r m onth. T be Oxford. 42f I t r / . Main N.__________;_________________

” W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n e o u f

W A N T B D -noom era and boardera----- <th nTanne weaU, •

WANTED—T o ren t Improved 40Pbone 2gQJ eventnga._________. ■

W XN TBD =P6r— c a m — w — trade bouiebold fu rn itu re , rangea, m ga, et«

----- R tchange D ep t, A. H . Vlncont Co207 Sboabona Son<^ Pboae 405.

W W A M T B D -^ o ^ r a t eaah. naed f o rd earn. P h o a a 147W. a, JL Whlta

— To. m Main a . . ________WANTED—T o 'b u y hoga and lamba

“ Call 398. T w in F alla Sboa Repairing

WAfrXBD—Vaed tn m ltn re .i Sw tei'i t i v Second ^ a n d a tore. Plione 128E.

Uaach County.- W lU -p a y .^ h . Camp- Ide* ^ H a R e i a E a t ^ L a t o . ’ o r t ^ ^ i t f f d i

W iK NTBD-Sew tns n t acboot'CbU' — r ^ re o i.Jh o n a .< 8 K I .^ W A N T B D - I ^ e au ia . J . A. F lyna^ Phona 768W. •_____________________>10* WAMTSD-^PovTtry M a n klndB. Top

prtoefc H . a a c f t t a r . Pbona W W .

S l a v e s t o c k a n d g o u l ^

M FO R fiA L& ~U alo and t«nu l« eansr- D*. taa. a lao fn m ltn re . 138 Vaa Buren S t

FO R SALE O B TRADE>-Por good— ewea." 3 good Je rse y cowa. will bi <T« freah m iddle o f Novemtwr. U W alton a ll 8 a l le a aaat. H m ile no rth on 'KImber. W ^

FO R SALE—38 bead bu r* bred— H am pahire ew M .'8 pn ro brw) Hainp- * ' ab lra bnck la a b a , 6 RambonUet aw«

UtDba. l r e c .B a m p a b l ra r a |r t lB g a tu d ___ bock. Pbona 678R1.________________

FO R S A L E -A bou t 800 old awH . ^ w ill U m h.Fab . L W rite o r phona D.

81d Sm ith. BhoahOM. Ida.

I T SH E E P PO R S A ^ ^ I S P O haad a iiiii brad . P rica r ig h t to r ImmedUU aala.

___ Can McConnaU. F^Urtlald. Ida.£ 1 m m , bradI S g n ta . a a d taw hoatai. M a cbbIM

a p r tn s gllta. B. J . Malona, Phona—. m - j - a . « --------

PO R aA LB -~Tw e gnoA ttU k cows. ___ M a i a n i th . B . 1 . T w ta P a lla ,

^ Lo£rt and^ ~ L 0 8 ^ T ^ w * a tn m i lR f

-twoaa A M a ^ '^ a ^ ilB rtM uh . w tth

^ t a nB aafoC B c*..,



<>y OMM^N^T |h c < k O o r

r r C R a m o ® <T-


■ —r& i) - “ U n

IP i m A

i V w A ro i l s L o ^ t a n d F o u n d

I.OST—Laat nlKht. baby'n piclii Kt)n» 11X17 In fron t or D nn'a-placc. Kind X -IS, .icnvu a t Diin'n ^iIocp, SOS Sboxhonc

Soutli. ._______ ■

.bny. S i t u a t i o n " W a n t e d ,

— - “ s It IFaTION W AN TK D-A ki'iI «n go,,, wantn Jonllor work, a'bono 1372. '

H !l_ WANTKD-aoH-Ini:, mJ!»n<‘ry nn«l ; C«2J. llnic coaln. Kdltb WIIIInniH. 320 ' — nvcniio Plione 708J.

H b I p W a n t e d

I f«'' DISTIUDUTOUS—QuIciHy itovel rli'tl- own Inilopohilenl bim1n«'KH bnndll l«>"> ScolmlntnYoBntCan.ty. New. Ford «

lomobllo free: exelunlvo to rrllo HcotmlnlH Company. Inc.. 1718 Sci

" i— mintii niUg., Jcrauy City. N. j ._ _ _ WANTKD—Kxporlcncoo apple pic fur- Salomm . blR applen. Far

bone O rchard. Pbono 4C6. ‘ '

SALRSMFJ^—Bent men mako t : r —: « n k ( y aolUng now apecfaUy. AH i S ’” a . n i . N .«- n .m sS .n u n lK l 135 rage, ^ eo k nnd oxpenaea axainnt comm____ alonn. E. A plpeton Conlocllon Cf^ n , Cedar Raplda. lo w t_______________•

!!?S’ P o r S a l e - A u t o m o b i l i

, No. FOR SALU—DodKO lourlnK car------- cood condition. - U onel A. Dean, 1mod- 2nd avonuo woat:

