Tunguska Cosmic Body of 1908 is It From Planet Mars - John Anfinogenov

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  • 8/13/2019 Tunguska Cosmic Body of 1908 is It From Planet Mars - John Anfinogenov


    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.1

    Title: Tunguska cosmic body of 1908: is it from planet Mars?


    John Anfinogenov,


    Larisa Budaeva,


    Dmitry Kunetsov,


    and "ana Anfinogenova




    1%unguss&y 'ature (eserve, Ministry of 'atura) (esources and *co)ogy of the (ussian+ederation.

    2'ationa) (esearch %oms& tate -niversity, Ministry of *ducation and cience of the (ussian


    !'ationa) (esearch %oms& o)ytechnic -niversity, Ministry of *ducation and cience of the

    (ussian +ederation

    #%oms& -niversity of /ontro) ystems and (adioe)ectronics, Ministry of *ducation and cienceof the (ussian +ederation

    $/orresponding author: Dr. "ana Anfinogenova. Address: %--(, +0%, # Lenina rospect,%oms&, !#3, (ussia. %e): 45663!622. *7mai): anfiy89gmai).com

    Astract ;ord count: 2#6

    'umer of (eferences: 25

    'umer of %a)es: 1

    'umer of +igures: 3

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Tunguska Cosmic Body of 1908 is It From Planet Mars - John Anfinogenov


    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.2

    Abstract: %he aim of the study ;as to discover remnants of the 16< %ungus&a meteorite. Main

    o8ective of the fie)d studies ;as identification of e=otic roc&s, furro;s, and penetration funne)s

    reported y the first eye;itnesses, residents of the area ;ith severe forest destruction. Mainmethods inc)uded decoding of aeria) survey photographs, systematic survey of the epicenter area

    of the %ungus&a e=p)osion, e=p)oratory e=cavations of the o8ects of interest, reconstruction

    studies of e=otic ou)der y using its sp)inters, minera)ogica) and spectra) ana)ysis of specimens,e=perimenta) attempt of p)asma7induced reproduction of the fusion crust on specimen. %heauthors present resu)ts on discovery of penetration funne)7)i&e structures> e=otic ou)der ?&no;n

    as John@s tone ;ith its shear7fractured sp)inters and fresh furro; in the permafrost> severa)

    sp)inters ;ith g)assy coatings> evidence of high7speed John@s tone dece)eration in thepermafrost> and c)ear consistency in geometry of spacia) arrangements of a)) sp)inters, furro;s,

    c)eaved pe)es according to data of reconstruction studies. John@s tone is composed of high)y

    si)icified grave)ite sandstone ?6 residue presented ;ith ;hitish semi7transparent pumice7)i&e grains and

    irregu)ar)y shaped fused partic)es. Cvera)), our data suggest that John@s tone is %ungus&ameteorite candidate. (ecent discoveries of sedimentary roc&s, )ithified grave)ite sandstone, c)ay,

    and uart on Mars provide rationa)e for search and identification of si)ica7rich Martian

    meteorites of sedimentary origin.

    Key words: %ungus&a event of 16

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.



    0n history of %ungus&a catastrophe ?June !, 16

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    configuration of the comp)ete forest fa)) area> it ;as necessary to esta)ish scattering e))ipse far

    end ;ith more massive meteorites.

    $ield %tudies# +ie)d studies too& p)ace in 163716

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    conditions. %he )anding ve)ocity of the meteoroid ;as ca)cu)ated via the euation for its &inetic

    energy ;hich ;as eua) to ;or& on destruction of the given vo)ume of permafrost.

