Turkiye Outsourcing

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  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing




    The Advantage and I!e "# Sett$ng !%O!t"!'$ng $n T!($)e*

    S%e'$#$'a++) and Eaten E!"%e $n Genea+,

    a(an ANLIAtt"ne) at La.

    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

    I6 Genea+ Ovev$e. : O!t"!'$ng,1. What is Outsourcing ?

    2. Why Should We Outsource ?

    3. Benefits of Outsourcing4. What and When You Should Not Outsource ?

    II6 B!$ne P"'e O!t"!'$ng & Lega+ I!e1. What is Business rocess Outsourcing ?

    2. !egal "ontract

    3. #is$ %anage&ent Syste& and 'nsurance olicy

    4. 'ntellectual ro(erty ) "onflict #esolution

    *. +ea& Wor$

    III6 G+"1a+ O!t"!'$ng: Cha++enge,1. ,lo-al "oo(eration ) Ne/ 0o- "reation

    2. 'ntellectual ro(erty #ights -use

    3. !egal eficiency #is$ ) Solution

    IV6 O!t"!'$ng $n the Eaten E!"%ean C"!nt$e : Cha++enge &Bene#$t,1. ,eneral ers(ectie

    2. dantages ) isadantages

    V6 O!t"!'$ng $n T!($)e1. ers(ectie of Offshore Outsourcing

    2. +ur$iyes "usto&er Serice Offer

    VI6 C"n'+!$"n : O!t"!'$ng $ a Lega+ B!$ne,

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    O!t"!'$ng "# B!$ne P"'e Sev$'e - A Lega+ P"%e't$ve :

    I6 Genea+ Ovev$e. : O!t"!'$ng,

    76 8hat $ O!t"!'$ng 9,Outsourcing is the transfer or delegation to an e5ternal serice (roider the o(eration and daytoday&anage&ent of a -usiness (rocess. +he custo&er receies a serice that (erfor&s a distinct -usinessfunction that fits into the custo&er6s oerall -usiness o(erations. So&eti&es the (rocess is one thathistorically has -een (erfor&ed -y a ertically integrated enter(rise such asdata %"'e$ng.%ore recently outsourcing defines7 the serices sector for those serices that /ere not (art of theertically integrated enter(risesuch as telecommunications, web-site hosting, transportation services,logistics and professional services of regulated professionals.

    +here are t/o (rinci(al ty(es: Tad$t$"na+and Geen#$e+d"!t"!'$ng:

    1. Tad$t$"na+ "!t"!'$ng:8&(loyees of an enter(rise cease to (erfor& the sa&e 9o-s to the enter(rise.#ather tas$s are identified that need to -e (erfor&ed and the e&(loyees are nor&ally hired -y theserice (roider. :or e5a&(le an infor&ation technology outsourcing &ay include a transfer ofres(onsi-ility for &anage&ent of data centers and net/or$s ;!N WN and +eleco&&unications

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    PEKN & PEKN26 8h) Sh"!+d 8e O!t"!'e 9

    %any reasons e5ist to engage in outsourcing.

    When to outsource /ill de(end on the seerity of e5isting (ro-le&s or challenges as /ell as the readyaaila-ility of an outsourced solution.

    +a$ing 'nfor&ation +echnology ;'+< as an e5a&(le7 there could -e one or &ore of the follo/ingcircu&stances faoring an outsourcing solution=

    > "8O is -eing held hostage -y a nonres(onsie '+ de(art&ent.

    > "o&(ared to co&(etitors the enter(rise is not $ee(ing (ace /ith changes in technology.

    > @igh inentory costs.

    > @igh (ersonnel turnoer.

    > '+ -udget is not (redicta-le or afforda-le.> '+ organiAation does not hae a strong gras( of co&(any6s o-9ecties critical success factors andor -otto& line.

    > '+ organiAation does not (roide industry -est (ractices (rocesses andor serices to internale5ternal custo&ers.

    > '+ strategy not consistent /ith -usiness strategy.

    > !oss of senior '+ &anage&ent.

    > %issed deliery dates.