_ 1 _ FO R SA U ; “ OR TIlAD?>-n«*l» ibed auper nix. Oood coodltion. Box 1 *low Kimberly._________________________

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

■ Export marcelllnK. 138 8th nven M nt: Phone 1021 for nppolntmenPrlco 60c. __________________ ^

’ 428 LA DIES' TA IL O R rtO and dr& tnaWng. H r*. C. 0 . Marklo; 228. 1

— avonuc nortli._____________________Do no t toko cbnncen on tho w<

tb e r, bu t call the Idabo ‘A uto f t Si lera. piy Co. am i Rot tbo crop moved

aho rt ordor. Six trucka In nervl “ TT w ith four lo flvo lon capacity . Pron:

nervtco by renponnlUlo drlvora. Pbo____ 21K____________ __________________

— m jrtrx ttaa-inarco ttln irby-cT pcrlo t ed operator, 7Sc. 3bl ^ tli avo. c u t .

BOARD AND ROOM—Alno tal board, cloae )n| 31C 2nd nortJi.

T h e beat w ay to nund y o n r own b t___ tnaaa ta to tkU o thera abont ttmba. d u w u b th a ir aew apaper. ring. ■■'» . I I . . . . I.I


ntad • • • "

U B^ ^ £ L L , 1 A S K

~ w A s n _____.HlKA AKl M I S S

j™ '___ _■ -TO C M t - I 'T WTop D ~ _ B u S>m € ?S y T W A R S AWWTPU'

ir. ^S ■be»‘®“- ^^=S3r •>'

-tw v B KItnd . .'l i I W i

'Em*ifr?aI-D . 1 •

iwia !

w na . '

vtth ^

. - - - ' .A . . I .—


- o o f c ^ --------> w o isoe«% roL ^ g [Of '<T-t, A. COaC(CCM*3H CK o o c — I'B sT A G E y W B

| f ^ | U S p

NT A D SM o n e y t o L o a n

cliirc, ■' " ------ ■ —Nndi-r 6U PBTV CBNT^IONBY FOR FARM nc St. LOANS— Con gel you tbe monoy In

, ton daya from date of application.--------C. A. ilob lnaoa . _______________

i , * MONBY TO L O A X ^ lty o r fam i-------- Farm loana 6%. c ; Ii. Pp ttcr . R«ol

m an Qatato. PboDO 374.

F o r S a l e - K e a l E s t a t e

FOR SALE—C .room m a4cni houne. _ _ _ w tb 2 loin, douljlo Ktiraxe. furnaco

bent, lo c a t c in t 703 Went Main. In ­quire O. F, D. Peternon. R. 2. Buhl,

^velop FOR .SALEidlliiK 2 room bouno wlib 2 lotii. nl<lo- ,rd ail* -walkn a lt in nnd pnul for........... » 17f.•Itory. Why pny |200 for nun y.-ar Scot* looflu w hen yuu cnu huy llUn'

tbin?" T T " 3 room houno, larKo lot. nplendlil

locnilon and a Unnily hoiiHe-.J 12f,0 FarBO ^ room bmmo, mo<li-rn in <-»ory

way and ono o t thu b w l loca- tiona tn town.

».D0 5 jionne. almont new andmodern in ovcry wny ............... i 2K00A clono In property w ith tw o bounen, ono a D room and tho o lber a 2 room, both nro pa rtly

__ furnlnhed .nml ren t for 130 jtcr

l i l e s m o-------- 3 acren'clono in a t ........ .........- ...I 7D0XT In c ncren w ithin h a lt m ile o f cjjy 1. 122 Ilmlln w ith S room bun'KnIow....8 SCiOO

lu acrcfl w itblii h a lf nillu o t c ity .—T“ _ llmlta w llh 4 ro<im hoiinn ......... i 3700

1/w 25 Bcrcn H-Jthln 2 mUca of Twin^ '»<■ Kn)l. ..................... ............................> MOO_ _ 40 ncren w ithin 1 mllu o f Twlu

. Falln ______ __________ - ........7t:no80 acron on the bluhw ay ............117000

-------- Thin l» ono of tho bent Im-venuo proved placon In tb c dlntrlct, nentn. u io bu lld lnm nlone cont over

tSOOO nnd you can buy It w ith r - — »2000 caah nnd 11000 p c t j- o n r . r« riV I**® balanco..8. t>tn |,nyp flftvernl huslnrnn prop-_____ onlMonn for aalo IncludlnR a ho-

tcl doinx from )600 to 8700 pvrfliiiu nronlb bunlnenn offered a t .. .... t 2G00

<1 In' CIAAU-BKAIJl f t COMPANY in lc ^ A venue I'lant.