    *re"ious dissemination of )% specimens:

    Cra) reports and some characteristic specimens of J ;ere shared ;ith e=perts from thetate *nterprise GKrasnoyars& eo)ogica) urveyH ?Krasnoyars&, (ussia, %oms& tate

    -niversity ?%oms&, (ussia, 'ationa) (esearch %oms& o)ytechnic -niversity ?%oms&, (ussia,/ommittee on Meteorites of the -( Academy of ciences ?Mosco;, (ussia, 'atura) Iistory

    Museum ?London, -K, -niversity of Bo)ogna ?Bo)ogna, 0ta)y, tate -niversity of 'e; "or&

    ?A)any, '", -A, and some others.


    During the e=peditions of 163 to 16 t;o of them contained shear7fractured sp)inters ?n 2 composed of strong)y si)icifiedsandstone. eo)ogists stated that these specimens Gmay not e meteoritesH and ca))ed thepenetration funne)s7)i&e structures Go)d anthi))sH. %he specimens ;ere eventua))y )ost> the

    penetration funne)s ;ere disregarded.

    )ohn!s %tone# (econstruction studies# 0n 1652, the group discovered unusua) roc&

    ?John@s tone ?J on the top of the toy&ovich Mountain ?+igure 1. %he first impression ;asthat the roc& ;as the so7ca))ed GDeer toneH or G "an&ovs&y@s toneH, reported y *ven&is and

    /onstantine "an&ovs&y, respective)y. %he ou)der )ocated ! meters from the ottom)and

    s;amp near the east foot of the ;est up)ift of the toy&ovich Mountain, five meters from the eastta=ator profi)e. John@s tone ;as hard)y visi)e at first. Cn)y a sma)) patch ?2 = 2 cm of

    unusua) ;hite7gray7)ue co)or ;ith evident scorch mar&s pee&ed out of s)ight)y raised moss7

    covered hi))oc&. %he patch ;as oriented south7east and raised !3 cmaove the surroundingground. "oung 1#7year7o)d 1.37m-high irch gre; on the top of the hi))oc&. 'ear)y a)) surface of

    J ;as covered y 2R!7cm7thic& )ayer of moss, fa))en )eaves, and inter)acing roots. Birch roots

    ;ere c)inging to the ou)der fo))o;ing the cavities on its surface do;n to the ground. Minera)

    residue in the cavities ;as insignificant: from 1 to 3 mm. "oung irches, )arch7trees, pines, and#37year7o)d 8unipers gre; near J. Shen the young irch gro;ing at the top of the hi))oc& ;as

    ent y hand, the ou)der, covered on)y ;ith moss, easi)y came out. A)) surface of uncoated J

    had the same ;hite7gray7)ue co)or. Cn c)oser e=amination, the stone ;as composed of most)y)ight7toned concrete7ound pe)es and sand ?cong)omerate grave)ite sandstone ;ith un;ashed

    scorch mar&s. %he grain sie ;as in a range of .3 to 1.3 cm, rare)y up to 3 cm.

    ies of the aove7ground part ?cupo)a of J ;ere 2 = 1.3 = .3 m ?+igure !A> theou)der set a)ong a meridian ?from south to north. /upo)a ;as s)ight)y s)oping to the north and

    ;est and had steeper inc)ine to the east and south. %he vertica) south ;a)) of the ou)der seemedro&en. Cvera)), J ;as rounded, a)mond7shaped. ies of J after comp)ete recovery: 2.3 = 1.5

    = 1.2 m; estimated mass e=ceeded 1, kg. An attempt to sp)it off a samp)e sho;ed that the

    ou)der ;as uniform)y resistant, concrete, e=treme)y hard, and sonorous. hears of J revea)edc)ear uart, crysta))ine uart, and ana)cime crysta)s fi))ing space et;een the pe)es. %he

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.

    north7east, east, south, and upper surfaces of J cupo)a had pe)es that ;ere cut and sheared y

    po;erfu) mechanica) shear action> shears ;ere very c)ean and fresh. %he ;est surface of J had

    areas that )oo&ed )i&e very hard s)ags of the same composition ?si)ica, ut they ;eresignificant)y more porous and did not have shears.