    > %ulti'+ endor eniron&entdata centers.

    > Need to focus on core -usiness;es Need to increase earnings gro/th #O' andor shareholder alue.

    > No -usiness continuityrecoery (lan.> No docu&ented &easura-le andor re(eata-le '+ strategy.

    > Not ready for eBusiness ;e"o&&erce erocure&ent ort internal andor e5ternal custo&er serice.

    > ost%) redundant or &is&atched '+ infrastructure.

    > #una/ay '+ (ro9ects.

    Si&ilar considerations &ight a((ly to other -usiness (rocesses eligi-le for outsourcing.

    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    ;6 Bene#$t "# O!t"!'$ng

    Outsourcing &ay sole (ro-le&s -ut &ore significantly it &ay lead to &any hidden -usiness -enefits such as7

    > #ene/ed focus on core -usiness.

    > %itigation of ris$s -y reliance on an e5(ert.

    > '&(roed custo&er satisfaction through i&(roed (rocesses not (reiously (art of the enter(rise6s culture or e5(erience.

    > -ility to re/ard /or$ers /ith career o((ortunities in a s(ecialty co&(any dedicated to the /or$ers6 s$ills as a reenuegenerator rather than to a general co&(any /here the /or$er is considered an oerhead e5(ense.

    > ro9ect enhance&ent.

    > Serice i&(roe&ents.

    > S$ills u(grade.

    > S$ills retention.

    > S$ills access.

    > +echnology infusion.

    > "ost accounting and oerall isi-ility of accounting and (erfor&ance in a -usiness (rocess.

    > "ost reduction.

    > %anage&ent of olatility in costs through financial engineering.

    > sset conersion.

    > oidance of ca(ital inest&ent.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    II6 B!$ne P"'e O!t"!'$ng and Lega+ I!e

    1. What is Business rocess Outsourcing ?

    2. !egal "ontract

    3. #is$ %anage&ent Syste& and 'nsurance olicy

    4. 'ntellectual ro(erty ) "onflict #esolution

    *. +ea& Wor$


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    76 B!$ne P"'e O!t"!'$ngBPO,@is the (rocure&ent of (articular serices that

    inole ongoing outsourcing of s(ecific -usiness (rocesses. 'n other /ords BO -y -eingthe one of the t/o ty(es of outsourcing &eans e5a&ining the (rocesses that co&(ose the

    -usiness and its functional units and then /or$ing /ith s(ecialiAed serice (roiders to -oth

    reconstruct and outsource these at the sa&e ti&e.

    Business rocess Outsourcing inoles the full transfer of res(onsi-ility for functions such

    as transaction processing, policy servicing, claims management, human resources, finance,

    and complianceto the outsourcing co&(any. +he outsourcing (roider then arranges these

    functions on their o/n syste&s to agreed serice standards and at a guaranteed cost.

    'n the BO there are &any fields needed to -e interested se(arately fro& each other7

    equipment, finance, human resources, technology, security, customer and service provider

    relations, contract negotiationare the -asic ones.

    On the other hand /hile Business rocess Outsourcing realiAes so&e legal issues ensue=


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    26 Lega+ C"nta't

    :irst of all any outsourcing agree&ent needs a legal contract. +he legal contract deter&ines

    legal (ara&eters of serices and res(onsi-ilities shared -y -oth (arties.

    +he legal contract has to -alance enough fle5i-ility in order to e5ercise the sco(e of outsourcing

    and enough rigidity to -loc$ any undesira-le situation. %ost endors hae standard for&s of

    contracts /hile &ost enter(rise custo&ers do not. Without a solid for& of contract the (artiesnor&ally s(end su-stantial ti&e in negotiations. t the sa&e ti&e ho/eer the uniFue -usiness

    strategies and concerns of -oth (arties &ay -e acco&&odated through such negotiations..

