Turismo Sustentável e Economia Verde

O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde Nuno Gaspar de Oliveira CIGEST | Environment & Sustainability, ISG | Business & Economics School II Conferência Nacional de Sustentabilidade no Sector do Turismo 23 3 24 de Novembro, 2012


Keynote speach, II Conferência Nacional de Sustentabilidade no Sector do Turismo, 23 e 24 de Novembro, 2012

Transcript of Turismo Sustentável e Economia Verde

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

Nuno Gaspar de Oliveira CIGEST | Environment & Sustainability, ISG | Business &

Economics School

II Conferência Nacional de Sustentabilidade no Sector do Turismo

23 3 24 de Novembro, 2012

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

• Biólogo da área da Ecologia e Conservação da Natureza (FCUL, 1998);

• Coordenador da Área de Ambiente & Sustentabilidade e investigador na área da Economia Natural no CIGEST - Centro de Investigação em Gestão ISG – Business & Economics School;

• Professor Assistente de Economia da Energia e dos Recursos Naturais da Licenciatura de Economia do ISG;

• Delegado do ISG no BCSD Portugal;• Doutorando na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

(UNL) na área de Geografia e Ambiente, com o tema “Biodiversidade e Planeamento Territorial: Da Política à Estratégia, da Estratégia à Prática”;

• Consultor em Gestão Florestal Sustentável, Gestão de Risco Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, gestão de Biodiversidade e Conservação de Recursos Naturais

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

A Economia Verde • valoriza e investe nos serviços ambientais e no capital natural;• É primordial para a diminuição da pobreza contínua, a forma mais visível de

desigualdade social, relacionada com o acesso desigual à educação, saúde, disponibilidade de crédito, oportunidades de geração de renda e garantia de direitos de propriedade;

• Gera empregos e melhora a igualdade social, entrando em contra ciclo com a deterioração da economia mundial iniciada com a recessão de 2008, provocada pela crise bancária e de créditos e choques de preços;

• Substitui os combustíveis fósseis por energias renováveis e tecnologias de baixa emissão de carbono de forma a aumentar o fornecimento de energias renováveis e reduzir os riscos de aumentos de e volatilidade dos preços para os combustíveis fósseis;

• Oferece um estilo de vida urbana mais sustentável e uma mobilidade com baixa emissão de carbono, sendo que actualmente 50% da população mundial vive em áreas urbanas, onde consome 60-80% de energia e é responsável por 75% das emissões de carbono.

• Cresce mais rapidamente do que a economia ‘castanha’, enquanto mantém e restabelece o capital natural, uma das questões essenciais que se foca na aparente permuta entre desenvolvimento e qualidade ambiental.

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

• The only option to soften the impact of high oil prices that is likely to meet the magnitude of the challenge is a transition to a low-carbon economy. But this will require political leadership and policy certainty to create a long-term, sufficient and consistent incentive structure for renewable energy.

• We recommend the government employs available and new mechanisms for public sector finance, such as a Green Investment Bank to change investor behaviour in favour of new, low carbon sectors.

• Adaptive responses such as investment into mass public transit systems, more efficient vehicles, people travelling less due to home working, and cheaper, low carbon energy alternatives will also all help.

• In addition to issues of security and sustainability, the impact of economic peak oil is another important reason to reduce an economy’s energy intensity and dependence on oil.

“Historical evidence shows that shocks lie in wait for unprepared nations. Well prepared economies, however, should still prosper”

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

“We estimate that by the end of 2020,

nearly 1 million people will be

employed in these sectors and nearly 3 million people will be employed in the green economy as a


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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde


ESG [Environment, Social, Governance] funds, once the domain of socially conscious investors and mission focused non-profits, is now becoming popular for corporations and investors as a market-driven mechanism that reviews a company’s response to complex risks.

For investors, especially large public institutional investors, such metrics provide a baseline, indicating that funds and companies in which they invest are doing a level of due-diligence needed in the new economy.

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director, said: ‘The sobering

fact remains that a transition to a low carbon, inclusive Green Economy is happening far too

slowly and the opportunity for meeting the 44Gt target is narrowing annually.