    Cn c)oser e=amination of the ground surrounding the north part of the ou)der, shear7

    fractured sp)inter ?23 = 1< cm ;as found. (econstruction study confirmed that the sp)inter fitted

    J> the sp)inter ;as disp)aced from the corresponding depression on the ou)der y 26 cmup;ard. hears ;ere fresh.

    During the season of 1652, north, south, ;est, and east e=p)oratory trenches ;eree=cavated around J ?+igure 2. %he north trench contained a )arge fragment ?.3 m in sie> # to

    3 kg near J. pace et;een J and this sp)inter ;as fi))ed ;ith hardpac& soi). hears ;ere

    fresh. %he thic&ness of the specimen ranged from .3 to 13 cm. %e=ture of the e=posed ?northsurface of the sp)inter differed from that of the other surface: it ;as more smoothed and

    ;eathered. %he co)or of the shear7fractured surfaces differed from the rest of surfaces on oth J

    and the sp)inter. (econstruction study confirmed that this sp)inter perfect)y fitted the north f)atside of J.

    ma)) chipped p)ate7)i&e sp)inters ;ere found in sma)) radia) e=p)oratory trenches at a

    distance of 1 to 1.2 mfrom J. %he shear sp)inters ;ere found onlyin the trenches e=cavated

    east;ard from the north7east part of the ou)der.

    Large circu)ar e=p)oratory trench ?17m in radius> #7cm7deep> #7cm7;ide ;as

    e=cavated in the ground ringing aout J ?+igure 2. ear sp)inters ;ere found onlyin the eastsector of the circu)ar trench a)ong the aimuth of the sp)inters ;ere imedded into the furro; ;a))s> they ;ere a)so found in turf cover on

    ground surface.

    A .37m-diameter spot of )ight7toned sand ?+igure !/TD ;as found under the )itterfa))

    in the east sector of the circu)ar e=p)oratory trench at a distance of 1 m from J a)ong the

    aimuth of other sides ;ere fresh)y shear7fractured. Aove the spot of the)ight7toned sand, there ;as uprooted )arch7tree ;ithout soi) et;een the roots> the tree cro;n

    ;as directed north7east.At depth of U 1.3 mand .3 maside of the aove mentioned spot of sand, massive ?2,

    &g sp)inter ?ate))ite tone ? ;as found ?+igure 2> +igure !*. Mutua) positiona)re)ationship of pe)es suggested that ro&e off the south ;a)) of J ?+igure #. ate))ite

    tone ;as overturned upside do;n re)ative to J. and )ayer stretched up to the ground surface

    north7;est from : upper part of sand )ayer contained the aove mentioned specimens ;ith

    g)assy coating.

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    p)inters, found in the north ;a)) of the furro;, accurate)y fitted corresponding p)aces on

    the upper part of J. At a distance of 6 mfrom J, the south ;a)) of the furro; contained massive

    sp)inter accurate)y matching the ottom side of J.

    0mportant)y, roundish p)ate7)i&e sp)inter ?! cm in diameter and 1 cm thic& ;asrecovered from under the south side of . Se named this specimen G(ed (iding IoodH ?((I

    due to reddish co)or of its coating. Se e)ieve that reddish co)or of ((I ;as caused y its

    years7)ong7contact ;ith the ground saturated ;ith iron o=ides present at the ottom part of thefurro; under ?possi)e rep)acement y terrestria) minera)s. (econstruction study sho;ed that

    ((I accurate)y fitted J cupo)a.

    'umer of specimens, found in the e=p)oratory trenches, e=ceeded !3. Most)y, these

    ;ere )itt)e sca)y p)ate7)i&e shear7fractured sp)inters. ies ranged from severa) centimeters in

    diameter and severa) mi))imeters in thic&ness to thirty centimeters in diameter and severa)centimeters in thic&ness. ome of them had idea))y smooth g)assy outer surfaces. Se ;ere a)e

    to reconstruct t;o continuous f)at pu)e7)i&e sheets made of doens of p)ate7)i&e shear7fractured

    sp)inters. %ota) area of these sheets ;as aout one fourth of a suare meter> sp)inters perfect)ygap)ess fitted each other. urface co)or varied from )ight77)uish7gray to dar& rusty7ro;n?+igure 3. Se )eft preserved areas around J non7e=cavated for further studies.