KOR 8ALl->-IO acrea 2 mll^n VMt. ^ 2 mllen nortb o f IK b l. IICOO caab

-------- and 11600 in ono year o r w ill tradorionc- torl=1orida-prop«rt> .—E > J_am IU > 0 '- a t. M. C. A.. Miami. F la . ,

tab le BABQAIK PBIO ES » EAST TEBXS Oa choice Irrlxa ted f a r n s a s d atock

— ’ ranebea In Bouth Idaho and F ju te m ‘ »'>** Oregon acquired th rough m ortgage

forecloauro. Call o r w rite . Idaho S tate Life. E m pire Block. Bolae. Idaho.

SKtoi SMoWtv ^ l,T^A‘T t l 0 0 B t O 5 j £ & V r \ I t

^ VAtslCE, AM Ke \ .AWC) h ? ^ G 6 'T o ^ 4 * -W 6 .L L W E T T ' - i o V C WAS o' AKJOi t S S . M E S A iO H.F W\1M iIftlviG FER PUSUCATiOKf nj]


-j~—- /

AM S MAsji.;- >>-

~ ’

^ -4 MMCt »*a *^ui_-------^ PM -UIIM-OUT. THC.RC'*' \Z Z

> C>NL-< O m E. TH 1NC.TO ll— -------- C O O - i s /e CO T T o C«T J

, ' I t

i r O lttS ar Int-i, Futu«( S ckvicc. I ff I________ C.... ............. .......j

H r i n g 1_ _ F o r S a l e - E e a l - E s t a t e

HIM FOR S A L B -M odem b room houao ' *“ w ith ga ra gft Phooo 092W. •

~ F 0 i l" s A |.b liR E X CIIA N G K-O h a —— KOod 80 or muru choice 10 A.. 7 room arm- houno, Kood ham , 2W inlh'H S. W. ll«ol Holao. F. \V. D allon, 11. 4, Ilolne. Ida .

----- KOR .SALE—Ncur llm clton , j:ood 80f 'p acrun. A nmnll payjnenl down, hal-

nnco }Hf>- rent. J ^ r Inl’orumilDJ) c u lf 37-K-ll liaze lton . Idabo.

'Une. I-------- I------------laco KOR SALE— 10 acr.-n well Inihrov-

In - cd. Iniinfilhm' jiosHcnnlon. W ill tiikn :il, iihi'cp. pnrt ^rmle. I’lionu COKJC.~ . '^ ^ T rad e' .

WANI'I:D TO TRA D K -C ttii in i:lnc •• fo r hiiy. Phono GU8H4;

■ KOH TJtADE—Eli'Ctrlc wiuibliiK mn- chlni- nnd wrlnRor fo r Iron bcdiin.-nd

I2f.0 oml davonport. Pbone C37J1.

IS lIA JiK ltl'I’TI'V .\0 . .1088.

I>lntrlct Court of th e Unlled 7* ''' Sinli'H. for tbo D lntflct of Idaho,

Soiilhern Dlvlnion.In tho M atter of ter A. O rion.■ Ilnnkrupt.

You nro hereby jiotifled. Ibal .the lOflO flm t m eeting o f cri’tlltorH of aalil 7D0 IJnnkTUpt will be held a l the officc ot

U»* uHdernlRnod Referee In T w in l-'alln, Ciwniy of Twin Kalln, S late of Idnlio. nt 2:00 o'c lock P ,M. on Monday, tbo 2Cih dny o t Oclohcr, 192B; nuch meet-

COOO •’0 a llow ance ofclalmn. nppolnliiiont of truntco, oikI

7C00 iixnmlnailou uf Ilnnkrupt.7000 ■ o y v -U KINNEY,

IliTofec In B ankruptcy.

* * C a « M r" Originally T itle C a tin r l i now frequently a ied as

a ChrtiUao oamo. Aa applied to the Reman cmpdrera It w ai a title. It a aa the cognomen of tha RotnsD fam-

:S00 lly Julia. In tbla aenie It w i i uied L'y aeven rnlera.- I t died out aa a fato-

^n(- ily name w ith tbe death of Nero, but 'M t *'*• •“ ^•equently. revived a a .th e title ■aalj **’• tm peror.

S ”L ■“ : ■G at»e~ W am « f o - T o to n —'—

ShrevoporT, La^ waa named la hondr of Henry Miller Shrove (1785.J854), a . nativx of New Jeraey. who. In ISIS, ae-

tace Ccuded Ihe Miaalaalppl and Ohln r iv en lalio to l»ul«Tllle in tbe GQterprlae, tbe llrsl aho. tteoju vcaael to make tbe tr ip .. ^

~ ~ —ByW iHiart7

voijT^V"3 t w P u o W E t? \

y - ; ^ _ v o u U K £ ^ A % ; ‘"*O v o o A O tA iR t SA ? ■ WELL OF luTW’ ALLS*, i ' l l LVER O M O tR S C ^M S ^