    +he clauses hae to -e a-out defining the sco(e identification of (rocess and (arties

    conditions as(ects /hat to do in case of disagree&ent o(erations and their (rocedures

    intellectual (ro(erty related issues contact (ersons and (erfor&ance indicator etcG

    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    ;6 R$( 0anage/ent S)te/ and In!an'e P"+$')

    s all BO (rogra&s are -ased on (eo(le (rocess and technology fir&s hae to consider(otential ris$s and create a $( /anage/ent )te/,.

    %any outsourcing contracts reFuire the serice (roducer to &aintain insurance -ut the critical(oint in here is that can the enter(rise custo&er collect under theev$'e %"v$de,$n!an'e %"+$')in case of loss de(ending fro& serice (roiders (erfor&ance.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    16 C"n#+$'t Re"+!t$"n: 'n the case of any disagree&ent a-out transaction there can -e seeral solutions to e5ceedit.

    $6 0ed$at$"n ::irst of all (arties &ay (refer to discuss it in their o/n or they can choose to -e hel(ed -y a/ed$at". But these t/o /ays are not enough in so&e cases -ecause of their haing no -inding effect.

    $$6 A1$tat$"n: ste( further solution is haing a1$tat$"n '+a!ein the contract the decision ofthe ar-itrator is final and in force so that een if the ar-itrator &a$es a &ista$e regarding la/ there is no courtto reie/ the decision.

    $$$6 L$t$gat$"n :!astly (arties &ay use the /ay of litigation /hen each (arty has its o/n interests /hich doesnot /ant to inole the& in outsourcing.

    85ce(t the ones that /e &entioned a-oe there are legal issues concerning hu&an resources acFuired rights of(ersonnel for&s of contracts and -an$ru(tcy -ut on the other hand there is a -ranch of international outsourcing.

    @ere the (ro-le& is /hat the difference -et/een (arties in a legal (ers(ectie is =

    > Feed"/ "# '"nta't and +a. ::irst thing &ay -e the >#eed"/ "# '"nta't?*-ecause it ariesaccording to the different la/s then another legal ris$ can -e the identification (ro-le& of -usiness(rocess in ho&e and offshore countries.

    > "!1+e taat$"n :-out the ta5ation (arties hae to (ay attention to dou-le ta5ation and a ta5ation (lan

    for -oth countries different ta5es.> Othe $!e :+here can -e al/ays a (ro-le& related to (olitics7 ne/ elections changing goern&ents

    and their ideologies can -e dangerous for foreign inest&ents.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    56 Tea/ 8"(8cono&ics -ased (ro-le&s een if are lesser in +ur$iye and in 8uro(e in co&(arison

    /ith other countries.

    @aing the -asic facilities in -oth ho&e and offshore country is another reFuire&entto $ee( (rocess going7 telecommunication, transportation and storageare &ainele&ents in this area. er&its licenses (rotection of intellectual (ro(erty restrictionson (ersonnel and data are so&e other ris$y to(ics and to aoid the& do&esticoutsourcing la/yer and local foreign la/yer hae to /or$ together asa tea/,.

    Bet/een the -enefits of BO s(ecialiAation and using e5(erts can ta$e the first (lace.By coo(erating /ith s(ecialiAed fir&s the original la/ fir& can -e free to concentrateon its core actiities and other la/ fir&s can &a$e inroads in their actiities than$s totheir e5(eriences. +his effect of restoring (rocures the original fir& the access toadditional resources reengineering efforts usage of ne/ technology andrede(loy&ent of internal resources and haing &onthly e5(enses instead of ca(itale5(enses.

    :urther&ore the -enefit of oer -ridging -et/een cultures can -e an end to thereactions against econo&ically &ore deelo(ed countries /hile creating more jobopportunities. But &ore 9o- o((ortunities in offshore countries do not &ean loss of9o-s in ho&e country -ecause in long ter& -oth (arties get the -enefits -y the gro/thof free trade.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    III6 G+"1a+ O!t"!'$ng: Cha++enge,

    1. ,lo-al "oo(eration ) Ne/ 0o- "reation

    2. 'ntellectual ro(erty #ights -use3. !egal eficiency #is$ ) Solution


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    76 G+"1a+ C"-"%eat$"n and Ne. D"1 Ceat$"n,

    Business rocess Outsourcing ta$es (art in different (arts of the glo-al /orld and &a$es an econo&ical andlegal connection -et/een the&. s an e5a&(le &ericans and 'ndians enture in "hina can -e gien.

