[Tutorial] How to Market Your eBook on Social Media

Complete guide on how to market your eBook on Social Media Read the detailed tutorial by Mass Planner here . Copyright 2015 www.massplanner.com

Transcript of [Tutorial] How to Market Your eBook on Social Media

Page 1: [Tutorial] How to Market Your eBook on Social Media

Complete guide on how to

market your eBook on Social


Read the detailed tutorial by Mass Planner here.

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Page 2: [Tutorial] How to Market Your eBook on Social Media


In this presentation you will learn how important is social networking in selling and

promoting your eBook in the digital age.

You need to understand that having a Facebook page and a Google+ account is not

enough to maximize your eBook sales and building your author brand

Your success depends on how well you manage your social content and how you are

able to build long-lasting relationships with your readers. You need to start conversations

and engage with your audience, and your social presence will flourish.

We will focus on the best practices, from deciding a title to promoting your eBook on

Social Media, before and after its launch.

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How to get started?

First, define your audience – who would read your eBook?

Brainstorm and come up with a great title

Design (or better hire someone to do it for you) an intriguing cover for your eBook

Build a website to showcase your soon-to-be published eBook

Create an eBook trailer

Create a Facebook Page (or use Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn if that’s where your

audience is)

Start posting regularly, before and after the eBook is launched

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1. Define your target audience

Once you have an idea for your eBook, you need to start thinking about your audience

Who would want to read your book?

Create a profile for your ideal reader with as many details as possible: age, occupation,

location, interests, passions, motivations, what social networks they use, what other books

they prefer and so on.

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2. Find a perfect title for your eBook

This is a difficult task, but one of the most important! The title is the first impression of your

eBook that need to entice and inspire your readers.

Tip to help you come up with a great title:

Research for books in your genre and see what do the best selling books’ titles have in common?

Find strong words in songs, poems or old books to inspire you.

Analyze the titles of user’s favorite books in your genre on GoodReads or Amazon.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! A fresh perspective from a friend could help you find the killer title.

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3. Design an eBook cover

A book cover, alongside the title, are the first things a reader see. Thus making them an

important part in the buyer’s decision making.

But don’t worry, by the time you finish the book you will have the chance to test some

versions of your cover.

For Social Media presence, you can hire a freelancer on services like fiverr, to design you a


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Best practices when choosing a cover for

your eBook

Avoid putting your picture on the cover. Unless you are a big celebrity, this might not help

you boost your sales.

Try using colors and images that are compatible with your target audience.

Add the cover to your book’s website and A/B test it, to see which cover resonates with

your readers.

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4. Create a simple website for your eBook

This website will help you in many ways, but most importantly will help you create an email

list with your fans addresses, to notify them when the book is launched.

You can add a detailed description about the book, discounts or count-downs and so on.

You can also use the website to A/B test your cover image or your title.

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Most important elements that your

website should include

A detailed description about you and your book that will entice the readers to want more

The cover

Subscribe form to register your readers to your emailing list, thus increasing your fan base

and author brand

Sharing buttons for Social Media

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5. Create a trailer for your eBook

This could be actually exciting: like making a “movie trailer”

Tell your story and how you come up with the idea for the book. Build suspense.

You just need a good camera and a friend’s help to make a movie and have it published

on YouTube.

Don’t forget to add the video on your book’s site as well!

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6. Create a Facebook Page

Facebook is the most popular social network that can help you spread the news about your eBook.

To get to your readers on Facebook you just need to know a few tricks:

Find groups where people share news about published books, or books they’ve read or inspiring quotes

from books. Basically groups where you can find your audience. As many groups as possible!

Post on the groups you find: share the story of your book, the video created in the previous step, a

sample chapter and a link to your website. Ask them to share the news.

Use an automation software to schedule posts on your Facebook Page, to keep your followers

engaged. Remember the 80/20 rule! (20% of your posts can be promotional about your book, but 80%

should be useful and inspiring material)

Reach out to influencers in your field and tell them about your book. Kindly ask them to share the news

with their audience.

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Best Practices while marketing your

eBook on Social Media – 1

Create social conversations. Answer and ask questions. Show your followers that they’re

talking with a real person.

Use social media for 1-on-1s: reach influencers and get reviews for your e-book.

Use the 80-20 rule: 20% promotion and 80% useful and great content

Before launching your eBook create teasers on Social Media

Use only the social networks you feel comfortable with, and where you can connect with

your readers (the networks they use the most)

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Best Practices while marketing your

eBook on Social Media – 1

You don’t have to be on Facebook (Twitter/Google+/LinkedIn etc) 24/7: get a good

social media automation software and schedule your posts in advance.

Know your audience and publish only when you know they are online to maximize the

chances they see your content.

You don’t have to start creating new content for social media: you can curate and share

great content you come across with.

Don’t neglect you social profiles. Don’t let your readers forget you! . Let them know you

are active and happy to connect with them on social media.

Update your personal profiles, choose a good picture and a nice description about

yourself. People love to know the person behind their favorite book

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