___ ^

B f '-

m E P i j S E L -


¥ i « LW I C M m

M A K E R l | ! M

Inc _

T H E B in1 DAllY i m iuae

— \V»K,\T srO IIK S .1o„‘ t o i u v

dn’ ■ c illf’ARO. Oi:l. a i.—Ui-miirkiililo__ recovery wan ni-ori-il In wliuiii on tin-80 iMiard o f.tra ili- loday. A lalv rally '

ial-_^rra>ied tiharp limwn and ni'iit prices rulf to a frai-tUjiially hlRluir clom-, Kor

the firnt tltm- iin thi- crop, lill di-llv- ^ crli'H anld lielow Cnarne RriiliiMov* rallloil w llh lh<- l.^ii.llni; cer.-nl hut ikn full friiclloiially nhort o f <'i|iiallini:

the prevlnuii cln«i>. All cnrn rKtali-— llnhed low i>rlci'«. An over nold cim*

ditlon nav<-d wlu-ai.'I hi- drop lu cii'rli wnn liam'.d on

, Uie liberal nioveiiX'iiI iif liyw >;iala. Outa wi>rc i|iij<'l ulld, uai)i>r iloial-

Provlnlotiii ri-mnlni'd u n d ir ihe In-' ,j fliii'iiro o f heavy deJlvcrlfSnJicI llriol.

dalinK iirei'Uiiro.__ , 0|H 'n. niKh. I»w . Clone.

W llB A T -Dec. new U l '/ j 142% )3fl«i 142\fcDec, ohl Hd-'Ji 14116 MKTt HI'M..’iJjiy ne»v u n , 14054 iMi% H O !iMny (lid i:i!i'Ci 140 138Vb 140

CORN—on. Dcc. ___ 74 74% 73'^ 74'.t

Mny 7s'.4 t j '.u 7!i 70 Ihc O A T S -aJd Dec................Sn'.Ji 39'.4. 2>i% ■ot May ....... 43'/j 4;iVfe 4a 43% :

11" i j v u n -Oct............. n n o H 70 ^4t0 1«M

!“• 111H8 -Oct........... Nomlnnl 1C40

el- u v t ;—nf Dec. ........ 7314 S« • 7.<('4 -laVK

m.l May ........ S4?i »-,•% «4 H5U

cn irA fio cash r u . i i nCHICAQO. Oct. 2H.—C u rn -N o . 1

yellow, nono: N«.,2 yellow. KlfiiiHSV^c; : .vo. 3 .ypllow. Nn. 4 Jt-Jr <low. Hoftsni.-^c: No. 5 yellow. 7S.-; .N'O. fl yellow. 77c; No. 4 niixe-1. "ijf/j

as O80c;~No. 2 w hite. « IO H 2H c; No. 3 < he white. HM?81c: No. C white. 78c.It Oaln—No. 2 whll'e. 39^W 40c; No. '

m- 3 white. .39 f/3»«c; .No. 4 »h lie ,,ed ®38c.

, Rye-.V o. 2. S lU c.“ Barley—C7«7Sc.

Tlm othy-|6-7CO 7,r.0.

• OMAHA LIVKSTOrK.OMAHA. Nch., Oct. 2 3 ,-C n tll« ^ R e . <

ceipin. 2000; n inrhel ntendy: yenri- <__ Incw. t 7.r.0fiil3.7B: nteorn, |7 .C0«

14.26: cbw-ii nSnn i'a ro rS rj2 .7 i;0 'ir.75 r : dr niockoni and fucdori. calvcna .} 3 .U 0 1 3 ; hu lls and nlaan. «3.76(»(:

.>• 4.26; wentern raniiern. t*.i0ffs.7f>. j r i lloEn — Rccelpin. S300;' mnrket I . ( montly 26c low<>r; bu lk of nolc*. ^9.10 |.

O i l : (op. 8U.1S._ Sheep — Recglptn 1100; m arket

J to h lgbe r: yeurllnKn., f i o o i l : wetb- I era. 87.SOOS.CO; Inmbn. |]4.:60>]6.25;

ewea, 86.6 0 0 8 .00.


“ celiita^' * lO.&dBs" creantcry; 4D^ i i

Bcsa: Recelpla. 30C4; o rd inary . 32 0 » c : n rs ia , .4 8046o ; « x U a s ,-U « ..-

“■ ~'CBM l'< r ‘ TWln», J40S4U C ; 'A m e ^ Icaa. 24024UC.

P ou ltry : Receipts 1: car« : fowln, 18024c; aprinxa. 21U c: ducka. SOc: xeese, 20c ; turkt^2lf^ rooitera,

■ POTATOEA CHICAGO. O c t 23.—Recelpta. 400

c a rs; W laeooaln and--M loi}eaoi« round wbltoa. 82-6602.7S; Idabo nia- aets, 13.8603.40.