    'n that case &ericans and 'ndians are -eing strategic (artners to deelo( "hinese soft/are industry and alsothe syste& used to "hina is influenced -y e5a&(les found in HS and 'ndia. While haing the goal of creatinga role&odel for gro/ing "hinese soft/are industry "hina i&(ressed -y &ade of technologicalco&&it&ents inest&ent and legal &oe&ents in selecting its international strategic (artner.

    S(onsors and state /as interrelated= for e5a&(le Sino'ndia "oo(eratie Office and National eelo(&entand #efor& "o&&ission of eo(les #e(u-lic of "hina /ere t/o s(onsors. On the other hand contri-utions/ere &ainly fro& foreign grou(s such as ++ "onsultancy Serices and %icrosoft. 8en though (artiesconeyed this infor&ation to the &edia &issing (arts caused s(eculations 9ust li$e the a&ount of (ay&ents.

    While this (rocess of '+ outsourcing "hinas need of legal and econo&ical i&(roe&ent sho/ed u(. ninternational outsourcing 9ust li$e this case needs definite solutions first thing to do is 7 answering whetherthe enterprise customer still remains legally responsible or not ?

    While outsourcing &eans7 the transfer of operations and daily management of a business process to anexternal entity. Can laws consider main entity responsible in legal issues ? So&eti&es it can -e thecontent of transaction and in accordance /ith its -eing effectie in &ore than one country there can -e sucha (arado5. @ere the legal res(onsi-ility can co&(rise &any to(ics= ta5ation cost saings e&(loyee transferand intellectual (ro(erty rights usage.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    26 Inte++e't!a+ P"%et) R$ght, A1!e

    06 Ade. Caneg$e ;founder of H.S. Steel in the 1IJJs< said that7 >The "n+) $e%+a'a1+e'a%$ta+ an "gan$at$"n %"'ee $ the knowledge and the ability of its people.

    +he (roductiity of that ca(ital de(ends on ho/ effectiely (eo(le share their co&(etence/ith those /ho can use it.D

    One -ig legal conflict ca&e u( /ith the to(ic of $nte++e't!a+ %"%et) $ght, a1!e.8uro(ean "o&&ission /as &ainly focusing on &onitoring the selling of (roducts such

    as soft/are &usic and infor&ation technology serices /hich are iolating the (rotection ofintellectual (ro(erty. 8uro(ean "o&&issions actions /ere -ased on controlling illegalactions /ith the hel( of "hina7 they forced "hinese ,oern&ent to &a$e ne/ regulations andto ta$e strict (recautions.

    t the end the -ill /as defectie in concerning /ith legal to(ics -ecause it had a li&itedsco(e and did not ans/er the needs of enter(rise costu&ers or serice (roiders /or$ing /ith

    or in "hina.

    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    ;6 Lega+ e#$'$en')* R$( and S"+!t$"n

    a6 F$nan'$a+ C$/e and V$"+at$"n "# Ente%$e C"n!/e, P"te't$"n : While outsourcing su((orters &a$e their

    state&ents and trying to generaliAe it there are so&e oices in disagree&ent /ith the&. +heir first argu&ent is outsourcings-eing ris$y according to the&7 transferring some operations and making use their data to another party seems like losing

    control of entity. +hen the defenders of this argu&ent -roach the finance cri&es and iolation of enter(rise consu&ers


    n eent lied in 'ndia in 2JJ* /as enough to 9ustify their argu&ent7 so&e BO e&(loyees /as arrested -ecause of illegally

    transferring funds fro& custo&ers account.

    16 Lega+ de#$'$en') : 't had a -ig i&(act on -usiness sector and the only thing to do is to interfering as soon as (ossi-le. t that(oint costu&ers faced the legal deficiency. 'ndian legal syste& /as too slo/ to ans/er the (ro-le& -ut it needs strict nor&s

    and Fuic$ arrange&ents. ccording to e5(erts the solution in this case can -e an indicator to other industrys staff a-out what

    is the end of acting illegally ?. +his case also let e&(loyers to (ay &ore attention to the -ac$ground of their staff &e&-ers.

