Turnover Bend



Some magic to be revealed.

Transcript of Turnover Bend

  • The Turnover Bend Effect: A spoon is borrowed and held at the magicians fingertips. It is shown from all angles and then effortlessly droops, bending at the neck. Preparation: There is no prep really, you do need to make sure that you can physically bend Its not in fact real magic! Its a very simple bend to accomplish, as its a dual handed bend, so you need not worry too much about your finger strength. Method: The effect really is as simple as it plays. You will bend the spoon using your right hand to pinch the bowl of the spoon, your left thumb as the fulcrum point and your left first and/or middle finger to lever the bend. This is all done during the second rotation of the spoon. You will be rotating the spoon vertically, around the bowl. The following pictures should illustrate this effectively. First Rotation:

  • Second Rotation (inc. bend)

    The Optical Droop

    Optics: The spoon doesnt have to be rotated at a very fast speed, just a natural one. You will want to practice working in the bend as part of the regular rotation. Spoons by nature reflect light and because of this and the movement, you wont have a problem with the spectators seeing anything they shouldnt. The great thing about this is that after the bend is achieved, your right hand is blocking sight of the spoon. Then you will set the spoon up for the droop and allow it to droop by simply letting the spoon slowly continue its rotation as you pinch it at the bottom of the bowl, like it the photos. The key with the droop is to try and hold the spoon at spectator eye level and I like to hold my free hand up so that there is clear perspective as the spoons handle drops. You must try your best to keep the hand holding the spoon completely still; you can let it drop by squeezing and SLOWLY beginning a finger click motion with your first finger. Gently move it up and the big motion of the spoons handle will cover the little motion of your finger and the bowl.

  • Final Notes: This is a very effective bend that I use to put a further bend into the spoon for a second optical technique in my two-spoon routine QuickSilver. I suggest that you practice this in-front of a mirror so that you can figure out the best angles for your optical technique, some people like to bend things in different ways, if you wished, you dont have to droop the spoon, you could re-position and rub the spoons neck to reveal.

  • The Synthetic Arc Bend The Non Bending Spoon Bend We've all come across cutlery we just can't bend. It's made from long lasting, hardened steel forged in an olden Viking civilization in Norway hell bent (forgive the pun) on destroying the livelihood of the metal benders among us. Snapping back to an amount of reality, it happens - and it's not always easy to get out of a demonstration like that. I tend to carry around a bent 10 pence piece so I always have something I can bend when someone asks for that kind of demonstration. The closest thing so far that I have found to counter such circumstance is the absolutely fantastic "Gallerian bend" created by my good friend, the renowned Erick Castle. I highly recommend purchasing the DVD, Its a highly visual bend and is as impromptu as it gets. The only downside is that you do still have to bend the spoon in your hands, which with some spoons / forks is an impossible task. So, I've set out to create a visual spoon bend (or fork bend - I feel it actually looks better with forks!) where the spoon never actually bends. This is a metal bending routine geared towards the performer who is caught off guard; if you can use a routine where the spoon actually bends I highly recommend doing so. When this is not possible, this is the only routine of its kind. Method: The bend is based on a move taught in Erick's Gallerian DVD, but in this case the spoon does not have to be bent for the visual bending. Upon studying the shape of a spoon or fork, you'll note there is already a slight bend as the metal forms into the bowl of the spoon or the tines of the fork. You should hold your spoon (or fork, for demonstrative purpose, well use a spoon) over the bowl, so the four fingers hide it. This is so that when the spoon is rotated forward, it appears that the bowl stays in the same position. Using positive linguistics telling people that the CAN see the spoon bend is Not the best technique to use however. I will explain suitable suggestive techniques and emphasis later on. The little bend should be visible, as should about a centimeter more. Youll notice that if you use your thumb to move the handle forward, in the motion it is bending, because the bowl is hidden and the reflection of the light of the bend it really looks as if the handle is bending. Practice this in front of a mirror to perfect the illusion - its all optics.

