Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October...

Saint John the Baptist Saint Thomas the Apostle San Juan Bautista São Tomé O Apóstolo Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

Transcript of Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October...

Page 1: Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 ... por el poder curativo del Sacramento. El rito de la unción de los enfermos

Saint John the Baptist Saint Thomas the Apostle San Juan Bautista São Tomé O Apóstolo

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

Page 2: Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 ... por el poder curativo del Sacramento. El rito de la unción de los enfermos


Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016


Two Parishes One Mission

• To reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God’s saving love.

• To form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply through word, sacrament and service.

• To live as a Spirit filled, multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion within the Catholic


Parish Staff Very Rev. John E. MacInnis, V.F. , Pastor

Rev. Steven Clemence, Parochial Vicar Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry

Deacon Leo Martin Deacon Chuck Hall

Deacon Simon Valentin

St. John the Baptist

Mary Goyette Business Manager Karen Hinton Director of Religious Ed 1-5 Dawn Alves Coordinator of Youth Ministry Tracy Palen Parish Secretary Kathleen Wilkinson Parish Secretary Cynthia Arsenault Music Ministry Holly Zagaria Music Ministry Stacey Vasquez Music Ministry (Spanish) Aida Vargas Spanish Religious Ed Lucy Cortez Spanish Religious Ed Parish Office: 978-531-0002 Parish Fax: 978-531-5199 Website: Email: [email protected]

Maureen Kelleher Principal, St. John’s School St. John’s School: 978-531-0444

Kalley Moore Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc. Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm

St. Thomas the Apostle

Dawn Alves Pastoral Associate Coordinator of Youth Ministry Br. David Wiggin, CFX Parish Accountant Regina Matthews Music Ministry Michael Beaulieu Music Ministry Renildo Paiva Music Ministry (Brazilian) Lisa Ann Trainor Coordinator of Religious Ed Sheila Lynch Administrative Assistant Tracy Palen Administrative Assistant Viviane Oliveira Administrative Assistant

Parish Office: 978-531-0224 Parish Fax: 978-531-6517 Website: Email: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm

Page 3: Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 ... por el poder curativo del Sacramento. El rito de la unción de los enfermos


Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

The Anointing of the Sick: a Forgotten Sacrament Now More Available!

Over the years we have made efforts to make our people more aware of a sacrament that is often forgotten or neglected. The Anointing of the Sick appears in the New Testament in the letter of James where we read: "Are there any who are sick among you? Let them send for the priests and let the priests pray over them anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick persons and the Lord will raise them up. And if they have committed any sins, their sins will be forgiven them." (James 5:14-15)

Over the centuries the practice of anointing came to be identified only with cases in which the sick person was near to death. The sacrament became known as "Extreme Unction," and even "The Last Rites" leaving many Catholics with the impression that it is only administered when a person is dying. Such was not the intention of the church, and today we have begun to make people more aware that the Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing of both body and soul, and that the faithful should not be deprived of its grace when there is a seri-ous need for the healing power of the sacrament. The Rite of Anointing of the Sick explains in these words: "On the one hand the sacrament may and should be given to anyone whose health is seriously impaired; on the

other hand, it may not be given indiscriminately or to any person whose health is not seriously impaired." "A sick person may be anointed before surgery whenever a serious illness is the reason for the surgery. Elderly people may be anointed if they have become notably weakened even though no serious illness is present." Even children of the age of reason may be anointed if there is a serious reason.

We want to make this sacrament more available and accessible in two ways.

The first is making a communal anointing of the sick available following a weekend parish Mass. Once a month, we will schedule a brief service of anointing which will begin at the altar immediately after the final blessing. If you or someone you know has become seriously ill or is going into surgery, they can come forward for the anointing and will be given a card. Their name will be kept for prayer.

The second is encouraging individuals to call us when someone is seriously ill. If they are already in a hospital or nursing home, you should ask the head nurse or administrator to call for the priest in that area who serves them. In our area, patients at the North Shore Medical Center are served on schedule by the priests of Peabody, Salem, Marblehead and Swampscott. In Peabody, patients at Lahey North, Kindred Hospital, Care One at Peabody Glen, Rosewood, Pilgrim Reha-bilitation, and Sunrise Care facilities are all served by the priests of the parishes of Peabody on a scheduled basis. Outside our area, please ask the facility to contact priests in that vicinity, keeping in mind that this is their responsibility and that we, your priests, face serious demands here at home.

If they are homebound in our parish. If someone you know is seriously ill or undergoing surgery and would like to receive the sacrament of the sick, please contact us through the parish secretary (St John's: 978-531-0002; St. Thomas: 978-531-0224). If no one is able to take your call and the condition is grave, follow the prompts during the message and leave your name and phone number, speaking clearly and slowly, so we can return your call as soon as possible. Our priests are on call at most times day and night for parish calls as point-ed out above. We make between 80 and 100 individual calls for anointing each year at homes, nursing homes and hospitals. We very much want to respond to sick calls as soon as possible. If someone would like to re-ceive Holy Communion and is sick or homebound, let our parish secretary know and we will ask one of our pastoral visitors to contact you to arrange a Communion call on a regular basis. Please keep our sick in your prayers and also our priests and others who minister to them.