—Recelpta. 85 :tone o t m arket anm* Inally steady ; a te tra . iw liu m . 88-?S 0 8 : common. 8 6 .6 0 e 8 .» : cnnnera ( tn d cu ttera . 8408.60; b«irer% me* dlum a ad common. 8 4 0 4 ; beef 00wa, I raedlom and coamton. 8 U 8 0 S .» : I eahnera and cu ttera , 8L 60O 8J8: 4 bnlla. e a a a a n a iid bologna. 8 8 0 4 : i c alrea a a d in n ebole* (m ilk t«da «x* 1 c lnded). 84.eo«>-M ; .v u la ra . nutftO B f aad eboloa, 89 -H O lL ■ .n i

Hoga - R m I M 178; m ukafc I waak to ahade low er; BM dina. good. 1

. .eholeft J t 9 - m toaa^M ipooada. t U V O I s m n b i ; 1

op. t i L T S o i u s : p a a r tag . ^«0M»th. l h aary , i S O l l : paek lac ro sg k . b a n i : <S S iiL * — ! t ■ g i f t a I

M a t a a l l r ‘i t « i d y : . l n £ r M . p o a i ^ I . «9WB. n a d lo a t a obolea: * U 9 U t ; 1

xP C itiM W D /.O e L


GEM’MANUS ' 't '

vi i r» v o w r o t i A c « s

^ 'V C .tso r-.'

■ I k - - i i r .■ | | | o ,


Idaho Potato Market(.Market News hVrvice, l/oHed fiUUfci-------

DepaitinL-nb of AKrlciillurc.)

I’jy- • IIIAIU) KAU.S. Idnho. Oct. 2 .T - ■(.H llaiilliiK liioilrrato; loadlUK IlKbt uc- •„r rou iit e a r nbortiiK'-, Oood wire In- ,Iv. niilry; i)<-maaii iiKxlvriite: (rndfiix1..„ ll»;hl; m arkel Meady; oiirlOBilil f. 0.,.ii il. caiib track . IJ. 8. No. 1. nncked

riirajn. very few nnlon, J2; nuckod .|,I runni'iii. California pack -t2.2ri(}2.30;

\viii:naloa<ln canli to Krowern. U. 8.So. i n :i(kfil nir.ilH. no nnlffi rt'porl- iMU'i'Uni<eIH. bulk, uutwelitlit. }l.C0«p l.r-r.;, f..w hlch im $l.Cl). ,

ul- KAN.'SAS CITY: 7 (^ilomdo. r. Idn- « bo. in .Mlnnenolu. 2 .S'ehrnnkn. 7 'N ortb 1m> I)»><<il:i. 1 NS'yonilntL arrived'; 36 d(. citni iHyvrtril frum U-an» Iruck; ,S7

ear» qu liai-k b roken; nupplloM motl-' iiii>, e rn le ;. ileinand - inodcratei mnrket

ahoul hteady^ cnrlo t truck naJen. In- >u Yole<> welKht; .Mlnnenota nnckod onrly

Ohioii. U. '.S. No. 1, 8303.06; Idaho, narked .rUHHern. U. 8 . No. 1. $2.90.

) ' Colorndo Backed brown benuttWp-U.— •* a . No. 1. montly 82.70.

t ' . l ClIICACO: Suppllen liberal; out*) nldc dumand very active ; local de>

■nand and tradlnR m oderate; m arket l%4 firm, oiipcclntly on * aacka; track— /- i'A nalen, ‘c arlo t ouiwolRbt,' y /lnconaln.

and MlunuHOta nackod round whiten,U. H. Nu. I ,. 12.6002.06; Wlnconnln anil Mlchlxnn Hacked roimd whites,

:40 U. S. .Vo. I. $2.3002-40 ■ few 82.460 2.60: Mlnnvnota und N orth Dakota, nuckeil Ke<t fdvor Ohlnn. (7. 6 . No. 1.

5U 82;7B«3.16, A rrivals 3 Colorado, C Idaho. 1 luw a. 3 Mlchlxan, 8 Mlnne* notn, 1 N'l-hrnnku., 4 North Dakota.

1 GC Wlneonxln. nrrlved ; 2 from Mlch- ,c : iBan by l«int; ?72 cnra on track In* ul- cUKllni: broken. ,iei h'OIlT W ORTH: 3 Colorado, 3 f>/j Idaho arrived. 6 cnrs diverted. 9 cara , 3 on truck unbroken: nuppllea mod*

ornle; dumnad nnd trnd inc modorate; s'o. m arket nliout nteody; broVera car* ;rvk,lol nalen. F'orl W orth basis, Idaho

V ic k ed rurnlB. V. & No. I, 83.200 3.30- Colorado nackcd brown beau<^ Ilen. U. S. No. 1, |3.20©3.25; sacked Red M eCluren-nnd Bliss Triumphs.V. 8. No. 1, *3.60 03.60. /

LOS ANOEl-BS: 16 r^1 |fO 'n l^ 1 lo- Colorado, 6 Idnho. arrived ; 48 car* rl- on track unbroken; 24 c a n o a Irack ) « broken; 1. cnr diverted. 3a lea Wed-r s r nenrtiiy:— Dem and— lim ited;— rn irM t-------I'cn firm ; track iw les. c a r lo t ;o u tw e lib t i(^ iS lopklon sacked long whiles, ordin*

Jnry, montly W<?3.26; poorer montly <et |}2 Cr.. Idnho sacked ruaseu , no anlea .10 |.re|)oried. R ^ e tv e ra aaking JJ.