    $urros# *=p)oratory e=cavations revea)ed furro; south7east of . %he furro; ;as

    s)ight)y s)oping deeper into the ground. +urther e=cavations e=posed the second hidden uried

    furro; ?1. the ha)ves matched each other.

    Based on the direction of the furro;s, tra8ectory of J )anding ;as estimated. Magnetic

    aimuth of the entry into the ground ;as 2 pro8ection of the tra8ectory ;as 1PR

    1#P. attern of permafrost destruction indicated high7speed entry and )atera) ricochet of J inthe ground ;ith further dece)eration and rea&age. ince mass of J is &no;n ?aout 1, &g,

    ;e estimated the )anding ve)ocity of the meteoroid via the euation for its &inetic energy ;hich

    ;as eua) to ;or& on destruction of the given vo)ume of permafrost ?3 m!.



    VGroundAccording to our ca)cu)ations, the J )anding ve)ocity ;as 33 mQc.

    ,ithological and spectral analysis# John@s tone is composed of sedimentarymetamorphic uart7rich cong)omerate grave)ite sandstone ;ith grain sie of .3 to 1.3 cm,

    rare)y up to 3 cm. %he roc& consists of 6

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.

    grain sie ranged from 1 to 3 mm.


    John@s tone )ocates on uaternary deposits at the top of the toy&ovich Mountain. Large

    )ight7toned sedimentary ou)ders made of strong)y si)icified sandstone are e=otic to the o)son of

    the toy&ovich mountain ;hose pic&s and shou)ders are composed of traps ?anogenic, igneous

    roc&s, %ungus&a asa)ts. %here are no signs of past g)aciation throughout the region in7et;eenthe od&amennaya %ungus&a and 'ihnyaya %ungus&a rivers ?armuin 163. Decoding of

    aeria) survey photographs covering area ;ithin # &m from the epicenter demonstrates thatgeo)ogica) formations )i&e active diatremes are un)i&e)y in the region. Se ;ere una)e to

    reproduce fusion crust on J specimen: surface heating y p)asma eam )ed to the e=p)osive

    disintegration of the specimen. %his resu)t may suggest that the crysta) structure of minera)s in

    the specimen ;as overstressed due to previous history of high7energy events. %he idea that Jhas cosmic origin is consistent ;ith the discovery of significant)y higher content of g)assy si)ica

    microspheru)es in peat )ayer of 16< ?Do)gov et a). 165!. eat )ayer of 16< contained up to

    hundredfo)d7higher count of gray and co)or)ess transparent si)ica microspheru)es than thead8acent peat )ayers. Data of neutron activation ana)ysis sho;ed that chemica) composition of

    microspheru)es ;as distinct from that of terrestria) roc&s, industria) g)ass, &no;n stony

    meteorites, te&tites, and Moon roc&s ?Ko)esni&ov et a). 165. Se suggest that J has highsimi)arity, ut not re)atedness, to the terrestria) roc&s.