Page 4: Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 ... por el poder curativo del Sacramento. El rito de la unción de los enfermos


Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

La unción de los enfermos: un Sacramento Olvidado ¡Ahora Más Disponible! A través de los años hemos hecho esfuerzos para hacer nuestra gente más consciente de un sacramento que a menudo se olvida o descuida. La unción de los enfermos aparece en el Nuevo Testamento en la carta de Santiago, donde leemos: "¿Hay algunos entre nosotros que están enfermos? Vamos a enviarlos a los sacerdotes y dejar que los sacerdotes oren por ellos ungiéndole con aceite en el nombre del Señor. La oración de fe salvará las personas enfermas y el Señor los levantará. Y si han cometido algún pecado, sus pecados le serán perdonados a ellos”. (Santiago 5: 14-15) Durante siglos, la práctica de la unción llegó a ser identificada únicamente con los casos en los que la persona enferma estaba cerca de la muerte. El sacramento se conocía como "extremaunción", e incluso " El Ultimo Rito" dejando a mu-chos católicos con la impresión de que sólo se administra cuando una persona se está muriendo. Tal no era la intención de la iglesia, y hoy han comenzado a hacer la gente más consciente de que la unción de los enfermos es un sacramento de sanación del cuerpo y del alma, y que los fieles no deberían ser privados de su gracia cuando hay una necesidad grave por el poder curativo del Sacramento. El rito de la unción de los enfermos se explica con estas palabras: "Por un lado, el sacramento puede y se debe dar a cualquier persona cuya salud está seriamente deteriorada; por otro lado, no se puede dar de forma indiscriminada o para cualquier persona cuya salud no se ve afecta-

da seriamente. "" Una persona enferma puede ser ungida antes de la cirugía siempre que sea una enfermedad grave por la que es la razón de la cirugía. Las personas mayores pueden ser ungidas si se han vuelto notablemente debilitadas a pesar de que no hay una enfermedad grave presente. "Incluso los niños de la edad de conocimiento pueden ser ungidos si hay una razón de peso. Queremos hacer este sacramento más disponible y accesible de dos maneras. La primera es hacer una unción de los enfermos comunitaria disponible después de un fin de las Misas del fin de se-mana en la parroquia. Una vez al mes, vamos a programar un breve servicio de unción que comenzará en el altar inmediatamente después de la bendición final. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce se ha puesto gravemente enfermo o va a ir a cirugía, pueden pasar al frente por la unción y se les dará una tarjeta. Su nombre se mantendrá en oración. La segunda es animar a las personas que nos llamen cuando alguien está gravemente enfermo. Si ya están en un hospital o asilo, usted debe preguntar a la enfermera jefe o administrador para que llame al sacerdote en esa zona, que les sirve. En nuestra area, los pacientes en el Centro Médico North Shore se les da servicio por fecha prevista por los sacerdotes de Peabody, de Salem, Marblehead y Swampscott. En Peabody, los pacientes en Lahey North, Kindred Hospital, Care One en Peabody Glen, Rosewood, Pilgrim Rehabili-tation, y Sunrise Care son atendidos por los sacerdotes de las parroquias de Peabody de forma programada. Fuera de nuestra área, por favor pedir a la facilidad de ponerse en contacto con sacerdotes en esa vecindad, teniendo en cuenta que esta es su responsabilidad y que nosotros, sus sacerdotes, enfrentamos serias demandas aquí en casa. Si ellos no pueden salir de casa y son de nuestra parroquia. Si alguien que conoce está gravemente enfermo o va so-meterse a cirugía y le gustaría recibir el sacramento de los enfermos, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros a tra-vés de la secretaria de la parroquia (San Juan: 978-531-0002; Santo Tomás: 978-531-0224). Si nadie está disponible para tomar su llamada y la condición es grave, siga las indicaciones durante el mensaje y deje su nombre y número de telé-fono, hablando con claridad y lentamente, para le podamos devolver su llamada tan pronto como sea posible. Nuestros sacerdotes están de guardia en el día y la noche la mayoría de veces para las llamadas parroquiales como se ha señalado anteriormente. Hacemos entre 80 y 100 llamadas individuales para unción cada año en los hogares, hogares de ancianos y hospitales. Deseamos mucho el responder a las llamadas de enfermos tan pronto como sea posible. Si a alguien le gus-taría recibir la Santa Comunión y está enfermo o no puede salir de su casa, déjele saber a nuestra secretaria parroquial y vamos a pedir a uno de nuestros visitantes pastorales ponerse en contacto con usted para concertar una llamada para la comunión en bases regulares. Recuerde a nuestros enfermos en sus oraciones y también nuestros sacerdotes y otras per-sonas que atienden a los mismos.