-• TWirTFALLS is; M A f iK E T S

% BUIINQ PBICBWheat, No. 2 or b e tter — — $ 1 J) .

1 .. Beans,' recleaned, a a ^ e d . n«( —88.7S

3j H om . bu tcher ............................... ......l i e '-—r=—---------B e H e T r ~ s = "

Cows p^,.., I ^,11 ■ * 8 0 *U, Oalraa ^ --------------- ■ ■■ » •ic; ■ ... . .'■« ; •» ,,

O E rfX E H B ABD f O W U . ■ . ;Rooatera ---------------- — : 1- . »tf

00 T u rkey* .. toma i.i • 1 ,.i ■' -i14og a Ducka ----------- ---------------------------• •'!!». H oary hena . — . ■ i..nV ' 1

, A a u w . , i,~ — I .7lo'- l e Bprtnga 0«8 h o ra) - , n* Springs (colorM ) .J - .nr. 'IS T n u ig c a p e a * - . . . .^ ------ Ara CraMBCbae—1._ i'„-|,,nrtln;-e . I■a. S n g ir . e s a a ■— ^*>i6: Sogar. b«e t ' 1 " ■ V. C

Ei ?&■



______-• I)- .-

-------.- Nli'tm 'I 'nki'n fi<r tin ' Irriiii-’r iiin it'llll- ......... .. l'»r lli,> M>l- I'"tWi* u{ llll- «'H) nil 111... Sl;rlil M h.-.i ">'1till- «iitU- \l>n>!iil.

Till' COI...... ll.illiiM'-'i a 1 ;irm\:i! ' *'liclcl for III.- rinil lll ll >,!ir iiiid. r >Ih t Olri'clloii iir llic- i>n.:.;-.uii " '" ile t of ll).' T w ..m lrlh r.-ll(i|I J . llll,, i;ii. " " ‘IO rr till- i:]ii>liiiuni>.lili> <il .Mn'. II. 11.Atkln'HOll.' M-Iiora- lllllllll,T'-IIITII I r i '.h - 0(1 imifll rcimiJI.-Ililnlii'li fill I ffli n iir>and mic-.'.-M.. u l l l I... i„.|,l iu:i.h, I" ' ycur iiiiiliT 111.- »iii.iil.--i >ir n Ipominllir.-, « lil ' ti » 1U ‘'liH -l ■.■>'!. r V'l'

. lu x ; .•vriiim: nl III.- , Ihmi-.Ii. i ..r i..,::- " I I '

o f llu* Twi iitl. lh I'i iirni;.- . llll'. u ;- I'i KUIllzHlloii w.lil JI.-I'U-I l‘ -l li,''lii.- r!i c. . I- 11Hon nf VV. T . S.-llli v a.I i mid iuki

MlHfi n.-"iil.> F i'ii!«'1- in n ..-i.i;-ry , h .- iM<if..lioii.'K I-;. .M. W .'lfr, 11. M. Alklii- l"T

tion. Ocors<' O, Wiiliiir.-, ,.l»,i, I), W lir. Ui'-iliin. Ill'll: !.' T'liii'.ir itnil .\1liini.- r. i>i'i-'arnir. nml MrMirn. W, 'I', S<-lll"y. o , limit!•; »uvlH. u»y W. (iiirrliicT. 1’, 1., A i‘i- li*''' lan.tA . K n.'f.'l. \V, A. 1‘;iiik 'Ii. iin>l \V,R IJliIor. ri-|)i^K<iiiliii: vnriDim oi'kiui-

• '|znlloriii,'i:om iiiiiii> 111.', iiiiiiiiilii.'.'.Si'Vornt i-diiitiitucis w ore ;iii|iiiliiii.l >_'rln

coiiiiioHv.l un fnllowii;SliiniH—Jt. V, .loiH-n. li. 1’. Du'Um,

• . McMtnmrn fT*'"’**'" J-c h ir mill A. ilu n l .

