TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 2018 THE ARCADE Super Mario …...Mario World was a launch title for the Super...

16 LIFESTYLE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 2018 CAVE01Z01MA - V1 on enemies heads. Super Mario World has 7 ‘Worlds’ which essentially are chapters in the game — and each World has 4 — 8 levels to complete. Each World provides a different aesthetic, which is visually pleasing. The diversity of visuals and colours is fantastic, from sandy island shores to dark and shimmering caves; it’s beautifully presented through the SNES’s 32 bit graphics. It really is amazing how vibrant the game is — Super Mario World was made over 25 years ago and still has a vast array of colours and textures. Not only are there many levels — 96 altogether — there are many hidden levels as well. Super Mario World provides more content in a clever way using the secret these levels, not all secrets are available until you have certain items, giving players reasons to explore further and replay levels. A secret path could be hidden in a green pipe that you didn’t know was accessible or behind a door that is locked by a key players need to open — you’ll find yourself pressing down whenever you find pipes, it’s quite funny really. The power-ups also provide opportunities to seek alternative paths, the Cape Power-Up allows Mario to glide and the Squirrel Tail Power-Up can attack enemies and obstacles. And the Power-Ups are a lot of fun — when you gain enough speed with some you can potentially fly across most of the level watching you enemies whizz by below. Super Mario World has been immensely popular ever since it released in the 90s, it sold 20.61 Million copies worldwide, which is the highest selling SNES game ever. Not many people remember this either — Super Mario World was a launch title for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, some argue it’s the best launch title ever alongside its cousin Super Mario 64. It truly is a special game. Super Mario ages well THE ARCADE SUPER Mario World for the Super Nintendo (SNES) released on the 21st of November 1990 in Western Countries. Also you’re not confused, this is not an old copy of the Advocate — this is (relatively) modern news to talk about! The SNES Classic released on 30 September 2017 with Super Mario World fully playable, among a bunch of other all-time SNES Classics — this is largely why Super Mario World is back in the spotlight. Super Mario World is a side- scrolling, 2D platformer (genre) and it still holds up as a great experien ce in 2018. Players need to overcome levels by moving from left to right through obstacle-laden stages full of different challenges. The gameplay mechanics still feel incredibly good, jumping is just right, the longer you hold the ‘A’ button the higher Mario goes, allowing for some precision platforming. Players hold down the ‘B’ button to sprint or use power- ups, which gives the game a burst of speed — sprinting through levels is quick and the obstacles come at Mario very fast. It’s really satisfying to master the use of the speed button, it gives players the ability to set the pace of the game and it feels great to use speed to gain momentum and clear a group of enemies. To defeat enemy’s players must jump on their head or use an ability, like shooting fireballs that bounce across the path. The combat — I don’t know if anyone can call it that is essentiall y platfor ming as well, someti m e s players will need to bounce across multiple enemy heads to continue, which can be quite challenging as you might imagine. In some scenarios, the only way to cross a gap is jumping Matthew Davies looks back at a classic THE ARCADE WITH MATTHEW DAVIES

Transcript of TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 2018 THE ARCADE Super Mario …...Mario World was a launch title for the Super...

Page 1: TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 2018 THE ARCADE Super Mario …...Mario World was a launch title for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, some argue it’s the best launch title ever alongside


CAVE01Z01MA - V1

on enemies heads. Super Mario World has 7

‘Worlds’ which essentially arechapters in the game — andeach World has 4 — 8 levels tocomplete.

Each World provides adifferent aesthetic, which isvisually pleasing. The diversityof visuals and colours isfantastic, from sandy islandshores to dark and shimmeringcaves; it’s beautifully presentedthrough the SNES’s 32 bitgraphics.

It really is amazing howvibrant the game is — SuperMario World was made over25 years ago and still has a vastarray of colours and textures.

Not only are there manylevels — 96 altogether — thereare many hidden levels as well.

Super Mario Worldprovides more content in aclever way using the secretthese levels, not all secrets areavailable until you havecertain items, giving playersreasons to explore further andreplay levels.

A secret path could behidden in a green pipe that youdidn’t know was accessible or

behind a door that is locked bya key players need to open —you’ll find yourself pressingdown whenever you find pipes,it’s quite funny really.

The power-ups also provideopportunities to seekalternative paths, the CapePower-Up allows Mario toglide and the Squirrel TailPower-Up can attack enemiesand obstacles.

And the Power-Ups are alot of fun — when you gainenough speed with some youcan potentially fly across mostof the level watching youenemies whizz by below.

Super Mario World hasbeen immensely popular eversince it released in the 90s, itsold 20.61 Million copiesworldwide, which is thehighest selling SNES gameever.

Not many peopleremember this either — SuperMario World was a launch titlefor the Super NintendoEntertainment System, someargue it’s the best launch titleever alongside its cousin SuperMario 64.

It truly is a special game.

Super Mario

ages well


SUPER Mario World for theSuper Nintendo (SNES)released on the 21st ofNovember 1990 in WesternCountries.

Also you’re not confused,this is not an old copy of theAdvocate — this is (relatively)modern news to talk about!

The SNES Classic releasedon 30 September 2017 withSuper Mario World fullyplayable, among a bunch ofother all-time SNES Classics— this is largely why SuperMario World is back in thespotlight.

Super MarioWorld is a side-scrolling, 2Dplatformer( g e n r e )and its t i l lholds upas ag r e a texperience in2018.

Playersneed toovercomelevels bymoving fromleft to rightthrough obstacle-ladenstages full of differentchallenges.

The gameplay mechanics

still feel incredibly good,jumping is just right, the longeryou hold the ‘A’ button thehigher Mario goes, allowingfor some precisionplatforming.

Players hold down the ‘B’button to sprint or use power-ups, which gives the game aburst of speed — sprintingthrough levels is quick and theobstacles come at Mario veryfast.

It’s really satisfying tomaster the use of the speedbutton, it gives players theability to set the pace of thegame and it feels great to usespeed to gain momentum andclear a group of enemies.

To defeat enemy’s playersmust jump on their head or usean ability, like shootingfireballs that bounce across thepath.

The combat — Idon’t know if

anyone cancall it that

— isessentiallyp la t forming asw e l l ,somet im e s

p l a y e r swill need

to bouncea c r o s s

m u l t i p l eenemy heads to

continue, which canbe quite challenging as you

might imagine. In some scenarios, the only

way to cross a gap is jumping

Matthew Davies

looks back at a classic