Page 5: Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 ... por el poder curativo del Sacramento. El rito de la unción de los enfermos


Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

A Unção dos Enfermos: um Sacramento Esquecido, agora mais disponível! Ao longo dos anos temos feito esforços para tornar o nosso povo mais consciente de um sacramento que é muitas vezes esquecida ou negligenciada. A Unção dos Enfermos aparece no Novo Testamento na carta de Tiago onde lemos: “Há alguém entre vós doente? Envia-os para os sacerdotes e deixe o padre rezar sobre eles ungindo-o com óleo em nome do Senhor. A oração da fé salvará as pessoas doentes e o Senhor o levantará. E se tiverem cometido pecados, os seus pecados lhes serão perdoados”. (Tiago 5: 14-15) Ao longo dos séculos a prática da unção veio a ser identificada apenas com casos em que a pessoa doente esteja perto da morte. O sacramento ficou conhecido como a extrema-unção, e até mesmo The Last Rites deixando muitos católicos com a impressão de que é administrado apenas quando uma pessoa está morrendo. Essa não era a intenção da igreja, e hoje nós começamos a tornar as pessoas mais conscientes de que o Unção dos enfer-mos é um sacramento de cura do corpo e da alma, e que os fiéis não devem ser privado da sua graça quando há uma ne-cessidade séria para o poder de cura do sacramento. O ritual da Unção dos Enfermos explica com estas palavras: Por um lado o sacramento pode e deve ser dado a qualquer pessoa cuja saúde está gravemente prejudicada; Por outro

lado, não pode ser dada de forma indiscriminada ou para qualquer pessoa cuja saúde não é seriamente prejudicada. A pessoa doente pode ser ungida antes da cirurgia sempre se é uma séria doença a razão para a cirurgia. Os idosos podem ser ungido se eles tornaram-se nomeadamente enfraquecido mesmo que nenhuma doença grave esteja presente. Mesmo as crianças de idade inferior podem ser ungidas se houver uma razão séria. Queremos fazer este sacramento mais disponível e acessível de duas formas. O primeiro e está fazendo uma unção comunal do doente disponíveis na sequência de uma paróquia fim de semana de Massa. Uma vez por mês, vamos agendar uma breve serviço da unção que começará no altar imediatamente depois da bênção final. Se você ou alguém que você conhece tornou-se gravemente doente ou vai para a cirurgia, eles podem vir para a frente para a unção e será dado um cartão. Seu nome será mantido para a oração. A segunda é incentivar as pessoas a chamar-nos quando alguém estiver gravemente doente. Se eles já estão em um hospital ou casa de repouso, você deve pedir a enfermeira-chefe ou administrador para chamar o padre nessa área que os serve. Na nossa área, os pacientes no Centro Médico North Shore são servidos no horário pelos sacerdotes de Peabody, Salem, Marblehead e Swampscott. Em Peabody, os doentes que estão no Lahey do Norte, Kindred Hospital, Peabody Glen, Rosewood, Pilgrim Reabili-tação e Sunrise, são todos servidos pelos padres das paróquias de Peabody em uma base programada. Fora da nossa área, por favor, pergunte a possibilidade de entrar em contato com sacerdotes na vizinhança, tendo em mente que esta é a sua responsabilidade e que nós, seus sacerdotes, enfrentam demandas sérias aqui na paroquia. Se eles estão homebound na nossa paróquia. Se alguém que você conhece está gravemente doente ou submetidos a cirur-gia e gostaria de receber o sacramento dos enfermos, por favor contacte-nos através da secretaria da paróquia (St John: 978-531- 0002; St. Thomas: 978-531- 0224). Se ninguém atender a sua chamada e a condição é grave, siga as instruções durante a mensagem e deixe seu nome e número de telefone, falando claramente e lentamente, para que possamos retor-nar a sua chamada o mais rapidamente possível. Os nossos sacerdotes estão de plantão na maioria das vezes dia e noite para chamadas paroquiais como apontado acima. Nós fazemos entre 80 e 100 chamadas individuais para unção cada ano, casas, lares de idosos e hospitais. Queremos muito responder a todos as chamadas dos doentes o mais rapidamente possível. Se alguém gostaria de receber a Sagrada Comunhão e está doente ou nao pode sair de casa, deixe um recado a nossa secretária paroquial e vamos pedir a um dos nossos visitantes pastorais que entre em contato para organizar uma visita. Por favor, mantenha os nossos doentes em suas orações e também os nossos sacerdotes e outros que ministrar a eles.

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

TUESDAY OCTOBER 11, 2016 6:45 AM Adelaide A. Arena

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12, 2016 6:45AM Souls of Purgatory

THURSDAY OCTOBER 13, 2016 6:45AM Eleanor F. Foster

~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~

If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine or Sacramental Candles, please call the parish secretary

at 978-531-0002.