    Martian meteorite e=istence has een recognied since ear)y 16and ;ater inc)usions. Cf over 1, meteorites that have een cata)oged on *arth, 122 ;ere

    identified as Martian ?as of June 26, 21! ?%he Meteoritica) ociety. Cur candidate for%ungus&a meteorite is composed of 6 Bandfie)d 2#. Antoniadi /rater once contained rivers

    and )a&es ?Bridges 2

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    stated presence of indurated and )ithified dunes of sand, sandstone, and c)ay on Mars ?*dgett and

    Ma)in 2> Kerer and Iead 212> Micha)s&i 21!. imi)ar)y to J from the epicenter of the

    %ungus&a catastrophe, aeo)ian ridges on Mars are )ight7toned ?Kerer and Iead 212. Cutcropsof )ight7toned roc&s ;ere reported a)ong /oprates /hasma, Cphir /hasma, /andor /hasma,

    Cudemans /rater, %rouve)ot /rater, etc. ?I0(0*. %here is stri&ing simi)arity et;een the

    appearance of Martian pe)e cong)omerates and J from the epicenter of %ungus&a catastrophe

    ?Dai)y Mai) (eporter 21!. %he idea of sedimentary origin meteorites ;as suggested for thefirst time in )ate 16!s. Se have e=pressed this idea starting from ear)y 165s ;hen J ;as

    found> our considerations ;ere pu)ished main)y in (ussian )iterature ?Anfinogenov and

    Budaeva 166 Brac& et a). 22. 0n these e=periments, the ho)ders ;ithterrestria) sedimentary stone specimens ;ere fi=ed onto the capsu)e near the stagnation point of

    +C%C', rootic spacecraft used y (ussia and the *uropean pace Agency for research in the

    microgravity environment of *arth orit. Fa)ua)e data ;ere eventua))y generated sho;ing thatthe admi=ture of fragments of si)icified vo)canic sediments and space cement survived the

    therma) shoc& ;e)), forming a ;hite fusion crust ?+oucher et a). 26.

    .onclusions# %he fo))o;ing findings confirm high7speed movement of J through the

    near7surface permafrost )ayers: ?i uried s)ight)y arching furro; in the permafrost> ?ii shear7fractured sp)inters of J> ?iii ;ith its o;n furro;> ?iv sp)inters ;ith g)assy coatings> ?v>

    ha)f7c)eaved pe)es on surfaces of J and its sp)inters> ?vi data of reconstruction studies> and?vii c)ear consistency in geometry of spacia) arrangements of a)) sp)inters, furro;s, c)eavedpe)es, etc. %he )anding ve)ocity of J ;as 33 m/c. %ra8ectory of J )anding agreed ;e)) ;ith

    tra8ectory of %ungus&a cosmic ody f)ight. Discovery of this sedimentary origin high7si)ica

    ou)der ;ith signs of high7speed co))ision ;ith *arth in the epicenter of the %ungus&a

    catastrophe may suggest its cosmic origin and re)ation to the 16< %ungus&a event. Crganiationof the internationa) interdiscip)inary research group is necessary to identify Martian meteorites of

    sedimentary origin composed of fine7 and coarse7grained si)icified cong)omerates.

    %he authors dec)are no competing financia) interests.

    /orrespondence and reuests for materia)s shou)d e addressed to anfiy89gmai).

  • 8/13/2019 Tunguska Cosmic Body of 1908 is It From Planet Mars - John Anfinogenov


    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    %upplementary Information:

    Cur study provides rationa)e for ?i )itho)ogica) and thermo)uminescent ana)ysis of g)assysurfaces of J sp)inters> ?ii isotope ana)ysis of si)icon and o=ygen in J> ?iii radioisotope

    ana)ysis of J> ?iv comparative ana)ysis of J, simi)ar terrestria) roc&s, and Martian meteorites>?v pa)eonto)ogica) ana)ysis of J> ?vi e=p)oration survey of the preserved susurface )ayers of

    the ground around J in the east7south sector> ?vii e=p)oratory e=cavation of the point ;here Jpenetrated the ground> and ?viii mi)itary7crimino)ogy ana)ysis of the permafrost destruction

    caused y J> the destruction may e simi)ar to that caused y ricochet of a fa))en, ut

    une=p)oded, om. A)) sp)inters ;ith g)assy coverings shou)d e recovered as soon as possi)edue to imminence of the rep)acement of the fusion crust y terrestria) minera)s.