    '6 $dden '"t : #is$s of outsourcing does not end /ith a-use of consu&er (roiders e&(loyees. ccording to analysts alsothe idea of cost reduction is a &ista$e e&(loyers do not ta$e into consideration the hidden costs. +hen using e5(ert &ay not

    -e as useful as it thought to -e. Se(arating actiities /ithin a fir& can -laAe to loss of -usiness $no/ledge and (ractices

    -esides een if s(ecialiAation does not da&age directly transfer of knowledgeis an indirect /ay of losing ti&e and &oney.

    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    d6 Tan%aen') and %$va') "# #$/ : s outsourcing needs $ey (ersonnel in -oth (arties also theirtraining can -e considered as a loss. 8en /hen /e consider that these ris$s did hae no effect in the (rocessof outsourcing (ossi-le failure of endor or drift fro& sco(e can cause to irrecoera-le ends.

    -out the legal area -alance -et/een transparency and privacy of firmshae to -e arranged the enter(risecusto&er hae to (ay attention serice (roiders care on legal reFuire&ents or a((lication of s(ecificregulations. 'n this res(ect fir&s -efore entering into outsourcing transactions &ay /ant to ta$e into accountthe releant legislation in the serice(roiders country. So&e of the critical (oints7 these fir&s and theirattorneys &ust consider /ith regard to the sco(e of the serice (roiders can -e listed as follo/s=

    E Notification of custo&ers /hose data hae -een e5(osed and are at ris$7

    E 85tent and ease of access regarding infor&ation aaila-le to consu&ers7

    E Ban on dis(lay sale or (urchase of social security nu&-ers and other (ersonally identifia-leinfor&ation su-9ect to safe har-or /ithout the indiiduals consent7

    E #ules onprivacy notices to consu&ers including (riacy (olicy state&ents /here-y "onsu&ers /ouldhae the o((ortunity to li&it sale or disclosure of infor&ation and to li&it other infor&ation (ractices7and

    E 'ndiiduals right to o-tain disclosure of all (ersonally identifia-le infor&ation (ertaining to theindiidual held -y an infor&ation -ro$er and to -e infor&ed of the identity of each entity that (rocuredany (ersonally identifia-le infor&ation fro& the -ro$er.

    #6 S"#t.ae +$'ene : nother (ro-le&atic e5a&(le is a-out the soft/are licenses -ecause of so&ecusto&ers of outsourcing serices haing no conenient soft/are license legal (ro-le&s sho/ u( forserice (roiders. %ostly (eo(le forget that "#t.ae +$'ene $ a t)%e "# '"%)$ght,6 't is entitled to legal(rotection and in res(ect of the e5(erts studies the cause of this (ro-le& is gro/ing out of not consideringi&(ortant the relationshi( -et/een enclosure of licenses and the enclosure of the contract of outsourcing.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    g6 S"+!t$"n : +o &ini&iAe these ris$s -oth (arties need an outsourcing ttorney.

    +he outsourcing ttorney identifies the -usiness (rocess o-seres contract accordingto legal syste&;s

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    IV6 O!t"!'$ng $n the Eaten E!"%ean C"!nt$e : Cha++enge &Bene#$t,

    1. ,eneral ers(ectie

    2. dantages ) isadantages


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing



    76 Genea+ Pe%e't$ve

    8uro(e e5(erienced significant gro/th in outsourcing during 2JJ4 es(ecially in Businessrocess Outsourcing. #ecently 8uro(es outsourcing &ar$et /hich /as only onefifth of thatof the &ericas in 2JJ2 &anaged to eFual that of its transatlantic (artner -y 2JJ4. "ulturalaffinities cost ti&eAone language s$ills strong technical ca(a-ilities and &ini&al dataregulatory issues &a$e these countries ery attractie destinations for BO and '+ sericesrelocation or outsourcing.