~ Rest in Peace ~

Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of Claire Edmands & Jeanne Rennick whose

funeral Masses were celebrated in our parish. May they and all the faithful departed through the mercy

of God rest in peace, Amen.


For details please call 978-531-0002 or visit our website at Mon. October 10 5:00pm Rosary & Adoration Tues. October 11 6:00pm Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus Wed. October 12 6:00pm Boy Scout Troop 119 Thurs. October 13 6:00pm Pack 119 Bears 6:30pm G.O.D. Group Fri. October 14 12:00pm Community Lunch 7:00pm Spanish Mass 7:30pm Spanish Women’s Group Sat. October 15 7:30am Men’s Faith Sharing Grp 1:00pm Lector Workshop

St. John the Baptist Parish


October 2, 2016 Offertory: $5,085.00 October 4, 2015 Offertory: $9,102.00 We have reached our Catholic Appeal goal and will be receiving a rebate! Once we are informed of how much our rebate is we will let you know. Thank you for your generosity!

Grand Annual – we are off to a spectacular start with $11,125 in gifts and pledges from 40 families. Many thanks to those who have contributed quickly!

God loves a cheerful giver.” God loves a cheerful giver.” God loves a cheerful giver.” God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:)

Mark the date: Annual Parish Fair,

Saturday, November 5th 9:00am to 3:00pm

We are looking for new or gently used toys to be donated for our parish fair. We are also looking for volunteers that want to help out either Fri-day for decorating the gym or Saturday working the tables.

There will be all kinds of tables offering a variety of gifts for your Christmas shopping as well as a lot of wonderful raffle prizes just waiting to be won! Donations Needed: Unopened bottles of wine/liquor.

Please call the parish office 978-531-0002 if you can help out.

Please join us for coffee in the Lower Church

Hall on Sundays beginning

Sunday, September 11th

(A!er the 10 AM Mass ONLY)

We would like to thank Central Bakery in Peabody for

dona�ng all the pastries for our coffee hour every week.

Please be sure to visit their bakery at 48 Walnut Street

in Peabody.

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, October 10th for the

Columbus Day Holiday

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

Please remember Guy Praria, the deceased of our Parish and those who were buried from St. Thomas Parish dur-ing the past weeks. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Oct 10 8:30AM Mass-Chapel

Oct 11 5:00PM Boy Scouts—School

6:15PM Girl Scout Troop 361–School

7:00PM Liturgy Meeting—S.L.C.

Oct 12 6:30PM Girl Scout Troop 233–School

7:00PM Bible Study—S.L.C.

Oct 14 8:30AM Mass-Chapel

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish

Saturday October 8 4:00PM Richard Miles +

Sunday October 9 10:00AM Mr & Mrs. John Dube +

Sunday October 16 10:00AM Paul A. Fanning + Chester “Chip” Hincman +

Liturgy MemorialsLiturgy MemorialsLiturgy MemorialsLiturgy Memorials

The Altar wine & hosts have been donated for the month of October for the honor and glory of God in memory of Walter Mroz from

Rosemary Mroz & family, the Candle Oil in memory of Donald & Hazel Carlin from Paul Carlin and the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of Constance Shortell Pattee from Mary Cronin & family.


This weekend, October 9, 2016

This weekend the First Collection will be for the parish. The Second Collection will be for Building Improvements.

October 2, 2016 $ 4,051.00 Landscaping Needs $ 866.00

Next weekend the First Collection will be for the parish. The Second Collection will be for Building Improvements.

Thank you for your generous sacrifice.

The Mary Chapel Memorial Fund

The Mary Chapel at Saint Thomas is being renovated to provide a better worship space, including a relocation of the tabernacle and new carpeting. To fund these improvements our pastor, Father John, and the parish finance council have created a memorial fund. We are inviting donors whose gifts will be honored with a small plaque with the name of their fami-ly or a loved one. We need twenty donors with contribu-tions of $500 each. One donor has already come forward. Please consider this way of supporting our parish. Please contact the parish office to obtain a donation form. Thank you!

Polish Night St. Thomas Parish will be hosting a

Polish night on October 29th, at 5:30 at the K of C Hall on Main Street in Peabody, rides will

be available if they are needed

We will have all the traditional Polish foods and music will be provided by the Eastern Sound.......

For tickets or any question please call Colleen at 978-531-2278

thank you

On Thursday, October 20th Living Faith will take place with presentations on the Sacrament of the Anointing by Fr. John MacInnis and End of Life issues with Kalley Moore, Pastoral Associate at Brooksby Village. The evening begins at 6:30 with a light meal at 7:30PM in the Fr. Dan Spiritual Life Center at St. Thomas Parish.

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, October 10th for the

Columbus Day Holiday

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

Parroquia de San Juan Bautista:

BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Y que todos: nos comprometamos, cada día, a ser más FAMILIA en JESÚS, Vivo y Resucitado.