    1. Fasi)iev '. F., Kova)evs&y A. +., (ain . A., and *pi&tetova L. *. 16221:3173#, doi: 1.112Qscience.221.#11.31.

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    11. %he Meteoritica) ociety, Meteoritica) Bu))etin Dataase ?avai)a)e at


    12. mith M. (. and Bandfie)d J. L. 212. eo)ogy of uart and hydrated si)ica7earing

    deposits near Antoniadi /rater, Mars. J. eophys. (es. 115, * ?! June 212, in press,doi: 1.126Q211J*#!

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    2!. Anfinogenov J. +. and Budaeva L. 0. 166

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    %a)e 0. pectrometry data. *)ementa) ana)ysis of John@s tone.

    &lement n x 10+/


    /u #.

    n 3.

    /o .1

    F .!

    /r !.

    'i 1.

    %i !.

    Mn 2.

    a .1

    Ba R

    Mo .2

    Be ^ .1

    r R

    r 13.

    ' 1.3

    B .


    /e ^ .1

    Ag .13

    " 1.

    Li 1.

    n .1

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.


    $igure captions:

    $ig# 1# chematic map of the epicenter area of the %ungus&a catastrophe of 16 this specimen ;as reconstructed to fit ottom side of J. 1151/:ectors of the furro;s, enriched ;ith numerous sp)inters of J. 1:pot of sand ?see a)so +igure

    ! /TD ;here t;o e=traordinary specimens ;ith continuous ;e))7formed g)assy coatings ;erefound> these specimens fitted each other, ut ;ere spaced7apart y 3 cm and deposited at

    different depth. 16:+ragment of the origina) furro; generated y movement of the JT

    precursor. Direction of this furro; apparent)y resem)es tra8ectory of meteorite )anding.

    Beginning part of the furro; ;as )eft undistured for further studies.$ig# /# hotographs ?1652 of John@s tone and re)ated findings. A:John@s tone and its

    sca)y p)ate7)i&e sp)inters ?ottom )eft. 7:+urro; fi))ed ;ith )oose )ac& soi). Shite arro;s sho;

    profi)e of the furro;. .5-:pot of )ight7toned sand containing e=traordinary specimens ;ith

    continuous ;e))7formed g)assy coating. &:ate))ite tone ;hich fits the south part of John@stone.

    $ig# 6# *=amp)e of the reconstruction study sho;ing that ate))ite tone ro&e off John@s

    tone precursor. A: hotograph of the south ;a)) of John@s tone. B)ue tracings sho;

    characteristic )ines of its superficia) architectonics. 7:hotograph of ate))ite tone. "e))o;tracings sho; characteristic )ines of its superficia) architectonics. .:B)ue tracings are ta&en from

    the image A. Crange tracings indicate over)ay ?aso)ute matching of characteristic )ines from A

    and B.

    $ig# # 0mages of five specimens from John@s tone. hotos ta&en in 21!. (ed arro;s

    indicate ha)f7c)eaved shear7fractured pe)es. "e))o; arro; indicates crac& in the crust. %1$1 5

    %1$:%;o vie;s of )ight7toned specimen 1 ;ith characteristic o;ed shape, smoother outer

    surface, and fresh)y fractured edges. %$1: )assy covering on specimen 2. %/$1 %/$ 5

    %/$/: %hree vie;s of specimen !. %6$1 5 %6$: %;o images of f)at p)ate7)i&e sp)inter?specimen dimensions: thic&ness of 1 to # cm> )ongitudina) sie of 2 cm. %$1:enera) vie;

    of f)at p)ate7)i&e sp)inter 3. %$:igns of surface ;eathering and rust f)o;ering on the crust of

    sp)inter 3. %$/:(everse side of sp)inter 3. %$6#Magnified image of sp)inter 3.

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    +ig. 1

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    +ig. 2

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    +ig. !

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    Manuscript: Anfinogenov et al.
