TWG01 Education systems in the digital age: the need for alignment · 2017-09-30 · TWG1 -...

QED'17 21 st September Sofia TWG01 Education systems in the digital age: the need for alignment Peter Twining, Professor of Education (Futures), The Open University (UK)

Transcript of TWG01 Education systems in the digital age: the need for alignment · 2017-09-30 · TWG1 -...

Page 1: TWG01 Education systems in the digital age: the need for alignment · 2017-09-30 · TWG1 - Education systems in the digital age: the need foralignment 3 Alignment matters Butler,

QED'1721st SeptemberSofia




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Butler,D.,Leahy,M.,Shiel,G.,&Cosgrove, J.(2013).Building TowardsaLearningSociety:ANationalDigitalStrategyforSchools,Dublin:St.Patrick’sCollegeofEducation,EducationResearchCentreTwining,P.,Raffaghelli,J.,Albion, P.&Knezek,D.(2013)Movingeducationintothedigitalage:thecontributionofteachers’professional development.Journal ofComputerAssisted Learning,29,pp.426-437.doi:10.1111/jcal.12031 (accessed9-Feb-2017

Policy PracticeCurriculumAssessment




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TWG1 - E d u c a t i o n s y s t em s i n t h e d i g i t a l a g e : t h e n e e d f o r a l i g nm en t

Challenge1– Alignmentiscomplex


Policy PracticeCurriculumAssessment


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Challenge2– narrowfocus(onICT)

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… asevidencedbylackofimpact

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The UNESCO Framework

UNESCO (2011) UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. Paris: UNESCO

e.g. The Innovative Pedagogy Framework

Other frameworks exist!

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Challenge3– appropriategoals?




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emphasisonethicalandmoralvalues.….ideological, ethical,educational,cultural,artistic,social,biological, political,andeconomicalprinciples

lifelong learning

profound senseofaccomplishment,hopeandoptimism

andcitizenshipinademocratic,sociallyjustandsustainable society






contribute tosocial andeconomicdevelopment

skillsandcharactertocontribute totheUK’ssocietyandeconomy


supported tosucceeddevelop totheirfullpotentialaspersons


tosustainably useresourcestohaveabroadperspectiveabouttheworld


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Thinkingtheimpossible– TheYin-YangVision







t Un




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Passion Agency Values

Resilience Communication Diversity

Participation Collaboration Equity

Recognition Problem solving Human rights

Success Learningtolearn Sustainability




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1. Policy makers should continuously ensure that there is alignment within their system with a vision that is appropriate for the digital age.

2. Alignment needs to be grounded within an actionable vision that has buy-in from all stakeholders. Customise the ‘Individual fulfilment with Universal wellbeing’ vision (Yin-yang vision), which is a starting point for developing their own contextually relevant vision.

3. Use frameworks such as the UNESCO Framework (2011) as tools to guide alignment and implementation of the vision.

4. Use the recommendations from TWG7 about implementation of the vision development process.