Para solicitar los Servicios Pastorales, en la Comunidad, por favor hablar, Con Padre Paúl G. M. McManus: de Viernes a Sábado, en Peabody Tel: 978-826-7522 o por correo electronico a [email protected]

Ministerio de Mujeres "Bajo la Luz de Dios". Grupo de apoyo para las mujeres de nuestra Parroquia. Mujer este grupo es para ti, tu no estas sola. ven y pon todas tu inquietudes, preocupaciones y nece-sidades bajo la luz de Dios. Todos los Viernes comenzando a las 7pm con la Misa y luego nos movemos al sotano de la rectoria. Para in-formacion ver a Margarita Merced, 857-243-3150

Consejería en español

Judy Keith, una psicóloga que habla español, está aquí por la tarde como voluntaria para hablar con cualquier persona o pareja que quiere consejería en español.

Puede hablar de la depresión, la ansiedad, la muerte de alguien querido, la comunicación en pareja o de cualquier tema con el cual quiera ayuda.

Para sacar una cita, por favor llámeme en 978-826-7541 y déjeme un mensaje y le devolveré la llamada lo más pronto que sea posible.

Quinceañeras – Visitas Pastorales – Otros Servicios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl,

o Diácono Simón Valentín

La Santa Misa Los domingos a las 11:30 a.m.

Los viernes a las 7 p.m.

Confesiones Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m.

Jueves – Sábado por cita en la casa parroquial Llame al Padre Paúl 978-826-7541

Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m.

Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Todos los Lunes de 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Santo Rosario comenzando a las 7:00 pm

Permaneciendo en silencio ante el Santísimo Sacra-mento es a Cristo, total y realmente presente, a quien descubrimos, a quien adoramos y con quien estamos en relación. Por medio de la adoración de la Eu-caristía expresamos nuestra amistad y nuestro amor a Jesús. ¡Vengan y verán!


Tercer sabado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. Conferencia para padres y padrinos:

Segundo sábado del mes en el Centro parroquial a las 12 p.m.

Se puede conseguir el formulario en la oficina de la parroquia o después de la Misa vea a

Diácono Simón Valentin.

Grupo de Oración Los sábado a las 7 p.m.


Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl a los menos seis meses antes de la fecha escogida.

Para recibir el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos:

La persona debe ser bautizada, estar enferma o heri-da o anciana. No tiene que estar necesariamente en peligro de muerte. Pueden recibir este Sacramento las personas que vayan a tener una operación im-portante y que vayan a recibir anestesia general. Es aconsejable pedir el Sacramento de los Enfermos antes de entrar en el hospital para operarse. El Padre Paúl siempre anda con los Santos Oleos. Favor de acercarse de él después de la Misa para pedir la Un-ción de la Enfermos.

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

COMUNIDADE BRASILEIRA Padre Steven – Cell (978) 595 1008 – Email: [email protected]

José Antônio – Cell (617) 605 6981 – email: [email protected]

Viviane Oliveira Phone - 978-398-8100 E-mail: [email protected]

AVISOS CATEQUEZE: G10 (crisma II) Inicio dia 18 de Setembro, domingo das 16 as 17hr na St. John (lower church) G1-5 Inicio dia 25 de Setembro, domingo das 9 as 10 hr na St. Thomas (SLC) G9 (crisma I) Inicio dia 25 de Setembro, domingo das 16 as 17 hr na St. John (lower church) G6-8 (middle) Inicio dia 2 de Outubro, domingo das 16 as 17 hr na St. John (lower church) DIA 16 DE OUTUBRO: Encontro de jovens da High school Festa em honra a Nossa Senhora Aparecida