    +he other i&(ortant feature -eing a large talent (ool of (eo(le /ith in de(th $no/ledge of&athe&atics logic science and technology.

    lthough lo/ costs are often the greatest drier for -usinesses to consider outsourcing in8astern 8uro(e costs are not the only decision drier. Sta-le (olitical eniron&ents goodteleco&&unications regular air serices and a (lentiful su((ly of highly educated staff /ithlanguage s$ills are other factors &a$ing 8astern 8uro(ean "ountries increasingly attractie.

    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    26 The Advantage and $advantage "# O!t"!'$ng IT #!n't$"n t" Eaten E!"%e

    a6 Advantage:$6Ava$+a1$+$t) "# e"!'e: 8astern 8uro(e has a su-stantial resere of soft/are deelo(&ent resources /aiting to -e

    ta((ed. 'ts institutes of higher learning and uniersities continue to turn thousands of graduates in '+ and '+ related andengineering fields.

    $$6C"t: lthough it is reco&&ended to loo$ -eyond the lo/ cost of 8astern 8uro(ean '+ resources to the additionalargu&ents in their faor cost factors are undenia-ly a $ey consideration in any co&(anys decisions around outsourcing.

    "osts for soft/are deelo(&ent de(end on a set of factors= needed s$ills (ro9ect siAe the geogra(hical location and

    e5(erience of a (roider guaranteed /or$load and other factors. ccordingly hourly rates &ay ary fro& as lo/ as K 1J ;in

    rare cases< to K 4J and een K *J.

    $$$6Te'hn$'a+ e'e++en'e: 8astern 8uro(ean (rogra&&ers (ossess all the needed u(todate technical s$ills as /ell as thoseneeded for legacy &igration. Within 8astern 8uro(e all the latest /orld/ide technical literature is aaila-le -oth in 8nglish

    and in localiAed ersions.

    $v6St"ng F!nda/enta+ Ed!'at$"n: 't &ay see& (arado5ical -ut the &ain adantage of 8astern 8uro(e (rogra&&er issaid to co&e fro& the fact that they are often not (rogra&&ers -y education. Luite co&&only a 8astern 8uro(ean

    (rogra&&er gets a strong funde&antal education in such fields as &athe&atics (hysics and other do&ains then s/itches

    oer to co&(uting /hen he or she graduates and loo$s for a 9o-.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.

    Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    v6E!"%ean C!+t!e: +odays young and &iddle age &anagers and s(ecialists /ho /or$ in@i+ech co&(anies hae he sa&e or higher leel of education 8nglish language s$ills and

    &otiation as their 8uro(ean colleagues.

    v$6L"'at$"n: 't ta$es -et/een 13 hours to fly fro& aris or Berlin and I hours fro& the HSto reach ca(italists of 8astern 8uro(e. Offshore soft/are deelo(&ent co&(anies nor&allyco&(ensate for the ti&e difference /ith their 8uro(ean and een &erican clientele -yad9usting their /or$ing schedules so as to hae &a5i&al oerla((ing hours for &utual contact.

    8astern 8uro(e is also a gate/ay for entry into the 8uro(ean Hnion ;EU,< !a-or &o-ilityacross these countries into other 8H &e&-ers has in the case of those that are already&e&-ers and /ill -eco&e for those /ho soon /ill 9oin the &e&-ershi( of the 8uro(eanNations Fuite easy.

    v$$6Geat %"tent$a+: ll the a-oe factors contri-ute to the great (otential of 8astern

    8uro(ean soft/are outsourcing industry for integration in the /orld/ide '+ industry. 8astern8uro(ean s(ecialists /ho left their (ros(ectie countries to /or$ a-road hae -egun tric$ling-ac$ -ringing /ith the& inalua-le e5(erience in &ar$eting and sales as /ell as -usiness tiesneeded for the young '+industry.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    16 $advantage

    !i$e any deelo(ing and young industry 8astern 8uro(ean offshore soft/are deelo(&ent industry has a nu&-er of

    dra/-ac$s. eo(le inoled into the industry clearly recogniAe the& and trying to co&-at the&. +hese disadantages