I’nmili-—.M.'Hi'ni, /ii in ln .-r nil.I i:;iil • .Mtiiiyon. r<'|>r<-M.iiiiliiu tli'- buy Kcmiis

i ■ anil Aini-rlrim Ii-itlini. ri';>ii.'.IU'i-Iy, [ ' - NoIni-—A. fl. KiHliiT r.'|)r<-»<-»>liii; llll'

Klwiinln mill Ilnlnry i-liil>ii.• . l.lK liln-M rii. n , 11.,

Cniniiitinliy hIiik—.M.t IIii li. Iluilry, JniiU'H K.'UiiIl Hllll C. 1.‘. Il'uiUi.-

llcTroHlmionlfi—.Mi'iHliiiiini II. II. Ai- klDHon nn.l K. M. Wolf.'.

U nnil~J. T . *Ualtil.rl(lii.- un.l W. 'J', '• 8clll<-y. • •' «•

SIrm'l p rIv ll.'j:i'H -i:, I.. Aitlitnii, Mivi.. Jwi. U. Wliuliin.

I'llJillclty—Clmrl.'ii V. I>»l;;lit. Jolm . C. llnrvi'y. Paul K. C ow rlll am i .Mm,

Jan . D. Wliolan.TIiP romtnliio<> ndjonrncrt tii n im

nnjtl Mondny evciilnir iil Hn- chmnlM'r / of. coiiiiucrcc nl ti o 'rlock.

. Spo ivi .Vaiu'.''ii rc lln r fllllni: imI- nd im |)BK<' 1*.

Tlmen W an t Ads (lotn llrnulm .

The .Modern ^Home Has Its

R A D I O, The A tw a te r K en t Ra- i dio fo r I h o m odem homo I is a th in g o t beau ty ag , woll ns u tility . AU siz'ca : an d supcrla tivo finiahcQ I a n d en d o su rc s . Sco th c j A tw ater K e n t before you , •

------ - .-buy:------------------------------ r —

Casey-Parker Co.Twin Folia — K im berly


- f i s t x a i f f i t o i a r y p

- B A R G A I N Sr

Talking Machines$ 8 5 * 0 0


Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph

w ith collp<-tlon of«,llrn u tlfu l fum«-tl O.ik c-;iti:n.I, __

IlPKulaf pHr.- nf ll ih J.;i">.T.TTO. J r .’ Suit V.-ll

$50.00 .V i c l r o l a N

and roIIr<'tlon of r r m n ! '. j yiufl tn.ihoc.'\ny rn l-in tl. Itr-,;iil;ir p rlco of Hllu V lcln'l.a

SAMPSONMUSIG Cdl IBOl'SE 1- — N,\MI'A '• Tiri.v KiLi-s IB r u d n a n o n m ilt eolni: al

e u t prIfML

. . . . - .1!,. I' UiiOiirs. 'I 'rl|i - i:. I'. Kii;.|'.- 1 ,'IU'

Itl'uM .'ll"! I'llKll- .Sill,' llu : 1, iM .lil 'h ri HmV a^^M|i'i^'^h'^ry h.^nl -.vill

rri'iM'lii-i'' 111 'liiri.H i;-v , (). I). M .if-^iiti I.. Ml til.' <'livi:.ilaii .'liKiTli -.vill utii-al, >ii> It (111- .MliHii; ; . IHM 'ru . .nL.y 'l i . 1lln;; M ......... ... ,M1 In iJiai.,<iri.i-1Tiniiiiiilly n il' In .llll l in iilii'inl. ;'lln

lt.-sitfMK l’»-lll'in '.MI'.ri ( lllll. ! llmil i.'i.|i'.n--il t:.v iir.-.|il.iii HM t .a 'ln i - ;v . i | II 111.' inn lor liliili m 'Ii.miI. nn.l H.lf n ... ii.iinlni; li ft f-n- li.-r Ininii' Id c 'litn .' .. l.'l- l ih n r Iia-. I.'.II I'V ,MI::.:i'>Ii Vlnlrnil .Mnrllin:.liy. whi

I'lilli'il I.) Ilhii'>s. \n n A rin :: Ki.di-! ''I- D ftli- ' iiu;l..r,liii:li.i;-li.Kil. |. ( i iln , i'Im

.."■ll <-a'llr<! Iiy III.:'i'"i innn lllin : . < ' " ' . i ;

In-ir. Wli.'ii. l.lll- Ii .'.'in ly iin.I. l >.. ' i i 1 Mm Hi'rln'.ir. .i|,iTallnii. .Mrx. H. N nn .-[ 'n lli

lall.-.- Ill !iilli;illlillliii; fnr li.-r .IniliiK I.'f I .-r al'iii'in-o wlili'h v;lll lii.'il In d jy.i nr |

Olilii VM»..r ll.'n '.-N '. I). 'Ilm .li .if " •rliaiKl. Olilri. I'l ll.'li- \l.,|titii: W. \ . A ■i-<-il on-i:iitlilli nv.rntt.' .'ii.''i. T in : r n l . | ' lo i'