MÊS DE OUTUBRO NA IGREJA CATÓLICA É um mês marcado por numerosos eventos litúrgicos e sociais. É o mês do Rosário e das Missões. Em 1716, o papa Clemente XI instituiu a festa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário no primeiro domingo de outubro. A devoção do rosário expandiu-se em todos os tempos, sendo rezado inteiro ou em quatro terços. No dia 1º de outubro celebramos Santa Terezinha do Menino Jesus, a santa da “pequena via da santidade”. Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus e São Francisco Xavier "Não quero ser Santa pela metade, escolho tudo" Francesinha, que nasceu em Aliçon 1873, e morreu no ano de 1897. Santa Teresinha não só descobriu que no coração da Igreja sua vocação era o amor, mas sabia que o seu coração - e o de todos nós - foi feito para amar. Teresinha entrou com 15 anos, no Mosteiro das Carmelitas em Lisieux, com a autorização do Papa Leão XIII e sua vida se passou na humildade, simplicidade e confiança plena em Deus. Todos os gestos e sacrifícios, do menor ao maior, ofereciam a Deus pela salvação das almas e na intenção da Igreja. Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus e da Sagrada Face, esteve como criança para o pai, livre, igual a um brinquedo aos cuidados do Menino Jesus e, tomada pelo Espírito de amor, que a ensinou um lindo e possível caminho de santidade: infância espiritual. O mais profundo desejo do coração de Teresinha era ter sido mis-sionária "desde a criação do mundo, até a consumação dos séculos". Sua vida nos deixou como proposta, sela-da na autobiografia "História de uma alma" e, como intercessora dos missionários sacerdotes e pecadores que não conheciam Jesus, continua ainda hoje, vivendo o Céu, fazendo o bem aos da terra. Dia 2, os Santos Anjos da Guarda, temos muito a agradecer ao nosso Anjo da Guarda que sempre está ao nos-so lado. Dia 4, o grande São Francisco de Assis, o santo da ecologia, do amor e da pobreza. Dia 7 é a festa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário. Lembremo-nos que é sempre tempo de começar ou recomeçar a oração diária do terço. Dia 12 comemoramos a solenidade da Padroeira do Brasil, Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Neste dia tam-bém celebramos o Dia das Crianças. Dia 15, lembramos Santa Teresa d’Ávila, a Teresina, a santa mística da interiorização. Dia 18, é o dia de São Lucas Evangelista, o santo padroeiro dos médicos. No dia 25 é o dia de Santo Antônio de Sant’Ana Galvão, o primeiro santo brasileiro. Dia 28, é dia dos Santos Simão e Judas Tadeu. Segue a memória de outros tantos santos importantes: Santa Edwiges, Santa Margarida Maria Alacoque, Santo Inácio de Antioquia, São Paulo da Cruz, São João Capistrano e Santo Antônio Maria Claret.

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

St. Thomas Children’s Closet

Donations of gently used fall / winter clothing/boots are greatly appreciated as well as new pant-

ies and briefs sizes 4-14. Many thanks for all you do on be-half of God's little ones. The Closet is open Saturday’s from 1PM-4PM. Call the par-ish office with any questions 978-531-0224.

Faith Enrichment

Websites that are available for continuing Faith Enrichment (Bishop Robert Baron) (Matthew Kelly) (Ascension Presents) Click on Our Catholic Faith and sign up for a 3 minute retreat or other liturgical and daily prayerful opportunities!

Bible app: Truth and Life Bible and Audio Bible app

Opening Doors of Mercy for our Homeless Neighbors. Dear parish friends, AN IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since we began our Friday lunch ministry just a few months ago, we have served more than 700 meals to our brothers and sisters in need! Each week our teams of dedicated volunteers prepare nutritional hot sand-wich meals which our guests enjoy immensely. They love coming to St. John’s as they feel very comfortable and wel-come and many are calling our parish their “Friday home”. Our homemade soups will be starting again soon as the weather approaches consistent chilly temperatures….be on the lookout for a separate notice calling all soup makers to get in-volved! Packaged food and drinks for the weekends is very important as there is no open soup kitchen in Peabody for ei-ther Saturday or Sunday. Please refer to the list below for do-nations for this purpose. Additionally, we distribute fresh fruit, donated clothing, shoes, sneakers, toiletries, and fun activities such as crosswords, word search, and adult coloring books with markers. Our outreach to the marginalized and weak con-tinues to grow especially because of the countless donations you have made. Thank you for your generosity! If you would like to help with the St. John’s Friday Lunch Program for the homeless and the community, the following items (marked for Friday lunch program) may be dropped off during the week at St. John's Parish Center or St. Thomas Spiritual Life Center. 1. Juice packs, spring water, iced tea, Gatorade 2. Granola bars, breakfast bars, Pop tarts, Slim Jims, peanut butter crackers 3. Small boxes of ready to eat chicken or tuna salad with crack-ers included 4. Individual packages of trail mix, cookies, Cheezits, Goldfish crackers 5. Gently used adult sneakers for men or women 6. NEW ONLY white crew socks, above the ankle 7. NEW ONLY small or medium women's briefs, medium or large men’s briefs 8. NEW ONLY deodorant, soap bars, shampoo, razors, shav-ing cream, toothbrushes, toothpaste

If you have any questions, please contact Pat Adam at 978-335-2080

St. John the Baptist Thrift Shop Open Thursday from 9am-12pm and Friday & Satur-day 9am-1pm. Come on in to find lots of treasures. We are always looking for gently used or new items and clothing. Please no TV’s, microwaves, etc.

AL-ATEEN Do you know a teen or are you a teen between 12 and 19 years of age whose life is or has been upset by someone else’s drinking or drug use? If so…..we recommend ALATEEN a safe place where teens are learning to find happiness in spite of chaos related to someone else’s drinking or drug use. Knights of Columbus, 96 Main Street, Peabody, MA 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month (side entrance/2nd floor/top of the stairs/left door/Alateen sign on the inside door) 7:30-8:45pm

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

Women's Faith sharing & Book Group

Love to read and share your faith? Beginning on Oct. 12th we will gather together on Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30AM in the Fr. Dan Sheehan Spiritual Life Center at St. Thomas Parish to pray with the scriptures from our liturgical season and share the gifts of the text book, Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting on alternating weeks. Call our office if you would like to sign up and have a book waiting for you! (978-531-0224)


We invite and encourage all adults who would like to be confirmed or who wish to enter the Catholic Church to join us as we begin a program about the Catholic faith and preparation for the sacraments,

PLEASE CONTACT US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: At Saint John: 978-531-0003; at Saint Thomas: 978-531-0224. You can also speak with Father John, Father Steven, or Father Paul for more details and help.