There are many inspiring actions taking place at the national level on energy

efficiency in buildings, investing in forests to avoid emissions linked with

deforestation and new vehicle emissions standards alongside a remarkable

growth in investment in new renewable energies worldwide, which in 2011

totaled close to US$260 billion.’

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

“Being green is often associated with increased costs for businesses. However, the essence of innovation is to identify least cost opportunities

and solutions, decoupling tourism growth from resource use and environmental impacts and using resources more efficiently. Green

innovation in tourism can improve existing business models, leading to positive results to companies, customers, public authorities and local

communities through job creation and better living conditions as well as the housing ecosystems”

Arab Hoballah, UNEP Chief of Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch.

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

1. Tourism has significant potential as a driver for growth for the world economy. The tourism economy represents 5 per cent of world GDP, while it contributes to 6-7 per cent of total employment

2. The development of tourism is accompanied by significant challenges. The rapid growth in both international and domestic travel, the trends to travel farther and over shorter periods of time, and the preference given to energy-intensive transportation are increasing the non-renewable energy dependency of tourism, resulting in the sector’s contribution of 5 per cent to global GHG emissions.

3. Green tourism has the potential to create new jobs and reduce poverty. Travel and tourism are human-resource intensive, employing directly and indirectly 8 per cent of the global workforce. It is estimated that one job in the core tourism industry creates about one and a half additional or indirect jobs in the tourism-related economy.

4. Tourism development can be designed to support the local economy and poverty reduction.

5. Investing in the greening of tourism can reduce the cost of energy, water, and waste and enhance the value of biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural heritage.

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

6. Tourists are demanding the greening of tourism. More than a third of travellers are found to favour environmentally-friendly tourism and be willing to pay for related experiences. 7. The private sector, especially small firms, can, and must be mobilised to support green tourism.

7. The tourism sector involves a diverse range of actors. The awareness of green tourism exists mainly in a selection of larger scale firms. Smaller firms are mostly outside this sphere and diverse supplier groups may not be connected at all.

8. Much of the economic potential for green tourism is found in small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), which need better access to financing for investing in green tourism.

9. Destination planning and development strategies are the first step towards the greening of tourism. In developing tourism strategies, local governments, communities and businesses need to establish mechanisms for coordinating with ministries;

10. Government investments and policies can leverage private sector actions on green tourism. Government spending on public goods such as protected areas, cultural assets, water conservation, waste management, sanitation, public transport, and renewable energy infrastructure can reduce the cost of green investments by the private sector in green tourism.

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

• Sustainable tourism practices do not suffer from the same negative impacts as traditional tourism practices because they provide for effective resource management, which means that income is generated while simultaneously minimising negative impacts to an area’s environmental and cultural integrity.

• At the same time, sustainable tourism can become an important source of export growth in developing [and in-deep-debt] countries.

• Under a green investment scenario for sustainable tourism of US$ 248 billion in 2010 dollars (0.2 per cent the world’s annual GDP) per year between 2011-2050 focused on energy and water efficiency, emissions mitigation and solid waste management, the sustainable tourism sector can be projected to grow steadily in the coming decades, exceeding projections for the business as usual (BAU) approach by seven per cent in terms of the sector GDP, while saving significant amounts of resources.

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O Turismo Sustentável e a Economia Verde

“Annual surveys of Americans headed abroad show eco-travelers accounted for 5.8

percent of the traffic in 2009, up from 5.6 percent in the

previous year

“Sustainability is at the forefront of our business

model because of customer demand,"

Revenue grew 42 percent between 2008-2010, despite

the global downturn, surpassing $150 million.


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Nuno Gaspar de Oliveira | Researcher ‘CIGEST | Ambiente e Sustentabilidade ISG – Business & Economics School | [email protected] | Telefone: 21 751 37 00 ext. 127

Linkedin: ngoliveira | SKYPE: nuno.gaspar.oliveira | Facebook: CIGEST, NGOLIVEIRA