■ ' N e w D ;'• of

" Genuine all-'wopl Charm contrast 'with just the hii

•^ood in mid-Fall slyles.Select Now—I

^ E X T

^ --------r -------------a M C

See Wine


P o n g e e500 more yard

,g:cnuin<? pon

, T

.- I ............... ; i ' / f n . '|Clilr:ri'.'"i'< ; mill Mi. II-mI; .h .iv rnd In'

V '.-.lti.i-ila> ;ini| ....................... . fo iu i. 'r 'tn .lv til..ii , Mr. Hiial, li i in n l lv li.H'i'-l

in lln- im ir i «-|ii<h ; ,iI '.i-n w rrj

■hrih Iiiuni. Tri.iK. nm . H n'"*oi-: ;;.:il/aUn;i vH! 1„-, .„H «H1 'iili.ii- Mii.nllaii ;i' 111" Init.n- of ,\lr.: \

|-..|'i-,'..l w ..|.riluy , ’'l l i . 'r .-111-., iii-oiii I'.'i'.!

iiititn .l 1111.1 .ii-iMnl:;iflllll xi.-n- In nimlil i'i||> at till' tiii ’ tlii;; aiul ll uiiri il.'r-icl.'i':ii> h.ild n iinlar ...... nnn - u wV.:l;Tin- n."(i tn... Mni; >111 br h.-l.l on ii.'xi T h iu ' .lil> ai Ihc ll.ilil.- <if 111. ll- l.-arlci-

lInU - Snl.- l'il.-..iln,\.-l|, V. I'.i\i;. v .lll l.nnwii In T\vln I'allx, i-inl loiil! ni.niiliinii hi hh h.i inlnltii-. i-lrclin n llll hlf: a 1-1. In;: .ml niirlloit nl lluz.-:-1..11 II.'Vl T-.i.v.iay. All h'i.i ftiraliiir..-. vvhirli hail l.i..;i 11.'rd only u -,-. a r, wIili niarlilii.-iy lu'.l ................ .. niilclt.n,1..:il.liii hoi-.- .ii.. i-.iMlr, llii:-.'i. Iiilliiyii.1.IM1I .'hll Uru-. will 1'.' d lm ni'i'I irr.'<'(>!r .ir l Miiiivon .•n'ldin I'l. th - m lr . Tom W .iiti.T hi l l.'li;. Th.-i-r will hr a

Miil-l:i a'l' li.ion. Tin liavl,; Kirifi H I'wn iiilh ri vvrai i-.ii.l ;i mil.-'ami a jialf niiii'Ii . 'f (fa,:i I'.in,

Miii-I!.t l‘li>. !.'i... r i in i in . '. S.-c- III 1- lal W oii --. ■ -a 'llv .

A n-itlnflcil TiiHitinnT 11. nn ■iinol- Kil^iin fl.'v.'riliilui: mi'iilnin.


) r e s s e sf

rmeuse. Striking color hint of waistline. So;s.-P a y Later ,

" R A ‘s S k e e t s

------------------- --------------------



e S i l kirds 36-in<;h ingee silk ^



A h t

:these are clearing sales

_ from- this policy when people radical reducti< the big J. V. Farwell Di

■ years on this page), to in their great “Quittinj of-their building and t Co. on Octob er, 10th.

In order lo make o’ v/ill add to our two bij shoes for men, women good and just as attrai the prices of our tmmei make them, but all the cards, “FARWELL S'


? 7 —


H l i iK | 1


SAI= ^ A T 1

N O WA n E x p h

Ies at'thejend of the summt n_we are able to purchase :tions on mercHanHise;! T> Dry Goods Concern (a picl to participate with other rr ing Business” Sale as th ^ i turn over all stock ..

: our offering to the Twin ! big shoe departments 655 ] len and children, the sam< ractively priced. PLEASE nense stock of Fall goods, he specials will bc shown STOCK” and *R. J. and

P L E A S E ^— T H A T - T H f S ^ J S - N O T ^


' ' F R i n A T ,

F R V h

:pe c i

IE -T H E =

i p t . S i - O -N

ia n a t i o nf~thls~5rore to give but two mer and-~winter .sea^ns'. > se stocks at very lowjFigure Two' w e ^ s^ go we were ca icture of tlicir immense wl merchants from all over

cy were under agreement might be left to Carsc

n Falls public general all 5 pairs more of J^bc Robert me as we sold about two n SE REMEMBER that NO 8, as our prices are as low n on our tables and marke ndR . STOCK.”


a ’ , O rT O BT vR 2:1, lf)2r,.

t l w i i H jH y ^


i t o r e


wo sales a year, and ”. ^We .only, deviate ires and can give the" called-’to ChicagO'by— — wholesale house ap- sr the United States nt to give -possession ' rson, Price, Scott &

II over the store, W6T- -----3rts Johnson & Rand > months ago, just as O change is made in >w as it is possible to •ked plainly on large -

V. ,