Sunday Paul Turner

Our entire society sees something special about Sunday. Business hours change. Breakfast menus expand. Work hours shrink. Sporting events surface. The newspa-per inflates. Movie schedules increase. We expect leisure on Sunday. Part of the weekend, it begins the week and ends the week. It is a sacred day, a time outside normal time when life takes a break. Sunday symbolizes para-dise, a place and pace of leisure and pleasure.

How did all this happen? We Christians owned Sunday first. It is our most important day. On a Sunday Jesus rose from the dead (Mt 28:1). On Sundays his fol-lowers met to break bread (Acts 20:7). The resurrection is our most central belief. We choose Sunday for our prima-ry gathering because the day itself proclaims our faith. Mass on Wednesday or Monday just would not be the same. Sunday is Easter. You can change the day you shop for groceries or go to the bank without much loss. But church is different. It demands a particular day, like a holiday or an anniversary. If we did not gather for Eucha-rist on Sunday, we have not proclaimed the resurrection. Our definition of “Sunday” includes Saturday night. This does not compromise to convenience. Jesus rose from the dead during the night. So our Eucharist still honors the resurrection when it takes place at the begin-ning of that night—namely, on Saturday evening. If a serious reason keeps you from attending church on Sunday, your pastor may dispense you. Your conversation with him honors your commitment to your community. On a Sunday when you cannot participate in the Eucharist, you may wish to pray the Scriptures of that day and share a prayer at meal with other believers. Unity, leisure, and prayer characterize a Sunday. Our attendance at church unites us with the believers of our own community and with all Christians throughout the world. Our abstinence from work frees our mind for prayer. Football, food, and freedom are all supplementary to Sunday’s main purpose, celebrating Eucharist. Copyright © Resource Publications, Inc., used with permission.

Eric Genuis

See the world renowned composer and concert pianist in his Concerts for the Forgotten tour

With Violinist, Cellist and

Vocalist Accompaniment

Free Will Offering Refreshments Following

Sponsored by Catholic Quest For more information, contact Eileen at

978-851-1304 or go to

Sunday, October 9th at 7PM at St. John the Baptist Church

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

St. John the Baptist School Peabody 2016-2017 Enrollment We are now accepting applications for the 2016-

2017 school year. Openings in 2 year old playgroup, 3 and 4 year old programs, Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 8. Ex-tended care is available for all students, early morning drop off starting at 7:00am and after school care until 5:30pm. We welcome you to come and tour our wonderful school, please call to schedule an appointment. Please call the school office for more information (978) 531-0444 ext 340 or e-mail: [email protected] Applications are also available on the school web site:

St. John the Baptist School 19 Chestnut Street Peabody, Ma 01960

Will you sponsor a child?

Every school year St. John School receives many requests for tuition assistance. This year there is a sub-stantial increase in the need for tuition financial assis-tance. Many families want their children to have the Catholic education experience but the tuition expense is a financial burden and they struggle to keep their children in our school year to year. If you or someone you know would like to be a contributor to a Catholic school education for one of our deserving students, please contact the school office at (978) 531-0444. Ext. 336. Any amount donated toward tuition assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Youth Ministry Service Opportunities Many High School programs, and National Honor Societies require volunteer hours for students. The parishes are wonderful places to volunteer and earn easy hours. Consider calling either parish office for the following opportunities: At St. Thomas (978-531-0224): • Strong? Love retail? The Thrift Shop would love your help: Saturday mornings, 9-2AM inside with clothing, toys, and housewares, or outside in the garage with large house-hold items such as furniture, or shelving. • Children's clothing only; The Children's Closet;

Saturday's, 1:30-3:30PM; Folding, hanging, or sorting

children's clothing. • Love to cook/serve? Haven for Hunger Commit-tee; First Friday of each month. Either prepare a Shep-herd's Pie at home, or join us at the Haven to serve! (4:30-6:30).

At. St. John's(978-531-0002):

The Thrift shop: Sorting, organizing and hanging clothing, housewares.

Parish Center Offices: General Office Work, Mailings

Please call us and we will put you in touch with those in charge! Come, follow in the footsteps of Christ who calls us to serve with love and compassion for those in need.

St. John’s Religious Education News It’s that time of year to register your child for classes for grades 1-5.If you have a child in these grades please contact Karen Hinton at (978) 826-7506 or [email protected]. Our classes are held in the parish school from 8:45-9:45 before our 10:00 Sunday Family Mass. Thank you!