    &ay -e real or 9ust (erceied -ut they (reent 8astern 8uro(ean countries fro & -eco&ing an outsourcing

    destination of choice.$6 La'( "# h$gh-+eve+ /anage $n "#t.ae deve+"%/ent : lthough so&e (roiders hae /or$ed in the &ar$et forten years or &ore the industry has neer -een ta$en a hand in sha(ing educational standards. Hntil recently the

    industry en9oyed slight recognition on the local &ar$et and /as una-le to attract talented &anagers fro& other fields.

    $$6 Lega+ 'ha++enge: +here are &any issues facing 8astern 8uro(ean industry in general /hich anyone consideringdoing -usiness /ith 8astern 8uro(e hears a-out. +hese include intellectual (ro(erty rights e5(ort and i&(ort

    ta5ation la-or and currency la/s co&(any accounting.

    $$$6 Lang!age 1a$e: +his issue of $no/ledge of 8nglish is crucial for &iddle and to( &anage&ent. @o/eer there

    is no need for eery deelo(er to s(ea$ 8nglish een if he or she should -e a-le to read in 8nglish. +he (rocess of8astern 8uro(es integration into the glo-al econo&y allo/s us to ho(e that there /ill continue to -e adeFuate su((ly

    of (rogra&&ers reading and also s(ea$ing 8nglish /ith (roficiency.

    $v6 Genea+ Ind!t) $//at!$t): lthough leading 8astern 8uro(ean (roiders hae e5isted for 1J years theindustry is still young. +his leads to -oth disadantages and adantages. Because the outsourcing sector is s&all -ut

    ery co&(etitie /ith the rest of the 8astern 8uro(ean '+ industry not to &ention industry outside of '+ in ter&s of

    (ay&ent career o((ortunities 9o- challenges and social (rotection it attracts >the 1et "# the 1et?6 +his situation/ill last so long as free resources are aaila-le. 'ndian co&(anies -y contrast hae started to &eet (ro-le&s

    attracting ne/ high Fuality (ersonnel. nother (ositie i&(act is that 8astern 8uro(ean co&(anies are &uch &orefle5i-le /hen see$ing to attract clients. +hey strie to oerta$e the leader and to (roe the&seles.


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"nSe't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    On the other hand there is lac$ of industry associations (o/erful lo--y and certification

    authorities all of /hich &a$es industrys (osition harder. But the industry is gro/ing eryFuic$ly and the situation is changing for the -etter eeryday.

    +/enty years ago 'ndia had no 'ndia to co&(ete /ith as 8astern 8uro(ean does today. But

    the 8astern 8uro(eans are co&ing and striing to attain their rightful (lace in the '+ /orld.

    es(ite the 8nglish language handica( ;not as a((arent in Sloenia #o&ania "Aech

    #e(u-lic oland and so&e (arts of #ussia

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    V6 O!t"!'$ng $n T!($)e

    1. ers(ectie of Offshore Outsourcing

    2. +ur$iyes "usto&er Serice Offer


    A/e$'an Ba A"'$at$"n

    Se't$"n "# Intenat$"na+ La.Fa++ 0eet$ng O't"1e 23* 2445 B!e+

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    PEKN & PEKNVI6 O!t"!'$ng $n T!($)e

    uring the (ast 3 years outsourcing has also deelo(ed considera-ly. +here are a-out a doAen

    of outsourcing co&(anies in +ur$iye ;all located in 'stan-ul

  • 7/23/2019 Turkiye Outsourcing


    +ur$iye has su-stantial strengths to -e location for handling an8uro(ean calls. So&e of the& are7E &(le and lo/ cost /or$forceE aila-ility of large nu&-er of Fualified (eo(le /ho are a-le to s(ea$ fluent ,er&an !o/ staff turnoerE yna&ic and (ractical culture Ccan doD attitude

    E ,eneral interest to /or$ in call centers

    E :le5i-le la-or la/s ;e.g. you can listen and &onitor calls