  • The only problem visually is that if you want a nice noticeable bend, you will begin to see your thumb poking out from behind your hand. You are essentially moving your finger and thumb in a slow motion finger click motion. To hide the conspicuousness of the thumb, you will want to wave your fingers in front of the bend - in a similar motion to if you were rubbing the bend to soften it. I find it looks more impressive to wave your finger about a half inch in front of the spoon as it looks much more magical and it gives no feasible way for you to be bending the spoon as you are holding it in one hand. Finally, be careful of angles, naturally the effect must be performed head on as at other angles it is possible to see what is happening. A way to counter such difficulties is to work on the positioning of the arms to obstruct anyone else view, so they can just see the handle. "Straightening" the spoon: Obviously, there is no way to hand out your "bent" spoon for examination, so you must straighten it out again. This can simply be done in such a way, as you would normally bend a spoon back to normal. You should practice the motion in a mirror with a real bent spoon so you can see how it naturally looks. Then move onto practice with a non-bent spoon, doing the bend and then straightening the spoon once more. Linguistics: The way this effect is performed relies heavily on the showmanship and the patter. If you believe that the spoon is bending and use positive suggestion, SUGGESTING to the spectator that they can see the spoon bending, that its incredible and the like, they WILL see the bend happen, they will find it incredible and wont question whether your actually bending the spoon or not as they have the suggestion matched with the visible aspect of the trick. A key idea like I mentioned earlier is to not tell them directly the spoon is bending NOW. Introduce the trick as a metal bending feat by all means, but never at one point say The spoon is bending at this moment in time. This allows the spectator to see it happen themselves, they expect the spoon to bend and if you gaze long enough into that little bend it appears to deepen, its just your eyes going out of focus in reality. So rather than say its bending, look! go for a Watch closely, you WILL see it happen sometimes it happens faster than others but you will see it happen. Then as they begin

  • to react change your patter, See, there it goes (suggests movement), You can see it Watch closely (allows eyes to get confused) At this point the spoon is apparently bending; you could even go as far as to begin with the spoon in the spectators hands if they clench a palm up fist around the bend is a spoon and slowly release their grip it feels as if the spoon is moving. This should only really be used after another effect in which they have got into the swing of believing and taking your suggestions. You can then go onto the optics part of the illusion. For information on suggestion and particularly that which applies to metal bending, try Kenton Kneppers The Miracle of Suggestion. When it comes to the spoon being bent, allow the fact to sink in, then immediately explain how the spoons particles part allowing for a flexible substance to manifest. This is how you bend the spoon back then you may hand the spoon out to a spectator saying: You try and bend it without the correct mindset, its near impossible! By saying near impossible you clear yourself if you have an incredibly strong man to whom you handed the spoon whom then proceeds to bend it outright. Also, saying without the correct mindset suggests you bent the spoon with your mind. If your strong man does manage to bend the spoon, take it with a pinch of salt; lighten the mood by saying something like: Now try it without the other hand! As this is exactly what you did it creates a perplexing puzzle for the onlookers, and your strong man! Final Notes: Like I mentioned at the beginning of the explanation, if you can bend the spoon comfortably, do so. This is an effect designed to counter the spoons or forks we cannot bend. If you can show a spoon that is bent in full view this is very powerful. The method described here can fool people very well with the correct performance, but at the same time, for someone to be able to feel the spoon in its bent state is a fantastic thing. I leave all discretion to you on this matter, you should decide when and when not to use this method but please dont over use it, performing it multiple times could allow for questioning.

  • Further Reading: You will note several people who really specialize in metal bending, Banachek, Richard Osterlind, Morgan Strebler and Kenton Knepper are the names which stand out in my head. I must also give honourable mention to Erick Castle for his work His Gallerian bend is beautiful and the DVD is available at www.Mindlapse.net along with your favourite dealer Im sure. Thankyous: CL | BW | LL | DM | T D.

  • turnover bend.jpgThe Turnover Bend.pdfturnover bend back.jpg