St. John the Baptist School Open House

St. John School will be holding an Open House on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 from 9:30 – 11:00am. New student registration for the 2017-2018 school year. Early morning care and after school extended day pro-grams are available for all students. We have openings in grades Kindergarten through 8. Please visit us and see the quality of a Catholic education.

Call Admissions at (978) 531-0444 ext 340 for more in-formation or visit

St. John the Baptist School – 19 Chestnut Street – Peabody, Ma 01960

Looking Ahead with our High School students and YM/Confirmation Gatherings;

Friday, October 21, 7:00-10:00PM at St. Thomas the Apostle church: ON FIRE, a YM event with live music, Adoration, Reconciliation and pizza. Don't miss it!

Sunday, October 30th, 10:00AM Mass at St. Thomas the Apostle; Presentation of Gr. 10 Confirmation Candi-dates. Students should arrive early to sit in reserved seats for their families, Sunday Best Attire!

Next EDGE gathering, October 23, (NO class gath-ering on October 9th due to the Columbus holiday weekend.) Check the website for calendar updates.

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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016

Weekday Masses

Monday, Friday * 8:30AM St. Thomas the Apostle

Tues, Wed, Thurs, First Fri, First Sat. 6:45AM St. John the Baptist

Other Fri & Sat ** 6:45AM St. John the Baptist * Moved in case of Funerals * * Moved in case of Funerals


Weekend Masses October

Saturday 4PM St. Thomas the Apostle (Confessions at 3:15PM)

Sunday 8AM St. John the Baptist

10AM St. John the Baptist

10AM St. Thomas the Apostle

11:30AM (Spanish) St. John the Baptist

5PM St. John the Baptist

7:00PM (Brazilian) St. Thomas the Apostle

From September 28 to November 6, you’re invited to join other

Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peace-fully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way out-side North Shore Women’s Center, 480 Lynnfield St., Lynn (at Union Hospital) and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please con-tact: Cori Connor-Morse at [email protected], Father Paul McManus at [email protected], or visit the website Your help is needed in saving precious lives!!!

Scripture for the week of October 9, 2016

9 SUN 2 Kgs 5:14-17/2 Tm 2:8-13/Lk 17:11-19 10 Mon Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1/Lk 11:29-32 11 Tue Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 12 Wed Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 13 Thu Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 14 Fri Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 15 Sat Eph 1:15-23/Lk 12:8-12 16 SUN Ex 17:8-13/2 Tm 3:14-4:2/Lk 18:1-8

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Booklets & Newsletters

Business Cards &



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The Standish Wellness Series

Pro-active Tips for Women

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

on May 22on May 22ndnd, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal

affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints

where she served aswhere she served as

in Gynecology, sin Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and ePelvic pain and e

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints

where she served aswhere she served aswhere she served as

in Gynecology, sin Gynecology, sin Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and ePelvic pain and ePelvic pain and e

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Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal

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Program Designed by Nick Bolle eri



Ramp up

Your Game

Program Designed by Nick Bolle eri

PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER45 Wingate St. Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-372-9555www.thepeddlersdaughter.comAuthentically prepared Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-Sat 11 a.m.–1 a.m. & Sun Noon – 1a.m.

BISTRO 4545 Wingate Street, Haverhill, MATel. 978-469-9700www.bistro-45.comWednesday to Saturday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m.Cuisine: Tapas & European influence

Relax, rejuvenate in a Massage or Spa treatment.

Pop into the pub for a pint or treat yourself to a Tapas Bar.

CARING HANDS Center for Massage and Wellbeing55 Wingate StreetHaverhill, MATel.

Massage, Energy Work & Opportunities to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit

AVEDA CONCEPT SALON62 Wingate StreetHaverhill, MATel.

Studio @ 13 Salon and Spa13 Railroad SquareTel.

Maria’s Family Restaurant8 Locust Street Tel.

Project Sound Recording Studio45 Wingate StreetTel. 978-374-4339www.projectsoundrecording.comEssex Street Grille25 Essex StreetTel.

Additional Places to Wander:

Design: Jim Fonseca •



Downtown Map of Wingate Arts District

80 - Angles and Art63 - Second Thoughts62 - Mizan Aveda Concept Salon61 - Positive Images Gallery 6157 - Wei Chi

55 - Caring Hands45 - Peddler’s Daughter &

Bistro 45 Restaurant21 - North Star Yoga19 - Wicked Big Cafe

Wander on Wingate!We invite you to explore the Wingate Street Arts District, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centrally located yet slightly tucked away.

Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown’s Washington Street, adventure awaits you!What ties it all together is our love of the Arts. Keep an eye out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city.Check out the exhibits in the various businesses; the Arts District supports local artists by inviting them to show and sell their work in a variety of venues. And watch for upcoming events... There is always something in the works on Wingate !



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For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising

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